I can't wait to get home gonna drive 8 hours then sleep forever my immune system hates me because of all the lack of sleep and shit I've been consuming
yeah, it won't be too hard but people other than me would struggle with that i'm resourceful, have a powerful network, and am a schemer by nature, so it wouldn't be hard for me to get that much money after i have my doctorate
but even so, it's ridiculous that's all from grad school that's august 2016 to now
Oh yeah fun fact we passed a law, where 25 year old debts will be nulled
made us realise as a group, that if we could bunch up like 200-300k as a sum, we could take a debt of 2-3 millions, skip country for 25 years and then come back then to live out our retirement rich as fuck
while living in some tax haven dirt cheap 0 diplomatic ties with finland country
fucking deen why did they switch studios, do they never learn that switching to cheaper one usually always leads to people dropping your show >>789154 I am blaming the production commitees
Studios rarely ever have any say in what they get to animate. The exceptions are ones like KyoAni or movie studios.
>>789153 The production commitees don't give a shit. Nanatsu no Taizai is running on public television in what's effectively Saturday Morning Cartoons timeslots in Japan now. Animation could be total garbage and you'd still get kids tuning in, and once you're on those channels in those timeslots it's no longer a matter of needing to keep people buying your BDs you just need to get people tuning in to make the television broadcasters ad revenue.
But is not like Deen is pure bad but they clearly have a B or C team for these projects when they get tossed a SN+1 from some other studio and they then do what they can with a much limited budget and less talented animators
I mean for example Log Horizon s2 wasn't bad it ofc wasn't S1, but that was done by Starlite? of all studios
oh wow netflix has GuP
oh they have code geass too might as well start rewatching it before watching the movie later this month
Kirara 🍄🤡
Netflix has a lot of good anime now, surprisingly.
... fuck I didn't set a timer or look at the clock when I put my breadi n the oven >>789146 must have been around here
S1 of code geass is a war anime while S2 is a mecha anime I bit dislike how it went full overthe top with the mechas in s2 compared tot he bit more grounded stuff in s1
>8 britannians and 51 others died heh this reminded me of >Finnish satirist news blog Lehti ran an article titled "A Finn Equals 4 Alligators", also giving the "official" numbers of tragedy in news. Ten thousand Africans equal 1,000 Asians or other non-whites, equal 100 non-nearby whites, equals 10 nearby whites, which equals four alligators, equals one Finnish person "if you know them". They also ran an article assuring that there were "No Finnish Casualties Among the Dead Pope".
Now that I think about it, it makes sense why he doesn't react to *that much to the soldiers who shot temselves infront of him since lelouch went through an active warzone and piles of corpses as a child already
also is there a setting to turn the "autoskip credits" on netflix off?
would be quite cool if they released notes like that as special editiono nes they do silly things with coins, but never with notes then again, coins last through ages while notes don't, so they don't have similiar collector drive
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
they would need like a central banknote identification API for all the machines mite b cool
oh yeah there is that issue well if they are low value notes, then it wouldn't be that big issue if someone does some counterfeits
Euros get a ton of special edition coins and each country does their own thing constantly so it is fun when you get some weird celebratory coin from some random country and go "the fuck is this" not to mention it is amusing to get a coin from like malta or portugal and so on just thinking where all those coins have travelled and how many hands have they gone through
hell just the other day I got a 50 cent coin that had copper-rust on it
there are some damn valuable coins around like a 20 cent coin from year 2000 they made only (finnish ones) like 10 000, or so, because they noticed a misprint on the series so they cancelled the rest and for whatever reason never issued another batch
ofc, there was no hurry back then, since it wouldn't be until 2002 when the coins came to use
coincidentally, euro coins started getting minted in 1998
but I hear if you get one in good shape, well last time i checked some 10 years ago it could go as high as 1000€ if not more
I doubt there are any in circulation anymore, though
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
the canadian mint is quite capable, so we get some of that with the canadian quarter dollar
>>789189 why didn't Lelouch just geass his way up the chain of command >hey you army guy, do what I say. Now take me to your boss >hey you sergeant do what I say and take me to your commander >hey commmander do what I say and get me a meeting with the general >hey general do what I say and let me see the royalty
he didn't want to take over britannia he wanted to destroy it
and while yeah, toppling it down from the top might be easier in order to leave a non chaotic world, it would be better to found a new poer to take its place
though code geass reimagined as V for Vendetta wouldn't be that bad an idea
BURYAAAH >ah i've split it oh yeah the local future indirect massmurderer just discovered theoretical nuclear fission on her off time
>>789208 Lelouche basically ruined this girls life What an asshole
>>789219 He had a primary goal of talking to Cornelia about his parents as well though And it's easy to destroy an empire when all of its higher ups are subject to your whim
>>789225 what would she do if the wall got smashed
>>789224 Well his goals were >a gentle world for nuanlly >find and avenge his mother's murder >get revenge on britannia for what it did to him and nunally and to japan and the world
especially considering, she and all the other students got forcibly moded back to mainland after zero revolt so she must have already escaped mid flight
also I always wondered why the guns in code geass make that weird "click" sound when pointed at someone etc but that is, I later realised I think alst time I watched cg, that it is the safety turning off and that is what the light turning on indicates too
wonder how it works actually squeezing the gun? or some switch but it seems to be quite automatic
during summer there was pretty much a daily gunshot or two somewhere between 00-02 just one or two
>>789234 When I lived on the south side I heard gun shots a lot. There was huge police station a few blocks away from me and someone got shot to death across the streer from it.
>>789244 I don't think so so what is it, they get their ears replaced with special ears so they function better as a military unit, including communication using thoughtwaves
>>789245 They aren't actual rabbits, the ears are decorative and they're just slave caste.
going back to code geass guess I can use this watch through to make sense of it but the blue haired superior of suzaku cecil did she in the love suzaku or the pudding earl?
>>789273 You can watch any of the AU gundams without knowing anything about Gundam. So yes. IBO has absolutely zero connections to any other Gundam shows Personally I don't think IBO is good but other people on this board seemed to like it. IBO has a very strong start and then the plot goes nowhere for the next ten episodes The main character is very flat and occasionally you see hints of change that don't go far. Also a lot of his fights are just lol roflstomps
But I digress. I couldn't even finish IBO, but other people loved it. Maybe you'll like it.
>>789276 I can see the comparisons to draw between Inaho and the IBO mc I wouldn't really say that it's like Aldnoah though. Beyond the very basic premise of Martians vs Earth and it having robots.
also it is funny how that one guy sasuke's voice actor does like 5 side characters one in the school one black knight one glaston knight and so on and then added to those he does like 10-20 faceless radio voices
they really squeezed him dry after hiring him, eh?
good voice actor, but he literally has 2 voices
>>789274 I think I am only moe who watched all of aldnoah it was retarded, but I wanted to see it through
it had potential just few slight fixes in the script and it might have been a damn solid war anime
>>789279 >slight fixes to the script How about overhauling Inahos entire character
well that too but I never treated him as a character but as a plot element
cause he is a fucking mary sue autist mary sue, but mary sue
I mean if Inaho isn't going to be your mc And all the Earth characters are boring except maybe ptsd side character Then you might as well just make Code Aldnoah Slaine of the Rebellion
but the evil mc that guy was fucking epic from a total loser to the leader of the martians
he had so much potential and they even used him quite well it was good
yeah Slaine he was a well made character
seriously, had the whole series been from his POV aldnoah would have been solid gold
with inaho being basically instead of a student or something been his antagonist foil
just going back to IBO for a second Even though I am not a fan of it, I think you'd like some of its ruthlessness Like the final boss of the shows entire plan is just "bombard the rebels from orbit without giving them a chance to fight back" Or the MC whacks an enemy commander while she's trying to give a speech in the middle of aa battle
>>789290 figures >>789291 all the characters were so great even the villain guy was in a way likeable and it had damn good romance between aila and reiwhatever reiji?
this is the first time I actually realised the symbolism behind lelouch making his mecha have a "samurai shogun helmet" it is to paint him as the "king" both for his own men and the enemy
>>789296 it is one of the only mecha that I really like aside code geass s1 because it is kinda "realist"
I just dislike mecha because they aren't viable as real war machines and the way anime goes over the top isn't the way I like it
mechawarrior or wh40k is how you do it >>789298 yeah but they don't fly etc you have that weird... thought weapon thing, but aside from that the designs look you know
real war machines
>>789294 It had one Invisible Victory It was pretty great go watch it Sousuke joins an underground third world AS gladiator ring
>>789297 >what are lambda drivers >what is Sousukes AS flipping around like a ninja ASes don't look like real war machines they look like your average anime mecha
>>789299 well it has been a while since I last saw it maybe I will rip it a new hole and 20
anyhow it has a lot of NOT mecha content and that is what I like also I damn much love the characters
also fumoffu best season
combat mascot suits
the best FMP episode is the Arm Slave sports one expx
go to >>>/watch?v=ClQcUyhoxTg set autoplay on keep listening to music until the playback gets stuck on one artist ie. 3-4 songs from that and the next song is theirs too
and then tell me who you got stuck on
and if you want to work hard, post the whole path from reaper to the last song you listened to
i told my coworker i noticed the canned wine is basically buy one get one free one is $2.99 and two is $3 i bought him some since i left work early then he gave one of them to me for some reason oh well
i don't even like this brand
canned wine
jan if you are going to aclohol
start treating yourself to decent shit
then you realise how expensive it is
and you drink less
worked for me
>>789346 doesnt work for me if i buy the expensive liquor i will just drink until i pass out same with cheap liquor
>>789348 yeah but your wallet atleast is a control mechanism
>>789349 yeah when i run out of money i can't drink anymore you don't seem to understand i once spent 80% of my check on drugs and alcohol i do not buy liquor anymore for that reason
well yeah YOUUU are an a wat
wait wat I have neve activated that mode how did it activete there
>>789359 It's kind of lame but its helped a lot of people I know. I shall *I dislike that there are religious aspects to it though
Well if its not for you its not for you
>>789361 i don't give a shit for help groups i ceased doing harder shit than this and also ceased drinking before i'm sure i can do it on my own and AA sounds really fucking shit i don't have time to sit around and listen to other people whine about their troubles
>>789361 dude AA doesn't work if it is the god thing
>>789364 >AA doesn't work Okay yeah thanks for your input I have evidence that suggests otherwise, maybe don't talk shit about stuff you barely know about. Obviously it doesn't work for everyone, but to say it flat out doesn't work is patently false.
I think in general I don't get mean drunk unless I have soemthing that I have wanted to speak out but I never did due to finnish autism
which is why drunk axings happen here two finns get drunk and suddenly open the wrong type of conversation with eachother at the same time and blam axes
>>789399 where'd you visit? >>789400 i guess so wanting to appease him was what i really needed last time i was going sober too idk fucking drank dronk gibe alcohol
if i was only thinking of myself i would have killed myself a long time ago lol >>789405 yeah i guess i still think about doing illicit drugs a lot but don't
>>789506 okay it is 1st take but I did do all the necessary mixing and editing which kinda makes me go like "so why did I choose to use the 1st take" when I save the file but whatever https://vocaroo.com/4GmOWbcDmeJ
>>789747 honestly Umineko just works better as a vn Red text and blue text work better as literal text. I guess you could recreate the same effect in an anime with a voice filter, or the thing that deen did oh god what if we had red subtitles and blue subtitles
Higurashi had already had it's story told in full. Not exactly perfectly, but in entirety. Umineko hasn't had that justice!
Was Deen Higurashi good I took one look at Deen Umineko and spinned 360 degrees and walked away
>>789752 Sounds like an okay refresher for after the vn
It's not aged that well visually and it compresses and cuts a lot of the slower and minor content of the arcs but the adaptation is still a good entrance point into the story.
>>789755 I've honestly though about this before I don't think it would work at all but I'd love to see someone try
Umineko stage play but whenever it's just Battler and Beatrice talking in the meta world they like, light up the stage a different colour and darken out ther est of the cast You could probably make a live action version sort of work if you used tricks like that
but here's the thing It wasn't about the transaction itself. It was about ACCOUNT SECURITY.
At this point I've invested quite a while into fgo grinding got a few rare characters. I'd be pretty salty if anything happened to the data. And this aids in the recovery. Because now my card details are linked to the account. AND I only spent $6, so like, the price of a cup of coffee.
There are way too many dogs in this damn neighbourhood. It's really annoying to miss my good bus because I don't want to be running full speed past a dog that even if I'm just walking is already aggressively excited to see me.
why can't you run past the dog? do they frighten you a lot
Kinda? When dogs are already tugging at the end of their leash trying to bolt at me and the owner is comfortably secure with it because they saw me walking towards them I'm more than a little cautious about giving them less time to be ready on top of probably only exciting the dog more by
oh you mean dogs out walking I thought you meant behind a fence
Anyway dog owners really need to make sure they have a suitable leesh for their dogs a pitbull kind of dog lunged at my cousin's dog and had it by it's head the other day I've also seen a dog break it's leesh and get clipped by a car the leesh had a knick in it that really meant it should have been replaced
I only work today and tomorrow. And then I'm meditating until Sunday.
I've got work on the weekend and then school starts next Monday. Mondays are nine in the morning starts and eight in -and Wednesdays are eight in the morning starts for me. I don't think I'm going to get a lot of sleep the nights before this semester.
Sesshins are pretty stressful, ironically. Once I get there, it'll be fine, but it's still scary. >>789830 Sleep is important!
Additionally the transit around the time I'd be taking it to get to a 09:00 start takes me quite close to the morning rush on the transit and when it overlaps that's gonna suuuuck.
>>789832 Being able to watch anime is important to me too! I can sleep pretty freely throughout the day but I don't have similar leeway for watching with friends.
ah yea tikde the animelord
Kirara 🍄🤡
i gotta finish my shows from last season so i can watch new stuff
>>789860 I started the second one and got bored I didn't do the third but I wonder if that one is better I played megadimension but got mad and bought a DLC weapon to beat an unfun boss and don't feel like going back to get the true ending.
Also I was going through ne omy screenshots of *one of my screenshots folders and saw a lot of funny stuff from /moe/.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>789862 I got Hyperdimension 1, 2 and 3 all really cheap on sale so I'll probably play through all of it.
It is a real grind-fest but I usually have something more entertaining going on on the other monitor, so I just level up in the background.
the unfair fight in megadimension is you lose the four goddesses and have to fight all four of them at once so not only was it hard conceptually I also lost the characters I generally like more and use more
>>789865 I looked at this by mistake. Luckily I'll probably forget it by the time I get around to playing it.
When they were in the anime screening and she starts speed-lecturing on the various ways the Conan anime was using shots or juxtaposed motion for stylistic intent and just getting totally into it I was like "Oh this girl and I are of the same fabric". It's just so much FUN to pick stuff apart like that.
Like the little details, like how when Asakusa and Mizusaki are starting to get into the creative process all the sound effects for the ship are sounds you make with your mouth but as they get deeper and deeper into the IMAGINATION those things fall away and are replaced with normal sound effects. Gah agh it's so good.
That town they live in is absolutely adorable too, the way everything stacks up over other parts haphazardly and organically. That's the kind of place I'd die to live in, gosh.
Ironic that Asakusa lives there and wants to make an anime about it. And I see an anime about it and want to live there.
Kirara 🍄🤡
oh no QB is here now
En masse
Kirara 🍄🤡
it's so SHAFY SHAFT* ive missed this
They've really been doing like ... almost nothing for like four or five years now. It's weird.
Kirara 🍄🤡
They've been so focused on the Kizu movies ever since madoka came out.
But they have two shows announced for 2020 which is nice.
There were rumors of them closing down circulating after they released Zoku I dunno whatever came of it
Kirara 🍄🤡
Disappointing transformation sequences, though. For shame, SHAFT.
If your stomach's no longer heaving try and get hydrated, you would have lost a lot of body water throwing up.
i have water ithink i threw up some of my stomachlining or something
That's pretty scary. Would you have eaten anything recently that might've given you food poisoning?
all i ate was granopa and bread and pizza from work
i made cup nood
cuo nood and coughsyrup for dinner
Well I hope you can sleep off the worst of it. I got lucky and the bit of flu I got wasn't too heavy, but it has stuck around longer than I would have preferred.
Make sure to get some fluids. Gatorade (if you have it) woupd be really good right now. *would
hooooo shit im only getting angrier today has been so unsatisfying
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>789982 " Robe of Eyes This robe is adorned with eyelike patterns. While you wear the robe, you gain the following benefits: The robe lets you see in all directions, and you have +2 on Wisdom checks that rely on sight. You can see invisible creatures and objects out to a range of 120 feet. The eyes on the robe can't be closed or averted. As long as you wear it, you can see."
>>789992 Also does your rpg have facing rules? Since it's 3.5 based I think the only things you'd get from seeing in all directions are can't be flanked and can't be caught flat footed (barring exceptional circumstances) and uhh Can't be sneak attacked
>it'd be a shame if the mentally broken person had something bad happen to them
dumb useless cloak cant even ignore gravity smfh
I have trouble taking characters with animal ears seriously. Like I mean, dramatic scenes or tragic story arcs or whatever
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>790010 ngl I did not know your fucking stick can just be in the air that's insane what the fuck was he thinking
>>790012 well if what he said is anything to go by he was thinking "this is a bad idea and im going to hate it but i know you'll do something stupid with it and ill love it" and so i mounted a snake
Jan are you still fucking around on OSRS sometimes?
i feel much better after eating but also alone
/moe/ i'm mad that people get love and attention from constantly crying about being depressed and suicidal i thought people would like me more if I went around being happy and cheerful all the time, but no
>>790083 neither side of that fence really gets the validation they're looking for the illusion breaks no matter your position in the spectrum disillusionment is probably a mandatory stepping stone so dont feel like you've wasted time or effort finding it out
The only validation you can really ever rely on is self-validation. Everything else is a crapshoot.
im not sure i'd agree you can't rely on it if you're picky and stubborn but if you're resourceful enough to find ways to use what validation you do get, you can rely on it being there in some form
But alas, picky and stubborn is me to a T
learn to be adaptable float like a butterfly, sting like a butterfly
Ineffective and still subject to the wind's tyrannous gusts?