I'm okay. I think it's better that I'm here, honestly. I shouldn't isolate. But it's hard not to isolate on a day like this. My sense of duty is stronger than my sense of self-preservation, too.
I've coated some chicken thighs in the dust at the bottom of the takis bag and thrown it in a sous vide I'll report results in ~6 hours if no god has chosen to smite me by then
>"Plse advise the Commissionaires that apparently Fort Frontenac is both a PokeGym and a PokeStop. I will be completely honest in that I have not idea what that is," wrote Maj. Jeff Monaghan at CFB Kingston.
>>788169 Are they worried about that being some secret kids' codes for places of ILLICIT ACTIVITIES?
Samu ๐ !KW2DbpWwls
this article is about the reaction the canadian military had back when pokemon go launched https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/pokemon-canada-military-bases-1.5393774
>At least three military police officers (at CFB Comox in British Columbia, CFB Petawawa and CFB Kingston) were assigned an unusual task: wander around their bases, smartphones and notepads in hand, searching for virtual Pokemon infrastructure.
>Okay sir, I volunteer myself to, uh, walk around and make sure these "PokeStops" are not ... a threat to military security. Yeah
Samu ๐ !KW2DbpWwls
I've definitely got a mild sickness going on. Raspy throat and light mussle aches all over the body. Guess it was bound to happen eventually with all the people I see on a daily basis.
Kirara ๐๐คก
Yeah, probably. I'm always too indifferent to getting flu shots so it's not uncommon for it to come around some years. But I'm lucky I've got a pretty good constitution, it's super, super rare it ever becomes actually bad. I think I can think of it happening once in like the last fifteen or more years.
>>788184 That sucks, I hope you feel better soon. Make sure to drink a lot of water.
the first day of the year was a definite challenge because i woke up still drunk after only 3 hours of sleep but it has been great so far hanging out with my sister's boyfriend went out to eat korean food earlier was delicious
I got fed up with having fire problems during new year's firework shit so I made a molotov cocktail as a torch and had a litre of lamp oil as back up plan
surprisingly, nothing bad happened despite all the pyromancy
but damn I kinda dislike bosses in games that are otherwise most of time kinda hmm "do waht you want but do it good" but then some scenes some bossess are just "do this way"
if ??? means she doesn't have it yet, uhhhhh CA Cap, Dark ATK * 2, Charge Bar, Skill Cap, and 1* in both def and maybe 1* hp or overdrive and then change that based on what her support turns out to be.
note that this is my bias and how I would do her EMPs
Rat I'm going to do Crit, CA Cap, probably Hostility, some def hp maybe, and then possibly her support since even though it's only 10% during her field, with my attack power that racks up. I've also got the benefit of being 99% sure I'm ringing Rat so I have even more EMP to work with
i took the CA cap just because, and then one CA dmg emp support never
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
because I have extra points I might get dodge but dodge as an emp is pretty trash
support dodges on characters like ayer and stuff are decent though
i mean she already gets dodge up when her field is up right? why bother if they dont stack well
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she doesn't get like enough dodge to dodge literally everything unless she ougis. so if I want her to reliably eat every hit imaginable it's something to consider but again I have the wiggle room.
speaking of wiggle room, fucking Nier's emps are running out of good things Defense nodes are effectively worthless on her because she resists 90% of damage all the time.
story of my life with ayer his emps suck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm unironically putting points in her ATK nodes
i briefly considered it on ayer
my ayer has his crit, his earth atk, one in each double attack since he gets plenty of DA from passive, and 2 in each def
i might grab ayer's debuff res maybe his emp support but he generally doesn't need that since alex well s.alex atk od is okay i guess but only in od so like
>>788379 yeah fuck remotes this post was made by pressin the buttons gang
We used to own a very small tv and one day the remote stopped working. Universal remotes didn't work either. So I just used a prop scythe to push the buttons from the bed in the room it was in.
>>788403 Can't believe the creator of Minecraft also created WWIII
okay so i was gonna buy a slice of pizza for 2 dollars but they got me to buy two slices for 3 and then i go outside with my two slices and a guy is like "hey big guy buy me a slice" so i gave him one
did i win? did i get finessed two times?? idek
>>788436 Were you really gonna eat both slices? Man Now I'm hungry I wish there was a good new york style pizzeria near me. The only one I can think if is the sbarro at the mall. *of is
Samu ๐ฉ !KW2DbpWwls
>>788437 probably! they were cheap and insubstantial >>788438 byeee
>>788432 you know notso right? he's always got some ideas
>>788556 20~ mins to kill spidermastermind on nightmare your turn
and mostly that long cause i wanted to have 1 ammo in bfg to make the gore kill possible
>>788591 in ds2 you have to go collect the souls of the four roughest and toughest big boys in the land because you can't step over some knee high rubble
>>788596 I bet you there's TAS speedruns where they just clip through the rubble
btw why did doom have the worm kmight boss fights that double fight is just boring
truly kino >>788597 I'm pretty sure they just respawn the easiest one to kill and kill him four times but it'd be more entertaining if they burst through using collision or something
Chosen Undead backwards longjumping his way into the kiln of the first flame
>>788600 Right? Abusing some out of bounds glitch just to skip half of the game and the rubble
also the ground lightning phase of spider was also just "jump on a pillar, shoot with anything but siegemode gaussgun for 10-20 secs" fucking dull part that takes you out of the action
>09:00 on Monday start time for one class this semester >08:00 for another class start time this semester Why this.
>>788630 :thinking: nah, I don't wanna turn it R-18
I've got half a mind to drop the 08:00 class but I don't know what else to pick up. It's already a pretty work-intensive class that I'll probably be stuck doing something I'm fairly unmotivated to pursue, at a time of day I'll be absolutely mentally out of it. But it's also a class I need to do to pass my major and so far all chances of taking it have been pretty much roughly equally terrible. But I'm also on academic probation and I can't really afford to fuck up more.
I just feel stuck again in a situation where every choice feels like a bad one to pick.
>>788634 would it be better to take the class at a later time like maybe a different semester where its not super early
>>788635 It's a class I already failed once when it ran at nine in the morning, so yeah, maybe. Honestly though the "work-intensive" part is mostly stuff I do on my own time so I guess when it starts doesn't matter much. But it does mean for the work that is done during the class I'll be pretty much checked out of.
The other problem is this class seems to get the short end of the stick and these early-ass start times consistently? Like I've held off signing up for it in previous semesters since failing it because it was still an 08:00 or 09:00 start. The only reason it snuck up on me this semester was because I signed up for it before the class times were established.
Ah, so it really doesnt change time slots huh, that sucks. going from 8 to 9 isnt that much of a shift. though 9 is better is it always the same instructor?
Nah, which ... presents another problem. The course is one on research methods, and whoever's the instructor gets to decide a sorta niche category they want students to explore a thing of interest in. Like the last time I took it the instructor had us looking at WWII Canadian comics and we each had a specific comic issue we were to study. Another instructor has apparently consistently done old European fairy tales and I've been really hoping I could get them, but I don't think that's who's doing the course this semester. It's an instructor I've never heard of so who knows what they're gonna pick. Looking at their study background I'm not feeling hopeful it'll be something I'm excited to be researching though.
I just wish I could not be so fussy and just buckle down. Fighting against my own indifferent self is too hard.
Maybe once it gets into January proper this won't be the case anymore, but man this store really needs more people on hand. The hour allowance the store gets to divvy up amongst its employees is determined by corporate so I get why they don't have the time to give me a proper position, but man. This store needs more people.
Renรฉ >>788658 This was the seasonal work you were doing, was it?
>>788660 I'm not even going to bother searching that I'd get thousands of results Who on /moe/ are you friends with on steam? Are you in the /moe/ group?
>>788660 Yeah, just a seasonal placement. I know this company likes to use seasonals to replenish the people they bleed out throughout the year but the store results didn't merit the hours they needed to fit in new proper hires.
>>788661 No, but I'm in the tano goup You could probably find me from- oh you foud me
Wait there's no /moe/ group >>788663 Yeah that's probably what I was thinking of.
>can I get a name Maybe they thought that Tony Hawk might not want them calling out his name so that he could get swarmed by people asking to talk to him So they gave him the chance to give his initials or something
yeah she's literally 19 lol seven years difference
Oh yeah She's a year under half your age + 7
Honestly that seems like an image that would just be stolen from someones Facebook or something I bet if you swiped right you'd get mugged and murdered
id swipe right then
Kirara ๐๐คก
ill counter murder them
>>788703 imagine how disappointed you'd be if it was actually her and not a big burly murderer
I'd be jail in for murderin the murderer that murdered u
wait, did my remote not save ... no my remote is fine why is K7 on the tablet not K anymore though...
Man having a remote would be real cool actually. I could put all the various brush/pen/action tools on it, instead of only being able to fit pen/pencil and eraser on my buttons.
Oh now I see, I have CSPs buttons set specifically for CSP K is for grabbing and moving a layer around
I just wanna snap between eraser and the g pen
I'd say map eraser to one of your pen buttons then. I have both of mine disabled because I'm a clumsy fuck who can't go two minutes without thumbing over one, but CSP will not perma switch to a tool if you press and hold its shortcut. So.you can just hold the pen button that's erase and maybe it would work? I know sometimes the pens are too dumb to have a button pressed and still draw at the same time but in that case you could probably just put your P shortcut on the other button.
>>788730 how many buttons you got and what are you using them for \
four on the tablet and two on the pen I probably want to go for undo/redo/pan+zoom/zoom out hmm
Drop the redo and put in space for moving the camera around, unless your physical set-up means your space key on the keyboard is in comfortable reach. Having that ease of moving around the canvas is amazing.
I need to get better at making clothes. the new diao ye zong album is fabulous as always
Well it's good to keep in mind that fabrics of all kinds have thickness and mass. They always rest atop the body and other things, and hang down where looseness and quantity permits.
So it's also important to know what the body looks like underneath the clothes in order to accurately draw them on top of it.
i feel like my issues start once I get to doing wrinkles where are things bending and folding and how which folds cast meaningful shadows am I draping things "upside down"
like I think I did a decent job with this one but it's just a t-shirt. Also I didn't give two fucks toward trying to apply the logo on the shirt to conform to the breasts and fabric movements It works alright without caring about that sometimes. But other times it stands out, like if she was a lot larger at the chest
oh yeah that would be hard that looks quite good though
>>788741 Well that's why knowing wha teh body looks like underneath is important. If they're busty it's naturally gonna create its own stretch on the fabric. Fabric will usually like to pool where there's concave areas for it to pool into. For a healthy weight this is usually going to be probably towards the center of the front-facing body, but having some paunch might result in there being different concave lines on the body as the stomach will naturally be sticking out.
I think women's shirts generally are a tighter fit too? But this is getting into style which is a bit of a digression.
one of cousin's boyfriend is here he's from Quebec and v nice seems to know a good deal about certain things
What certain things are those?
so far he's talked about the french revolution modernising the french language seems like he's travelled a bit too oh and seems to know a bit about beer too just gave me his brew and some syrup
The modernization of the French language is probably more notable for a Quebeccois, yeah. Any changes to European French are likely not reflected in Quebec Francais, as by the time of the French Revolution and onwards, Quebec was pretty isolated from the culture of France. So the way they speak the language in Quebec is a bit of a snapshot of how the language was hundreds of years back, or at least since it didn't undergo the rigorous modernization of the France Revolution, closer to that time period than European French.
moe i am very steeped in self-resentment this morning i am animating. i hate animating. i hate it and myself for doing it. please tell me it will be okay
tell a me to draw an image and he'll be happy for a day man* tell a man to draw a thousand images and he will go insane but It'll be okay, it'll probably be pretty satisfying when they all come together
weird moomin facts little my is snuffkin's oldersister
There was an ad for a comedy show named "I Wish I Could #throw Back Time" on the subway on my ride to work today. And while nothing else about the ad had even the slightest indication it was an Evangelion reference, it's hard for me to imagine another cultural reference overlapping that.
ive decided to go undo/redo/e(eraser)/p(pen) for tablet buttons and pan+zoom/zoom out for my pen buttons I'll try that for a bit and see how it pans out
how often do you actually use redo
I did use it sometimes there I suppose it's not 100% neccessary and I could swap it out
also i like how the game goes AFTER punishing you for dying that "ressurrecting is free, but dying gives you shit" OH HOW ABOTU TELLING ME THAT FIRST when I don't use ressurrection because I thought THAT woul punish me
Apparently bakeries are more than happy to just give you a bit of their's if you're pleasant and maybe buy some of their bread. Which has the benefit of letting you see if you like the way their starter makes the bread taste.
yeah I hear most bakeries would give starter for free, and once you've got a bit you can keep making more pretty much forever gonna go deep into this bread hole
fuck you I like how I just kept going bashing my head against this guy without having ANY idea what I was doing earlier now it was too easy
That's one of the best parts of Sekiro. A lot of the fights start off feeling impossible but when you beat them and step back you go "Oh, that wasn't that hard".
I'm playing a western rpg. I'm consdering going for a VN just for the otaku factor of it, though i doubt I'll finish this game until next month, and that's because I have all my time in my hands.
>>788909 Thats a reallly nice tablet. I have been thinking about screen one but I don't know if my skill level is high enoug but then again it is an investiment into something.
I think it's good to gauge it more as interest levels and passion than skill level. Your skill level will improve regardless of which hardware you use but if you think you're really interested in drawing a screen tablet is so much more fun to use, at least for me.
Also XP-Pen is pretty good at keeping competitive prices and their stuff goes on sale pretty often. If you're tempted but it's still a bit pricey for you it might be good to keep an eye on it.
yeah If anything, using the screen tablet makes you feel your skill level a lot more vividly
>go backstab spear monk thinking he is a mob >it is a boss >the backstab turns into powered basic attack instead and missess >initiate boss fight with shinobi hunter game pls why are backstabs and jump stabs so random?
well backstab I can take, but the jump stab prompts are 100ยค random I can do identical jump on some guy on the way to kill it and half the time nothing happens and the other half it actually gives the red dot and I kill him
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
don't do the attack without the red dot appearing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
generally if you're above someone and locked on it should appear even when you aren't airborne, unless you're really high up maybe
Kirara ๐๐คก
nah even if you're super high it'll show
uh not for me it only shows up once I jumped even when I was basically standing on someone's head
>>788925 Can't believe so many innocent girls died fighting something that isn't even real
>>788929 Yeah you can get a lot of easy parries just by mashing it The parry timing window is fairly generous
If you want a button to mash then mash the guard button. It's not a -great- way to get through the game but it can work.
I am really thinking of switching guard to square from f2 r2 I just need more game hours to memorise the buttons without thinking I keep thinking from like 20 other games where the guard button is when I am panicking and that fucks me over
I did find out you can riposte this guy with the shurikens tho
The shuriken tree is actually pretty versatile. It's rare it'll ever put out a lot of damage aside from specific encounters designed for it to be advantagous towards but it's still got good use. I think my favourite load-out was usually something like a Shuriken, an Umbrella, and then either Axe or whatever was most useful to what I was banging my head against.
I like it cause it is ninja like and also is fucking instant I already took the shuriken+slash
I already did found some alt route to the main hall tho
that was fun, tho I kinda hate if that is the norm with the minibosses that I have to clear some bunch of annoying mooks each time I want to fight them
maybe more bosses will use same movesets so shit will become easier, but if not then gaah
Hirata has a good number of branching paths, it can be pretty rewarding to explore them all.
I think i am bit too early in terms of gameplay hours here tho
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hirata and the other place are basically both starting areas so you're fine
tbh I'd come back to Hirata later You can do it at any time after all
I kinda wish the undying samurai was 1. thougher 2. had less telegraphed moveset I do like the challenge, but it is bit annoying to basically have to two try almost every miniboss not to mention when there are tons of annoying mobs on the way atleast I can sneak past these guys throught he river to go kill the ninja
>>788906 yeah i had fun smash players are a lot better than me now >>788907 my mom has watched me play every time I've booted up death stranding she's super invested in it and keeps asking me if I'm gonna play it lol
Today: >ton ate worms >pan killed ton >ton died just thrice (but got better) >I hugged a giant snake lady >tilde was useful half the time
>>788955 both of houston's football teams won today the texans and the titans
lmao what a fucking night emergency broken rail at one of our stations. the level 2 called out sick the level 1 had to go to location immediately. i had to rush to the office service is being disrupted because of the broken rail when i finally get there, i find the office LOCKED
>>788960 Break the fucking door down. Nobody would blame you
that picture i took of death stranding next to 5 cans of monster energy is on the front page of r/deathstranding lol
>>788981 naw sekiro is the best game of 2019 its got a few problems but its certainly less problems than mhw hqas and mhw is mainly fun if you have a crew of 2-3 friends to party with otherwise you miss a lot of the content
it is damn good and fun it does have some problems on PC, but I bought the "Borderless Gaming" tool I have been eyeing for years it makes pretty much atleast EVERY steam game borderless which is fine by me
but I do say sekiro has a bit of a... steep skill gap like you have a lot of shit you have to very quickly learn
idk about pc ver i played on a ps4 pro
it is a damn good single player action game except right from the starting signal it expects you're at least kind of good at action games
Just push R1 unless you see the big red thing in which case just recognise their attack and push either x or o
mash the fuck out of r1 hit l1 with the beat of the enemy assault its so easy lmao 0hitsng+++ lol how could anyone ever have trouble with this game they must be failed human beings and not just missing 300 hours of practice
or some anime fighting games when I introduce them to my friends >how is this hard >how have you not practiced this system over like 3000 hours over 6 games?
going from Sekiro to DaS3 feels so clunky and it's like wow why did I even like this combat before just make Sekiro expansion packs
Only thing that I really did dislike about sekiro so far is that it only told me AFTER I had assumed that dying is better than ressing that it is the exact opposite
>>788996 I swear half the enemies and bosses in this game feel like they were designed for Bloodborne
so what does it do? I don't mind spoilers, cause I hate mechanics like this that aren't explained until later
>>789002 if you let them rot fora while they die permanently and then their quest lines are impossible to complete
it is bad game design imo
dragonrot won't kill them you just can't progress their quests if they're afflicted don't worry about it too much just cure it after killing a tough boss
>>789007 tell that to the game designers that encourage exploring and then throw a miniboss or 10+ mooks at the middle of a exploration path or make it near impossible to return from a taken path, without taking fall damage of 50% your hp bar
should there be no enemies on explorable side paths? >>789007 I haven't seen any of them die in my three playthroughs aside from one person, and they died once just from finishing the quest they gave me with no rot everything I've ever read online states that npcs don't die from rot have you had any die?
>>789011 why are there a ton of people on the side paths
why not? it's a game about fighting, there should be enemies to fight in side areas >>789012 that's the one that died for me too, I think she's literally the only one
I am just talking about for example why are there many enemies on a side path that tracking down without travelling back makes you almost always take 50% hp bar on fall dmg doesn't matter do you "slow" yourself down by doing some wall jumps or just jump the whole well down
which makes sense 100m fall and 10m fall are the same after all
clear it pussy i did on my first playthrough before i killed the gatekeeper
dude why is ruby weapon so fucking hard optional bosses should be a cakewalk
>>789017 max barrets hp and with two materia wow ez boss
>>789016 am gonna when I continue I havn't gone past 3rd bonfire in the initial ashina
like you get the bell from the granny and then I have just gone to the memory thing in the 2 od hours I have played the game including pause time etc
and I ain't quitting the memory hole before i have finished it
it just is kinda annoying how fromsoftware just doubles down on shit instead of bettering stuff
>>789015 wait do you mean the shrine with the purple guy in hirata estate? where you jump up the well to find him? I remember jumping down from there with no damage though I'm not sure the route I used but I didn't go back down the well
well you can swim there from the bonfire so I can do it
I just didn't expect a fucking miniboss up there and my options were >die to him >jump down, try to slow down the descend by wall jumping at some points >and still die from 1 metre fall because retarded game
atleast that happened to me on the
I'm fairly sure there's a way to drop down to the right of the shrine won't take damage though I haven't played the game since it released so I may be remembering wrong
One well short cut to the Main Hall estate when I came down from there I did a TON of wall jumps to slow my way down and then did like 5 metre drop and still took EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUTN OF DAMAGE when I first time just jumped the well down full lenght
I think the game kinda speaks about itself when all my complaints are pretty much >my muscle memory is fucking me >one button is doing 2 things >a model bug nit picks
though there was a MAJOR screen tearing issue initially
I still stand by that they should have just had spirit emblems work like estus Yeah sure if you're good you'll have a stockpile of them anyway but I don't see the point in the player needing to stop and restock if they're stuck on a boss
When I said while I was annoyed about the memory part that I was there TOO EARLY I was quite serious about that
but I am determined to go through it anyhow before continuing the ashina castle
ah yeah, you haven't even gotten through much of the outskirts >>789058 I'd recommend going back to the outskirts and advancing a bit unless you really want to waste that money you can go through all of hirata estate first, but >>789061 well if you say so seems like a waste of time though
For example in DS1, when I was faced with the abyss knight arturius? whatever
my choices were >make a new weapon that actually deals damage to him >or continue fighting him with a weapon that deals 50 dmg dual wielded to him
guess which I did
>>789053 >haven't killed chained orge Honestly dude stop fighting lady butterfly and do the main quest Like yeah you can kill her right now but you're seriously underskilled
>>789065 Boss of the Hirata estate sidequest Are you stuck on the big purple fire breathing samurai
>>789064 I am not stuck anywhere I just ran into some purple ninja and a big "poppa ninja dad" looking guy and noped out of it because it looked too final and some other stuff I just ran out of play time due to 13th age happening
and am not going to play it like a bottle of wine, 4 beers + 3 shots + of vodka in me
I know already how well I did dark souls drunk when I didn't ahve the game on muscle memory
tho amusingly I did it better drunk later on than sober
I do dislike how block/parry has an initial quite large lag to it but once deployed, it is like spam spam spam spammable Comme ci comme รงa
and as I did say how dodge and mikiri are the same button
also there are a fuckton of animation shit you need to memorize I think I'd rather have say sweep have a different warning symbol to it than a thrust has or maybe they do and I didn't notice lol
the warnings are all the same I felt the same way about them at first, wanting some way to differentiate between sweeps and stabs, but eventually it was easier to just watch the enemy and use the audio cue instead having the warning's flash differently would have ended up being more distracting than helpful
the mikiri is fucking way too generous you can do it at last moment or way too early and it most of time works
but getting the jump on sweeps is annoying because I don't react to that correctly yet
well it kinda reminds me of heavenly sword /ninja theory games when they first came out the switching between normal, light, heavy block to do shit and then DODGING on the top of that
it definitely was a new thing when it cam out
so satisfying when you stomp on a dude's face though
>>789073 I just think having like a more harder training mode on the undying samurai wouldn't be bad
his animations are TOO telegraphed
Undying Samurai is so cool Every Fromsoft fantasy game should have someone like that
would be nice yeah maybe be able to switch his weapon out as you progress through the game to practice some of the basic stuff you'd go up against
>>789082 ah yeah that is the weird thing why does the prompt for mikiro counter on the pause screen go "forward+circle" but the description says "circle" and it also works with just circle with no stick invovled
also let me delete DoH from the bossrush
>>789083 Does it work with just circle? I've always had to be holding forwards plus circl or I'd just dodge backwards
I think circle alone does 0 thing now and when I do circle forwards I rush forwards which has gotten me fucked at few times
>>789087 Yeah the mikkiri counter can sometimes fail to go off depending on your timing Jan has an explanation It has something to do with invincibility frames
lso nother fun things to keep i nmind you can just spread the bread with water instead of oil/butter/egg too and salt water can be damn fun with that too
I myself have found doing it with water and then peppering the bread with black pepper from a mill adds a nice touch to the bread
or just mixing black pepper into the dough
nto to mention chili
I forgot I set up like 4-5dl of rye sourdough starter yesterday