--Winter 2020 Boku no Hero Academia Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! ID INVADED Episode 1-2 Kabukicho Sherlock Koisuru Asteroid Magia Record Somali to Mori no Kamisama
--Fall 2019 Chihayafuru Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 21-26 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 7-8 Val x Love
Here I was thinking we'd only get like four or five shows over the weekend not EIGHT. I think Darwin's Game is a double-length first episode too so it's practically nine timeslots worth of anime.
Koisuru Asteroid is the new Doga Kobo Cute Girls Doing Cute Things anime, about girls that like SPACE. Magia Record is Madoka: The Mobage Adaptation Eizouken ni wa Te etc. is a new series directed by the guy that directed Ping Pong among other good things, I think it's about a club of kids that want to make anime. Somali to Mori is about a little girl in a world where humans are persecuted, being protected by a fatherly golem. Might be cute.
Darwin's Game is some kind death game thriller kind of show I think that the original of is pretty popular in Japan. ID INVADED is some kind of murder mystery in a virtual reality world or something.
Kono Oto was one of those things I was wondering if I should just cut from the list at some point but this many episodes in it's hard for me to not be invested. I'd rather not go into this new season with a lot of old baggage but between this, Chihayafuru, and Psycho-Pass it's a hard sell on me. Val x Love is the only thing I don't really have strong feelings for finishing, but ... at the same time it's just one episode left.
Kudo's false accusation of wrecking his grandfather's place really can't leave him alone.
I checked through the place I nromally look at the seasonal airing stuff at and made a tally up. Came out to -Sixteen shows at least a good chance of or certainly watching, -Fifteen that might be fun pick ups I don't really know -And one more that has literally no information about it but the teaser poster has cute art
Well so much for this petty plot.
Oh I guess Hozuki's mom isn't entirely a heartless beast. Maybe there's a chance for eventual reconcilliation.
>>789589 I summarized some of the new stuff to the best of my ability up above. I'd really like to watch Eizouken the director is one of my favourite people in anime.
I wonder how easy it is for him to go back to not being a freak though
Probably a multi-step process but I'd be within his Quirk's capabilties. From the sound of it he can even "fix" people that are dead so his fixing powers are probably pretty ridiculous.
As long as people are around there will probably always be dumb witches
That's a tiny Kyubey
I guess the territorial nature from the original series is still ongoing. It's a reasonable result from needing Grief Seeds to keep yourself going though.
That's a LOT of Mahou Shoujo
Geez what are these subs. Are we also going back to 2011 quality subs for this series.
which was just a twist and they can't use that trick agian
Koisuru Asteroid okay let's start!
I'm far too distanced from my original viewing of Madoka to remember what I felt about it, but in a bubble not knowing who was writing it, I think the only real grab episode one had was Homura's ZETSUBOU at Madoka sacrificing herself against Walpurgisnacht.
>>789680 Yeah I'd kind of agree that Magia was kinda stiff. A lot of characters repeating other characters and themselves.
it was just a bit stiff with the storytelling madoka was a smooth entry
The bedroom at our new cottage I claimed had a telescope just laying about it. In calling dibs on the bedroom I also dibbed the telescope. It's too cold right now to really do stargazing and it's often overcast anyway. But maybe I'll try to head up there during the warmer months and do some looking at SPACE
To be fair what she said in that moment is roughly equivalent in Japanese to a girl saying in English "I'm so wet today". It's the kind of thing a dumb kid would call a lewd saying.