In case you didn't bother looking at that tweet, there are reports of Iran launching missiles/rockets at a US military base in Iraq.
Huh We're pretty dead today.
I hate to admit it but its probably because Kirara isn't around. For some reason certain people post less when he isn't around and then I in turn post less because there's fewer people around. And I fucking know he's going to make a fucking idol joke about it too when someone mentions it to him.
Kirara 🍄🤡
Sup How was meditation? You're on the retreat right now right?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWEKirara 🍄🤡
Retreat starts tomorrow night. I was just working all day. I'm not here too often in the daytime now because I work so much.
It's true that I am everyone's favorite aidoru, though! People want to enjoy my light!
im gonna be at the meditation retreat when a mushroom cloud shows up in the distance
The future's lookin just like the good old days after 9/11!
Kirara 🍄🤡
In more important news, my terminal cancer client is going to survive, most likely. They went in to remove the tumor between his skull and brain - an extremely risky surgery that would doom him in weeks if they didn't get it all out - and found the tumor completely necrotized. It was already dead. No chemo or anything. A god damn miracle
Yeah I was gonna say the chances of that feel like something astronomically near-impossible. That's a really fantastic thing to hear for him. Congratulations.
>>790199 oh wowg guy has a super immunity system hope he has kids/will have kids
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he does have children but karen
Kirara 🍄🤡
He has twins.
Anyway, it's a real miracle. He has one more growth they are worried about but now they think that's dead, too.
He's beating two different cancers at once without chemo.
Man I wonder if some doctors will want to have a peak into him I mean, if I was a cancer researcher I would
Kirara 🍄🤡
Everyone is saying it's the power of prayer.
I'm really happy. It's a big weight off my shoulders.
even as a semi religious person, I don't really believe in faith helping cause uh... what about the other 9 to 99 cases where it don't work >>790207 well good thing all is fine
Kirara 🍄🤡
I'll have to do something for him to celebrate. But probably not for two weeks because I'll be pretty scarce.
enjoy the bananas and then the trip
Kirara 🍄🤡
Oh yeah, my guy is gonna send me the photo they took of his brain when they had his skull opened.
>>790209 Is he gonna walk into his next session and there'll be a cake for him
Kirara 🍄🤡
I might get him his own meditation cushion or something.
Kirara 🍄🤡
heya camp episode 1 was good but ttoo short
Kirara 🍄🤡
wow, Darwin's Game is 45 minutes
well it is a short anime
I recommend sky whales and don't recommend darwin's game
Kirara 🍄🤡
whatst sky whales
kuutei dragons people hunt sky whales for food and whale oil on a flying steam ship the manga is damn art
Kirara 🍄🤡
when's it air?
14hours so enjoy it later
Kirara 🍄🤡
probably won't be able to until sunday but we'll see
then there is also somali to mori to kamisama or something and dorohedoro
don't really care about anything else personally
>>790215 Darwin's Game is dumb fun. It's a death game kinda series. The main girl has some real Mirai Nikki Yuno power goin' on. And the MC literally has Trace On as his super power.
he's got good trigger discipline for a jap who has never fired a gun before
Well him and his friends look like they're kinda the teenage wastrels that might do some things like airsoft or other things as a light hobby. But yeah I noticed that too as I was watching hah hah
Kirara 🍄🤡
haha make a family with me watching anime boys freak out from naked girls always makes me laugh
Kirara 🍄🤡
speaking of 45 minute episodes, how was psycho pass?
We've still got the last two episodes of it to go, but I've really enjoyed it. There's a lot of detective-ing and mystery about and the new lead duo are great, and their back-up squad is pretty solid too. The long-form episodes allow them to pace things differently than they'd have to with the usual episode lengths and the animation quality is overall pretty solid.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Is this peak gaming?
sekiro time to go die to a purple ninja
Kirara 🍄🤡
die twice
>>790236 Is // hmm, ill have to watch it when i hhave time
ell he dropped kick me to death once already so I think I can't fulfill that promice
>>790237 >Dmomhiro I fucking hate tat guy so much. He's such a piece of shit.
>>790239 One of the lead duo is a bit of a weird savant that can so thoroughly adjust his thought and behavioural patterns that he can basically mentally become anyone. It's kind of one of those neat sci-fi "What ifs" that takes on extra baggage with the whole crime coefficient and Hues of the Psycho-Pass world.
Though despite the main protagonists being part of the Dominator-carrying law enforcement squad the themes of the plot arcs do kind of move away from focusing too much on them.
I've watched the whole episode like four times now and more for some of the cooler bits. It's so good.
yeah np I am not playing a game where the camera is a secondary enemy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but you already played dark souls
yeah and I got fed up of it at times too I hate every single 3rd person game since camera is always bullshit in them >>790270 except when on few cases it doesn't a fundamental issue of 3rd eprson camera no one has managed to fix yet for some reason when it gets stuck on the wall, behind you and the enemy is in you
Kirara 🍄
camera is sekiro works pretty well
Kirara 🍄
>>790266 I'm gonna rewatch it since GLM subs came out GJM*
purple ninja moves too much in a too little space also he has a bullshit tracking too long range sword swipe
well I'd have already killed him if I knew to jump when he does a swipe
Kirara 🍄🤡
just wait until you get good at the game to kill him he's one of the hardest mobs
>me >good at souls games uhh no
The purple ninjas are, yeah, common mobs towards the end of the game. The one in Hirata is basically optional-boss-tier at beginning of the game.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if you juke him you can probably get the item and book it. It's an evasion shinobi tool if you're fighting the one I think you are
isue just is that you need to get his hp down, since you can't break his posture and he 3 hits your posture it is a dodge fest in a way too small arena against a guy who moves way too fast >>790280 he takes like 20% from a mikiri maybe once he is below 50% hp
Kirara 🍄🤡
you can break his posture
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
his feet count as a thrust so you can mikiri counter his kick
>>790281 yes I know but I instinctively side step it and then do normal attack not that the >>790283 HOW WHEN EACH DEFLECT CAUSES 20-30% POSTURE DMG
Kirara 🍄🤡
you should be deflecting dodge is sekiro is not great
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also when you fight a boss for the first time the game tells you to start lowering hp of tough posture enemies since they'll recover two kick >>790282 if you deflect with perfect timing the posture damage is low/zero
Kirara 🍄🤡
when you are better at the game, you will deflect well just come back
well that ain't going to happen
guess it will be a dodge fest
>>790285 >just come back no everyone dies of dragon rot
You're not going to make any progress then. Like I'm not even gonna say you're making things harder for yourself if you insist on just dodging everything you're going to make zero progress.
Kirara 🍄🤡
>i'm going to do everything i possibly can to be miserable
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
to be fair I also occasionally bash my head against a wall until it works but
You are all backseat gaming essentially telling me to do shit your way
I play my way or no way if I am forced to not play my way I usually quit the game
Then you might as well play no way because you're wasting your time elseway.
Kirara 🍄🤡
well we actually know how to play
and if the "right way" of playing the game is not a way I enjoy, i will never finish sekiro quite simple
Your loss.
Kirara 🍄🤡
why buy a game that is builtaround a mechanic you don't like
what I am saying is I like bashing my head against a wall for a while before I either go through it or decide to go around it come back with a nuke and blow it up later on
and I am still bashing my head against the wall phase
>cute necromancer loli says angry words at dark souls this is comfy
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>790300 the aots it's the same studio and director as tatami galaxy and ping pong just watch it
Well before Devilman Crybaby Yuasa did all his shows with other studios. Like Tatami was Madhouse I think? But with Devilman he opened his own studio and now he does his own stuff yeah.
watching someone fight twin gargoyles reminds me of the Daughters of Ash mod super version of the fight where they have to be around the same hp levels starting from the fight's start or else you can't damage them
imagine garboyles but actually a threat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
imagine Ornstein except it's small Ornstein but he's so fast when he hits you you slow down
Someone tell me when this song becomes an anime OP or ED
>>790337 imagine garboyles except you break into their home and they decide to make you cookies and warm milk
Kirara 🍄🤡
the garboyles were gonna make anyone who touches them break out into painful boils but i decided to skip that since tilde had to bail and he's the only one who could help you deal with that lol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Imagine if you had damaged Tsu's perfect complexion
Kirara 🍄🤡
boils on sue's eyes
this band makes songs that can transition into all their other songs i was like wow, you gotta play kanashii ureshii next to this and then realized it was the same band
>>790387 like a true ds3 pvper that's all i ever see during invasions roll until you opponent stops swining swinging*
Kirara 🍄🤡
i found out today that one of my clients is banned from entering mexico and canada drugs in canada and, uhh, murder in mexico but he didn't kill anyone he stumbled into it like an idiot in a movie
>i forgot to go into Archdragon Peak before NG+ aaaaaaaaaa
yeah that was him although it wasn't trafficking, it was all for personal use
Kirara 🍄🤡
if he goes to canada he would get 5 years jail time he only escaped by signing some documents agreeing to never enter canada again his company's lawyer got him the deal haha
his company's lawyer paid off authorities in mexico to get him out of the murder charges too
Poo guy. Canada's a real nice place to visit. Maybe not "Spend five years in jail" worth it, but still a pretty nice place.
Kirara 🍄🤡
he went for two weeks immediately after being banned lol had a friend smuggle him over he was a reporter
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that sounds like something someone from canada would say
Kirara 🍄🤡
ah fuck someone on tinder just told me they love deserts and modest mouse which one of you is it
Maybe you've picked up another stalker.
Kirara 🍄🤡
It's probably Crazy Train acting up again. As if my life isn't already sufficiently ridiculous.
>>790406 no too late it's already decided i have my dress and everything
ok I've decided we are married now jan is the bridesmaid pan is the fowergirl
... >ythe holy roman emperor gets penalties for "unlawful imperial territory" >that they have added THEIRSELVES to the empire vef pls stahp being retard
I don't think white could win from this position white moved uuh g1-h1 with king
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
A membership bond is 3.7 Million Yew logs sell for 195 gp each on the GE
So I only need to cut 18,974 and then I can buy my own bond with in game money.
what are you even doing runescape?
>>790411 Yeah and how many real-time seconds does it take to cut one?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>790413 I just put on a timer. We'll see how long it takes to get a full inventory.
osrs, much like wow classic, is proof that you can turn a profit off nostalgia alone
Don't need to be good when you can make people FEEL THINGS.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>790416 12 year old me would be so jealous imagine having your own computer in your room where you can as much runescape as you want all day without the rest of the family getting the shits
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Besides, they won't be turning a profit If I cut my 18,000 yew logs.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
But here's the thing I need a nice simple RPG to grind
While I grind on my other, better RPG
>>790421 yeah the one on the left looks real shitty
>>790464 well 8 hours a day you can keep it refreshed permanently and then 8 hours of actual gameplay neetlyf
>>790457 Is the General Exchange player-driven or are the prices static? I mean I'd guess you're not the only shmuck with this idea so even if it's player-driven the prices are probably more or less level for the amount of logs one person would need to get a bond.
But there will always be some degree of demand for fletching and construction an' shit. And lots of players/bots do this already, so even if I dumped 20k into the economy that would just be a drop in the bucket
Yeah that's what I was getting at. All you shmucks that think it's a good idea are probably already an overwhelming number already. So the amount you'd contribute wouldn't have much of an impact.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
if somebody actually wanted to use f2p money making methods to buy a bond there are way better ways than woodcutting.
Then why don't you use them?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Idk If I wanted to buy a membership I'd probably just hand out the 12 bucks instead of wasting hours and hours of my life
Right now I just want something passive to have on in the background.
Are all the other free-to-play money-making methods far too active to be good for running in the background?
>you are some doctor I have to visit you like fucking 5 times to get anything useful info out of you >realises her name is emma >emma as in anglosaxon name it all makes sense now
>buy upgrade for spirit tokens >+1 uhh... really I thought it was gonna be like5 but 1
why can't I refund my purchases when the upgrade is 100% cancer?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Even +1 makes a difference.
In fact, you'll probably have to do the same thing again to get all the spirit token upgrades.
PURPLE NINJA part who knows
if the purple ninjas always have this kinda hit boxes with their kicks
I will just find a way to not fight them
I don't get the deflect how are you supposed to use it
if you wait to do it there is like well the lag
so you will have to react wayyyyyy to early to know when the perfect timing will happen
and fuck that
and the second option is keeping the guard up and spamming the block to keep it up
and then trying to keep it up and get the thing up
and the third option is keeping the block up and dropping it and reblocking at some perfect timing
and all of those except the FIRST seem fucking asseating to me
>>790630 You just recognise the tell for the attack and then push the button at the right time THere shouldn't be lag. If there's lag then it sounds like you have technical issues
>>790633 Maybe your drunkenness has just dampered your reaction times Or maybe yeah the pc port is just bad in which case you're just shit out of luck
so I will actually have to learn the animation for this quite bad PC port to do it?
>>790632 No I am actually doing better when I am this drunk
I was doing way worse when I was sober
I had to actually BUY a steam borderless window tool to get the game running without vsync issues
that was the onyl fix there was nothing else
pay 3€ to fix the game
and not to the studio but a different dude who made a tool to make any steam game borderless
>Fromsoft PC ports
I looted his temple
hahaaa now he guards nothing
fuck you
and fuck your camera bugging environemtn where youforce me constantly to seeing nothing but NOTHING
and your fucking 50-100% splash damage swipes where I am not in youir animation range but take damage
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Gee, PK sure loves to complain
yes I do
that is how finns work
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Yeah well Australians usually tell their mates to shut up and stop being a soft cunt
Well we complain a lot but we do it within our heads and moe and tano are basically within my headspace
so you get to enjoy what goes on inside a finn's head
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I got a 5/5 on the culture class >understanding the Finnish mindset
my mom's workfriend's daughter apparentely got caught at a music festival with 200 MDMA pills on her her father's high up in the drug busting too business too and she got them off a biker too, so it's a bit of a scandal in the papers
also what are these bandits
they bring like a 500 head army stay inside a burnign castle bring a fucking OGRE
and so on
like the fuck?
are tyou waiting for a protagonist to pass through or robbing a castle?
I fuckin' POWERED through Neptunia 2 The first one was sitting in my library for like three years. and had like 60 hours gametime I played through this one in a couple of days.
BUT i DO LIKE fuck caps
But I do like the core mechanic of this game
which is RUN AWAY
unlike say dark souls or demon souls which was "die in a good spot"
this game has run away as a good option and a valid option and the BEST OPTION
the stealth mechanic reminds me of playing prince of persia completely random everyone spots you almost always
atleast I can rehide if I fuck it up
and there is no one laughing at me
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>790645 she was just making sure her dad had work.
i somehow got up to looking up passenger ships going to antarctica
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
and are there?
go cut it off like the last of the samurai
I am just annoyed that it exists
cause for the period top knot ment samurai
if you are a shinobi
you don't want to be mistaken for a warrior EVER
you want to be ingognito
should've programmed it squish down at least or get rid of it
>>790660 well you know there is a reason why the Ashina family FELL
if their shinobi are lvl 0 failures
on the otherhand Tokugawa had like lvl 10 Shinobi cheat death 10x in a row
who wins?
but seriously I got stuck from my topknot
the models in this game are weird
the models in ds 1 were weird, but in the OLD SKOOL style they were NORMAL for the era
the models in sekiro are
well LAZY
I know the game is MENT for blocking and deflecting
but the models should in a fucking 2019 game be well the models=hitboxes should be at the very least the standard
not hitboxes>models
Okay >some guy who has once seen you >gets a missile guided direction to your location like led by a blood hound directed by a fucking microbiologist with 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 hours of studying this shit
>after that >can easily sneak murder infront of people as long as it doesn't surpass the detection meter
what the actuyal fuck
with this design
out by sixteen dead on the scene
don't worry
Here is the betting pool you lot gonna share with tano
do I make it to the space with my first shit
do I explode
or just fail?
rrr-roll for just fail #d100 (16)
I have a high trust in myself
imagine signing up for zen classes when you can just ask questions on the internet
I have managed to press all of the buttons but nothing launches it
you know what
I think this is one of those "you need a tutorial" games
but the tooltips of everything in the game couold contain the information that you'd need that would be told to you in the tutorial
and so on
wouldn't require much effort much space or much anything
games in the past did that
games still do that
but some games don't do why who knows
The season's going by, i've been enduring it. I have so many ideas, so many new concepts going through my mind, fingers and mousepad tabs, but... I can barely get others with whom to interact.
It seems i'm considered a genius, though no one would admit thinking so. I' i guess this is considered something bad, although i don't consider myself anything out of the ordinary. This might have something to do with the fact that i barely interact with anyone else aside from me, though.
>>790679 DO IT oh come on you wre suppose to say "indeed "no one" and turn it back on me
>>790680 Would you describe that stating a "no care" stance is somehow rewarding for itself? Not that it has anything to do with me, but i've been trying to study this phenomena.
rolls dice #d20 (7)
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>790682 I was going to say something else but I saw mats above me and kinda counted on a tag team effort-self-burn there but mats is too kind nowadays to do that to even me when I am asking for it so this happened
>>790678 give me more patchyoumus pls next book when
>>790679 Not exactly. It seems that the problem is that i did try to create a few pieces of either art or text, and the final result was decent. Decent meant good, good means possible competition, or at least that's the only reason i could come up with for something beautiful being considered offensive.
I don't interact a lot when it comes to having any amount of intimacy with others, i guess. I mean, am i smart? Am i dumb?
Truth be told, both assertions are comparisons. I have no one to compare myself against.
maybe I need to do another pixiv dive I've probably got more than enough from twitter
good morning cuties.
I mean, we live in such a social world, right? The fact that i'm trying to come up with an explanation for desire being some sort of system that generates impulses according to the amount of physical energy expended on the effort, which in case of failure will somehow create some sort of "free energy" that get assigned to frustration, must turn me into a really popular person.
>>790733 What kind of company are you looking for, if any?
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
>>790734 must allow me to work in NY um yknow must have interesting software eng problems startup culture preferably crypto or not bonus if they will teach me ML
Find a job that takes you to Toronto Samu I'll show you the city
>>790735 For like 30 seconds I thought you meant ML the programming language.
The language ML is also pretty cool. >It is used heavily in programming language research and is one of the few languages to be completely specified and verified using formal semantics. Its types and pattern matching make it well-suited and commonly used to operate on other formal languages, such as in compiler writing, automated theorem proving, and formal verification.
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
ml is alright, i'd rather use rust tho
>>790739 I should learn that. Although Fortran is probably going to be more useful for me. Do you know if people have started to write any good linear algebra stuff in rust? Although I just remembered that the main reason rust is good doesn't apply to scientific computing. So maybe it wouldn't be useful for me.
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
there is the well known cgmath and some other experiments like glam idk mostly these are developed for the purposes of game engines/other 3d renderers which have a lot of activity, moreso than other mathematical applications
>>790741 Yeah I did some looking around. >glam is built with SIMD in mind. Currently only SSE2 on x86/x86_64 is supported as this is what stable Rust supports. I wouldn't say rust is completely useless for scientific computing, but its basically a toy language compared to C,C ++ and Fortran. I'm looking forward to the future of rust. Anyways when I said "the main rason rust is good doesn't apply to scientific computing" I meant that security isn't super important in scientific computing.
Well, security in the programs, operating system security is important in any machine
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
this is a classic rei comment lmao
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
what are you actually doing in fortran that's not legacy banking work? shit's dead yo
>>790745 Me personally, nothing yet. But its still the best language for scientific computing. Tons of shit uses it. C++ is catching up though. I mean you can use like bindings flr the libraries tobcall the functions from other languages. *from *for the But LAPACK is still written in Fortran. Probably everything by NAG is written in Fortran. (I don't like to support non free software but its supposed to be good) Mathematica uses Fortran libraries. Tons of stuff uses it.
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
okay here's some shit this archetypal rei-samu conversational flow goes as follows - rei asks what i'm up to - i mention some stuff - if it's old classic shit, end program - if it's anything new, rei lightly googles it and gives the first possible criticism found online - rei goes to explain why actually classic thing is great - i'm left waiting for minutes to endure explanations of things i already know - rei doesn't even use any of this stuff, just writes about it
>>790745 Honestly if hearing from my dad is anything to go off of, Fortran in banking is still a relatively active workspace at least. Banks have such awful snarled systems that migrating to new systems is something no one wants to do so they're all just stuck using the same old dumb systems written in the same old dumb languages.
>>790748 yup it's great job security and it's why i'd never ever work for an old bank unless i was desperate for cash
The data entry-esque job I did for a bank back in 2015-16 was pretty much an attempt to migrate their information into a new system, merging accounts for people that had opened multiples in various departments or other banks this one had eaten up. Towards the end of my time there I was talking with my dad about it and he more or less said "Yeah I've seen them try to do this several times and they've never actually fully migrated to a new one once." I haven't asked him about it since then though, maybe this was The One Time it actually worked.
>>790751 sounds about right "history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes" is a phrase that comes to mind there are too many entrenched forces fighting against a clean rewrite in such institutiones
>>790751 Banking internals are very scary. I know a guy who does network security and he was talking about going into a bank once and he nmapped their network and found tons of suspicious devices that they had no idea about. According to him their security guy didn't even know what nmap was.
Err, he ws hired as a consultant.
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
I kinda want one of these letter sized e ink reader/annotator things hmmm i wonder if there are good OSes for e paper format and open devices now
This is pretty funny.
I heard about this the other week. Though I have no idea if it's applicable to your curiousity or whatnot but you mentioning e-readers reminded me of it.
Anyways I don't really program anymore because I just don't have the motivation.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
same tbh *hits bat*
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
OH NO MY QUEEN! i been watching a chess mastah do his thing on stream he sometimes has stream snipers lol so his counter strat is to set up elaborate queen sacrifice gambits that or it's just for the lulz and/or
>>790761 Speaking of chess A few weeks ago retro and kokoro had a chess match with a lot on the line If kokoro won, retro had to quit smoking If retro won, kokoro had to contact has ex fiancee And then retro cheated and won and said "There wasn't anything in the rules that said I couldn't use an engine, just that I couldn't have any human help"
In other news I cease to be a NEET in 13 days.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
THE RULES DON'T SAY I CAN'T CHEAT checkmate logicians
>>790762 to be fair we all knew the rules lawyering was the real game
Speaking of kokoro , did he post the results of the 2019 tano awards yet?
Don't you have a better place to talk about your inane /tano/ gossip. Like gee, I don't know. Maybe /tano/?
>tell a funny story about a former /moe/ user >politely fuck off to tano said tilde Why are you so hostile?
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i think tilde's comment was directed at >>790765 specifically, not the story cuz idk what the tano awards are dupposed to be
>>790768 I was asking Maria. Its a poll they do every year with stupid shit and people vote on which users get the awards. Stuff like "gayest tano", "biggest leech on society" etcetera
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>790769 oic well hey are you gettin a job in 13 days or what
>>790770 Nah, going to take a class at a community college. It's what I need to do to transfer to my next uni cause I'm on academic probation at my last one.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>790771 oh nice ganbatte where's the next uni, close by?
>>790772 Middle of nowhere, like two hours by car Luckily there's a bus to a train that can get on that goes to my suburb.
So I heard a really funny story from my friend earlier. Her dad took a picture of her brother and he flipped off the camera, and then her dad accidentally emailed the picture to everyone at their synagogue.
>>790765 nah don't think so He's probably busy working and job hunting
>>790779 RIP I thought he found a job already? Well, we can continue tis on tano.
>>790780 I think that's still in interview stages Let's talk about it wherever we feel like
Any weird/funny callers today?
>>790782 I had one guy mention that he hasn't had sex with his spouse in ten years It was kind of a weird situation since we had changed his pay rate to the married rate, but he called up to say that he no longer considers this woman to be his partner and he had no idea why she was included
>>790790 No Humans can't be kosher. Oh I didn't correctly predict your joke Jews kind of sort of really aren't supposed to get tattoos. >>790790 Yes Although that's really gross. Analingus is incredibly disgusting and I hate that its become mainsteam.
Although since she has pretty severe ocd I doubt she'd let someone to that to her. She really dislikes saliva and things that touch the insides of muths. *mouths
*do that to her
ears blocked, tinnitus bad
>>790802 I know that feel When I'm on /moe/ after 4pm I'm usually in bed and have tinnitus. *having tinnitus
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
have you tried the skull thudding technique and does it work
>>790805 Nope, not quite sure what that is. Sounds familiar.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
> The following method may reduce the ringing in your ears, suggests Dr. Jan Strydom, of A2Z of Health, Beauty and Place the palms of your hands over your ears with fingers resting gently on the back of your head. Your middle fingers should point toward one another just above the base of your skull. Place your index fingers on top of you middle fingers and snap them (the index fingers) onto the skull making a loud, drumming noise. Repeat 40-50 times. Some people experience immediate relief with this method. Repeat several times a day for as long as necessary to reduce tinnitus
>>790795 it's all grody but some is less grody than others
>>790823 I got given an amulet of protection for my birthday is that close enough
>>790824 >amulet of protection sounds like a mommygf to me
>>790824 Not a ring of protectiln? *protection Well none of you play D&D so I guess no one will get my joke.
Gee whiz a Ring of PROTECTion I wonder what it could do it's a TOTAL MYSTERY
Got the whole scientist team analysing that one
Yeah only the top geniuses with 200 IQ could ever get a reference that niche and subtly crafted.
>>790827 >>790828 >>790829 The reference is that there are reasons in the rules why amulets of protection are a stupid idea compared to rings of protection.
>>790829 >he thinks we'll understand this with just 200iq That's not even enough to comprehend Rick and Morty, we need 300 iq geniuses
>>790831 Body slot affinities It's not something I have memorized off the top of my head, but certain magical effects are associated with different body slots. The slots being, torso, arms, hands, fingers (you ate only allowed two magical rings) *are, head, face, neck and feet.
Like there are gloves of dexterity, headbands of intellect and amulets of natural armor. But it would cost more to have gloves of intellect, headbands of natural armor and amulets of dexrerity. The price >>790835 That's not how it works in D&D.
>>790833 >amulet of protection >not useful Wouldn't you want a protective piece of gear for your neck it's the most vulnerable body part
Also a lt of torso armor covers the neck too The body slots are for magical/psionic/whatever equipment. Not like, mundane armor
oh gee a ring of protection ive never heard of that an any other rpg franchise ever
>>790835 AAnyways an amulet of protection costs more than a ring of protection. And wearing one of each won't stack, you'd just get the effect of the better one.
>>790845 I thought you'd be a little more conscious of data collection
>>790848 Yeah with Amazon it wouldn't be associated with my gmail. Amazon has way less data on my than google. Also if I were actually to spend time shitposting on social media I'd get a vpn.
*on me
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>790819 well we went to rooooome and then a bishop BLESSED us well blessed her at least in this holy box
That Yuno figure that I've carried with me all the way around the world has just straight up disappeared. No idea where it's gone. I usually just leave it standing on one of my shelves and I don't remember moving it for any reason. But it's not where it used to be.
Maybe someone broke in and stole it. Either way, I'm pretty pissed off about it.
She'll turn up again you probably just knocked the shelf by accident or something and she's behind it
I hope you find it. I can imagine it means a lot to you.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
wha-- No.. It's just plastic
I-it would be stupid to be overly attached.
It's Yunos avatar of course it's important
>>790866 Please at this point it's like 5% plastic and paint, and 95% memories and sentiment.
>>790870 When you find it you should come to Chicago and take a picture of it on the ttotop floor of the sears tower. Well, not immediately but like at some point.
had to use the truck gps to get somewhere and the phone gps still thinks I'm 30+km away from the destination very cool
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Time for re;birth 3 get hype
>>791035 have fun ive heard 2 has like a billion endings so i wonder how that went for you
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
There were definitely more things I could have done with 2 but I had also reached a point where I could easily kill just about anything in the game so it didn't feel like there was a whole lot of point in playing it out after I got the basic ending.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>791036 Do you think that using the plan for the EXE boost is kind of cheating? because after you get it, you can ass-blast pretty much anything that stands in your way
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Although I will say that they made it a lot harder to unlock it in 2 than they did in the first one.
Kirara 🍄🤡
play a real game pick up a football
>>791038 if thats a thing in 2 or 3 remember that i didnt finish/play them so iunno >>791040 oh its the kiraraman
i also barely remember rebirth 1 and vii except vii starts harder than the rest from what ive experienced which is refreshing until it becomes painful >>791043 guzma
Kirara 🍄🤡
ya boi
Kirara 🍄🤡
i left sesshin because im sick and the living arrangements were awful
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>791040 get fucked, dad >>791041 It was a thing in the first two. idk if the third will have it.
Kirara 🍄🤡
you can't say that to me im sick you have to be nice to me
when i turned my phone on, i got bombarded with colleagues asking me to cover work for them and stuff i'm gonna leave my phone off they all know im not available
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Matt can you please cover all my clients tomorrow? I need to smoke weed and jerk off. It's very important.
AnnoMahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
remember a couple of days ago when I was memeing about cutting 18,000 yew logs to buy two weeks of Runescape membership which would take over a hundred hours, give or take
Well this guy is actually doing it.
Kirara 🍄
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
That's why all your colleagues need to take time off to play Runescape
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Maybe he's from one of those poor countries with broken economies like Venezuela or New Zealand
Kirara 🍄
are there countries without broken economies?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Kirara 🍄
>>791069 O ne of my friends is considering getting one of the kosher marks tattooed on her ass. Oops, meant to reply to kirara. >>791068 Also her dad took a picture of her brother and he flipped off the camera, then her dad accidentally emailed the picture to their whole congregation. >>791071 I'm very tired
Though it's also a shame since I think I preferred the Pokemon selection in Shield better. But Avery's way too much of a fuckin' dweeb I can't do this.
getttttttt dunked on
Kirara 🍄
klara is the best girl now bye marnie it's over
>I'm gonna tease Kokoro >end up in Love Hotel this was a good book
>ask client if she has a partner for administrative purposes >"No I don't have one, but I wish I did! It'd make everything so much easier! " Lads I've found my early retirement ticket
Retiring from being a call centre operative doesn't sound to me a very prolonged retirement.
It's okay I can piggyback off her superannuation and receive a grand total of $300 a week Truly living large
I guess in fairness I wouldn't mind $300 a week.
Kirara 🍄
Who the fuck is shooting off fireworks on January 9th.
I guess some moron that forgot to set them off on New Year's.
My dm is making a super broken character for me for an epic level adventure. She is a demon lord, her theme is "sex and dying in high society". She has a gaze attack (well, her second gaze attack) that turns someone into gold.
maybe its because i havent done tabletop as long as other people but when i hear about you and owl’s dms deciding their players’ characters or their stories it feels really odd to me
>>791190 No, this was my idea He's making the character tthough Cause he's much better than me at building broken characters. And the point of this campaign is to be really broken
>>791193 But not like, super broken where you're using shit from like six different books and optional shit from dragon magazine.
Well, the demon lord part wasn't my idea. But the dryad part was
>>791193 hey I found this rat outside do you want it
>>791179 Right? You don't even legally have to be married you just have to show up to the welfare office and claim you're in a long term relationship and then boom You could hypothetically just find any old person without a partner and give them a share of the extra money so they profit
>>791196 I have some really funny pictures of taxudermied squirrels somewhere. They were posed to be flipping you off and the mounts said funny shit too. Like "fuck you" or whatever. I saw them at a record fair at a music festival. They were being sold by a record label.
>>791196 wow thanks for helping me cheat the gacha
Ugh There's a storm coming in on Saturday. D&D might be canceled because the dm lives pretty far away and it probably isn't a great idea to go on a long drive during the storm.
Kirara 🍄FormerRei@mobile
Oh it turns out the gold thing isn't a spell like ability. I can use a many times per day as I want. *as many
ALL THE GOLD you can become a scrooge mcduck, but with gold statues
Sorry, only 14,400 times per day.
Cause turns in D&D last six seconds.
I don't think saying "turn lasts X seconds" is a good idea, when it is quite obvious some turns lasted longer you get into the "11 seconds" and "5 minutes" territory then
>>791216 I mean you can change it if you want to. But its one oof the core things in its representations of time and space, like how a square on a grid i nD&D is 5 feet long.