the baby being 50 years old does make me ask, what kind of biology does that species have? since the seem to have around 900-1000 year lifespan at what age do they actually mature up? does it come slowly, like at 100 years? or does it just go like instant teenager or maybe the baby has been kept in stasis etc and hasn't actually matured or my guess would be, it is biologically 50, but in years like 5-15? ie. CLONE
Well there's other hypotheticals for why the baby is fifty years old. Yeah like you're saying, cryostasis and stuff like that. Yoda's species is evidently one of limited number and highly sought after for better or for worse. Maybe a previous collector had one in cold storage for some time.
Also, is yoda's speech an actual "dialect" they naturally possess or something he picked up by growing up amongst his kin or a completely different dialect or a unique verbal tic?
we never heard the she-yoda speak in ep1
Kirara 🍄🤡
i need to watch mandalorian
I caught the first two episodes, they were pretty great. >>777971 Yeah seems like it.
>>777968 Yoda talks pretty normally in episode V when he isn't fucking with Luke right? I always thought prequels Yoda speech was just Lucas blowing that aspect of his character out of proportion Like everyone just forgot that he only talked backwards when he was pretending to be dumb
Yeah, they originally just switched the orders a little bt then when they were doing ep1-3 and the two clone wars series, they basically went full flanderisation out of it apparently, if memory serves, it wasn't even just Lucas hamming it up, but people just having a different view of yoda speech at thatp oint with the expanded unvierse already having hammed his verbal tics way too much so by the time they were doing it, people aside from lucas too, were all "he talks too normal" >>777973 also he does talk with inverted I think object, subject most of time even in ep 5 and 6, but he does tone it down when serious
>coworkers talking to each other >omg did you heae George? He's such a retard he called Kirby a pokemon
Kirara 🍄🤡
the other day my client said something about trying and i said "remember what yoda said" and she looks at me looking like she has no clue and i say "do or do not, there is no try"
she says "Oh... Yoda said that?" and i was laughing like, "yeah, it's a really famous quote"
>>777976 Can't pity enough the kids whose first touch are the sequels or well likewise the kids whose first touch was phantom menace well atleast to a kids that is a very flashy moive
funny thing is, that phantom menace was the first star wars movie I saw with subtitles weird enough to think that I have seen sw trilogy only from a US vhs copy of eitehr the original release or the SE, until much laterwith no subs
Kirara 🍄🤡
wow, disney+ doesn't work with my tv lol good thing i'm not gonna pay for it
If you really are to home tuning, the digital age way, you can just install custom OS or force them into developer mode for more control ofc at your own risk, since while muxing the OS doesn't break them (usually) it might force you to do factory resets. >>777986 You'd be surprised.
Kirara 🍄🤡
haha i highly doubt there is a custom OS available for my smart tv
my pop has done some serious weird rigging, like making all of his home appliances linked despite being from like 4 different manufacturers and having them all have access to a storage server linked to the home network, where they directly recorded or accessed files ie. if you used a tv to record a show, it slapped it into the server immediately. instead of the hdd space the tv had
but he does that kinda shit for living and even then occasionally fucks up, especially when there are say some updates to whatever linux he is running at the time
nonetheless, you still have to subscribe to some what... amazon, hbo, netflix, disney and more? to get all the big shows now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hulu streaming is like 12 max and netflix is like 16 max I'm paying about 100 fucking dollars for cable.
jesus fucking christ a month or a year?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that is monthly on all of those
US companies really are cheap here it is 20-50 a month depending on the offer some, for example from elisa, is a full home pack internet, tv, etc + elisa's own streaming service
i have challenged my coworker to a coin flip every day he always chooses heads he has now won 9 times in a row
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
go ahead and make your sick get joke
the odds of winning that many times in a row are even lower than me making a good get joke
Is it a random coin each time or is he secretly SEEDING your coin stock with gamed coins.
>>778000 i am flipping the coin and it is a different one every day yes
>>778002 I liked the politics even as a kid biggest issue in prequels is pretty much how bad the script was for anakin and padme especially when they shared a scene
Biggest issue I have with prequels is how weird the pacing is Like we have this super deep bond between Anakin and Obiwan but we never see them training You just get episode 1 with Anakin as a babby kid then episode 2 he's trained and doing his own missions Phantom Menace is all over the place
You get all that stuff in the extracurricular material. People slam the new trilogy for having all these weird jumps and holes in the plot between movies but that was happening long before in the prequels.
>>778004 ep 1 should have been more about anakin growing up basically no phatom menace ep1 is the time skip between ep1 and 2 and also ep 2's events somewhat squeezed in ep 2 is mostly about the clone wars and how anakin already starts to darken up because of them ep3 is pretty much ep 3 not much to change there in terms of overall story
KH plot makes sense if you actually play the games I bet
>>778009 Yeah they should just have started with Obiwan picking up Anakin Make him a bit older, like a teenager And he's hanging around shady people on tattooine Make the podrace a street race or something Obiwan senses the force and the good in him
>>778006 Read the Thrawn trilogy no need to know anything else about any other EU material is a damn good read and a damn good sequel to the OG
>>778010 you could even have a timeskip in the movie like act 1 is obiwan and guigon doing stuff and finding anakin act 2 has guigon dying act 3 is the finale, with some years passed and stuff happens
How did everyone forget the jedi after what 30 years When they spent an entire war as generals with their lightsabers out
Maybe because the Empire went on a thorough censorship campaign to quash any hint of the Jedi
Honestly I think it's just a dated detail of the original trilogy. These days the notion that an administratorial power could completely censor some big detail like that is completely foreign to western cultures.
>>778014 But also think about it palps has dooku, a JEDI lead the cis force then has the JEDI framed for his, a beloved leader, assassination attempt it isn't that unthinkablet hat they could if not erase the legacy of jedi, atleast make most people think ill of them or atleast go "jedi, who that, pls don't shoot"
it isn't like similiar purges of ideas and ifnormation hasn't happened tho ofc on a galactic scale this would be a lot harder, but the rebels for example had quite clear ideas of the force and jedi
also >they give the emperor a name >palpatine, not bad >sheev da fug is sheev?
D >Darth Tyrannus
>>778008 someone with an exceptionally high iq wouldn't have bought all those games though
I recall watching a quite amusing video about them at some point which was mostly just someone giving them a big shit squeenix wouldn't be squeenix, if their writing didn't seem like made on some psychedelics
or maybe make that "wasn't made on
it really all makes perfect sense in context its just that the lingo sounds really silly even if you know what it means
And the fact that a lot of the main characters are either total edgelords or Disney characters.
also there are like? how many games >>778023 heroes of the multiverse edgymac animelord and... goofey and donald duck?
I have never played the games, but what is the tone of the series really? to someone who doesn't know any better, what kind of a game did they buy their 6-9 year old kid for xmas present?
>>778024 there's ten of them that are Canon and not remakes but two of them are mobile games set in a distant past that aren't relevant until the end of kh3
But now with the grand reveal of Kingdom Hearts 3 they've become SUPER RELEVANT hah hah
that part really blew my mind i thought there was nothing left they could surprise me with then that bonus scene in shibuya got me AGAIN
>>778023 also i gotta say for a character that was such an edgy dork Riku became awesome over the series he probably got more character development than sora haha
Well as far as edgelords go I was also talking about the Organization characters that while for the most part don't end up being protagonists are pretty much main characters in their own rights.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>organization members that don't become protagonists uhhhhhh
i wanna get drunk but i didn't buy any beer and i think I'm getting sick anyway
Get yourself some nice hot lemon ginger honey tea.
so much smoke around
>>778037 intake the second hand smoke little Timmy, inhale the smoke
>>778036 i don't like honey in my tea sir please take that back
The honey's not for your LIKE it's just good for a rough throat. If that's not a part of your sickness then sure the lemon ginger would probably suffice.
> A donation of just $2.75, or the price of your Wednesday coffee, is all we need. jimmy wales pls where tf are you getting coffee for 2.75 and is it actually dog poop water
I get coffee for less than $2.75 I just grow, harvest, roast, and brew it myself stop buying avocado toast u dumb millenial
But Jim what if I value my coffee more than Wikipedia
I dunno, even some of the more decent coffee places here will have brewed coffee for around that price. Fancy prepped coffee is a bit unnerving to me so I always just go with the brew option.
>>778064 >>778065 no idea if it's good or bad, I just heard of it a few days ago seems to be trying to avoid special interests from advertising/political groups and all that that, but it might just end up as another google+ and fizzle out
Yeah cats love Christmas trees. One year one of my cats had caught something outside, like a vole or another small rodent. Brought it in and hid it under the tree like it was a present for the rest of us hah hah
You must steel your heart and defeat yourself in mental combat. Once you do that, the way will become clear.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
the worst is when you know a boss isn't that difficult but you keep dying to dumb shit
Kirara 🍄🤡
still on double trouble?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
nah I killed those wankers ages ago Right now I'm fighting the demon firesage. and I keep getting him way down because it's a pretty easy fight but then he'll just catch me in a moment of carelessness and one-shot me. It's happened four times now.
>>778171 >German man plows four teens with large metal rod
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
kyuuuuun charge is the best ability gets me in trouble a lot but also fuck yeah unexpected rein out of nowhere
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
and you tryin' to climb the ranked ladder? or just 4fun
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>778176 just havin fun playin tanks and chatting with whoever is friendly i don't even have my 144hz monitor anymore so i can hardly aim, lots of reinhardt being played as a result
Like if you go chaos or lightning or fire, the weapon won't have its stat scaling anymore so any investment after the requirements falls off. If you are investing in your stats, then a weapon with good scaling and the normal upgrade path works. If you just want a sidearm for your bitchboy spells, the magic paths work. Faith and occult has faith scaling but generally, divine weapons I only make for the skeletons and then yeet that shit.
But in general lightning and chaos are very very reliable paths due to big dick stats for minimal investment of stat points.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
raw is just shittier lightning/chaos generally.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and if you're running like STR/INT STR/FTH etc you could keep a weapon its normal path but buff it with cool spells
down wit h the so called "gods" kill the kings, princes, princessess welcome the age of dark
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
oh boy man watchin a movie w speakers on in the library and people are just letting him he gon get dunked man behind me meanwhile is snoring in his chair this is pure chaos
a game where you so easily slip to your death, with low visibility puzzle area is just bad design but then again that seems to be the core soul of fromsoft annoy people with goodly made bad design
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The game after anor londo is generally considered poorly designed. But rejoice.
Dark Souls 2 has way worse shit.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I still have the scars of horsefuck valley and the trek to smelter2
take a wild guess which alternative launcher it debuted on
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
ding ding ding
i completely forgot, rockstar has their own launcher lol wtf
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>Both Steam and Epic Games Store form concentric DRM layers to the Rockstar Games Launcher, and the game will be available on this launcher throughout, including pre-orders.
>>778231 yeah with gta4 it was damn amusing you booted steam then signed into rockstar then booted I think there was another step and then signed into games for windows to play online
and after booting it you could shut down everything including steam but you had to go through all those launchers before it allowed you online play
it was fucking silly
>>778226 Hm. I kinda want to get up to cowboy antics so maybe I'll get it eventually. Gonna wait for a sale though.
>>778210 nah mate I told you to focus on vit, end, and str for a ez first run hp is a resource for when you wanna trade
Kirara 🍄🤡
making $500 for about 5 hours of work today new side gig my buddy has a business doing substance use evals and stuff for the courts, he's bringing me on to do assessment occasionally he'll just call me up and have me do some assessment it's a good new gig
Well that's pretty nice. I'll be making about sixty for a little less, hah hah
>>778238 Well as long as it isn't e-legal. Can't be doin' none of those E's
this side gig will probably start netting me like $1000-1500 a month starting in February for like 3 evals a month
Kirara 🍄🤡
and i'm actually undercharging the going rate for these assessments too
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
charge more always charge more!
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
raise your rates every day
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i d have put the clap emojis but i guess that is very passe by dec 2019 standards
i wish i had the guts for freelance work and the visa status maybe one of these days
> Game Spark updated after speaking to Yasunori Ogura. The marketing manager apologized for any confusion, but it was simply a new image to change his Twitter banner. It hasn’t been changed since Metal Wolf Chaos XD, so he went with an obscure Armored Core: Verdict Day promotional image that was mistaken as something new.
>>778255 I wonder if BotW would have been different if it was Wii U exclusive. Sheika slate seens like a set up for gamepad functionality
>>778255 Yeah I'm mostly just joshing. I went to the midnight release for Pokemon X/Y and it was an overall decent experience. Aside from having to get home without any of the buses that leave from the subway station I get out at. Don't think I'd do another again but it wasn't a miserable thing to do.
>>778257 You give the Mahjong Soul mobile app a spin at all yet?
>>778259 Nah I only play at home so I've got my laptop there anyway. I just don't have a need for it. How is it?
It runs really smoothly on my new phone, honestly probably more smoothly than on my PC playing it through the browser app. The UI is pretty much unchanged, though the default is for tiles to be double-tapped to discard since you can't just cursor over them.
I also have it installed on my laptop since it's a Chromebook and you can install Android apps on it. I could just access it through the web I guess, but for games I like having them run as separate instances if possible. All around pretty solid standalone app though.
>>778263 naw I literally mean souls game + mahjong it is actually an action adventure but it somehow has mahjongfitted into it
i downloaded mahjong soul on my phone but im probably never gonna pay it play it im barely ever in a positiion where i could play a mahjong game on my phone
>>778276 I don't think its presumptive to assume that when someone is talking about "American mahjong" that they mean the one this Wikipedia article is about.
>>778279 I said "Americanized Mahjong" you insatiable ass. There was a specific type I was referencing to Maria and I knew if I said "Americanized Mahjong" he would know exactly what I was talking about. Your presumption was that your contribution to the conversation was even valuable in the first place.
>>778282 tbh I actually thought you were talking about the American variant since most people just call that American mahjong I didn't realise you meant the kickstarter until a few posts later Speaking of which did that get funded?
Man what happened to Sakis art Every girls boobs are bigger than their heads Like it's uncanny now How is Nodoka supposed to be the big boob girl if everyone is gargantuan
The steam controller was a bad purchase It doesn't work with the game I want to play Even though I configured it with the game specific steam controller configurator But when I launch the game the buttons don't do anything.
this never would have happened if they only had doubles i didn't even get to draw yet. I just slept the afternoon away. ...Good thing I already called out.
>>778330 It's okay ToN the magic ending is real and if Will and Lion are still alive then we can believe that every Ushiromiya lives on in the metaworld. No one died and Battler reunited with his sister. Happy ending no need to worry
also shannon=kanon was bizzaro Like how did Jessica not realise that her best friend was just her crush with some stuffing down their shirt Like GEE it sure is strange you've never seen Kanon and Shannon in the same room together
I was gonna to go bed but I started working instead
>>778336 what's the second? Umineko was so fucking good dude every day I wish I could read it for the first time again I listen to Dread of the Grave once a day
tbh I thought valhalla was a little boring It looks nice and it has good music but for some reason I just couldn't really get into it Like yeah Dorothy was cute and all but it didn't click
Kirara 🍄🤡
valhalla was fantastic i don't think i can replay it though i probably won't be able to play the sequel either unless i'm really careful
haha the other day i was talking to a client and i mentioned my family gave me a lot of cravings and she asked "did you have a plan?" and i was just like "a plan for what" even though i literally ask my clients what their plan is all the time, it's a relapse prevention plan idk i just never expected a client to ask me about my own relapse prevention plan
>>778351 she didn't show up haha my mom didn't even acknowledge the fact so i just let it slide
>>778349 OOh yeah, how was the girl your mom wanted to set you up with?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did I ever tell you about the time in elementary school where they wanted me to be in an advanced education after school program which I was down with but apparently there was a miscommunication because I was just hanging out with all the mentally disabled kids and drawing and was like "this is weird but fine" and it would seem they thought I was supposed to go tot eh special education after school program.
Kirara 🍄🤡
special squad for life
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
nah I was only there the one time
Kirara 🍄🤡
you may have left the special squad but it never left you
I was texting with coworkers while working and me and one guy were joking about how one person isn't working right now, and i was like "you should be at home, working at 9pm, like us"
and one of the guys just sends a picture of his lower body without pants on in a hospital room with his laptop on his lap now that's dedication
>>778357 What the fuck? Sounds like you guys get along great.
A few weeks ago I was having a really hard day (it was partly your fault because i was stressed out about your tumor) and one of my colleagues noticed and she went out and got me my favorite smoothie
and nobody's ever really done stuff like that for me before it was really great
i get a mango smoothie like twice a week haha everyone at work knows i love wawa there's one down the street from work which is fantastic
work is really great, i love my folks there we just do nice things for each other all the time like sometimes we'll just randomly buy each other lunch or whatever or we see articles we think they'd be interested in and we share them it's such a good atmosphere
that's why i want to move back to florida to work there it's the only place i've ever truly felt at home i'm happy enough there that i'd choose to live in florida for it
i'm really proud of ton for letting them use all that newly empty space in his chest/neck area to incubate bird eggs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>778371 my neck feels a-ok I sometimes feel sore all over but now I'm continuing tylenol OTC I was also taking Ibuprofen but then I read on it that taking it with blood thinners can cause stomach bleeding and I was like yikes >>778370 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >>778375 that's fucking awkward. but hey at least I can listen to the goo.
I'm worried about my dad's liver. He really drank a lot and he also used ti get drunk and take take bunch of acetaminophen.
tylenol-3 has acetaminophen and codeine in it to stop people from abusing it >implying people would abuse something that weak and not just get percs or hydros or something
well here's the problem for the ENTIRE TIME the chest tubes were in me I thought they were in my lungs draining liquid from my lung
they were not in my lung so I don't know what the liquid is or where it was it could have still have been draining liquid from my lung I would believe that but how if it was not in there
>>778399 Huh That's weird You should ask one of tge doctors at your work When do you go back to work?
Kirara 🍄🤡
usually chest tubes drain liquid around the lungs not directly from the lungs
Kirara 🍄🤡
if they were draining directly from your lungs you would most likely have been intubated for it
>>778399 probably draining fluid in your chest cavity unless you have like severe pneumonia or something they won't typically have fluid actually inside your lungs if there was fluid inside the lungs it would be excruciatingly painful
but yeah probably excess juice from having the tumor removed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
juicy furry teeth tumor
Kirara 🍄🤡
like a starburst
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
saying that out loud triggered siri
Kirara 🍄🤡
she reported you to the FBI
stuff isnt usually supposed to be in the area between your organs so if you get an infection or tumor in your body cavity it can make fluid build up and there isn't anywhere for it to go it can press on your internal organs if there is too much fluid built up and cause problems so they were sucking the forbidden ToN soup out with a straw
bloody cops every time they order something it's a bunch of soda and they always have no fuckin parking >>778418 oh this vtuber I think I've seen she's kind of derpy but still cute moe you could even say
>20gb update for CoD again god dammit activision let me play your game once without updating for an hour
>when u are drunk and u find the zoom slider on the selfie camera at 3am youtube comments with the real shit
>>778422 retard moe she probably has the wii shop channel music playing in her head 24/7
The ending of Campaign 2 might have been a little disastrous but I still love that I could pull out Blood Pain as a music track when fighting Gandora and without skipping a beat PAN immediately knew what was happening. >>>/watch?v=Z9oYZZ6ON0I
>>778428 Did you ever end up using that song I sent you? >>778427 i have the mii channel for my personal elevator music
>>778464 >>778465 it's really not that hard to learn mahjong four sets one pair
>>778487 Well if it's not interesting then you wouldn't need to bother since it's just not fun
>>778489 Well I mean if you consider the ratio of time spent learning to time spent playing I think it's a good ratio Like if you have the time it can't take more than a day to learn the very basics
>>778485 The part that makes it hard is that I don't find it interesting. I can never remember how to play poker either. I really likrle the idea of mahjong
>>778485 Err, I don't find learning it to be interesting I mean. Poker is boring to me though.
>>778568 Gwyn is one of the most fun bosses because learning his moves takes more skill than some of the others and it's really satisfying What areas did you skip? DLC?
>>778597 i couldn't get into DaS3 i only finished it twice after bloodborne it just felt like an inferior experience in every way
Kirara 🍄🤡
some of the bosses in DaS3 were alright a big problem is that they sacrificed the original feeling of DaS and put it somewhere between it and Bloodborne in terms of gameplay which ruined it for me if i wanted fast paced gameplay id do Bloodborne
>>778650 i would crack a koke but that is actually horrifying
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
crack open a coke
the secret to making a crying face is adding the tears this sounds simple but in truth i have been struggling for hours
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
how do you draw any lines on a face without making the person automatically look 70 years old
you have to use your lines well. If the face doesn't have a lot of lines or the rest of the body is minimal in lines extra lines on the face makes it look aged you have to make it match
Kirara 🍄🤡
crack open a skull
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>778657 makes sense yea contrast is key i should probably also not press down on the paper with four thousand atmospheres
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it's amazing what comic inkers can imply with a flick of the wrist
>>778659 Contrast is a good way of putting it. If you're thinking about it, if you're drawing with pen or pencil on paper, you're really only working with a binary or at best two-dimensional sliding scale of colour. In real life the lines in your face aren't like a sheer binary from the skintone of your face, they're often a subtle change in colour based on how the light is hitting your face. Understanding where the lines might be if you had a more diverse set of colours and tones to work with is useful for understanding the three-dimensional shape of the face, but for drawing line-art, Blue's right, you should be pretty minimal with the lines you put down.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
in conclusion, feudal japan was a land of contrasts.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>778661 yeah skin is hard to render that's for sure i like reading about how they do tricks like fake sub-surface illumination for healthy looking skin in 3D games
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
yay the local coffee place re opened after a month boo they have been replaced by a larger chain of less friendly baristas
some chains are better especially if it is a franchise chain rather than a proper chain since franchisers can put a lot of effort into making their store a lot better than other ones of the same brand
I like one robert's coffee int eh capital for that very reason they have a quite good staff and good food/coffee
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
the old chain had a more personable, grungy kinda hipster coffee joint kinda aesthetic new one is a lil more formal midtown clean whatever
still my fav cafe in the capital is cafe aalot *aalto
I should go there some day, but it is so expensive like 1,5-2x prices compared to other places, but the quality - atleast last time I went - is so much better
also since it is in the second store of a bookstore, it is a quite comfy place to go read a book you just bought
>spend few minutes loading a game >time to spend few minutes to start the battle when game crashed yaii
also I just travelled one hour 3 minutes into the past I am a time travller
does anybody else like the sport battles they can just squirt the water into their throat with
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i just played a Ness who could have literally been a flowchart wow
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>778676 those always disturbed me as a kid idk why i think i associated them with sporty guys not in my in-group at the time they're good stuff would be way more convenient in bed that's for sure
wiff PK fire get down air tippered wiff PK fire down air wiff PK fire down air dead
>>778678 yes it is very convenient to be able to squirt things into your willing mouth in bed i know what you mean though would be a lot harder to spill
>>778683 >going off the stage as cloud see this is where you fucked up sir
a good cloud does not edgeguard he simply charges limit and wishes he had vertical mobility
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
god i wish i were playing roy right now -cloud
petition to just make the second part of braver happen every single time without additional input make it happen nintendo
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
braver is cloud's up special its one of the limits in 7 or maybe im thinking of climhazzard HMMM oh yeah braver is fair up-b is climhazzard!
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i think braver is FORWARD. AERIAL
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i just edgeguarded a terry got rum-and-coked quite a few times
how bad are terry's hitboxes? i saw people complaining about them a LOT on youtube
but everyone always says the new guy is OPPP
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
idk but once you're in his combos i think you're stuck there maybe pros can SDI out idk??? i don't think his hitboxes are particularly crazy compared to ken or ryuu altho POWERA GAYZER is a massive building sized hitbox
i guess if you get hit by the outside of it in doubles or something it might deal some extra damage but if you get hit by the first part you should only ever get the damage from the main red hitbox
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
just got cheesed by a link pls why were we made to suffer
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>778718 yea it must be for more than 1v1s maybe there are some situations where the enemy can fall out like incineroar's command grab too idk??
>>778721 naisu i miss that game maybe i'll play a bit really tho i should pick up my disco elysium i hmm >>778723 plateau was the best low heart zelda is best zelda
gotta love tumbling all the way down the mountain im gonna have so much Fun playing death stranding on pc
>>778724 disco elysium looks awesome stream it! >>778726 it's like breath of the wild except you lose all the shit you're carrying and it all fucking goes all over the place and blows up and you want to die
>>778749 Yeah forgot that He's an amazing artist. Anyone who isn't familiar with his work should llolook him up. Speaking of which, I might get a book on him a a present for my friend.
i'm watching this stream where a guy named jerma hosted twitch plays carnival games they had little robots the twitch chat could control the angle and power of the launching of rings and balls and stuff for the games its pretty hilarious
Nice I love stuff like that
>>>/watch?v=OoVXE8Q0BEk i missed the stream itself but it's great anyways they picked an awful day to do it, it's so damn windy haha
>>778768 tile based office roguelike objectives such as fix the printer fetch coffee scan your ass
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i write code to escape the office environment not replicate it!
>>778772 come on a game where you have to goof around at the office as much as possible without getting fired would be dope
it could even be a survival horror office sim except without good writing and story like yuppie psycho
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
damn i got 2-1'd by a roy >>778773 it sounds like something i would have written a few years ago tbh i feel like i would want to do something psychedelic or weird these days tho
>>778791 Yeah last year I think It ruined one of my dumb strategies that worked way better than it should've.
>>778792 i read collage as college and was like "wait this exists
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
heh they nerfed the shit out of elbereth i bet
>>778795 No They changed the spawn rates for shit from dipping into fountains I was really lucky about getting wishes from stuff from the fountain
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
oh man. drinking and dipping into fountains was something i did too it's been so long
thought you were talking about college for a second and not nethack >>778794 i mean the game does kinda have a weird art collage style just without the collage part
reading the reviews apparently the 'neural network instructor' doesn't actually care what you draw just like real art school
So I assume when you say tile based, you mean discrete movement, or am I wrong?
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
idk im just talkin about it mostly and lookin at the entity component system trying to figure out how it ticks
for any modern game i would hope the player character is not strictly locked to tiles
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
yea there are lots of games that do (like baba!) but man idk discrete is hard to deal with for me unless it's entirely turn based
I love turned based Well, active time battle system a la Chrono Trigger is fine too.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i am sooo bad at necrodancer rip idk why i can't figure out how to make my muscle memory compute the different enemies
i think the only time i don't mind discrete is in jrpgs if you don't need to move around a lot or it's a puzzle game it's fine too i guess even old action rpgs like secret of mana had free movement
because they're cops and legally if a cop kills a hostage, the person that had that hostage is the one who is considered the murderer cop has no consequences
I upgraded all my gear and went back to fight Gwyn He still killed me but it felt much more like a Gentlemen's duel than a brutal dicking Got him down to 1/3 life I reckon I'll have it in a couple more tries
I have to assume this place is bougie as hell just on the virtue of there being peacocks everywhere as opposed to the woman who had a random peacock turn up in her yard and now it's her pet