Thread #778455
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Hi hey hello again
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hello have you seen moon at all lately?
Ahiru no Sora BokuBenEpisode 8-9 Chihayafuru ChoyoyuEpisode 6-9 Hataage! Kemono Michi Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare!Episode 17-22 PSYCHO-PASS Shinchou Yuusha Val x LoveEpisode 8-9 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken OAD
>>778458 No, Moon's been pretty radio silent. I think it's still the fact that Moon needs a lot of money, relatively speaking, to have a place to live come mid-December. Though it's not just a matter of focus I think the situation in general makes Moon pretty despondent and not wanting to burden people with having to know about it. But I also haven't heard anything in a while. Hopefully things haven't taken a steep dive.
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I hope it's going okay for him. Hataage Ahiru Kono oto 17 Shinchou yuusha honzuki
My premonitions last week were correct, the Ore wo Suki episode this week is a recap episode. From the look of it HorribleSubs isn't even releasing it.
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Ah, well no great loss. Recap eps sck suck hataage okay lets start
Well it's a loss of a perfectly good normal episode if they hadn't done a recap!
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They're going to steal the puppy, that's low.
They've basically become Team Rocket after Pikachu.
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She's going to get slammed again. oh wow he walked around
He's truly mastered the three dimensions now.
Oh I missed the wrestling event posters the first time around hah hah. He's suplexing the vampire girl on them.
Man these three all really belong together eh.
How's he supposed to chase down Hiroyuki at this certain noble's place without asking the noble in question.
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Wow, they just gave the dog to some noble?
Yeah that's pretty dastardly. There's even a cute little girl that's become attached to it now.
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Why did that noble pay so much for a dog?
Well dogs like Hiroyuki might be kind of rare in this world. I'm starting to wonder if it's not Hiroyuki and just another dog that looks coincidentally like his.
They really don't have ANY kind of money.
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Aren't they like in debt?
If not, floating somewhere around just barely able to subside.
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Their plan is kinda weird. They should have just held the dog hostage if they wanted him to suffer.
Or done like a proxy-proxy to do the sale. Selling it straight to the noble was hella stupid.
He always reserves the suplexes for the women in this series.
From what we've seen MAO's never been able to beat Genzo in a fight before. Why's he thinking this time'll be different.
Guess she's gonna beat that bitchy greater vampire with the power of PURO WRESTLING
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ahiru yeah, seems like the next few eps will be wrestlan okay lets start
Ba su ke!
Wow what a predicament.
Oh yeah, this is the, well, girl I guess, from the ED. She'll be their manager before long.
Hah hah that's a name.
She's got some advanced like dojikko.
Advanced-level, even.
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The quality seems a bit more under control this episode.
She's kind of sweet despite her dojikko.>>778501 Some times you just need a breather to get your head back in the game.
He's such a little dweeb.
Oh she volunteered herself for the manager position. I guess that simplifies things.
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They have a proper team now.
These fucking kids.
She doesn't really discriminate when it comes to the guys. It's really just the moves they show off that gets her going.
Hah hah wow she doesn't mince words.
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I'm guessing the girls are going to beat them
Nao sure talks big for other people.>>778509 Yeah these guys are obviously gonna get trounced.
These fucking kids.
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kono oto 17 okay lets start
She's really become such a sweet girl after spending time with the Koto club.
Oh we're back to Hozuki's trauma over the last piece she played for her mom.
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yeah, I like her better than the other girl
I like the relationship between Kudo and Hozuki. They've got that kind of pointedly for-fun banter that I get kind of envious of. The other girl and the club president is more of a more traditional shoujo relationship I think.
He's such a tsuntsun tsensei
This old lady sure has a look of insanity to her.
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She has crazy eyes.
She hungers too much for AMBITION. Plus it looks like the crazy runs in the family.
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shinchou okay lets staryt
They've encountered a real weird danger this time. It's so powerful it bugs out even the skill-reading spell.
These gods don't really seem to be all that amazing.
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yuusha's power level is just so high
Wow that's one-part clever and one-part really mean to Valkyrie.
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Luring it to a high level NPC is a lot like cheating.
Yeah but the summon is pretty cheatful to begin with anyway.
One of these days Rista will learn her lesson.
He just constantly has a stock of her hair on hand hah hah
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He always makes fun of her for being smelly that's like hitting a girl's weak point
He's not the only person to remakr on -remark on it though. So there might be something going on.
Oh he's full dragon now.
Oh wow.
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She's got a lot of issues too
Seiya has a bad habit of messing up the people around him.
I guess the hair doll will become useful eventually.
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I'm sure he'll make something crazy with it. It's foreboding that he didn't say ready perfecto
Well something will obviously go wrong but there goes the last of the Maou's Elite Four.
Wow he doesn't have a single point of MP. All swords and magic items but no magic himse- ... What.
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That was a weird ending.
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okay honzuki okay lets start
It seems like her magic fever has a good way to get worse before it gets better. From peeking in on threads for this show it seems like the original material stretches a good way into Main's life as she grows up in this world. It's a shame these one-cour isekai adaptations rarely get more than a single season. There's so much content that it doesn't get to.
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Oh does she grow up and stuff?
I think the original material's currently a t a point where she's a young lady, though I'm a good bit uninformed as to how old she is. There's even a Harry Potter arc where she goes to magic school that I don't think this adaptation is going to reach.
She's really, REALLY clumsy at hiding her isekai secret. Though she picks pretty good people to be clumsy at it with.
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I guess she's going to spend most of her time saving for her i don't want to die fund.
It's a good thing to invest in.
Especially with how her magic fever seems to be really picking up.
Though it must be nice for Main to have someone like Lutz she can let loose and talk like a total alien amongst these people.
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Everyone is going to go into capitalism mode to save her.
Some times you gotta go as low as you can get to save people.
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He'll become an amazing craftsman if he works hard trying to save her.
Oh no she got too excited. It seems like beating The Devouring takes walking the fine line between not losing hope and becoming despondent as well as just not doing things that excite the psyche too much. That means both not getting angry or overly happy. Must be a pretty stressful life to lead.
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Yeah, she seems in bad shape.
Well if that preview is to be trusted things aren't as bad as they seem for the moment. I think Main's gonna need a more permanent resolution to her problem before long though. Or death. Death's pretty good at being a permanent solution.
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I'm sure she'll make it. thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks. See you tomorrow.