im going to be focused on work tonight so i won't be joining you gomen
have fun and enjoy your shows!
Ahiru no Sora Chihayafuru Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-5 Hataage! Kemono Michi Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 15-19 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-6 Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo PSYCHO-PASS Shinchou Yuusha Val x Love Episode 4-6 Beastars
Hi hello how are you
>>770617 Ah sorry to hear that. Best of luck with work.
Also by the by I don't believe we'll be getting an episode of Azur Lane tomorrow. I saw some chatter about it and the site I kinda track anime on doesn't seem to have an episode listed for tomorrow.
... Who just gives out random haircuts. Of all things.
Azur Lane is probably suffering from budget issues if the QUALITY is any clue.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised. If not budget, insufficient studio workforce. Which -could- have be resolved by a higher budget early on but not much to be done now. Hopefully a week lets them get ahead of the grind a bit.
Yeah i mean that was a pretty bratty thing the kid did but his mom was kind of being a bit unpleasant too.
there was a lot of QUALITY in that last azur lane episode it was kinda funny
Yeah. Kind of ironic too since it was the heaviest fanservice episode too. That's kind of the thing you usually want looking the absolute best.
Ah yeah hah hah that's a pertty unfortunate haircut she got. Though I guess it doesn't look that bad.
This is the first time we've really gotten a lot of focus on this girl though. She's a plain kind of cute.
Once they get through his surly nature at least. It seems like this whole team is fated to be stocked with delinquents and punks. Except for the MC at least.
I guess this is gonna couple with the actual high school refusing to recognize their team as legitimate because it's all a bunch of delinquent hooligans.
Looks like that weird thing with two episodes per week only lasted for episodes 2-3 and 4-5. I wonder if that means the full season will be fourteen or fifteen episodes.
That's kind of a creepy tone for an old man to take with a young boy.
I kind of wish I could wear a kimono without having to be an unrepetant weeb about it. I mean I'll probably end up doing it at least once regardless but it would be nice to not have to be a weeb about it.
Unfortunately white people always look like weebs in them.
In games like these, the person you've played against the most is always the person you're best suited to beat.
It's always a little funny to hear them talking about being exhausted by playing a game like this. But I guess anyone would probably get pretty tuckered out after making those swiping motions for hours on end.
He's really landed in a desperate situation that he doesn't have a proper appreciation of, either.
Yeah things are really pretty dire, it sounds like. I guess this is a good argument for why just fast-travelling around a world is a poor way to get a good look at it.
A party member having to become a sacrifice would normally be a big deal but he doesn't even care. I bet they are misunderstanding him though. He's probably saying she should just go home and not worry about it.
Yeah. He hasn't been actively vouching for her to become his legendary sword so considering his usual tactlessness it's a good indicator he's not interested in her being sword-ified.
It really is a pretty standard JRPG story plot though. A character in your party (usually female) has been chosen to be a righteous sacrifice and the party MC is fighting tooth and nail to make it not the case. It always reminds me of Tales of Symphonia which was one of my first really JRPG-y JRPGs so I guess I have some nostalgic fondness for the trope.
This world has proven to be a really good match for his condition.
Yeah. The preface stuff at the start of the series did say it was like an S-class dangerous situation so the dangers we've been seeing have made good sense.
Also the reveal that most of the world has been conquered by the Maou does actually explain some things, now that I forget -that I think about it. Like it was kind of weird one of the Maou's Elite Four showed up right in the first arc, right. But if the Maou's conquered most of the world then the Elite Four probably have free reign to wander where they please.
This model they use for it isn't that bad when it's standing still as the tiny thing Rista gave Seiya to call her when he needed her but it's weird in this ED.
>>770709 I'm not too big on braids and while her unrestrained chest is quite a lot, I think it's nicer than the hard flatness. Plus she wears the school uniform in a pretty unflattering way.
If there was maybe a middle ground between the two styles I'd probably like that but otherwise I lean towards her all-out mode.
... She's pretty open about her stalking around his mother.
Oh puuru episode. Guess we're getting a lot of fanservice this week.
Her top is super dangerous. No way would a high school girl wear that.
It's a good thing this is a fiction then!
I think Pansy was being earnest about this being an anime original bit though. I've seen some images of a pool scene from the original material but I think it comes later in the series with more characters hanging around.
These cut-ins with his internal narration are fun. Joro is honestly pretty dense though. At least he has the good sense to be on the look out for benches now.
Well there goes his fun for this one. I guess Sun-chan saved the day.
Even if there's small hiccups here or there things are really going way too well for him this episode. There's got to be a shoe hovering around waiting to drop.
Harem romcoms really can only survive on things constantly getting disrupted. If at any time things stabilize it means either things are boring or things need to get resolved.
Oh a two-in-one shocker for the end-of-episode cliffhanger.