Ahiru no Sora Assassins Pride BokuBen Chihayafuru Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Hataage! Kemono Michi Houkago Saikoro Club Episode 3-4 Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-16 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-3 Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo Shinchou Yuusha Special 7 - Special Crime Investigation Unit Val x Love
--Summer 2019 UchiMusume
>>761991 Nope! Chihayafuru previous anime seasons were before my /moe/-watching time.
We have the same amount of isekai this season as we did last season! We just didn't finish all the isekai that was airing last season. Though I wouldn't be surprised if that ends up true this season too.
this show is treading the furry barrier a little too closely
Wow the vampire lady's sure turned into a slob.
im not surprised at that
Y'know the MC keeps talking about opening up a PETTO SHOPPU. But can you see him being able to part with any of these animals to actually sell them as pets.
Maybe? They seem to have gotten rewarded for the monster-hunting quests he tamed instead of killing on before. The quests have probably been worded less "Kill this monster for us!" and more "Take care of our monster problem please!"
The vampire's kind of like the Aqua of this group. Every good fantasy party needs an Aqua.
>Genzo >Attacking an animal
Hah hah I was wondering when she'd be pawning off the swords she took off that hero dweeb.
such a thief
But yeah I still can't see Genzo actually selling off any of the demon animals he picks up. Nevermind the cultural stigma there seems to be agains them, he'd probably be way too picky about making sure they go to good owners to sell any of them. And without selling animals, how is his PETTO SHOPPU supposed to make any money? It is kind of a real dillema.
i assume he'll probably make an army out of them instead and help them overthrow the people who isekai'd him
Episode THREE (3) of this.
>>762047 Maybe he'll use his army of beast friends to overthrow the evil Maou that has enslaved them for purposes of evil and bring about an idyllic society where demon beast and human can live in peace.
Kids sure are monsters.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
houkago no PLEIADES? houkago no tea TAIMU?
I can't remember what game seemed to be what they were gonna play this episode. I'm pretty sure I figured out what it was fromt -from the PV.
i haven't gotten to watch this yet so im looking forward to it
i ought to catch the last two eps
The SoL-y stuff is kind of standard fare but the parts of the episodes that showcase the board games are pretty fun. There's a bit of friendly competition but also strategic analysis of how to play the games.
we used to have a lot of fun in /moe/'s boardgame phase
I've never really played any niche boardgames. Even the more famous niche boardgames like Catan. All we had when I was a kid were the generics like Monopoly or Risk. When I was a teenager my friends and I were more interested in video games than board games. And then as a young adult I didn't have any friends to really play them with.
I like her clover earrings. She has cute hair too.
Gotta go for broke! Go big or go home!
>>762069 i think board games have a better way of building tension and excitement than video games
it's just more fun as a group activity
Maybe. Probably, really. The nights playing video games with my friends were never really about tension, but more about just having something to crowd around and have fun with. Which honestly we could have just done with board games too but, eh. The friends who lived close to my highschool were kind of spoiled and had all the gaming hardware they wanted so it was always easy to access.
yeah video games are stimulating but not very social
board games just have a social nature about them you should join the friendlies in the mahjong soul general for some reason it's not a trash pit of faggotry like the rest of vg, so it's an ok place to be around
there are quite a few people around your skill level too who would like more people to play with than the masters+
>>762072 She's a good genki character. A bit dumb but always enthusiastic about what game they're playing.
Hm that looks like another board game I'm unfamiliar with. They look like they could be generic playing cards but the bull head design makes me feel there's some quirk to them that establishes their board game ruleset.
well we're getting some answers to how this all works then
I still feel like my problems with it aren't really resolved. But this is a fiction so I'm not really all that bothered by it. A good fiction needs a bit of absurdity.
could just expain it as commercial detective work isn't ethical which probably isn't far from reality
I guess this is their ... I can't remember her name. But the old lady who they rented their apartments on Baker Street from in the original Sherlock novels.
He really likes his canned oranges.
A million yen is quite a bit of money for a florist to save up. At least if she's running her own business.
Wow she got recruited to be an aidoru because of her moles. She doesn't really look like the kind of person that normally becomes an aidoru.
Hah hah Sherlock can be such an ass.
Yeah that was kind of the hunch I was building. The part-timer at the florist set up a fake idol audition to get the florist out of the shop. Probably has something to do with the gold robbery that was on the news at the top of the episode.
>Kabukicho Irregulars Well that's a pretty direct lift from Doyle's Baker Street Irregulars.
This is some Scooby-Doo shit hah hah
It's his rakugo performance! The detective's always got to announce the solution to the mystery at the end of the story.
Naisu Save, Watson.
Pft. Watson you absolute dweeb.
Yeah I had a feeling the onii was an onee. They hadn't talked much but the voice felt like a woman's.
that's cool though
Yeah. I don't think Watson's wife in the Sherlock stories had an older sister. Or at least one that had an active role, though I guess Mary also didn't act as a rival detective in those stories either.
It's a bit weird there's all these gaijin folk in Shinjuku though. Though I guess it's a pretty big place for gaijin to go in Japan, but a bit weird for a gaijin highschooler to be living around there.
Though well it's only been four days so I guess it's not really slowly.
This is kind of a different take on Ishtar than what we've seen of anime takes on her. Though with what the ancient Mesopotamian cultures would have considered aspects of beauty, fertility, and whatnot, this one is probably more accurate.
It's being played for humour but it's kind of a pretty unpleasant situation. He's supposed to be the hero but here more than most of the other incidents he's been a part of he's just kind of being a tyrant.
I wonder how much he's going to abuse his party members.
Well first he has to get through abusing the zombies masquerading as a holy man. They're all assuming it was Seiya having genius insight but it was totally just him being neurotically cautious.
Yeah this is kind of a really lazy 3D model. Because of how static it is, it also doesn't really have the really exaggerated expressions the goddess uses a lot of.
>>762138 you know full well that levels aren't linear scaling
>>762142 Yeah that's probably correct. I also wasn't looking at the other stats that were showing on the scan which are probably at least closer to linearity.
She's back to being her disguised appearance now.
a level 80 could probably take on 100 level 8s in most worlds
They're back to this phase of their relationship hah hah.
>>762147 Yeah the scaling's probably something like that. These levelling mechanics probably take after Asian MMOs which always have exhausting exponential scaling like that.
Calling her a butt ugly wench is probably a bit much
and wow he just broke the 4th wall
Who needs the fourth wall anyway.
Ah okay, looks like they're not at each other's throats anymore, but they're still not quite all on good terms. Guess that'll be what they take care of next.
So the theme of this so far has been that everyone is two faced that means the reporter girl is going to be the same, doesn't it?
Two-faced is a bit of a broad definition, but yeah, kind of. Maybe I'm just nitpicking language but it feels more like everyone was pretending in order t
What. My entire train of thought just kind of got derailed with that.
Like with Himawari she hasn't really been two-faced as far as I can tell. She's had ulterior motives for her actions but it's all been in the same face.
But like I said above I might just be nitpicking language here.
Cosmos on the other hand seems to have let her hair down a bit with all the stuff that's gone on. She was a lot more composed when she was plotting with Sun-chan and Himawari.
two-faced is kind of a vague thing anyway... it's really subjective i think anyone can be two-faced depending on your perspective in the situation
I'm probably two-faced to a lot of people I meet. Not out of malice but I tune myself to the people I'm socializing with. But at the same time I'm always being honest with it.
Oh our scummy Mr. Hyde is back to his previous ambitions. Maybe even more ambitious than before. When will he ever learn.
Looks like the reporter girl is scheming though yeah. That newspaper headline she was printing off was an attack on Sun-chan. Oh wait no Amatsuyu is Joro not Sun-chan. All these nicknames some times make things confusing. The only real name I'm consistently familiar with is Pansy's family name.