nanatsu, ore suki, psycho pass, sherlock, some others there's plenty of decent stuff i mean nothing is going to be as good as kimetsu but theres great stuff
Hero Academia is getting its fourth season, Chihayafuru is getting a surprising season three; there's some decently fun isekai series in Honzuki and Watashi, Nouryoku; Enen no Shouboutai is still ongoing from last season.
There's like nearly thirty full-length shows airing this season, if you went through and at least sampled them I'm sure you could find some good stuff. Maybe not near-instant AOTS material like Kimetsu was, but definitely enjoyable.
The one with kemono in the name is good It's by the guy that did Konosuba
Oh and no guns life And uhhh Iruma is okay I like the manga more though
Was half an hour late for my doctor's appointment so it got counted as a no show. Of course I was late because I was having sleep issues as usual and missed not only my normal time alarms but the extra ones I set to try and be up in time to make this one. And in full poetic irony those sleep problems and the anxiety inducing and being caused by them were at the forefront of what I wanted to talk with the doctor on.
So now I've rushed out of the house to get here for a time I couldn't have possibly made and I'm hungry, thirsty, still not well-rested, and feeling as much an abject failure as ever. Oh and a waste of transit fare, that's always wonderful.
At least the appointment was rescheduled but it's next Thursday, setting me back almost a whole week, and way earlier in the morning, on a day that was already a long day for me from the later time it starts. And I'll have to pay a fee for being a no show so that's even more a waste of money.
There's some academic accomodation stuff I'm going to need if I'm not going to barely inch across the finish line this semester at best that needs paperwork from a medical professional so there's a fair bit riding on this. There's also the matter of antidepressants but I don't even know if that's worth bothering with because I'm so fucking inept at taking them with the frequency they require.
I think the one with the beret got leaked or shown earlier, right? Halloween outfits for some girls might be kind of cute. I think the girl voiced by M.A.O is kind of plain, but that's probably got charm in its own right. She's just got nothing more than a highschool uniform.
ponytail JK they have an idol but she's still a little unique to the cast i think art-chan isn't new yeah, but we get to see some of her emotes
the xenia costume is pretty saucy though
I dunno, aside from being Halloween-themed, her outfit isn't that out of place compared to some of the girls that don't dress particularly conservatively.
she's a succubus though!
Is it? I wouldn't have been able to tell. It just kind of looks like an "Aspects of Halloween" style of costume or something to me. Without being any particular monster or thing.
JK and art-chan both look like they have some cute emotes though
I wouldn't mind having some new emotes to work with hah hah I'm still only using Ichihime since she's so close to five hearts now.
I do have Riu so maybe it's time to change out, but I'm still kind of holding out on getting Hana
If I'm being honest I'm hoping I can keep it a trend. I don't really like dressing up. The nicer I dress the more self-conscious I start to feel about my appearance and it kind of creates a self-increasing cycle of unpleasantness.
>>762896 I dressed up to go out somewhere for the first time of my own volition in my entire life today.
I dress pretty well most days since I have to maintain a professional appearance or whatever bullshit. I hate wearing a suit, though. And a tie! oy vey. Just what I need, a fuckin noose around my neck.
I really really hate dressing up. I always feel like I look like a kid in a suit Like people can tell that I don't really belong in one Well, that's how I feel about it anyways
Sometimes you have to wear a tie. I'll be wearing one Monday, too.
Why is it a have to? Are people going to throw me out of a wedding or official arrangement because I'm not wearing one?
Stallman has refused to wear ties for like 30 something years
>>762904 Worst case scenario you'll be asked to leave Most likely scenario: people will talk shit about you behind your back and maybe people will be angry with you later
>>762904 A lot of people will expect you to wear a tie sometimes. You will look like a complete and utter fool if you don't wear a tie at a funeral or a formal wedding. Or an interview for a good job in most fields.
It's a shame, but wearing a tie is part of being an adult and partaking in what society has to offer you.
>>762904 presumably you're there out of social obligation in the first place if you're going to disrespect the occasion altogether, just don't go in the first place
unless you're trying to show up for free food or something, that "have to" is about the social obligation that brought you there in the first place
>>762909 you wouldn't come to my wedding or funeral if you had to dress up for it?
Then sure, I won't fuckin' go. If a social obligation is so wholly contingent on a single strip of fabric then it ain't fucking worth it.
Kirara 🍄🤡
uhh ok
>>762909 Does this mean you don't plan on using your degree?
>>762908 Would you be offended if I came to your wedding without a tie on.
Like I get fucking hating dressing up I hate it too But unfortunately its currently a neccesary evil.
Kirara 🍄🤡
i dont understand why a tie is sooooo horrible that you would completely avoid necessary social events because of iy it's only a few hours of wearing it
>>762912 i dont think highly enough of myself to be offended by it but to see that you thought highly enough of me to do it even though you didn't want to would be pretty heartwarming
Stallman has a really funny essay about refusing to wear ties.
>>762914 I mean I would go if it was a social event I wanted to attend. If the aftermath is that I'm ostracized for not wearing a tie I might argue it if it was someone I was close to but beyond that, so be it.
>>762915 Then I'll have to pre-emptively apologize for not wearing one. I'm sure I'll have plenty of other things I can provide that would be hearwarming though.
Well You could get away with not wearing a tie if you wore a nice dress.
Kirara 🍄🤡
i cant believe tilde is going to ruin my entire wedding by refusing to wear a tie
Kirara 🍄🤡
one time i didn't wear a tie to an academic conference, it was the last day and i was fuckin drunk anyways and this dude came up to me and called my poster stupid and i was just like "okay???" and then he insulted me for not wearing a tie and walked away lol
But yeah, just get a tie yyou like and wear that. I have a fucking Einstein tie. I never get to wear ot though, but if you just wanted to do the bare minimum you could wear a silly tie.
>>762919 I'm gonna redefine the meaning of Wedding Crasher!
is there any formal neckwear that's done with a kimono?
Use the tie as the sash around the waist of the kimono.
I think for some of the more elaborate winter New Years' kimono there's really fancy scarves that are matched with the kimono, those might be considered as formal neckwear.
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>762929 you will be executed on the spot as a warning to all who would disrespect my wife
>>762930 Yeah sometimes men wear the fuckimg poofball on a string It's got like two poof balls, one on each end of the string and they hang it off their neck
>>762932 Well like I said earlier; you'd have an easier time getting me into a literal noose than a tie!
Holy Shit I might buy this I didn't know this was a legit thing.
>>762937 I've been pretty good about avoiding anything that would have me show up in court. I'm sure I can keep that streak up. And if I get dutied for jury then maybe me not wearing a tie would be grounds for them to throw me out, which seems like a win too anyway.
>>762936 Sorry Ic -I can't say shibari is something I'm particularly driven to try.
Kirara 🍄🤡
alright let's get tilde arrested
i mean we could probably make him show up as a percipient witness im sure something or another qualifies
Kirara 🍄🤡
getting arrested is way easier
If I'm a witness then I would leverage the value of my testimony against the absurd requirement to wear a tie.
>>762944 We can't be liked by everyone in the world.
Kirara 🍄🤡
the lawyer calling you to witness would probably hate you haha
>>762942 i dont think the universe will let tilde break the law whatever scheme we set up, cosmic censorship would prevent it somehow
>>762943 You never answered my question about wearing an anime tie.
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>762945 perfect let's bring him with us to do some crimes and see what wacky things happen
I don't WANT to commit crimes.
Kirara 🍄🤡
oh yeah? then explain torrenting anime
Ain't a crime. I can't even be financially penalized for it.
i think men look good in a tie im not sure why anyone would not want to look good
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah it is a crime most anime is licensed now you're violating intellectual property laws
>>762952 I don't think I ever look good. Any argument that's based on wanting to look good or not isn't really something I feel particularly involved in.
>>762953 Dude In the US its literally under civil law, not criminal.
>>762958 Distributing it for money falls under criminal law.
>>762956 Well I'm not going to deny you the opportunity but I really think you've got a lot of work to do to convince me any makeover makes me feel there's any improvement.
>>762953 Fair enough. But just because I don't WANT to commit crimes means -doesn't mean won't. If I weigh pirating anime against the drawbacks of not pirating anime then pirating anime is better in almost all ways beyond criminal for me.
But more serious crimes, I think it's less of a favourable judgement for the crime.
>>762971 when my aunt and uncle lived in germany on the military base, they'd do that every year for my grandparents smuggle a bunch of fuckin kinder eggs we had an unboxing party every christmas and they'd hoard all the collectibles
>>762974 like smuggle the bones out of the evidence room of the police station, or smuggle the bones out of the police officers
Kirara 🍄🤡
let's smuggle bones out of the police
That would probably result in becoming an established enemy so no thanks. Also sounds kind of violent and I have a policy of violence avoidance.
Hey c'mon she's a Duchess not some common street tramp
She could be the Empress of the fucking Galaxy but if all it takes to get into your pants is a nice adjective thrown your direction then who she is don't matter. We're talking about YOU here after all.
the saurus are damn annoying to fight they aren't hard, they just resist all dmg except specific magics too well takes so long to kill them even when they stop being a threat
also the game lacks a dodge or block when you don't have a shield makes some opponents just annoying
BokuBen is pretty wholesome. It might not do anything avant-garde or genre-breaking, but it's generally a feel-good series with cute characters. There's really nothing wrong with enjoying the series. So I don't see why you'd be offended that Kirara thought you'd enjoy it.
quality of the two top finnish bookstores has just gone down
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hmm seems like the ball bearing breaking in the fans MSI uses for their computers is a common issue guess it is a wonder that the original one lasted as long as it did wish you could just take the fan blade off and replace the bearing or lubricate it every now and then
wish amazon operated in all of EU and not specific countries lot use is that trading block
wonder how much would it cost to have some american order and mail one for me?
I think I will order it from ebay When you don't know for sure of the quality, might as well pay only 5-10€ total for it instead of 20-40€ when ordering from amazon
how the fuckd oes it csot so much to send a box when I could actually and this is SOMETHING YOU CAN DO FLY TO FUCKING GERMANY AND BACK With less costs, provided I can book a flight back on the same day too
well those are ofc special prices, but point still stands
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
eat a goddamn pretzel and slap a centaur on the rump
Why can't I eat a goddamn centaur and slap a pretzel on the rump?
Hod Hod i love you bakas
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
bwaka bwaka
This is a nice broad
I don't think she's very nice.
I was just about to ask if everyone is asleep. No, shes a nice gril, I promise. **I actually mistyped board **
I guessed as much. I would ask that you refrain from the Nazi imagery though. It's not really appreciated on this board.
Is this a particularly peaceful board? Im just dropping by for a little bit
I guess? I think peaceful can mean quite a variety of things to different people though. We just don't care for the kinds of people that ironically or unironically post that kind of imagery.
How long has this site been up? Someone told me this was one of the first few incarnations of liveposting imageboards
As far as I know, Doushio is the origin point for the chan-style liveposting imageboards. I think it first came online back in 2012? Don't really know; it was before I started coming here frequently. If Samu's around he could probably give you a better idea of it. It's his project, after all.
this is the vanilla board a lot of folks landed here, then migrated elsewhere to congregate around their particular interests
it's a peaceful place, and there's not a whole lot of activity here, so people sometimes drop by looking to stir up trouble but leave when they don't get the kicks they're looking for it's mostly just discussion of anime and anime-related things with some blogposting and some community activities sometimes like playing dominoes or discussing academia
not a terribly exciting place honestly
Yeah, Im from one of the descendent liveposting imageboards, came here to see what the original one / granpa-sama (I dont know my honourifics) looks like. You guys are pretty cute and this place looks very comfy, I wish you guys all the best in all your respective endeavours. Im off
I've been on a cleaning marathon all night. Not really aggressively or intensive, but just slowly chewing away at all the mess that's accumulated in my room over the past ... I don't even know. It's been a long while since I cleaned up so much though. It's just difficult to care about cleanliness some times, well, a lot of the time, and so a lot of stuff gets untidy or junk accumulates.
Plus I've got like a month's worth of laundry that I've cleaned and finally folded and put away properly. The last time I did that might have even been a year ago.
I still need to figure out where I want to put all this stuff on my desk though. I need more desk space.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
hello anno i'm cooking you a pan seared steak dinner
Bold move trying to defend the honor of a worm-slut
>One day acts all defensive when under the belief he's being slut-shamed >The next day brazenly slut shames a poor girl who has suffered a decade of abuse So HERE'S your true colours, eh.
>>763146 I'm one of the weird people that likes the Borderlands games but only as a single player experience. But I've got to wait until it comes out on Steam next year since I don't have a console it's come out on and I don't want to deal with the EGS.
Man it feels good to have clean and soft bedsheets to slip into again.
>>763148 how much do you like watching jaded misanthropes learn to appreciate the simple things and live without thinking about what society thinks about what they stand for? >>763149 i just can't play these games longer than a couple hours without getting extremely bored not sure about coop, never got a group together that was consistent enough to finish one
just feels like repetitive bullshit but somehow not captivating like how i find mmo or jrpg games addictive
>>763149 i did finish 1 and eventually 2 but don't think I'll bother with 3 now i got to rent it free for a night when i rented John Wick 3 and I didn't have many options to use the free rental on it feels like more borderlands and a little tighter with cooler talents and gun prefixes so if you like the other ones it's probably worth the money but I'm not keen keen>>763152 whoops >>763152 then watch Barakamon best SoL of all time also the OST is a "bop"
my opinion probably doesn't align with general consensus as I'm an edgy piece of shit and Texhnolyze is my favorite anime of all time but Barakamon is like third on my greatest anime ever list after the aforementioned and ping pong
I've watched it 7 or 8 times i think highly recommend
after realizing he lived most of his life miserable yeah
a video I posted to YouTube years ago of a song i like is still there with almost 20k views but the gameplay footage i posted back then is all removed nice algorithm losers
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>763160 >most of his life the guy was in high school
Winter assaults back and forth and what is the result...
nada except some 500k dead on my side alone
Kirara 🍄🤡
alright Napoleon
is actually beneficial when playing as russia to attack during winter the quality difference between you and germany get equalizedw hen both are equally shit at fighting
>ToN telling me all this stuff about eternals and world-ending weapons in GBF >wow, that's like the Curious arc in Back to Back. new chapters when >TODAY
so they have this "stress less week" at my university which is the week leading up to exams and the idea is they have all these fun activities to help people relax and unwind and not feel so stressed out about exams
which I GUESS is a good thing if people feel like they get something out of it I wouldn't want to Detract from anyone else's enjoyment
but at the same time it's like These are adults and you've got a cupcake decorating stall and a petting zoo
Maybe there's something problematic about an institute of academic learning being such a self-important and serious place that they can't give a small amount of time like a week to the students for some silly and relaxing activities like those.
If it's really so necessary for an academic institute to chain its students to their studies so much that they can't indulge in the last vestiges of their childhood, then maybe we should just throw the whole system out.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
No Fun Allowed.
Well we can always throw you out with the academic system if you're so sympathetic to it.
>>763216 "And the scorpion said to the frog 'Why did you shitpost? this is your board too' oh frog said to the scorpion rather. and then the scorpion said (which is me, in this metaphor, in case that went over your head) 'I can't help it. It's in my nature'.
Yesterday, the massage therapist at work was telling me that she has a superpower. She can see the electricity in people's bodies, which she uses to guide her practice and figure out what people need. She says God gave her that power like 8 years ago.
that's pretty cool i bet it helps her a lot at her job
everyone says she's an amazing message therapist ill find out soon
we got along really well i carpooled with her to the funeral yesterday a nd we got to know each other pretty well
she did some essential oils thing to me that cleared my sinuses and my allergies haven't bothered me for like 24 hours now
she's gonna get me a discount on a sensory deprivation float tank session too how cool
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
oils eh like she flooded your sinuses with oil??
Kirara 🍄🤡
nah two drops of peppermint, two drops of lemon, and two drops of one other thing i can't remember on my hands and then i rubbed them together and inhaled and my sinuses were clear
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
train is mOVING >>763231 Ohh ok yea that sounds pretty refreshing
>>763254 i'm glad she isn't suffering anymore she had cancer and lost her sight and hearing and couldn't walk then couldn't eat life is hard but death is harder
joker didn't seem that OP when he came out what changed? is it just because when arsene procs he becomes so insanely strong? he was kind of fun to play but seemed to favor a campier playstyle than i like
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
yea arsene is really powerful and comes out pretty often
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
also why is joker so small he's weirdly hard to hit heh
>>763256 i wish the normal moveset was more fun i understand arsene is the crux of his gameplay but i felt like fighting without arsene was uncomfortable he has like wii fit trainer weird hitboxes and kinda low dmg maybe it would have been better to make arsene something you could activate after building up on command for a shorter time or something >>763258 he's literally a 16 year old japanese kid dude
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
he's canonically 5'9" yet he's smaller than like uhh pikachu?? idk
wait hold the fuck up
wow he's supposed to be 5'9" for real
but he's like a good 8-10 inches or a foot shorter than most of the adults in P5
>>763264 the weird part is it would make sense if there weren't so many adults that were a good amount taller than joker cause he's definitely quite a bit taller than most of the other school kids and a few adult women
shit this means the black guy thats in the entertainment district near airsoft yakuza dad must be like 8 fucking feet tall
>>763268 pikachu and most of the small characters are scaled up a lot yea pikachu's supposed to be like a foot tall
kirby is canonically a handful of centimeters tall
ah its 8 inches kirby is 8 inches tall not cm lol
which means king dedede is a smol fucking penguin
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
ok pikachu is in fact shorter but has way more thiccness and overall volume than bony joker
joker's movement w his up air and his gun karate is kinda cool although i found it really hard to use when i tried him a few times
>>763276 you can up throw -> shffl up air -> regrab for an infinite at low % the first few ticks of his up air have drag knockback so if you're fast falling into the ground and hit them with the first hitbox then land they will land with lag and you will land without lag so its free option select into many other crap options that do no dmg lmao
i should get back into smash i havent played or seen gameplay with the dq hero or banjo yet
I've still yet to test out Banjo. I was really looking forward to Banjo-Kazooie and I've been kind of lazy on testing them out.
>>763284 i'm not sure if the drag landing lasts long enough for that to work i only know it works with fast followups especially regrab into something like dthrow utilt
booting up overwatch for the first time in months and this shit has a role system for queueing now this is cancerous
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
haha yeah sucks for DPS mains rip
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i havent touched OW in a month cuz i been out in canada w my switch only i probably won't even get to play the halloween event but i gues its the same as alqays idk im kinda pissed at blizzard shrug ill just hold out for like DISCO ELYSIUM or somethin once i get back next week
Could always get OVERWATCH ON SWITCH.
But yeah no I get being kind of put off by Blizzard lately, it ain't worth giving them more money.
>>763290 >tfw hanzo main >>763292 the skins this year look pretty good tbh
why are you pissed at blizzard they released WoW Classic, the best game of 2019 >>763303 i don't give this company jack shit they made it to where you can get blizzard balance with in-game WoW retail currency so i just use tradeskillmaster to play the AH on RP servers and gouge people for fake money i can turn into real money
i haven't paid for my WoW sub in 2 years >>763304 hol up you in seattle bro?
>>763313 water you doing in seattle? gonna go visit da needle?
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
wow this looks like skid row there are dockless bikes w graffiti everywhere neat >>763315 i am visit friend he is proud father and i'll drink all the cawfees
>>763317 send pics of grafet i enjoyed that infamous game set in seattle, second son, it had a really nice aesthetic
i'd like too visit seattle myself and check out all the parks and urban graffiti and shit
tell your friend jan said gratz don't tell him who i am though
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
and i oop ok when i return to the train station i'll produce photographs all the grafs ya want 3.50 a pop
and i object oriented programming
>>763322 ok you got paypal i don't do that venmo shit its too hip for me
theres a lot of awesome graffiti on a few abandoned train cars nearby they clean the graffiti on the buildings around here really quick sadly theres a lot of city workers so tagging city property like bridges and stuff is kinda pointless
its also kind of cool to see the hastily made tags on the civilian walkover bridge above the freeway i have to cross walking home change every week though >>763326 lol i haven't used venmo but i don't quite understand how you would have paypal and not understand how to set up a different app in the same category paypal does seem to have entered the public conscience even old grandmas know or have it
i haven't logged into paypal in like 3 years i wonder if someone sent me money and i never got it
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
oh man i had a whole conflict w an airbnb host cuz he only had paypal and i needed to KYC my nine year old account or somethtin
>>763418 I think 2 years back I fell down on an icy slope, slipped it all the way down, with water running on it into an icy water puddle that was fun
Kirara 🍄🤡
i think i forgot to take my heart meds last night my heart rate has been 120 for like 10 minutes and im just sittin here took my meds so hopefully it'll go down soon
im gonna head to cmh i guess i need to but ive been nervous and reluctant so been kinda stalling on it a couple days i dont really know what they'll be able to do to help. i dont think they can really do anything i guess ive got to try though
Kirara 🍄🤡
good luck!! i hope they can get you hooked up with meds for a while again at least
everything so far, with the PHP and with the doctor's visit and with the therapist, has turned out exactly like the worst case scenario i imagined in my head if not worse also with calling places to look for help
so ive been really hesitant ive become paranoid about it and don't want to seek help because of it i feel like im cursed im hoping this will be different this time but if not i dont know what i have left
okay im going to leave now have a good day
they have a 2 star rating on google
it will lrobably be fine
im here but theres like 9 buildings idk where to go
theres a lot of people i think this is staff parking......
I thin normally I would say "keep throwing shit at them untill something happens" is a bad military strategem bt when you have still 1,6 million in reserves after throwing 2 million at them and failing and they have 0 left I think it is working
haha gilbert walked out when i was getting home and he was holding a blunt and he's like "damn matt you lookin clean listen man i gotta talk to you about the vietnam war cuz the way i see it a lotta people that didn't have die died"
Although I feel like there weren't as many Comedic misunderstandings as I would have like to have seen. Also the main character didn't get nearly flustered enough after accidentally seeing one of the other character's bra/breasts/body.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
so many coffees around me i want them all
>>763491 Well don't you worry, the show currently has a season two airing this season RIGHT NOW. So plenty more chances for a-flusterin'!
thanks if anything happens to me put Blue in charge of my video game collection
>>763502 uh, I think you need to put him in your will for that
That reminds me I should probably make a will My MTG collection is probably worth several thousand dollars and I don't want me friends fighting over it. My vidya collection probably isn't anywhere near as much. But my room is a huge clusterfuck
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
what if i added him on STEAM FAMILY SHARING
>>763505 Oh you meant digital I dunno, you should try it
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
there's always my used physical copy of Bayonetta 2 for the Nintendo Switch Entertainment System
Oh wait, i just remembered how many textbooks and rpg books i owned, my book collection is worth more than I thought.
Kirara 🍄🤡
sam you can't die there are still so many things for you to see
The station I switch from subway to bus at is so ridiculously disorganized with the arrivals of buses. The bus that is supposed to run more frequently than my other option is never on time and the bus that I have to wait half an hour between arrivals ends up being more reliable. Plus by the time the "more frequent" bus arrives the amount of time I'd save by getting on it is either negligible or nonexistent.
At the train station im at right now the trains heading in the direction i need to go in ddont stop.
>15 minute wait for next train >rush hour officially starts in 15 minutes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Oops Wrong imageboard
Saw a guy with a naruto backpack waiting for the train.
Everyone is way more excited about me successfully proposing my dissertation than I am. Stuff like that just doesn't really excite me. I already knew I was going to pass, I never really doubted it. The same is kind of true of all my accomplishments in school. Everyone acts like they're all a big deal but when I got my masters or passed my comprehensive exams, I didn't really feel excited or anything. Just kind of relieved that I didn't have to let that stuff occupy space in my mind anymore.
I don't think I really work that hard. I slack off a lot. I feel like I'm slacking off probably 70% of the time when I should be working, when it comes to stuff other than my actual job. My dissertation chair keeps telling me how she's never seen anyone start with a new project and get it proposed successfully within three months. And she's never seen anyone get high marks on their proposal presentation without going through it with her first. But I don't feel like I did anything special? She says she doesn't think anyone but me could have done that stuff, but it wasn't difficult at all? The work was kind of tedious, I guess. All-in-all, if I had worked seriously and if she had been consistent and attentive, all that three months of work could have easily been done in a month. And the presentation for my proposal, I did in 8 hours between yesterday and today. I finished it three hours before I had to present it. None of it is difficult, just tedious. So it's not really exciting to be successful. It doesn't actually feel like an accomplishment.
I think there's a notion in society that long-term tedium is inherently difficult and therefore an accomplishment to complete. Like people congratulate on finishing something tedious while never really questioning that tedium is never really necessary and maybe there's a better way of doing things.
But if you try to downplay your "efforts" the congratulators just get confused or even offended. I'm slipping a bit into my own perspective but that's a lot of the reason I don't like being congratulated because either I feel awkward or I make other people feel awkward and it's just a lose-lose situation at that point.
I dunno. The others seem to actually struggle with some of it, if not all of it, and I can't really understand how. I mean, it's people that are also getting these same accomplishments as me that are getting the most excited. Actually, more than half of them are doing something much easier than me with respect to the dissertation because they're all using archival data while I'm collecting my own data. It's all just so weird to me. I don't really understand it. But that's how it is every step of the way. And I don't think I'm that smart. I'm not actually anything special, I don't think. I'm dumb as shit and I fuck up all the time.
>>763526 I don't really congratulate myself on anything along the way any more than I do with anything. I don't think I ever congratulate myself actually. I do with therapy sometimes, but that's something different.
>>763523 you've congratulated yourself on every job well done along the way, small or large other people don't whip out the congratulation until the larger task in whole is complete, so it's an amalgamation of all those small efforts over a duration combined you're seeing the final step in a process that you've been through the whole journey to get done
>>763525 you congratulate yourself in small ways with the relief, anticipation, reward that goes into doing each duty even if you think you dont, others can see it in the simple things you look forward to at the end of the day/week and the enjoyment you get from them it all goes together it's small shit, but it's a small constant stream
you don't have to be bragging or literally patting yourself on the back obviously you wouldn't do something like that because it's too disjointed. you're there the whole way through so it's continuous other people only get to acknowledge your work in discrete chunks so it's going to be in more disjointed ways
The things I look forward to at the ends of the days and weeks are things I'll do regardless of my progress in my work or on the quality of my work. They aren't congratulatory in nature, they're necessary things I'll do for myself regardless of anything. In fact, the worse I do, the more I do those things, typically. There's no reward to anything related to my school, typically, other than making it cease to exist as something that has to take up mental space. And negative reinforcement isn't even really a reward. Every step of the way, my schoolwork feels completely empty in every single way.
>>763528 the peace of mind to find gratification in the simple pleasures doesn't come without appreciation for the struggles undergone or a sense of accomplishment
i guess it's weird if i congratulate you though or i can't convince you you deserve it since youve also done it to yourself so idk what to say do you want us to just go about the day as normal or what's the appropriate thing here im not being cynical i mean it seriously
I was looking at the books I need for my readings for class and I'm pretty sure I can get the exact editions for all except one from the bookstore I'm working at now. Which means I can save a buncha money through the employee discount.
I just want to check when I work tomorrow if they have a policy on employees having their online orders shipped to store in case I can dodge on shipping costs too.
that's not what i mean you told us about your dissertation proposal but said you weren't excited about it and it's weird for people to congratulate you i'd like to say good job but it seems like that would bother you
>>763537 all signs point to no considering you get 20,000 dollars for it
>>763534 It's pretty nice, as far as retail goes. All the staff I've interacted with are pleasant and seem pretty happy to be there. We've got comms we're supposed to wear while on shift and there's a handful of employees that'll often fill the silence by nattering and respond a little more creatively than just an "aye aye" to things asked of them. So far I've pretty much just been on cash or walking a beat through the bookshelves of the floor I'm assigned to; being present to help customers, tidying up after the ones too lazy to put books back where they found them; stuff like that.
They've been a bit sparing at how many shifts they've been throwing my way but I chalk that up to maybe me still being considered an employee in training. Plus they have this online service that makes it really easy to pick up shifts other employees are looking to not work, so if it really turns out they aren't giving me a lot I always have that.
All in all I'm pretty content with it. Hopefully they keep me on after the seasonal ... season is over.
it feels like something some people would want to keep the fear authentic without the buzzkill of "oh nothing can actually happen to us or they'll get sued" that pervades most haunted house experiences like a safeword thing
maybe it's a haunted house for lawyers they've manufactured a legal nightmare for them to experience
Kirara 🍄
if it were for fear, they wouldn't have stuff like "participant fully understands they may come into contact with carbon monoxide poisoning with regard to use of artificial fog"
>>763541 there's no actual house, just the contract is the haunted experience
Kirara 🍄
apparently people have gone to the police over it before but the police refused to do anything because the waiver was a legal document
reporters for the Guardian say they saw people having their heads dunked in dirty water and held underwater for a few seconds and then dunked again apparently they lock you in coffins filled with insects and shit like that
there's also apparently no safe word and you have to beg the people to let you out??
some people have been seriously injured or had their nails removed apparently
isn't that just fear factor basically
Kirara 🍄
im oretty sure you can bail on fear factor way easier
i mean it’s like a 40 page fucking with you document in that ”we can do all the shit i mean theres a part where they say they will rip a tooth out of you with no painkiller fucks sake
the cost of replacing that tooth is going to eat into the piddly 20k you gain
Kirara 🍄
not if you have good dental insurance
but all the therapy for the trauma will eat into it
if you have good dental insurance why are you trying to get a fifth your annual income at some mansion
Kirara 🍄
people are pretty stupid like that
>>763544 I don't think that is a legally binding document as in even if you sign something like that, it would be legal to do that to you
Kirara 🍄
>>763554 it actually probably is now that i think about it injury waivers are pretty common
>>763555 I think there is a limit to stuff you can waiver away unless the waiver is really specific like about that dunking and spider coffin
>>763555 Do you know what jurisdiction its i? *in Also you can't waiver away rape Which some participants have reported You might might be able to waiver away sexual assault tthough
Marsh you should watch this show it is excellently cute.
i dont think you can waiver away criminal offenses just civil ones so even if you waiver off bodily harm, there's the separate criminal offense for causing it i dont really know law but that would be my guess
I'm interested in seeing a lawsuit against them They definitely deserve it and I think it has the potential to set really good precedent Or horrible precedent
Kirara 🍄
>District Attorney Brent Cooper said that the program is legal because people are subjecting themselves to it voluntarily, though participants can withdraw their consent at any time according to Tennessee law.[9] Apparently they do it in Tennessee and Alabama
/moe/ i've definitely committed a rookie mistake and i know you love talking about my girl problems with me
one of my coworkers is a total cutie and its become pretty clear that we have crushes on each other, and we vent to each other about our problems when we see each other (she works nights, i work days), but she totally just straight up has a fiance. I'd like to believe she plans on breaking up with him >>763574 no hold on listen cuz now she's opening up to me about him having cheated on her and it being rocky and stuff. And a couple days ago I got her phone number and told her I'd text her. but now I've come to realize that this girl would definitely make my life worse because she is self-destructive and stuff and her problems will endlessly become mine. but my main thing now, is how do i go about not being a homewrecker, WITH FINESSE like obviously i could just never talk to her again but i mean there's gotta better way to make sure she doesn't leave her man through my ecouragement and leave the blood on my hands
how about loudly and overtly wrecking said home everyone wins
well my last ex made my life pretty bad through extreme emotional and financial dependency (mostly financial) and THIS girl just so happens to be bankrupt (v cute, i know) like literally bankrupt and keeps talking to me about how she wants to quit this job (adorbs, yes, truly) also seems like the overly attached, dependent type overall but she has a big gap between her two front teeth and that's exactly something I'm into
>>763582 oh. hmmmmm invite her to a posh restaurant and then dine and dash on her
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
idk yea that seems like it will take some care if you have already agreed to text her and want to remain friendly coworkers
yes the friendly coworkers part is a big thing because I am THIRSTY for her company
well don't just let her quit her job and ride off you work takes effort it sucks but thats what it do
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
in the immortal words of the green goblin, do what you need to her then broom her fast
Kirara 🍄
have her arrested but make sure she doesn't know it was you who framed her then you don't have to talk to her anymore and you avoid the awkward parts of ghosting of her easy
then I could still visit her in jail and romantically press my hand against hers but with the bulletproof glass window between our hands but not actually have a responsibility of dating her
she could smash her breasts against the glass for you
i dont know my anime fetishes well but i think NTR has to have the person being cheated on be loyal in the first place being truly cuckolded but im not sure marsh should know
lol that reminds me during my proposal today i mentioned that many trans people engage in sex work to make money and at the end a committee member asked me "if there's so much discrimination against trans people, who is paying them for sex???"
Kyaa I gave the new guy at the gym bench press advice I hope it didn't come across as too presumptuous or condescending I just want to help..
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
And in 2017 i was doing exactly what he was doing
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Not giving the bar the full range of motion.. But if you go back a bit further than that i was struggling hard In 2014 i could barely lift the empty bar
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The joys of being an obese, alcoholic NEET
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
But was then This is now NO POINT DWELLING IN THE PAST
>>763634 Wanjirou has a halloween costume too, though i dont have the pic.... I think he's a scarecrow? one sec
there we go >>763636 yes, but there was a webcast thing on youtube a couple days ago with announcements and stuff there's also open games to play with the staff during the live casts but good luck getting in
it usually overlaps with Mleague though so i just catch the important bits other people repost
the halloween design is better than his default one i think
Has someone been dumping these previews to the general or something?
rq i wasn't able to get my meds at the place today but im going to try a church clinic tomorrow morning at 8:00am see if i can get a temporary fill while i work with CMH to find a more suitable primary care
when i told them what happened they got really pissed at the doctor it was encouraging to get some reinforcement that im not imagining things
>>763650 maybe taking it off the the measure of a man
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>763647 you've heard of the ball and chain? get ready for the... broken brain
>>763651 Good to hear there's another institution in your area that finds it as ridiculous as it's sounded.
I didn't even know there were church clinics for mental health. Or is it just a general care clinic? Do they normally have medication supplies for the kind of stuff you need?
>>763654 general clinic, they might be able to get me my antidepressant script for a 30-day supply they won't have supplies but they can write me a script if i explain the situation and that im working with CMH to get a primary care
i still have to get through tonight though but i think i can do that with that hope on the horizon im dreadfully anxious though
it's more of a yellow green like the color of split pea soup? let's just say it's split pea soup
>>763656 Good luck. If they sound understanding like they seem to, they'll probably be able to help. That's pretty early in the morning but you're usually up at that time anyway, eh. And I guess it's better than having the extra hours to agonize over it.
>>763663 usually im up by midnight and that would be mid-day for me but i didnt really get any sleep the past day stressing out about all of it
thanks. i'll probably go to sleep soon and skip anime tonight so i can be ready for the clinic i dont want to go in sleep-deprived looking strung out and asking for script refills
>>763664 Yeah, probably good to look your presentable best, hah hah. I'm probably gonna be real tired when I go in for my appointment with my university's medical centre on Thursday, but it's with a doctor I've seen several times now so it should be fine.
We've got a good number of shows you're not watching or probably won't be too remiss to miss so get your rest. There'll be good stuff to watch tomorrow night!
yeah, thanks it's probably still going to be a while before i can get my controlled meds while we coordinate a psych but a // at least i should have my antidepressants starting tomorrow and that's what's been killing me
urgent care said they'll follow through with me along the way so i dont just get dropped and abandoned again
they actually wanted me to do some other inpatient program while i was there today which would involve even sharing a room with another person who i dont know i was very uncomfortable with that idea so i refused
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>763665 there isn't gonna BE a "later" when im thru w u
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
google where to smoke weed in seattle
Isn't it everywhere in Seattle these days?
>>763667 I can understand your hesitations towards that inpatient, yeah. Even I feel it's the kind of thing I'd be really wary of. There's too many variables involved in sharing a room with a total stranger who's also there for inpatient stuff, I'd presume.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
you can buy it legally but where do you consume it
they're gonna try to set me up with emdr therapy too
Marsh, you still around?
Kirara 🍄🤡
haha the end of the new watchmen was great
HBO was really pushing for it to be their next flagship I think, now that they've wrapped up Game of Thrones. Though I think they were also pushing a bit for The //His Dark Materials to be big too, since they've got the American rights to it.
Ooh That could be good
Kirara 🍄🤡
episode 1 was fantastic the show has actually meaningful and relevant themes like racial violence and it handles them very well without it being over the top it also had the first depiction of the tulsa race massacre in mainstream television history which is awesome
dunno why did they tack the name watchmen on it, tho well I guess it gets more interest that way than being an original
Kirara 🍄🤡
because it's literally a sequel to watchmen, probably
not really
Kirara 🍄🤡
it 100% is
From the very beginning of the series getting greenlit it was talked about as a sequel to Watchmen. It takes place in the world of Watchmen. If that's not what it takes to be a sequel to Watchmen, then nothing is ever a sequel to anything.
Kirara 🍄🤡
like literally the entire setting is from watchmen in every way characters from the original still exist in the universe and are often acknowledged there's a ton of companion lore documenting things like public reaction to Rorschach's journal and other stuff too like the fear of computers
>>763685 it is it's just in the past nobody believed it except for conspiracy theorists and it was forgotten
I'm pretty positive the end of the comic even lampshades that would be the case. His journal was just one other mailed in fiction of some crazy nut of eighties.
Veidt would cover it up no doubt but it definitely wouldn't die out it would live on like some other big conspiracies afterall it would bel ike a second kennedy
or 911
I don't actually agree with that hypothesis. Veidt's whole thing was that after his plan was concluded, everyone would understand what he did was for the best.
Kirara 🍄🤡
all conspiracies end up being not believed
911? lol that's one of the rarer ones to actually believe
>>763693 the point is that if there is no enemy to unite against, the plan will fail in the movie version, atleast the threat is real as in dr Manhattan in the comic book it is a manufactured psychic mutant squid
>so you fooled us all, kay >now let's get back to politiks
Kirara 🍄🤡
the squid is real
the squid is real but made on earth and not a rogue alien invader from somewhere
Kirara 🍄🤡
it still rains squids in the new watchmen too although they dont explain it at all which is kind of funny bc most viewers probably only watched the movie
anyhow it has lindeloff attached to it, so I am not really interested
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I shouldn't have been bitching about Stress Less week They just gave me a fuckload of free single serve tuna cans
I kinda want to try my hand at making some tuna onigiri. Can probably pick up some nori seaweed from the Asian grocer near my university and rice is easy enough to find. I just wonder if tinned tuna like that is about what they use in commercial onigiri anyway.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i am cautiously hopeful for His Dark Materials new hbo show soon
>>763716 I want it to be good since I loved the trilogy as a kid. Plus it's a production funded both by HBO and BBC, so they've got a lot of connections for good production values in both of those.
>>763718 >>763716 atleast it is based on a series that has ended
Pullman's been putting out a new trilogy that follows up the original His Dark Materials too. I've been seeing the second book on focus spots in my store since it only came out at the start of October. I should give them a spin. The original books weren't really all that kids-y, but the new trilogy I think is written with an older audience in mind. Might be fun.
the mango I ate was bad and I regret every bite I took!
otter eating watermelon.jpg
>>>/watch?v=XmI7WKrAtqs New Mandalorian trailer. I wonder if they'll take a bit of inspiration from Firefly for the sort of Space Cowboy role bounty hunting across the galaxy kind of takes on.
>>763727 Nope that was definitely vader for transporting luke to the emperor Boba protested it, since he'd loose most of his bounty if Han died as jabba wanted han alive
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
earthsea would be cool but really hard to do justice i think
also that wasn't something they even did to people usually
>>763730 And if your over-eagerness to cut in and interrupt is really that severe, as far as I'm concerned this is, as I expected, a waste of time anyway.
I still don't see how I interrupt your writing capability in a text based message board
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
it is about respect!
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
respecting your local commenter by letting them complete a thought
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i admit i uh have broken that maxim in the past BUT!!!
one thing that always bothered me about the carbon freeze was where did the machinery came from? or does it turn you into an icicle and then add the machinery to it?
and the n, how did it float whent hey carried it to the ship
I'll be honest I've never looked up the lyrics for the song and I don't actually remember specific words that I hear all that well so I don't think I've ever actually -known- anything the song was about ever.
I don't even think I've heard that song
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
you have never heard Kiss from a Rose by Seal?!
Is it a Canadian song?
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
No! we canadians do not like seals however i make an exception in this case
Kissed By A Rose is a total bop.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
next you'll tell me you don't // haven't seen Batman Forever
>>763750 I actually haven't seen any of the pre-Nolan Batman movies.
>>763753 They ruined comic book movies for like a decade. Well The one by what's his face History's greatest monster.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
[stereotypical millenial freak out about nostalgia]
>>763755 I don't even know how to freak out about nostalgia!
Joel Schumacher!
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
oh no
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i wonder if there is like prequel memes but for schumacher batman movies
>>763759 You should modify the dice code so there's a d1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Because one sided dice exist and sometimes I want to roll one.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
rei that's a marble
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
local man tosses marble, lands on other side
More like local man tosses marble, marble shatters upon landing
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
#flip (true)
well the ceiling to our kitchen just fucking collapsed 10/10 thanks landlord
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
what do you mean collapsed
what do you mean the
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
okay so far seattle is alright there are way more coffee places than i could attempt to visit this trip the bars seem nice idk where the really crazy stuff is happening also everyone so far offers free wifi
>>763768 i mean the ceiling is on the ground and wouldn't you know it there's black fuckin mold up there what a life
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
oh noo
>>763767 Oh what the shit. Man that's grody as fuck. Hopefully this gets your landlord off their lazy ass and fixing things properly.
>>763775 unfortunately i dont think there's any fixing to this house it probably needs to be condemned. there's a reason we didn't have an actual lease to sign. it was unsafe when i got here -- exposed foundation, unfinished floors, water seeps in when it rains the ceiling collapsed obviously the back door doesn't even have a means to lock. you just have to shove something in front of it so it doesnt come open.
it's an old stone house from like the 1800s i imagine
with the discovery of the mold, we might have to leave completely. (it would have been there from before we got here, completely not our doing)
>>763786 isn't it just a really expensive restaurant up there
There's proably a viewdeck all the way up there. The CN Tower at least is that way. Hella expensive (but pretty neat) rotating restaurant but also a viewdeck you can look out over the city from. I should go up there some time again. Last time I was there I was thirteen and the downtown core has REALLY changed since then.
hi I'm ToN and much like samu I am horny for snakes
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
goddamn i shoulda gone to the needle at sunset
>>763785 I'm gonna suppose your landlord doesn't owe you much assistance for finding new residency if they decide to condemn the property they're renting out, eh. Would your flatmate be willing to relocate too? They're planning on teaching in Japan come 2020, right?
>>763793 Nope, nothing like that. We'd just have to take the rent money for next month and go somewhere else with it. The problem is you usually need security deposits and first two months' rent or something upfront. Time too. Yeah, he's leaving in March. I'm already needing to find somewhere to go before then, assuming i even make it through the winter.
but that's all too far ahead for me to worry about right now. i just have to make it to morning so i can go to this clinic and hopefully get my medication i hope they'll work wth me and give me a 30-day supply while i sort out a new PCP
>>763794 Well it sounds like the house you're in is a real pain in the ass overall though, so maybe relocating somewhere less ruinous will bring a little more comfort. I don't know how regularly places go on and off the rent market down there but in this city they seem to change up fairly regularly. There's always a chance there's a decent property available.
>>763798 Aaaahhhh oh gosh wow. I have serious merch envy. They're probably a higher quality than the cheap-ass tiles I've got too. Even have patterned backs. How nice.
you can get a set for only 1500 USD
Hey now you. I might have merch envy but I don't really have the money to match that envy.
Plus if I really wanted I could probably get a decent set that doesn't have branding for a fraction of the price.
i didn't know there was a dota set, just found out i thought it was pretty cool
i really want to make my own set of tiles though handcrafted
and i'd like to make a miniature set too because i like miniatures
I guess since DotA is pretty big in China and Chinese (and Japanese, evidently) Mahjong is pretty popular in China, it was only due time that someone thought the intersection would produce some interested buyers. Guess it was a very limited run of product though, if they're going for that much, even if it would be an import.
Oh thats ... well the design is nice but it kind of feels like more of the same concerning her, hah hah. Just like another nice outfit you'd expect her to be wearing.
>>763803 it was a TI9 commemorative thing so yeah it was rare to start with i think it was expensive on release too and probably limited
>>763805 i almost thought they had forgotten about her the legs seem kind of long though, maybe it's just my imagination
Kirara 🍄🤡
morble florble
Go back to sleep Kirara
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
Tilde ASMR
Whenever I play around with my mic to get all sensitive with the things I say like that it seems to just weird people out.
>>763806 They're definitely long-ish but she's kind of a long character to begin with. I think the fact that the back line of her leg kind of seems extended because it flows smoothly into the back of her heel kind of exaggerates her already long features though.
This fucking import company that sells board games through Amazon has subsections for their Mahjong imports for Chinese, American, and Mahjong parts. But not a section for Japanese Mahjong. And their sections for et cetera stuff doesn't categorize for Japanese Mahjong either. I just want to see what their OPTIONS are.
>>763837 Well if "Doushio" is roughly the Japanese phrase for "What should I do?" maybe you could use some phrase which is similarly questioning. Like Nani Kore or something.
The Star Wars trilogy the HBO Game of Thrones writers were set to write won't be done by them anymore. Considering how things went once they ran out of material Martin had already laid out, I'm content with this turn of events.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Was it taken away because GoT was so bad?
Well the official statement is that because the writer duo got both a Netflix writing deal on top of the arrangement with Lucasfilm, they felt it in poor taste to not devote their talents to a single project. And ultimately backed out of the Star Wars project of their own choice to focus on the Netflix project. But considering the pretty vocal outlash at the conclusion of Game of Thrones, and that the more recent project, Gemini Man, that one of the two authors wrote, is an unmitigated flop criticized for its lousy plot, I wouldn't be surprised if Disney encouraged them to focus on projects elsewhere.