Assassins Pride BokuBen Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 2-3 Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-16 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-3 Special 7 - Special Crime Investigation Unit Val x Love Vinland Saga Watashi, Nouryoku etc. Beastars
--Summer 2019 Joshikousei no Mudazukai UchiMusume
Vinland seems to come out a bit late some times. The subbing of it must come really close to the line between being ready for our Sunday nights and not.
He reminds me of the sickly grey kind king in lord of the rings
Canute's older brother though, the Harald the king is talking of, is a somewhat known historic figure. I think he was accredited with a lot of the terror and power the Vikings exerted across Northern Europe in this time.
>>761130 Yeah, I definitely see where he resembles Theoden when he was under Sauruman's influence. Though he has both that aspect about him while having kind of the sinister malevolence that the Steward of Gondor, Denethor, possessed.
I wonder if Thorfinn will get to kill Thorkell before he loses his hunger for vengeance. Maybe Thorkell will be the one to kill Askeladd. I don't think he will though. But I don't think Thorfinn will be the one that kills Askeladd either.
What good is a father you must fear.
Ah oh no. The girl that survived Askeladd murderin' her village managed to find her way to Thorkell.
>Thorfinn and Canute Hah hah Thorkell has no eyes for Askeladd.
Oh that one half of the clown duo has the same notion you had. Looks like Askeladd's luck has finally run dry.
Canute really is ridiculously effeminate-looking. He's pretty cute.
That was probably the first time since Thorfinn got briefly adopted by that English farming family as a younger kid that he had a comfy family-y meal. Too bad it couldn't last.
You missed a bit of our wolf MC almost caving in to his carnivorous desires.
Hah hah that's kind of cute. So far the animals we've seen have all been kind of within normal height ranges together. But I guess the smaller animals are appropriate sizes too.
It's been really fond of the original manga for a good while now. It was dump threads on /a/ that I originally discovered the manga.
Last I checked they were kind of bitching about the adaptation though. A bit of the usual spite /a/ has for 3D CGI shows and also because of stuff like how the 3D CGI models don't quite carry the detail of the manga, like the scruffiness of Legosi or similar minutae.
/a/ is really fond of the Beastars manga though. And for good reason, it's a really excellent manga.
It has a little bit for everyone. Interpersonal drama, racial tensions, mystery, suspense, diverse characters, romance, homosexual tensions between two male characters, etc.
Hah hah The anteater got the one up on him.
Their relationship is pretty funny though. Haru's the tiny prey animal rabbit, but she's forward and kind of aggressive. Legosi on the other hand is the predator but a timid mess.
Well based on what I'm familiar with you might want to brace yourself in a moment, hah hah hah.
As far as I'm aware though things won't get remotely erotic though. This is probably the closest the show'll come to anything along those lines. There's a lot of other plot threads that will take up the spotlight.
I feel kind of bad for this dick that's trying to get her to date him. Imagine thinking you're some attractive guy and then the girl you're pursuing is already dating a dork like this.
I really really hope he doesn't end up actually convincing himself that he's fated to love her now because of this dumbass chuuni story he's concocted.
It would be really easy for someone isekai'd into a world to become a travelling storyteller or bard. Just pull from the overwhelming glut of content our world has produced.
Oh no we've got from one rampant plague of chuunibyou to another.
Wow sudden random timeskip. I guess there probably wasn't much happening in the meanwhile though.
I wonder how much room for growth she has. She's already super powerful.
If she practices can she raise her power?
As humans we can always grow as people!
>>761216 Maybe not raising her power, but learning application for it. She only remembered her isekai'd nature and realized the extent of her powers when she turned ten years old, which is only like a year or two prior to now. So there's still plenty of time for her to learn the ways of this world and how she can use her absurd power to its fullest extent.
Oh this lady with the still -the silly stack of poofy hair is back.
I like Mile's action gear. The leather doublet over her dress and the gauntlets are cute.
I'm kind of hoping the redhead's the only one that's not really improved through being around Mile. Though she seemed at least kind of competent beforehand anyway.