>>741859 From the first episode I thought it'd be kinda... soft if that makes sense But it's gone well beyond that I want to know what's Mangetsus deal with the after credits scene I really like Mangetsu the crusher of dreams Ernesta arc was an absolute 10/10
>>741861 I can kinda see where you're coming from in regards to this specific show I mean not mecha in general, but in this show powers are kinda vaguely defined Like a girl can just pull spirits out of her ass Or she can suddenly shoot a billion beams from whatever angle because it's magic
>>741862 Genre isn't an excuse. If I don't care about the characters I can't care about the mecha fights. The two should be walking hand in hand. This show only has 12 episodes right? I feel like they're really rushing to cram it all in
>>741863 Shingetsu vs ERUNESTAAAAAAAAAAA was an amazing fight. I plan on posting "ernesta did nothing wrong" threads for years to come. In spite of being a terrible person I really wanted her to win. She had the drive and effort to win but it just wasn't in the cards.
i really have a hard time following along with what's going on in the action scenes that's my issue with mecha shows all around but tilde usually helps translate it for me a bit
i really like the show from what i can piece together
i wish it had just a touch more character exploration though not development and stuff, the opposite, where we get to see the character outside of the events unfolding madoka had a lot of that, just little tidbit scenes that give the characters lots of life and they're not just standing in a spot spewing exposition
i get this is mecha and not mahou shoujo though
>>741860 The fight between ERUNESUTAAAA and Anna really was the climax of the series. I'm sure this final arc resolving what's going on with Mangetsu and her family will be neat but as far as rising action goes, I doubt it can clear the high point of that fight.
>>741860 Just to make sure your shitposting is on point though, Ernesta is Shingetsu's middle name. The ojou is Anna.
why can't tuesday take responsibility for her own actions? she's the one that opened the package cybelle just put it in there it's like the woman who sued mcdonalds because it burned her when she dropped the coffee in her lap mcdonalds didn't make you burn yourself
we dont even know that tuesday was the intended target for the device, just the package maybe she was mailing her an acid bomb so that tuesday could use it on whoever she wanted but she was just dumb and mishandled it
if you mail me an aluminium bat and i bash myself with it, are you gonna get charged with assault??
>mcdonalds coffee case I'm not going to put forward an actual argument for this because I'm too lazy to do so right now but Liebeck did nothing wrong
im too low on coppers to play gold rooms so im playing silver easts this is silly silver rooms feel so goofy now after tightening my game up so hard for gold
yes me too i dropped from 1060 to like 560 the game is so chaotic sometimes there's nothing you can do work so hard to build a hand out of the starting trash you're given, reach tenpai, and someone else just instantly deals into an obvious hand from somebody else
im really good at managing my tilt, but that doesn't make it any less believable the amount of SHIT i go through sometimes i try to talk about it without getting mad at it though, like sharing a story for entertainment rather than to complain and whine but online i guess it all sounds the same
Tilt management is such an important part of this game I can say there's nothing that could be done about it but I'll still search for some sort of fault in the play >the amount of SHIT i go through You know the absolute worst shit Dealing into a riichi that comes a few turns after your own riichi Like these fucking guys can just push whatever hands they want and will never deal in no matter the wait
ive had 4-way waits on like 6,9m and 1,4p riichi like on the 5th turn, let's say then on the 14th turn or so somebody riichis waiting on JUST the 9m, and ippatsu it
stuff like that's annoying but when that's the only time you make it to tenpai out of the whole match because it's a riichi rush match it's really discouraging and you get matches like that back to back with another match that's a completely different flavor of bullshit
the most frustrating thing i encounter on a very, very common basis is i'll just have a plain unthreatening honitsu plus maybe a wind yakuhai so like 2-3 han tops, just trying to get something to hold onto my dealer round and everybody sees OH THEY ARE GOING FOR HONITSU ON PINS DONT DEAL ANY PINS but in trying so hard to dodge my 2-han hand they just blindly deal into obvious huge hands from somebody else
i gues you // guess you did it, you dodged my honitsu congratulations i hope it was worth it. and that's usually like 1st place dealing into last place too which only brings last place above me, moving me down to last
i mean, they're certainly under no obligation to deal into my hand over someone else's but when i have to struggle so hard to put a hand together but someone else's lazy hand that they aren't making any effort to conceal just gets blindly dealt into it feels like my efforts are fruitless
>>741876 Honitsu are scary man All it needs is one yakuhai and a red five dora, or regular dora, and you have a mangan
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I was told that I'd have more friends if I smiled more.
Yeah, there's a storm brewing in Cape Verde, a TS that came out of Verde but is going north into the Atlantic, and some other random storm that'll die out. Nothing coming after me yet.
>>741894 Deshou? Dorian totally blueballed me. How can you show me the strongest hurricane recorded and tell me I'm gonna get it, and then not even touch me? What a BITCH.
i swear to god. my job is to call and take calls all day, but for some reason when im outsidr work i still get this massive anxiety when im calling someone. i did it tho, ordered an omlette, three egg, ham, sausage, and spinach. with a side of pankeikes.
>>741912 it sucks so much but once the phone starts ringing you just gotta see it to the end
I stopped at a truck stop that had a couple of tuckshops including a burger king I decided to go out on a limb and try something that wasn't bk since the fish and chips looked nice big mistake I've never felt so immediately ill from food
>>741920 I don't eat fish, but if I did I wouldn't trust fish from fast food restaurants.
sort of I guess when I first got my licence me and my mum went down to the mental hospital and one rebounded of f my passenger side door otherwise not really I know plenty of people who have though
the local hospital has a heap of kangaroos there it's quite popular with tourists >>741924 a long time ago for reconciliation week it's supposed to be really gamey but there's no way I could tell you, I was just a kid back that
>>741925 How is it? I've heard its bad. I still want to try it though.
that's probably a common opinion I hear Aboriginal people know how to treat it properly assuming it's not the one animal they can't eat maybe I'll hunt some out and try it because I'm also curious myself >>741918 that does look nice though even if it's not quite what you wanted especially the pancakes
man I wish I had the desire to finish Legendia's post game which is actual story content HOWEVER the localization team thought i t was just post-game so none of it is voiced in english that does not help.
ALSO boring as fuck battle system despite being a tales game.
Kirara 🍄
>>>/watch?v=MnM_7v7ttR0 the bastards have it but haven't uploaded it anywhere if i have to buy it myself i'll cry
Kirara 🍄
normally i'd be happy to buy it but it comes with the BD so it's 8100jpy
OH WAIT the most important thing about legendia sucking is
It's Indignation, my favorite tales spell, the iconic lightning spell that starts the entire series, is a piddly ass bolt of lightning in Legendia that makes me angry
rita and jade are probably the best Laphicet got it too which made me super happy. Because not knowing that Heldalf had it, that would have made like 4-5 years of no indignations
I think they're pointing at all the things they like
ToN, the Japanese girl I was hanging out with sid *said That its weird to only listen to Japanese music and that people who do that should be made fun of.
I obtained it when the 16 year spec ops military man with arms bigger than my skull asked me if i was willing to learn how to do VR exposure therapy on clients when he's not available and then he said i can play whatever i want on it he's got steam and everything and a bunch of games like some star wars game and skyrim and shit like that it's in his office and it's not a bathroom!!
Try out some porn first my boy get your priorities straight
One of my coworkers finally realized the tragedy of my life today She was asking why I named my cat Lazarus and making jokes about him coming back from the dead and I said he was named after my friend and she goes "did he come back from the dead?" and i said "uhh, no he's still dead" and she looked like a deer in a headlights
>Name your cat after a deceased friend >Also naming the cat after a character famous for coming back to lifs I can understand the confusion, kinda. Like she might have thought Lazarus became a nickname for Saku.
>>742051 I had almost five hours of continual lectures today. And every Thursday is going to be a proper six hours pretty much straight. I'm feeling pretty drained, hah hah
Good news https://samnytt.se/stockholmsforskare-vill-vacka-iden-att-ata-manniskor-for-att-radda-klimatet/ for the sake of climate, long pork might become legal
I never understood the laws against cat calling (in the US), they violate the first amendment in a pretty obvious way.
the first amendment isn't real
Oh no
>>742060 you could answer this yourself with a quick google search
After some reading I've come to the conclusion that they do it very carefully, in a piecemeal way. But many laws against catcalling have been struck down for violating the first amendment. Error, laws and university policies *err
Ah but laws against single incidents of speech that offends instead of repeated harassment seem constitutionally dubious.
im not sure where the line is drawn for harassment it obviously can get out of hand when it's targeted at an individual and become harassment. it's not really free speech at a certain point. take dan cilley for instance, stalking people on the streets and filming them and not leaving them alone unless he feels threatened using free speech to justify making people uncomfortable and filming them
he eventually got arrested though
>>742067 it was just a funny ichihime image of NO CAT CALLING ZONE i guess that doesn't mean that it's a law, just that it's not a place where cat calling is condoned but it's talking about mahjong
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
laws against catcalling? what law?
how come they haven't legalised defamation and slander yet
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
ohh i didn’t see the picture haha. that seems unlikely as a law, basically impossible to enforce
id imagine you could make it where you can fine someone for cat calling in a no cat call zone but i dunno
it's probably effective enough just to have a sign up to say DONT DO IT, DONT BE A JERK
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
don do any majick
>>742066 I won't comment on things involving repeated incidents, but there are some laws in some places where per rule of law just saying one thing that annoys someone without their consent is punishable. And that violates the first amendment. Citation in a sec
>>742070 people get so stuck on legalism sometimes like they don't get that maybe they shouldn't do something just because it's legal
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
I still can’t believe Marth has fibromyaglia now
https://law.onecle.com/new-york/penal/PEN0240.26_240.26.html >3. He or she engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such other person and which serve no legitimate purpose.
Saying one thing that seriously annoys another person shouldn't be a punishable offense.
>>742073 >please stop filming me >why? we're in public. it's not illegal. yeah i dunno people just dont into boundaries sometimes
>>742073 Well, just because its legal to be an asshole doesn't mean you should be an asshole.
>>742076 Laws against filming/photographing people specifically are tricky because in the US, in public spaces, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy, and laws limiting that make it possible to prosecute journalists. But following someone and repeatedly talking to them with no good reason and continuing after you've been told to stop is definitely harassment.
>>742076 Yeah like the concept of just not doing something because it's wrong just seems alien to some people Like when people talk shit and claim it under freedom of speech Like yeah you're allowed to say that but it doesn't mean you should
>>742068 A bit late but those fall under civil law instead of criminal and that's a completely different beast.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i mean i get that the sandbag exited the world model and they aren’t bothering to clear the color buffer before each frame but damn that’s a sick artifact
It creates a real cool effect. Having a proper Home-Run game mode again is great.
>>742082 what's the white spreading effect that takes over the screen?
>>742084 it looks like the bloom/HDR effect has gone past normal limits either because of the additive effect of a bloom effect per each frame compounding on each other or maybe it’s a single bloom source that has some weird effect w the camera position going nutty
>>742086 OOh yeah check this out https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8xwqp3/facebook-deepfake-detection-challenge-dataset
kanata no astra is really engaging i just can't take my eyes off it easily but i feel super paranoid when i watch it now "what's the next twist. how are they gonna trick me this time"
isn't it so fun? i really love kanata aries is just a big ball of uncontrollable emotions, it's great i really connect with her essence even in the slightly eccentric and awkward traits but still so cuddly and adorable
This is the third time I attempted Japanese curry (liek they eat in muh animays) and it turned out the best. I think I'm FINE-TUNING the perfect formula.
One more day of work left, I hope. Don't know why they keep needing me, but I guess I can't complain. Though I'd really like some quality downtime to get some things done that I wanted to do. Today I turned up to a delivery to find the person I was delivering to being inspected by some ambulance workers. I thought of the worst when I saw the ambulance out the front. She was pretty old after all.
well that was fun lil walking in the nature and fire grilling food
They said she was alright as far as they could tell. She didn't look all that well, but she might have been just minorly unwell. Is there anything you can do to feel a bit better?
Let's all hope for a good day. I think I am rested enough for another go at Astral Chain. I should get breakfast first. After that, I think I actually want to draw. So let's hope I can beat Astral Chain.\
>>742323 The game is fun but this boss is WILDLY upsetting. It's like how Fire Emblem was. I see it. It's there. And I want it to be done.
Like, I would be a lot more happier about everything in this fight, if it didn't have a OHKO black hole that will gladly pop up at the worst possible moment
That's not a spoiler, that's a warning.
>>742325 haha fucking eldritch janitor and ge speaks 50% in badly translated finnish proverbs to boot
jippii, saatana
oh yeah control was an epic games exclusive too no wonder didn't know it had come out
i did 60% of the cleaning and then stopped because it sucked and wasn't fun and the game gave me a low rank and akira called me lazy
yeah, fuck that dude "wow, looks like your plates not clear." my man, do you SEE THIS FUCKING MAZE OF SHIT
but the chapter right after it is literally "okay, let's make a Platinum game." if you were still before chapter 8, I would have told you to just run through the whole chapter without helping anyone because it's just so much
>>742348 >help everyone but one person >akira: hey wait. we should help everyone else first akira... you told me not to waste too much time you shit why are you telling me to go back and
Did it not give you an option to keep going?
Kirara 🍄
it did but akira just pisses me off when he's like that
Akira pissed me off since that first time he got captured. >dad dies okay, I get it. >WHY'D YOU HAVE TO GO AND SAVE ME? I CAN HANDLE IT. Bro come on. >WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIVING IF I CANT KILL OUR ENEMIES. aight, sit in the corner and mope, I guess.
>>742363 You wouldn't need a job. You'd have MMBN.
This is Dwarf Fortress as fuck. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/09/06/us/new-york-rats-alcohol-scli-intl/index.html
Blue, have you read this? https://mangadex.org/title/2883/boukun-tyrano-san
oh i remember this.
>It was once widely believed that the city had more rats than people. A 2014 study, while disproving that urban legend, estimated the population stood at a sizable 2 million. so it's 1:4 then
>>742369 If every four New Yorkers each shared a rat for dinner then there would be no more rats.
sammy does interboard spam like is on the front page need to go i assume it's just spam but maybe it's a decency of the imageboard culture to leave those i dunno
i had a spooky enemy called a GRIBBLE last night and when i made it visible to the players ton started freaking out his voice was breaking and he was like "what, what, what is THAT" it was really funny
>intern: can i take that packet home to look over? >here, make a copy of it to bring home >intern: okay, i'll make a couple copies at home and bring it back >...you can make the copy here and then i had to teach a 23 year old to hit [copy] [1] [black and white]
i think she's trying hard to impress me but she doesn't have any skills yet so she can't do anything to impress me so she kind of just flounders but she is a self-starter which i appreciate
i'll get to see her clinical ability next week when i start training het
>>742421 She seems like a nice girl, at least. Skills can be trained, but a good nature and enthusiasm, well, can ALSO be trained, I guess, but it's still nice to have them from the get-go
>>742437 you dont seem like you need much help managing difficult things these days but if you need some distraction or an outlet for your feelings just holler you know im always down for some group therapy
I would love to share the final boss of Astral Chain with you so that you can leech off of my frustrations instead. Fuck this bullshit ass SHAME SPHERE
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
there should be a boss in a game that lets you make a tweet and then 1 like = 1 damage
>>742448 i got caught in the rain today it was kinda nice
My first class yesterday, the room we were in was awfully ventilated. So by the halfway break you could actually feel this wall of heavy, warm air when you walked back in from the cool hallway outside. It was pretty suffocating, so the professor decided we should go out to a green of the university nearby and have the rest of the class there. It was kind of nice, but I hope we can get that ventilation problem fixed soon. Once it starts to get cold, hosting the class outside doesn't really work that well.
Kirara 🍄
Oh, MonHun just came in the mail. I forgot it was coming out today.
Iceborne? That's kind of exciting if so. There's a bunch of classic fan favourites they've brought back for it.
I wonder if they've got the golden Rajang in it along with the normal one. The Japanese MonHun community have long called it the Super Saiyan or similar nicknames because of its resemblance to, well. It's a pretty crazy monster.
Okay, time to try this again
Huh Seems like the Indian lunar probe failed to lland properly.
Happy Early Koishi Time. Since I'll be murdering this boss
>Iceborn is another game that you have to install 40+ gigs for instead of just playing off the disc
Physical copies for disc-based games seem so irrelevant these days. I think it's because of the slow-ass read times off a disc as opposed to reading straight from the drive?
That's why Nintendo's insistence on using memory cards is actually better because they read way faster than a disc.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I prefer having a physical copy for sentimental reasons but also because of when they do actually not use as much space on disc
I had to install 50 gigs from a disc for RDR2. And 42 gigs for this.
Why did I even get a physical copy if it's like that?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
er, hard drive
Kirara 🍄
>>742467 It's weird that nobody seems to like /// nobody uses cards or anything other than Nintendo now It feels like a failure to move forward Maybe they'll be better next gen
I think it has to do with the cost-effectiveness of the larger-size memory cards. Like, we've got memory cards that could contain all the data needed to run Red Dead, but they're ridiculously expensive compared to a disc.
Nintendo actually offers for third parties that want to manufacture hard-copy Switch games two or three size options for Swich carts, but despite that, because of the price increase on the larger ones, some game producers will still take the smaller ones and then do a similar thing where you need to download additional data (or maybe extract a compressed file off the cart? Can't remember) to actually play the game.
But you're right, maybe by the next generation the prices on memory cards might push down as technology advances that they become cost-effective for these larger games. It would probably be next-next generation though, since it's probably a pretty good assumption that the PS5 will be using discs still.
>>742471 Cause discs are way cheaper And have higher storage/dollar
And developing proprietary protocols and hardware is really expensive, but for optical disc based consoles they just have to slightly modify bluray.
>>742472 Maybe the next generation will have giant fucking SSD s
>>742472 The technology already exists, its called micro sd cards But no one uses them because it makes it easy to make illegitimate copies of ganes hence >>742474
Discs will probably be cheaper for decades If not forever (until society collapses and we lose technology)
My guess is digital only will happen the generation after next
The beat-up scene on her dragged on a bit last episode. I had a lot of conflicting emotions going on during that. It was first kind of comical because the asshole was just so hammy. But then it didn't stop and I started to feel bad about finding it funny in the first place. And then it still went on and man I just started feeling awful.
yeah it was a lot the worst thing was probably how beat up she got and how sakuga her pain was when shinra asked if she was okay
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
discs are slow and bad! the only nintendo consoles that had loading times were the wiis and they used pretty normal dvds the gamecube was halfway there w its mini discs but pretty fast loading at least on first party titles whenever i see old ps1/2 games goddamn the loading times are insane
I imagine Cyberpunk's gonna be a similar situation to Red Dead when it comes out. Assuming the pre-release game footage doesn't get toned down too much before release, that game has a LOT of graphical fidelity to it.
Kirara 🍄
i bet you'll barely be able to run it on a PS4 probably need a PS4 Pro to get decent frame rates
people are saying Control has some frame rate problems on the PS4 due to so much going on
On plane bbl
something got shot
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>742483 i heard that already happened w last week's footage
but reallu, i'd like to know who shoots some rifle in the middle of the night? and always just one shot it might be some farmer/etc shooing/killing pests like deer i guess
hmm if it indeed is someone at that large farm nearby, makes me thankful i didn't get shot as a deer few times i trespassed through their fields during night walks
work's finally picking back up a bit ive barely had any work this past month now im getting some rush work that i desperately need too bad i don't get rush pay to go with it heh
>>742500 it was? lol i had one game as a kid with 4 or 5 discs installing it was pure cancer and you can guess that one of the cds broke and made it uninstallable
Kirara 🍄
red dead redemption 2 is 2 discs that get installed lol and then you can play using one of those discs
>>742502 considering doom16 was 82gb i guess that would be multi too
Doom didn't have the graphical fidelity of Red Dead. Nor the size. You need to install things off the disc onto the harddrive because they're too detailed for the console to read off the disc and process into what you see on the screen in real time. A game like Doom that's, while clean-looking, not particularly graphically intense, and segmented into contained stage maps, wouldn't require an installation like that.
>not particularly graphically ibtense maybe on consols but on pc tty to get any good frames without a titan in it...
The testamony for Doom I've seen says it's a game you can get running on a toaster while still looking smooth and nice-looking. >>742508 I'm going to say you're in the minority here then and that's indicative of problems with your PC rather than Doom's problems. By far the consensus on the game is that it's excellently optimized and looks great even on cheap machines.
>>742507 yrah, looking bad with 30-40 frames and dropping to 5 at times i have playef it
>>742507 google doom fps isdues or framerate issues and enjoy
Kirara 🍄
it is an apparently fairly uncommon issue despite that
tho installing it on steam leaves you with 30gibs of multiplayer maps you can't opt out of bullshit
I had to go to this meeting this morning, for that disciplinary shit that's been monitoring me at school for a while because that one supervisor hated me and accused me of violated hipaa like two years ago. So they didn't give me a room number, and I'm looking around, asking everyone I can find if they know where the meeting is. Finally I find one of the professors, and they're like "i sent you the room number this morning. you need to be on top of checking your email!!!!" and i had checked less than an hour ago but i'm like whatever maybe i missed it so after they gave me shit for that and after the meeting's over, i check my email and they sent it at 10:30, thirty minutes before the meeting
fuck OFF how the fuck you want me to be glued to my school email or some shit? fuck you
Deftly navigating the social waters, like a Captain Ahab of conversation!
I don't know about your situation but if was for something urgent, contacting me through my school email would be a really bad way to do that. There's so much campus events stuff or informative emails sent out on a regular basis that my inbox just gets swamped by them. Looking for an essential email would be real tough.
Same. It's so stupid. But whatever. Hopefully I did well enough at the meeting that they'll get off my back.
I used my secret move on them, which is admitting I'm in recovery and using that to explain the so-called difficulties I used have or whatever Even though I never did what i was found guilty of they were thanking me for being willing to tell them that im surprised they didn't know by this point lol
>>742524 what a dick i'd confront them about that and complain about it and call it unprofessional i'm not saying that's the right thing to do but that's what i would do but i can be a bit unnecessarily spiteful under stress even though im pretty amicable most of the time
Haha, it's important to let people with power over you to feel like you respect them. It's annoying but it's not such a big thing that it's worth self-destructing over.
I'm gonna play Iceborne for an hour or two. Should I stream it? I haven't played Monhun in a year or so so I'll be pretty rusty.
Is it a generic error or thing interrupting the broadcast? I seem to remember Sony has some kind of control that lets them restrict content streamed through the PS4's Twitch interface.
it looks good i might hafta invest in the snow mobility stuff considering as an archer i need to just dodge nonstop mobility is kind of important
I wonder if they'll do a desert DLC next. With Iceborne you World players get to experience the harsh environments of a MonHun game for the first time, but it's still missing the intense heat! Plus there's some great desert monsters in the MonHun roster.
>>742605 No one's gotta do it. All I gotta do is well, nothing really But I'll have your back 100% You can save this image for future complaining. what's that word again it rhymes with fetch. it's a good word i can't spell it
>>742609 Fine, I'll be here for the Anger and Acceptance stages. The part where we go >fuck that >yeah, fuck that and then we do 40 hit combos in fighting games and pose on our enemies like it's a Platinum game.
I've already accepted it! I'll be okay if I mope for a little bit.
>>742615 Yeah, I'm single. She didn't contact me so I'm single now. I told her that I can't keep doing this and that if she won't talk to me, this has to end. I gave her until tonight to at least text me, and she didn't. So it's over. Maybe it'll come back someday but for now, it's over.
>>742645 thanks for streaming!! that helped me get some much-needed rest
my now born ice has turned to blood
I just saw a mouse in my room. Haven't seen any rodents like that indoors in ... I can't remember how long. It better hope my cat doesn't come downstairs.
the air feels cold and dingy and my circulation feels really low it's 63 outside though im gonna have a haaaaaaaard time this winter i feel like...
have a heat pad warming up my tender spot on my lumbar and once my hands start circulating i can get to work im gonna have to work laying down it's not the easiest position to get a lot of work done as it promotes relaxation and i work slower, but on
>>742871 They're a group of people who posted on 8chan. On a board called /animus/. It's a group of people historically made up of tripfags on 4chan's /b/, /x/, and /mlp/ boards. 8chan's dead as you can see, so I guess they're just surfing the internet.
>>742872 Yeah it's like 14C here and man it really feels it. Probably a bit of a cold front in the region.
>>742878 That's not a problem. When I first came by here I stuck to an insular group that didn't really interact with the rest of the board. You all seem to be behaving yourselves so I think what you're doing is fine.
don't you recognize a tomato when you see one? >>742878 of course! we love having our friends stop by
this place is no stranger to a little alcohol-induced funposting either
>>742879 it's like this all the time when i wake up it was like 80 one day and i wake up with syrup in my veins that doesnt want to get flowing
>>742882 are you sure you're thinking of the right place? mods here aren't going to have any problem with you unless you try to instigate stuff or post bad stuff >2011 were you coming to hang out with bernkastel or one of those other types? i actually liked some of the people from those groups, but bern and a few others directly actively tried to cause problems for people so they were kind of shunned
not since 2012 i'd say there were a few people who stuck around to try to cause problems for some reason, but those types leave once they realize people here are fairly resilient and have been on the internet a long time, and they move on to some place with easy targets for their memery
most of us have been around here since about that time, on this board alone, and on the internet our whole lives so edgy people aren't very shocking to us
>>742887 it makes me wonder, do guys think girls want to see their cock like it's a turn-on or something
>>742888 yeah i never sensed any strength out of that one it was like a desperate struggle of always acting out and poking at drama when the drama is just ignored rather than getting upset about they're just kind of an empty husk
anyway, what brings you back after all that time?
>>742881 When it gets cold here the worst for me is these late nights. My bed's pretty stacked so I'm usually pretty warm even as I wake up. But late at night at my desk all my extremities get cold. Fingers, nose, toes. I'm wearing slippers and socks and my feet are still cold. It sucks.
>>742898 yeah, it's an overlay called smart hunter gives you the hp of the monsters, how broken parts are, how much of a status is built up, etc the player names is how much damage they've done
Ah, I see. I wanted to make sure before I mocked you for actually needing something like that to assist with your hunting. How WEAK of you.
>>742899 Not much. Just gotta catch up with kimetsu no yaiba, and accelerator. Friend also bugged me to pick up machikado so I gotta do that too.
Got anything to rec? I used to make Saku give me recs every season haha. I really miss that.
I didn't really use it until Elder Dragons I hate not really only wanted the damage meters so I can mock kokoro for always doing half my damage
>>742902 Machikado is adorable and kind of engaging, you'll probably enjoy it.
You're a bit of a Fate fan, aren't you? Lord El-Melloi II Case Files is a mystery series with Waver from Fate/Zero as its MC but it's after he's grown up and become a bit of a bad-ass. It's technically leftovers from last season but if you haven't been watching Fruits Basket and you didn't read it when you were younger you are sorely missing out. Hell, even if you did read it as -it when you were younger, go and watch it anyway and marvel at the trip down nostalgia lane.
>>742902 i would personally recommend Kanata no Astra. It's a really fun show this season. Melloi is nice too, yeah. Machikado is really fun. I hope you enjoy it.
>>742904 I actually really don't like Fate, haha. I just really adore the Heaven's Feel route and have been fangirling over its adaption since it's announcment in 2014. I prefer Tsukihime personally over Fate. But I'll try Lord El-Melloi, sounds interesting. Didn't even know a Nasu adaption was airing recently. >>742905 I'll try it!. Thanks~.
I haven't watched this much anime at once in so so so many years.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
God damn It's like parody It's like satire There's a video playing on a big screen in the university library on 'the benefits of being a gamer'
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](1.4 MB, 1798x1837, 20190907_164502.jpg)Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
at the mental hospital they kept showing us TED talks about stuff like that >studies show on average that playing games for 20 minutes a day results in 6% increase in overall happiness! just play games when ur stresesd out :) i got really angry at the bad data journalism and besides, TED talks gross
ive had an 18 game loss streak i went from 1050/1400 in expert 2 to 100/1200 in expert one i'm about to derank to adept haha
im probably going to stop for a while before i tilt myself yeah, you can derank to adept. adept can't derank to novice but that's the only exception
Can you de-rank? I sat at zero in Adept-1 for a good while.
These fuckers get a Riichi at four discards and I'm stuck still trying to get some melds together.
you just have to sack those hands, unfortunate as it may be they might move up in score and you can't control that, but you can control not dealing into it and falling lower. basically not getting in 4th should be your goal for success every match, and getting 2nd or 1st is just a matter of defense and statistics
>>742915 I'm not really excited by that kind of mentality, sorry. Especially when I'm already behind, and I don't have any more hands before the -anymore dealer hands before the game's over, I'm not going to just abandon a hand because my outlook is risky. Sure, some times I can guess at what tiles someone is waiting on, but other times there's just way too many variables that trying to predict it is a waste of brainpower. Plus it's way more exciting to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
Like that Riichi I was complaining about, I got my own a few turns later and another player on the table played into my hand before the first Riichi call got their tile. That's a far more satisfying outcome to me than just scrapping my chances at winning the hand. I'll only really abandon a hand if I'm at least at tempai and even if I won't get a winning hand I won't at least have to pay out if no one wins.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>742910 Yeah it's exactly the same sort of thing. They play it on a continuous loop in the foyer
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
aw shit the new ronan farrow dropped get fuxked MIT
>>742917 i dont like that outlook either when someone gets away with some bullshit i feel that i want to see some justice and want topull // to pull them out of first and put them where they belong, but playing that way is what keeps throwing away my wins but it's also the thing that motivates me, so it's a tossup ultimately i'll go for it even if i know it's not the right play style because i get such gratification from effecting my will on the game
I don't have the capacity to be that dogged towards total strangers, hah hah. If they had a good turnout whether by good draws or smart discards/calls, then good for them. I'm not interested in whether they win or lose, I'm interested in what's fun for me.
i think it's because im on a bad streak and im in search of catharsis it drives me to play even more self-destructively
I kinda like "..."-ing my own shitty winning hands. Like there's something amusing to me about showing I'm exceptionally let down by myself for taking a hand by winning 1000 or 1500 points.
>>742924 yeah, my issue has been playing when i dont necessarily feel like it, so i have to augment the natural motivations for success with novelty by trying to force hands that i want to get instead of hands that are good decisions, like throwing away a haneman dragons chanta to try to add honitsu on top of it and refusing to let go of the remaining haku in case i can squeeze shousangen into it and thinking "i dont care if i lose, i just want to finish this hand and deny that jerk his riichi"
there was one game where one guy stole my dealer round with a 3rd round yakuhai, and i just spent the match trying to screw him over as hard as possible for that slight i wasn't mad about it, but i just get a little giddy thinking about some payback and completely ignoring the overall game. it's my ADD i think and being unmedicated, im always like this with games. i look for compulsive fun so on that guy's dealer round, when someone else had an early riichi, i kanned twice immediately and then dealt alls // all safe tiles until that guy dealt into the riichi and got hit with ura dora for a haneman just little events like that make the whole game worth it to me regardless of if i win or not. it's certainly more memorable than a generic win that's indistinct from the surrounding noise
in gears of war a long time ago, i used to collect all the smoke grenades people ditch at the start of the round when they pick up frags and then go find one person i want to mess with and continually run and tag them with smoke grenades if they're tagged with the grenade directly, it concusses them and they have to wait like 8 seconds to get back up, and after 3 concussive hits like that they die automatically so even though tagging with one frag is an instant kill and they'd respawn, i'd do the harder task of tagging them three times and waiting around a corner for them and wasting an entire minute of their playtime concussing them i'd get so many angry xbox live voice messages which really ma
>riichi for mangan or more >chance to ron someone off of it pops up >spam the thumbs up emote for a good five seconds beforehand >every time that I have the chance to pon off of this sam player, trigger their ptsd by pushing the same emote and letting the game pause for a few seconds
Did you guys watch Granbelm yet
Nope. It's rare we get a chance to watch shows that air Friday/Saturday until Sunday.
>>742927 when someone really aggravates me, sometimes i'll jsut intentionally stall my turns as long as possible
i think it's actually strategically a good idea to always use the free 5 seconds every turn even if you dont need it. i dont do that because it is annoying to other people and i want to not be annoying, but realistically from a competitive standpoint, that annoyance is a game element and those 5 seconds are a resource you're not using if you waste them it can irritate people and throw off their mentality when they're getting impatient. it gives you a meditative moment where you pause and have some reflection time. even if you dont think about the game at all, that's helpful in maintaining a stable mindset and having better grounding when making a decision. and sicne // since it's under your control, you benefit from it while it causes some irritation to the other players and they don't benefit from it.
sometimes i'll do that for an entire round or two, and if i really want to be annoying i'll spam a ... emote or a hat cry emote just to be more ubiquitous, and then when im ready to make an attack i just start rushing my moves out immediately and throwing people off their guard a bit there's a lot of psychological stuff in mahjong that i like playing with a lot more than i like playing efficiency and stuff. it's weird because my efficiency is so bad and im so much less technically skilled than everyone else in the general, but just utilizing stuff like having a demanding dealer presence and forcing my mentality onto the board gets me a lot of success that i probably can't get from raw technical skill alone
i think it's important to realize there are a lot of different elements of mahjong, and that progress isn't linear. there's stuff some people are better at than others and vice versa
having a smaller keyboard is actually saving me so much distress i thought it would slow me down a ton to have a smaller, cramped keyboard where i have to make corrections more often and it's more difficult to make abnormal keystrokes like using the insert/delete/pgup and F# keys since it's crowded and needs a FN key to be held
it is cramped and slightly slower, but it's actually so much easier on my hands not to hyperextend at all it feels so comfortable to barely have any extension to make all the key strokes, very comfy i'm able to keep up jsut fine with live spoken word all the same and i can do it with this keyboard on a pillow while im laying on my mattress, no desk required
>>742930 >hat cry emote The one that gets me tilted is her smug smile emote. The one where she's sticking her tongue out. Use that every now and then. I wish that FBI-chan had some cuntier emotes to use. Irritating other players is absolutely a %100 valid tactic. When we go on a loss streak we get annoyed and make worse decisions. So exploiting that in other people is definitely a good thing to engage in. Efficiency is still important and fundamental to the game. How can we tilt others if we aren't in a position to ron them and drag them into the pits of despair.
>>742933 yeah, definitely efficiency is important and i dont think at all it's sufficient to play without it my point was just kidn // kidn // kind of that i'm impressed with how well i can compete with players who are such much more efficient and technically skilled than i am using subversion tactics and pure information if i can get my technical skill up to par i think i can shoot up to master pretty effectively i really am eager to try out the jade rooms. i know everybody complains abotu jade rooms, but the things they hate about it are precisely what im attracted to about it
>>742935 What do people complain about in regards to Jade rooms? I want to play stronger players. There's a certain level of depth that is difficult to apply in lower rooms. Like suji traps. How can you use a suji trap when half the players don't even understand how suji works. You ever get matched with the same people in ranked? I took fourth against a player with 0w0 in their name, then three games later got matched with them again and took first I'd probably notice the same people more if I could read Chinese
>>742936 yeah i get matched with the same people sometimes, usually because we both instaqueue after the last match but sometimes ive queued into people from the general by accident
suji trap, eh i only recently learned about SUJI THEORY as a discrete concept, but it's not really new it's pretty intuitive just from playing and seeing your own waits how it works i didn't really think it was a special enough concept to warrant its own name and discussion. it seemed kind of engrained into the game to me i could tell that if they were waiting on a tile that was 3 from where they dealt, it would be a closed wait or a open wait from the other side, like 23 waiting on 14 after discarding a 7
maybe im being generous but i dont think anybody needs to read the mahjong theory books to get a feel for that they might not heed it, but that's not because they dont understand it. that's more because they dont value defensive play. they might think "well i dont wanna throw away my hand and i need to get rid of this tile, so either it's safe and i keep my hand or it's not, but i guess i'll find out"
so the threshold for a suji trap to work isn't whether or not they know about suji [sic] but rather whether they're going to try playing defensively. it's no use setting a trap up for someone who's not looking for a safe discard anyway
>>742937 Some people don't even hit that intuitive level of understanding Practice makes perfect, but reading theory is a shortcut to understanding things you might not have realised Suji is kind of a bad example because, like you said it's intuitive. But if people don't read theory then they'll never know what they're potentially missing
>>742940 i keep trying to brag in the general about how good ive gotten at reading tiles then talk about how i can read all the manzu tiles perfectly but i dont think anybody got it i think they just thought i was serious about literally reading the tiles and missed the gag there and they're just like "oh cool yeah here's the tips how i remember each of the tiles"
>>742945 no that's what inspired me, im the tejina post in response to that although i did it a few days ago by samefagging i made one post asking for tips on how to learn to read tiles, then after serious responses i replied to myself with just a kanji chart of 1-9 for the manzu tiles
>>742944 good morning kirara i enjoyed the stream last night it helped me get to sleep for a whole two hours before i had to get up and work which is better than staying up as i would have done otherwise
>>742951 That's good, but two hours really isn't much Are you doing rev this week?
That one client got into medical transcription like they wanted. At Transcription Panda, I think.
tonight im doing my normal contract, some rush files, and by tonight i mean this morning i'll be doing rev after i finish this up in a couple hours since im flat broke right now though and need to buy some kratom asap and then i'll be doing rev the upcoming week because i dont have any paycheck coming on the 15th and have IRS payment plus regular bills due on the 17th so i need to make like 300 dollars that will get paid immediately
im trying not to over vocalize it but im having a pretty rough time coming off my antidepressants i have to get back to work for now though im on a very tight deadline