I don't understand the idea of leaving stuff in the box. I know leaving it in the box increases the value, but if you're getting it because you love it, why does value to others matter at all?
I can sill look at it in the box. And part of it is that I don't really have a good plave to put any of them.
there's like a chat app a straight marking from one location to another any sort of marking really I guess a queue of people waiting for a good or service
It's based on the song Stan from Eminem about the incredibly obsessed fan who in the end puts his wife in his trunk and they both end up in a car accident because he's trying to deliver fan letters to him.
i mean you should still listen to the song at least Well, if you're not interested it's whatever but that's the jist. welcome to music/meme history i'm going to drown myself in cute until it hurts me again
>>743073 It won't leave my mind. It's like, he merged the collective unconscious with morphogenetic fields How dare they I'm completely fucked up on this right now
>>743074 I think my friend covered morphogenetic fields in a religious class he was forced t take in college. *to take
people talk a lot about CFA's chicken sandwiches but it was really their nuggets and waffle fries that made me keep going there when I was back in school.
And it's really hard for me to choose fast food chicken while caribbean restaurants are open. I only get Popeyes when the rest of the options are fast food anyway.
probably October 2016 it was no wait December 2016 i puked in a bag and threw it out the window while coming home from the grand canyon well not home but the hotel
uh ok high: tapioca, shinobu, aichan middle: big man of rocks, linhardt low: the rest
maybe put your flame boy and flamboy in the middle because snek and big angry wind man are kinda garbo I'm sure windman probably has a reason for being a dick. Surely.
Kirara 🍄
nah wind is just a dick he's just a psycho
your ratings are solid but i put flame in high because ive read the manga
I thought I wouldn't like it but I actually really liked it. the whole thing had regular mozzarella though, but the opposite side was pepperoni with provolone. it was also ncie
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
proving grounds has started kirara if you want to test your might
though uhhhhhh if your water isn't up to snuff you will feel it
I'll try it eventually. Obviously i can't clear the entire thing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah proud and proud+ are monstrous even maniac would probably wall you with units if not a grid, since one of the enemies is immune to regular atk/def down
>>743142 >why yes Kirara I'm perfectly fine with you discussing your anarchist insurrection on /moe/ >where did you see it will take place again? What time?
>>743145 Yeah, I could probably get myself out of it. I'm the kind of guy that avoids getting his hands dirty in major ways, I'm just a schemer. But even so, it'd be pretty awkward, haha. My FBI buddy in Wyoming would never let me live it down.
>>743149 wouldn't it be the most absolute kino thing if you fought him at the end and shot him And he'd say something like >"heh... guess I trained you a little too well" Before coughing up blood and dying Wouldn't it just be a great setup
This wedding has jack shit when it comes to soft drinks, there's lemonade (which they're almost out of), brown mystery drink, and other brown mystery drink and water. How the fuck do they have a bar but no coke?
The good old days! I wish I had recorded his face when I poured water over his head. A whole gallon. He looked like he was melting with pleasure. It was hilarious.
shouldn't he have drunk it instead of having it poured over his face and thus the ground
No, he was getting heat stroke, so the important thing was for me to cool down his head as quickly as possible. His hands had gone numb and then his face was going numb, so I knew I had to do something ASAP. I pulled over and grabbed a gallon out of the back and I poured it over his head and then we sat in the shade for a bit to make sure he was okay. He had a really bad headache after that, but he was okay.
You gotta do what you gotta do. Drinking it wouldn't have cooled him down fast enough. Of course, I made sure he drank a lot of water after that.
>>743185 we need to trick the al gore rhythms just start adding random things to your posts like "gee I sure wish someone would help me with my taxes" or "I wish someone would help me with my website to get my small business off the ground"
>>743191 But how are you going to find a structured settlement lawyer in Monroe, Texas? That sounds too good to be true! Maybe there's one that exists "in your area"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think Manuela is occupied so that check is out but like I th ink even if they aren't super big by themselves she's beating like every other girl in the game at least proportionally.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh no wait she's by the pond let me just ok like Manuela is about the same but she's a christmas cake
Manuela is beyond a Christmas cake. She's like 45. She's pretty old for an unmarried lady. >>743199 Byleth is thousands of years old tabun I haven't finished golden deer so idk but that's what I think.
>>743195 If only I had one weird trick that doctors hate... Then my structured settlement would burn 80% of its fat overnight.
>>743229 Music at the wedding would be good then. Because you pick the music before you're actually married. And it can't be when you get engaged because I've been engaged twice and my taste in music is still perfect.
naw i mean literally like a goat the hidden bachelor/ette party where you sacrifice things to the marriage altar
>>743231 naw that is how it will work even if you pick goid music, kt will somehow end up bad during the actual ceremony
>>743230 If I knew someone liked matchbox twenty they'd have to be pretty attractive (physically and personality wise) for me to consider dating them.
bone golem except you'll actually enjoy fighting it
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
like cybertron vs unicron
Kirara 🍄
except with a ton of blood
Kirara 🍄
well, digestive enzymes
Apparently the thing that was keeping my email from syncing with my phone was also messing up its ability to check for updates for my installed apps. So now I've got like ~50 apps eager to get updated.
Hinamatsuri is ... well, tangentially related to the Yakuza but is also really good. Spinning my brain I'm having a hard time thinking of any actually Yakuza-themed anime in the first place, actually. Like I can think of anime with Mafia from various parts of the world but the Yakuza don't seem to get a lot of representation as focal characters.
im doing my mandatory annual akagi rewatch and it just got me thinking it's got some yakuza settings in it but id like to see them more fleshed out
kind of like how kaiji has teiai and then there was the tonegawa spinoff but the actual yakuza instead
have you watched akagi, tilde?
Nope. I haven't actually watched any of the classic Fukumoto adaptations. Tonegawa was my first real encounter with his style of work.
oh you poor thing would you like to i rewatch them all the time i'll join you
Hm, I've never really been inclined to watch them, but I also don't want to not watch them. It's just something I've never really thought to myself "Okay I'll go and watch this now". I'll make sure to send you an invite when I get around to acquiring them though.
well im not really doin shit tonight besides probably deranking AGAIN in mahjong this exact game down to adept
i was starting to watch tetsuya but it's really not very interesting it doesn't really have anything to actually do with mahjong besides as plot if you aint doin much
>>743304 I'm feeling kind of sluggish tonight, I think I'm just gonna slug around and take it easy. I'll look into finding a good version of at least one of them tomorrow.
>>743325 Okay so for some reason we're in the middle east in some sort of militia. Anyway I'm not sure who we were fighting against but it was something along the lines of ISIS. Anyway we went into combat and there was all this dust everywhere and stuff so you couldn't see well. Then you got shot and died. But you see the thing is, it turned out it was a friendly fire accident and ISIS wasn't even in the same area as us. When I woke up I just thought, "lmao that's such a Kirara way to go"
>>743324 Somehow I'm really excited for the SEED movie even though SEED isn't actually very good. Even if it sucks ass it'll still be entertaining. And if it's good then it's good. It's surprising news though since they haven't talked about the SEED movie in ages and we all thought it got cancelled.
>>743328 Yeah dream you should be counting himself lucky that he got to die instead of getting paralyzed from the waist down or something like that For what it's worth I actually was pretty worried until I woke up I had another dream like that once where I murdered someone and went to prison. Waking up and realising I wasn't in prison was awesome
>>743331 Wow there's nothing gay about holding your pal in your arms while he's bleeding to death
>>743332 >nice kanata lmao who said that what a dork
>Maria, I got shot... I need you to suck out the bullet
>>743329 Last night I had a dream that I was fighting monsters with a superior japanese katana and one of my party members said "nice kanata" and then later they called a kimono a kemono and i woke up laughing
back to valerian root for a few days until my kratom arrives i have to do cash on delivery now
>>743366 what's that last character look like I quite tell
I think it's just supposed to be a heart, hah hah
er the one before the dash haha
The dash is a part of the the "Ki" character. き
oh yeah I'm idiot I literally retweeted it and it has the characters right there thanks anyway though the ki character isn't really easy to make out >>743368 how do you like your valerian is the tea any good?
>>743373 i like the tea with honey or some other tea and adding the valerian to it but that's too much trouble sometimes so i usually just take the capsules
most people don't like the tea because the odor is strong though and they consider it unpleasant but i like it
i used to keep mine shaped for the classical guitar since you don't use a pick for that you make them into an angled shape but now with my typing job i gotta keep them trimmed alllll the way down or they hurt from the typing
do they serve any purpose besides scratching an itch i wish we could remove them
>>743425 i got the classic nail torture device in my basement
have you ever tried to use your nails to peel an egg and have it slide into the nail bed the shell pieces
Kirara 🍄
>>743428 can you believe than ton was 26 years old when he learned that you have to peel a boiled egg before eating it
>>743429 are you trying to prank him into peeling eggs and looking weird nobody does that
Kirara 🍄
>>743430 nah blue already got him when they met in NYC
im not gonna lie ive eaten them with the shell on before in front of other people just because it's not very good but it's not terrible
blue warned him before he put it in his mouth, i was going to let it happen
i only got two spoonies of kratom left until my next batch arrives that's not enough to get me through hopefully i can at least get through one work session tonight
i could go buy some from the place that SKIMMED MY CARD but hell no i dont wanna do that
i have this client who uses kratom and i was asking about his usage like what type he uses and he's like "uhh, the uplifting stuff" so i said "white?" and he was like "i dunno, i get it from nature's market"
these fuckers don't even know what they takin how do you even get so bad at drugs shake my head
at the PHP setting the psych was talking to me i mentioned that i take kratom and stuff and she's like "well we dont really know how it works so you shouldnt use it. you dont really know if it's going to be stimulating or sedating, it can change" ok lady fuckin i know my body and my herbs get outta here you goon
>>743452 i mean i have a hard time if i go off of it right now but that's probably because i dont have any of my meds i have to use it to replace those medications i need that they wont give me but to them i bet they'd look at it like "oh it's that kratom stuff doing this to him" yall fuckers didn't see what i was like before any treatment, how bad my anxiety and seizures were don't talk shit
we have a new therapist at work i don't trust him he has a lot of good contacts and he'll be good for him but something about him gives me a bad eel i think he's secretly shady i hope he's not dangerous he has a toxic-masculine-creep aura he's like 50 and he's got one of those thumb shaped heads and he's got like methed out looking teeth
>>743456 >one of those thumb-shaped heads i have no idea what you're talking about
im surprised at how tolerable kratom is tbh when you suggested it originally i was thinking like "uhhh i think i'll just stick to valerian root that stuff sounds spooky" but i can tolerate like 30 grams in a day if i want to without any issues besides a little dehydration which i can fix but like if i take TWO 400mg valerian root capsules instead of one i feel bad muscle cramps and shit
>>743460 uggo people are usually pretty cool i guess they can also be bad people though
yeah but he's super sketchy to me idk what it is he just gives me a bad eel i trust my gut when it comes to stuff like this because i work hard to find positives about people usually
i don't think he cares about clients he's like a businessman he has a business where he like, does networking for people or something? i don't know much about it yet but he seems sketchy
sometimes i wish i were uglier so i would come across less intimidating to people
is that how that works
yeah my personality and appearance are at conflict im really shy and reserved but people see me with the assumption that im a really confident person, so my quietness and lack of eye contact and stuff makes me seem really condescending and mean when im actually just scared
isnt it possible that someone unattractive could have the same effect?
maybe i dont feel that way so i can't relate
i also have facial recognition disorder though so i dont really get the whole face thing so much i like people who have a lot of character to their face which seems to correlate with what people say is ugly for some reason i think it's really cool though
it nakes me feel upset because she just got stabbed three times and treated like a dog and there will be like no repercussions because he’s like their assistant manager just goes to show you that hierachy is all sorts of fucked up and we should burn society down
zenitsu is actually pretty cool real spoiler recently in the manga he got mindbroken and it made him cool and serious and he even created a new thunder breath form and killed an upper kizuki!! although it was upper 6 and he was weaker than he should have been because he was new
I’m going to avoid reading that for reasons but I look forward to knowing what youre talking about.
its a lie hes lying zenitsu is trash retard idiot boy
I hope you can get through it without too much trouble. Is it just that time of year or is it because of an event or something?
Yeah, I was also hoping I wouldn't be single. But Fish didn't respond so it's over. I feel okay, though. Although it's very sad, it's not overwhelming and I'm still stable.
>>743511 Just a busy time at work. I guess this time is always busy becasuse people get lazy around hte holidays, so the time before the holidays is super active.
She didn't respond? Has she not been responding to your messages?
>>743519 Work is getting a little less busy for me lately. I have a subordinate now that I can delegate stuff too. I'm still training them, but I think it'll lessen my workload.
She rarely texts me back and doesn't typically return my calls. Last week, I left her a message saying that this isn't fair to me, and I want to make things work but it feels really one-sided. I said that I know it can be hard for her to talk about things, but if she just texts me to let me know she wants to work it out, that'll be fine. But a week later, still nothing. I told her if she didn't reply, I was going to assume things just weren't working out between us. I still love her, but I can't really keep doing this. I'm not going to torture myself with her, you know? But what really cinched it was that she didn't communicate with me at all during the hurricane. A category 5 hurricane was barreling towards me after removing 55% of homes in the Bahamas, and she didn't call to check on me or encourage me to evacuate or anything.
>>743521 Time to rebrand as the Kimetsu Kafe Breath of Pancakes!!
>>743518 ikr this place is a total gong show anyway weve got the worst wait staff weve had in 9 years, nearly all the kithen staff is ready to quit, nothing ever comes in on food truck and we end up having to buy shit from like walmart its really fallen apart the last three months
>>743521 me and a coworker have been joking about making our own place and calling it Kyler's
>>743555 Aoi is always there to help Tanjirou and company from now on when they become too broken to fight. The Butterfly Estate is a wonderful place. The next three episodes will probably have a lot of Aoi. She's a good girl.
>>743559 Yeah, Cape Canaveral has big docks. The harbor has ships coming and going all the time. Cruise ships, the casino ship, fishing ships. I hear you can get really good work there.
Pan, I have a friend who worked at a restaurant with a shitty owner and one day him, all the cooks and all the wait staff all quit. During the lunch rush
Kirara 🍄
Yeah they quit because the owner ordered something on the menu that they didn't have the ingredients for Err Sorry Something that wasn't on the menu, that they didn't have ingredients for and then fired the waitress who told him the couldn't make it for him.
they tried that here once it didnt work
So the Japanese girl that was stsying with me mentioned that she might sell her highschool uniform. She said since she went to a good highschool that its worth a lot. One of her friends sold one and told her "I had enough money to live off of for two months without working" from selling it. I wonder if she knows what people do with those uniforms.
>>743573 If your kids go to the school you can order them from a uniform store for like $300, this girl probably sold hers for like $800 or more.
definitely going to some "nice guy"
Japanese porn companies like having legit school uniforns from a variety of schools So do soaplands Or creepy old men who like to wear them while masturbating
i'm with maria on this a wholesome thing is faaaaaaar more likely than porn
>>743579 Well, it's not neccesarily going to be used in porn, but its *it could be used for fetish stuff Or like, go to some OL who likes cosplaying as a JK
>Intern-chan texts me that she scheduled an appointment for a time she's not available and wants to know if I'll do that appointment for her No. Reschedule it. You're here so I don't have to do those appointments.
Haha, right? That's not how this works at all. Plus, I'm still training her. If I do that appointment for her, it means she's not being trained. Honestly, I don't think she realizes that I'm training her because I want to see her succeed. I don't have to take time out of my busy schedule to train her. You should have better work ethic than that at age 23.
Right! Accidents happen, but she has shown a pattern of incompetence. I don't expect anything from her clinically because she has no experience, but her work ethic is like that of a teenager.
They're worthless sheets of paper. My colleagues at school have similar work ethic. They don't care about their jobs, or their clients. They care about themselves. They don't care about their co-workers, either. Almost all of the young people today are completely incompetent when it comes to this stuff.
Kirara 🍄
Honestly, I probably wouldn't be so competent if I hadn't grown up in such an awful environment. All of these people from idyllic childhoods have been mollycoddled to the point that they can't do anything.
mfw Barioth wtf this thing jumps around so weird i can't predict its movements at all it faces the same direction no matter which direction it's gonna jump in
No. Ice fish, antler dragon, viper tobi, coral pukey, and Sleepytime Paolumu are all the new things I've fought so far. There is also a new Anja running around but I haven't fought it yet.
That's kind of interesting, considering the development of monsters. The Barioth is kind of like a themed brother to the Tigrex that came around after the Tigrex first appeared. They have pretty similar fights.
I think I'll save Barioth for later. Because yikes.
>>743597 must be weird for some parents "huh, how will I force hardship into my kids' lives so they won't turn into deadbeat spoiled brats"
>>743605 There's a few monsters in the MonHun roster that move kind of like that. A lot of them are kind of low-to-the-ground Wyverns that move around on four legs. They have a focus on kind of super aggressive, agile attacks that can make learning them a bit of a challenge off the bat.
>>743627 I can't remember if it's Baka's nickname for her or her actual name but she gets called Majime a lot. Maybe her actual name is Hajime? She gets called Majime because she's a very serious (Maji) girl.
there is the doctor fangirl with the scarf remember her?
well anyhow she and her zygon compatriot, both keep her form and work as embassdors between the humans and the zygon now sharing planet earth post day of... so I was wondering what are the odds of her NOT having fucked herself?
also I gotta say I dislike the result of day of the doctor "I couldn't imagine doctor doing it" said the showriter but.. I just don't like it they never did anything with gallifrey having survived in the future episodes really and it rewrites 7 seasons of stuff I would have liked it more if doctor had done it
though the biggest fault of doctor who post russel t davies is the walking plotpoint/writer mouthpiece Clara
for example
HOW DID just daleks destroying gallifrey really end the time war? it ended a moment of the time war not the time war the time war was still ongoing still being rewritten constantly by one or both of the sides for the benefit of their side billions of people dying, rewritten to be alive just to die in a different way as they said in the end of time special and all the paradoxical horrors of it
and how did the time war now end in canon? gallifrey went Poof and daleks blew up
What hasn't actually gone down the drain, when you think about it in terms of entertainment?
I recently read there is a new bill&ted movie soon
creativity is dead just remake the old
I'm probably going to regret this remark, but.
Just because they're producing sequels and remakes isn't indicative of creativity being dead or anything. When a creative universe has been sitting idle for a long while, there has been a long time for people to look at what has already been established in it and how that can be expanded on or reinterpreted into the modern world.
>>743728 Yeah I am going to this soon have to go back on myself I recently went to go see a movie, a low budget almosti ndy movie Ready or Not it was a horror comedy and DAMN solid at that sure it used some common elements of a horror story of its kind, but damn was it fresh, funny and good oh it wasn't "horror" but it was a flashback for me to moives like Host and Severance
So it isn't like creativity is dead altogether, but these sequels of movies from 20-50 years or EVEN MORE back in time just is... "let's make this to cash in on nostalgia"
and really name a single remake/sequel/etc of an old franchise that has truly worked
in recent years, not something from 10+ years ago like say Doctor Who, because yeah it had almost a 20 year break between the new-who and old-who
>-XINCGC -XMX[number of ram in MB]M ...wat >or reinterpreted into the modern world. I think windows10 has some issues with copy pasting
that aside, some movies of their times jsut don't work in other eras for example a cold war era scare movie, doesn't work in non-cold war era because there isn't the cold-war era scare even if you do want to reinterpret and think you can do it, you have to ask yourself, is it worth it? will people want it and does it actually work
for example V for vendetta worked because it was released during the Terrorism years the war on terror was a living not that much criticized thing at the time so reworking the cold-war era of nuclear threat into "virus bombing terrorism" worked
Hmm wonder why torchwood never had a doctor who episode?
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>>/watch?v=WXIoWp92ux8 this must be some kind of algorithmically generated nonsense i can feel my brain cells dying off, isolated, alone, one by one, as they bathe in recycled dopamine
what in ye gods is this fuckery
is actually funny how, atleast the rtd era, is so HUMANITY FUCK YEAH >end of the universe >humanity is still clinging alone
>cybermen the biggest threat to universe >a human invention
time lords, daleks, etc all geniuses and big fishes but in the end they die befoer humans
also actually no I will keep to my original decision "do nothing"
you will thuis save yourself from commiting murder and you will save all the other people from commiting either manslaughter or murder, as at their point, their actually are faced with devil's forks but you can choose between 3 to 8 to even more dead Doing nothing is the right choice you will avoid future tragedies in terms of forcing others to do the same choice as you and you will not actually commit murder
Nah fuck that I'm a gambling man
minimum amount of dead is 4 maximum is 8 absolute minimum is 6 as in you don't do it and next one decides to pull it *absolute minimal travel so 5 is actually second best result in terms of minimal death so doing nothing already results in second least amount of casualties and add to that just one person suffering, as in you, from the quilty conscience of pulling/not pulling the lever
therefore, minimal suffering comes from you doing nothing
'sides if every person in the equation on the levers knows the whole puzzle then they know what the best solution is by default so it is a rigged decision, unless there is one psychopath involved
>>743792 Suffering from death > irrational guilty conscience The ideal situation is one in which everyone pulls. The only issue is whether or not anyone else is going to be so selfish as to not pull the lever or not be willing to take the gamble
>>743795 So you wouldn't sacrifice yourself for inaction, that can't be punished really before any court to avoid possibly more victims than 5 and tormented minds of whoever might pull the switch?
>>743796 I don't really care about the minds. It's irrational in the first place, and the deaths outweigh them anyway. The only thing that would give me pause is whether or not someone like you is next on the lever
>>743801 >Is there any legal precedent for trolly problems. obcviously not which is why I would let it run over the five people to not commit possible "manslaughter" to even murder and also have "I volunteered to be the one to decide, the only one to decide along the line"
I would assume that the whole situation has been engineered by an outside actor
>>743808 Wow you're responsible for the deaths of way more people than necessary Oh so you would pull the lever Okay I see it now Yes if you were the second puller then I would pull it
>>743801 If I am second on the line, and I know I am second on the line I wouldn't do anything see here is the problem if the people down the line know their role they can just stick to it >>743807 Sorry Pull the lever I keep getting this confused if you didn't already realise
>>743807 I always go for the LEAST amount of dead if you havn't realised this
but for example if the people manning the lvers know who are there then it isn't the same if I knew that say my personal friends are manning it and they know what kind of shit they are in I would KNOW that thel east amount of dead is to pull it because I can trust tehm to do the same or suffer the consequences of not
but if it is 100% randomized and especially if the 1st person down the line is the ONLY one who knows they are part of a long track well then I would 100% let it run over 5 people
>>743809 >84 percent of the participants who took part in the real-life test elected to press the button, sparing the five mice by consciously choosing to zap the other mouse Okay so we have an %84 chance of the next person pulling the lever (yeah I know >mice), what's the expected value for the first person pulling the lever
You aren't killing the mice you're just delivering an electric shock. Killing a pest is whatever but I don't take you for someone who engages in pointless cruelty for its own sake
>>743811 that still leaves about 60% chance //40% chance that the last person PULLS the lever too big I will not pull it *that the last person doesn't pull it
the mouse population strategy is to anticipate most of the litter will die so i don't particularly value a mouse life that highly the ecosystem depends on them dying. it's good for the mice that mice die if all mice survive then it's bad for the species overall
being able to feel the same way through experience versus feeling sorry for someone if I'm recalling right it's a matter of situation I think
>>743829 here's a good example i find myself in often i have empathy for a self-defeating alcoholic who promotes their own suffering, i know how that feels and ive done it i do not have sympathy for them precisely because ive been in that position before too
so i know how they feel, but i dont feel sorry for their situation sure, i want to see them in a better situation but it's not my place to put them there
and i have sympathy for a single mother who's struggling to provide for her kids but i dont have any empathy for it because i have no idea what that's like
You don't need to have been in that position to have empathy for it. In fact, most of the time, you don't. Human beings are capable of empathy towards trillions of circumstances they've never experienced.
Of course, not everyone develops empathy the same way and lots of people never develop empathetic abilities, but most people do.
what has two thumbs and got his ass beat at sparring practice again
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>he has two thumbs >TWO Marsh I'm so jealous!
>>743834 i understand that but i wanted to make an easy to understand example of the difference for pk those subtles i think would get lost in translation probably at least by me
>>743841 how about if you were a soldier and you had to take out an opposing soldier? you most likely would empathize with them since you're both in the same situation but you can't afford to sympathize with them or you'd die
>>743839 yeah man it was pretty awesome. I took a hook right to the liver and actually fell over.
and what separates either from pity?
Kirara 🍄
sympathy and pity are related
when teacup died, i think you empathized with me you probably could imagine how horrible it felt rather than just saying "that sucks, i feel for you, sorry to hear that"
>>743842 I'd shoot them because they are the enemy
>>743846 right but i mean you can understand those two different feelings you understand how they feel, you're the same but you dont want to help him because it's against you >>743848 im still trying to describe the difference between the two, not ask what you'd do i dont think im doing a very good job though i'll leave it to kirara
I might empathize with the enemy later, but Iw ouldn't do it on the spot or in the field that is what I was thaught afterall *taught >>743845 hmm so I am capable of empathy
sorry if this seems so basic "humaning" to you all, but I sometimes question myself am I capable of this stuff
>>743848 I think you are at some level, although it seems like it might be hard for you. It might take really big things for you to empathize with, like Teacup dying. Whereas you probably don't feel any empathy towards Marsh for getting beaten up at boxing.
>>743851 Empathy is more than just that, though. Empathy can be feeling the excitement he has about boxing, the way getting beaten up drives him to do better. If you just feel bad for him because he got beat up, that'd be sympathy.
>>743857 Yeah, empathy is one of the most important parts of human communication. Well, typically. People who live in less emotional places like, maybe Japan or Finland, wouldn't need a strong sense of empathy to get by socially because there's less emphasis on emotional expression and communication.
i think im so empathetic that it becomes difficult to function i have to limit my exposure to people or else the emotions become too volatile for me to stay me
Oh well I just think this was a recent well not recent, but something i finally acknowledged about myself sometime recently
just like how I learnt I see light differently due to eye condition, I think sometimes, especially online in text based communication, I guess slight people due to just not having the basic empathy/sympathy skills.
I'm probably one of the closest things you can get to the concept of an empath. I feel what others do very strongly, but I'm good at compartmentalizing it and just using it as reference data for the interaction, unless I need to show empathy. It makes me very adept at social interaction because it's incredibly easy for me to match anyone's pace and share experience with them. Without judgment. It's part of what makes me a good therapist, too. Clients struggle when their therapist can't match their pace, but I match everyone's pace while keeping my own pace.
Of course, most people with too much empathy end up struggling, like, becoming loser hippies and stuff. Of course, a lot of that is fake empathy that they've fooled themselves into thinking is real. It's an extremely egocentric kind of empathy, where the struggles of others revolves around the person's empathetic experience of it, rather than revolving around the struggling person's struggle. People like that bother me a lot, haha. They hurt other people so much and never realize it because they shut that out.
>>743867 >yeah, man, i know how you feel but you just gotta, like, let it go man. you can't let life get you down like that like that kind of thing?
>>743867 for me reacting with strangers or new people etc anything unfamiliar is always the largest issue, not because it at face value makes me uncomfrotable, but more like someone brings up something I don't know how to pre-react to I don't freeze if anyone says soemthing uncomfrotable like the typical "my parents died that way" joke but in actuallity but it is morel ike I don't know how to react to it "normally"
>>743869 Nah, it's more like people seeing someone else suffering, and deciding they can feel that person's suffering, and that's more important than the suffering.
For example, the massage therapist at work has poor boundaries and once grabbed a client unexpectedly and started doing some weird massage thing and said "I can feel your trauma" and for the massage therapist, her experience of the other person's struggle was more important than the other person's struggle. Most people who do this don't realize it, and it's usually an internal behavior, where they're concerned about the other person not because the other person is suffering but because the other person suffering is causing them to suffer. It's very selfish and harmful to others.
lmao what
>>743871 wow wut with the massauger I sometimes end up massaging other people and whenver they do like "OUCH" I just sop because why would I continue at that point if it actually is TRULY painful there that is when I ask where it hurts and how
Egocentric empathy is even more harmful than no empathy, I think.
Kirara 🍄
>>743873 It's not too late to become a masseuse, is it?
hmm but do male massagers have a job?
i like massages as well >>743876 yeah of course >>743878 a lot of men prefer males too
it depends on why they're getting a massage i guess like athletes and stuff that needs massages a lot, the male massage therapists just have a little more power for those deeper massages
Kirara 🍄
>>743876 Yeah, there are a lot of them. Especially at day spas and gyms. A lot of women prefer males.
hmm... maybe I will consider this I am asexual enough for thej ob anyhow
>>743877 if I had to rather ag uess, because of pure ARM STRENGHT men can press a good amount harder than women, without actually using that much strenght
if you're bashful about getting a massage, then you'd probably want a gentle woman to do it but if you need to get massages and you get them regularly, i dont think you care as much about that as having them be a good massage therapist
I'm probably gonna get a massage soon. From the lady at work.
Oh! I was laughing with one of my clients about how my neighbor thinks the government creates hurricanes and apparently the massage therapist also believes that.
have you had acupuncture /moe/? i have a couple times it feels really good i dont think there's a lot of medicinal value in it besides it just being relieving though
>>743891 I have laid on a spike mat if that counts?
Kirara 🍄
>>743891 We do it at work, but I haven't had it done. We have these small needle patches that we can put in people's ears somewhere, and pressing it helps with anxiety or something. I don't know much about it but clients tell me it works. Might work through grounding, idk
>>743891 I think I recall reading that there is a point to it medically, but the acupuncture points have no science behind them
something like quickening the blood pressure and so on
>>743895 the traditional science of acupuncture is around chi flow and stuff, and connecting pressure points to various ailments regardless of that, the practitioners of that science give really good acupuncture that's just an amazing experience im sure it has medical implications in other ways but not the way that it's taught
but for example lying with my lower back on an acupuncture spike mat, eased a lot of the tension I had had built there that a chiropractirewhatever had ordered for my cousin's husband so it isn't 100% bogus
the thing just is that you should rather a DOCTOR than some other solution
Anyhow returning back to why I started this chain was just weird self-reflection and mostly confusion resulting from that "why am I so unattached to stuff while being so say rage-prone as I am" etc
how is someone emotional but completely unemotional at the same time basically
Kirara 🍄
you can become detached from specific emotions a lot of people transform emotions e.g. transforming sadness or anxiety into anger is a pretty common one so they dont feel sadness or anxiety at all, only anger ofc you can also turn happiness into anger but that's less common can also turn things into anxiety or whatever else
ain't like I don't feel stuff, is just mostly about my own shit and that is it
sometimes aside from the people I am close to, I feel really hard to connecting to emotionally and even amongst my close circles, there are some that I just can't really phatise with in any way
so at times it makes me feel defective and at times I AM SUPERIOR THE NEXT STEP depending on my own mental mood ofc
im a big ball of emotions i feel everything so intensely and it gets overwhelming sometimes but i like it too
i dont think my words express a lot of my emotions here other than when im frustrated or disappointed, and i do have a lot of sadness but i think im a really happy person in general i experience a lot of joy and humor and excitement, both for myself and others
>>743912 possibly, but that's not necessarily a bad thing
just a thing I'd like to know without it being in any record anyone can access
Kirara 🍄
well if you ever find yourself in the US, we can do some testing under the table
nice but I do think I am a sociopatht o some degree psychopath, naw no
a lot of people say or think they are sociopaths but arent im not sure why exactly probably just because we hear those words all the time in society and people misuse it a lot or they're looking for explanations for why they have trouble with things when everybody pretends like they dont have those problems
they look for EXCUSES not explanations I don't look for excuses I just look for titles or clarifications or to clear my own mind
society shames a lot of behaviors and thoughts to the point that people act like it doesn't apply to them, but a lot of it applies to everyone everyone tries to hide the things that we all deal with >>743920 oh, for sure. i think there's purpose behind it, but that still causes other issues like people thinking there's stuff wrong with them when there isnt
it is a double edged sword at that either it can be too repressive or it can be too loose
a sword of damocles truly at that
i was shamed into thinking jealousy is a really, really bad character trait so i shut out all those feelings of jealousy in my first relationship to the point that they eventually wanted to break up because they thought i didn't care enough >>743925 there are times when it's an appropriate feeling and then there are times when it isn't someone who's jealous all the time is overbearing, and someone who's not jealous about anything at all can be cold and distant i didn't value it at all because i thought it was always bad
i was really young though. i understand emotions and people a lot better now
jealousy is a bad trait if you ask me, but the solution isn't shutting it down but somehow addressing it just like with most emotions of any kind
>>743924 I would say group it with say rage or anger which both I have issues with there is nothing bad with having them you can be angered and enraged for a DAMN good reason, but you still have to know how to deal with them instead of just blindly exploding Negativity leads to negativity if you ask me so a jealous outburst or passive aggressiveness is not good for any sort of relationship, instead some kind of sitting down or whatever or maybe even an OUTBURST in a controlled environment is better than just letting it fester.
So I subscribe to a sort of stoicism untill it is appropriate ofc I have no sense of appropriate really, so that means "never" usually
i always wanted to join those monks that eat the poison tree sap until they die in a preserved state in a clay mound i always thought that would be nice
That's just Commie's translation. There are other partial translations being worked on. The issue is that Commie refused to release their unfinished script because part of it had an awful translation, so people are re-translating a lot.
Maybe we should crowdfund a translation, though. There are plenty of translators around that would be open to it, I'm sure. I bet Blue knows people.
im thinking about just going off the japanese and translating it myself as i go it would be incredibly slow though ive always wanted to get into translating though
did you know i was originally going to join the army as a translator but a firefighter position opened up and i changed my mind at the last moment
i dont think that choice affected very much at all i mean, happenstance of maybe going at a different time and not getting pneumonia or something but that's not attributable i'd probably be in roughly the same spot
just ask blue to get his whatever to do it im sure thatll work
There's a certain charm to the idea of living where you work. Like how she lives there, or how monks live at a monestary. Just a nice simple life, no hustle and bustle of going from place to place. Work, eat, sleep, play, all of that.
When I stayed at the temple for that meditation retreat, it was really nice. Cleaning the place where I lived with others felt very genuine.
I have a neighbor who always uses his computer in the bathroom. He has speakers in there, I think. I always hear the windows system sounds so loudly that they sound like they're in my apartment. Our bathrooms are next to each other. But weirdly enough, that's all I ever hear. Why is it so loud if all you play are system sounds? How funny.
ate their neighbours and then the neigbouring quests ate the people persimmons and became immortal
you need a dried persimmon and a fresh persimmon and then you give them to the rice girl
>>743972 the chinese system is a weird thing anyhow just like the japanese system was
we say "feudal" to both but both are unique to their region in their workings, but at the same time can be simplified enough to be categorised into the "feudalism" we know of
Kirara 🍄
Yeah, it's kind of a shame we oversimplify it, though. Kind of in the same way we simplify South American "empires"
it isn't really "oversimplifying" it is just making it easier to tell people about it
since especially japan's feudal era coincideds quite well with ours, untill of course they "lag behind"
conversations about it are pretty feudal tbh
Kirara 🍄
>>743979 that was pretty good if only tilde were here