Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Episode 7-8 Bem Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Fruits Basket Isekai Cheat Magician Episode 6-9 Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 8-9 Kanata no Astra Lord El-Melloi II Episode 7-9 Machikado Mazoku Maou-sama, Retry! Episode 9-10 Tejina-senpai Episode 7-10 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator UchiMusume
i hope this is just for plot's sake and they don't spiral into preaching
Well so far the series has been somewhat open about even despite the idyllic world these kids come from still being full of awful things. I mean their so-called parents cloned them and then once things started looking bad dumped the kids in deep space.
yeah ulgar's got the right idea i dont think it's a different timeline, just a different story of the past
Something weird's afoot at least. Makes me curious. I sure love a good mystery.
Oh is he going to CONFRONT the one he suspects as the traitor?
Poor girl thinks he's gonna put the moves on her.
i dont think he was confronting her about that probably just wanted her memory help in recalling the events
I wonder who the traitor is. Maybe the little sister. Their mom cant take both their bodies.
>>741715 The fact that Kanata isn't explaining his reasoning for suspecting Ulgar makes me believe it's not him. And the fact that he's pulled these two aside sure incriminates one of them.
>>741716 would this little pure thing really be up to no good
oh wow what's happening
yeah haha that's what it kinda seemed like a double setup
poor aries she's just a big ball of uncontrollable emotions i get her
An unsurprising reveal for once. But I guess this episode was pretty high-tension the whole way through so not throwing a gut punch for a cliffhanger is acceptable this time. Though only knowing all along you were the clone of a king doesn't really explain why you had to do a suicide mission to take out all these other clones.
>>741750 The graphics and controls were bad on the 3DS ones.
>>741749 hmm, optimistic? I don't know, there are some obstacles. It's so hard to stay with people in this day and age, I feel. We'll see if we can make it happen or just end up hurting each other.
yeah i feel that you probably saw how me and jan just kinda hurt each other a lot it's hard sometimes
Yeah, the controls were really rough on the 3DS. The final 3DS game did get a Switch port and having that system to play on really helped make the game less of a pain. It's got the most MonHun content by far if you end up wanting more, hah hah.
Though World is getting an expansion later this year, that's adding in a new region and a lot of monsters, both new and fan favourites from previous games.
>>741751 Yeah, connecting and maintaining connections can be hard. Good thing games can help with that!
this poor clown.. thing
Well he's kind of a loser in the end.
yeah he deserves it i like the doctor
She gets played up as a hard sadist but she seems like more of a decent person than just that.
Music boxes are really charming. I have a lot of respect for fine craftworks like that.
haha this poor shop owner
Yeah, Maou is pretty good at playing him like a fiddle. That said I think this time a music box like that is probably worth a pretty high price.
did we figure out how many gold coins were to a giant gold coin they said so once but i dont remember what it was
Yeah they did say. I think he was comparing the coinage of this world to yen equivalents. It kind of slipped past me though.
He's feeling buddy-buddy with his chuuni self!
oh i messed it up i just heard it once
these rabbits sure are living the life he'd better watch out so they dont overpopulate now that they have a lot of resources
The Japanese word for empire gets dropped often enough in fantasy and isekai series. I'm not sure I got it entirely right though.
>>741769 Well if they overpopulate I'm sure he can find places for them to work.
i think i probably have a different visual experience than other people but there's no way to really tell
Yeah, it's kind of hard to compare experiences.
The way people act about Momo's magical girl-ness made me feel like magical girls are a secret to the commonfolk. But I wonder how they manage to keep that secret when they've got magical girls like this mikan girl going around telling random people she's a magical girl.
im sure there are young girls all over japan claiming to be mahou shoujo
even when they just do abrupt scene transitions or change angles it's a little uncomfortable that's a lot of information being changed around visually at once
Yeah, I've noticed it too. It's probably an artifact of this series being a 4-koma comic. When the whole message of your comic has to be set-up, developed, played-on, and concluded, in four panels, you end up with some really packed writing at times. And since the last comic gets resolved it's easy to just jump to the next topic. So if some care isn't taken to tailoring the adaptation it's easy for things to shift abruptly.
That's a pretty nasty curse to have. Shame too, she seems like a good girl.