i dunno about yall but im fine with nixing isekai cheat magician from the list im ok with continuing it too but it's lookin kinda heavy
Yeah I've been meaning to at least putting it on the phantom list. Where I've been putting stuff like that beast-person-killing show and, uh, some other stuff. It'll make the list I write up a bit neater at least.
I had one of the most satisfying power naps earlier. Didn't get the best sleep last night and then I had two three-hour lectures back-to-back. Though thankfully one of them cut pretty short since it's the first day. But I still pretty much had to go straight from that into Kirara's game and then after the session tonight wrapped up I laid down and man, even half an hour later I'm feeling really refreshed.
Rice is nice and all, sure, but is it really worth getting -that- excited over.
don't rabbits pound rice with their mallets into mochi isn't that how it goes
Yeah, mochi, rabbits, and the moon are all linked in Japanese folklore.
Hah hah hah It's a bit too late to bluff like this.
Sensei's got a bit of a temper to her. To be fair Hajime is treating her kind of rudely.
yue has like no personality
Well she's got Hajime Saikyou and Jealousy. Tooootally a sufficient personality.
it's not just the ears that are disgusting
Well I find the ears cute. She's a bit of an exhausting character and the rest of the design is so-so but I do like the ears.
uchimusume is the old world, maou-sama is the classical era, and arifureta is the postmodern society of the same world
That would be neat. Seeing one world through different social and technological eras. There's a fantasy author I like that's does that a bit with one of his worlds and it's a fun read. Though nothing as crazy as those three series all converging on the same world.
He's really, REALLY stubborn about not being buddy-buddy with anyone from his old world anymore. What a dork.
they really go hard on fanservicing the vampire in this show i wonder where they drew the inspiration from.....
These power trip-y isekai series always end up with the author's personal tastes filling out the harem. >>742156 Yeah, it was originally a web novel too, one of those series that gets published publicly without any professional editing involved, before it got picked up by a publishing house. They're always kind of like this.
you can tell this is one of the stories someone was fantasizing about daily while bored in high school haha
>>742155 i guess web comic would be the right platform for me to use solo VNs are doable but they're hefty to do on the side of actually having a job
Well web comics do have a bit more of a demanding release schedule than a VN. A VN you can work on until it's complete, but once a web comic starts, you kind of become chained to a release schedule, since unless you've got a really large readerbase, hiatuses in your releases can potentially suffocate interest.
Would visual components be necessary for your works? They're a fair bit rarer and might be harder to sustai, but there are English online novel serializations out there. If you can just write and not have to worry about creating the art for a project, it might be a lighter work involvement.
>ehhh? >translation: Awww.
Kind of reminds me of the Spider-Man villain Mysterio.
This dweeb is all dressed up formally for this night with the demon girl. And she's just wearing the school uniform she always does.
I feel they could have done this little girl better justice than dressing her up like a jester clown.
wow way to go dude
He just fainted right out hah hah.
haha okay
annie is such a cutiepie
Yeah, she's pretty sweet. She really deserves to be human!
grabbity man
Circusleaders always seem to be real nice to the weirdoes that end up under their wing.
aw thats a cute stuffy
He's got a pretty wild origin story. Looks like she's probably the one with powers though. Poor guy just wants her to live happily and not be harrassed for her powers.
How does nobody see THE EARS on her. Like people accept there's inhuman creatures in this city, you'd think an abnormality like that would make people suspicious.
This guy with the widow's peak is a pretty unpleasant person. Hopefully he gets a proper villain's death.
i enjoy this show quite a bit
It's a nice show. I think it does a really good job of presenting questions of what it means to be human.
Oh yeah Rika did you hear that Shield Hero's getting another two seasons of adaptation. It'll probably be two single-cour seasons rather than two-cour like the first one, but it's something I'd be excited for more adaptation of.
She was kind of a tempermental brat even as a younger kid, eh.
>>742159 remind me over the weekend or something and we can talk more about that
Yeah, I'll try to remember.
Oh well that's a mean development. There's little worse than religious zealots.
>laughing in your own head
She even mimicks the motions of laughing while doing it in her head!
Seeing people relaxing into a bath always makes me want to do so too.
i'd love to experience japan's public baths
I've only ever been in semi-private ones. Like ones at hotels that are oen to -open to all guests.
well that too, you know what i mean spa type things
Yeah, the elaborate level of the baths he's set up are a bit above a public bath, hah hah. Their hot spring resorts are at the level of a spa, yeah.
Hah hah Killer Queen is such a difficult imouto. The oldest of the holy maidens really has it rough trying to rein in her two younger sisters.
I guess in transcending NPC status from their previous roles as the MC's assistants they've developed some personality depth and changes that weren't there previously.
haha the >i'll kill you was a little bit unnecessary
Yeah it's a bit corny. Like I get it's supposed to portray how they're actually kind of hard-boiled eggs that are used to things being rough and this laidback environment is kind of alien to them. But they played it up a bit much.
Oh she's getting a little carried away.
wow he's ripped
Hah the rooms come with television but no electricity. Though things seem lit up as if the lights are working.
Poor Maou-sama. He's adopted way too many kids too fast.
im a little envious of my roommate going to teach in japan next march
japan is really amping up the stakes due to the 2020 olympics they want a lot of english teachers
maybe i should apply id be too scared i think
It doesn't pay great but you'll get enough to live off of. In a sense you might actually have an advantage there from the experience you've got living off of smaller incomes. I'd probably mess up a lot money-wise. From what I understand it's a pretty intensive job and a little difficult if you're not gung ho about the work, but teaching is a pretty satisfying job.
>>742226 im good at not spending any money and living in confined spaces like a japanese apartment i prefer the space efficiency really
it's a lot more accomodating to pedestrians as well
There was a woman in the summer course I took that had spent some time teaching in Japan and Korea. According to her you get paid and treated much better in Korea. Being in Japan would be a little more tempting to me, but I supposed it wouldn't hard to take vacations to Japan once I'm that close.