>Old English, from butter + fly2; perhaps from the cream or yellow color of common species, or from an old belief that the insects stole butter. lol what
It's the first day of the new semester. I really hate school. I can't wait for it to be over. Just let me work! I love working! Just give me my stupid piece of paper that says I can do what I'm doing now without a supervisor.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Kyah Summer fran is such a QT. I might use a second chalice on her. >>734496 Life is made up of stupid bits of paper.
i really hate that stupid fucking paper i could and should have had it but people look down on me because i dont and they do im so sick of it it makes me nauseous
ive done more research and written more than most grad students out there but the fact they had more money to spend gives them social right to spit on me and laugh about it i hate this system so much
Technology is the root of all of our problems. We should just go back to living in caves. Even spears are too technologically advanced! I'll smash all the technology!
i just thought if you maybe saw my perspective you might understand that a little better i don't really want to cause an upheaval of feelings or anything though so i can just drop it
it's fine what do you want to talk on discord or steam or text
i don't like how these kinda of exo suits are always like "hikers can use them!!" why are you hiking if you're using robots to make it easier
these kinds of things are great for people with disabilities and physical limitations but people who dont need them using them will just make those people less healthy and less prepared for real life
i can do okay without them, but it's just the change that im worried about ive been on them solid for a year now really consistently and gotten used to that mode im in tune with my stuff removing that is really going to mess me up
yep! the mahjong itself is really solid as a platform it's a lot more engaging than tenhou, with some basic emotes for communication and just a much prettier layout
the mahjong itself is the grind, so any items and characters and everything else are just a nice bonus since you're havin fun playing everyone's favorite game anyway i havent rolled any of the chance characters yet but ive got the ones which you get as rewards
mind you, im only using boobie lady because she's got the highest bond with me right now so i get more progress towards chests with her for each match then i can use those chests to bond my moe witch
>boobie lady >progress towards chests heh
gotta learn from the best how to progress the chest
this girl i gone on some dates with keeps putting food in my face and i keep telling her to stop but she keeps forgetting am i the asshole oh shit im the normie haha sike
So Samurai Why do you keep making such terrible food choices? Don't you care about your long-term health?
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
what i ate was actually pretty healthy, some rice and fish but like student tier quality idk itβs way better food than my usual plates of wings and pastrami sandwiches
for some reason everyone gets really excited for me when i say i'm out of the office thursday and friday for meditation retreat i'm not used to people being happy that i'm doing something i'm excited about it's fuckin weird to be surrounded by people that care about me
Someone called me from New York and I accidentally answered the phone. It was some loser asking me to vote for Bernie and he wanted to know if there's anything he can do to help our local DSA chapter campaign for Bernie. So I told him we voted to take an accelerationist stance and will be campaigning for trump and he hung up on me oops
Why? why shouldn't I get pissed off about enforced bad security?
Kirara π
because getting angry is unproductive i mean i can see being like "damn this is fucking dumb as shit" because it is but getting angry and dwelling on it just makes it worse doesn't it
I am not dwelling on it anymore nor am I angry about it beyond that moment where I notice i have to make up a password thati sn't up to my standards, which is "needs a supercomputer to calculate untill heat death of the universe to crack"
and the other reason is, that I don't bloody hell remember this password next time ubi forces me to sign in cause it isn't a password that is made so I can remember it
I think the most annoying one is paypal they have 20 characters, but still very limited character options and they are essnetially a banking service...
I don't even get it why limit the password characters in this day and age?
huh, the free running/climbing is much more responsive in this than in ac4
It's responsive because it's limited. Assassin's Creed III, Black Flag, and Unity are in a weird point in the franchise's life where they were trying to figure out how to best open the free-running up to being able to climb anything without making the three-dimensional movement hard to execute on a controller/mouse+keyboard. Where as in ACII and earlier the game is very clear when you're climbing something you can't, and equally very fluid when you're running on things you can. It was only really once they made Syndicate that they found a nice way of having you free to run and climb anything and not want to throw your controller out the window.
>>734669 Nope, you can literally hang in one spot indefinitely, providing no angry enemy decides to start throwing stones at you. In the earlier AC games climbing was kind of a mini-puzzle mechanic in the games; you had to look where climbable features were on the wall and you couldn't just hold up on the controller to scale walls much larger than your character. In the later games they made it so you could scale almost anything that wasn't obviously too smooth to get a handhold on but they'd also shifted towards an emphasis on free-movement and being able to maneuver fast and fluidly through an environment, which is probably why they didn't incoroprate -incorporate a stamina bar mechanic.
Also maybe that would make their game too HARD for the assumed audience for a AAA studio game.
good heaven's look at the time >>734668 yeah and it just ended up being wonky as fuck
also there is a slight puzzle element in the more impressive high points compared to say black flag, where every single thing I climbed was just "hold up, scoot once to one side, you are here"
>>734671 for turnip cakes or maybe a casserole i have four decent sized turnips i havent decided how to use them yet also russets, eggplant, various fruits, and onions i wanted to get tomatos and more stuff but there's not much storage space for produce in this shitty kitchen so i have to keep it tame
i wish i had some mason jars though to pickle some turnips, and some eggs
everything is more expensive at kroger unless you have a kroger card, which i dont i was gonna go up to the customer service center and get one but they were so busy and my words dont work bolthouse farms salad dressings are buy one get one free with a card i really wanted them too, and some salads but the idea of paying two extra dollars without the card triggers me even though it's not that much of a difference in expense
so no salads sadly but turnips and potatos aplenty i should get some kind of hearty ale to cook the eggplant and onions in for a little pot roast
I haven't heard of mixing ale and eggplant before. Even if you're cooking off the alcohol I mean that's a taste crossover that's pretty foreign to me. 'Course I don't have a lot of experience with eggplant in general.
well, you know, like a pot roast you're gonna have water in a pot roast with broth and stuff if you're slow-cooking a pot roast for 3 or 4 hours to make it nice and tender and flavorful, you're gonna be evaporating some of that water out every 30 minutes or so you just go add a little bit of fluid to it and ladel it over the meat and such a bit usually you'll have some oil in there too
i like to just slowly replace the water with ale as the process goes on to impart a little bit of heartiness into the flavor eggplants and potatoes are kind of flavor sponges so they benefit a lot from stuff like that
check out these Sweet Sapphire grapes i picked some up at the store they're amazing
How's the flavour? Are they more on the tart side or sweet? I mean I get the name has sweet in them but I've found naming sense with fruits isn't always to be trusted.
they're really sweet the good kind of sweet. i dont really like sweet generally but this is the good kind of sweet they're seedless, which normally i like those giant concord grapes with the seeds in them personally
i really do NOT like generic grapes though. they're kind of disappointing whatever breed that is that's just the main generic grape, you know the white ones are ok but ultimately they're unsatisfying after eating them imo
these are a real treat they were 1.80 a pound or something i think. i got two pounds but i should gotten more
i got some things called pluots too im guessing the name is a portmanteau of plum and apricot and it's a crossbreed i haven't tried them yet but they look really good! i love plums
When it comes to pit fruits I'm definitely more of a peach/nectarine person. Particularly peaches; this time of year peaches are at their best 'round here and it's so nice to get a soft, juicy, sweet peach.
i got peaches and nectarines too! im trying the pluots out now, theyve got more the consistency of apricots but they're nice and sweet
plums by far have the best flavor i think, but they're kind of a mushy mess the flesh is soft and it's so juicy that it just drips everywhere and having fruit fluids on my hands is an absolute dread for me because it gets sticky obviously i wash my hands but still
these make it nice where you can slice em up and the flesh is more like a peach or apricot
i also got a couple grapefruits ive been craving a nice grapefruit breakfast for weeks and finally got some!
Get Kirara to send you a whole buncha grapefruits they practically grow on trees down there.
they're like 80 cents each! or maybe it was a dollar and change but still it's super cheap i just needed a ride to the store i got sooo much produce for not very much cash
if i lived by a farmer's market or just had my own vehicle, i could be saving so much money and eating so much better get hungry for a snack during work? just grab a cucumber and sprinkle it with some salt and rub the two halves together dip some cucumbers or carrot sticks in poppy seed dressing and that's a nice refreshing snack takes like 20 seconds to prep
idk why people are so stubborn to eat junk food it's not even easier at all!
Have you ever seen a photo of those goats that are some how standing quite comfortably on a near-vertical wall or cliff face? It's really fascinating to see. A lot of mountain goats seem to almost compulsively climb steep surfaces.
They like to do things like this.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
>>734693 yeah they have some instinct to climb literally anything they can i harbor a secret dream of farming goats someday maybe just normal goats tho >>734692 from the west coast!
MAGIX is having a problem with their website so I can't register my product and now it won't let me go back to use the trial version????
sorry i'll fix it in a minute
Kirara π
>>734937 when i got my new work laptop it kept telling me my windows wasn't legitimate so i was looking everywhere for the product code, is it on the box, is it in an email, where is it after a legit hour i hit the "troubleshoot" button and it's like "we found your product code"
okay try it now
aw shit here we go
now to make Fire Emblem shitpost videos
your welcome
Kirara π
Claude, Edelgard, and Dimitri playing DnD while Byleth is DMing would be a funny scenario
I don't really understand how normies put importance on some things. A bunch of people in my program in the same year as me are all talking about how yesterday was "the last first day of formal schooling" for them. I guess that's true, but who even thinks of that? Why is it so significant to them? I just don't get it.
parents ruining everything even while they're in another country on vacation they weren't going to tell us that our AirBnB was being used by random cousins until after they left and we'd have to clean up after them
Kirara π
>>734966 Good thing you'll have ToN and Pan there to help you clean!
>>734966 That's kind of shitty of your cousins to not clean up after themselves.
No, you don't get it. They aren't there right now. They're going to show up on the same dates Ton and Pan are going to. So I can't host them there. And then once they're gone, we'll have to go through and make sure everything's clean and wash all the sheets and whatever for the next people who will be using it
someone asked me why i volunteered to take the new intern under my wing and train them to he /// be a therapist they thought i was being altruistic lol i'm training them to take over the tasks that i don't want to do a person with no clinical experience is the perfect person to train because they don't have past experience to get in the way of them doing things the way i want them to do them
I don't know how long I'll be able to keep up with all this high level academic rigour. This week for Children's Literature, i need to bring in some Show and Tell to share with the group.
i didn't have butter for hash browns the coconut oil i used soaks into the potatoes so you can't really get em crispy i kind of mashed em up instead and just had a bed of potato to put the egg on top of, like you would with rice or something it turned out pretty good i think
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
>>735007 i heard a lot // many good things about wonderland while i was in uni
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
that wawa sandwich was solid
Kirara π
hell yeah wawaaaaa
Kirara π
>>735010 I like using canola oil when I fry potatoes in a skillet. I've found it's good at getting the potatoes crispy without soaking them too much.
>>735011 It's got some weird bits but all in all I think it's a pretty solid park. In more recent years they've been pushing the intensity of their new coasters up and up too. I think for a time they held records for highest coaster drop in the world with either the Behemoth or the Leviathan. But it's been quite a few years since I've last been, I don't really know the state of the park these days.
>>735016 yeah, canola is great for higher heat stuff i use coconut oil for most stuff because it just tends to be what i have on hand it's pretty versatile
I had a good day, though. A busy day, but a good one. My mindfulness group was only one person today, so it ended up being pretty intimate which was nice. I taught someone how to meditate and went through everything with them, watched how they did and gave feedback, talked about her struggles with it and everything. She watched me meditate for a little bit. It was really comfy. At the end, she started noticing things like the sounds of cicadas or the cars in the distance or the AC turning on. It was nice.
I had to win four straight hands to get my score! Had a hand in tempai too and could have gotten a fifth hand straight but another player got a Ron off of the one that ended up in last place.
it really agitates me when im in like 2nd or 3rd place and im executing a plan to make an upset for 1st so im building my hand and specifically targeting the player in 1st on the last south rounds
and then the guy who's in last place with like a 15000 point gap riichis with no other yaku just for 1000 points and ends the game why you're still in last, you didnt even try
cedar point is nice, i want to go again some time for longer
what was the best part of the trip
Cedar Poi
>>735048 On the occasion I've done stuff like that I try to use the emotes to make it very clear I'm doing it intentionally as a sort of "There's no way I can get out of fourth/third with this hand so I'm ending this on my own terms." Though with the limited expressibility of emotes that probably gets lost in transmission hah hah. Either way it is some times useful just so you can get a reset on what was probably a tough game. A 15,000 point gap between fourth and third is kind of on the edge of what I'd consider hopeless if it really feels like my hand's not coming together. Even if I can climb into third I'll still be on the paying side of the win split after the game ends.
getting some points is still good to minimize your losses but 1,000 is just so frustratingly pointless
>>735050 coasters and stuff are fun id have liked to do the water park too, but time constraints and what not
YouTube keeps giving me a pop-up survey on my thoughts on its homepage. But I already threw some half-assed answers at it but it refuses to stay gone. How annoying.
Kirara π
my mom got a letter for me so she actually texted me to ask if it was okay to open are pigs flying
yeah the going up is where the tension is built it is like those shooty thingies, the ones that shoot you up and then you freefall down or just a freefall drop it isn'Γ€t the drop, it is the build up that gets you
I'm always very relaxed on the ascent to the top of a coaster or ride. Just like to sit back and enjoy the view. Once I'm dropping though I definitely feel terror though.
i dont feel any terror what i do feel is the rattling and crunching of my bones as the coaster is tossed about
I'm not good with falling. Even having to fall my body's height is enough to get me a little panicky.
https://variety.com/2019/film/news/matrix-4-keanu-reeves-carrie-anne-moss-lana-wachowski-1203307955/ There were rumours of this earlier but looks like it's officially a go. The script is also being written in part by the Cloud Atlas author; that's kind of neat.
>>735074 how do they bring back trinity she defacto died
It is a mystery
also I like the >fishburne is too old to morpheus >but they bring back keanu whos is around the same age
https://twitter.com/i/events/1163919342200709120 >Failed negotiations between Disney and Sony means no more Spider-Man in the MCU Oh no.
So begins step one of Raimis glorious return I wish
Well unfortunately apparently the talks are at a stall but not absolutely shut down. Sony'll be in a problematic situation too, Holland is a pretty universally-adored actor in the MCU fanbase.
Kirara π
yeah, it wont be stalled for long marvel probably let this out because doing so would put pressure on sony what they should really do is keep peter parker and let sony do a miles morales movie in the same universe as venom
>When contacted by io9, a Sony representative said itβs their belief this dispute is simply over a producer credit and negotiations are ongoing. They further clarified that Feige has contributed to other Spider-centric movies that he did not receive a producer credit on. hmm
It kind of feels like smoke and mirrors from Sony. >No negotiations are ongoing you have the wrong idea about the dispute If the dispute isn't about what was originally cited as the reason, then where did that reason come from?
Kirara π
perhaps a misunderstanding or a drive to get clicks who knows
Maybe Marvel leaked it in order to rouse the fan armies and pressure Sony into a situation where not acceding to Disney's terms is economical suicide.
I missed doing this both on accident but doing it on purpose once you are in full gear, it looks damn kino to kill a bunch of people and then flourish your cape with the "gentle push"
I think it is a kinda useless thing tho and doing it automatically while in crowds is definitely an improvement
The funny part of AC lore, is how it makes some great people of history just tool users while others then actually become way grander then they were, since they never used the apples
garbage juice is the worst, especially in a kitchen/bar
>>735281 how should i contact you my dude we dont have a main stay setup until tomorrow so weβll be staying somewhere closeby tonight, but other than the drive and picking a place to stay weβre pretty free today (though id like to recover a little myself).
tomorrow and friday are prime hangout days for ourselves and blue
All the best anime girls are Russian. Prove me wrong you can't
>>735299 Maou from Maouyuu The Mali's daughter from Yuushibu Raharu from FLCL Rei from NGE Only took me about seven seconds of thinking to prove you wrong by counterexamples.
It's hard for me to sleep without a knife or something nearby since I get paranoid at night. But I'll be sharing a room with 15 zen students... I can't really sleep with a knife. I'll just have to do my best.
>>735317 Enlightenment is always there! Until you think about it. Or so I'm told.
>>735320 I can sleep without one but I usually sleep with one in reach. Two if I count te blade on my leatherman. The knife in my headboard shelf is pretty big too.
Hah hah yeah. Reminds me of when we were driving in to Philly and hit the afternoon rush hour. I was worried we'd hit it with the pace we were going and yup. I can only imagine it's even worse in the Large Pear.
did you know theres a taylor swift concert happening in central park soon because i did not
>>735343 I'm sorry to break it to you Blue but I do not keeo -keep up to date with the weekly schedule of things happening in New York City.
>>735344 I'm okay, a bit tired. Just enjoying the night. How's you?
>>735340 >>735341 traffic was lesser of my personal nightmares mine was finding a not booked hotel close to blue's city
His city is New York dude you think that place is just made of available housing?
i dont mean IN i just mean near like 30 miles near
available mousing
>>735345 Hello Anno I'm enjoying the night too I'm playing Fate Grand Order Does anyone here plays it?
I played it very briefly but I don't do -don't play it anymore. From the sounds of it, Marsh is still playing it pretty regularly though. A few of us are probably familiar enough with the game to know it pretty well too.
>>735351 Oh? I have a Marsh on my friendlist It would be too much coincidence to find him here?
HE apparently started another new series because, when you produce 2 chapters a year, you surely can do two series at once.
But honestly speaking, I get it wanting to work on something else to give yourself a refresher when you can't get he creative juices working.
you gotta be careful with a series like that too you are defining canon and if you slip up or forget something or just don't think through it carefully the fanbase can get really pissed at you
Also I am pretty sure he is at a point where he doesn't know where to go with the story He no doubt has an end point, bei t series end point or next major mileage point, like griffith's rebirth or the fantasia kingdom but how to get there is the hard part
Some guy earlier today kept calling my number even though he wanted the number that was mine but had an 8 where mine has a 3. Like I can kind of get where that mistake can happen once, but how do you mess up the dial four or five times?
Actually I know what it involves because I was a good boy and completed the online workbook like they told us to:
I forget the acronym. But you LISTEN with compassion and without making value judgement uhh. Check for signs of immediate danger or self harm GENTLY TURN THEM TOWARDS AVAILABLE RESOURCES.
Im@tts is a dumbass doing a multi-year degree I just read the booklet and I basically know all the same stuff.
>>735571 Ok I am listening With compassion and without making a value judgement.
>>735603 Yes, I've played both the Story of Seasons games. Never played Friends of Mineral Town.
I'd recommend checking it out if you want a farming game when it comes out! Friends of Mineral Town was in its time an amazing game. I mean it's still probably a pretty great game but definitely dated by this point.
Also the Rune Factory 4 Switch port is coming out at some poin t this year in North America.
itβs so weird how as soon as you go north of [neighborhood we were just in] it becomes Hasidic Jew Land instantly top hats and full coverage dresses everywhere
Oh I think I saw a trailer for a documentary on that enclave of Hasidic Jews in New York, yeah. Kind of wild.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
poor dudes walkin around in all black in the 32C heats
poor guys
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
poor goyims walkin around w shorts and tshirts
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
so this bartender gave me 5 bucks change on my drink in a fiver iβm like βcan i do this in ones?β so o can tip
she gives me... 6 ones
Did you give her back the extra dollar?
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
at this point i can only assume she reaaally doesnβt want to be tipped
what an awful bartender
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
another guy just came up and asked βcan i get some ones pleaseβ although that might be for the jukebox ifk >>735620 pan pan pan are ya still playing blaz
drop my post why don't you doushio big sis is getting married next week time sure does fly
Yeah I can imagine that would slip up on you. The older of my younger sisters is probably gonna come to term some time in September, so that'll be an event in my life. Though she lives like four hours away so I probably won't see the kid until a holiday.
>>735639 Wow I did not know your sister was having a kid.That or it slipped from my memory. Either way, congratulations! It must be an exciting time for your family. >>735642 Well, I lived with them for most of last year and they seem like a decent match. He's a bit headstrong but overall I think he's pretty good willed. He also had a past habit of getting into shenanigans, but I think he's slowed down on those, as you do. >>735641 Thanks, I'll tell her you said that.
Ah shit, I still haven't got a wedding present. Guess I better get onto that.
i was supposed to watch with a friend and now we aren't friends and i'm sad
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>735704 It was just a tiny little scratch but there was a fair bit of blood.
i know most of the time i've been pretty bleak and sad but this last year has honestly been the hardest just when i think i can't get any more lonely and and my life can't get any worse, they always do
>>735706 Damn dude I know it doesn't mean much coming from random Anonymous 735712, but I'd watch them with you. Madonks for me was THE anime. >>735708 Crazy how much blood you can bleed
At least when I worked thrusday, friday, saturday nights I had a legitimate excuse for never going out on the weekends. Now it's just 'cus I have nowhere to be
>>735833 doing God's work. >>735834 That is exactly what I'm saying. Get jacked off condiments.
Oh I don't want to go out. I want to get invited out though and then say 'no'. And that way when I'm spending Friday night at home playing videogames, it's because it's my personal choice. And not because I don't have very many friends.
It's much better for my self-esteem. or, it would be.
>internal organ evaporating hellscape thursday it's okay, the weatherman said tomorrow will be cooler >Moon's Water Sandwich level of moisture friday well, i guess he was also, my lungs kinda hate me right now but it's not as bad as I was expecting
was he right
hot and spicy air get your fresh air here laden with soup base
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
my socks... WET! shoes... WET! hair... WET! phone... WET!
Other good thing about this writing for Young People class is that I can unleash my inner Edgel0rd. I can make the Assignment as chunni as I want to and instead of being a potential criticism, it works in its favor. Because its target audience is teenagers and they love that shit.
I think my assignment is going to be about a Princess who can summon a demon under her control. It's going to be "Lit AF" as the kids say
mahjong tourney day 1 done i advance on to day 2 woo some intense players there today >>735946 we just wrapped up. it was just a /vg/ tournament me, maria, pets were in it there were 32 players total
i'll holler at you next time registration opens for another one
Oh shit, is this going on in MS?
>>735937 damn i cant believe you called our dear, sweet, eternally 17 year old rika old and irrelevant
>>735945 Yeah that might be neat. I don't check in on /vg/ all that often. Didn't even know they had an MS thread, though of course being /vg/ it definitely makes sense there'd be some.
same. maria told me of the tournament i might go frequent the majsoul generals though it seemed like a cozy group of folks we used IRC for the tournament organizing