Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou DanMachi Episode 5-6 Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Granbelm Isekai Cheat Magician Episode 6-7 Joshikousei no Mudazukai Kanata no Astra YU-NO Episode 18-20 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 6-7 Machikado Mazoku Maou-sama, Retry! Episode 7-8 Tejina-senpai Episode 6-8 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator
Bell'll probably never be more than shrimpy. He's kind of an AGI character after all. That is a bit of an unrealistic body for a practicing blacksmith to have though. Working the forge tends to get you pretty buff. And it doesn't seem like he's been too poor to eat well, which could have been true of Bell in the past.
She's getting a little bit out of control.
That shot of the red sky and moon was kind of pretty.
im gonna make mash'd potatoes while we watch kanata
from scratch!
Wow are you going to grow your own taters?
no they're cheap to buy
There's a joke about not actually from scratch in there but I decided I'm not going to even pretend I'm serious about it. I really like mashed potatoes. I mean I like all kinds of prepared potatoes but mashed are definitely up there in the upper echelons.
Yeah, I was kind of hoping they'd have to do some rough and tough salvage and repair work. The thought of them kind of Ship of Theseus-ing their way back home sounds fun.
well they're not off the planet yet
Augh what are these mysteriessssssss What sort of thing was she expecting to happen. I feel that close on her praying is probably something relevant. There hasn't really been any demonstrations of faith in this series up to this point.
Luca kind of leaned on the fourth wall for a moment there.
ahahah that'd freak me out too
Oh gosh yeah thoes are pretty gross.
A lot of these kids seem to have rocky relationships with their parents. The only one that seems to have a normal one is Aries.
quitterie has a cute voice i hadn't paid much attention to it
I feel like she's been particularly cute in this scene. Her voice is kind of waver-y and more heartfelt emotion. Her seiyuu's really nailing it.
Wow, amazing she can still fight with that much missing.
what happened i dont understand
Yeah it was a bit weird. What I think happened was Ernesta used her magic to pull Anna's magic crystal into the path of her giant axe-scythe. It seems like Anna's body had been entirely consumed by the crystal or something so destroying the crystal was like killing her?
Ernesta's robot has this long tail-like appendage with a spearhead on the end of it. While Anna was monologuing she snuck it into the position to stab through the magic crystal. Then things happened like I presumed they did.
maou-sama is pretty cool
Oh another little girl I bet Maou-sama's going to have to adopt.
what is this thing can it go away
Looks like the clown'll be gone soon.
thank gosh
haha this girl
Even the one-off characters in this series are pretty unique.
I have to get started on work so i'll finish this up later
good night you two! thanks for the shows
It blows my mind that people can get that exhausted hiking. Walking is pretty easy to do long-term; it's literally what us humans evolved to be good at.
>>735509 Oh no. But I guess also oh yes, since work is nice to get, right.