I wonder which goddess Ishtar is picking a fight with. The way she calls them acting like a queen I can't imagine it's Hestia. Is Bell going to get caught up in a petty catfight between Freya and Ishtar?
i dont think she even knows what it is cigarettes werent a thing in this world remember
Yeah, but she can probably infer. Even in a day and age like this world they had pipes to smoke. And Luna's carriage driver was quite willing to take one so it's not so alien they're confused by it.
the soundtrack is great mood-building
Well there was that early episode with the kinda goofy chiptune track. It's been a fun enough OST though.
Oh he unlocked fast travel. That'll be convenient.
Dad Mode: Engaged
haha he's so disappointed
They're good concerns to have about what seems like a kid's book!
Does she know it's him despite meeting him as Zero? Ah looks like she's got some kind of magic reason for knowing.
haha she looked so excited
Killing people is probably what she was good at before.
And yeah looks like he's adopted yet another kid.
haha it even uses the instant transmission gesture
This really is an enjoyably silly series.
maou-sama really brings it all together he's a fun character to be at the center of all this
That's a really weird coin to have in your economic system.
Man I really want to go to a deluxe onsen resort like this some day.
yeah same i wanna go to hokkaido hot springs
Well he's talking about robbing the nobility so I guess he's not all that bad but he is leaning into the evil of his Maou role a bit.
That's kinda a good deed though. I don't think he's a very good maou.
I don't recall the doctor lady's summoning this flashy.
>>735744 Yeah but he's doing it in an evil way! Bringing casinos into a world that has no idea of their deceptive structure is a really evil thing to do! Eventually some noble would get the idea to recreate it but instead mooch off the commoners for their money instead.
this show has a great cast i can't think of any of the girls i dont like
It's honestly a really good show. More people should be watching this.
my roommate asked me what was good this season and i recommended him this and kanata i couldn't think what else was showing at the time since i was sick though
Oh, temperature plant. The mechanics of living on mars are cool. Aria had stuff like this.
Oh that's a cool invention of the future. I guess we'll get a winter arc for this show too. It'll be nice to see these girls in cute winter clothes.
that would be fun yeah mars seasons might be weird heck our seasons aren't even consistent within the same country
I'm guessing here, but I think with a temperature plant like the one that got blown up probably keeps the biome around the city consistent. Like it will fluctuate the effects it produces to maintain a consistent environment.
oh i didn't catch what the building was i had emails
Well we're close to you needing to get busy anyway, so yeah.
I wonder how many buildings are like this one in the city. If you have the engineering to influence the climate of a city, do you even need interior heating?
why are you upset tues what do you want with that scraggly dude
okay ive got work to do! yall got sleep to do bye bye good night thanks for having me
I mean I wouldn't be surprised but I've never seen one myself.
I'd guess the heat off the light would be a concern, though they do produce lighting that can make decent lighting without too much heat. Yellow-orange colour is usually indicative of a lighting source that is producing heat though.
they definitely have some that the handle part can be pulled out to be a lantern when you pull it out, the switch turns on and it's a radiant light cylinder and you can probably also twist the knobby off at the end so it streams outward like a flashlight since that's a common lantern design