>>734723 Time consuming isn't really the experience I've had playing it. An East round game can take maybe ten minutes tops if people are playing slowly. It's easy to get one through in less than that if the game's going smoothly or someone squeeze the points out of another player.
>>734726 didn't your first night of playing last over 12 hours straight though consumed some time in the overall experience!
Well not my first night but it did get pretty intense fast. But I assume other people have a better capacity for self-control than I do.
my internet exploded and I ahd to restart what time are we at? thanks
18:15 18:20 18:25
Gosh I'm the only person without strife tonight.
It's kind of a shame this series had to go on hiatus for a couple weeks. Seems like it paused right before the main plot really began to kick off. All the characters it's established are being brought back and put in motion.
It's neat to get some stuff from Accelerator's perspective. Some of the chapters in the LN that covered World War III in Index were from his narrative but the anime kind of held back on engaging his inner narrative during those bits.
The injury he took that forced him to use that artificial assistant would have turned a person in our reality into a vegetable; it's only because of that technology that he's able to function.
Pretty much. A subset of Anti-Skill that's composed entirely of overzealous nutjobs who aren't interested in Anti-Skill's normal job of keeping the peace and dealing with rowdy espers.
something like that yeah
wow what a leap
Ponytail-chan is great. She's a pretty awesome fighter considering she's a normal human in a city of psychic espers.
what the heck are those
Seem to be weaponized weedwhackers drones.
I feel bad for the Sister who's in that bodybag. She's been thrown around a lot, and that's on top of being abducted.
Being able to fuck around with frictional coefficients is a pretty universally applicable power. There's a lot you can do with something like that.
they always come up with pretty cool powers i like that
He eventually gets to where he doesn't need that thing anymore? I seem to remember that after the WW3 arc after he turns into a crazy angel
Nope. He's still relying on it- Oh yeah actually maybe he might after WWIII. We didn't really get much anime after the WWIII arc ends and I'm not too versed on the LN content.
Tohru's such a good girl. Someone barks orders at her and her first thoughts are "Wow they're cute".
What a bratty kid.
Momiji's outfits get more and more ridiculous every time we see them.
how annoying
>Arrested for child abuse I'm not too well-versed on Japanese law but I'm pretty sure as a kid, Kyo couldn't get arrested for that anyway. He's not an adult anyway.
Hiro's just throwing a temper tantrum because people aren't giving him attention. What a brat.
he's pretty annoying it's not even as offensive as it just is annoying
Hah hah he's twitching with FEAR. REVEL IN YOUR DOMINANCE, TOHRU.
He's a particularly infuriating case of faux passive aggressiveness too.
he's just trying to get a rise out of people don't give it to him!
Unfortunately Kyo's no good at controlling himself. I'm kind of sympathetic to him on that.
Shigure's editor is cute. That haircut she's got is kind of boyishly charming.
yeah it's a cute look
Kisa's such a good girl though.
Akito really is a torment on the whole Souma family. Though Akito's got problems too. The whole Souma family is a mess.
Hah hah hah. I always love seeing Shigure's less pleasant and carefree side surface.
Hiro acts like such an insufferable brat but he is really on a leash when it comes to Kisa.
i want a little crepe truck
available to buy from* not for me to own
At least he's self-aware of how much of a brat he is.
i think this was the kid i hated in the original and i was mistaking him for the bunny
his voice for the dub was absolutely cringe i remember
I can see that happening, yeah. He's still kind of insufferable, especially if the original anime didn't get much further plot-wise. The manga's nice because it wraps up all the plot arcs.
he seems to appreciate when people are willing to put up with him at least sometimes things work out okay that way
some people never stop being troublesome but they can make up for it in other ways
From what we've heard from the other Soumas considering their parents, it's probably likely his family situation is strained or stressful too. That kind of thing can drive kids to be really insufferable, so it's probably good to give him a bit of lenience.
Hah hah hah Yeah I thought this was going to be the case.
Oh no she drew out the real rasuto boss
arm wrestling is scary ive seen people dislocate their wrists really bad and their elbows too!
Oh she's only going up against the Russian girl. So much for a tournament.
>>734859 It's the kind of thing best kept to easygoing competition between friends. If people are trying too hard then yeah, stuff like that an unpleasant risk.
Gina Boyd
Hah hah they're putting Japanese subtitles on this bit as if she was actually speaking Russian during it.