More like I need to remedy them but I'm not even sure the course of action is the right kind Hell though, I'll just wing it and hope for the best what's the worst that can happen
>>>/watch?v=WBn9oNxatdg what genre would you say this is? It's been good I've just been listening to mass of fermenting greggs all day and they at least make me feel a better
>>735977 Hm, i don't really know. I'm not particularly knowledgable of music genres and where the lines are drawn between them. It is a nice sound though.
neither I mean I have an ear for some genres, but I don't have quite the musical ear for the intricacies of others I would hazard a guess ad and say it's like post rock but that's only because it reminds me of explosions in the sky
noble silence reprieve for a short time hello sensei says if i ever retrieve jukai my name is going to be "butthead" in japanese and he keeps calling me asshole and i was also called an idiot
roshi keeps talking about how emoji are "complete fucking insanity"
i mostly swept for samu we are doing tokudo today so we just have a few more hours of sitting altogether maybe 4 or 5 hours of meditation left today and then like 3 hours of zazen tomorrow morning before the retreat ends
roshi is like 80 years old, looks frail as shit has a Bernie Sanders voice though imagine bernie sanders saying "fuck off" and "bite me" all the time it's great and this dude is limber as hell dancing and screaming
Kirara 🍄
also he is a recovering alcoholic and loves lsd
quite the character
wonder how it would be to do all this >>736045 pn lsd
sensei says he is going to name me "butthead" in japanese if i ever do jukai and receive the precepts as a buddhist
oh! roshi hit me with his zen stick he asked if he could and i said yes and he tapped me lightly on the shoulder and im like, oh, that wasn't bad then WHAP and holy shit it stiiiings but then he hit me on the other side and it was so painful but all of the tension in my back and shoulders left and i had the most satisfying sit ever
roshi told me a story a zen master's wife died and at the funeral, he was sobbing over the casket a student stood up and said "sensei, don't you know that life is impermanent? she was bound to leave you sooner or later. why cry?" and the zen master turned around to face the student very slowly and then broke his staff over the student's head and said "my wife died, you moron!!"
if you don't play on the swings, you're the student in that story!
This girl absolutely has the right idea. The world would be a better place if everyone was more direct and upfront. It's everyone else who's wrong.
Yeah but that's an absolute impossibility. You're not going to somehow change human nature on a global scale to remove the human tendencies to be indirect and shy away from confrontation which drive people to act that way. You might as well say the world would be a better place if everyone just surrendered their emotional volatility for rational behaviour.
Not to mention either way I don't think the world would be a better place irregardless.
>>736100 Ok then Riddle me this If anime ISN'T real life Then how come day-old curry really does taste the best?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Checkmate, atheists
>>736102 Because that comes from chemistry, not anime.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Chemistry comes from atoms Atoms come from God Madoka is God Madoka is anime Therefore, anime is Chemistry
fuck /moe/
i got this boss to literally 1% of its hhealth and died because i got greedy now because of the shitty bad trash terrrible not good game design i gotta walk 20 thousand miles back to the boss
>>736108 Nooooo its sooo bad its just so specifically designed to be unenjoyable
i haven't been this mad at video games in such a long time i could definitely be bothered to fight the boss again but i can't be bothered to trudge all the way there
There probably wasn't a bathtub or shower at the meditation retreat.
so everyone smelled
Well my yearly watching of my preferred DIGITAL SPORTS tournament has concluded. Though this time they hosted it in China so man it was at awful times to watch. At least it'll be in Europe next year; that'll be easier to watch.
I was playing Mahjong all night while I was watching my DIGITAL SPORTS and man my brain is really frazzled from all that stimulus. It's the good kind of exhausted though.
Or well maybe not good but satisfying kind of exhausted and damn it that's good to me.
>>736201 I think worst writer I have ever seen, was still this one english theologist who wrote an essay about something in the 70s and to flex his BRITISH LANGUAGE MUSCLES, he wrote a ...
of only synonymes and could have been 10-20 words long but for some reason the guy just kept going and going and going
this was given to us as "translate this" in an english course
I remember just looking at it with a friend and going "finnish doesn't have this many words for these words to avoid repeating..."
So basically he wasn't a bad writer per se, but his writing skill had gone up his head and his head had ascendedi nto his asshole
Kirara 🍄
that bath was amazing soooooo good
>>736203 haha this guy writes with as many gigantic words as possible to the point that it loses almost all semantic meaning as a sentence
Similiar here, but imagine saying that in one way then doing another sentence separated by a comma, if, then or whatever and just doing it all over again, ponder saying it in another way and so on for like 8 sentences and only using BIG OXFORD DICTIONARY words made me want to travel back in time and hit him with a dictionary
Kirara 🍄
ordered two pizzas just what the doctor (/moe/) ordered can't let myself get too healthy, you know
I apologize for disappointing you. I'm a little stressed out however from having a scam email make me think my credit card was compromised again followed by my car insurance bill being the wrong amount again, so I don't entirely care right now.
Now back on important things, would you like to try to get the roll20 thing going sometime today, since we're supposed to do things this week
The past few days, the whole time I was sitting in the zendo, one thought kept me strong! "I can't wait to talk about Kimetsu no Yaiba with my good friend, ToN!" Ah, I'm hoinh /// going to die because I'm so disappointed. >>736241 I'm too disappointed! My disappointment is weighing me down like a boulder!
Give me five minutes.
>>736241 learn to check the actual sender on too realistic spam mail, to see if they are actually legit or spam
you'd think that but I have this nagging voice in my ear that won't stop talking about things I don't want to hear about right now she's talking to me about laundry which is all well and good but I'm not wanting to think about that
Anyway, Roshi taught me something you can do to help with people talking in your hear about things you don't want to hear. Do you want to know the technique he passed down to me?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
is it tell them to shut up because that won't work here
I got a new sleeping pad for camping, so I tried it out as my bed during the retreat, since we didn't have cots or beds or anything. It folds up really small, but it's really comfy and inflates fully in fewer than 20 breaths! Of course, it's still just a small inflatable pad, so it's not that comfy, but for a cheap inflatable pad, it was top notch!
i dont get much of any feeling being off my meds which isn't all bad
idk what it is but something about me keeps attracting the really stalky guys they say really mean stuff to me in private but then follow me around on discord servers and get really territorial like im a fresh kill or something
im not distressed by it, it's kind of a curious thing and it doesn't really affect me because im well insulated but i do wonder what it is about me that pullss in the people that love to hate me
the "negging" actually is so silly like id be affected at all by what someone who has only known me a couple weeks says
>>736266 it could be but this is just awkward and cringey
it's not my space i just ignore their presence and demand for my time and attention until they get upset and start saying
*saying hurtful things to try to hurt my feelings but they aren't anywhere impactful enough to affect my feelings i dont get what they are trying to do
i did a run of nightmare and the raid and got one thing per and i need 10 for the first thing and i have no motivation to play games right now so i figure i'll see how i feel tomorrow
This is going to sound weird, but I have to recommend this organic, gluten-free, vegan snack that I tried. It's called Hippea and it's chickpea puffs. They're so good! Like cheese puffs, but a thousand times better! I can't believe it, but I guess I have to believe it, otherwise I wouldn't be recommending them.
>>736287 Good, make sure you watch a few episodes per day. Is Pan at work? Let's watch right now!
OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i fucking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a discord rich presence linking to your profile and have a server full of us commenting cute things to each other. i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it fucking KILLS ME and i can't take it anymore. i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by myside but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendslist would kill me everyday of my shitty pathetic life.
Me and my friends over at /r/atheism are just laughing at you wasting your time studying invisible sky magic and hocus pocus When you could be learning science like a true enlightened gentleman
hmm random thought, how would actually extra arms from places like these work? they aren't connected to your upper body muscles properly so..? propably an extra pair of arms from the... plate thingies from your back would propably be best connected to your body's muscles, but even then they wouldn't hold the same amount of strenght behind them as the main arms
>>736584 PMR isn't a zen thing! It's a grounding technique used to help people with PTSD or panic disorder.\ But it can be used by people without those to relax and sleep.
if you want a comparison, a thunderbolt that strikes very close like less than 100m that is quite near the amount of loud so loud you can feel the sound
Kirara 🍄
oh i've had lightning strike like 10 meters from me
Yeah that is closest I can think of as comparison, since thath as happened to me too though I was indoors
as for the artillery I was clicks away from the firing spot and thankfully dozens away from where they landed, but still that noise is LOUD I mean, I can hear naval artillery fire from like 50-100km away occasionally here, with windows closed. artillery is damn loud
>>736648 they should have chosen a better weekend. one where I don't have to risk my life in the rain to get home unbearably hot one day, risk of rain the next day, and then Saturday was amazing but they were leaving that day so we didn't really go anywhere. I won the last towerfall match though. And Remi made it home. So everything worked out. >>736651 Ton gave me a can of Cream of Tomato soup. So I got him three boiled eggs.
Kirara 🍄
>>736649 i guess you could say you did some risk of rain
ton said you thought pan was ton and ton was pan haha
The first boss fight probably would be no where near as hard as it was to do if I was on Normal. Not to mention that you kinda have to unlock animation cancels, which I haven't.
Serious Question: Do video games exist other than the one on my mobile where I tap on different coloured combat cards and then it shows me Fate girls in their underwear?
AHH This isn't the time to be looking for new games to get invested in I've got too much to doooo That's why I play this stupid Fate Moblie game so much. It's easy to fit in in small doses around everything else.
What does this mean? "The relative fits the absolute as a box and its lid. The absolute meets the relative like two arrow points that touch high in the air."
Kirara 🍄 Here's the service from this morning, by the way. It starts at like 1 minute. But the screaming and stuff starts around halfway through. If you start at the beginning, you can hear us chanting in japanese too though
>>736860 Oh yeah, that's Mika. His dad is a really famous actor or something from Law and Order, I guess. He's been a monk for like 15 years.
Roshi used to be a philosophy professor and Mika was one of his students there, haha.
Yeah, that was pretty interesting. I don't know if I have the capacity to remain focused on something like that for so long though. My mind gets to wandering real fast once I settle into a habitual activity.
The chanting is really fun. When I first did it, I didn't really like it, but when I finally just started chanting from my hara, it felt really good. It makes me want to chant more, haha. It's the same with bowing. At first I didn't really like it, but now I'm getting into it. You can really just disappear into your chanting or your bowing. It's great. I think Roshi's passionate bowing and chanting rubbed off on me.
Roshi is really funny, though. One of the chants is the Verse of the Kesa. It goes "Vast is robe of liberation, A formless field of benefaction, I wear the Tathagatha's teachings, Freeing all creations"
Roshi hates the line "a formless field of benefaction" so after service as he walks out, he talks shit about it. He talked shit about it to me in dokusan, too. He doesn't want to do that chant, but he really likes the line "I wear the Tathagatha's teachings"
I really like the harmony of the relative and the absolute. That's the one we did in English.
The day is almost over! I just have to put my fresh sheets on my bed and then it's bed time, you know.
I just need to win 5600 more points to clear this Mahjong Soul event. That's like one decent winning hand. I've also been on a good bit of, not really a winning streak, but a winning trend, too. Makes me feel like I'm improving.
I'm thinking I did my tax return wrong, so I dunno, I guess I wait for the ATO to see that mistake and try and hunt me down for it. Hope I have the money
maybe its because im still at the start of the game but the chapters in Oninaki kinda just terminate i like it but the story, so fr, is the least interesting thing about it. the main story anyway
Apparently the GFL collab is still going. I thought it ended while I was doing sesshin. I could have grinded (ground?) for Sei yesterday if I'd known. But I guess I'll do it today while I do whatever.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it ends today
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>737160 I don't have it in me to try and grind out sei or stella I already have the characters I'd want most
You can do Sei with just planning mode and a 5x handgun or an 3x SMG and 3x AR. That's the only reason I'm doing it. I've done it 100 times, though, and gotten no Sei!
ya you type words and they appear live as you type you can't edit your words at some point. like two or so words behind the cursor I can't remember the exact semantics of it but you'll see it once you play around with it a bit
It is more of a power play and just despotic way of using your power at that
Well it doesn't need to exactly be taxation, I think I can construe it as such. >Taxes consist of direct or indirect taxes and may be paid in money or as its labour equivalent.
if you want to compare it to something, just compare it to how "taxes" were paid by your vassals in men, horses and so on vassals quite rarely actually contributed in money to their liegelord, but rather with soldiers knights especially so the "right" of first night is another form of tribute Mongols too oft asked for horses rather than just money and slaves in tribute from their tributaries
I just need to construe it as such for use as an example of "novel taxation".
but at the same time it is a quite primal form of power play like the alpha mating with all the females first and then the other males get maybe some in packs or all women belonging to the chief and chief gives them away to others.
Kirara 🍄
it's definitely not taxation unless you really stretch the definition of taxation
Well She has a younger brother so I guess she'd be used to shit like this. But the figures have to be hidden.
Cause in Japan owning anime figures is way weirder than in the west. Err Is looked down upon more.
Anyways she's my dad's friend's (possibly also his exgirlfriend) daughter and she's going to a uni in Michigan but her mom asked my parents to take her shopping for winter clothing and school stuff because the rest of the family (excluding the dad because they're going through a divorce) isn't moving to the US until a later date. And then my parents are going to drive her to Michigan and then drive back in the same day.
I want to go next time i go to nyc. Fuck I haven't been to nyc (aside from driving to new jersey from the airport) or going to some boring part of long island where my cousin lives in like 13 or 14 years.
I tried to wake up at a decent time today and ended up sleeping like ten or twelve hours. And in doing so ended up with this awful crick in my neck/shoulder. All in all a big L.
I mean it's not a great pillow but it's definitely not a bad one either. It's fine if I get it at the right angle and this doesn't really happen if I don't sleep half the fucking day away.
Have they announced a Nezuko nendo? I feel it would be positively criminal to have a Tanjirou nendo and no Nezuko one!
Kirara 🍄
Yeah, there will be one. I'll get that, too. I'm also getting the Nezuko mug.
I really loved the whole ending of this week's Kimetsu episode. The closing scene of the arc being the sun rising over the mountain after that long night was just so nice. And there was some really good music this episode too.
>>737278 Yeah, but I wasn't on /moe/. I'm the one that disappeared! I was on a meditation retreat from Wednesday until yesterday. I'm just giving you a hard time. I'm sure you already knew since Fish is mad about it.
It's hard to imagine not going mad from boredom while staring at a wall for 24 hours. I mean it's not like you're asleep. You're in there thinking the whole time.
>>737298 Come meditate with me sometime! And yes, not 24 hours straight. Just two hours straight, followed by a break, followed by another two hours. 24 hours over the course of three days, basically.
>>737301 Sure. But someone else keeps track of time, and they ring the bells. When the bell rings, we do walking meditation. When it rings again, we do sitting meditation. Then the bell rings and we do dinner.
it's just zen we aren't soto and we aren't rinzai our lineage is handed down from Maezumi Roshi who was a master of both the Soto and Rinzai schools So we're neither Soto nor Rinzai, but we're also both Soto and Rinzai
>>737319 We always go to the panhandle ever since my mom's parents died.
>>737319 I still wonder about 1) the road build on that sea wall 2) that people live in there, when they get yearly hurricanes which result in giant waves
>>737323 All the time. You can't geta good view, though. The rich have stolen almost all the beach and hidden them from view with towering homes. It's really quite disgusting.
though prolly a damn treat to drive it through you ever done that?
>>737322 There is nothing more amusing in a way than to sail along any coast and look enviously at the people owning the plots be it rich, or just people who got there in time a century or several ago
when I was cottaging with my friends a month or so back, our lovely rustic cottage was surrounded by two modern mansions made it /made the rusticness even more drastic
But shoreline of Helsinki is also fun to view I quite much like seeing a 1-5 million dollar plot + house with a 200-1000k boat on the peer Makes you always wonder who lives there and how they amassed their wealth
buit there is one cursed house it is a quite rustic, prolly built in the 50s semi-mansion at a quite good spot too it has been bought and sold and bought and sold over and over again maybe like 5 times since we started boating Guess no owner wants to keep it and fully renovate it, and always ends up selling it onwards Kinda weird, since it is a stylish house on a good spot, with a tower too to boot
Must just be in that bad shape, especially on the inside Or maybe it is hAUNTEEED
Take it from me, most people get over it REALLY quickly when you scream out loud in the back of your house. hehehe~
btw why aren't they, I guess cruncy, translating Hashira as pillars and kizuki as half-moons or whatever it was
They initially translated Kizuki literally. But a few weeks back they changed it over to Kizuki and by the time Hashira was being mentioned they were adhering to that.
I sometimes understand leaving a word intact, because it would become too long etc or doesn't translate at all but with those two it is just silly imo.
Kirara 🍄
Nah, they said Hashira from the beginning. But they did mix it up with Kizuki.
Yeah, like I said, by the time Hashira was being mentioned they were already adhering to the non-translation. Unless Hashira got referenced way earlier int -in the series and I've just forgotten about it. But as I remember Hashira have only recently been referenced.
/moe/ can you review this social situation and my action taken I was at a classmate's apartment doing some homework and her roommate arrives (whom I've met once and didn't talk to much) and she mentions to my friend that she's planning on moving back home with her parents because of her father's declining health and her mother's poor financial situation, but that she'll talk about it later she goes to her room and I quietly tell my friend that I should leave and let them be with each other so I do, I leave no moral quandry here, just a social quandry do you think you would've stuck around and handled it differently
Kirara 🍄
you should have fought them
you should have headbutted them
>>737360 I think there's a 50% chance i would've stayed.
>>737360 I don't think either option would have been wrong. The roommate was evidently not in an immediate rush to talk about it. But unless you really needed help from your classmate for the homework and leaving was fine by you, leaving was definitely the polite and accommodating choice.
Kirara 🍄
>>737360 this seems like a reasonable way to do it
>>737360 yeah I think a quick get away was the right choice here
alright but the REAL issue at hand here is that my friend told me her roommate thinks I'm cute (weeks ago) and i like ohmygosh totally think she's cute too but now that's out the windoooowwww
Well there's plenty of fish in the sea/
>>737367 RIP Should've asked us about that weeks ago.
>damn this love isn't gonna work out. imma just exit stage left
>>737374 well no its really just that she's gonna be dealing with a dying father /// currently is dealing with a dying father and probably isn't in the realm of romance right now >>737378 ultra yikes
>>737377 People are most ready for romantic relationships during times of hardship. If you can be there for her and support her through this troubling time, I think it would probably help both of you.
>>737375 moreso so that the roommate could get he her* time alone with my roommate to talk about their living situation and probably vent about her problems I assumed she wouldn't be comfortable talking about it with a stranger in the room
Also are you new or just tilde? Cause I don't remember tilde saying "yikes"
>>737379 listen i'm a polite enough person to know when to exit a scene and read a room and all but i'm not a sweetheart like THAT >>737382 no i've been around you're just being majorly yikes right now
>>737384 i'm sure we'll meet again wait fuck she's moving well ideally i'd like for us to properly talk for the first time in a cheerier atmosphere THEN I'll cunningly and slyly maneuver my way into being kind and supportive
>>737392 No way. If you become that atmosphere, everyone will just tell you to learn to read the room. It's okay for things to be somber. They're supposed to be somber! But somber times are easiee // easier to get through with others. You can't save anyone from pain by distracting them from it!
>>737402 My ADHD is severe and also the combined presentation. Yet I did it without my medication. You can do it, too. You just have to build up concentration power. It takes time but you can do it!
someone ordered groceries 50+km away on a rejected card and a disconnected phone I turned up to the address and the person didn't even know them there were two other deliveries around here so it wasn't a complete waste >>737421 well, we at least deliver to this place that is that far I don't know if we have a radius or something we just handle certain areas
o-ok i admit it i wove you o-ok i f-fuckinyg w-wove you anyd i-it b-bweaks m-my heawt w-wheny i-i see you p-pway with someonye ewse o-ow anyyonye commenytinyg iny youw pwofiwe i just wanyt to b-be youw giwwfwienyd* a-anyd put a discowd wich pwesenyce winykinyg to y-youw pwofiwe anyd have a-a sewvew fuww o-of us c-commenytinyg c-cute t-thinygs t-to each othew i w-wanyt to pway v-video games tawk i-iny discowd aww nyight anyd watch a-a movie togethew b-but y-you j-just seem s-so unyinytewested iny me it f-fuckinyg kiwws m-me a-anyd i cany't t-take it anyymowe i wanyt to w-wemove you but i-i c-cawe t-too much a-about y-you so pwease i'm begginyg you t-to eithew wove me b-back o-ow wemove me anyd nyevew conytact me againy it h-huwts so much to say this b-because i-i nyeed you by myside but if you dony't w-wove me theny i wanyt you to w-weave because seeinyg youw icony i-iny my f-fwienydswist wouwd kiww me evewyday of my s-shitty pathetic w-wife. uwu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
even unironically that's pretty wait ironically even ironically that's gross
has it nyot occuwwed to you that the voice you've w-wead m-my post i-iny is iny fact the voice iny y-youw head? i-it's y-youw voice, it beaws youw tonye, anyd youw j-judgemenyt vawues. how a-about t-this: why awe you b-beinyg a-a wittwe bitch? i a-am t-the m-matwiawch of wedditawiany ganyg banyginyg, d-deaw. d-do you ny-nyot knyow w-who i-i am? i am despewatewy wonyewy. a-awe you twyinyg to be m-my f-fwienyd? because you've got a-any inytewestinyg way of g-goinyg about it. i'm o-ok with this, i cany wowk with this, t-this i-is what we do. i-i do t-this. (that's any icp wefewenyce. get i-it?) ow a-am i-i wwonyg? awe you h-huwt ow offenyded b-by s-somethinyg i-i s-said? h-have i wwonyged you somehow? a-awe you upset? do you feew t-twowwed? as youw fwienyd, i-i feew obwiged to i-inyfowm y-you that if you s-said "yes" t-to a-anyy o-of t-these questionys, you might be misattwibutinyg thinygs t-to me which do ny-nyot e-exist. i-if y-you dony't unydewstanyd w-what t-that meanys, how about dony't sit thewe anyd t-teww me i'm b-both somehow subjective anyd awso w-wwonyg. you cany't have it both ways. so w-what's it goinyg to be, chummew? i-i a-am t-the house. anyd t-the h-house says the doow is openy. awe y-you goinyg t-to w-wawk iny hewe, fuck m-my s-shit up, anyd s-steaw m-my p-pwopewties? ok, t-that's wude. we couwd awso j-just chiww. if i thinyk i'm someonye who thinyks t-they'we deepew thany they actuawwy awe, theny cweawwy i must dig deepew. i died onyce, twue stowy. wisteny... evewythinyg i've said iny this t-thwead... you must wead iny a voice with a f-fwienydwy tonye. a-anyd befowe you i-inytewwupted me, a-a y-youthfuw jubiwenyce. y-you'we abwasive, i'm s-suwe y-you a-awweady knyow that. i-i unydewstanyd i cany be abwasive as w-weww. i-i cany unydewstanyd you, i nyeed you to unydewstanyd me. i-if you dony't unydewstanyd me, we c-cany't be fwienyds. if we cany't be fwienyds, t-theny y-you best get t-to steppinyg because you'we iny m-my way. awe you good? OWO
my antidepressants are all gone and i'll probably never be able to get them refilled again just feeling pretty alone and helpless tonight stuff doesn't feel fair
Have you been getting sufficient work lately? i understand that's kind of parallel to this problem but it's something that will potentially open up avenues.
Well if you feel like it's an -it's not an absolute no I'd recommend trying. Not only because I have a personal investment in the ease of it but also that once you're doing things it generally feels easier than the thought of doing it. I've generally found it best to try and prove that feeling of being alone wrong.
My music started playing out loud in the library today after I took out the headphone jack Luckily it was just some classical piano stuff so it didn't really matter But it COULD HAVE EASILY been embarrassing weeaboo shit.
This is a gentle PSA reminder to stay safe and be careful.
>new intern was supposed to come at 10:00 so I could start training her >she texted me to see if she could do 11 instead and I said yes >it's 11:20 and she's still not here
An unreliable subordinate is even worse than no subordinate. I hope this isn't her usual behavior or I'll have to throw her to the curb. I don't have time to give someone work ethic.
Make her fear you and intimidate that lousy work ethic out of them!
just getting all the spirits now
and they're all cute gir- >this voice nevermind
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
eating a bahn mi alone in a viet place while they blast WAKE ME UP INSIDE
Have you been sufficiently WOKEN UP INSIDE
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
might need to drink four coffee real quick for the real awakenings