Ahiru no Sora Boku no Hero Academia BokuBen Episode 8-9 Choyoyu Episode 6-9 Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai GranBlue Fantasy Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 17-22 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 3-8 PSYCHO-PASS Val x Love Episode 8-9 Vinland Saga Watashi, Nouryoku etc.
What really gets to me is I even had the list written up for last night. I'd just have to have kept up until anime time and things woulda breezed. At least it makes tonight's listing easy.
I'm also a little saved by Rifle being a recap episode this week.
>>777678 Do you want the time space of Sherlock or are you skipping over some of the other choices for some other reasons? I would imagine you'd enjoy Ahiru or Hero Academia or even stuff like Choyoyu and GranBlue more.
>>777680 Yeah, it's good by me. We can save Sherlock for a timeslot you've got more pressing business to attend to.
I imagine Askeladd being in close proximity to Floki is probably a real worriesome situation for the latter. Askeladd knows Floki hired him to kill Thors. If that information leaks to Thorfinn, his REVENGE is an easily-directed beast.
The king really does look like a decrepit old man. Even without strife he probably doesn't have long to live.
canute and thorfinn are basically nordic Griffith and Guts
Except Thorfinn is a shrimpy skinny lad instead of the walking GIANT that is Guts.
Oh here comes the ambush. ... Though not really an ambush if you dash out like that and don't immediately attack.
>>777692 vinland saga covers many years my guy guts was a scrawny shit before he got rrrriiipped
>>777694 Yeah I know. But to my knowledge even in Thorfinn's older years he doesn't get to the same menacing figure that Guts has.
Literally BOILING with rage.
>>777695 yeah not quite but nobody in vinland saga is the same tier of build as guts some are pretty close but only the Armstrong family could challenge his shredded bod
i mainly just meant shit that happens to them and their demeanor is kind of similar
Oh hah hah hah. The priest cleans up nicely he gets a shave and a haircut.
Canute's a pretty dashing lad in the ponytail.
>>777697 Yeah hah hah, I know. I think Thorfinn's a bit more understanding than Guts in most cases though. Guts is really only a vessel of revenge after Griffith ascends.
thorfinn is a good bit less psychotic than guts but he actually had a dad that loved him for a little while before things got fucked up and canute is more like Griffiths pre sociopathic reveal too >>777701 I don't think Guts even thinks about anything that isn't killing Griffith or protecting the last of his comrades he's not a really deep character after all that shit breaks him for good
Thoses //Those two losers ended up in a bit of a depressing existence. One brother's head's completely gone and the other's realized what a poor warrior he makes in a culture that reveres warriors.
I'd personally agree, yeah. But when dying fighting is your free ticket into a glorious afterlife, retiring from fighting must feel pretty soul-crushing.
Well he does seem to be trying to earnestly help in his brutish way. While trying to still act like he's out to get them. I wonder what it was that Gen whispered to him before they left.
>>777720 It's funny because it's the kind of line the author would use unironically.
Counting for thousands of years to know how long you were asleep is still probably the most ridiculous thing Senku's done. Like that's not even a matter of genius anymore it's just sheer focus. I can't get much further than six hundred or something before my count gets fuzzy. In seconds, I mean.
>>777742 atsushi okubo is a guy calling them a girl and with female pronouns was a stupid in joke among some soul eater fans nobody ever realized or called me out on it when i constantly did which made me laugh
Wow I can't believe you'd betray me like this Jan. I never really did Soul Eater I wouldn't get the joke!
>>777751 do you really believe i wouldn't lie to you for months because i thought it was funny you never looked it up
i thought it was great honestly
I mean it wasn't something that matters to me it just means I can settle into a specific pronoun usage rather than use the rather cumbersome "they/them" In general I'd much rather trust what a friend says than not though!
This arc will be fun when it finally kicks off, I think.
Yeah it'll be great. I'd forgotten how much build-up there was before the action gets rolling. My expectations were that they'd be rolling out last week or the one before it.
haha the sextuple 7s was just talkin about boku no hero
>>777778 there's always a shitload of build up in boku no hero but i feel like it's worth it the anime especially always delivers the intense moments well the climax of this arc is gonna be so good
>>777779 You kids are too lazy. Gotta post more if you don't want all these pointless numbers to go to us.
>>777783 guess what this post number is exactly as rare as 777777 because it will only happen this one time
Until Samu dumps the archives again. But yeah all these numbers are pointless.
>>777781 Yeah, it's a slow build because it's setting up all these details.and stakes. It really helps for making sure the deliveries are always intense.
I'm looking forward to the climax of this arc in particular because I never got around to finishing it. I've got a gist of what happens but the actual details I've never experienced before. So that'll be al ot -a lot of fun for me.
well that was a different set of numbers that all had the same value
I am getting about tired of this buildup though! I hope it kicks off soon
It'll probably be a couple episodes more of setup then 3-4 eps of side character battles and then the rest of the fight against overhaul cause everybody gets a bit of spotlight and that fight takes for fucking ever to end
Nah we're getting into the belly of the beast by next episode. The united hero front and the cops are about to charge in.
>>777792 Well All Might vs. No Might was a good two or three episodes if I remember correctly. And then the delivery on UNITED STATES OF SMASH was 10/10
Oh I guess they're doing a fetish cafe like in Blend S.
Mile's hair is really super fluffy.
What a terrifying little girl.
Yeah on paper they're probably low-ranking adventurers. Oh she knows how over-powered they are despite their ranking. I guess she's just worried about the three of them wreaking havoc trying to hunt it though hah hah
How are they going to get it can't she just fly up and zap it anyway
I don't think she's got flight magic? Like it's prob-
What. That was her big idea.
Like it's probably within her capabilities but from what they talked about concerning magic earlier in the series being able to do specific magic is one part having the power, one part knowing how to form the spell. She's had a leg up on the other mages in this world because of her modern world education but maybe flight is still too complex for her to visualize.
Yeah it seems to have a real taste for embarrassing humiliation.
Ropross is another pop culture reference from her hah hah. Looks like it was a monster in a Final Fantasy game, taking its name inspiration from some old 70s manga.
I bet since they're not gonna end up hunting this wyvern they're not gonna get paid for the work. Oh they did. Not from their employer though, but at least they got paid off by the mage.