Oh shit I'm next if he's doing all of them in order
No wait, it's just displaying at the top cause it's got a like
It's weird though, the tweetdeck said I was number 5 from the top, and it lists chronologically But he's replied to a bunch now, and all of them are at least as old as mine
Maybe he's skipping you
No I mean They're all as old or older than me and only 4 should be older than me according to tweetdeck Cause I was 5th
Maybe he doesn't wanna make a statement one way or the other on Spencer Spencer himself seems up for it though, he liked one of the tweets I made trying to ask Dave
Yeah Usually there's not much that's too much for Rubin though
Yeah, true I dunno why he wouldn't want to make a statement on it Maybe he just doesn't want to give a platform to an actual nazi, but doesn't want to publicly say that since it's kind of against what his show supposedly is about
Spencer isn't even an actual nazi He wants to work with Israel
Yeah he's not THAT much like a nazi He is uh, a nationalist socialist at least, and he's in favor of an ethnostate But he's not like "only white people get one", he's more like "everyone gets one, and white people too!"
Yeah and I mean I don't agree with that but he's not a dangerous or violent person so whatever
I don't entirely disagree with an ethnostate, but the US is just a poor option for location Like dude move to somewhere in Europe, we can still be turned back to somewhat ethnostate without needing a fucking genocide
>>72627 Not trolling. Someone did an AMA and SK asked a legitimate question and was ignored even though most other people with actually silly questions weren't. I asked what his favorite animal was.
I am alright. Tired. A little bothered. How are you?
I especially want the spencer on Dave's show because maybe the white pride faggots will see that socializing medicine isn't the devil and you can want white pride but also take care of those white people
my work's been melting my brain i said i was going to take the rest of the week off for self maintenance but then i ended up taking 15 hours of work for tomorrow anyway i dont know why i do this to myshelf
>>72638 I guess you could say that. I told her to stop, but she's being unusually stubborn about it. She's not really acting like herself. Maybe it's something I did.
>>72641 It could be that someone gave her advice on trying to keep you on task and help you with your work and she went overboard with it in a moe way. Maybe that's what happened.
>>72660 It wouldn't have been a problem if she weren't being so forceful and weird. She got upset after I got frustrated so she's sitting outside now just staring at the pond.
nagging doesn't really work for keeping people focused that's specifically a tactic used to break concentration and annoy to do something quickly, like taking trash out or washing clothes
>>72667 I'm not playing dumb. I know she has machinations. I don't think she's so unsophisticated that she thinks she can win me over with brownie points.
>>72668 I think she's trying to be helpful. I know she wants to be a help to you. She hasn't said anything like this, but I also know people who are currently unemployed/not doing much usually feel a need to be useful somehow, too. So maybe that's part of it.
But this time it's mostly my bad advice so take it easy on her!
like there's this bit with cover and infinite archer ghosts And you have to run psat them which is fine But the thing summoning them also summons dragon knights and shit when you get close and if you don't kill him he's gonna keep doing it But he KEEPS SUMMONING SHIT
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also the cover is shit and you can keep getting arrows in you
I decided to play the new FF15 thing since I couldn't do any more work. They used the term "alternative facts" in it when the bad foreign chancellor lied to them.
>>72711 They have machinations together. They're working together to take control of me.
>>72711 EH? EH? I could've sworn I said it was a terrible idea, but when I checked my post, I said it was silly! What the heck? >>72727 Thanks for the food.
bang's new computer
woo hooo! now i'm off work for a couple days but i have to go in on my days off to unload the truck in a few hours and then tomorrow night i have to go in to order the next truck
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm feedin rabbits and pourin whisky and i'm all out of hay
>>72756 Roy is a mediocre unit, and he is extremely niche because he has triangle master. I already have Lucina, I don't need another red lord unless it's Eirika.
>>72763 I didn't think you were being suggestive this time. We didn't really have a fight. Things are fine now. We will probably talk about it more when we go to bed.
>>72770 Yeah, that's not really a choice to me. The only thing I can really do is what I'm doing. I'm not the kind of person that can hold a grudge, especially when I did something wrong, too.
It went terribly. She made it impossible to work. I wasn't productive at all and by the time I got frustrated and got her to stop, my medication had worn off, so I didn't have the attention span to do any more work. I'm probably going to skip meetings on Wednesday to make up for it.
Yeah, but I have 30 pages of papers to do by the 4th and a really big and difficult exam on Wednesday. It's a very bad time to be forced into having an unproductive day.
I don't want to take an exam which reminds me I need to get certified for some stuff I guess I should actually pay attention to that email with april coming up
I need to get my new joysey court reporter certification too these people aren't very respectful of my schedule though
>>72786 Certified for what? >>72785 It's not very fun It means knowing probably 200 criteria some of which are almost exactly the same and being able to assign them to the proper disorders unprompted by multiple choice
Oh, I got fucked over by a professor and now I have to try to get someone that works with kids to let me be their assistant so I can afford graduate school
>>72798 the child labor laws have been abolished and his uni is hiring children for manual labor now
maybe I'll take revenge on the professor that fucked me over
By doing what?
hijack his publication on its way to be delivered and re-print it all on hello kitty letterhead and then mail it in to the journal he was submitting it to
Today's breakfast is a cinnamon bun You may think "Oh, candy for breakfast, that's not good" But no, you are wrong, because this is an upgrade from my usual breakfast, which is nothing
Thus, by eating a snack, I am actually eating SOMETHING which is an improvement
Cinnamon buns are an uncommon but not unrealistic choice for breakfast for me.
It's not exactly good, but it was like $1 for 2 yesterday at the store while I was in there for other reasons, and I thought "eh, I might as well grab a pack" and I forgot to eat them
It's really disgusting to eat though It's got a weird taste and texture, and holding it is impossible without getting all sticky
Also I remember reading somewhere, that if you're gonna eat something with manufactured sugar in it, it's best to eat it at the start of the day because of how sugar metabolizes. But I guess you could also take it with a grain of salt because I'm not gonna be able to source that.
>>72825 this morning I had 2 eggs cracked and mixed into a glass of beer
but i would also recommend tamago kake gohan. it only takes a minute to make
I'm coughing like crazy Yesterday after I went to bed I had to get up again and shoot like 5 or 6 squirts of nose drops up my nose, too, cause it was SEALED SHUT Is better now, but I'm still feeling the throat issues It's probably the same condition, I just fixed the nose problem through MODERN MEDICAL SCIENCE\salt water in a glorified pipette
>>72831 so you used nasal irrigation to solve your sinus congestion then?
i also ate a donut with it every single day when i was in vegas as well they had fresh coffee in the lobby shop with donuts so i got the coconut one. i think i might have gotten the regular chocolate with sprinkles when they didn't have my first choice at some point.
this breakfast of mine is almost some kind of obsessive compulsive ritual
Though I guess I shouldn't talk, I didn't eat food today until like, 21:00 in the evening.
>>72841 Nasal irrigation is basically just a technique feeding water through the nasal passages. usually warmed at least and sometimes medicated, through a small tube there are devices specifically created to do this like the neti pot but really any kind of gravity-powered irrigation is fine works very good to clear your sinuses up if you are congested but feels kind of weird
yeah part of it was cool it was just me riding a motorcycle all over the place that's fine but then towards the end of the dream i was at work on the drive-thru and all of the customers kept making weird requests at the window that were causing our ticket times to go up and the last car wanted to buy 10 pound of pickled red onions and i wanted to say no but the big banner that says "Yes We Absolutely Can Do That" that we keep in our store kept scaring me so i was like "okay" and i had to find 10 pounds of pickled red onions but they were nowhere to be found and at some point i realized i was dreaming so i was like "fuck this" and woke up
"Yes We Absolutely Can Do That" is a terrifying motto to serve the public under
just that part alone got me spooked i wouldn't work there
bang's new computer
i mean normally i'm beyond amazing at customer service and customers i interact with tend to leave positive surveys about us and overall i am fine with the banner but when you have a 300 lb Tyresha demanding 10 pounds of pickled red onions you just want to die
Sk phone
>>72842 Oh, I heard about that Good way to get sick if you want a week off or something
close to completing all the zelda side quests and shrines screw 100% though i'm only at like 38
Samu please. I know you're STRONGER than that.
I spent 220+ he's getting the plat in Nioh you can definitely beat some wimpy zelda
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I got true end already i don't need X00 collectibles in my lyfe
I mean hrs not he's
Wow this one has multiple endings Damn gamestop gimme my switch
Are they low on stock there too? It's outright impossible to find one in-store here. Online stocks go out of stock within ten minutes of re-stocking. It's really absurd.
>>72891 Literally can't get one until April 23rd at least
>Within days of his inauguration, the White House petition calling on Trump to release his tax returns garnered the most signatures on a White House petition, ever. The Trump administration's response? "People don't care." this is hilarious if true
>He works for us now. Pft The US government hasn't worked for the people in YEARS
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i might go to the local one to take pictures again
Yeah it should be fun I mean, most people there will be normal people who I probably agree with on this I just think they're completely missing reality's cock slapping them across the face, here
Trump hasn't released the tax returns, not because "he thinks people don't care", but because he's NOT GONNA
You can't even go the indirect route and put the fire under the ass of the people close to him, because they can't make him release them
Antifa won't show up Antifa are anarcho commies, the fuck do they care about tax returns Taxes in and of themselves are antithetical to their entire mindset
By that time, even the Republican candidates will go "You know what? Fuck Trump tbh", so being against Trump won't be a useful thing to mention And that's all the dems have right now
I mean they have JUSTICE DEMOCRATS, who the big wigs are likely gonna squash like a fucking bug
>>73009 Even Trump has healthcare as of right now, so Obamacare is in still
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no, nobody believes that trump has health care
obamacare has had a MASSIVE spike in approval rate as people have realized they're on it
It is true that they have a... they they have a trump card in the health care I didn't even realize what I was writing before the elipsis there, I swear to you
But I dunno if that's gonna be enough >>73014 >single payer Won't be supported by democrats, their donors won't like it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
bernie is introducing a single-payer plan to congress soon haha
Yeah but that's the problem Bernie's hurting them by doing this, and he probably doesn't realize it >>73017 His, but he's not gonna run again is he?
Oh but it might be really good for that one rogue Dem who goes "Actually yeah I fucking LOVE THIS" He can safely do so without even liking it, because it's a safe loss of a bill
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
increases his chance of presidency in 2020 though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he's totally gonna run again
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are a bunch of dems that bernie is raising his LEGACY
Yeah but like justice dems, I think they're gonna get cucked by the powers that be in the party Bernie showed that following the Democrats' rules is a guaranteed loss for anyone they don't like
Oh and also more importantly: Guaranteed healthcare
You're not even guaranteed healthcare if you're INSURED in the US, it's a fucking wasteland
It'd be interesting if Spencer ran If he avoids the MUH ETHNO STATE shit, he could end up being the international favorite, if he chooses his talking points carefully
Would it be legal for the US government to start their own Twitter alternative? Would it violate some copyright\trademark law as long as they call it something else?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think it'd be legal but they wouldn't be able to ban anyone or anything i don't think
>but they wouldn't be able to ban anyone That's why they should do it
Run twitter into the fucking ground by giving the people a fairer, less ideologically driven twitter Less propaganda network More free speech network >>73030 The hell is gab?
Well the thing with having it government run is that it'd be immune from pressure from advertisers Everything needs to make money somehow Government option has the benefit of getting money anyway
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if the government ran it, it'd be developed by a private company though
Is weird how hunger works, didn't feel it all day, but now that i am carrying my lunch, but can't eat it...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
http://www.geek.com/apps/tsa-paid-1-4-million-for-randomizer-app-that-chooses-left-or-right-1651337/ this is the incompetence of the us government when it comes to tech
I guess it makes sense for a professor of economics is ancap In terms of just the economy, obviously ancap will take it to the top real fast NO fucking rules, and the ONLY determining factor in your influence on a national scale is your capital? Yeah, naw, I can believe that will make the economy go around better
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
rubin's office thing is nice
It's a really nice set, isn't it? It's got a TON of stuff in it, too, makes it look real
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's comfy
There's this weird pipe thing behind the guest Like a pipe organ but flower shaped A fucking geometrical ball with a zen garden in it
>>73070 What the hell, Milo There's not even a "well, what he MEANS is..." to go with here He's just... he's not supported by his own graph
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe he can't read graphs without britbart
MAYBE he means that the faculty is going up because those people are afraid to enter the real world and stay in academia, but that's a fucking stretch alright
And it's also a case of "no matter what the graph had shown, I'd be right"
Like, what's more real world than business? Business is the real world Engineering is practical and ONLY applies to the real world You can't get a theoretical job or something with engineering, you MAKE SHIT
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
or health related
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
other technical
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
let's talk about a narco-capitalism
>privatize police Oh we had this one time here The US never had this, but all of Europe did That's literally what feudalism is
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if i were rich i might be down for anarcho-capitamism
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>73079 i want to become a samurai and get hired by a lord to defend his fiefdom
No seriously Anarco capitalism and a feudal system are the exact same thing There is not one distinguishing factor
And I mean You can think the medieval system of competing lords is a good system But don't call it something else like an asshole
Of course, like with any form of anarchy, pseudo or otherwise, a government WILL grow out of it within a relatively short time Especially now that we have way better modes of transportation It's not a case of "if the people want it" or anything A government forms naturally the moment people go "hey we could control those guys and never work again if we band together"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>trump repeals obama rule requiring federal contractors to disclose labor violations
Also a very key part of the government is being the final arbiter in disputes FINAL, with a capital every letter This concept doesn't exist with competing legal systems There is no final arbiter, there's a STRONGEST arbiter, but no final one
If I sue you for stealing something from me, it doesn't matter whether you did or not if you're not using the same set of faggots I do, and my guys have more guns than your guys No subscription based service is gonna go "hey we can take these guys on and give our client the thumbs up, but let's not because he's actually wrong" Because that's bad business You make MORE MONEY if you rule in favor of your client 100% of the time And if you are the most powerful group enforcing laws, everyone not paying YOU are getting fucked by your clients every single time because they have no fucking choice
>>73088 This happened like all the fucking time in <pick a feudal system> Like, it was the NORM for samurai to just straight up cut niggas down in the street for offending them because WHO IS GONNA FUCKING STOP THEM?
I'm like 80% sure this shit is exactly why fairy tales include "he was a fair and wise king" As in, fair As in didn't fuck over everyone else because he could, which was the norm
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah haha
i can't say i'm too keen on living in a fiefdom
And the best part this is only one small aspect Even if you somehow magically fixed this, you have a slew of other issues, still confined to just the legal system pertaining to tiny shit like theft We still haven't established that anyone will give a fuck about murder Who's gonna pay you for solving a murder case, the client? Who decides whether you solved it satisfactorily, THE DEAD GUY?
Granted, feudal systems used taxes But it's essentially the same thing because if you're not subscribed to the dominant legal provider in an area, you're essentially lawless
Well, the thing with ancap is that at the end of the day, it's not a pragmatic view It's a moral one "We can't give the government rights we don't have, NAP" and all that
It's not that they don't realize it's a bad system, I think, it's that they can't morally accept the existence of a government
We've played 100% OJ before, Open Arena, some tabletop games, Magic the Gathering, and a few others here and there. Some of us played L4D2. I play PS4 games with Jan a lot, sometimes with ToN.
I don't agree with a lot of this ancap guy's opinions. His thing about people having more sway over restaurants than the government is absurd. One yelp review, as he gives as an example, isn't going to convince a restaurant to stop leaving its meat out for so long that it goes bad before it's cooked.
A corporation will at all times do exactly the upper limit of what it's able to get away with 100% of the time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people who trust corporations are the dumbest
"can we serve this guy spoiled meat instead of fresh meat one time and not get negative results? If yes, what are you waiting for and why are you preparing fresh meat?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think it's more like "can we serve this guy spoiled meat? yeah, probably, so don't worry too much about making sure it's fresh"
I was more thinking in the sense that you don't have to buy in more meat if you can use the old unused meat But both ring true really Quality control is government for a reason It didn't get voted in because there was NO PROBLEM with quality already
I think a lot of people look at corporations currently and go "oh they're not that bad, what do we need governments for?" not realizing the only reason they are as halfway decent as they are IS government intervention Remember when cigarette companies advertised having asbestos in the filter?
"but what's the worst that could happen" There is still child labor in 100% of countries without laws against it That's really all you need to know
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
pepsodent toothpaste used to advertise that they had a secret ingredient in their toothpaste that made it super good until FDA showed they were lying about having any secret ingredient
Was it cyanide?
Wow it was fucking nothing?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
literally fucking nothing
Hahah that's great That's like another part of this What stops false advertising without a government? What possible incentive does any business have to be honest if there's literally no consequence to lying to your face?
And again It's currently against the law BECAUSE it was a problem
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>73116 and how do the citizens have any way of finding out that you're lying
And this is all still just the somewhat medium stuff Like there's the rest of society outside JUST law, too
>start a bank >use all the money to hire mercs Congrat you have all the monies and nobody can do a fucking thing
What's anyone gonna do? For real "That's against the NAP the people will retaliate" Yes but also I have MORE guys, with MORE training, and MORE guns I have ALL your money, remember? You don't have money for ammo
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah paramilitary groups would be a serious problem
I HAVE FIFTEEN TANKS ON MY LAWN ALONE and you think "duh he violated NAP" will make me shiver? Fuck off
It's like If the NAP is such a good forcefield, why the hell are the Mexican cartels able to operate? Surely the people will just fight them There's more of the people than the cartels, they can take them, yes?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what if the cartels are the people
It's not even that the government is preventing it Don't get me wrong, the mexican government is so deep in the cartels' pockets they're giving the blowjobs 24/7, but that's not the issue The people HAVE NOTHING TO USE AGAINST AN ARMY
hahah he wants to get rid of public education
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>With as many as 45 million British one-pound coins suspected fake, the Royal Mint is now making 1.5 billion new ones, which will enter circulation Tuesday.
Yeah let's get rid of the only thing standing between the government and total control
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
don't you want your kid to learn to be a wagecuck by the mcdonalds school of wagecuckery
I guess there is one benefit to ancap Open borders cease to be a problem because the entire nation is a fucking hellscape and nobody will enter, legally or otherwise
Holy shit You know that channel Wisecrack They do "hidden meaning" in movies and stuff, point out symbolism and whatnot So you get a deeper understanding Well they did Dr Strange, and I watched it a while back, but at some point I forgot who made it, and the content also twisted in my head into a parody video because of how obvious it all was to me And I just discovered it was them, and not a parody video
Nunes is the Intel officer that told trump he was being investigated
Is it a real person?
(illegally) >>73157 Yeah He's all over the news He thinks he's some kind of super spy The other day he claimed he could sneak into the white house undetected
>>73158 Oh so that's why people were going NUNES! at that sniper thing
>>73192 Yeah Police tried to stop this guy in a stolen car so he threw someone out of the vehicle and started trying to escape He eventually crashed and then escaped into the park while firing at police They arrested him last night I don't think anyone was injured other than the guy thrown from the car (who is alive)
thank goodness did they say what he was shooting with just a handgun of some sort he didn't have intentions to go shoot at the bears did he
I haven't read anything that said what the weapon was but it sounds like he only ended up in the park while trying to escape police
Oh wait There are updates, it was a handgun
that's good i'm glad bearizona is safe wow it's right off rte 66 too, that means i must have driven past it sometime. i don't remember this. it was probably at night time route 66 is full of charge stations once i get my tesla we should take a road trip to bearizona
I'll take a road trip anywhere in a tesla my man
i think they become open purchase q2 next year i might be able to make that happen
that's amazing ganbare
you know what they say prepare for the best hope for the worst
Oh yeah Kirara, when were you planning on leaving on the day you leave Florida for Philly? All the flights I can find to Orlando kinda put me in during the afternoon or later.
Was planning on it, yeah Err Was planning on leaving whenever everyone flying in gets there pretty much Morning/noontime would be ideal but I can work with like afternoon Just trying to keep it light out for most of the driving to make sure we can see everything If only afternoon works then that's what it's got to be though
>>73205 Well as you can see, they're not the most accommodating on that.
You can try other Florida airports Daytona, Melbourne, Sanford Those are the ones I know best but there are probably more
>>73203 None of the rioters say a single german word, if my ears work
Basically if its Melbourne or north of it, it'd probably work unless it's in the panhandle Although panhandle might work I can always try to readjust the schedule
>>73206 not the tesla 3 that's due to be out it's roughly the same price as any new economy car, a couple thousand more
>>73211 Oh neat The last tesla i saw was november lasr year with a 50k+ price tag Not really a thing normal worker could afford
>>73212 yeah, that was part of their growth and tech growth model their first releases were the 100K+ super luxury cars, which had a price tag allowing them to really develop the tech behind it and have a good launch pad for the tesla franchise the next one was a variation of that i think then the tesla 2 which was the SUV-like thing, and that was like 70k i think. a lot of the tech was already available, and they got to focus on other developments and make it more accessible and be a large vehicle
and with the tesla 3, they're basically utilizing all that tech they've developed to make the economy class car for a wider base if they had started with the economy class, they would probably be losing money with each sale >>73214 that's due to change throughout this year i'm sure i think the tesla 3 preoders are rolling out in q1 2018 in waves, and then once that's all done with, they'll be open market if i can end up affording one, i might still have to wait some time before i can get it and that's a super lofty goal i might just get a motorcycle instead
I'd like to get a tesla if I could afford it But also there aren't really charge stations that are common enough yet
At least here
>>73210 I was considering asking if putting me up for one night would be too much, but that probably wouldn't float with Fish too well, would it. Most of the other airports around central Florida are more or less the same deal. The $462 one in the list I snapped is kind of an ideal time, i think. It's just...a bit expensive.
Fish was thinking she might go to her parents place while I'm gone like she did for my winter trip but that's not worked out or set in stone yet If she does, I could offer to put you up for the night Let me see if I can get her to finalize her plans and I'll let you know if that'll work or not
Well say it gets tagged with the usualy 20% tag, it would be something like 45k for a model 3 tesla. Bit expensive, but comparable to any decent quality new car
>>73224 Hmm okay Let me see what is going on with Fish And I'll try to get info from Jan too
klike here be example for car prices witht ax removed, (taxed price)
>>73227 Another idea I came up with is just taking a super-late flight on the fourth of May. I can nap in the plane and then faff about in the airport for a few hours probamaybe. Depends on how cost-effective it would be though.
did you look at the option of taking a train i think amtrak probably runs from new york all the way to florida, all the way down don't know what your options for getting to that would be but if you've got time, that might be cheaper not sure >>73231 it's got a lot i don't know how many we saw a bunch in vegas
>>73230 We live in a weird limbo concenring electric cars there aren't enough cars to make building outside of the biggest southern cities charging stations profitable or reasonable, and vice versa, there aren't enough stations to make getting an electric car a wise bargain. I know several stretches in the forest or lappland region, where there are 300kms+ between stations would be a risky stretch to drive there, especially during winter, with a car that has less than 500kms of "drive in one charge" in it.
>>73230 Scheduling an international train trip is a bit intimidating for me at the moment I think. I've never even taken a train for a trip up here anywhere. That's also a lot of time.
Sk phone
>>73191 Probably My head is killing me I'm really hot but I feel cold also The headaches are steady pulses Like my heart is beating my head
>>73235 tesla supercharge station map that's just the tesla superchargers there's always the public charge stations as well, disregarding the tesla superchargers >>73238 tesla supercharge stations aren't the only charge stations
>4 stations in finland top keke
oh 5
>>73229 yeah I think I'll have to see when Jan would fly in
I see a flight from YYZ to Gainesville that gets in at 5:00pm for $100 but it's got like a 6 hour layover in Charlotte
Sk phone
I was at work 4 and a half hours before I decided to go home cause this was begin
Why did I stay so long
>>73239 That's generally what all the cheapest flights are like to anywhere in Florida, hah hah. American Airlines has a tonne of them.
>>73236 Surprisingly many but still a nice "fuck you" to anyone who lives in the eastern parts of the country
Sk phone
Is like a wave of heat goes over me, and then immediately those warm areas are cold Send help
>>73242 anyone not near one can still use the public charge stations they just don't recharge in 3 minutes flat like a tesla charger >>73245 Those are the tesla supercharge stations
I found this on some site "you are primarily ment to charge an electric car at home" hahaha >>73250 Yeah but for example driving to Kuusamo would be a risk unless you make some weird zigzag route. that is one of our largest ski-resorts
well even THEN they can still use anywhere that has an outlet it just takes like four hours
Sk phone
>>73246 Moving hurts No my body doesn't hurt My head feels like each time I take a step, someone hits me with a hammer
>>73251 Yeah, I know. Muscle aches and temperature fluctuations are elements of fluezy symptoms.
>>73249 it's not flawless by any means tesla has basically doubled the distance off the same charge, though, and it's gonna get a lot better over time
I got a job /moe/ Human resources called me today and told me how much I'd be making an hour I've only become more depressed as I become more successful
Omedetou. Now say good-bye to your life.
>>73259 congrats for a second i thought you were going to say you got a job in human resources and i was going to offer you my pity
>>73259 A bether way of saying it would be I feel like more of a failure now that I'm making 20k a year, than when I was a neet
Truly what is more shameful and pitifull Having no job, or having a shit job?
>>73266 Yeah but the meeting is about my frequent sick days
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i had a stressful dream about being first violin in a musical production but not having practiced and also losing my music so much shame
>>73270 Oh I guess those are tough breaks then. On the other hand, going into work for a meeting about frequent sick days while looking totally absolutely sick is a good argument for needing a sick day.
>>73282 So what really is jelly anyway? How does it differ from jam
>are you islamophobic? >I don't know, I'm opposed to female genital mutilation, does that make me islamophobic? >I don't know, I can't make a decision on that
okay, well the difference, as i understand it, is that jam is usually mashed whole fruit, seeds and all jelly is more processed and doesn't have the seeds i don't know what that technically entails but that's kind of it
Dis shit is good >>73302 Didn't he campaign about it, though? Not that I agree with losening any climate policies, especially with economies as big as USA.
>>73305 WEll so far he has pretty much atleast tried to do anything he shouted in his campaing speeches.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>73307 I doubt that he's tried to do some of the stuff and abandoned other promises anyway I don't care about his campaign promises
He's also gone against a few of the things he talked about It's just he's a baffoon so you hear about none of it
Because he plays the media like a fucking fiddle "Oh no, I fucked up on a promise, what do I do? Oh right, literally anything as long as it's silly, and the media will cover that instead for clicks"
Remember how he sent in an unprepared mission into some middle eastern shithole, got good American men killed, and the media was ON HIM FOR IT for a whole... week Maybe But then OH BOY HE MADE A TWEETINGS
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>celebrating the move as a way to promote energy independence and to restore thousands of lost coal industry jobs. man i'm glad those coal miners had all the voting power
You can easily shut down the coal mines and plants all over again but shutting down nuclear power that is still operational Nah, only an idiot merkel would do that
>At last confident in her abilities, the Wind Rabbit taught herself rocket science and published many articles... which were riddled with errors and ridiculed throughout the scientific community. ;___; why >She never gave up and after ten years, she built her own rocket, and left Baklava forever
>>73316 No the problem is ALL THE MEDIA IS TABLOID JUNK with this guy He does anything retarded and suddenly the actual important shit is showed to the wayside >>73320 CNN, Fox News and MSNBC are basically what I think of when I hear the term There's more obviously, but seeing as the news networks all follow eachothers lead like a group of blind men led by a blind man who convinced the rest he has eyesight, it doesn't really matter Take your pick
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
who is "all the media"? I avoid that shit or try at to at least like yes i agree sensationalism is bad, why are we sensationalizing sensationalism just focus on the things that matter
okay, okay anyway so rip climate i mean i guess it was already fucked but like this is obviously bad it's all a question of how bad it gets >>73329 I thought China is actually getting their shit together these days their record is obviously bad but they're finally on a better path
The global climate was kinda rip anyway, but this isn't good either We can't do a thing unless China plays ball and they don't play ball because this shit is why they're the number one growing economy worldwide right now
>Lizard kid with the wood magic stowed away on the RoboRocket's storage locker oh man, adventure
>>73329 Well yeah for us europeans being all "we muuust kill our coal industry" is like throwing pebbles at a wall and expecting it to break down. But for USA to go back to "fuck climate" is worrysome. But then again, like 60% or more of wolrd pollution comes from india+china+developing world... and they don't give a fuck.
Norway's just sitting here like "I did my part, faggots. Your turn"
Well, there goes one game. Now for the other game in here that I haven't finished.
>>73314 all the coal miners are apparently talking about how trump can't bring mining jobs back and stuff a bunch of them apparently are bernie bros strange days
>coal miner >bernie boi I don't even understand what life is anymore Bernie would fuck your job up dude Dude I know socialism is fuckin' nice and all but worry about surviving day to day in the hellscape that is the US man For real
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
> High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our T&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. https://www.ft.com/content/3f1ba5ba-ddac-11e6-86ac-f253db7791c6
On Tuesday in Davos, all eyes were on Xi Jinping, the first Chinese president to attend the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. His appearance came at an important moment for China, as it increasingly takes on a global leadership role, including, critically, on climate change. In his speech, President Xi stood up to defend the Paris climate agreement and called for stronger international co-operation to meet today’s global problems.
oh fuck you site i'll copy paste your text all day
well anyway they're talking big but we'll see this is from jan 2017
How the fuck are you gonna keep coal jobs and decrease emissions That's some politician bullshit where you just tell everyone what they wanna hear even if it's contradictory "I'll lower taxes, and increase spending on everything but I'll balance it just see" "I'll make sure you keep your job which necessitates the continued creation of pollution while also bringing pollution down" This is bullshit Bernie Have some fucking stones and tell them straight up "your job is not compatible with the world we have to work against. I know it sucks, and I intend to try to get an alternative for you, but I can't say you'll keep your coal mining job" That's the adult, honest statement That's how you get some fucking respect
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it's blatant pandering
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>“While I strongly believe we need to combat climate change to make our planet habitable for our children and our grandchildren, let me be clear: We cannot abandon communities that have been dependent on coal and other fossil fuels,” he said, according to prepared remarks of his speech. “In my view, we have got to invest $41 billion rebuilding coal mining communities and making sure that Americans in McDowell County and all over this country receive the job training they need for the clean energy jobs of the future.” i think bernie was saying we'll retrain you for green energy jobs whereas trump is just woo coal jerbs
>>73341 yeah Bernie's plan was to support coal mining so those people don't all go homeless, while transitioning to greener energy and retraining the miners to work it
>>73331 China is probably one of the countries most aggressive about developing solar power in a way that it can be affordable and efficient enough replace traditional power generation. Except maybe for India who's the one doing most of the manufacturing. I don't think jumping straight to solar is the best choice of option at the moment, since I'd like to see more people put their worries and fearmongering aside and try out nuclear. But it's still an eventually attainable replacement for power generation.
Has he said he'll run 2020? Or is that just an assumption?
Also, I'm amazed that everyone's poking at Trump going "believe me", but so far I've seen nobody poke at Bernie's "let me be clear" It's like his go to phrase
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
maybe in 20 years china will have clean air and the US will be a smoggy hellscape, who knows
Bernie's great because he's the only nigga out there going "No, fuck obamacare. We need single payer, fuck off with your bandaid solutions to a gaping wound"
>>73346 "Believe me" does carry connotations of "I'm bullshitting you but please don't call me on it". Where as "let me be clear" just sounds like your granddad trying to explain why he almost ran that mailbox over.
Let me be clear, Trump's statements are way funnier, but as the only major candidate who makes sure to be precise about everything, Bernie sanders should get a few pokes as well
>>73345 He said he won't but I'm not ready to accept that as what will happen
You need the Bernie The US needs Bernie
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i assume 'let me be clear' is said before a statement? in which case it may just be the 'hey i'm about to say something' signal that like everyone does
'i mean'...
whereas 'believe me' is tacked on the end as reinforcement
If not Bernie, we'll get a Bernie surrogate - Zephyr, Tim Canova, for example, are the most known he has right now But he has people everywhere now
Instead of Bernie you'll get Chelsea Clinton because Hillary can't leave the Clinton name alone It must be dragged through the muddy street and flogged in the town square before she's happy Bill is probably so high he doesn't give a fuck
Of course it's not, but a lot of it is apparently influenced by him being a jew, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone's tried to make the argument before Part of his speech patterns and stuff
So do people making fun of my tendency to say "eh" make them anti-Canadic?
Cause if you're not a target of the state, you're hardly worthy of being called an enemy of it The state may be your enemy, but the state clearly doesn't care very much about you
or dunno how you make it sc2 wings of libery sc2 heart of swarm and sc2 whatever the protoss thing is calle
Legacy of the Void.
Its kind of like three segements -segments of a full game released separately. Though each game has a fair chunk of content to it anyway. I bought Wings of Liberty years ago since it was pretty cheap in-store.
Blizzard had the Starcraft II games for pretty cheap--five or ten bucks a piece--a couple weeks back. Looks like they've gone off sale now though. There is a Battle Chest edition now though, but its going for a normal combined price. Still, if you keep your eye on it, it might go on sale in the future.
>>73412 I avoided playing difficult pvp FPS for the longest time, like up until TF2 And TF2 I played almost exclusively medic and soldier And I still got to one of the higher ranks of CSGO
Never too late to get gud at vidya gems You just gotta have the time and will to sit down and play
>beat map >some guy dies I think this guy was annoying but now I feel terrible.
I'm gonna tell my dad to just assume I'm sick if I don't wake him up like usual tomorrow Just so if I'm still sick I don't gotta get up and let him know
don't quote me boy i aint said shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
This dragon is an example of a boss that has too much HP and has a trigger that changes the fight very minimally. It's kind of boring even though it's not horrible just because it becomes a monster with too much HP that's really good at killing you if you mess up
are you playing // what are you playing the dlc?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
dank souls 3 dlc yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
at this point I know all of his moves and there's on you just can't dodge and the rest are just eehhhhh >>73426 big differences can be fun
the boss gains 2 moves when the second phase happens a "get away from me" attack that hits around it And an attack that can spawn pursuers (the spell) which is awful
Oh and the hyper beam Which leaves it tired but there's no way you're close enough to make enough use of it
>>73428 I guess it's the game telling you to spec into some ranged weapoons
Being underleveled is always a fun way to play vidya games Good luck in games with hardcore mode though Those will make you chase that one rat through a dark tunnel for like 5 minutes because you NEED the exp
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>73435 that's what I went into NG++ this dlc at level 80 thinking
>That thing's version of spin slash is the cool one oh shit main weapon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
its r2 casts pyromancy
>>73433 Because we have two main languages spoken in our country. Like people like to talk shit 'bout Quebec but French is also pretty actively used throughout much of the Maritime provinces area.
>order a drink >we ran out of juice to make it >just give me the booze then
No bloody mary doesn't include apple juice I think
yup but that has happened to me few times or I've done that
bang's new computer
I remember one time >do you guys have coffee? >"no" >do you guys have whiskey? >"yes" >i'll have that
>I'll take an irish coffee >we don't have coffee atm it would tak.. >just give me the whisky then yup
Oh yeah funny thing, in finland it is illegal to serve a double-shot like "whisky, double" you can ask for "two shots of whisky" but you can't ask them to poured into one glass by the bartender
bang's new computer
here the law is no triples so i remember once saying "is it possible to get a triple house rum with coke" and they explained to me the law so i ordered a double house rum with coke and a single house rum with coke and drank them both
why even have any laws like that... I also wish you could say "leave the bottle" here
damn I should've hit record and made a webum of the cat+roomba in the game oh well, I will replay this game at somepoint
bang's new computer
>>73454 they always look at me pretty strange when i order alcohol at a place like it's really not THAT strange to order two cocktails and a beer with dinner
also this test can be administered orally so i can retain a copy for lots of fun with friends!
>>73484 it looks like a logo for gym shorts or underwear I don't see a car manufacturer using that branding by don't i mean couldn't imagine it
>>73487 I can see that, too But it definitely feels a lot like Tesla, too Or Toyota
>>73488 i don't see that at all, but i'm way more invested in design theory so i'd be really interested to understand why you see that
because once you get to be a designer, you start designing for the designer, not the consumer it gets all circle-jerky and meta branding i wonder how much all of that just gets ignored in the first place
I'm not really sure It's just the U looks kinda metallic, I guess
I'm not very good at expressing why I think things
i wish I was sniper wolf
dead? me2
dead or not, i wouldn't care either was as long as i was sniper wolf
I basically already am. I don't have a tank (I could buy one in a couple years if i wanted) but i've got everything else there but it's not WHAT I WANT i WANT to be Sniper Wolf
>>73500 Was she using valium? I don't remember I know snake had to women naturally have less involuntary tremors though, and are innately better marksmen as a result >>73505 yeah, was she on them as well though? i don't remember it was kind of a yes or no question not a yes, no, or benzo question
yes, that's valium, a benzodiazepine diazepam is the generic name for valium of the class of drugs, benzodiazepine the question was whether or not she needed them or just snake
dutchfriend keeps telling me I'm actually really funny and I should look into doing comedy or something But like, even if he is being real with me, dude I can't take compliments I can't I don't KNOW how to process compliments