
Thread #658244

Not synched.

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the devil will find work for idle hands to do
Good thing I'm terrific at finding things to fill my idle hands.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
im an idol and a devil
idol hands
what do
my sister gave me half of her strawberry shortcake
bless up
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
bless down
bless up come on get down with the blessing
im watching this keanu video and it's like i'm seeing some alternate reality philly road trip
gatorade instead of powerade though. i'd probably have to make fun of him
Gatorade > Powerade
>this guy doesn't drink white power
big laugh
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>he doesn't know the glory of white power for only 79 cents each at Publix
Yeah, I don't, because we don't have dumb-ass names like that for drinks up here!

We have our own array of ridiculously stupid names!
anime >>658258 →
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don't you guys hate it when you scroll past those pictures of you bleeding half a liter of blood from your arms on accidnet
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No, I just hate
Do you want to delete those pictures?
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i'm afraid to in case i forget what it did to inconvenience people
i used to delete such evidence but maybe it's healthier to accept my mistakes
I can see the reasoning behind that, yeah.
Feels a little toeing the line perpetually to me.
But we've all got what works for us, eh.
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yeah maybe I am toeing the line but the occasional reminder does seem to keep me towards the straight and narrow
avoiding such disturbing outbursts
One the major papers I need to get done for one of my classes this semester is technically due yesterday, but we were given an optional due date later down the line.
Which is great because it basically made the two major papers I had for the semester due two days in a row without that optional date.
I thought it was just a week extension so I could wrap up the earlier-due paper and have a week to do the second one.
But the extension is actually TWO weeks.
Which is amazing. I can finish up this one paper and then just punt the second paper to next week.
Combined with the fact that I don't have class on Wednesday I might just get Sekiro and go nuts on that for like a day and a half.
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imagine how good you could make the second paper with twice the amount of allotted time
I mean these papers have been prompted for us since like late-April/early-March so comparatively it's not that much time.
And I usually end up doing them right up against the deadline anyway because I don't know how to effectively and diligently manage my time.
But my results are pretty good ... when they get done, at least...
But that's enough to kind of toy around with the reward/punish wires in my head so it feels like I don't get punished for that choice.
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Oh, I couldn't stand that.
when something's been declared due by some date, I can't do anyhting but think about it until it's done before I can resume my own tasks.
Can't really ignore it and do whatever regardless because it only looms over me and makes anything else foul.
I'm too good at evasive thinking and banking on my easily distracted nature for my own good.
Because of that I never really developed the discipline or life skills to just crunch down and do things.
But I've made it this far in life by slipping and sliding around like that so by now it's pretty deeply ingrained in my habits and mindset to do things that way.
Shit's rough, yo.
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
loom loom loom
Vruum vruum motherfucker
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
it's hard to take the wheel
i recommend increasing doses of acid
Some times you've just got to swing the bat.
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
swing for the fences
i'm not gonna let life happen to me!
i'm gonna seize it by the horns
What if life doesn't have horns but instead has soft, pliable udders?
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
im gonna grab life by the breasts
Gosh Samu that's secuhara.
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
and milk it for all its worth
starting.... right... zzz
Plot twist: Life is WORTHLESS
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
life is all i've got bb
one chance one opportunity
grab dick by the breasts
Wow what did Richard ever do to you.
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
squeeze them nuts then juice em
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
woah pardner u just crossd a line!!
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
Is meat your primary export?
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
i'm hoarding my meat y'all can't have it
it's congealing in a warehouse
aging to perfection
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
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lioks like dragalia lost is getting a feh crossover
I wonder if blue still plays
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
weew gonna get maaaawied
considering his recent tweets of such content i would say
um maybe lol
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
top bottom or vers???
Yeah like Jan is saying I'd say it seems like he does.
you fucker
i was trying to be coy
I ain't got the finesse for coy, boyo.
Got all the sentimentality of a sledgehammer and about the same IQ!
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
port THIS
*grabs dragon rot*
*grabs shit lucina*
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
i'm having a fun time playing snake online and making everything explodey
i'm not great but neither are most of these folks
yeah i went there
>you hit me?
>you retreat
>you do nothing
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
lol yeah i didn't realize how useful it is to have a billion grenades lying around
I have been pwned
Is there anything a billion grenades can't do!?
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
bring back batman's dad
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man i just love how good from software is at making games for actual masochists
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
i-i'm not a masochist! you're the masochist! ALL OF
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every time i look around
every time i look around
ooh baby
you detonate them in dense enough space and break space time continuum and travel to the past and save him
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls
this seems like its gonna take more planning than scribbling on a food court napkin
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wait a second that's marvel writing
get outta here you
Samu ⛰ !KW2DbpWwls

A billion grenades is only 13.3% of the destructive force of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
So unfortunately as large as a number a billion is, the energy in a single grenade is just far too miniscule to add up.
Puts the terror of nuclear warfare into perspective at least.
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on the other hand a thousand of the most powerful theoretical nuclear warheads could not even wipe out half of the united state's infrastructure and 100mt tsar bomba are worlds apart
from fat man
literally hundreds of times less powerful, that chubby chungus is
compared to the horrible ideas the russians had
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>a thousand
wait a second that's not quite right
i mean a hundred
a thousand could probably wipe out this country at least, physically speaking
Probably glass the rest of the continent while they were at it.
Except maybe the far-north Arctic terrain of the Canadian territories and Alaska.
But that's desolate tundra so it's pretty much already wasteland anyway.
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ehh you could probably get most of it but you'd have to avoid decimating the northern provinces or southern mexico/panama and i'm not sure who is suffering more tbh
probably gotta draw straws to decide where is a worse place to lives
Well rationally, bar severe ecological changes brought on by the devastation, the Canadian territories and Alaska literally cannot sustain a lot of human life.
Southern Mexico and Panama might be a lousy place to live but they're prime agriculture regions.
So you can pretty much leave those Arctic regions to their own devices.
R1: Resurrect
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once upon a time i was playing games with this guy from north canada
and he was like
dang my coffee froze.
and iw as like you what
and he said
"i forgot to put my coffee mug on the warming plate, so the coffee froze"
what the fuck bro
this is why you packl em up
Them Arctic lights have seen queer sights,
That will make your blood run cold
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i'm about to make a very jan post
yall aint gon believe it
i've been awake for 48 hours
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but guuuys ffxiv finished maintenance earlier than expected
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i'll just play for a little bit just to do my daily roulettes
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ah that was fun
replaying max payne is always such an experience
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I should do alan wake too
tho not this week
and at some point get that quantum whatever their latest game

I wish they'd do another graphic novel style game like max, tho
a scifi noir detective thriller
oh yeah there is a game coming from them this year
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ohh I dreamt about you last night
and I fell out of bed twice
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How does one fall out of bed anyhow, taking smith songs out of the picture.
I don't think I've ever done it, though it doesn't seem out of range of possibility for me
twice is a bit excessive
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I did when I was like 4
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ahh a gao
hello kannagi
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Hows you?
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nat bad
finished work
how are you ?
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I have 4 weeks off.
I have a bunch of work to do but I also need to make sure I don't get lazy.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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a rare kannagi
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I'm SR++
Appearing when you least expect!

How are you?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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That's a pretty philosophical question. I just am.

I'm doing alright! How have you been?
i saw abbi and unicorn and am surprised blue isnt here
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I almost failed one of my assignments. I have 5 essays to give in on the second week of may all on the same day.
That is a little stressful so I hope I can get them done.

I'm glad your are doing alright! I've been a way from moe for a while!
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Wow, good luck. Are your classes going well overall?

I'm almost done with my dissertation proposal.
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I have a mini-disseration to do which is kinda interesting but is a bit of pain since the word count is so low.
3000 words makes it tough to pick and choose what to write.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Do t


Do you have to do a study or something for it?
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hi naggers
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
into a pack
Hi kannagi
the nurse im working with today keeps having to talk about girth and im
trying not to giggle
u havin a giggle ther mate
a gaggle of girths
>>658244 (OP)
the devil pays quite well
3 Cheers for articles 11 and 13!
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
no more memes
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im not sure if all the proofs im reading seem really complicated because proofs are way harder than i thought
or if it's because it's so intuitive that the proof is superfluous
probably the former since i fucked up my formal education
also everybody is approaching the same problem from a different angle
so when others' proofs intersect my material it gives the impression that everyone else has deeper intuition
on the material than i do
but that's just the perspective of seeing the material engaged in new ways
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I hope enough people are aware of this, so it really hits the eurocrat asses, when NONE of the pro people get re-elected
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This person got on the subway and rode it for a few stops, playing their ... violin? Even with the train in motion.
It was a pretty impressive display of talent but man, kind of obnoxious in the tight quarters of a train car.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
that's awesome
They even had a portable speaker on hand with piano accompaniment for the piece.
It was this fiddly, fast-paced piece that was performed really, really well considering the circumstances.
Definitely enjoyable once I got over the mystery of "Who the FUCK is playing music on the train?"
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they might bring Corrin to Dragalia
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no one is here to hear about my inconsequential life problems
I am
i am listening and i hope you get no corns
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oh right. i can draw my problems away
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I finally watched the actual announcement video
>Mercury is in serious retrograde
Notte is wonderful in English and Japanese
ater you even talking about
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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the pharmacy is givin me shit cause my script is from missouri ugh
so they can't fill it for a couple hours which means i need to find a second ride up there if i want to pick it up
the system is makin my life -so- hard right now
hows moe doin give me somethin good
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i just popped a bag of fast food that had a dipping sauce cup with a foil lid in the microwave
here's something good
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this guy's good
damn look at that booty
everything on that buskrs channel is really cool
he's done a lot with gabriel myers and a couple others too
All the novels I've had to read for my class on world literature have been pretty depressing novels.
I think only one of them ended with any real catharsis and feeling of a full story arc.
Well, maybe two of them. But still all pretty depressing novels.

I wonder if that has something to say on the assumed story structure of Western literature that finds itself in conflict with storytelling from other parts of the world, or if my professor just really likes depressing stories about people that suffer grief so severe that they can't ever move past it their whole lives.

I feel like I need something sweet and pleasant after finishing the last of them, man.
i think it's about the earnestness of it all
that's kind of the driver for a lot of the work these people do
i think every writer progresses more towards it the longer they write
but yes that doesnt mean all good writing is so somber and earnest
good writers will still write good without that driving force but it's just less common so there's less of it
imo anyway
it might be the teacher too
if he's adjunct or something at the college then he probably doesn't know what joy is
Hah hah I think the professor's pretty devoted to the genre at least.
She was off at a conference in Vancouver for global literature a few weeks back and came back invigorated with discussion topics from it for us.
I really appreciate her critical eye for the writing she assigned us. I could generally catch at and plainly see the either subtle or more obvious literal mechanisms in the novels but there were definitely a few that snuck past me.
And she has this eccentric little thing she does at the start of each lecture where she guides the class through a kind of mindfulness meditation for a few minutes, which, while to the disdain of a few students in the class, seems to generally be well-received.
Participating in the lecture/discussion format has been enjoyable, especially considering I went into the class with zero idea of what I was going to be learning, hah hah.

But the novels we've been reading have been exhaustively soul-crushing.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
the genre of human suffering?
i remember in 7th grade we had world war 2 portion of the class for like two weeks
and it was synced up so both english/literature class and history class were going over it at the same time
so for two weeks straight it was i think 8 books on the holocaust, and watching holocaust documentaries over and over
everyone was so burnt out it's not fair to do that to the kiddos in such concentrated doses
but your class probably is not kiddos
maybe she'd appreciate a bit of that feedback next class
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what did you say about my booty senior
doom sure eats a lot of processing power
I wonder what kind of setup you need to run this at 60+ fps
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I want to play doom so badly
I need to get my new comp soon
get more than 8 gb ram
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I know
actually do they even sell comps with that little ram anymore?
and definitely minimum of 900 series of gtx
ye, but not gaming
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
yeah I know
why do you like doom so much
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
its fun
Honestly I think most people in the class barely read the books.
Maybe do a quick skim or read the plot summary online.
Plus we had twelve or thirteen weeks to get through the four novels, so there's a bit more space there for handling the dismal narratives the books present.

I definitely enjoyed three of the four novels we had to read though, even if I got kind of slighted by the lack of catharsis at the end of them. They presented interesting characters and either had some fascinating mysteries set up or great inter-character clashes.
And even the one novel I had a hard time enjoying was really impressive in how it used its language to paint pictures and speak volumes about its focal character without directly telling us.
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Are y'all ready for hell
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I am not.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>most people in the class barely read the books
that's bad and they should feel bad
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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then get ready to shake those glow sticks
paint volumes

yeah, the ones that lack catharsis by the end are usually the ones i end up going back and investigating a little further
for better or worse
not necessarily what i'd prefer to be doing but at least trying to get a little more out of the time i invested, you know
what makes a booty a senior booty
it's just been a booty longer than its kouhai
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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all these voices inside my head blinding my sight in a curtain of red

Kirara, the Baseball Mom
moon's right
frustration is getting bigger
unzips frustration
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
bang bang bang
pull my 😈 trigger
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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I had a really good session this morning
I'm working with that client to help her utilize productive coping mechanisms instead of just using drugs when she's stressed
She's the one that was on methadone

We got two big changes started in one session today
She's such a good client
She just needs someone to help her figure out how to use the resources she already has available
I think she's gonna be really successful
Sounds good.
Is she required to attend these sessions until you sign off on her?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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She's my only client that's coming voluntarily!
that's great
i think that a lot of people have anxiety about how the resources they do have are meant to be used
having a counselor kind of show you that it's all right to use it in your situation can really help
like i stress out about this michigan health thing i have going on and dont know what i should be doing with it
i always grew up with the sentiment that you dont go to doctors unless something's like really wrong
before seeing // my first few times seeing a counselor i felt really guilty about it like im wasting someone else's time and energy with my problems
and guilty to my family like i was bad for needing help
you probably do a good job reaffirming people like that, that it's good they're there and that the problem isn't insurmountable
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Now that I think about it, I never considered my clients might think their problems are insurmountable.
I've always just sort of went in with the idea that we can solve it if we work together.

Methadone-chan is really lucky. She has so many resources. Her husband is incredibly supportive, and she has an older friend at the methadone clinic who she lives really close to. She's also got two family members that she trusts immensely and whom she feels she can talk about her urges with without being judged. Plus she's really smart and has good insight. She knows she's just running away from her problems and when she saw her 7yo son starting to do the same thing, she realized it was because she was modeling that behavior, and it concerned her a lot.
She's also able to identify stressors pretty easily.
She's a really impressive person, I think. She has all the stuff she needs right in front of her. All she really needs is to let herself use those resources to their fullest.

I'm really happy she's my client. She has so many strengths, so I'm lucky to get to work with her.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
his lightning is so fast but that I did one reversal that was the coolest fucking thing
Methadone? How about trying some Mathadone
is it wrong i thought of dimm dimmadome (?) when reading in his voice?
Meth Methadone of the Methsville Methadone
His name's Doug Dimmadome but pretty close
Of the Dimsdale Dimmadome
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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saddle up boys, we're goin to methsville
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ok so the lightning IS dodgeable
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
dodging is the best way to deal with it in my experience
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
dang I don't have it quite mastered
but holy fuck it's so cool
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 1280x720, [Glue] Mob Psycho 100 - 02v2 [(…).jpg)
If you makiri counter him and then lightning reversal, you'll probably break his posture immediately
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
best boss fight 10/10 100/100
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
told you man
that's the best boss fight i've ever had
walgreens told me my stuff would be ready by 530 (when i went to fill it at 4)
it's now 830 and it still shows in progress on their site
i cant call them and now it's too late to go check because my roommate goes to work soon so i cant drive up there
i can't call them
ive got so much work to do
and i can't get my meds
fuck im so distressed and a little angry
Yeah that would get me pretty fed up too.
The whole point of having a clock is to help people be fucking timely.
Just go out and live in the woods if you don't want to involve yourself with the concept.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
are you completely out?
i dont have a vehicle so it's hard to get up there
im not sure if this card will cover the cost or not either and i can't afford to buy gas that i use going up there so
i can't just go up there and check, and i only // i had to have paper script for this and take it up there
they were giving me a little bit of shit for the script being from missouri for a controlled substance post-dated but whatever
usually they ask if you wanna wait and have it filled right there but this girl was just like
"ok it'll be ready at 530" which was two hours away
fuck i cant stand it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh I found the letter on accident while trying to progress
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
paper scripts are the worst shit and i hate that "controlled substances" need them
it's complete bullshit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
not in all states
I can get my adderal script sent to walgreens digitally now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ohio is one state that's pretty lenient on it too
Is this just trivia you pick up working in your hospital.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
unfortunately for moon and i we live in states that require paper scripts
I don't know if I can do digital scripts or not.
Thankfully there's like a bazillion Shopper's Drug Marts in the city so I'm never far from having a pharmacy in walking distance.
The doctor I've been seeing just prints me a paper script and I haven't needed to accomodate further.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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the price of spirit emblems is 30 now

Just start hoarding them and NEVER USE THEM.
That'll save you money!
Hoh hoh hoh
I did it.
God I lvoe the weapons in doom
though some are quite meh
like the charged tripleshot in shotgun
and how come super SHOOT gun doesn't have any upgrades
I want 4 barreled shootygunny
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
did what
though I gotta say
gausgunn in siege mode
rocket launcher
and especially the machine gun turned rocket launcher
are my favs

the grenade mode in shotgun is quite fun too
plasma rifle is useless imo
belt fed automatic rocket launcher
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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the fact that every time you get an ally in sekiro, you're vulnerable to friendly damage makes it really hard to want allies
just die already and let me fight without you
you'll only kill me yourself if i let you fight
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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if i get killed by an ally one more time i'm gonna lose my mind
I guess one's consistently sticking you this boss fight?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (459 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 (…).jpg)
it's just a miniboss but it's against the miniboss type that has the most unpredictable moves in the game
and the ally is the same exact type, but a mook
so i'm dealing with two incredibly unpredictable people fighting and trying to just occasionally get a hit in without getting killed by my ally

if i ignore them, the enemy starts targeting me and my ally comes and kills me while i'm trying to deal with the enemy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
was mister tengu man the person Iw as looking for with the note or...
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i don't know
what note are you talking about
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Isshin's note
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
isshin's letter? it says to ask emma
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah and she told me to go to a guard tower
near the gate
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
did you do that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I went to a place that resembles a tower near the gate and found a dude
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
is it isshin
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he could be isshin but he's wearing a mask so I'm guessing it's not him.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
then it's not who you're looking for
use the nightjar smoke signals to find the guard tower you're looking for
out the window
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh right.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
although she did also say to go near where I fought gyobu
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
if you hadn't met Tengu prior, you can get an esoteric text from him
i don't remember emma ever telling me to go to where i fought gyoubu so idk
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I did his thing
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 1970x4160, IMG20190327112901.jpg)
da kois
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
you should pet them
I'm too scare
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
sekiro's dad is like
12 feet tall
pretty sure sekiro is just a manlet
everyone is way bigger than him
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
then sekiro's dad is like 10 feet tall
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
meant to link the video not this tweet
here we go
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm pretty sure you've posted that here before.
If not someone else did.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
wasn't me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did you just bamboozle me
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (564 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 (…).jpg)
holy shit this boss has an attack that makes it so you can't heal and your posture won't recover for like a whole minute
or at least 30 seconds
and his attacks do so much posture damage that he can break your posture with a few attacks even if you deflect
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
as soon as i said his moves are pretty predictable and got him to 75% hp, he added like 5 new attacks to his arsenal haha
FromSoft knows your MIND.
fuck my stupid life
so i wasted a bunch of time and gas and got nothing
further behind on my work
and now i dont have meds
and now i have to call my doctor which i dont want to do
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah monks
monkeys even
oh yeah those do in fact suck
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
prior authorization is really stupid
honestly health care is all stupid and a scam but there's no way around it really
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>honestly health care is all stupid and a scam
t. psychologist
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it literally is i don't see how anyone could see it another way
the entirety of american health care is predicated on the idea that health care should be withheld from people
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh you meant the healthcare system, not the field itself
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i feel like it should be reasonably obvious that i don't consider the field of physical health medicine to be a scam
I hear there's one way to get around it
you point a gun a pharmacists and they'll let you take any medicines you want
yeah idk this is terrible
idk how to get through the next two days but i guess i dont have a choice
idk what to do about prior auth either i can't call my doctor
even with phone service i still couldn't
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
If you do that they'll probably try to trick you by giving you something that knocks you out.
That's what happened when my grandmother's pharmacy was held up in the 60's.
wew the joints on the back of my left hand ache
welp I have gamed a lot more past 2 days than I usually do in a month
guess this is the result
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also the workers who were present during the hold up said this to the reporters who interviewed them
"thank god she wasn't there, if she was he would've killed us"
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
??? what else would i be stealing from a pharmacy

isn't it insurance's job to contact your doctor?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
in some cases yes
local doctors prefer the patient's call in after learning of these requests so that they aren't bombarded with potentially false claims.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
its actually their job to deny you health care as much as possible by doing the bare minimum
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
on that note my plan year restarts on april first and I have a ct scan scheduled then because they couldn't get me in any earlier
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yes i'm aware that their job is to withhold care

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
in fact our clinics have stopped taking faxed prescription requests entirely though they've been saying that for the entirety of my time there
now we legitimately don't do them
we sent a fax to walmart telling them there's no point but they keep sending.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I might be able to get one in
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
tl;dr the doctor can't tell what is wrong with my ear so I need a ct
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I wonder what the max gourd seed total is.
Search [iqdb] (♫, 44s, 2.5 MB, 640x800, 5b6eec403e62274a.mp4)
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i'm at 7 right now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you have 7 after only having fought the third boss?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
wow i must have missed a bunch
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I got two in shops which helped
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Search [iqdb] (4 KB, 196x95, crazytrain.PNG)
found this in the Fate/ stay night flowchart
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
every single boss i fight makes me say "holy shit this boss is insane"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
alright if wolverine could just hold up a bit
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
man with claws who slammy slams like 50 times
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
doesn't ring a bell
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
where are you
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Search [iqdb] (430 KB, 775x539, jojoreference.PNG)
Is this a JoJo reference?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sunken valley? immediately after the statue
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
is it snake eyes or something
idk i don't remember a single enemy in sunken valley that had claws
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh, centipede giraffe
those guys are all over the temple
they're incredibly easy though
probably the easiest minibosses in the game
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
He looks nothing like a giraffe or a centipede
I was very disappointed.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
god damn this boss can literally one-shot me
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg)
>red-brown enemies during a red-brown storm effect against a red-brown background
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
you guys have me really hyped up for this game and I don't even have a ps4
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this boss is probably gonna take me a few days to get past haha
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
sounds tanoshii
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this one is probably a 7/10 in terms of fun
which is lower than most of them but that's ok
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
some of his attacks have ridiculous hit boxes
and his attacks in general are kind of boring
they're predictable but they're insanely fast and do ridiculous amounts of damage
it creates a lot of tension which is good but one or two mistakes is death and you can't play too aggressively with him which is kind of what the game is about
he also doesnt use any perilous attacks which is kind of boring
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
at least he's not the horse boss though
that boss was like a 5/10 in terms of fun and a 4/10 in terms of interesting concept
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
honestly this boss is annoying enough that i wish i had chosen a different route so i could have fought a different boss
sekiro is for pc
Which I do not currently have in a state that run it.
Which you should probably remember because I bitch about it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this boss has this one attack that i just can't figure out
it instantly kills me every time and it seems like even when i guard against it, it kills me
it's also so fast that i haven't figured out the tell yet
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
he can also vary his timing
he has two overhead slices that are the same in every way except for speed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah he's back
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
who is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
have fun
is it? that's what i thought but the pharmacy clerk told me to call my doctor
i dont want to do that
that is incredibly difficult to do
you wouldn't think so
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also there are multiple snakes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
... oh
how many snakes

shit i cant remember how many snakes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
at least 2 snakes

i thought it was but ton said doctors prefer you to call and let them know so idk
guess how many snakes in snake house and win a prize
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
probably one of the coolest enemies in the game
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'd be fine with that as long as they fixed the water so it didn't taste like snake

actually no
my biggest and really only issue would be that the snakes would probably also defecate everywhere
i guess i should have made sure i got meds before i paid bills
it's my own fault
idk if it's worth waiting for auth to save the cost
i bet it's prior auth because they did brand name or some shit and coulda just done generic
nah prolly not
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i know right? it's so cool
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think they do it even if it's generic
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's such an awesome boss
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's a little too long for that gimmick tbh
I'm a little peeved
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
too long? like it took you too long to kill first phase?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah that takes way too long
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
so do it faster
it took me a few minutes to do the whole fight when i finally succeeded
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
do it faster how?
Getting near it is suicide
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Have you tried
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
?? you have to stay close to it
that's how i did it at leasr
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
during phase 1 at least
phase 2 was really easy though once i did it a few times and learned his behavior
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
also fyi this isn't the last time you'll meet the guardian ape
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
i need a monstah to clobber that there monkey
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (399 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 (…).jpg)
>underwater miniboss fight against a headless
My phone's microusb port seems to work less and less these days
I wonder which is cheaper, getting the port replaced or buying a wireless charger.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
kirara are you there
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this attack def breaks your posture

for a few minutes sup
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Is the spear that says that it removes armor really not the solution to this fight
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
to what fight? ape?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no the armored dude whose solution I've figured out and I'm a little upset but whatever.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh, no the spear even says it wouldn't work for him
spear only works on poorly fitted armor and armor-kun has awesome armor
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm just pouty because this is the first enemy with like visible armor
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
there are a few big dudes with shitty armor
one who uses a bell as a weapon
outside the abandoned dungeon i think he was
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 564x797, 20190307_102925.jpg)
my favorite miniboss so far is O'Rin
she's my ghost wife

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>parrying dogs
souls games have come a long way
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
did you beat the ape, ton
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
How lovely.
>dying normally also rarely gives you rot
Guess you've just got to NEVER DIE EVER.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
just heal the rot
I don't have any dragonballs
Just in time for me to actually get fucked over by it too.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
after genichiro they're everywhere super easy to find
why are you crying, o'rin?
wow weird he just took pics with those down syndrome kids
does trump not actually care about the disabled???
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 960x1378, s2.png)
The only disabled person he cares about if at all is Barron.
you mean himself
Well I'm pretty sure he has a sub 100 IQ but you can still
You aren't necessarily disabled depending o how far below 100 you are.
Cause the cut off for intellectually disabled is 70 in most cases.
and now i burnt my dinner
what an awful day
it's already past midnight
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
i got sekiro on PC and so far it’s real buggy
why is my quick item menu empty
why does the game start in red colors only and i have to change the resolution to fix it
other than that, im pretty noob in combat so far
Are you using a controller or mouse/keyboard?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
i tried mouse keyboard and found it very difficult so now im using a switch controller
Hm, that's a little concerning.
I can only really get it on PC and I don't know if I've got a good controller option available to me.
I've heard the mouse/keyboard controls are really customizable though so maybe I'll find something that works.
yeah maybe i'm just not used to it
Switch pro controller?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i have an xbox controller kickin around somewhere too but this was easiest
had to eat burnt pizza because one of the cats got out and I had to find him
it was gonna b a good pizza too
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
glad you recovered your lost katt at least
anime >>658796 →
yeah it really got me worried even though he wasn't gone long
I usually let them into the backyard for a little bit in the afternoons and he saw a squirrel and jumped the fence into the back alley to go after it
he wasn't too far from my place but I thougth I would have to tell my roommate I lost one of the cats
the little dude isn't too bright he'd never find his way back or survive long out in the city
My friend has a cat that drools if you pet it long enough.
Allegedly it's also very stupid.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
ok i figured out how to equip quick items
also rip my ARRRMMMM
glad you got him
i got cereal i guess still
uh no milk though
cereal and cheese
ive heard thats not bad
no cheese either though
i have some ragu maybe that would work
cheerios and ragu
the ghetto spaghettios
That reminds me of a terrible pun I heard once.
it's reeses puffs actually
Candy for breakfast?
Anyways, what do you call the bad part of a city in Italy?
The Spaghetto
now to become the true samu'rai
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
christ i am so bad
what do i do if i get knocked down
just lay there and die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
press circle
There's no circle on the Switch Pro controller dude.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
dodge button i assume
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
well the system button has a blue circle around it
press circle, quit game, uninstall
Is that A?
Hah hah yeah I was looking at the Joy-Cons and they've got the circle system button too.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
oh shit can i be a joy con boy ninja
get ready to realize how bad you truly are at video games
everything before this was merely an illusion
Oh wow Sekiro is only 12.6 GBs on PC.
That's a pretty small download.
While Joy-Cons can be picked up and set up to play with on the PC, they're not natively supported by Steam and require some annoying finagling with controller interpreting programs that I don't remember the names of.
I was expecting to start downloading Sekiro and just have it run for the couple hours I was watching anime but at this rate it'll be done before the first show's even up.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
yeah feel it
it only gets worse from here
the whole game is like getting constantly 3 stocked in smash no matter what you try to do
wanna go to fairbanks alaska and go fishing at 2am while it's daylight??
I wanna do anything that isn't what I'm dong right now
im tryna record me watching a 4k video on 1080p
maybe i'll upload it as 1920x1200
it's not interesting though it feels pointless
i need something more engaging
It's kind of dumb that Sekiro can't auto-detect if you've got a controller or not.
Like I can go into the option menus and tell it to give me keyboard keys for on-screen prompts, but that's really something it should be able to do automatically.
that's pretty bad yeah
fromsoft doesn't have a great track record with PC releases I guess, damn shame
I've actually heard that generally it's an excellent PC release, aside from some small weird things like that detail.
Pretty much all the button inputs can be remapped to your convenience even if they kind of start off as weird, like having the prosthetic tool on Ctrl but grappling hook on F.
Moving slowly is Alt but crouching is Q?
It's kind of some weird choices.

I'm also not getting the resolution issues Samu was having I think.
even on PS4, remapping the buttons is very open which is nice
I kept having issues wtih switching my items and using them so I switched up the controls fo // for the dpad and the face buttons
I'm sure it's the same for PC
I mapped rotating items to my mouse wheel.
Again I don't really know why that wasn't default but it was still really easy to set up.
I've got two thumb buttons on my mouse too, which I hope will be good for the grappling hook and prosthetic tools.
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Go toe boon
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The keyboard/mouse controls for Sekiro aren't so bad.
Some of the things are kind of wonky on account of no gradient movement input but I can navigate the world fine.
Attacking and blocking/parrying is responsive and feels smooth too, which is what's really important anyway.
Baba is love
Baba is life
baba wa baba desu
Whee being a shinobi is fun.
I'll have to really dive properly into this game tomorrow after sleep.
Game operates really smoothly too, for a fullscreen game.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (553 KB, 1000x711, 1488303649392.jpg)
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
i only shitpost to test your code.
i only test code to shit your post
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (327 KB, 640x908, 62586764_p0.jpg)

if your vpn is set somewhere in southeast Asia you can't watch this 1998 music video

something about licensing
are you in southeast asia or do you have that vpn
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 225x234, 1520218242181.jpg)
I just watch regular porn but I still don't feel like it's ANYONE'S BUSINESS so I slap on the VPN and I get the best ping from the SEA ones
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 500x700, IMG_20190327_204228.jpg)
nah ya see you gotta let know what degeneracy you look at, it's all part of the voyeuristic fantasy
that's why I leave the webcam uncovered
*gotta let them
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 500x500, 1539831355478.gif)
One day I'm going to be a judge of the High Court of Australia and I can't have my ISP knowing that way back in 2019 I looked at that one NTR doujin
sheesh, I wouldn't want an ntr fan in the high court either
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [ANE] MM! - Ep05 [BDRip 720p x(…).jpg)
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I'll just move to the simpson dessert where I don't even have to acknowledge that
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I know it's my grandmothers eightieth, but I really wasn't in the mood to socialise
ah well guess I better make an appearance
after work that is
Im just tired
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
hey now it's kda
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20190326_114302.jpg)
yeah that mv seems to have brought a bit of revival to lol
also since the new season is coming I've been getting ads like CRAZY
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (464 KB, 689x827, 71999011_p0_master1200.jpg)
they're fucking sirens
using their kpop waifu charms to lure you into playing a terrible MOBA game
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
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and I bet it works
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 842x1200, 71728784_p0_master1200.jpg)
it's kind of hard to jerk off while you're last-hitting minions
not really you only need to use your right hand on the mouse
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 544x800, 71588315_p0_master1200.jpg)
well yeah that's how i got to Gold
but beyond that people start using stun and Ignite an' stuff
3hour trip for a usb stick
fucking hell
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1062x800, 2342342342.png)
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I couldn't save the moving GIF
she's supposed to wink at you.
just imagine she is
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 571x810, IMG_20190327_222232.jpg)
must be some good porn on that thing
maybe it's supposed to be APNG
oh you know what I think it's ugoira
whatever that is
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
still no.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (217 KB, 1134x1742, IMG_20190326_102214.jpg)
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
great im about to go to cocoa
someone said they were gonna come see me today
they live like 45 minutes away from work so i told them where I'm at and when I'm gonna be at work
welp guess you're shit out of luck for now
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
we got big ass hail right now
i ain't got the hail yet but it's coming
what a coward
is that the view from your apartment
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
that's lovely
minus the hail of course
uh im assuming that's a pond and not just a flooded yard?
i didnt think about that
Kirara, the Baseball Mom

haha yeah it's a pond
yeah id feel so eager to get up in the morning and have coffee on the balcony or somethin with that
i guess florida wouldnt really have autumn though would it
autumn smells are great
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 2600x2400, BE479BA7-252F-4896-9B48-3BB96BD32DA9.png)
bampy chan honki da yo
check out this manul
the game still look quite good, despite obviously being old
>you're in an animation reference video Max
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
no autumn, unfortunately
also my neighbor will bother me too much if i try to relax on the balcony
it's awful
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
had to drive through like a foot of water
i didn't think my car was gonna make it
some flashflood
got any damage from the hail?
Search [iqdb] (296 KB, 1920x1080, [Zurako] Log Horizon - 01 - Th(…).jpg)
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subbers decided to add extra information and fucked it up
he is Half-Alf
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
no idea
raining too hard to check
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
about 1/16 his hp
Search [iqdb] (586 B, 214x171, firefox2019March27172538.png)
yai fixed the filenaming
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
big wulf
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
sekiro is the strongest
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (541 KB, 436x625, pleasedo.png)
[x] tease vampy
>get chomped for it
Jokes on you this is what I wanted
I can't lose
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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this is so funny to me
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been so annoyed at these rng names
especially when it at times drops the process name completely
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm really confused
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
rice was invented in holland and it's actually a brand
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg)
Yeah there's a lot to unpack there
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 635x731, IMG_20190327_090246.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sekiro is that you
these seems like something from our current dnd
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 689x1050, 002ba659be0de05b5ebc6d5c1f84f4e2.jpg)
Seems more like something from your section of the campaign tbh
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's actually something people believe in real life lol
it's like qanon shit
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (42).jpg)
I made my 3 hour wasted trip worth more by bringing my sakuras with me
wait what
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah people believe the government "elites" are torturing children to gain immortality and that trump is stopping them
it's a conspiracy theory that has gained a lot of traction lately
that section has come quite far from the initial
>farmer girl who makes potions and skellies
I wonder how many take it seriously and how many are just lulz /x/
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
quite a few take it seriously
there are public rallies about it sometimes
tbf, usa has some really weird super rich stuff going on
I havn't looked into it much, but there are some weird elite only retreats and camps and so on
so it doesn't take much to cook up something wild
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah but obviously no one is torturing children to get an imaginary immortality serum
well i bet it is just like pizzathing
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it is, it's related to pizzagate

but it's mostly because people know about adrenochrome from the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas movie where it exists as a fictional drug lol
maybe I will name my next skill that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
adrenochrome dolt
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
now ive lost ir
i know i can kill
the truth exists beyond the pizza gate
summoner would be a fun class to play, tho
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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my choice to start dash vampy three years ago wasn't a mistake.
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh yeah the dog suicide bridge
some theorise there is some dog whistle kind of audio at times that causes it
can't remember, been prolly 9 years since I read about it last
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they're saying it's a ghost or animal smells
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ghost in the smell
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
animal smells seems quite unlikely to overwhelm self-preservation
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My money would bei n some weird sound
many weird occurances can be attributed to infra or ultrasounds
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
they said dogs are too stupid to realize the height because of how the bridge and land are set up
it has weird perspective apparently
I wonder have these experts ever owned or hanged around dogs?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
uhh the expert was an animal behavior expert
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Still seems like a weird gues
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
this is killing me it's so funny
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
holy shit
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i knowwww
family circus did 119
when lelouch fukkatsus in the new was it code geass movie?
I wonder will he say "situation is clear"
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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wish al would actually do a world tour
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
grate nyanderful
has fish seen lh?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
a good pick for your next animu
in some isekai setting thatworks just like a game, damn taunts and other crowd control abilities must be weird
also, the anime never deals with any of the beast-people
I mean, if some got it weird for isekaing into the wrong gender, what about people who isekai'd to the wrong species, especially something so different like a cat person?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Remember how there are beastfolk in the campaign
Remember how that has come up exactly once
Good times.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
gamer cop

see nix v hedden
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gamer cop types like he's probably gotten banned through the tribunal a few times
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i mean that's pretty cool i guess but really wish they just posted a picture of the cop and the computer screens so I could photoshop some funny shit on there
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>it's a perfect fit, gamers also hate minorities
fucking LOL
i wish i could unwatch this i feel like i drank poison or something with my eyeballs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why would you do this to us
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
im at work so i can't listen with the sound and it felt like a horrible fever dream so obviously i had to share the curse with my friends
you don't really make use of your pieces, eh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's fine that the werefolk don't get used much since they were mine.
the sound doesn't make it any better
guy's got some good fiddling skills though
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what's happening in that video
you can still do it
clearly after killing the humans, we must exterminate them too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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aren'ty ou supposed to be my good guys
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Execute order 66
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You have one sociopath not-necromancer, a fighting maniac, a suicidal haunted guy and a shroom girl who wants to eat everything
how is that a party of heroes?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
good vs bad is a matter of perspective
all this war... all this hate... all the dead we've seen...

it's made me realize
people can't exist like this anymore
to stop the conflict, we have to join together as one
and i will be the one to do that
i will unite every living being they will become as one with flesh
that is why i am the ultimate good
because i will end all conflict forever
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i'm going to use war as a business
to end life as a business
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besides, being skeleton>being alive
so it is spreading love
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Do it proper and not half-assedly like thanos
End all Life
what if thanos just infinity snapped all the white people out of existence
would have gotten rid of almost every marvel superhero
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Titania calm down it's out of character for you to be this good.
but what about mixed?
guess it would take like half of them
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
at level 10 when we increase stats she's going to get INT and realize how to save the world from conflict
also are slavs really white?
i said people
>snaps all of whites away
>europe is just finns and russians
slavs aren't even people
>snappening happens
>no one in russia dies
>thanos goes to russia and buys tracksuit, squats in alley with stolichnaya
>what did it cost you
>5 rubels
the infinity rubels
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
im a slav wow
yeah so what?
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I still love that one genetic study that had finns as a separate group from everyone else
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what you said... was mean to me
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its ok you're super cute anyway
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I can think of futures for most of you, but is Chaska just going to go and die when things are over
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
where is this girl having feel good juice injected into her brain from

everyone's going to die, im going to eat them
i think she gets it injected into her arm so i don't know why they said brain there
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what the fuck what a scam
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well I meant like immediate future
i mean
it goes into your blood and crosses the blood-brain barrier i guess
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YEah, but if you say "inject brain" you musti nject the brain or you are a liar
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm going to cross the brainblood barrier and become a hero
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
inject digestive enzymes into the brain
inject skeletons into brain
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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inject dragons into brain
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magical girls are a SCAM
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
did she at least get to feel good
that is horrible tiling
so large caps with relatively small tiles
the fuck kind of bad designer is responsible for this interior?
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you better believe it
idk man they probably got some cheap ass polack to do it after the last tile job was ruined by too much tortureblood
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pollack would have had the tiles all over the place and much closer to eachother
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Speaking of torture dungeonsand such
imagine being the designer of some demonic lair and having to design pumping and draining systems for BLOOOOD
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man this show was fun though
i imagine it would be really tough to deal with the caking
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Yeah, how do you keep blood from drying?
I guess keep it in motion
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
damn dude i wanna feel good
what actually causes blood to coagulate? is that the word
no that is when it happens in you
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join my specops team and get captured by the enemy and they'll make you feel really really good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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naw, when your blood hardens normally, it is because of stuff released from your body
but when you have just too much blood it doesn't coagulate
but it will still dry up into this weird dry stuff
so is it just evaporation?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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what, never had a large wound?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
gotta let it out gotta let it out
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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no but I also have never eaten my own flesh
maybe you should stop doing weird things to your body
your loss
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Maybe I will ask nest time I donate blood
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i finally have time to play sekiro again
killed a big snake and this guy on a horse is really mad about his gate
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i keep getting him to like 2 hits away from the final posture break and dying due to greed
Coagulation factor
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't think you killed that snake
Also they covered that partially in Hataraku Saibou, did you not watch that?
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yes i killed him

but then the horse made me feel bad
you're probably right but he doesn't show back up in that area anymore at least
see >>659181
so rei skimps the whole thread and answers to past posts, but doesn't actually read the conversation
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what if it's the same thing though
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Might be, but the process and end results are different
I'm pretty sure its the same thing.
Moon might know about this though.
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I'm so bad at video games!
Does it feel good to be so bad?
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I must become more powerful
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>go back to kill that first miniboss i skipped
>he drops a fucking gourd seed
>i did all this with one gourd charge like an idiot
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
that snake is still alive, yo
would have killed that boss on like the second try if i had that gourd
fuck me
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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don't forget your prayer beads 🙏
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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me playing sekiro

i can play all day tomorrow
im hype
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i forgot that guy existed so i thought i had only seen 3 minibosses but now i remembered i could have killed 4 of them
could have had more health AND gourds instead of fighting horsey man like an unwashed babe
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
wait until you get the green and purple gourds too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Purple gourd sounds like it'd be a huge help against that one guy who I tried recently and I still don't like him
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hang on this is important I need to remind /moe/ that this song exists
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it is but it's not necessary
whoa i found a super secret ultra hidden bead
don't even have to kill that shinobi hunter guy
though i might as well i guess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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you don't entirely have a choice.
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i'm talking about the ku klux klan spear guy in hirata estate
i skipped him and went to juzou instead
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I mean if you want to continue that way
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i wasn't aware that i could keep going that way yet i didn't even fight him at first
jesus that first upgrade made the health bar look so big
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Sauna day
dear adventurer, i feel i must say
if you wish to continue that way
be prepared
for a whole lot of gay
it's great that we'll soon be connected
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how did you know?
almost all of his attacks are unblockable
stop tryna block and start learnin to catch
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
no they're not
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yeah they are you have to deflect them
he uses a spear
i killed him though
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
he has some non-thrust attacks that you can block
yeah he has a swipe attack and some pommel attack
that's why i said almost all of his attacks
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you can also makiri counter the shit out of him
>tfw no mikiri counter
i got the healing thing instead

i think i have enough points to get that too now though i'll have to see after i post this video of me teabagging
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i found a dude that has a perilous attack that's a kick
but the kick counts as a thrust attack
so you can makiri counter his leg and step on his leg and force it into the ground
holy shit
>pommel attack
don't tell me...


Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it needs a satisfying like bone-crunch to go with it
does it have that
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
not sure, couldn't hear over the sound of him shouting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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sorry sir could you quiet down?
your screams are drowning out the sound of your bones breaking
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
he walked it off though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what a champ
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
until i skewered him upon my blade
turns out i already had mikiri counter and just forgot lol
yeah thats a rookie mistake
this is why you start by crushing the throat
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just living in the database
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
hey wait a minute
what happen
the data's all gone!
just say wooo ooo woo oo
>killing the guy i skipped gets you the key to the place i went instead
you know this makes a lot more sense suddenly
hey wait a minute
wat happen
somebody set us up the data
incoming base
how are you gentlemen
all your data's all gone
you are on the way to ADDICTION
you have no chance to survive MADNESS OF THE WORLD SPREAD
someone should make that remix
a silly manga idea
a gaijin tourist in japan gets isekai'd
they get the translation perk, but everything is still in JAPANESE and they don't speak it
and plot twist, the demons/we speak their language, I guess english for simplicity
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and they are scottish
now to write the LN and make all the animebucks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
are you feeling ok kirara
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
[indistinct undescribable shrieking]
You cannot grasp the true form of Kirara's shrieking!
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fun fact
finnish is a language filled with cats
cat - kissa
parkki - "parking place" parkissa - something is parked
lakki - a hat. lakissa - in a hat
paniikki - panic. paniikissa - in (a) panic
kissa lakissa paniikissa - a cat in a hat panicking
new yorkissa - in new york

any word ending with -ki or just k, when conjugated into inessive case gets suffix -kissa
>paniikki - panic
huh this one's surprisingly close to english
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Kaikissa asuu kissa
in everyone lives a cat
loan words et al
though I bet it comes from swedish or german rather
oh i see
what is cat panicking?
kissa panikoi
btw word "panna" means to put/place something
panin sen pöydälle "i placed it on the table"

to brew something
panin olutta i brewed beer (panimo - brewery)

and to fuck
panin sitä lujaa "i fucked her hard"
panta means collar

panin pannan panikoijalle
i put the collar on the panicking (person/etc)
fucked her hard what?
her hard penis?
panikoimatta panta panemiselle
"without panicking, but a collar on the fucking)
dunno if that is a saying in english, but basically "to stop it immediately"
however, pantata means to pawn something
pantti - pawn/deposit
pantata is sometimes used differenly like
panttaa minulle istumapaikka - reserve a spot/chair for me

panikoiva panija panttasi panemispannan panimolla
panicking brewer pawned a fucking collar at the brewery
painia means to wrestle
and painija means wrestler

and painajainen means nightmare

paniikki panevasta painijasta painajaisessa
panick about a fucking/brewing wrestler in a nightmare
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finnish is a fun language
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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oh yeah
painaa means to press or to weigh
painaa nappia - push/press a button
painaa sata kiloa - to weigh a hundred kilos
paino - weigh

pane paino pois
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painijoiden paino panot
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I am done
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
just realized that's on Spotify yo
holy shit
the window WILL open
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
once again
man i can't get SHIT done today
besides some basic cleaning and shit im way behind on my actual work
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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c3po has a sniper bowcaster

same i didn't take my meds this morning
yeah i got like five hours of this board hearing shit to get through
ive been creepin at it slowly all day im like an hour into it
it's not just mental focus but like i feel so physically uncomfortable tryin to do work and have to keep changing posture and cleaning shit or else i feel irritated
i guess ill try to take some kratom and work but idk how thatll go
It's probably the one that Chewie was using in Episode VII.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i been trying kratom today but it hasn't helped
i actually forgot i even took it for a little while bc i didn't notice it
ive been takin it all week after wor / after work to focus on maths
i use my physical senses to do my other work though and actually burn through a lot of calories so idk
prolly not good here
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I am so excited for you guys to die this week
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
me too
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i'm never going to die again ever
tfw your capitak citu has a decent starry sky
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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aw man I love my capitak citu
get yours today, only 15k mks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
sitting in a church doing kratom and listening to this vocaloid video ton posted
this is the life
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm eating hot tamales while watching a video that I don't quite know the contents of while I contemplate dinner
Oh hang on
Hot tamales (the candy)
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
hot 🐕 🐕
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm not PAN I couldn't just eat straight hot tamales I'm sure
hot tamale hot hot tamale hot tamale hot hot
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what about gay ones
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
gay hot tamales?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i like this

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
They do really good songs with Gumi
I'm going to post another one.

which some say is the sequel to
and there's also this other song that's more recent
do you like tamale tepid tamale?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
gumi is my fav vocaloid
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm a big fan of Yukari
have yall ever been paintballing
i always thought it was kind of a niche thing but it seems like literally everybuddy has done it besides me
really? thats kind of a surprise
I've never gone paintballing.
It's hard for me to consider the thought of being pelted with the balls all that fun.
They apparently don't hurt all that much but still, it feels like a bit of unnecessary fun -unnecessary pain for a bit of fun.
i feel like it would smell really good
probably a strange thing to think but it's a big part of doing outdoors stuff
smelling the crisp air and the leaves and just these splotches of paint contrasting against the palate
woulda been enough to give me a headache as a kid but it actually sounds fun now
tamalee hot tamaler hot
what kind of tamale do you like?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I remember getting hit in the nuts a lot and thinking I was out but I'd look at my crotch and the paintball hadn't actually exploded.
i did do urban combat exercises in the army but that was like the opposite of fun
my platoon was so fuckin dumb and all got sacked within the first like 10 minutes
i was leading the outer patrol that was supposed to be securing an exit path but everyone else fucking DIED so my squad of four girls had to go do their infiltration mission
we used those blanks in the M4s and jesus fuck they make so much dust and smoke it hurts
nope i think that shit's too expensive
it was all close -ish quarters so it was obvious if you got hit
wouldn't really matter anyway, it was really about the room clearing and stuff and approach/entry
and the platoon with all the turbo dudes with all the awards and ribbons got to be the hostiles so they had all this strategy planned out
and my goon platoon just flopped
my squad of four got the furthest in after everyone else blew up but i can tell everyone probably died i really stupid ways, myself included
i had to change out a magazine and it went in backwards so i tried to undo it and fix it before entering the next room but a supervising cadre didn't know why i was hesitating, thoguht i was scared or something so just grabbed me and threw me in
and i KNEW where those fuckers were but obviously i couldnt shoot them because i was thrown in with an equipment malfunction
and my goons didn't think to take my magazines off my body after they cleared the room so the hostiles just came and got like an extra 80 rounds for free off my body and stopped them
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
not simunition?
>goon platoon vs turbo dudes
it's all very technical language you see
i wouldn't expect a civilian to understand
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aw gosh darnit
how long am I going to be waiting here
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
probably around 16inches
that's the average width of a human man
3 dollars
average man is quite thin
The Mikiri Counter is ridiculously satisfying to land, man.
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sounds like mikki hiiri (mickey mouse) said quickly to me
Kirara, the Baseball Mom

it's makiri
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i didnt realize how close philly was to new york
i was getting the location confused with pittsburgh
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god dammit tilde i was trying to see how long i could spell it right and he would spell it wrong before he noticed
Oh sorry Jan I didn't know.
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all of the giggles i was getting are ruined
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I know, it is "what do you require to make a skeletal dragon?"
I didn't even know he was spelling it wrong until that correction up there.
There's even a point that he's written makiri sandwiched between two of your mikiris earlier in the thread hah hah.
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it's not actually a big deal but he's been spelling it as makiri since the game released
Oh gosh this SNAKE.
yeah he's a fucking asshole
10-ream cases of copy paper at office max on sale for 34.99 today yall
damn that's a good deal on copy paper
i try to hold out for a little lower
theyll do it for like 26.99 every six months or so
Oh shit I stabbed its eye and IT DID NOT LIKE THAT
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
im gonna beat you senseless
>i've gotmyself makiri
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ill deflect you
oh boy i think this is the optional area boss
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
obaachan fucked my ass a lot
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'll bet.
oh yeah back to pressing matters of finnish stuff
panos - bet/stage and also charge, like an explosive charge
painos - pressing/print
a final appendum
how do i get her posture to actually build up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
lower her hp
the lower it is, the easier the buildup becomes, and it will decrease at a lower rate
high damage makes it seem like it doesn't go down at all
well i am just trying to kill her
looks like it's better to just dodge and interrupt her bullshit
oh retard the game tells you ranged weapons are good against enemies in midair like 50 times
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am Doctor
this is why i wish i had a career in stock photography
it just looks so fun
>perfect opening almost get her first bubble of health down in 30 seconds
>she jumps on me and connects the grab and i die instantly
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1024x1446, 24ef9904237344a61014093d4dd0ed11.jpg)
yeah she hurts
Kirara had a way better time with her
but kirara hates gyobu and I like gyobu
her falling down from the air does damage to you
sauna makes you weirdly tired afterwards
i killed grandma
apparently if you don't snap seed the illusions away like a million butterflies(?) appear and kamikaze you lol
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah but it's easy to dodge those
it killed me but it was also the first time i had seen it happen and i also killed her after getting back up
who will bake you cookies now?
you LITERALLY have to die twice in this game
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Just like it says on the box.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
told you
i gotta start listening to you
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
did any of the guys finish senpou temple yet
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
that boss is really cool
it's like a stealth environmental puzzle boss
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh I was watching afro do the stuff I've done but I completely missed the first headless
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
ive found three of them so far
4 if you count headless ape boss after the guardian ape
I found the headless thinking it was the right way to go
the first one i mean
he fucked my shit up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm gonna go fuck it
gross but you do you
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
????? fuck what
he's gonna fuck the headless
possibly in the head hole? neck
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
wtf man
yeah i guess since swords and spears do nothing
he's gonna try his dick
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
gotta divine confetti on his dick
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh this thing sucks ass then
how do I get more confetti
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
what sucks ass
ape or headless?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the enemy in question
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah you need confetti for that
you can farm it from the ashina samurai
best place to start is antechamber and do a rounds of like 7 of them
if you use the bell demon, it increases drop rate a lot
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
if you beat the ashina depths boss you can buy divine confetti after that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if you mean lord spoop then nah
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i mean corrupted monk.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that does not sound like lord spoop
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i think you can buy snap seeds after that boss too
i forget
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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fyi ashina samurai are great for mid-tier upgrade mats too
That five-point skill that gives healing on deathblows is so good getting it early on.
I can pretty much just not heal out of boss fights in most cases.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (502 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 (…).jpg)
I brought home some babka

Yeah, that's really good
There's a miniboss that killing gives you the same skill too, and it stacks
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (397 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 (…).jpg)
One of my colleagues that I actually like might move into my apartment community.
That would be really cool.
She's the kind of person Fish gets along with, too.
That would probably be a comfort, having someone agreeable in your immediate vicinity.
it would be fun to own an appartment complex like yours
found a real life hidamari appartments
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (388 KB, 1280x720, [Glue] Mob Psycho 100 - 08v2 [(…).jpg)
Yeah. She's not really supposed to hang out with people like me, but she does anyway, which I can respect.
Oh man I TROUNCED the Shinobi Hunter in the Hirata Estate memory on my second attempt.
Didn't even take a hit of damage from him.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (426 KB, 1280x720, [Glue] Mob Psycho 100 - 01v2 [(…).jpg)
>they promoted me in FFXIV guild
no stop
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
just tell them no
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
or kill them
its too late they came to the decision
but they're too nice and innocent
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
In a way, by betraying and killing them, you'll be doing them a favor, you know?
They'll learn the truth of this world, which is that you shouldn't give power to people
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (341 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha (…).jpg)
glass is the best girl
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>implication is I have to get past spookmaster 9000 to progress
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
who is that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ghost orbs
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh, shichimen-chan
she's actually really easy once you figure out her attacks
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you do need confetti though
Fuck Fuck Face
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I was doing alright with confetti
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
fushigiri helps too
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
nani sore
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x216, images(3).png)
do you think pasta sauce containing egg yolk and milk is okay if you didnt refrigerate after opening
like it's enzyme modified and stuff right so it doesnt actually get fucked up
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (484 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha (…).jpg)
it's the "mortal blade"

yeah i think that would be fine

fushigiri is the name we all called it before the game came out
so i'm still calling it it's actual name
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh that
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Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (370 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha (…).jpg)
anyway, fushigiri is good against apparition type enemies
and immortal enemies
generally you want confetti for apparitions, though, that's the most important thing
fire and firecrackers work great on beasts
fire is for red eyes as well

although an enemy can't be a beast and an apparition at the same time
an enemy can be immortal and an apparition at the same time
but an enemy can't be immortal and a beast at the same time

you can't kill immortal enemies without fushigiri
you can deathblow them with kusabimaru but they'll get back up after about 30 seconds
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
do you deathblow them with fushigiri instead or will I need to literally use the move
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (329 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Release the Spy(…).jpg)
You have to deathblow immortal enemies twice.
First with Kusabimaru. Then while they're dead, the DB indicator will light up again and you get them again, but with Fushigiri.
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>BD difference
hmm I think I will have to do a screencap watch through
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tfw everybody killed Orphan of Kos on their first playthough with the pizza cutter
feels cheap af
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
so many upgrade mats
so few confetti
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 683x718, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg)
Are you using the bell demon?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't have the bell demon I'm using the water balloon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what's the bell demon
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
that feel when i get on a train labelled
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (389 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Caligula - 03 [(…).jpg)
Have you been to Senpou Temple?

oh no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I beat the monkies and whatnot
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (281 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg)
You must have missed it, then.
There's an Idol called Demon Bell Idol or something like that.
Next to it is a large bell.
You ring it, and it gives you a Sinister Burden, which is the Bell Demon.
The Bell Demon increases the difficulty of the game substantially, but in return, increases drop rate by a ridiculous amount.
You can also just get rid of it when you're done farming without any trouble.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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any suggestion on where in the temple I should look
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 397x499, [Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 00 (OVA)(…).jpg)
It's before Armored Daddy. Or rather, you can see daddy's bridge from the idol.
It's also near the temple Mob, if I recall correctly.
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>armoured daddy
>daddy's bridge
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finally the fabled sakura (420)
Is there some invisible cooldown on the Whirlwind Slash?
It doesn't seem to activate as often as it should.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (511 KB, 1280x720, [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! -(…).jpg)
You should be able to spam it infinitely.
Without cooldown.
That's my experience with all of the combat arts.
Bah, that's annoying.
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More like broken
That's nintendo ish tho
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 659x717, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_12_(…).jpg)
Hard to call it broken when spamming it will get you killed even among some of the weakest mooks.

I dunno what to tell you.
As far as I know, nothing as an actual cooldown outside of frames
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh no
I found the white flower
after sending fatty to surgery
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
am I a monster
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 535x666, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_11 (…).jpg)
Yeah, you are.
You did the worst thing.
Well it just means the fact that it doesn't always go off only means I'm not hitting the buttons for it correctly.
So no fault but my own.
That's the annoying part.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ohhhh noooooo
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 577x630, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_11 (…).jpg)
Now he's dead! You killed poor Kotaro!
Apologize to him!

if you give him white pinwheel, he asks you to spirit him away. if you do that, he gets to live in the illusory hall forever, with all the children he was supposed to look after. he's happy! someone told me you can give him the red/white one and it'll do some quest thing to give shops more items or something, too, but i haven't done that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
After giving him the red/white, he thanked me for trying and then I had him go to the dungeon and the surgeon thanked me. I think they're going to pump him full of the bad immortality juice
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 660x664, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_11 (…).jpg)
you get lumps of fat if you do that, i heard they kill them and turn him into fat and stuff. kotaro was the caretaker of the kids who got the bad immortality juice i think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
i wonder if mattymatosy will do a video or if he's gonna wait six years
matthew ma toe cyst
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>jump from a weird spot with the air-drop kill prompt
>use it
>sekiro wave dashes into the elite and kills him
>the other elite starts moonwalking in a circle
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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Hope it fulfilled your expectations
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 327x309, Wowza.png)
how it feels to play sekiro
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Search [iqdb] (301 KB, 704x1048, Sakura (126).jpg)
Now I just need 50 more, pls produce more fanart or s2
and I will have 911
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 432x518, 58021480 - 上官绯樱 - 东方project-藤原妹红.jpg)
me with genichiro
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't know if this game can top Ride the Lightning except maybe with another fight with Genichiro
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 344x223, 1343937789997.png)
it's going to top that. trust me.
i mean, genichiro is absolutely my favorite boss so far
but the ape and the boss i'm currently on are both really good too

the ape's one of the coolest bosses ive ever seen tbh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yo the last tier of tool upgrades looks awesome
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
the last axe upgrade can dispell illusions
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this axe smashes so hard it makes your brain better
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, 1397360410591.jpg)
i think i'll probably beat NG tomorrow
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (115).jpg)
considering that taunting is practically mind control, doesn't that mean that all tank classes are essentially psychics?

so it makes 100% sense that their weapons can smash illusions
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the sound the spiral spear makes is cool
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Search [iqdb] (413 KB, 700x800, 1422258667483.png)
not as cool as the sound the finger whistle makes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
divine abduction is the coolest though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"Look behind you"
"Oh ok sure"
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
more importantly you can spirit them away
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's a shame that most of the tools don't work on minibosses or bosses
it makes them only really good for farming
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
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that said, this one armed wolf is going to vanish into thin air
bye bye
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do you get a hoe?
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When I try to play Sekiro on Google Stadia
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1024x910, BjpjnlFCcAEYNAW[1].jpg)
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When will you learn you can't post loli shit...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 620x900, 10886232_p0.jpg)
you can't?
Search [iqdb] (878 KB, 1416x1003, 73359374_p1.png)
oh go ahead.
I'm getting money I don't worry about what you do
thats a nice picture
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
show foot
fruit by the foot just seems unsanitary
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First we fight then we drink, good luck.
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You kill me, you're better.
I kill you, I'm better.
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I'm backing him up but I'm just gon say
Soon as you net you
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now this is art
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Soon as I nut, ypu can go leave
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This 4 u
all day
anime >>659504 →
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I think this will ease your chaotic mind.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 707x1000, IMG_20190328_161127.jpg)
motherfuck how's my room manage to be the deadzone for both reception and wifi on my phone
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1000x635, D2cQbcaU0AAv9Ya.jpg)
you need some wired shit like
dunno what you want me to say like
I don't want you to say anything you don't want to
Search [iqdb] (249 KB, 1661x816, 73913626_p0.jpg)
But what if I told you you are so sweet and serene
Would that rile you up?
Well maybe the conditions that are making one of them a deadzone is resulting in the other deadzone.
switch to the 5ghz wifi option instead of 2.4
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 1414x2000, 73091600_p0.png)
Bitch you better be playing Apex with 5.0gigahertz
gig of hurts
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Yeah you bette r be bringing them 5k of pain to them like...
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11 more hours of work
wish i had some gosh danged cig or rets
I have some cig regrets hiding in the back of my car somewhere
I'm not a habitual smoker but they're nice every now and then
can i have em
i have a lot of work still to get through, like another 10-ish hours
and i dont got none and im broke as shid
I could post em, it's not like I'm in any rush to ever use them
can you just paypal em to me maybe
it's, uh, [email protected] is my paypal address
whoa you still have a geociddies email?
yeah im one of the lucky ones
today i thought i was out of cigarettes so i bought a couple more packs
but then i got home and there was a pack i bought last sunday left
fucking idiot
At least cigarettes don't really spoil in the short run.
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it almost looks like one of those where you cant tell which head goes to which body
or you can but that the misinterpretation of it is easy enough to provoke intrigue
yes i can see this
i like those images
anyone who's just lurkin around bored:
what do you think the value is of redundancy in encoded (written) language?
i.e. why are words made from such arbitrary arrangements of characters inefficiently instead of a much simpler and compact mapping
like just base 26 representation and compactified into aaa, aab, aac and so forth
there's a lot of reasons but im just curious what seems obvious to folks

aside from the natural evolution of a language that would obviously not know in advance what all the words are in order to map it compactly,
what's the functional value that we have of the character redundancy instead of that
how does it help us
what stands out most to me is structure and recognition
it'd be very difficult for a person to recognize what definition was mapped to word xxjskxljf
it's too arbitrary, and it's not quickly distinguishable from xxjksxljf, one character off, whose definition could be a conjugation or could be something completely unrelated so there's no real structure mapping
our own word system just kind of evolved and wasn't specifically designed, so it's a form of natural encoding that i think is super interesting
>>659639 →
>>659639 →
>>659639 →
