Well there's also like half a season's worth of W'z but there seemed to be little to no interest in continuing that. I've got the episodes still so I know where we're at but I took it off the list for brevity's sake. Plus if we manage to chew through the stuff of this ending season before the new one starts pouring in we might be able to watch some movie-length stuff, like the Non Non Byori movie or Heaven's Feel, or that Hibike! Euphonium movie.
Also there's only two shows we're watching that air tomorrow so we've got a lot of free space.
It's kind of weird that the woman named Glass is the one that's dressed like she's Japanese and has Japanese skill names but the Heroes have Japanese names and dress like Euro-fantasy heroes with English skill names.
Oh there goes Raphtalia's sword. They paid good money for that.
>>659550 Maybe the king'll make the proclamation but I'd suspect this was a plan of the bitchy princess. The king seems to be way too affectionate for Melty while her older sister seems to hate her guts.
Nah I got to her battle room and then stopped. I knew about her fight a bit from seeing some stream content. I'd been running around the Hirata Estate without having beaten horse spear-guy at the front gate to Ashiina Castle. >>659560 Yeah the streamer I was watching went into Hirata Estate like immediately as soon as he got the bell to get in to it. So he didn't have any stat boosts to help him.
I managed to scrounge together enough prayer beads to get a stats up before fighting horse dude though, so I probably had an easier time of it.
i feel like she probably would have whooped my ass as hard as the horse guy if i went to her with basic health and damage beating him was really hard but beating her felt a lot easier
This was not quite what I was expecting from their play. It's pretty nice though. Nice music.
>>659559 I was a dummy and killed him with no health increases and no gourd seeds collected i was wondering why it seemed so unforgiving for the first real boss haha had a much nicer time with butterfly lady
there's a hidden bead you can find at the mansion area, before you get to the boss but after you kill the drunk juzou
I think I might've found it? I'm a few beads into my second upgrade at the moment.
it's behind the secret flippy ninja walldoor if you know what i mean you probably got it
also what is this children's play
This is a rather advanced kind of play for kids to be performing.
Didn't another show like this have a musical as a final ep recently?
>>659566 Okay yeah no I remember the bead I got from not killing a mini-boss now, that's not it. Guess I'll go a-hunting when I feel prepared to take on Granny Chouchou.
>>659568 the one about the secret giraffe society and stage girls vying to be the star i forgot the name
Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight. Though that show had a musical pretty much every episode.
oh yeah STAAAARLIGHT >>659571 well it's the only musical anime i remember haha recently at least
What the hell is Matsumoto doing as an extra in this play.
>>659572 Well I think you're correct. Flipping through the downloads folder I've been too lazy to clean up I can't see any other show that's had a musical. Unless it's something I deleted or archived already but something like that would probably merit me not deleting it. But maybe it's an older series I've archived already.
Sure, can do. That'll clear off all our list sans Egao after tomorrow, providing Squid isn't absent again. Perfect timing for the four or five shows that air for Friday!
ya blew it kid! yer a failure youll always be JUST LIKE YOUR FATHA
;_; It was a really bad summer storm a few years back that one of my cats disappeared during and never came back. This is hitting a bit too close to home for me.
this guy is thinking of haru like his mom and dad true family
Yeah it's a combination of getting wet, which not many cats like, and water that often feels too cold for them. Since cats run a much higher body temperature than humans, what feels like hot water to us feels much cooler to them. If you train your cats from a young age and keep the temperature thing in mind, it's not impossible to get them comfortable with baths.
Yeah it was pretty good. Baths sure traumatize an unprepared cat hah hah.
I kind of wish I could give my cat a bath she gets kind of ... musky, especially this time of year. But that would probably be a difficult thing to attempt.
one of my cats likes water she tries to get in the bathroom sink when you turn it on another one will come to the shower and peek her head in to see if you're ok i guess the other two don't want to get hit by water ever
Title drop!
>>659620 Well the weird thing is my cat is fine for a while out in a rainstorm during the warmer parts of the year. But she's not fond of water spray from like being flicked by fingers or whatnot. I've heard just trapping your cat with you in the shower and dousing them with water that way is one of the safest ways to get them cleaned without them attacking you. So I've considered that in the past. Still don't really want to though.
>>659622 I would be afraid of doing that my cats have claws they'll KILL ME well except for the one that peeks in i think she would be ok maybe she just meows about it cause she doesn't want me to get wet
I've seen video clips of cats trying to pull their owners out of baths so maybe there's an aspect of concern there, hah hah. Either way though you'd probably be fine. Cats aren't intelligent enough to make the logical conclusion that hurting human bean might get the shower doors open. They'd probably just sit there and whine after they realize there's no escaping the wetness. I guess you'd be out of luck though if your shower doesn't have doors, they'd probably navigate a curtain without much trouble.
Yeah mine isn't really so much a shower as it is a bathtub with a showerhead and some curtains you can stick the inner liner to the wall and tub with MAGNETS though