im so excited for this my favorite part of the game omg omg omg
tilde did you play this game? i forgot if you didn't well YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT COMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING
Nah. I know it's on PS3 but that's the only system I could have been able to play it on and I didn't want to get things set up. If Persona 5 The Royale is a proper P5 + Fem route release I'll maybe get that if I ever get my hands on a PS4. Unless they're planning a surprise Switch release but so far all the news on that is no dice.
>>658285 P5R is probably going to be on the switch I see no reason for them to release a revamp of such a recent game with announcements coming almost adjacent to the inclusion of the main character in a nintendo exclusive title otherwise My money's on Atlus just holding out for the official reveal to be more perfectly timed after Joker gets released for Smash and drums up nintendo fan interest
>>658287 Hopefully! JRPGs for me are kind of more appealing on a portable system. But the announcement video they ran for P5R only had the PS4 logo show up so as far as confirmed information goes it's only a PS4 release. Anything else is speculation and rumour.
i fucking love jarpiggies but you already probably know that's a /jrpgg/ meme if you are hip to the subculture i'll play them on a train, i'll play them in a plane. i'll play them on the go, i'll play them nice and slow i'll play jarpiggies with such ease, i'd play jarpiggies on the seas. >>658289 i would play them ANYWHERE!
I wonder if this is the final bit of the adaptation. They've really taken their time with finishing it, surprisingly.
i would be surprised if they fit everything in 50 minutes but let's see for the record they still have the longest dungeon in the game to cover and two climactic final battles j
I heard there might be a female MC for P5R or a new female member
There was a new female character in the announcement yeah. Also some datamining for the Joker Smash release found a palette swap with him with a ponytail, which isn't really a hairstyle that matches his pattern.
imagine if joker just strangled shido when he first stopped him assaulting that girl most of this shit wouldn't have happened it's pretty much all shido's fault daily reminder to finish the job if you interrupt sexual assault
>Holy Grail Wait are we F/SN now.
Holy Grail doesn't give a shit 'bout your powers it just boots you right out.
>>658317 >>658315 yeah the most efficient way to fuse prisoners is to fucking execute them duh
Oh okay. I was thinking, this old bat is in pretty much every Persona game right. Weird that he takes a villain role in this one. But he was just a stepping stone to the real bad guy.
I WILL FOLLOW MY HEART >>658347 yeah it was rushed but that's what you get when you condense a 100 hour experience into an anime series the impacto just can't be like the payoff of getting literal days worth of gameplay concluded
that was ok i guess didnt have nearly the same feel as the game
It's also, like. really hard to adapt a dungeon-y JRPG into an anime series. You can't really have a ten-minute boss fight from a game last that long in the show unless it's the last boss.
>>658348 i'm gonna be honest you spend more time in the story and reading dialogue than crawling dungeons in p5
Ah okay.
wait a fuckin second wheres my chicken
Did you eat it?
Hah hah Hyakkimaru doesn't even know who Daigo is.
>>658352 i did but there wasd more where is the TIME tilde
Oh sorry. 3:35 3:40 3:45
yes this is why i keep you around you're gonna move up from underboss to regional boss someday you'll go far
Aw hell yeah, middle management. Just what I always dreamed of.
i will leave the ultimate secret boss position to be succeded by you when i'm eventually departed but it's up to you to move into a position where the rest of the clan accepts it as well i believe in you famiglia
Oh no that's too much responsibility for me. I guess the only choice is to figure out how to make you live forever.
Also Daigo going on about sacrificing lands or sons. But really his first solution is to go appeal to demons, rathat than study farming techniques or import medicinal knowledge to resolve the famines and plagues.
>>658385 yeh well i'll buy you a fifth of your favorite spirit if you give me the time againmy sister distracted me it's been a hot minute since i've drank 8 shots in 2 hours ok
8:45 8:50 8:55
>>658389 Well you seem to be having fun so it's all good.
Oh this guy is All For One from Boku no Hero Academia.
Hah hah even now Mob is trying to befriend the Big Bad.
okay we've waited awhile let's start and ika can catch up!
Mob's, Dororo's, Boogiepop's, and Yakusoku no Neverland(s?)'s come to mind. And also ear-worm guilty pleasure of WataTen's ED. Something about those kinds of songs just tickle me I can't help it.
>>658407 But are you ready to get in the fucking robot Shinij.
>>658407 Then you can go be gay with Kaworu so it's win-win-win anyway.
>>658406 yeah you got it right yakuawhtever and so forth
my body is so ready for ~the final light~ >>658406 if they let me in the robot i would have killed all of nerv beforee ramiel even showed up my guy
when the other angels show up they'd be like yo where all the ningen at and i'd make friends with them because humaniry a shit gawrsh golly i am fuc knig drunk IKA PLEAWSE RESPOIND
There were kind of too many girls in the main cast for this show. A couple of them blend together for me. I think they're mobage characters for the game of this project but it still ended up being a bit much.