Black Clover is SHIT Kouya is a 3D CGI anime from the directors of GuP about cute girls flying prop planes in a post-water Earth. Asuka is a dumbsilly mahou shoujo show where the girls are basically used as a magica paramilitary (and military) strike team 3D Kanojo is a shoujo romance WataTen is about elementary school girls bullying a social awkward college girl. It's hella cute.
Also Roc if you've got time you should go watch Boogiepop wa Warawanai it's a lot of fun.
I'll check it out sure I haven't watched anything but jojo and mob in forever
Dororo is pretty great too. It's an old Tezuma Osamu manga that's been adapted for a modern audience. Very feudal Japanese if you're feeling like Sekiro's not entirely scratching that itch.
Considering the power creep this series has mentioned before regarding how powerful the captains are supposed to be, it does feel rather unfair to have a captain in a competitive tournament like this. Even if this kid is a goofball he's still probably ridiculously powerful compared to these mooks.
Well you can't have a tournament arc without a decent cast of characters. The fact that it's teams of threes really balloons the necessary number a lot though. Like they've just dumped a whole bunch of random new mooks on us just to have them lose in like ten minutes.
Though they did only get through a single fight this episode. That's kind of slow compared to the three or so they did last episode.
I guess inversely though, a tournament arc is also an opportunity to add in a whole lot of new characters. If the mangaka had the intent they could pull from all these mooks to fill in casts in future arcs that need rounding out or whatever. Though I have my doubts that would actually happen in this series.
well the Corsair was designed for carrier use but it was hard to land on carriers. So it was used more often from island bases. It was definitely a pacific plane though.
But it was used on carriers, still. It was just used less often than the Hellcat because the Hellcat was easier for less experienced pilots to fly and land.
On the magical side , yeah. The mundane military guys seem to have taken some pretty heavy casualties.
I wonder if this means the black Pikachu and the annoying penguin also can look like humanoids.
There's no way this series is getting a second season I guess the only way we could ever know is to read the manga.
I guess there's one more arc? That was a pretty season-ending arc to close on but this is only episode eleven. If this show is thirteen episodes they could maybe squeeze in one more arc. There is that Chinese-looking magical girl who's the only member of the Magical Five we haven't seen yet.
Ah just one more episode. And some more Kurumi Torture Time.
sorry, internet exploded had to fix it let's start!
It's been like seven years and his parents don't look different at all. I guess they're in that middle-age period of never aging though.
the brother went from dumb to okay to dumb again unless its all his keikaku doori
Well if she's forgotten all about her life in Japan, convincing her to not press too hard might be the kind thing to do. There would be a lot of stress on even the other people she used to know. And she does apparently have a life back in Los Angeles.
Everything's worked out or will work out. How nice.
Man it's really nice to get a series that runs a full completion like that.
Also we can probably stop here for the night. It's late and there's only three shows airing for tomorrow, which, ignoring Egao, will give us four shows for tomorrow night.