Thread #653028
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This thread is forty-nine minutes after midnight.
3D Kanojo Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-8 Black Clover Egao no Daika --Episode 6-10 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-8 Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Pastel Memories W'z --Episode 5-10 Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Kakegurui XX --Episode 7-9
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yeah sorry I lost track of time a bit black clover kake 7 mahou egao 6 wataten
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black clover well jan can catch up he wont miss much lets start!
Kuro Kusoba
Jan doesn't even watch Black Clover.
strong bow
>>653040 yeah this
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wow why not it's great
Don't listen to her Jan it's total shit.
i think its okay
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I didn't realize her plant thing was a weird growth.
>>653044 It looked like shit when the first episode came out so I never watched any more haha
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Oh I see, Asta jobbed a bit so edgy man could shine.
neat magic
NEET magic
The nobles in this series are all so corny.
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Maybe nobles are just dorks kake 7 okay lets start!
This we can collect Jan on.
Skii Kiraii Skii Kiraii
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best OP of the season I hope to be as crazy as yumeko one day
very good op
whoops i downloaded the first season episode 7 haha
I like that Sugita's character's come back. Sugita characters are always enjoyable.
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Yumeko is crazy crazy she's been extra crazy crazy this season
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this anime eye sure looks nice
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more yumeko cray cray
The hardcorest gamblers are always total sociopaths.
This is a fun game they've set up. It's a good psychological game.
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i like this guy he's just trying to have fun
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This is the first time we've seen Yumeko's normal eye color so much. She's been in red mode continuously for the past few episodes.
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she's been having too much fun
This guy's legs are unpleasant to me. It's reasons like this that I never wear shorts.
Also the kouhai girl really feels like she's over-acting here.
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This is a good game. I can't wait to see more.
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ah there we go the red eyes
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white hair and kouhai are clearly the traitors
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I could see Yumeko putting taxes in every time just because it's insane. Or putting more in. I bet that is going to be the trick, putting more coins in than everyone is expceting. That seems like the outside of the box stuff Yumeko would pull. mahou asuka okay lets start!
>>653074 What about white hair and Yumeko
>>653076 that might be true too maybe he just wants everyone to lose
Mahou Shoujo Black Ops
It kind of feels like Earth is being used as a proxy wargrounds for this Spirit World and the bad dimension.
Tan Tomboy in her natural environment
Hah hah these two girls keep ending up near these problematic environments.
It's rare to see Asuka so flustered by something.
This is an exhausting woman though.
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The countryside getting blown up reminds me of eva
One of these days these two Muggle classmates of Asuka's aren't going to survive the encounters with monsters they keep falling into.
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wow that's a lot of cute monsters
Reminds me of the demon bears in that genderswap magical girl show from a bit back.
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yeah they are like that okay 4 or 5?
well, i don't watch egao so let me know when you watch wataten
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let's just wataten now wataten well he can catch up okay lets start!
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alright did ika died>>653094 maybe it got too exciting for him and he passed out Ika status: (KIA?)
Reaaady I dunno he might've checked out a bit during Asuka.
Yeah I dunno if Hana's the kind of person I'd want fixing my hair.
Oh that's a very ojou-sama style for Noa.
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myaa is a dangerous person
Hinata's really accents her tomboy nature.
Hana's sense of style is a nightmare.
Speaking of dangerous people. This girl is the actual dangerous person.
you're awfully defensive of the lolicon!
It's a matter of thoughts against action! Myaa hasn't taken any dangerous actions! Breaking and entering (or implying you did) is a much different case.
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>>653103 she's just showing mya-nee what she wants to do to her too
>I won't lose >Totally will be the one who loses
Oh a shocking twist
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She has a lot of weird clothes.
Such is the life of a cosplay designer. Hana's DETERMINATION for sweets is admirable.
Hah hah Miya is such a ball of embarassment.
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>Even twenty years from now, you and I will always be together That's something a little ridiculous to say to a girl half your age. Oh she doubled down on it now.
Hah hah Hana's too sweets-obsessed to pick up on the nuance there though.
It is rare to see Hana this genki though.
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>>653117 She's such a nice young girl.
Yeah Hana doesn't strike me as someone excited to be the lead in a performance.
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thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks.