3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-8 Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 6-10 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-8 Meiji Tokyo Renka Pastel Memories Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari W'z --Episode 5-10 Kakegurui XX --Episode 8-9
kake 8 tate yuusha meiji tokyo douk pastel memories
churn up my shield >>653346 oh yeah she's super gay her crush is talking about getting devoured by invasive species right in front of her too
>>653342 I meant more the lily being dashed on the ground right at the end of the scene. Ponytail-chan's totally gay for the school council president and she's mad Yumeko's getting all the attention.
>>653377 oh that's news to me this show's pretty great so far though glad it's getting a longer run
Fur Elize
One of those guys just now had a very hoodie-looking hood on his top. I wasn't aware clothes like that were designed in this time period, let along in Japan.
She's gonna have to save her husbando from the woman haunting him so he can finish his novel
okay dook dook oh no my oven is beeping pls ika its going to burn >>653392 i did and it's perfectly done and i got it now >>653392 we know that life won't change can't you see that we're out there swatting lies in the making
i wonder what happened to ika maybe he got ATTACKED BY ROBBERS and he's fighting for his life
Hiroto is a legend best friends with a guy he thinks is fucking weird
Hah oh no. I know how anxious it can get cooking some times. I feel compulsive to make sure things are correctly cut up and whatnot too. At least I'd never wrestle with my cat to measure her mouth.
Oh this too, I know this side of cats. My cat will try and make sure I'm eating properly too by leading me to her food bowl when it's full.
pistil mammaries >>653416 i treat my cats like NOTHING and they still climb on me and lick me and rub their heads into my arm when i'm on the computer like right now why >>653419 one of them is still like half kitten, the other three are like a year and a half old or so i think
>>653418 They're still all pretty young, right? Young cats have an instinctual tendency to keep close to "family" like that. If that's not weaned out of them (a pretty common result from being looked after by people rather than a parent cat) they'll end up being particularly attention-seeking.
This girl seems like a bit too much of a passionate fujoshi. Oh yeah there we go.
PASSIONE >>653419 oh i see i think one of them ended up really attention seeking but the others seem pretty normal i guess
It's kind of like how cats are generally pretty silent communicators with other cats. Noise is reserved for intense encounters, like conflict and seeking a mate. The whole meowing to catch attention is a kitten behaviour that gets reinforced because human beans find it cute and are responsive to it. A "wild" cat would drop the meowing as they grow up and pick up more standard adult cat behaviours.
I feel like that's the second Ashita no Joe reference we've gotten from shows in the past week. But I'm having a bit of a hard time remembering what the other one was.
>>653426 yeah there was another one but i am not sure if it was the same show or a different one
This seems like a really dumb battle shounen. I guess the series it's spoofing was popular despite that.
Aw Wikipedia's not updated for this episode yet so they don't have the parodied series noted.
>>653428 Looks like the overall spoof is Kongou Banchou https://myanimelist.net/manga/11336/Kongou_Banchou But they're referencing DBZ, FotNS, G Gundam, and more
Yeah that ATA TA TA TA TA TA was a pretty clear reference to North Star.