He still can't talk much. Guess he's got to learn his words.
If Hyakkimaru is only about sixteen years old, that means this kid is even younger. Got to be fifteen at best. I guess it was a different time though, and people became adults much faster.
Tahomaru's a pretty just person. I expected as the raised son of the warlord guy that he'd pick up on the guy's character.
These three work well as a team.
I'm pretty sure the combination of being point-blank to an explosion like that and trapped inside a giant crab would be pretty lethal.
Yeah I was running under that assumption too. Unless they're pulling another Dororo.
Pretty ingenious and engineering for a kid. This sort of civil project could even probably help them with their flooding and drought problems. No need to go chasing the favour of demons.
His dad probably isn't happy with him killing his demons.
okay slime! okay lets start!
He's a good villain. Sold his soul to these demons so that the land he rules would be bountiful and prosperous. Doing evil for sympathetic reasons is always a fun villain.
fun ep
A city-builder game in the style of how Rimuru has set up the cityi -city in this series would be a lot of fun. There aren't enough fantasy city-builders.
As per the usual Rimuru is completely bypassing the rigamarole and challenge of the fantasy world.
Yeah his confession was a pretty extreme one, hah hah. Talking about how he figured she was going to be an important part of his life. That's not something that you do just because you're girlfriend/boyfriend.
That's a pretty indirect way of discovering someone's putting up a brave front.
Well that's a pragmatic approach to a lack of regrets. Some of those things you're worried about regretting in the moment have a way of clinging to you though.
Oh he's doing that thing again where he gets angsty at his friends.
Hah hah this is such a horrible time of year to clown around on the beach.
I guess she's gonna cut him off to prevent him from destroying himself.
I'm a little surprised she's going to let him self-destruct like this though. I don't hold it against her if she thinks she's gonna be dead soon but in the past she's been a lot more rational about Tsuttsun's tendency to be a bit crazy.