3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-7 Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 9-13 Domestic na Kanojo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 6-8 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-7 Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 5-8 Kakegurui XX --Episode 4-7
i'm down for whatever i'll probably be here tomorrow too
wait what the fuck why is there four new boogiepops
>>647217 There was a multi-episode special this week. The full show is gonna run eighteen episodes.
huh neat i guess let's do a boogiepop marathon
A Boogiepopathon
i'm actually serious i would be down
Well Ika's obviously not paying attention to the time.
Time for more of the Worst Misaka >>647231 The first three seconds of this episode is her reviving and getting up soooo
>>647232 I think five episodes of it in one day is a bit intense. I'm a little surprised there isn't an episode of it on the set for tonight though.
i think shse DEAD jk accelreatotrs goonan revive hehr
>no boogiepop marathon no fun allowed i am probably going to watch the other three episodes in two days tbh >>647230 i dunno man i've watched like 20 episodes or more of FMA in one day and i feel like i enjoyed that show quite a bit less though it's still good
Besides we need to do something about that line-up for tonight since you don't watch 3D Kanojo.
i'll watch it if you guys want to but i won't know what's going on
I feel we could finish with Doukyonin instead and have something like an episode of Boogiepop, Asuka, or Kakegurui as the fourth instead.
It's more like wasteland in the other eps though this looks more like a proper desert
maybe the whole world is just remote countries with biplanes fighting over literally nothing
From what we've seen, whatever countries there may be don't seem to feature much. The main conflict seems to be pirate groups that trouble people just trying to eke out a life.
oh he was a nice teacher aside from being an adulterer
She's really kind of heavy-handed when trying to make a point. Like last time she pushed him down and came pretty close to sekuhara-ing him. And now she's saying they should double-suicide.
I don't think it's teacher and student. Sure it might be not as morally-severe but there's a lot of cultural messiness involved with being romantically involved with family members. Which even without blood-relations, they kind of are nwo. Now, even.
I do think she's being way overreactive all the same though.
Yeah they've had sex he doesn't really have a leg to stand on being wishy-washy about kissing.
All these kids are hard bakas.
Oh I know how that feels. Often times I'll feel elements of fiction I'm reading slipping into stuff I'm toying about with when it comes to writing.
I guess even he can be a serious teacher when he wants to be.
I get for the longest time she was in a house with a work-busy mother and a sister that probably was more than happy to leave her to her own devices but man. Learn to ensure you've got privacy.
okay boogiepop what gnn ep 9 okay er one more i guess okay hmm didn't i see am ika post or am i crazy oh yeah that's ika hmmmm
hmmmm maybe we should start and have jan catch up
3d kanojo playasdfdsaf
Gu nu nu
Oh no did Ika go and die
Oh huh I'm used to Ika posting way less to orange.
That or cut to something he'd miss less. I can give him the time if he shows up mid-episode.
Either way if we want to do five episodes tonight we ought to move snappily.
Booger pop
i am ika whers jan
4d kanojo
No one in the extended cast of this show seems to like Tsuttsun much.
I dunno, Itou seems like the kind of person that might have a hard time going straight to someone's face when he has a problem with them.
This is certainly the kind of thing the stuff from before was hinting about but it also feels like the other guy would be leading Tsuttsun to false assumptions to just fuck with him a bit.