it's certainly sad and tragic looking at these things medically though, im glad i get to see the process and procedure
sometimes you have to die a worthless shitty death to help scientists >>647366 some people die right after finishing their goal though like the woman who didn't pee for the wii what a legend
Kirara, the Princess
tbf everyone dies a worthless shitty death when you think about it
Kirara, the Princess
even if you complete your goal it's still a worthless death tbh
better to die a worthless shitty death than live a worthless shitty life amirite fellas? laughtrack revolvercylinderspinning
well if you didn't I'm sorry for being such a bitch in your general direction i want to be sure you hear me say it and it was kind of fucked up nobody even cares if i act openly hostile idk maybe they expect me to act in a fucked up way by now
i said that i think it wasn't a matter of people caring, but rather people noticing people are pretty good at subconsciously filtering out bickering posts
it's probably a good thing to filter me out honestly
the weeds are legal here in michigan now but in this region, they won't license any businesses for recreational sale ive been thinking about trying to get some to help with the sclera maybe i can get to a doctor this year and get some stuff looked into and maybe even get a card but idk how long i'll even be able to stay here if my roommate moves away next year unless jan or someone is willing to move to michigan and stay here too, i dont think i can afford
Kirara, the Princess
is your flatmate still away? where is he moving?
he's finally interviewing for teaching jobs in japan if they take him, it'll be 2020 if they dont, he'll probably try the other companies michigan sent me a bunch of michigan health stuff and registered me into medicaid(medicare? idk which is which) without me doing anything at all i had health insurance last year but i couldn't afford copayments or the distance i had to travel to get to the corresponding doctor because premiums were so high
it might be the chance for me to actually get the healthcare i need and it's gonna suck to be enrolled in that and suddenly move out of michigan very shortly thereafter and not have continuing treatment i could go visit a doc and get imaging to see if i have any sclera and get some white blood cell counts and stuff i imagine my immune system has been eating the myelin sheaths off my neurons for a good 7 or 8 years now
my appendix probably needs to go too
Kirara, the Princess
is that why you want to stay in Michigan? health insurance i mean
not the only reason but it goes in there too i dont particularly like michigan a whole lot but im actually pretty scared because i dont know where i'd go or what i'd do if i had to move rn ive got nobody ive got nothing i've already started my life over from san francisco back to saint louis, then to tennessee, then to rural missouri, then up here each time leaving behind everything prety much i dont have the fuel to do that again, my body's getting real weak staying here takes a lot of that anxiety and uncertainty away
Turns out I did get a chance to discuss Metamorphosis a bit today, so that was nice. My professor was really digging into it from a Marxist perspective and how the novel can be compared to today's social network culture and hyper-captialism and how the effects of that are evocative of the main character's metamorphosis Which is kind of neat, I hadn't looked at it from that perspective. But I'm generally not too interested in overarching social themes like that and was definitely more interested in the literal interpretation of Gregor and his family's psyche.
No, he's right though that's actually what kafka was intending with the book he was inspired by social network culture
Kirara, the Princess
>>647386 i wish i could help i will probably apply for an internship or two out there but that won't be for a while, ive got 1.5 years until internship
>>647388 Hah hah There were a lot of stretches I felt in the social network culture part. Talking about how the appendages Gregor gains through being a bug are like the new abilities we as humans gain through the connections we have to digital social networks. Or that the modern social capitalism we engage in is making us go through a similar metamorphosis. I had a bit of contention with that because the way the professor talked about it made it feel like they were leaning way too heavily towards the negativity of the social/information era.
Kirara, the Princess
>>647387 that's an interesting perspective yeah ive never took a material analyze of kafka never done* analysis*
Big black dicks
i read kafka in school, the book about the cockroach, but i thought it was boring pretentious trite so i never really looked into it
Kirara, the Princess
that's metamorphosis
uh it's a beetle thanks??
Big black dicks
whats the difference?
Help there's this dumb pop writing I need to do for this class where I need to transform an event from The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas into a Tweet from the perspective of a person in the piece (such as Toklas or Gertrude Stein themselves or others lile Picasso or others the two interacted with). But I've come to the realization that I have no idea how to Tweet.
I eavesdrop on the other people working in groups on this and the things they're working on all sound so falsified and superficial and I can't imagine these people that the piece set up as sentimental people would willingly engage in such triviality. Or it just sounds completely out of the character voice that it really gets under my skin.
spending all day waiting ready for any work emails ive had nothing at all in the past week for work some emails but if i dont catch them within like 20 minutes it gets handed to someone else there might be nothing though but i need work bad just feels like such a waste of my time
>>647365 that one I can laugh at how you gonna say you died over a nintento wii and from holding your piss sorry lady
I love how they have been teasing china/japan since ac2 and never done it proper
Kirara, the Princess
yeah give us something we haven't seen before egypt was a good change but egypt is just greek architecture in a lot of areas give us something new Japan or china or idk india they opened up the lore by letting us relive anyone's memories not just people with kids which allows for way more varied stories and locations and yet
I still think considering the arc of things, the fact that the new series is moving back in time so far, that the next game being in Persia during the Persian-Achaemenid empire's most powerful state would be really cool.
Kirara, the Princess
persia would be good yeah
but i still think it should be not core Mediterranean shit the world's so big it's stupid to constrain yourself like that even if you want europe really badly there's more interesting stuff especially with the new focus on ancient magic tech and shit like give us some king arthur shit or something merlin with ancient alien magic
Yeah that's definitely true. It's just there's an obvious regional bias in this new trilogy which is inherently reflected in the new modern-time PC even if the game is no longer locked to actual blood-relations. I'm just working within that constraint to make the best possible result.
Something cool like a Black Flag-esque game in the South-East Asia region during the height of colonialism and spice trade could be a really unique and under-utilized setting. And I'd still dig a game in India that really plays with the India culture myths and tales. There definitely are a lot of historical set pieces that they're passing up on.
yeah i think india would be really cool it's probably the /// one of the least used settings there are and indian history is so long and diverse, there are actually tons of times they could set a game the myths and stuff are perfect for ancient aliens too especially if they want to play with apocalypse stuff
The Hindu pantheon is just as metal and hardcore as the Norse pantheon, if not more so. And on top of that there's also a fucktonne more content to it. But people on a global scale just know about the Norse pantheon better because it was more culturally adjacent to the dominating European cultures.
The classic Grecco-Roman pantheon by comparison is just so utterly vanilla.
i didn;t sleep well last night either after we had that fight i felt like shit and just couldn't sleep
Mondays and Tuesdays are my earliest starts. For most people they're probably normal starting times but I'm up a lot later than most people so it's a bit much for me.
But at the least I had some good luck with the subway today. I'm travelling to school right in the heart of rush hour so the trains are often stuffed full and I have to let several past before there's one I can cram into. Both my trains were pretty empty today though, and I only had to let one past at my change-over. Getting a good set-up like that can literally save me ten minutes off my transit trip.
my gut feels quite sore when I do certain movements because of this cold I think I hope to be over it soon
Kirara, the Princess
it'll all be over soon
yeah give it a decade or so maybe even earlier
Kirara, the Princess
>>>/@StratSentinel/1100217825229185024 nuclear powers are bombing each other now not with nukes (yet) but generally bombing a nuclear power has been considered a bad idea for a long time
yeah a cold I picked up over the weekend although the stomach problems only started recently
still can't shake this ill feeling in my brain
we da illest
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
lmao i forgot about the kill la kill track names KILL 7la Kiru k1ll◎iLL Kick = KELL Kiryuu G@ KiLL
yeah they're really something fun soundtrack
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
everyone who worked on this soundtrack should have been committed to an asylum immediately upon its release
what soundtrack?
the ol kill la kill soundtrack ping pong circulate
Sawano always comes up with completely bonkers names like those for his OSTs. I think the Aldnoah Zero track titles similarly looked like he just rolled face on keyboard.
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
i mean the music too what are these beats why did this break into a rodeo this song is all dissonance but i dig it
>>647678 sawano doing his shit dude sucks that he got intoa generic phase after that his work was pretty awesome still does good sometimes but not as often spread a nigga thin
I remember there was quite a bit anticipation for the klk soundtrack probably came with the hype that was that show at the time
>>647691 yeah the last scenes gut punched me can't wait to see how fucked that Ginger bastard is
hello kirara I dreamed that you guys were watching an anime where a character was murdered suddenly with a shotgun which was like wtf but it was handled very comedically despite being a serious death was there anything like that in recent history i feel it was for yandere-type reasons
Kirara, the Princess
>>647692 bigger mood whiplash than hamatora man that episode was so good
>>647700 it doesn't always modern colonization doesn't involve settling china's land acquisitions in africa are considered colonization by many but don't involve settling
Kirara, the Princess
and we have settled in those areas just not wide scale
>>647702 They don't settle, but they do bring their own workforce. Migrant workers sure, but still the companies are chinese and the people working in them are mostly chinese
Makes it even more abusing of a policy, since it doesn't even produce jobs to the local area, while also taking away all their resources since the chinese expansionism is just >acquire resource rights >harvest them >leave
Well I didn't dash out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth but I did walk out the door with one in hand.
People seem to be concerned about Legendary Roy having a skill that buffs himself and anyone next to him as long as the ones next to him arent beasts or dragons.
Are they really, or are they just deluding themselves into believing this is something that needs caring about.
I've been to this coffee place so many times in the past semester and a half that the girl normally staffing the counter knows what my order is as I'm walking up. That's kind of sweet.
that’s how the coffee shop downstairs is for me at work
Kirara, the Princess
>>647718 that's awesome there's this place ive been going to for a while and even though it's always the same guy working there he still asks me if i want a receipt even though he knows i don't
>>647746 Though her wearing only one knee protector is a common mistake >you only need for your main knee HAH you will have to shoot from off positions so why not protect both?
Kirara, the Princess
>>647747 nice! what are her max stats? and ability i haven't seen yet
Kirara, the Princess
>>647748 yeah it's kind of weird there's no downside to using both
I am thinking of somethign that can be deployed either it is attached to your arm for quick deployment or on your ger just something ie Spas is wearing there that would when in firign position protect your vitals
Kirara, the Princess
it would probably be easier to make exoskeleton armor
yeah armour is ofc better but think of some light gear for the normal troops etc think of the weird "shields" captain america had those shrank down to just wrist attachements
something like that goes from your elbow to wrist and extends into a targe
Kinda like how in LotGH >why the fuck do they use axes in space >first time using axes, they make it impossible to fire in combat with flammable gas uhh yeah that or >fire your gun >hole in hull so being able to wage combat with melee weapons vs enemies with limited ranged or no ranged capacity lacking melee weapons weird, but makes sense
Especially if people are wearing armour that can't be pierced with light weaponry that wouldn't harm the instruments or the hull
>>647758 add to it say cameras and some projector or linked to your hud so you can see through it so you could just peek with your head and be protected by it
Kirara, the Princess
>>647760 >>647761 stats are decent but that skill is awesome super low cooldown means you can shoot it off at a boss and deal a lot of damage really good for night battles i bet
Kirara, the Princess
>>647762 maybe camera on the firearm would be better and you can fit the firearm into the shield camera on gun would be way more versatile
AI assisted powerarmour wearing soldiers vs buncah guys with kalashnikovs
Kirara, the Princess
Kalashnikovs win because they're just gonna hide and throw molotovs at the americans in power armor and the americans will shoot each other in confusion just like always
>>647770 YEah but actually fitting soldiers with way too expensive, impractical gadgets etc that are "super good on paper", but aren't just practical in the field in anyway in the long run, is the key doctrien of german warfare
US is "throw money at thep roblem untill it doesn't go away"
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
so i didn't sleep all night then i went for coffee and took a microdose prediction for the work day: not good but i'm feeling great right now!
>>647777 Send earth to the gravitational pull of the sun, so that it will slowly over several millenia get slowly pulled into the sun while ofc all the time being a giant fireball
cant wait for you guys to blow up the campaign world in 2.5 to pave the way for round 3
i wouldn't destroy the world literally that's the same shit my character is all fucked up about haha
Kirara, the Princess
I've already got an idea for my next character
I have an idea for a character for the third campaign and I love her she is adorable.
my next character will be made up on the spot a day before the first game per tradition
im thinking itll be a rogue or spellcaster of some sort though I've gotten my fill of tanky damage sponges and my characters have some pretty generic skillsets gets a bit repetitive
Ain't it a bit too early to be thinking of the enxt part
Kirara, the Princess
it's never too early the best part of RPGs is getting bored halfway through and starting a new character or at least thinking about what you'll do next even if you're still enjoying that playthrough
i got like 80% finished in dark souls 4 entire times before finally finishing the game when it came out fucking altoholic
I also have the issue as a GM of knowing how I plan for it to end, so it’s only natural to want to start thinking of the future
>>647791 >finally get to a point where your character doesn't miss mudcrabs all the time >you know what now that I'm having fun, I'll reroll
also my apologies on getting sad about my encounter being difficult, but my real reasons for complaining usually is that fights i want to be hard arent and vice versa
like remember the roboraptors before the dragon fight last campaign?
its alright honestly i was kind of aggravated about other stuff and we started way too late
you could maybe math it out to make sure things would be difficult but that's a lot of work and variables to account for that change every couple sessions too
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
and if i try to pretend i don't hear it you can tell me to move and i won't go
>>647797 i’ve been kind of thinking about doing that but only for the endboss and maybe another boss or so maybe ill try that for the champion tier end fight.
>>647795 well you add in attacks against Md, which if I remember is low amongst all not soili and then just add in random generation and the nature of confusion and voila you have a good chance of an easy encounter becoming a nightmare
wait a second I'm acting strange what the fuck happened to me
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
why don't you tell me what do you mean? there is a blank page for you
i feel emotions and wanting god damn it's been a long time
maybe I'm fucking dying it's worth it to feel this once more if so
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
what does your body want from you
it wants to do something new or challenging my brain feels like it's fucking working again or something either I'm having a manic episode or I'm finally free either way it's nice
Samu 🌭 !KW2DbpWwls
don't look awaaaaay cause when we see it we are closer
smores poptarts are pretty good honestly not sure if I'd say they're really on the level of authentic smores though
yeahthere are several pop tarts that are p good
I've only tried a few honestly but I like the Strawberry one well enough and it's my favorite flavor and fruit so never really bothered with the others these are at least as good though the strawberry cheesecake also sounded like a good time but i wasn't in the mood to do anything new
the milkshake ones are strong but i want to avoid them right now since i got a little weight back starting since i was sick last
Also if that movie is canon to the pokemonverse makes all the pokemon games and the basic "pokemon economy" that world runs through into quite black territory
Who are you kidding it was already a near-future dystopia.
BTW has there ever been another pokemon game where your rival beat you to everything like in the first gen? I mean the guy did everything before you, even became a champion
for maybe a day, but still
N beats you to Alder in Black/White so theoretically he was ahead of you in the badge challenge too. That whole affair is kind of mucky though because of Team Plasma's fuckery.
>>647831 it’s not everything but in the remakes for gen 3 despite being sickly Wally gets ahead of you in victory road and you have an awesome showdown in a blooming flower field with petals being sent everywhere
>>647833 Nah N didn't go through the gyms or elite four he just SMASHES into the whole thing with his legendary pokemon and the castle
But considering the whole message usually sent in the game "be nice to your pokemon" it seems only people who treat their pokmns nicely get to the top anyhow
I'd still like to see the kindergarden teachers who think it is nice to let toddlers play around with lvl30-40 pokemons
I got home from work like 20 minutes ago. Now I'm making dinner. I'm really hungry. Fish was supposed to start dinner but she didn't. I'm really tired, too. I'm starting to feel burnt out from no days off for so long. Things are kind of annoying lately. How are you?
Not really. Next Thursday and Friday, I have off. Maybe. I'm busy all this week, including the weekend again. I might take next Wednesday off. If I can. It'll be a full 4 weeks without a single day off by the time I get a day off, though.
It doesn't help that I'm /// Fish and I have been having some differences that are causing us trouble.
I'd like to rest. Rest is super important. I'm just kind of at the point in my doctorate where I don't have time to rest. My dissertation chair is making things pretty difficult for me.
>>647883 That's good. You shouldn't cause people trouble, though!
I know, but things got moved around and messed everything up. My training last weekend was originally supposed to be earlier in the semester, but it got moved. I'm attending a conference to give a presentation this weekend. I would have been fine if training hadn't gotten moved.
i gotta join the american psychological association tomorrow i wasn't lookin forward to the day i'd have to but the day is here i gotta pay a bunch of money so i can say i'm in the apa
literally so i can say i'm in the apa i have to become a member so i can put on my CV that i'm professionally affiliated with the apa the florida psychological association too
Wow gee Kirara it'll be like you're a real tootin' psycho-ologist
right? i'm probably gonna be working at a few different clinics come january
i have a good chance of getting one of the positions i want at least since i have more extensive substance abuse treatment experience than the other people who might apply for it
but i'm also gonna try to get work at an inpatient clinic well, inpatient hospital
in other annoying news, it seems like everyone suddenly wants to hang out with me someone wants me in on a dnd game on saturday mornings (it's 5th edition) someone else wants to start hanging out in the evenings ugh
>>647919 yeah ill make good money eventually but it sure sucks now
>>647921 i remember he used a contender and a famas
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
wait didn't kiritsugu use a wa-2000 in fate/zerro?
It's not that I'm crapping on a system I haven't played as much as I like 13a
>>647927 You betcha. Elitists can stuff their attitude up their ass.
Kirara, the Princess
idk why everyone doesn't just use pathfinder instead of dnd at this point
Kirara, the Princess
i don't really want to play dnd with my colleagues either because they won't understand all my /tg/ and weeaboo bullshit and my anime characters will all look weird!
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>647930 because grognards also the only guy in my group who runs pathfinder lost all our characyer sheets and his campaign notes not once but twice and now basically says he wants to use a different system every month
id like to run a cthulhu campaign for my colleagues psychologists playing a game about losing your mind sounds great everyone can role-play the mental illnesses they develop properly
uh oh the deep one slashes at you you got borderline personality disorder
Kirara, the Princess
oh no reading that book gave you general anxiety disorder
Kirara, the Princess
you got shot and now you have depression
Kirara, the Princess
you contracted the gay
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
although there's a funny thing about rpg edition elitism I've never encountered a person irl or otherwise who claims that 4th edition is the best edition really makes you think
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh yeah speaking of rpg stuff rumor has it that whitewolf is going out of business I think I'll miss them just a little bit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also you could run this,000_7th_Edition
>>647939 oh no mathing that anime gave you impostor syndrome
>>647946 no son dont do it it's not the bikini protecting those womans it's the devil protecting them for being crude sinners
I feel a bit of a headache coming on, I think it's because of the crazy barometric changes that have been happening the past couple days. At the least my mother had a really bad one last night and I think I inherited her sensitivity to air pressure.
i still to this day take valerian root for air pressure migraines suffered my whole teenage years with that shit and i now havent had one in almost six years
that is to say, i dont think it's directly a sensitivity to air pressure as i think that is everyone but i think manypeople have less stimulation factors which keeps them under the migraine threshold for things like that and those that are more stimulated have more susceptibility to it, which can maybe be negated
I got a Neil Gaiman masterclass in writing ad today
I should read and watch Coraline, it seems like something that would appeal to me it's a shame I didn't know about the book long before the movie because as soon as I see a trailer for an adaption or the like, it corrupts my vision of the source
im not sure if it's new but im getting double ads on youtube now and in the corner it says "ad 1 of ..." and so forth maybe it's always been a thing and nobody's been shameless enough to chain adverts before the video before
I think I get that too or I've least one chain seen
i really hope i get some work today i haven't had any work in over a week and im really broke and running out of things to keep me busy guess im watchin dinosaur videos on curiosity stream
it does unsettle me a little bit that three million years of protohuman hominid life on earth is all relatively forgotten with this species amnesia we only see about the last 10 thousand years of it very curious what all happened
Kirara, the Princess
thank G-d we have the bible to fill us in
i feel like these morning hours are the only time i get to relax i go to bed super early just so i can have more morning hours before being stressed out
the new pokeman better have mimikyu and new ghosts
I'm really impressed by the accuracy in detail of Detective Pikachu. Like I know they've got some designers on staff who really care, for example that one guy who drew those really monstrous takes on the Pokemon a couple years back. But you would have expected some resistance from the producers and executives that would crunch down or something. Instead the world in the movie LOOKS like a Pokemon world. Something about that just absolutely tickles the kid in me that remembers thinking how cool living in a Pokemon world would have been.
>>648001 Well you can expect new Ghost types , I don't think there's been a version that hasn't added at least one Pokemon of each type to the collection. With Mimikyu ... hard to say. Bringing back Pokemon from previous generations is pretty regular, and even in generations like Black/White which I think(?) had like a Gen I's line-up of new Pokemon, brought in a lot of older ones to catch in the post-game. And Mimikyu was met with a LOT of public popularity so it's a reliable candidate to bring back.
You don't want a new Mimikyu because it won't be cute anymore.
Not to mention that Mimikyu was the "psuedo Pikachu" of that game so you're not likely going to get it again.
Kirara, the Princess
>>648004 i don't want a new mimikyu i just want mimikyu
Kirara, the Princess
i want 10 new ghosts AT LEAST
Ten will probably be a stretch, hah hah. I'd say six would be the upper limit, with at least three of those all being from the same evolutionary line.
>probably you're gonna get 4 at most
Kirara, the Princess
ghost gang ghost gang
Kirara, the Princess
give me a ghost dragon
One evo line and one standalone ghost. and MAYBE an X/Ghost pokemon while they're at it. So I'll give you five max
>>648012 I'd agree four or five is definitely the most likely number. But they might drop an extra one or two.
And then Gen VIII drops Ghost Eevolution.
The real best reveal they could do today is have this stream have NOTHING to do with Gen VIII, hah hah. Just have Ryan Renolds talking about Detective Pikachu for seven minutes.
im at work so i can't watch yet i might?? have a client?
Oh gosh what is this thing it's adorable.
>>648026 It's more of like a Great Britain style map I think? There were a lot of like English countryside set pieces and a redbrick building city. And there's a lot of football call-outs.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
[x] lizard
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and then the third game Pokemon Aegislash
Kirara, the Princess
ehh fuck it ill watch until my client gets here
>>648031 The whole stream is also apparently going to be "roughly seven minutes" so you might be able to get it all in before your client shows up.
>>648043 I'm leaning towards Sword at the moment because I'm shallow like that. I'll make more of a decision once I know what kind of exclusives/Legendaries are to each.
>>648064 From the map perspective the region feels kind of small to me. Though really Pokemon games have never had particularly large maps. And when moving through it in-character it'll probably feel a lot more open.
Kirara, the Princess
i don't see any obvious ghost place but the castle in the middle has a Charizard head statue i think? interesting
it looks like that whole continent would be underwater at high tide
>>648068 Yeah that's definitely a Charizard design on the main gate. Design motifs like that are pretty common in majestic architecture in Pokemon games though it's not necessarily indicative of a typing to the castle.
Kirara, the Princess
>>648069 maybe a legendary protects it and if we catch it the country drowns will you sentence a country to death for your own vain desire of filling your pokedex
each gym you beat gives you a new weapon that you use to fight alongside your pokemon while your pokeman is fighting your goal is to kill the enemy trainer
I want a WA-2000 in that game. Pokemon gun i mean
can you shishkebab the pokemons
>>648083 Each Gym you beat gives you a new weapon which IS a Pokemon. A la the Tapus from Sun/Moon.
It's Pokemon all the way down in that world after all.
Kirara, the Princess
you get pokeman armor too wearing pokemon holding them what's to stop you from becoming a pokemon yourself?
If my first videogame had been Pokemon maybe i would like it. But my first videogame was Dragon Quest 3 so I thought Dragon Quest Monsters was awesome.
i don't actually like Pokemon either Pokemon Snap is awesome though
>Sword Pokémon Attacc >Shield Pokémon Protecc >But most importantly Pokémon Is Bacc
>>648112 harry potter and the chamber of secrets is apparently what was released last for the color but DQM2 was the one of the last games for the OG Gameboy
goddammit my phone keeps closing posts when i change tabs
>granblue legfes is tonight >weapon leaks >dark grande weapon >all signs point to Zwei >I have almost a spark HEHEahehheAHHAHHAHEheHHeHAHAHAHAHHAHAEHeahEH
>>648126 Yeah pretty much. You get a bit of Kalos' history in X/Y and in ancient times they had a really nasty war with some other region. Considering Kalos is basically Pokémon France the region in question is pretty thinly Pokémon Britain. Which we now have!
Kirara, the Princess
are they in geographical proximity, do we know? is there a big map of the pokeman world somewhere?
Nope, the only regions that have canonical geographical confirmation are Kanto/Johto. Everything else is conjecture based on the real life places the regions parody.
i can't wait for the Pokemon themed action rpg about the Pokemon War
why don't they just grow like 50 groots to fuck Thanos up
A neat way GameFreak could surprise us is just have the starters all remain solo-type the whole line through.
they should turn dual type into solo type just to fuck with everyone like 2nd evolution is fire/fighting so people are like Wooow another one huh then 3rd evol turns back into solo fire like a Pokemon with a rebellious phase
one of the cats keeps pulling her damn fur out and we can't figure out why it's kind of worrying not sure what's bothering her since we haven't changed much around here that she would be freaking about
it's just her coat? is she a long hair they gotta pull that shit out when the seasons change or is it something else
she's a short hair, so she shouldn't be pulling it out unless she's stressed or something as far as I'm aware she is getting a thin spot on her back right legs // leg and tummy
>>648148 what if that's like the EXTRA mechanic. Instead of super evolutions, you get PURE typing. >people making their birds pure flying
>>648156 my PUREBRED Pidgeot comes with certificate of pedigree
>>648163 i don't know man i guess i am really tired sometimes that shit is loud enough it really wakes me up eventually >>648165 >dreaming about moe posts
no, this is someone else that's the program chair my dissertation chair is a big sassy jamaican woman who grew up in new york city and for some reason doesn't consider the 3/5 compromise to be indicative of inequal rights
Kirara, the Princess
she thinks my dissertation which is about reducing prejudice and discrimination needs to have a section about how discriminating against others is bad for the people who are discriminating and like i don't really agree but ok whatever but she thinks like racists and stuff will be like "oh the constitution says everyone gets equal rights? i didn't know, i guess im not racist anymore" instead of just thinking the constitution only applies to them or something
>>648200 you will name your next pkmn trainer Verdict
Kirara, the Princess
it's kind of a cool name
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>648213 >>648214 not a very girly name though I'd probably stick with ToS
i wonder if ghost trick will get ported to the switch
Kirara, the Princess
that'd be cool it seems like something that would
probably not though even though it's the phoenix wright team from
dropped from capcom right? but they didn't bother advertising for it at release because they had marvel vs capcom 3 coming out at the same time so they killed the game's potential and nobody even knows it's there
>>648250 i might skip my weekend engagement because im super dumb and gave up wednesday and my health is more important than anything else that's what im thinking at least
im probably going to get busier although ill usually have days off
im planning 60 hour weeks come summer semester
Yeah no thank you. I don't even want to work forty-hour workweeks.
Kirara, the Princess
getting a doctorate is fucked up i literally have to work full time while im also doing a dissertation and other school-related work and i don't get paid for any of it most of the time