>>643016 It does look quite a bit different, yeah.
It looks like they want you to choose between a few distinct main plots to pursue, rather than the game be one continual campaign. Though by the end of the game the main plots'll probably all intertwine for the finale.
I hope it's not a soldier raising simulator. I'm fine with working on and training my units, but I don't want to sit around and do idle shit with them so they can use tomes or something. Just let me switch them to a class that uses tomes.
>>643026 I'm sure the story will get a case of "a dragon did it" about halfway through and everybody will have to work together. Which side you choose will effect which units you get early.
>>643069 seems like ,especially considering the "Albinea" over the coast of splitting europe in 3 red representing italy+spain and maybe france blue representing germany and scandies and yellow representing ottoman empire and maybe russia too
Kirara, the Princess
>>643074 i agree for the most part but i think russia is being combined with germany for the blue
>>643096 ofc leicester might be formed from some say arabic or turkish word, but cause we aren't familiar with those and the name being 1:1 a real location you can't really just google that
I'm kind of interested for the Daemon X Machina demo too. Since I don't expect a game like that to play so smoothly on the Switch. But I also want to be surprised.
Kirara, the Princess
Also I'm really excited to finally get to play Super Mario Maker. I missed the Wii U so I never got to play it.
Yeah, that's wonderful news. I thought it was dead. I guess RF5 managed to save it. or was it RF4 whatever the latest one is.
Well the studio is actually dead so I'm extremely surprised. It's also been like literal years since Rune Factory 4 so the situation is kind of very confusing.
There's also going to be a RF4 port to the Switch out later this year. I'll probably pick that up because I don't think I ever got to the end of the end-game in RF4.
Kirara, the Princess
was there any metroid prime trilogy news?
Nope. Nothing Metroid-y at all this time around. Also nothing on Animal Crossing, Pokemon, or Luigi's Mansion, which I think are all still on-track for release this year?
Kirara, the Princess
Luigi's Mansion will probably come out in October I hope
Would be thematically appropriate, yeah. I'd be surprised at Nintendo intentionally putting out any game that close to the theoretical Pokemon release date of November though. But maybe a game like Luigi's Mansion could potentially compete with that monster.
Kirara, the Princess
That's a good point. Maybe they could do Luigi mid-September? And Pokemon mid-november? I wonder if two months is enough time.
Each time I start hearts of iron 4 I just realise it was 40€ wasted the game just looks so bad and lacks some features that would make me actually want to play it, that are in every other paradox game but not in that game
goddamn I am bad at Fox my GSP with almost every character is around 3m but after like 8hr trying to fucking get good my fox winrate is at like 40% and I have a whopping 78,000 GSP you have to try so much harder to combo and kill people and die fast as fuck
my eye can't deal with boxes and arrows when I am actually playing a game I want sprites doing shit on the map when I do plans and that game requires you to zoom to like 2 province view to do that and then fucking try to do 200 province actions on that distance pro tip you can't I hate how the UI looks in it anyhow
How does your blitzkrieg go through 4 defensivel ines of anti-tank guns, artillery and anti-air with mobile tank reserve launching nonstop counter attacks mr germany?
I simply can't I can't use that UI everything in my brain just revolts against it
I had this same problem in Rome 2 for ages untill some mods made it more tolerable the campaign map UI was just "nope" for my brain
and hoi4 is the same untill either the dev makes it less anal or some mod comes out that fixes how unit information works on the map I can't play that game Can't even find out if the game is decent, because my brain refuses to work with it some fine design options ther
ok one more i gotta let my sister have the computer for her D&D game
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im choosing the strongest fighter look out
is this kingdom hearts
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ok just one more
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
you guys wanna see some photos form *from the anime museum in Amsterdam?
... They have an anime museum in Amsterdam.
okay ggs idk how to play jiggles
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ggs! that was some quality smashing
i don't understand the hitbox for sing sometimes it works from a lot longer of a distance than i think it will? maybe it's duration inside the sing effect that matters
here's the best part - because the rest of the building was a proper, intellectually-oriented museum there were a lot of people who didn't seem to know quite what to make of all the weeaboo shit I got some great reaction shots
>>643237 I did and then I worked with it for four years and now I don't
won big trivia and noe I'm about to sleep because I gotta work in the morning >>643240 fuckin tragedy I didn't enjoy ice cream for years after i worked at an ice cream shop
>>643241 it looks like my roommate got his teaching position in japan and he'll be leavin around june let me know if you still need that arrangement thing we talked aboot
>>643241 Wow this is a dramatic backstory of yours I never knew was a thing. That's some real heartbreak. At least you recovered your love of the aisu in the end.
>"I liken Lord of the Rings to the Model T Ford. It's a phenomenal car, it did more for the automotive industry than anything else in the world. Way better cars now." This is an interesting way of putting this that I've never heard before but agree with strongly.
>>643251 is got more of an arabic or turkish wibe to it, though
I don't fully consider Turkish as not eastern Europe though. That region is kind of smackdab in the culture clash between eastern Europe and the Middle East.
sam goes for the moves and clothes the ladies on stage wear
But if you need to ask if a region is "eastern europe" in terms of culture or "southern europe/balkans" as in not italy or spain, just look if it was part of russia for the former or ottoman empire for the latter
other way is thinking of holy roman empire + hungary as "central europe" with spain, france, england and co as west, balkans+italy as south, poland russia and rest as east and denmark sweden and rest as north
Naw, I mean conjuring the bitch into actual being and then dropping a nuke on her not fucking up nature figuratively, but literally making nature personification into a thing and then nuking it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
jan wyd
im on the tiny switch screen
cant see shit
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh damn
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
pk sunder
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
lol nice
im clippin it
wew you killed me with up smash all 3 times
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
lol damn
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
that is oppressive
you could say it's cruel
whoa that makes you go so far
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
okay hmm one more then im gonna play more REmake
owie oof my bones ok thanks for the games i gotta go save claire redfield
Granted I didn't play it and only watched a playthrough of it, but it didn't strike me as particularly spooky. It's certainly a gruesome experience and unpleasant in it's own right. But scared didn't really factor in for me.
i am easily spooked by zombos the sound and ambience
go a long way towards making it intense
that and watching people play scary games on the internet isn't really scary at all! you should play scary games in the dark with headphones on
There have definitely been scary games I've watched playthroughs of that have scared me. Zombie games like Resident Evil tend to weigh more on the defeat the zombies to progress side of horror rather than them being some impossible to defeat force. Though games like RE2 are also much better at making that less of a solution with the scarcity of resources.
I played through the first Amnesia game during an all-nighter with my lights off and that was a thoroughly terrifying experience. Lots of fun.
>>643464 mr. x is the indie horror generic monster the zombies are there so that it's still an actual game and not a walking simulator with occasional jump scares >>643465 fuck you dad
I can see where you're coming from but even the Tyrant's kind of silly to me. Like he doesn't look imposing he just kind of looks like a super-buff Silver Surfer in a trenchcoat.
I'm not sure man I'd be really impose by brick shithouse man slowly following me everywhere even if he is wearing a goofy hat
Sure, in real life. But there hasn't really been a game yet that's been gripping enough for me to pull me out of the mindset of "this is just a game these things don't happen in real life". I mean people do get stalked by brick shithouses of a man but not zombrick shithouses.
The only time a game has kind of gotten around that mindset in recent memory for me was in Subnautice when I first hit the Lost River biome. You're deep underwater exploring these twisty-turny water caverns when all of a sudden it opens up MASSIVELY into these huge rooms with weird green brine pools and off in the distance there's these decaying skeletons of titanic creatures. The entire region looks like an underwater River Styx or something. I took one glance and just immediately noped the fuck outta there. Even exploring it later, prepared for it kind of gave me a consistently creeped out feeling for a long time.
I'm not great with environmental horror but singular focus stuff like the Tyrant doesn't really phase me.
>>643464 in my opinion amnesia gets less scary the more monsters there were death wasn't a huge punishment in it and the stealth mechanic in it was just random the moments when you thought there was something, but never was sure were much scarier than when there was some monster chasing you
Yeah, the experience did get more bearable as again, the "this is a game" mindset beat out over the game's aesthetic spookiness. By the end I was just gaming the system by going everywhere without any kind of portable light because the sanity mechanic was completely irrelevant beyond being a nuisance and if you crouched while moving it was rare anything would find you.
>>643473 The part in the flooded section of the castle is definitely the horror high point of game. The only real flaw was that some of the puzzles were kind of clunky and the punishment was checkpoint reset, so if you didn't get the knack of them fast it could quickly devolve into pretty much just frustration without even a smidge of feeling scared.
this is why outlast didn't really get to me the inmates aren't scary they are just people, scary people for sure, but people
>>643471 but the first appearance of the water monster that is classic super horror moment there
Kinda problem I had with the alien isolation when the alienr andomly appaeared and disappeared on a level, it was cary when I could hear it roaming around somehwere it was scary but when it was prowlign the map and blocking my progress, it was just an annoying obstacle
>>643469 i honestly feel sorry for your inability to get totally immersed but i guess it doesn't really matter if you don't mind it
i think SOMA and dead space were the most immersive horror games I've played but can't say the latter was particularly scary
I still need to play SOMA. It's been sitting in my library for a long-ass time now and I just ... haven't. Guess I need a good all-nighter chance to just sit down with it and play through it all. Maybe this Saturday if Rika's going out partying.
it is bit longer than amnesia round 8 to 10 hours and death isn't a huge punishment in it more of a play for the story than amnesia
Well games as a vessel for a story is fine by me either way.
After hearing more about Hellblade in yesterday's Direct I'm a fair bit more intrigued by that game too. Apparently the lengths it goes to portray psychosis in the main character can really fuck with players. So it sounds kind of interesting.
It was like 50% off during the sale that JUST ended though so RIP. Guess I'm waiting until later this spring or something for my earliest chance.
forget about hellblade dude BLOODSTAINED FINALLY COMING
Well yeah I'm interested in that too. A good Metroidvania is always a good time.
>>643481 q REAL metroidvania looks like they're taking advantage of 3D GRAFICS too I'm so excited it's not vaporware
Yeah it's kind of a shame the real Castlevania series kind of got Konami'd before they could really take advantage of the 2.5D-era of gaming. There were those two 3D Castlevania games but I don't think they quite gave fans what they were craving for.
im getting really into large molecule study i wonder how much actually goes into driving the development of nwe // new large molecule assets for pharma it's gotta be way more complicated than it seems
the only thing seems to be the cost associated with the research in terms of equipment, storage, et cetera i guess you just need the phd for liability purposes so you dont fuck it up and waste big pharma's precious dollars
>>643502 it's princess kennedy if only a beautiful Knight in Red Jacket would save her
i wonder if i go to a state where i can prescribe medications, will big pharma give me samples
yeah they will reps will come out and try and schedule appointments with you to try and provide wonderful learning opportunities to you about medications that are coming out see, novartis cares about you so they're paying people to come provide you with learning resources for free and make sure you know everything about their drug
Kirara, the Princess
im just gonna do all the samples in front of them
Kirara, the Princess
i wonder what they will do
>>643509 ask them if they've got any insulin for me thanks
google recommended me an article that asserted tofu mode in REmake - a mode where you are a piece of tofu and only have knives - is non-canon ridiculous. of course it's canon.
>the moon is fucking gone Again? AGAIN???
Kirara, the Princess
always the moon
>>643521 it was in original game too for that matter
I finally got the audio to work how I want with the switch now. It's neat.
I think I got the hang of this a little. being a mech pilot is hard
aww that's it huh? Harvesting parts from your enemies is kinda cool though
>You must submit the essay outline before 11:00 in order t o receieve credit >Submit at 10:59 Saaaafu.
I really wish I hadn't slept in today I had to choose between 5% of my final grade or being able to attend today's class. Having a one-hour class as the only class on a particular day is really annoying.
At least the final grade for this class doesn't count attendance.
i nearly jumped out of my skin and became just like the licker who did it
Kirara, the Princess
oh ifkr the way they spawn in through the ceiling sometimes yiiiikes if you walk around slowly they can't find you unless other zombos are comin after you though
Walking around slowly is also a good way to not engage with a lot of the generic zombies too. They're sensitive to sound and movement too, just not nearly as sensitive as the Lickers.
>>643562 yeah it can become pretty troublesome later though when mr x is following you around and you have to run i usually shoot off zombie legs when it's safe to so they can't follow me too easily later for lickers you can kill them with like 8 knife swipes it stunlocks them that's if they're on the ground at least
Noces/Nupitals Yeah, someone on Twitter pointed me to a book and I ordered it. I think it'll arrive tomorrow.
I don't think there's anything in it that isn't in Myth of Sisyphus but I haven't read it before and I saw a citation for it somewhere
I re-read Sisyphus last week I read half of the Rebel last week too but a lot of it is hard for me to put in context so it's hard to pay full attention to it His section on metaphysical revolt is an analysis of a few different movements of thought and his stuff about Sade is really good because he gives a ton of context but his stuff about romanticism and surrealism lacks context in some ways
There's a copy of Noces that comes up for my university library when searching English titles by Camus but the title is pretty clearly French so I don't know how accurate that filing is. I've combed through the shelf or two we have for Camus' author works so I had a feeling I'd seen it before. Though I also knew of it by its English name Nuptials better since a lot of the data on Camus talks about it.
yeah i can't even find a list of translations for it online I guess it's a pretty low-key work I got lucky that someone on Twitter knew where to find it >>643576 yeah, it's usually nuptials but i started calling it Noces because when I googled nuptials it gave me tons of stuff about babies instead of philosophy even when i added camus
Kirara, the Princess
oh wait it was weddings not babies
>>643577 I think your Google search is whacked because "Albert Camus nuptials pdf" gets me nothing on weddings. It's not exactly a productive search because the best result I seem to get is an essay from someone at the University of Ottawa who wrote a translation with commentary of just the first two of four essay from Noces. Granted the translations are full translations and the commentary is wholly separate from them but it's still kind of weird. And all the other results are kind of junk or of no real value to me even if they are all Camus-related.
>>643577 wow she is cute i wouldn't mind taking her to sunday service if you know what i mean
>>643585 id invite you but i don't go to church ):
>>643590 he's funny in like an irony way not like jokes or gags but more like "we are all condemned to die what difference does it make if i die on the guillotine or in my bed?" kind of funny
i’ve been driving through Heavy Rain and my phone keeps buzzing with flood warnings as i plow through another puddle on the highway looks like its letting up for now
>>643615 a big bowel of oats and an old episode of The Simpsons
Well tomorrow night I'm gonna go to a live event a friend of mine is in a band participating in. So maybe that'll be more entertaining than what I'm up to tonight.
i've got some pretty sexy stuff planned for tonight first i'm gonna take a chocolate bar and i'm gonna eat it and then i'm gonna read a book in bed and maybe fall asleep early
What an upstanding gentleman you are.
I'm also really hoping the bulk store near my university will be having some kind of super-discount on Valentine's chocolates. Being able to get all those Valentine's Smarties and peanut M&Ms for cheap would be nice.
Something weird is happening and I don't like it. The person who runs the SA program at my clinic sent a mass text out with a happy valentines day picture to all of us and then a colleague said "awe too cute!" and then he said he was gonna bring cookies to work or something and then someone else said "how sweet! love working with such an awesome supervisor!" with some weird image and then the SA program person sent an image of a weird teddy bear with a human face saying happy valentines day and said "thank you all for being so awesome!! you make my job easy!"
what the fuck is this why is this happening to me this isn't valentines day behavior???
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Normalfags Not even once
>>643643 And then Valentine's Day became Corporate Thanksgiving.
it's so weird i mean SA program-chan is cool and i like her but this is really weird why is my boss saying happy valentines day
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Man I am really not liking the newer TMBG stuff their old stuff is just so much better
>>643646 Maybe it's just a holiday they enjoy. Like how someone might wish a Happy Halloween to friends or others. It's a bit strange to be doing it in a workplace structure but it's a stretch I can take.
grrr some work orders just came through less than two minutes ago with bonus pay i coulda picked up for tonight but someone else took them immediately!! no way looks like it might be an anime math night there's been all sorts of neat people join the google groups to join the discussion like some molecular people studying period crystal systems all with interesting use cases
The name Merukins rings a bell faintly in me though. I wonder if I know someone who knows them. Or if someone I know has just posted art from them somewhere before.
>>643700 I would also like to know how the other guy even managed to shoot his colleague
Kirara, the Princess
cops are notoriously bad at shooting anything that isn't someone running away from them in a straight line if there's any confusion whatsoever, they hit like 10% of the time even if no one is firing back at them
Makes you always kinda thank that whenever say a cop here shoots a criminal in the leg and saves someone from stabmurder, there is an investigation into was that shot justified ofc nothing usually comes out of those for the officer and it kinda makes our system look ridiculous >cops can't even do their duty without risking punishment but it does avoid the system from degrading into US or Russia
Kirara, the Princess
a few months ago, a cop shot at someone and a ricochet hit a rando and the person getting shot at (who had actually not been doing anything wrong) got charged for the rando getting hit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Our cops are trained to shoot to kill
>>643710 our are shoot to incapacitate ofc our contries are very different in terms of crime but we do have shoot to kill cops too, but they are special forces
you can also be held responsible for the crimes of people around you if you drive someone somewhere and they rob someone there, you get charged with the same crime as the robber even if you didn't know about the robbery
>>643715 makes sense on paper, but in reality it is instantly a bad law
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>643718 its actually not as terrible as it seems though it is abused a lot
>>643717 Seems like some legacy law from mafia era or something
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>643719 Yeah but the point is, if you have a law like that, you'd also have to have hundreds of clauses that still make people responsible for their own actions especially the pursuing cops wanton endangerement of lives or needless collateral damage should be held on the person causing it not the cause they are pursuing
Like take from fiction ane xample, the giant bust they did in Dark Knight by just tyign the whole mafia/criminal organisation money as a "giant pot" so they could throw everyone into jail for minor crimes etc
seems like a really bad law when you actually analyze it, but during times when crime rules the streets, it will seem like a very useful weapon.
Yeah I read a paper my superior wrote in the army about how soldiers go from naive patriots to war criminals in such few months in the right circuimstances and pressure. SO I would think, while the process ofc would be slower in the force. Eventually if being a dick and corrupt is thew ay of the land, you will adapt to it.
I'm so grateful for my eggs >>643736 what mechanics would those be
>>643742 Nothing too complex. I'm replaying Hollow Knight because the sequel reminded me I never cleared the post-development content. And there's a point where I was reminded you can bounce off spikes by timing attacks against them, basically letting you multi-hop along spike platforms. So I gave it an attempt and managed to get across a series of spike-covered platforms on my second try. I'm really clunky with the game right now and keep messing up my attacks and jumps so getting something like that down is a nice feeling.
>>643748 That's a character from Houseki no Kuni. If you only know of it -of the series from the anime you wouldn't recognize the character, but that's Phosphophyllite from well into the manga.
Oh that's that well done CG anime I've been meaning to watch that
happy valentinos day moe you're all welcome to my place for hearts and fertilized eggs
Happy Valentrine's Day Moon.
>>643754 It's a really fantastic adaptation. The CGI works really well for the alien nature of the humanoid gemstones and the camerawork is phenomenal for an anime CGI series. Well the first episode or two are kind of weak on that latter aspect but it just gets better and better after that.
civilization doesn't have any gacha in it what are yout alking about blue have you even played any of the civ games
>>643773 Civilization is totally gatcha. Just think of all those times you've rolled shitty-as-fuck starting regions that have you encircled by barbarians and no good improvable resources. That's like booting up a gatcha game and rolling whatever the lowest-rating character you can roll for your starter.
>>643773\ isnt that the game where you happen to be close by a good wonder of the world and you shit on everybody else or something
>>643775 naw wonders only grant happiness boost as youd iscover them the game anyhow rolls the spawning points at somewhat balanced way ofc, not having access to the ocean is always bad, but your next city can be on the ocean shore
Civ VI has the discoverable natural wonders having unique features. Some will be really good for science, early-game combat traits, others will help with other resource gaining just by being in your territories. So yeah having your starter city starting close enough to easily get a Settler into proximity of one of these natural wonders can be a pretty big early-game boon.
Also there's certain other geographical discoveries that will accelerate researching stuff in the science and culture trees. Stuff like discovering another continent. You'll generally get most of the early-game geographical discoveries without much issue but a really unlucky roll might set you back a fair number of turns in the research games.
btw I love when you find an ancient ruin after discovering modern arms and then some musketeer becomes a rifleman some advanced ancient people
Ancient Ruins are like one of the most dopamine-inducing aspects of the Civ series. Something about those little geographical goodie bags always gets me excited.
last time I played I found 10 and 7 of them were map discoveries... I rerolled the final one 5 times before I got something esle than map
Ah this is really making me want to play more of Civ VI. But now I'd have to get both the first and second DLC to satisfy my completionist autism. The first DLC is on sale for a good bit but the second one only just came out. It seems to have been received much, much better compared to the first at least.
havn't gotten that yet I will wait for the Emperor Ultimate Definite Edition
on 50% sale
The new DLC has Canada as a civ too aaaah I wanna SPREAD THE MAPLE LEAF'S GLORY FAR AND WIDE.
I wonder does it have Sweden Yes
Yeah, Sweden, and some French queen that acts as a dual leader for either England or France.
>>643790 >>>/watch?v=qZBzWTmerDE It wouldn't be confusing from within the Civ VI leader choice selection unless they've overhauled it since I played pre-Rise And Fall. LIke I said it was either England or France you play with her for. You don't get to get features from both civs at the same time.
>>643791 I don't really get having a queen consort ruling an ation it is like having Prince Philip is the current one? rule United kingdom instead of queen elizabeth II
the whowassit in civ5 for byzantium made sense, since she ruled the empire for a while when her husband was dying of plague or away but once again she wasn't the sovereign she was the consort
Well it's a game with leaders that are democratically-elected, kings and queens by succession, warlords through domination, etc. There isn't really any standard here for what kind of leader gets chosen besides the developers going "hey we can do something fun with this one".
It is fun and hilights a historical figure with a very flashy life i mean, a duchess, and wife of two kings and of kingdoms that are historical rivals at that
though if I recall during that time their rivalry hadn't yet truly began
yeah most of the time it's pretty safe sometimes you'll see a snake or two definitely easy to find some red backs if you want to you'll see a funnel web maybe once in a blue moon
>>643863 and that is the trap they tell you is a lie and then you come over and die
Maybe he picked up a microbrewery can of something with a dumbass name like Australian Kangaroo Piss and mistook it for the general experience of all Aussie beers.
>nurse tells me that during a school year he used the fact that his family owned a farm that he convinced his teacher that he couldnt do homework because his family depended upon him at home and got out of doing any for the whole year
I couldnt bring myself to do something like that, the guilt would tear me to shreds. can anyone else share that sentiment?
i wouldn't have felt any guilt for doing that although i wouldn't have done it because i didn't have anything to do other than homework homework is actually bad for learning (with the exception of math) anyway
I can’t deceive someone to earn sympathy from someone or something like that. It kills me to think about.
I would feel bad lying like that to people I know, but my relationship with a teacher in primary or secondary education wasn't good enough for me to care. Nobody suffers if I tell that lie.
I've lied to get extensions on assignments before. It's the same thing. I do what I have to to get by.
I would feel bad but definitely not in that situation because fuck homework.
Ohio >>643965 It's good for learning chem/physics/engineering/programming too. Oh and bio
>cant stand to lose playing diablo so he uses a cheat engine >spent 5000 dollars in some online game to make a character and still lose, resulting in cursing out children I’ve come to the conclusion that I may not care for this person.
>>643973 Working with, hmmmm. Is that what the kids are calling it these days.
Wow my phone wouldn't even let me make that joke fuck you phone.
Kirara, the Princess
>>643973 he's really giving you his life story, huh
to be fair ive been here three hours, some conversation has to happen or we’ll go insane
Kirara, the Princess
after some silence be like "you ever kill anyone? have you felt the terrible ease with which a knife can sink into a human body?" and he'll be like "uhhhh" and then you just laugh and say you were joking
each of the three arcade mode routes introduces a new type of zombie the one where you play as gun shop kendo dude has poison zombies the one where you're the mayor's daughter has "pale heads" which are fast and regenerate so you need high caliber ammo to take them down before they regenerate and the one where you play as a random umbrella security goon has armored zombies
they're all decent but since they're arcade modes and the point is to get through them quick, there's really no way to take it slow and make it spooky
Kirara, the Princess
overall i appreciate them adding that stuff for free but im a little disappointed i would have preferred something more survival horrory
i dunno tgat would be too bodybuilder for my taste, unless she is superpower strong
Man I don't want to be cutting classes like I've been doing the past few weeks. I really do want to go to these classes. But some times it's really, really hard to want to go out in the cold to wait for a bus or trudge through the snow or ride the transit or get out of bed when I've had poor sleep the night before. And all those walls just become too much for my want to go to class to climb over.
Kirara, the Princess
>>643991 yeah she has to be able to do it with powers not like super muscle
Not for the class I've missed today. And the one I missed yesterday, I actually probably saved 5% of my grade by not attending and making sure I handed in the assignment I needed to for it. But some of the other classes I've missed in the past couple weeks do have pseudo-attendance checks that I've given up because I didn't show up.
More importantly though I have no real idea what some of the classes I've been taking have been talking about because the professors are pretty lecture heavy. And I do kind of feel bad because I know these lectures are class discussion-focused and as self-praising as it sounds, I know by evidence that I'm a much better contributor to that format than 90% of the students in those lectures.
Hopefully my professors are still holding office hours during reading week next week. I need some free time to run the gauntlet and see them about what I might've missed because of this.
>>643993 athlete is attractive body builder/strongwoman is not
so there are these customer rating panels in some stores by the cashier that pop a random question at you and then you can rate them 1-5 ie was the thing you were looking for easy to find, were the staff friendly etv
so today one popped a "did tge syaff approavh you when you entered the store" and i was dumbfounded they fidn't and methinks that is hood, but if i rate it 5, do they think that one did and i liked it? so confusing
another amusong thing was spotting a license plate with SOY-911 i'd pay to not have that
>>643999 When they do they're pretty sparse. Like the class I'm heading to now doesn't post the slides or lecture notes or whatever she reads from. The only material we get online is supplementary material we're expected to have read. The class I missed yesterday and today will put up the handouts he distributes at the start of each class, but some of them will have fill-in-the-blanks stuff we're expected to complete from lecture content which the online posting of the handout still leaves blank. Though that is my philosophy class this week so it's a bit easier to stay abreast of the content just by reading the required readings. My other two classes post a varying degree of weekly lecture materials, but they're also discussion-heavy classes on literature, so a lot of the lecture material is delivered verbally without much context on the lecture slides beyond the passage from the text in question. The only real information I can take independently from the posted lecture material is trivia information about the author or the culture from which their writing was birthed, which, don't get me wrong, is pretty valuable to me, but it is definitely the lesser component of the lecture.
>>643999 nah i havent tried i got through 2-3 though
i dont really have any mach ine guns prepared for anything
Like my class on Monday, which I didn't make, was the one day of the semester we had to discuss Kakfa's Metamorphosis in class.
The professor has posted no lecture materials for that day's class online, so I have zero idea on what I could have learned about the text and the surrounding context. Which is
>>644007 join france whichhas been in one evr since thst club shooting where close to 100 died
Kirara, the Princess
Trump says he's declaring national emergency so he can bypass the government and order a border wall to be built
as an aside, national emergency is a necessary step in declaring martial law
>>644008 it probably won't considering he just admitted that there is no emergency but who knows what damage he will do before courts have an opportunity to step in
>would not need a military if we had a wall yeah uh planes dont exist
Kirara, the Princess
he thinks walls are the best technology ever even though they were made worthless by gunpowder
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
plus what if Canada attacks from the north?
really you need two walls
Yeah Civ taught me that lesson back in high school!
isnt there a point where he could be declared mentally unstable and unfit for his position are we not approaching that point
Yes but that would require all houses of government to sign off on it and the Senate is currently controlled by people that benefit far too much from keeping him in office.
Lately I've been seeing posters for some kind of university organization for Conservatives springing up. They really make me want tear them down, not in particular because of my revilement for them, but because the posters have right in the middle of them the tubby troll grin of the Conservative party leader. He's a real shitlord.
it's weird how conservative leaders are always shitlords with tubby troll grins how does it even happen it shouldn't be like that by chance
That or like the dryest fucking business-looking man you could have pulled out of the financial district. Stephen Harper was a robot of a man and the current federal Conservative leader is even dryer. If this university organisation had used him on their posters instead of our provincial douchebag I could have maybe considered them politically serious.
>>644029 im a fan or at least used to be and kind of stjll am i think i prefer their hot tamales now
one of my cats gets fucking stressed out when everyone is asleep and she's not she'll follow you around and meow constantly if you try to go to sleep without her
obviously I can't do any work until I write out a to-do list and before i can do that I need to buy a new diary to put it all in and i can't do that until the stationary store opens in another few hours
so you see it's literally physically impossible for me to do any work right now
This fucking scanlation group dropped a manga five years ago And then not even a week after some other group releases a chapter They scanlate the same chapter
six more hours
>>644041 I know how this goes. Nothing -should- be keeping me from just throwing together a to-do list or notes on important things on a sticky note or something. But my asshole brain needs me to do things in The Right Way ) whatever fucking arbitrary rule that is for the specific circumstance) or it just nopes the fuck out of caring.
/moe/ have you ever left headphones out in the open without moving or really touching them for an extended period of time and they end up getting all stiff and form a kind of sticky grime on the wires. Because that's how my pair are and I'm probably just gonna toss them in a bowl of warm water and hope for the best unless there's a better method for cleaning them. Worst case scenario they end up broke and I need to replace this eight dollar pair I got two years ago.
I'm loving this it's cute and funny and the perfect length of time to watch while the client is searching for games
Catching up on my Twitter feed in a café and open a fanservice-y picture of Alter Saber in the meido swimsuit. Kind of just lazily keep it open for a moment before going "oh wait I should probably minimize this again".
This student-run café is really comfy at times like this where it doesn't have too many customers. Nice ambiance and free refills on your coffee. It's really busy during most of the week though, since it's a good place on-campus to get a cheap eat.
When I was at the food court at Mitsuwa I over heard woman talking to her boyfriend. She said "I want you to hug me, but without actually touching me.". What did she mean by this?
>guest character joins the 13th age crew >is a protector >goes into battle >didn't even ready her shield >can only defend >party tells her afterward 'ready your shield' >"Oh yeah haha I totally forgot"
>13th age >age 13 typical ToN
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>is now holding up her shield >so tightly she cannot see or fight back >can still only defend
I got a comfy toque on clearance discount life is good.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I see that you hate player interaction That's fitting
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
fuck misplayed
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
and the connection went out
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I would have just sacced my dragon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Princess
lol you can't take pictures of artyom in metro's photo mode
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
uh sure
don't you want to play with bang-senpai i'll be gentle as gentle as mono-red can be~
Kirara, the Princess
The upcoming Loki show for Disney+ has its showrunner, and he’s from the world of Rick and Morty.
The Hollywood Reporter says Michael Waldron, who worked on Community and now writes for the popular Adult Swim series Rick and Morty, has been hired by Disney to write the pilot and executive produce the upcoming streaming Marvel series starring Tom Hiddleston.
quick recap, for you americans central america is tax haven for us europeans, malta is tax haven
Kirara, the Princess
anyway if the physics are any indication of this game's quality, it will be very low quality maybe it's a glitch
Kirara, the Princess
anything hanging from someone's uniform, like dog tags or a stethoscope just moves up and down instead of actually hanging
jesus christ findingi nfo about the publisher company of Metro series is weird it is apparently some company THQ bought before going bankrupt that thenr eformed into a publisher company of its own or something
oh yeah I bought some issues of the magazine that kaguya runs in
>>644192 Anything is possible when you have Cygames money.
I fed some jackdaws the other day was kinda funny >throw one "gib food birb" food >2 more pop up >toss one of them food >4 more appear >toss one of them food >8 more appear >"hmm if I do this ad infinitum, will I have infinite jackdaws?"
they are really amusing birds since they have a super strict social hierarchy
Well I'm well past the last trains of the night to take the subway home. And these late-night buses and streetcars never seen to behave the way they say they should. Guess I'm walking until a better option presents itself.
I've been at this intersection not that long ago and I don't remember this being here.
the city is GROWING and ADAPTING
huh why didn't they bring vision in civil wars cp america for that beginning operation
or warmachine?
Also I am being Very Stupid walking about in this cold night weather with my phone in hand. This thing's battery is already kinda low and this chill isn't going to help. But nighttime walk bloggingv is fun I dun wanna stop.
Aahhhh home sweet home. Gosh my feet are so sore. I had to do some advanced winter walking because there are literally patches of black ice everywhere. Couldn't go forty paces without starting to slide a bit.
I mean I was walking home between 02:30-04:30 nothing is going to be busy by the end of that. There was definitely an uphill slope though since I was walking away from the lake and the whole city is on a gentle incline towards the water in general.
true dat during my last shopping trip there was a 200m stretch of road that was around 3-5 degree sloped 100% ice with all the rocksalt under the ice
and if I slipped I'd fall into a busy road, though with speed limit of 50km/h but still jessu christ that was scary
There were stretches of sidewalk where I went "yeah I could just drag my feet across this and both risk slipping less AND induce less strain on my legs".
Oh that's strange. The last two photos I took with the final sparks of juice left in my battery on the road home didn't actually save to my phone's memory. It stayed alive like five seconds after taking them I would have expected them to keep properly.
>>644257 yeah this actually happens in modern android more than oft
I need like a telescopic pole or something so I can reach my room's light from my bed without getting up.