
Thread #641831

Not synched.

Bottom Identity
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ah brainfart
domonarigato for the thread
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somebody just inject that air conditioning shit into my blood
I want to be cool again
Well I want to be warm again.

What does summer even feel like again.

It feels like I've forgotten.
like 40 degree heat and not wanting to move because you're so hot
sticking to the back of any piece of furniture because of alll the back sweat
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you hang out in this site you'll never be cool again
Post the other one
Dont post the other one
I've seen the other one you can't fool me
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oh no
time to lie down and die
de Janeiro in peace...
Damn. Almost got away with it
wtf genie
i want to go to rio seems like a fun place to die
i watched the movie about the birds yesterday
the rio movie

I dunno fren
Seems really high on the danj scale
yeah that's why i want to go
which one? did you like it?
the dreamworks one i had seen a while ago
i also watched some disney movies like princess/frog
didn't the rio bird go extinct recently
i like liked //i liked that movie and coco
blue macaw are extinct in the wild now
sad stuff
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well more specifically this species is extinct anyways
cute birbs
birds seem pretty quick to go extinct when their natural habitat is displaced or disrupted
wasn't the plotline of that movie about the birds' extinction too
it waa an alright movie
he traveled to Brazil to see the last girl Bird then assholes
assholes kidnapped them both
then the species died out permanently just like real life the end
if only Bolognese had died of pneumonia we just might keep the Amazon
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Kirara, the Princess
Kirara, the Princess
might go to a phone repair place to get a replacement battery in my phone
oh no
Kirara, the Princess
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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ah yes
one year later
the valentine's banner returns
and I get my fourth hector
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Princess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
BOTH dads are cockblocking me from their daughters.
Kirara, the Princess
powerful dads
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I found a pretty good new manga recently. Its about an immortal hero who only wants to die.
oh no
the worst moe meme
is now on twitter
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>accidentally get the second area conditional boss drop
>now an endgame fist is in the shop for REALLY LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY
I should definitely grind out cash and make Lee as strong as he should be
Kirara, the Princess
Hell yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I wonder how many runs of the cash DLC at this point it would take to get that much money
for reference I have 3000, after getting 1000 from the main quest I just finished

It's 540,000
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
for reference, Lee's current first gives him +26 ATK and +23 MAT, for a total of 52 and 34.
the weapon in the shop gives +185 ATK and +175 MAT
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what kind of question is this
very selfish of them to be blocking her cock
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>a well cooked steak
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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look at this smugness
>get to level 22
>no new cosmetic pack
Kirara, the Princess
probably leviathan
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I now earn 3500 per cash dlc run
that means nearly 200 runs
I think I'll wait until the next area
like they cooked it in a well instead of an oven?
Kirara, the Princess
sounds like they really made him a steak
excuse me ma'am i ordered this well-done but it looks like it was done on the stove??
Kirara, the Princess
i thought this was going to be medium-done?? where is the influence of the dead
no sa'am the medium comes out once you start eating so you can talk to the cow while you eat it
Kirara, the Princess
talk about hearing the cow moo
...I think I'm getting better.
Kirara, the Princess
i was doin trans crypts and the phrase "What this needs is ..." followed by describing what something needs in order to be complete
and word is like
Kirara, the Princess
word is so bad at this stuff
it was way better before it was "smart"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
i still can~t believe 2kg of taters, 1,5kg of meat, 1kg of sweet taters
and 0 leftovers
taters and sweet taters in the same meal?
a real tater bonanza huh
deep fried taters as an apetiser
wow that's one hell of a typo
is a stupid french word sue me
you should call them "starter bit"
some places do just call them starters
i guess restaurants like French though
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guess next time I will make two roasts, and separate the meat into two
so I can have more onions and carrots to fill the bellies

ever had potatoes explode while boiling into mashed potatoes?
cause that happened
>go take one tater
>split in half
>clearly bit raw in the centre
>give it another 5 mins
>5 mins later
>potatoes exploded into mashed potatoes
exploding potato gun
saved me the effort of doing it myself but still
the fuck
never had that happen to me haha
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some extra special potatoes
hey pk did you see the announcement avout this week’s game
can you make that?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the self-contained exploding portal gun
what possible could I anyhow be doing 1-6am anyhow?
aside from sleeping that is, so anyday fits me as well as other

and as we all know I don't sleep
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coincidentally, accidentally, i ended up spending thursday-friday as one day and saturday-sunday as another
reminds me of 2012
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
time to brave LA traffic pray for meeeee
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isn't it just "traffic jam the jammening"?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i geso
i should give squid the old hello
are you too broke to afford a new one or something? just gonna regift an old one?
do you think squid will really appreciate that
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the new hellos are overpriced and barely contain the features of the old ones and don't even last for years to no end
you’re in // on a roll with jokes today
I've been having to read Kakfa's Metamorphosis for one of my classes this semester and I feel people kind of overplay how horrific it is.
Sure the main character gets turned into a beetle and that's not really something I'd want to happen to me.
But the sensory and emotional delivery isn't really strong enough to evoke any particular feelings of dread at the experience.
Maybe it's just that it's a translation,
i think it's really relatable
it's not so much a feeling of dread but realization and disappointment
Honestly the more interesting experience is the change in character the main character's transformation has on his family members.
I'm only two-thirds through but we already see his sister taking on a strong sense of agency (though albeit effectively as caretaker for their new beetle-pet) and there's a really good passage towards the end of the second third which the main character is surprised to see that his near-elderly, semi-ailing father has gone from being a man who laid in bed long hours and shuffled with a cane when walking outside to being an imposing figure of power and authority.
Perhaps it's jus that he's now a beetle seeing things through beetle-eyes but it's a neat other metamorphosis in the novel that caught my attention.
yeah that's the relatable part
that's really the whole theme of the book, i thought
i dunno i never did group reads or stuff just took what i took from it
you get sick, or maybe mentally ill, or crippled, and your family's emotions towards you slowly change over time until you start feeling like an unsightly, burdensome monster
sometimes their empathy fades and they get used to your illness, especially in cases of hospice, some families can become awfully mean even
or sometimes it's just the perception the caretakee has of their own burden and they undergo the changes to accomodate those perceptions

it's something i can relate a lot more to now than i could when i was in whatever year i read it
my family mistakes my crippling fear and apprehension from mental illness to be me being a jerk and inconsiderate and not wanting to deal with them
but i just know anything i try to do or say makes everything worse, like the beetle being trapped in the staircase banister or whatever it was and just making such a dreadful mess of things
That's a good perspective, I hadn't really considered it like that.
It's definitely a neat novel. All the main characters of the family handle the ridiculous situation in some pretty human ways.

The edition I picked up for the class has a foreword by David Cronenberg who opens his bit likening his experience of one day waking up and realizing he was a seventy-year-old man to the main characters waking up and realizing he was a beetle.
And superimposing //No that's not quite right.
And transposing the reactions of the main character's family onto the reaction of a family suddenly discovering their son transformed into an elderly man.
It was kind of a neat read.
i think i may have read that version too, though i dont remember

i definitely get how the beetle feels sometimes though
ive gotten to the point where i'll just wait in bed for three days without eating instead of asking for some help
i feel like as long as im not seen or heard im always fine
being in a position where i could possibly cause trouble or bring attention makes me scutter away
Yeah, being prompted at that perspective makes me realize I've been in a similar way more than once.
Wanting to avoid the judgemental eyes of my family and skittering to and from the kitchen fast as possible so I can get the food or tea I need.
Or literally hiding under my bedsheet like the main character does because I don't want to be seen or see anyone.
pretending like you're taking a nap just to avoid the awkward conversation or non-conversation that could happen with someone passing through
Something tangentially related that really rinds my ears though.
Why do the forewords and essay content at the start of these classic pieces of literature always involve spoiling the plot of the piece.
Like I was reading Jane Austen's Emma and the collection of short essays at the top of the book pretty much let me know every major plot piece and subtle ploy -play of situation that was going to happen in the novel.
Metamorphosis was pretty similar, I already know the fate of our main character before I even got to the plot.

These forewords and essays are neat and I enjoy reading them, but it feels horribly backwards to have them at the FRONT of the book when they lay out the plot for you.
You don't have to read those first.
>foreword by cronenberg
yeah sometimes I think some forewords, when they aren't just some brief introductin to the book or author
should be at the back of the book
reminds me of one lovercraft+others anthology where there was some 50 page "foreword" detailing the whole "cthulhu" and other existential horror scene from its inception to modern times
man it has been drizzling to pouring for almost two entire fucking days now
literally hasn't stopped completely in about 40 hours
this is pretty unusual weather for this time of year here wonder why
Yeah, pretty much.
It just feels like a really weird design choice to have content-spoiling parts as a preface for the rest of the book.
Kind of like movie trailers that effectively concise the plot of the movie into the two-minute preview.
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I think it is just tradition
it is treated as a foreword about the book from someone important enough to beh ado n the book, so it goes to the front
but in my opinion foreword is just some brief thing about the book, or the translation or something of note you should or would like to know when reading said book
and anything else should be at the back, if the publisher(s) are so inclined to have them there.
the foreword in the original invisible man did this and i didn't get why
it straight up outlines who invisible man is and why he's invisible and some of the struggles in his story haha
i still liked the book but it was like reading a spoiler filled summary of the novel

i guess they did it to try and entice people to buy or rent the book like modern fiction does with the teaser on the back but it straight up spoiled major plot
this is what I at times love about marvel, when they have MISLEADING trailers
>thanos only has 2 gems when in actuality he has 4 at 5 at that point
People are even theorizing in some of the Endgame trailers there's been some photoshopping of Captain Marvel out of the scenes with a bunch of the Avengers marching in unison.
>the lst gem is the soul stone
i dont even get it for fiction unless it's like really classic literature in which providing the modern context is meaningful
but like reading dragons of eden and having a foreword about what we've learned about neuroscience since the '70s in comparison, or stuff like that for non-fiction yeah
not impossible, since time stone is a thing, but introducing time travel and then fixing it with that...
the series, not even when strange was full on stonepowering in his movie, ever did time travel
just manipulating shit
but not timetravel
so introducing time travel and fixing the whole big issue with that
would just be lame
No I mean they're literally photoshopping Captain Marvel out so that people don't get any hint whatsoever as to how she's involved in the plot.
Like what they did with the Infinity Stones in the Infinity War trailers.
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Oh yeah that
I wonder will the captain marvel movie be good
and I really question their decision to have Marvel and Endgame so close to eachother?
Or Thor having/not having an eye depending on the proximity of the trailer to Ragnarok.
I'm fine with there being preface stuff, especially if it lays out that there's some differences in our understanding of concepts since the writing of the piece and today.
But the essays seem to just go "yeah we're assuming this isn't your first time reading the original work so we're just gonna openly dissect the plot before the book even begins".

Maybe the essay authors weren't told where their piece was going to be included in the book though.
And so they're just writing assuming it'll be included after the novel like things SHOULD be so they think people reading it will already know the events of the original work.
maybe im being pointlessly cynical but i think it's also super arrogant to think your shitty essay is more important than the work that the person paid to buy in the book
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I too feel at times this

bit different in scope, but one don rosa collection of comics had some finnish doctor's who actually wrote I think her thesis on don rosa's work
so yeah kinda topical at the time, but why the fuck did they include some 40 page summary by her of her thesis in the fucking book between each of the collected comics

Instead why not
have a foreword about the comis from the author himself?
i feel like i want to write some really super meta stuff now with forewords and prefaces ingrained into fictional narrative
or even be the entire thing
So kind of like House of Leaves?
im not familiar
i was imagining like AI stuff
AI-written forewords and categorization of old literature
It's got shit like this in it.
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House of Leaves has this multi-level story structure which opens with a Los Angelos nobody being entrusted by this giant piece of literary work by a blind man who passes away at the beginning of the book.
The bulk of the novel is primarily that literary work, a complex dissertation by the blind man on a documentary movie called The Navidson Record, which entails the Navidson family moving into a stately house in Virginia and their -as an attempt by the husband and wife to save their ailing marriage. Things in the documentary quickly get weird though, when the family discovers that the house is changing on them. Doors and hallways are appearing where before there were none, and measuring the external and internal measurements of the house makes them realize the two measurements impossibly do not allign.
But back out to our LA nobody, because intersped throughout The Navidson Record are fragments of his own account reading and holding on to The Navidson Record. Despite how hard he investigates, it seems like there is no such documentary. The Navidson family do not exist, and all the real people that the blind man references in the dissertation he writes claim they've never produced any of the writing relevant to The Navidson Record that the blind man cites them for, and have never heard of the documentary.
More so, the collection of papers The Navidson Record is written on consists of books, scrap pieces of paper, napkins, pretty much every possible piece of writable medium. This makes comprehending the piece a confounding mess for our nobody friend, which the House of Leaves actual author does a marvelous job of representing in reality with a ridiculously messy and difficult book to read. Some pages have their text mutilated, others have it start and stop off-page as if there was a printing error or something, some paragraphs begin on a page well into the depths of the novel only to have their finish be back towards the early parts of it. There's ...
It also has pages with holes in them.
so what is it?
on purpose or some real weird fucku p?
On purpose
it's a book
it could be a tome
... mountains and mountains of footnotes, both from the blind man in-world and the "editors" who take up the work on behalf of the LA nobody who delivers it to them, as well as footnotes from him as well.
The whole experience of reading House of Leaves is a really bizarre one, but it's a lot of fun and the stories that get told on each layer of the book are pretty fascinating and distinct from one another.
that sounds really fun
i really like multi-level stories
Kirara, the Princess
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Please no.
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my stupid team of stupid 18 year old white boys is really stupid
white boys are so stupid in general
can't take anything serious ever but then little tiny shit happens and it's the MOST SERIOUS THING IN THE WORLD
but then they get over it that evening after mom cooks supper and then it's back to not caring about anything because gamer lyfe is gr8
im gonna quit and find older teammates
Few things drive me up the wall as much as people too "cool" to care about anything because nothing matters or whatever.
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gotta all chat nigger and faggot and tell people how you're gonna rape these idiots otherwise people won't know you're a bad motherfucker
then whine about girls ghosting you on tinder so you gotta cry about it then harass them yeah
you got people moving their work schedules and weekends around to participate in a tournament but you're GRIEVING over a lost pub earlier today so it's cool to be disrespectful to your teammates
they'll understand
gotta act out when life aint treat you right, you DESERVE it
fuckin gotta deal with mom trying to vacuum my room while im playing a game dude
why do I have to deal with this shit?? i bet nobody else has it this bad
and we're fucking out of mountain dew
looks like im gonna have to go up to the store myself to get some, sigh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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uuuuuuhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaalrighty then you have fun with that
Well I know some twenty-somethings that are a bit like that too, so it doesn't necessarily get better as they get older.
One guy in particular I know is really exhaustingly toxic. He's a decent player so I try to keep from digging into him too much but man it can be a bit much at times.

Recently though the other friend of his that I was regularly playing with cut him out of his social circle entirely after getting fed up with how toxic that one guy could get.
I can get why it "had" to happen but I still feel kind of bad about it. The two of them were pretty good friends.
Plus the guy that cut him out isn't the least toxic person himself, but at least he doesn't go on mic raging at his random teammates when they screw up because he's mad at losing.
He just does it off-mic on Discord, hah hah.
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works at his parents coffee shop for 20 bucks an hour part-time too and has his parents FULL support to be a pro gamer
in fact he already "was" a pro TF2 player! well, there weren't tournaments but he streamed!

then i've got one fuckin frat boy who just talks about how CRAZY his jewish fraternity is but that he actually hates being jewish

and the final one is a first year psych student who's always talkin like he's already a psychologist, complaining about calc homework
getting his tuition paid for entirely and skipping all his classes to play pubs
i actually can't stand any of these idiots
it's always white boys
i dont know why but it's always white boys
everyone else i play with is like armenian or israeli or pakistani or hispanic or black
the latinos are really LOUD and boistrous but they're not disrespectful trash
they're actually fun
I have some friends who were like that but got better, I also still have about 1.5 that are still like that.
is this real?
Unfortunately yes.
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We just don't know.
when was the last time will smith was in a movie that was a success btw?
Kirara, the Princess
to live is to suffer
Suicide Squad was a commercial success.
Bright may have done poorly review-wise but there's no way to tell how well Netflix considers it a success because there isn't really a good metric for that.
oh yeah
> Prince Anders, a suitor and potential husband for Princess Jasmine from the kingdom of Skånland
the original character sure are mostl ikely needed for it
Kirara, the Princess
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Kirara, the Cat
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We were talking about death anxiety in my Death & Dying class today, and according to Yalom, one of the ways death anxiety manifests is in an // manifests behaviorally is through throwing oneself into dangerous situations, which symbolically proves immortality to the person who survives that stuff. That's the gist of it at least.
Anyway, my professor gave an example of free-climbing mountains.
And someone goes, "Oh, Kirara did that!"
so i had to explain that i didn't free climb up a mountain i only free climbed a little bit it was mostly hiking up a mountain and that i didn't do it because it was dangerous
so someone's like "why did you do it then?" and i explained that it's not something i've done before and it sounded fun so i wanted the experience and explained that i didn't go there with the intention of climbing that mountain
my buddy just said "let's climb that mountain" and i said okay

and everyone was acting like it was weird to say okay to that
i dunno i guess they're all super neurotic and unwilling to live because they're unwilling to die
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you have a death and dying class?
can you teach me when you're done
Kirara, the Cat
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i haven't learned anything new yet
we haven't even started going over how to die
So I'm not quite sure how to bring this up.
But the other day I Jan got into an argument with me and it quickly devolved into him insulting me for being autistic, and saying things like "it's a good thing you're a virgin because that way you won't pollute the genepool with your autistic spawn" or something like that and him telling me to kill myself.
So the insults didn't bother me but tge fact that no one but me called him out for being a dick felt kind of shitty.
I know that if I said stuff like that to him that people would call me out on it.

Why is it that people give me shit when I use personal insults or tell someone to kill themself (which i haven't done on here in quite a while), but jan gets a pass?
your classmates are weird
This is an open question but its primarily directed towards kirara and the few people that were present when it happened.
(Kirara was not present during this)
usually if you egg something on you're not going to get defended by others
I didn't egg him on.
And even if I did, people shoul
I'm going to go reread the thread.
you def did
Kirara, the Cat
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why is the question directed at me if i wasn't there
Because you're good at explaining things .
I feel like you have a very good understanding of the dynamics of the board.
i only looked at a glance and saw snarky emotes and okay kid and other things that really do no purpose other than to agitate people
i dont have the time or mental fortitude to even argue about this here, though, much less follow through two others arguing and then get emotionally invested in it
so that's probably also why other people don't intervene
we're all exhausted man
The okay kid ws to get him to fuck off. I did one snarky emoji.
Neither of those make telling someone to kll themself okay.
yeah i said i only glanced at it and those are what i saw
as in maybe i pre-judged but that was the initial impression
and probably going to compel anyone seeing to stop paying attention to it
Kirara, the Cat
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i guess i'll go read what happened

sounds like he was pretty mean from what you said though idk
i think moon is probably right, usually people just ignore stuff like that if they get the initial impression it's deserved for whatever reason
but i'll look
none of what im saying, rei, is intending to say you deserved it
it's just probable reason for people to be dissuaded
Hrrm, I did reply with a lot of snark.
when i get angry or distressed lately i put on super mario maker videos on youtube and watch people play super mario maker
it's like an instant sedative
I watch those sometimes too.
thabeast or ryukahr?
I don't remember, my friend puts the on when I'm over at his house, or I'll see one pop up in my recommendations.
*them on
carlsagan42 is sammy's favorite but man i can't stand him personally
he's very loud and he talks about science because he does science, but he kinda sensationalizes it and that triggers my ACHSUALLY mode
very memy fellow
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i ackshually haven’t watched him for a long time now
just grumps and pewdiepie and asmr
How's San diego?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m taking a pit stop 30 min away
i think it’s gonna be a lil chilly but nice judging so far
there's a david attenborough video about desert ants and if you really pay attention, the video picks up the sounds of the ants walking
very strange
i wonder if that's done synthetically in a foley room and added to post production because i can't imagine them making sounds with their little foots
ant asmr
My dad had a friend that was a foley artist.
For one of his things he put a dead pig in a body bag and set up a bunch of microphones on the side of a hill just off the road and dumped it down the hill. But some people saw him doing it and freaked out.
i would enjoy working in a foley room i think
Kirara, the Cat
"this is a really interesting sound how did you get it"
"that's my bones"
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Kirara, the Cat
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hello rika-chang
how did you get your bones to sound like jello
i turned them into jello
Hi Rika
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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good evening rika oneechan
That's a big file.
for you XD
Simply ebin
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hello hello
Also TN, just a reminder if you do that on tano you'll get in trouble.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There is not TN
only Perkele now
Although I actually was kind of hoping I would get that as a reply.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Well you're very welcome.
Oh it was you, domo.
Well, I really don't appreciate you using my name though.
Kirara, the Cat
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What's the haps?
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Nothing is happening, I just got off work!
If you work you die.
Kirara, the Cat
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We all die in the end.

Exciting stuff.
so far with not clear evidence to say that ultimately
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (386 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Endro - 04 [720(…).jpg)
I went to the phone repair place today.
It's gonna cost $60 to get a new battery in
ToN pretended to be me but I thought it was you.
Guess that's better than like $600 for a new phone outright.
Phone batteries are a really nasty scam though.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (340 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Endro - 05 [720(…).jpg)
The place is walking distance to my work so I can walk over and have it done tomorrow in the morning while I work.
or it could be worse the repair company could just short circuit your phone for a simple repair
I have never once pretended to be someone else, asidew hen it is 100% obvious and made for the laughs
Yeah I assumed it was the latter.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (346 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Endro - 01 [720(…).jpg)
This place has like 300 reviews on google and a 4.7 rating
And some colleagues said it's pretty good
I bet they know what they're doing
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The port on my phone has been a bit touchy lately. I'm going to have to have mine repaired soon.
Kirara, the Cat
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Like two weeks ago, mine went from taking 1 hour to charge from 30% to taking 3 hours.
Almost over night!
I guess phone batteries tend to go bad after like two years anyway.
Last winter my phone was already starting to show signs of bad cold weakness but this winter it's been really bad.
I can leave the house with a full charge only to have it drop to 0% juice in like an hour of being out in the cold.
Though warming my phone back up again does revive some of the lost charge.
I must look kind of silly sitting on the bus massaging my phone.
Kirara, the Princess
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My friend just got one of the new Pixels
it looks pretty nice
They do look like nice phones.
I'll probably upgrade to a Pixel 3 or 4 if they put one out in a later time.
All things concerned I've got more pressing things to save money for though.
what phone do you have btw?
that is a good deal on the change, since just a new battery can be 30 dollaroos
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (407 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Endro - 01 [720(…).jpg)
I have an S7.

Yeah, I don't want to get a new one yet. Or rather, I don't want to spend money on a new phone yet.
Kirara, the Cat
Pixel 3 is already out, by the way.
That's what my friend has.
Yeah, I meant the Pixel 4 might come out later.
Phones are kind of on a yearly schedule so considering the other things I'd rather save money towards the Pixel 4 or whatever equivalent product there is might be out by the time I can consider a new phone.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (492 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Endro - 01 [720(…).jpg)
Oh, I misread.

My S7 is 2-3 years old and it works great other than the battery.
There's no reason for me to get a new phone yet.
My phone's like 3.5 years old and it gets kind of clunky running some things.
Some mobile sites on Chrome load pretty poorly on it.
I also can't ever tell if it's my provider's janky-ass cell towers or my phone's radio receiver that's to blame for the occasional service loss.

If not for the fact that I'll eventually replace the entire phone I'd definitely consider replacing the battery.
But in the long run of things replacing the battery is an additional cost I'd have to eat for a product that's eventually gonna be retired.
So as long as I can manage with the phone's iffy battery I'm happy to save the cost of replacing the battery.
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i have honor 7 spyphone, and it is good enough
Kirara, the Cat
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never heard of it
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I'm pretty sure phone batteries are intended to completely shit themselves after a year or two so you have to replace them.
It's not really intention and more a convenient problem they don't care to fix.
Batteries are pretty sensitive pieces of hardware, more so when they get as small and lightweight as they do in phones.
Your phone is going to get jostled and shook a lot, and in most parts of the world is going to go through some considerably different environments and weather.
And of course if you leave it plugged into the charge cable too long it'll slowly kill your battery.

These are all problems phone manufacturers -could- try to address, but why bother? More dead batteries mean more phone purchases and upkeep costs in the long run.
There's zero profit incentive for them to fix the problem, so they just ... don't.
It's not like there's a malicious intentional design to have your batteries cut out at some pre-determined future point.
wha huawei don't import there?
then again the honor 7 had the issue of
>in china china got all info on every user
so might see why that didn't get much traction in USA
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (426 KB, 1280x720, [Glue] Mob Psycho 100 - 01v2 [(…).jpg)
It's not big here so I don't know any of the models.
I'm pretty sure you can get them, though.

well it is a chinese company so
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
The leaving it plugged in destroys your battery thing isn't really true anymore
modern phones have things that mitigate that
Tasty mashed potatoes and beef shtew.
I even heard that charging it regularly is good for the modern batteries
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i have made it
to the airbnb
who wants the master bedroom
I'll take it.
Kirara, the Princess
>Four Marvel Series Announced at Hulu Including 'Howard the Duck'
Kirara, the Princess
>The animated shows are Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K, Marvel’s Hit-Monkey, Marvel’s Tigra & Dazzler Show and Marvel’s Howard The Duck. The four series will culminate in a special titled Marvel’s The Offenders.
>The Offenders
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 1280x720, [Glue] Mob Psycho 100 - 04v2 [(…).jpg)
that's fucking awesome
never heard of the other losers but Howard the Duck is pretty cool
my dad had a bunch of comics from when he was younger
Kirara, the Cat
you've never heard of modok?
Kirara, the Cat
he's that dude that's like a floating old guy's head with arms
Kirara, the Cat
and legs
Mike Wazowski?
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (334 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
Kaguya's seiyuu is so absolutely perfect at the role.
She covers all the emotional ranges amazingly.
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Yeah, she was funny when she was all squeaky.
Kirara, the Cat
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But more importantly, she's absolutely right!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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The girl she was talking with has about one of the most milquetoast boyfriends in existence.
There's no way she could understand.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
Yeah. Poor girl.
To be fair he does seem like a decent enough guy.
Just very boring.
it's like if you took old Kirara and new Kirara and made them date
no, it's like ToN x Kirara
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
lmao old kirara and new kirara dating
there's no way we'd be compatible
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You'd probably just kill each other.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (413 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
The old Kirara was super weak.
I'd kill him easily.
He probably wouldn't even bruise me.
Yeah but if you kill the old Kirara that would also take you out of existence to preserve causality.
So in the end he'd take you out too just by dying.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (351 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
No way.
The old Kirara already died, and I'm alive now!
The old Kirara died when the new Kirara killed him!
we are in a constant battle with our old selves
Kirara, the Cat
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if my daughter ever does this to my car i am going to wring her neck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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am I a new ToN or just the old ToN
Even if it's all a plan to get her crush to walk her home gently?
Kirara, the Cat
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Especially if it's something like that.
If she wants to scheme, she'll have to let me in on her schemes.
I love schemes.
No schemes under my roof unless I'm in on them or unless they're scheming on me.

You're pretty much the same ToN I think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara, the Cat
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French is overrated anyway.
Kirara, the Cat
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There was some especially stupid twitter drama today.
I mean, it's always stupid, but this was super stupid.
Someone started having a meltdown about the meaning of the word "anti-semitism" and then someone else made a tweet saying that non-jews don't get to redefine the word anti-semitism.
And then someone went into that thread and started freaking out about Israel, so the OP said their thread wasn't about Israel.
So that person got mad and started telling everyone to unfollow the OP because they were "ableist" by not including the context of the thread in the thread.
And now people are all up in arms and trying to fight each other about whether or not it's ableist to make a tweet that doesn't include a readily available description of the context under which the tweet was made.
This feels like a Blue "I hate words" moment.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 476x464, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
Oh, then the person that got called ableist started freaking out and apologizing for being ableist and the other person refused to accept their apologize, so the person who was called ableist had an emotional breakdown and started tweeting about how they're a horrible failure and pathetic and bad.

The person who got called ableist didn't really lose any followers, but the person trying to redefine the word anti-semitism lost like 400 followers because he made the Jews mad and some of them talked a bunch of shit and got people to unfollow them.

It's all so ridiculous.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
If spoon feeding idiots is wrong, I don't want to be right.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (413 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
The drama yesterday was really stupid, too.
Someone got upset about something a youtuber said and started fighting with the youtuber's followers, which ultimately led to that youtuber's followers retaliating and being mean to that person.
Then that person made a bunch of tweets about how they were going to kill themselves and then a new twitter account appeared that claimed to be that person's sister and said they // the person had to be institutionalized because people were being so mean that she had a breakdown. Then the alleged sister posted that from the person's actual twitter account to "confirm" it
And then within 12 hours the person was apparently back from being institutionalized and is now demanding a public video apology

God damn Twitter is full of stupid children
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
why do you follow these retards?
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 525x664, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
Most people seem totally normal and fine until they show their ass and meltdown over nothing.
Well, not really normal, they're all super fucked up, but most of them are fun usually.
Leftist twitter drama is so funny.

Nobody has tried to pull me into any drama yet surprisingly, since I have like 1400 followers.
Although one time someone asked me to help doxx an admitted sexual abuser
twitter is the place to meltdown
follow them on insta instead
oh gosh that's an awfully adorable looking kidney invitation
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (377 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg)
twitter makes me feel really superior
compared to all of the people i know on twitter my life is so put together
there are a bunch of people on twitter that basically worship me even though i ignore them
and i can get a lot of support on even my lowest quality shitposts

anarchist twitter is especially funny like that
everyone thinks they're powerful because they can break a supermarket window during a riot or protest or whatever
even though 90% of them have never even been to a riot or protest

and almost all of them legitimately believe that the workers of america are just going to rise up and we'll have some kind of violent revolution where we'll guillotine all the rich
it's so dumb the people advocating for that won't even go out and help homeless people
>kills 70k of allied population when helping them cut down revolts
aah I lvoe this game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>summon atomy
>they quit
I love this skeleton man
what's this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it looks fun
i remember the time you tried to teach me yugioh though...
man card games are tough
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's a bit more straightforward since it's got keywords and stuff
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
You should learn magic instead.
Its not just the best tcg, its also the only Turing complete one.
as far as I know
see skeletons are love
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
shit I have skeletons but my opponent summoned ACTUAL SATAN
Kirara, the Princess
the world is so weird
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I hate it when that happens to me.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I love it when it happens I want 5 wins for the collab ALSO HELLO SATAN CARDS
I'm doomed
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I thought new foundland was only the island
but I guess not in this game
that's what you get for having boney boys
you should know better
Kirara, the Princess
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara, the Princess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>read something's effect three times
>still mess up
I'm awesome
well, you know what they say
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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one hour later I finally get my fifth win
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
goodo jobbu
what are Snake man's super powers
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in related news
go into a box and make everyone ignore said box
the premium set
This manga is good.
Premium set, huh?
the premium set
Got it.
The premium set...
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tfw you do your entire run with your fly down
tfw you come home take a leak and notice your fly is open
and has been entire day
no u
that's a bad feel
i don't know that feel
what about being so caffeinated you think you'll die if you stop moving
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (82).jpg)
you will
i don't know that feel either
i think the most i've ever taken of caffeine was like 800mg
it just made me feel excited and then horrible
what are you an ES jonne
i have hallucinated and gotten some paranoid psychosis effect from doing too much coke before though
what is an ES jonne
anime >>642154 →
es energy drink drinking 12-18yo brat
no I'm just a person trying to function at his job
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Fuck functioning at your job.
Kill your boss and set him on fire.
I don't know man I'd love to burn all my bridges but this casual job is all I've got going for me now
though there's my exact same position opportunity opening up ten minutes from where I live
it'll probably be more demanding because I'm used to driving country roads and this is a more urban area
but fuck it it's better than driving the hour that I do for work
those shifts being only three or four hours sometimes
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what is marinara friends about
A gay dragon girl and her gay human friend.
It uses a handful of characters from the Cygames franchises like Shingeki no Bahamut and GranBlue.
oh I see
it's a shame the only cygames game I've played is imas
it'd be fun to notice the cameos
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is cute
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and actually quite well animated
well 10 + 2-3 min extra is ofc cheaper to do than full episodes
That at Cygames has a LOT of GranBlue money they can throw at studios to animate with care and time.
Though looking at it, it's also animated by their inhouse animation studio.
So it's probably pretty easy for them to be particular about the quality.
thank you ton for your service
Yeah thanks ToN I got to enjoy cute horsegirl running anime because of your contributions.
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Tons of ton money
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what do you do for work that has you drive an hour for a four hour shift?
sounds like an annoying job to me
I deliver groceriesq
looking for a fire
Give me faiyah
wait ignore that
out of curiosity is anybody watching Kemono Friends season to
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tensei Shitara (…).jpg)
I seriously doubt that
I didn't even get more than like two or three episodes into the first season.
after the third episode
is when it gets Les boring
i watched like four episodes and thought it wasn't very interesting i dunno
mm pancakes
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I watched untill the owls and then never went back to it
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god being allergic to milk protein would be bad
or eggs
no pancakes
drove past an actual fire on the way home
guess I was looking for a f ii re
this is an aright side project of julian casablancas
not really like the old strokes stuff though
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i like them a lot
my fav music video of all time
i watch it like once a day
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what is this newgrounds?
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this is moegrounds
kyeh kyeh kye
look at this fuckin ad i just got from youtube
they know their audience i guess
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I get quite a few of league ads
they're all from small time youtubers
i think it's cool that they're using their userbase submissions for the advertisements
but man some of them are pretty bad
im not sure if im getting different demographic targeting or if they just have a few on rotation
I kind of like the K-pop animated music video they put out a bit back.
The song's catchy and the visuals are nice.

I'm still not going to start playing it though hah hah.
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i can't bring myself to play mobas anymore for a few reasons
i still think my favorite youtube ad targeted experience was getting a discount jewelry ad with generic license-free dubstep as the background music
i think that was a procedurally generated advertisement
and then of course there's also this one
was it
hm i dont think so
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oh man that's embarrassingly bad
wish looks like hot garbage
I know some people that actually seem to buy stuff from there
they spend a lot of time on their mobiles so maybe that's why
the funny thing is that's her youtube channel
eggo didn't keep the 15 second version of the commercial so she reuploaded it
poor eggo mom
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my favorite youtube ad was a 3:45ish long video that was just a song from some electronic artist promoting their upcoming show
i was looking up dark synthy electronic music and got a bonus song with my song
they should do more of those
i was using favorite in a bad way
but yeah that sounds cool
ive gotten some genuinely good advertisements leading me to neat stuff i wouldn't have found otherwise
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Pochi Goya has a pretty cute voice.
nani sore?
pochi goya is an illustrator
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er artist
dunno why I said it like that
draws stuff like this
very cute style
Well both are appropriate terms.
As far as product goes she's definitely an illustrator, as her work always has the intention to, well, illustrate.
Like she produces concretely illustrative works, as opposed to someone who might create more abstract work, or create a piece predominantly for artistic expression rather than to bring to life a character or scene.

But yeah she's got a super cute style and has a thing for nee-sans which is a plus for me.
illustrator is ususlly used as a job title though
well they've literally illustrated light novel stuff if that counts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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hey hello
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For the ones as lost as me
Kirara, the Princess
not all who blunder are lost
chuck e cheese still exist?
not that I've experienced either but I would thibk they've gone the way of the blockbuster
oh no wait blockbuster still exist too
A Blockbuster still exists.
So you're right only by course of a technicality.
Kirara, the Princess
Kirara, the Princess
yeah they do there's one here
There's an incoming storm today that's predicted to lay down fifteen to twenty-five centimetres of snow over the course of the day.
Pretty much every school organization is closing, from the city district school board, to as far as I can tell every major university or college.
It's a little bit confusing to me, there was a really nasty snow hellstorm like two weeks back but most schools remained open despite it.
Sure the storm came by in the afternoon but it was bad enough that it made getting around a nightmare, and by the end of the storm waaaay more than fwenty-five centimetres of snow had fallen.
So that this one is getting all the precautions rolled out feels a little strange to me.

It's also kind of weird to see, after like decades since the last universal school day -snow day to have stuff like this showing up two weeks inbetween.
this actually seems likely
i still don't get closing shit up because of weather
The argument is that with dangerous roads and walks due to the weather, there's a n increased threat of danger to students in transport.

At least here in Ontario, students are the responsiblity of the school pretty much from the moment they leave the house.
So if schools are expecting students to show up despite the inclement weather and the weather causes them harm or worse, the families involved have cause to go against the school for reparations.

See I didn't really want to respond to this because I knew you were going to cut in in the middle of my response to say this.
yeah i get it but at the same time
>we've never done that
Kirara, the Princess
Search [iqdb] (296 KB, 1080x1090, Screenshot_20190212-073038_Twitter.jpg)
how can you be so dumb as to think this is legit
coincidentally same here
students in basic education are responsibility of schools when on school trip
as in leaving home and untill return from school to home

i guess it just falls to cultural attitude un the end
scjools ofc don't do outdoors pe if too vold or bad weathet and likewise cancel outings and trips too
but never heard of school getting cancelled because of weather, aside when storms knock out power etc
Maybe they're not someone who is in regular interaction with Scott's Twitter?
If you were to remove a lot of some of identifying stuff//
Er, if you were to remove the identifying stuff and just give me his Tweets devoid of that context I might assume they come from a nutcase rather than a shitposter in some cases.
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people have said dumber shit before
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what the fuck happened to my youtube
We really, really don't like doing them.
Like I said before, it's been decades since I last saw a snow day get called here. Some times I might've had a college class or something cancelled, but private institutions are allowed to make their own calls on those so whatever.
I even remember a day in high school where there was an insane ice and snowstorm going on, and that I'd walked against the flow of traffic from the bus stop outside my school to the previous one in desperate hope of getting a spot on the bus.
An hour later I was two stops down the line, one stop past my high school. That would have normally taken maybe five minutes tops in normal weather.
Despite that storm no snow day had been called for that day or the following.
Even two weeks ago where we got snowdrifts so bad some of them went up to my knees, there still wasn't a public school closing.

Another big factor is that Toronto is a very commuter-heavy city, to -so a lot of students will be making somewhat long journeys through city traffic to get to school. That combined with our ballooning population and a snail's pace development of better public transit infrastructure has left us kind of dancing a knife's edge of the whole city shutting down because our public transit can't handle the commuter load. Especially in really snowy weather that'll naturally cause delays on all transit services.
Kirara, the Princess
yeah fair
Kirara, the Princess
how did hyakkimaru learn japanese anyways
in the manga he had telepathy from the very start
speaking of traffic
drifting buses are "fun" to be riding
I was wondering that too a week or two's episodes back.
Tezuka seems to have kind of just handwaved over it.
I guess maybe he learned through feeling the shape of the strokes of each distinct character.
But that doesn't explain his ability to comprehend verbal Japanese.
It's kind of an impossible situation but his birth was also an impossible situation so maybe things just ... cancel each other out?

Yeah they're a proper nightmare.
There's a lot of major streets here that are built along the natural form of the hills and general slope of the geography down towards the lake, so in really nasty weather it's not uncommon to see buses and unprepared cars or trucks struggling to get up some of the steeper hills or having a rough time braking properly.
see >>642356
I'm aware there's a magic explanation for it.
But I'm looking at this from a practical perspective, where the question arises; how do you teach someone utterly blind, deaf, and mute how to speak and write a language?
It's an interestingly impossible scenario.
since anime left his mental abilities out, it becomes a mystery
Oh, the snow begins.
how much has already covered the ground?
I feel like he probably learned it from the blind monk.
What I want to know is how is someone who's blind gonna feel about seeing shit for the first time?
they also left out that the monk taught hyskkimaru his sword techniques
Kirara, the Princess
Maybe they'll flashback it
would conflict with monks meeting onscreen with him
Kirara, the Princess
good point
Kirara, the Princess
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the newest tate no yuusha was pretty good
spear boy is such a little bitch
it's nice that everyone else is coming around though
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I thought they showed him training him. Maybe I am remembering wrong though.
I don't like how he's changing from an easily manipulated idiot into an aggressive asshole.
Wanted him to switch sides at first, but now he can just die.
The other heroes sticking up for him was kind of sudden and unexpected
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Very little.
Most of what's already on the ground is leftover snow that hasn't yet melted in the milder weather we've been getting lately.
When I said the snow had started falling it had pretty much only just started.
Kirara, the Princess
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i think spear was already a dick
he's more aggressive now because he's so easily led on!
he thinks this evil asshole is being allowed to continue being evil
i havn't caught up, but before them meeting 1st time, he already split bridges and shit
im the manga the monk picked him up early and trained him up proper when he set out from the doctor
I think on the scale of stupid to intentionally malicious he still leans hard on the stupid side.
Like maybe in his normal world life he was the kind of unintentional dick like a sports jock or something of that generic trope.
And now that he's getting praised for being a YUUSHA it's making things worse.
that does seem like overkill then
there is more to it than just stupid but that is spoilers
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do you get these around street corners?
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More or less, yeah.
When I was coming home two weeks back after we'd had like forty centimetres of snow dumped on us there were some plough drifts like those that were almost as tall as I am.
And they pretty much formed walls isolating the sidewalks off from the roads.
For some parts of the walk I just stuck to the road since I was tired of stepping knee deep into snowdrifts.
Kirara, the Princess
that's my impression too

i guess we'll see
Kirara, the Princess
maybe spear boy got a slave crest to bitch-chan
the ones on latter image are around 2m
in larger and more street litter areas the things can be 4-6m in height with radius of 7m or larger

one street had gotten turned into practically a tunnel, due to having 1,5m walls on both sides from plowing it
Kirara, the Princess
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the first time i walked through snow i was going really carefully but i totally misjudged the consistency of it at one point pretty early and went in up to my knee
and i got really worried it meant my leg would be wet in the cold for a few hours (we were at the top of a mountain) and then when i pulled it out i wasn't wet at all
i was amazed
later i learned that there is snow that will make your leg wet though
"loska" is the worst
it is basically wet snow, think of like mud
but snow
also it is full of all the pollution and salts and whatnots and is dirty gray in colour
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it only snowed one day in 2018
Kirara, the Princess
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we should go visit rook in colorado and while we're there we can go up to pike's peak on the cog train
it's really cool

luckily i haven't walked through that yet but i'm aware it exists now
then it freezes over
and all streets are ice rinks
and then you get a layer of loska on top of that
City slush, pretty much.
People that think snow is some perpetually beautiful thing have never had to live in a snow-ridden city.
Kirara, the Princess
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also up on that mountain i walked on ice for the first time!
i thought i was doing okay but then i slipped
i almost fell on my ass but my sensei and my friend were walking on both sides of me and they grabbed my arms and kept me up
it was really cool

my friend ran into a snow bank thinking it would be funny but it was actually super frozen and he got a concussion and couldn't read for like two days lol

salting can cause city slush regardlesd of temperature
which is why we don't salt walkways
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top layers of snow can melt-freeze-melt.. in the sun and get like a 50cm thick layer of icy snow that can easily survive quite hard impavts before giving in
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One time here it snowed then rained, then froze, so it was really slick.
But they don't have infrastructure to deal with thick ice so like a hundred people died on the road and most businesses had ice rinks for their front walkways.
It was pretty fun.
Kirara, the Princess
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yeah i was surprised
i didn't think something like that could happen on top of a mountain but i was super wrong
that is what igloos are made out of coincidentally
never seen a 8 or do thicker layer myself though
Yeah, combinations of rain and snow can make for the worst winter occasions.
The nastiest is getting a bit of rain and then having the temperature immediately plummet, making the rain form smooth as glass black ice.
And then the precipitation continuing into snowfall that covers the ice, leaving you with no clue where the slippery-as-hell parts are until you're literally stepping on it.
Makes walking anywhere a nightmare.
Kirara, the Princess
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also we were at 4,302 meters and none of us were used to that so we were all kind of high from being oxygen deprived

i got to 2700 meters with jan on one of our hikes but that's nothin compared to 4302
it's so cool
highest i've n'been is 1100 on foot and 2k range on car
Kirara, the Princess
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we were at like 2000m on the ground out near cripple creek
and we took the cog train up like 2400 meters

jan and i walked up like 1000m during the hike we got to 9000 on
the one we got to 2700 meters on
9000 is the feet not meters
The ski resort I was at in British Columbia records their mountain summit at 7.608 feet above sea level.
I might've gotten that high but I'm not certain?
And either way their resort town is 5.758 feet up so once you're at the resort you're not making huge altitude climbs.

Mont Tremblant in Quebec is at 2,871 feet and I know for certain I've been at the top of that one though.
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the highest i've been is probably around 1k meters i think
physically at least
yeah, that's what happened basically, except it had snowed the day before, then warmed up above freezing and the snow continued as rain then it got below freezing while raining
So everything was wet when it froze
Texas weather is volatile because of the varied terrain and location or something, last week it went from 75F at midnight to 25F at midnight in 24 hours
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Kirara, the Princess
i hate feet
Those should be commas not periods.
I have a hard time hitting the right key in that corner of my keyboard some time, especially if I'm jumping my right hand between keyboard and mouse a lot.
Kirara, the Princess
oh the decimals are like commas
haha yeah that makes sense
i wonder what the finnish fjells looked like pre-ice age
Kirara, the Princess
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I should find out the price to rent that cabin I stayed at in Colorado
Maybe we could manage a trip there

Cripple Creek is like a casino town too
It's really cool
The ski resort I went to in the Rockies was great.
To get to the top you had to ride like one or two normal chairlifts.
And then there's a kinda-ghetto lift you need to take that you don't even sit for, you just grab onto a pull-bar and just have it tug you all the way up the rest of the route.
It can kind of tire out your arms, hah hah.
But the skiing/snowboarding experience on the mountain summit is beyond amazing.
Definitely worth the extra effort.
btw did you know that finland grows every year by fe squared?
Kirara, the Princess
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We should go skiing.
When's the best time to go skiing, anyway?
Is it in the winter? Or autumn?
have you ever downhill skiif
and ofc winter
Kirara, the Princess
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I haven't! I want to ski or snowboard.
Rook invited me over to go skiing in November but I couldn't make it.
ski is easier to learn
Providing winter isn't ending too fast, late February to mid-March can be some of the best times for skiing or snowboarding.
Temperatures can be milder and more manageable, but good slopes will still have plenty of snow.
But pretty much any point after snow begins falling until it's melting too fast to be replenished is the season for it.

Ski resorts these days will have pretty comprehensive reports on which of their slopes have enough snow on them and whether whole sections of their resort are open or not.
They update their websites with that information some times several times daily.
Kirara, the Princess
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Sou ka.
I probably wouldn't be able to do February/March until I go do my internship in like 1.5 years.
Provided I'm already somewhere near skiing.

I wonder if /moe/ could manage a ski trip for December or January or something, though.
That would be lots of fun.
iron squared
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here on 8-10. week depending where you live, thete is a week long vacation for schools simpky called "skii-ing vacation"
Well they don't quite have the shock and awe of the Rockies, but the Appalachians will definitely have decent skiing places too.
There's one resort in upstate New York that my family has gone to at least half a dozen times.
Providing we can all get out there, the Rockies would probably be the better, or at least more intense, experience, but there are definitely options closer to home for us East Coast kids.
haa i havn~t been to any decent place in years
jyst the southern tiny hills
wish i had munies
I haven't gone snowboarding in years.
There aren't really any good locations close to me and I can't really be arsed to do the long trips that often.
And being out on the hills can be a really draining experience. I didn't really have al -a lot of people to do it with back when I was still snowboarding regularly so I kind of just lost interest.
Plus once you've been down a hill a couple times the twenty minutes of sitting on a lift freezing your arse off for the sake of three minutes on the slope starts to not really be worth it.
aöso just realised i have been using same skis for 13+ years
would be damn weird to buy new ones or use rentals at this point
Kirara, the Princess
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Rockies in Canada?
I think Rook has been going to the Rockies out in Colorado.

Hmm, Appalachians might be good.
We could do a few days of skiing and then maybe hang out in some other naturey stuff.
ladt time i was skiing few weeks back had this fun momemt
>okay going full speed duper pro s shape down like an olympic athlete
>going fine
>uuh that turn didn~t go fine at all
>okay split second devision time, do i teist weight or go for controlled fall
>brain: BOTH
>proceed to stylishöy tumble around 70m down the hill before coming to a stop
Well my experience with the Rockies are the Canadian ones but I assume the mountains don't really discriminate between the border humans have drawn down the -through the middle of them.
The Appalachians are smoother mountains, and they don't ever get as high as the taller mountains in the Rockies. Generally the Rockies will have more diverse and more intense slope options and are more likely to remain open longer into the season.
They're probably also generally more expensive but don't quote me on that.
A feature of the Appalachians might be that there'll be more variety in stuff like glades skiing, which are slopes that have sparse forests you're free to turn into and ski between trees. It can be a pretty scenic and enjoyable experience to slow down and take in, but it's also kind of a really anxiety-inducing route since you're constantly having to make sharp turns to dodge trees, hah hah.
Though regardless of where you choose to go a large-enough ski resort will probably have trails that cater to whatever niche skiing/snowboarding interest you've got.

*twist weight as in adjust position to regain balance
so what do you call just regular skii-ing?
Skiing, pretty much.

If you're on a mountain or hill's slopes you're downhill or alpine skiing.
If you're talking about just sticking on skiis and going for a winter hike we call that cross-country skiing.
limited language alas
laskettelu lit. "going down" for downhill
includes snowboarding too in it
and hiihtäminen/hiihtää for skiing
If people ask me if I ski I'll probably say "yeah, I snowboard".
Which pretty much affirms the way "laskettelu" lumps snowboarding into the same hobby.
But it's also important to be precise so someone doesn't just hand me skiis and expects me to know what to do with them.
sukset for skiis
would be gun to add a kind of batman cape-glider attached to uour back and skii-poles
that you could deploy as an air-brake
or the wings of a gliding suit
would also make jumping much cooler, since you could potenyially glide some neat airtime
>ski jumping ie telemark landing is actually same as superhero landing
I think that was something you could do in that winter sports game Steep.
Though I don't remember if you can seamlessly transition from skiing to air-gliding in the game.
teldmark skiis would be fun to test atleast once
This snow day has kind of thrown my day's plan into disarray.
I was intending to try and nap a bit in the afternoon after class and chatting with a friend over coffee.
But now I have no reason to get caffeinated and so not much energy to keep myself awake until the time I was planning on napping at.
So I guess I'll just sleep when I want to?

I don't like it when I plan something out only for all the planning to end up pointless.
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never plan
I'm a compulsive planner I can't help it.
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i am firmly back to living 36h days it seems
woe is me
In the end that's just an accurate following of the day-night cycle in Finland anyway.
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day is when clouds are not dark right?
I don't even know anymore man.
I'm so deep in the winter hole I've forgotten what it's like to be in an actually nice season.
what is sun?
i like winter tho
is just amusing how it is always cloudy during our short days
nuke it
I like winter a lot
it's usually nice weather, here
Doesn't get too cold or for long anyways
Just wish
i enjoy the cold
and snow
i hate it when it rains during winter
ok just close my fucking browser to update thanks

just wish I could get to experience this horrible cold people with colder climates talk about I guess
it rains a lot in winter here, but it isn't so bad usually since it isn't cold
let's move to alaska
rain removes snow or turns it into icehell
also removes snow from trees and shit removing the beautiful silver paintjob
i knew a guy who lived in alaska he said it was miserable and cheerios cost $12 for a normal size box haha
he had to get his local groceries shipped in via fucking boat or something so it was super expensive
ive been told that at 1 pm we’ll get busy but being upstairs a big difference from being downstairs for now
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becomes this
Wow I didn't know cities spring up out of nowhere when it rains in Finland.
should move to anchorage
is like mushrooms
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alt this
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becomes this
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fun difference
no idea where he lived actually
he probably told me and i forgot tbh

i knew another guy that lived in far northern canada and he seemed to not mind that his coffee fucking froze if he didn't put it on the warmer
he was way cooler than alaska-kun
damn /moe/ died the death
it usually dies between two hours ago and now
that was an usually active period just now
ah i see
i'm usually asleep by now every day except for tuesday
normally i'd be playing games but i'm still in post-KH3 depression
Kirara, the Princess
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i made friends with the guy at the phone repair place
his sister is in the undergraduate program that i got my bachelor's in
i told him she could reach out to me if she has any questions about psychology stuff

little does he know i want to recruit his sister to do meaningless mind-numbing work for one of my research teams
man i've put off fixing my laptop for like over a month now
i know what i need and how to fix it but i just haven't done it for no reason
sometimes i wonder if one day i'll be too lazy to breathe and just suffocate
that's proper delegation
get people to rely on you then you can use them for your needs too
i wonder how phone repair places make money anyway
are the parts cheap or something?
Kirara, the Princess
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there must be a way to get parts in bulk for cheap

you can buy a galaxy S7 battery for like $20 on amazon it looks like but those might not be great batteries maybe they are
but it's like $60 for them to replace it at this place
the guy told me it takes like an hour to replace the battery in the S7 because you have to take all of the components out and put them back in
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seems like pretty good profit for what takes like an hour yeah
i guess they're kind of like mechanics and make profit on labor

oh did you try the DMC5 demo yet?
it finally came to PS4 like last week.
i really liked it but it was damn short
Feels just like DMC4 Nero but with more variety instead of just grapple for your arm attack, there's only like 3 arms in the demo though
My life is waiting for DMC now
Kirara, the Princess
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yeah it's probably profit on labor. but idk, the reviews on google said they can replace iphone screens for like $100 and i think those are really expensive to buy the screen part for. google says it's like $120 for the screen
idk though they might have a good supplier or something nobody in the reviews complained about the screens so i assume they're quality

oh fuck it's out i gotta try that

have you played REmake yet
it's so good
there's a bunch of new DLC stories coming out this week i think
apple parts seem to be unreasonably expensive and proprietary in general
but you can probably get licensed by apple and get a discount buying from them or some such
those fuckers won't even let you sell iphone chargers unless you get your product certified through them for a fee haha
I haven't played it yet, feel like I probably shouldn't be spending any more money on games after preordering DMC and sekiro
i gotta sort my shit before wasting money like that on games again i guess
it does look really good though i loved RE2 when i was a kid and played it on the n64
Kirara, the Princess
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i have metro and sekiro on my docket
im probably gonna wait a little bit to get DMC5 i'm gonna try to get fish to play some of the other DMCs before we get it

REmake is so good. it's like legit spooky. it's so nice how difficult it is compared to all the other zombie shit too
like you know it's the real shit where if you absolutely gotta shoot something you try to take off its leg because headshots are wasteful
and lickers are so fucking scary
they're blind ofc so you can sneak past them sometimes but if they figure out where you are they can fuckin destroy you so fast and it takes like 3 magnum shots to their dog garn brain to kill them they're super strong
and when i turn a corner and see mr. x, my stomach legit drops and i gotta stop myself from panicking

the new DLC has three new stories, you get to play as the gun shop owner, the mayor's daughter , and someone else who was it
oh yeah some soldier or something
not hunk, hunk already has his mode

i heard they're already working on a remake of RE3
i was looking at metro but i'm not familiar with the series so i wasn't real sure about it
probably a good idea to play DMC4 at least so she's familiar with the characters relevant to the new one
I think DMC3 is a better game though

the special edition of 4 has some cool features
yeah it does, but DMC2 is a bad game and not relevant to the plot like 4 and 3
not really a good look for someone new to the series
and DMC1 is kind of dated and clunky by modern action game standards, though it's still pretty fun
it doesn't really take much to spook me haha
mr. x looks awesome, he's like nemesis from 3 right?
the game looks pretty intense all around, definitely not that goofy polygonal game that terrified me back then
i didn't really like 5 and didn't even play the games afterwards so it's nice that they're trying a different angle finally
i guess REmake leon is the one who transformed into the badass leon from 4
makes a lot more sense to me anywayas
Kirara, the Princess
i thought DMC5 takes place after DMC2
Kirara, the Princess
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yeah mr x is kind of like nemesis
mr x was in the original RE2 though he's the tyrant that follows you around in the B stories
he wasn't called mr x back then though he got that name in a book or something i think the RE2 novel
in REmake he follows you around in both A and B
the game gets the lighting and sounds perfectly which makes it really spooky
it's a lot more streamlined than the original too
leon is pretty cool but i still feel like he gets way more badass in 4

lol after leon loses ada in REmake he's like super depressed about it and then sherry is lookin at claire and leon and all "are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend" and claire is like "haha! it would be hell of a first date!" and looks at leon expectantly
and leon's just like "uhh haha yeah..."
poor claire
yeah they definitely nailed the realism in the last game and this one
visually at least it looks really great
i didn't know that he was just the tyrant though that's pretty neat
it's been so long since i played the game that it'd probably be just as fresh as anything by now
4 was really over the top but still spooky sometimes, it had a good balance they fucked up in 5

claire is fucking bargain bin jill
she probably can't even unlock a breadbox

tbh i didn't play a single game other than KH3 since it came out until i finished it with almost 100% completion
i literally played 100 hours in 2 weeks like it was my fucking job
i'm sad it's over now
Kirara, the Princess
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5 was pretty bad yeah it was way too actiony. 6 was bad too. 7 was really good, it was first-person survival horror and it was actually super spooky although i think sometimes it was a little too confusing and it would have been better in third-person
although some of the spooks in it only would work in first-person because there were some jump spooks but those suck anyway
7 and 2 were done in the same engine
you can't even remake 5 and make it spooky unless you change everything about it because the whole thing takes place outside in sunny africa

congratz on KH3 my man

also i got a client so i'll talk to ya later
There's an RE2 board game.
what the heck
what's the gameplay like?
Probably awesome
I looked at the back and it seems like betrayal at the house on the hill type exploration and then also guns that you roll dice to shoot.
It's like $110 but i really want it.
this is so strange
why not just play other games instead of trying to beat 5 of them in a row without taking damage for the 752nd time
holy shit $110 for a board game?
that sounds excessive to me
some people want to accomplish their dreams
some people got some stupid ass dreams
don't worry ton i dont think your ass dreams are stupid
Boardgame people boardgames are expensive.
I've played a lot of expensive boardgames that were worth every penny.
When I first got into MtG it was at the very first NY ComicCon. I rolled really high on a d20 and I was allowed to take any prize I wanted except for the d20 only prizes which were almost all very pricey tabletop stuff like a few board games.

I chose a magic deck though which wasn't a very high level prize but I wanted to learn it since a number of my friends played.
It was a very huge fuzzy d20. And now that I think about it, I want one.
want me to get you one for valentine’s day
i would have no place to put it.
I need to organize my room better.
also dmcchronology
yes anime is canon
Kirara, the Princess
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battery replacement getto
this channel is btw super relaxing to watch
Kirara, the Princess
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I've got another new, weird client.
This guy is a real talker.
And when he did his drug screen, he came out and started talking about how his pee is usually fluorescent because he takes so many vitamins or something and he was disappointed that it wasn't this time.
Berocca will do that you so I guess other vitamin stuff does
Kirara, the Princess
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also someone told me that pee-chan is apparently having nightmares about that client of hers that killed themselves and stuff
she told our supervisor and our supervisor told me because only like four of us know what happened at the clinic
and now it feels like i have to offer more support and spend time with her because social contact is an important protective factor against PTSD which she might be developing

but at the same time i really don't want to do that because i wouldn't be able to invite fish along and that would bother fish
what if she and gish would actually get along?
Kirara, the Princess
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they don't get along but more importantly fish isn't "supposed" to know about what happened
pee-chan legit made me pinky promise not to tell anyone which is really weird we're adults but whatever i guess it's really serious to her
like legit did the pinky thing
so pee-chan would probably get upset if she knew i told fish
Kirara, the Princess
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also pee-chan is super lacking in confidence so she refuses to lead groups even when she designs the session so i have to take over which is fine i usually lead the group but it's the principle of it
why even come if you won't take charge
she's fine at it and i've told her a million times she does fine
people can be so incredibly troublesome
wonder how she'd react if she knew her sikrit nickname
Who names their hand "inspiration"
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wow mean
mean is my middlename
what kind of drugs is this
Stylegan but for anime girls.
The original paper.
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Pretty nice.
Kirara, the Princess
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How are we all doing tonight?
Kirara, the Princess
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I could be better! But I'm not doing that good.
that bad
How are you?
I had noooothing to do today.
A really nasty storm of snow and ice came in to the city and so everything pre-emptively shut down in the morning.
So it's been a pretty lazy day for me.
the new work they have me doing is simple enough so im good
about to go home in about half an hour
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I worked hard today!
Kirara, the Princess
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It's raining so hard I can't leave.
I'm supposed to invite this girl to dinner but I really don't want to.

Me too!
invite me to dinner instead wink emoji send tweet
I will insult you with w> emoji instead
uwu emoji
Kirara, the Princess
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I decided to just go home
I'll have to see if she's okay another time
Kirara, the Princess
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oh and what's this someone i barely know doxxed themselves to me in my direct messages on twitter great wonderful
I get there might be a bit of a moral obligation within the cohort to look after one another but ultimately your priorities should be with yourself.
Really it's kind of unfair that you're the one that constantly gets tasked with these maintenance aspects.

Oh no are you starting to get orbiters.
Kirara, the Princess
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I've had those for a while
someone just sent me their LinkedIn????

It's the burden of being strong.
I gotta do what I can to help her avoid PTSD.
I'm certainly not going to put it above me, though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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if I send you my linkedin will you hire me
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara, the Princess
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my biggest concern for today was once again the kids in my juvenile group
one of the girls in it very clearly wants to get something out of therapy but isn't benefiting from the group format so i want to give her an opportunity to do individual therapy and my boss doesn't want to let me do individual with her
well, won't let anyone do individual with her
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
what the fuck
Kirara, the Princess
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 509x623, [HorribleSubs] Planet With - 0(…).jpg)
yeah i don't really get it
my boss seems to be having some kind of weird transference with the girls in that group where she's basically trying to treat them like she treats her daughters which is very sternly
i'm gonna talk to her about it but she gets defensive easily

my colleagues don't like the kids either though
it's really unfortunate
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Is talking with your bosses boss an option?
Kirara, the Princess
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yeah but i don't want to do that until after i try to work it out with my boss
i have like three levels of bosses
i've got the person who technically runs the groups (the one with transferrence), and then there's the person that runs our whole substance use program, and then the, i guess she's the CEO of the clinic or the director or whatever
and everyone's amenable so i can easily talk with them about anything
i have all of them in my phone and the program lead texts me memes and stuff
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Kirara, the Princess
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one of the girls in the juvenile group is so fuckin stupid
she's too stupid to even fake that she's getting better
every single week she comes and talks about how great weed is
and every week i'm like "at least pretend like you're on board here you know we can't discharge you until you're improved"
she's never going to get off probation at this rate
Kirara, the Princess
Search [iqdb] (315 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tensei Shitara (…).jpg)
the newest dororo was pretty sad
Hyakkimaru's the kind of guy you really just want to give a hug to.
Even when things go well for him it's accompanied by something utterly terrible.
Kirara, the Princess
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it ain't easy being hyakkimaru
at least he got his leg back
And he can kind of talk now.
And at least he's keeping Dororo alive.
For now.
Kirara, the Princess
It's kind of neat to see what's changed between adaptations.
Kirara, the Princess
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It's cool that they're changing a lot of the story.
I like the way it's going now more than the original.
Kirara, the Princess
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i didn't watch the original anime though
1969 might be older than anything i've watched
I haven't actually read any of Tezuka's original works so it's all a pretty fresh experience to me.
One thing that's kind of neat is how the story is pretty emotional despite coming from such a cartoony artstyle.
Kirara, the Princess
fish just showed me this
Kirara, the Princess
yeah, agreedo
Oh I heard about this yesterday.
Didn't really go much more in-depth than just hearing about it though.
I don't really want to see a lot of information about a decaying shark carcass.
Kirara, the Princess
it looks so cool
id love to see it in person
Kirara, the Princess
No thank you.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
lots of army men walkin around this apartment complex
kinda weird seeing them in their outfits comingled with us civvies
Kirara, the Princess

that's how it is around here
we got a really big military base nearby
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
hard to have interesting things to say when your only hobby is smokin up
Kirara, the Princess
she also likes fightan
punched a mirror the other day and cut up her hand
great girl
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the only time i feel truly alive!
is when i can’t move my bandaid covered fingers
Kirara, the Princess
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what can you do

the kids listed some of the worst things that have ever happened to them and they had stuff like "forgetting my netflix password" or "going 2 hours without eating"
ahh to be young
Kirara, the Princess
hows yer trip goin anyway
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Not even failing a class?
Kirara, the Princess
nobody put failing a class
someone put getting arrested which is totally fair
other stuff was like, fighting with a friend
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it’s chill but SD is kinda boring alone i feel like
i need a crew
Kirara, the Princess
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oh yeah i feel that
whenever i travel alone it's nice but it's always better with the crew to chill with
nice typo
I think the largest surprise is, that this isn't even bad
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here tilde i thought of you and kafka with this one
Yeah that's kind of on the nose, hah hah.

Going to the hospital to see your brain is good for you.
Kirara, the Princess
i can definitely see where you got that vibe
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this was the start but there's a lot to flesh out there...
chen did not run so far
one day i will be a grass mud horse
Kirara, the Princess
in your heart, you already are ♥️
Kirara, the Princess
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 397x499, [Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 00 (OVA)(…).jpg)
it's kinda weird how everyone in slime is always like "ohhhhhhhhhhhh!! rimuru-dono!!! please have mercy!!"
and rimuru is always just like "lol whatever sure"
and yet they always stay so dramatic
I'm impressed a name as bizarre as "In the afterlife, he is still a small fireman" got consistently translated each time it showed up.
You'd expect it to become one of those weird mutation names.
i wish i knew what that was intended to mean
They kind of jump from one big threat to another without much inbetween.
It kind of creates a weird lacking of gravity of the situation.
Like I think the Orc Lord got a lot more screentime and implied menace than the Assault Dragon Charydbis.
Kirara, the Princess
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yeah there's really no gravity at all in anything that happens
and it's kind of repetitive
Kirara, the Princess
someone tried to tell me that the doctor prescribing them medical marijuana recommended they use 100g daily
one hundred grams of marijuana
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
that's a lot of weed
Kirara, the Princess
im not sure if i should believe it because i dont know how doctors are treating weed but regardless of whether they're actually recommending that, it's super ridiculous
Kirara, the Princess
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the client was having trouble using 25g a day and i was like no shit that's a ridiculous amount of pot
i can't stop thinking that there must have been some kind of communication error between him and his doctor
Even 2.5 grams a day is kind of a largish amount.
Unless you're pretty desensitized I guess.
Aisu scream
25g a day
is he fucking rich
does he grow
what the absolute shit that's actually physically difficult to do unless you're lighting a little fucking weed bonfire on your goddamned desk
smoking your barbecue with a sack of weed
That's a good business idea actually.
Cannabis-smoked bacon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I was laying in my desk chair with my feet propped up with a blanket and trying to sleep kind of while watching a video and just now I woke up with that same blanket except on the floor several feet away and I don't remember leaving that chair.
Maybe you kicked it off.

Maybe it's Maybeline
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Way too far to have fallen out of this chair.
I have a friend who fell asleep in a chair while reading and then fell off and dislocated his shoulder.
the blanket is alive
anime >>642605 →
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wait you guys didn't understand I was also still under that blanket I woke up with it several feet away on the floor
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Oh that's a lot less weird.
Sounds like you just sleep-got up and went someone more comfortable.
Maybe next time settle down in your bed first before getting tired.
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/moe/ pick a character for me to climb to elite smash with
can't be chrom or ike since i'm already in
Serious response, Inkling.
zelda cuz she cute
i might give it a go hmm
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
seconding zelda
I'd second Zelda if you noamsayin'.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
well i lost my first kirby match haha
let's try zelda
>die to sweet falcon knee
>come back and kill him with lightning kick immediately
high octane
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
I keep forgetting we don't have decent-sized bandages and I keep forgetting to go shopping for them.
Typing is really annoying when you've got one of your index fingers wrapped up in a tissue.
i'm 5-1 as zelda boys
big thanks to the lil mac who rematched me even though he got 3 stocked
its so hard to hit it haha
i've gotten like 2 fair and one dair
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>get to 3.4m as zelda
>lose 5 games in a row
yeah that's about right
Got to build you up high before they can knock you down.
just got this advertisement
i take back what i said yesterday about that leeg advert being over the top
Oh I've seen that one here and there recently.
They're definitely being a bit ridiculous with the ad.
that kid in the park though
everyone's like "oh he's so cool"
that kid woulda been laughed at and recorded and uploaded to youtube for other people to laugh at too if it wasn't a directed commercial
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Kirara, the Princess
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Kirara, the Princess
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it's way too difficult to be successful and hang out with friends
society is stupid
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redefine success :))))
the world is a clam
Kirara, the Princess
im allergic to it
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ive been using kratom really hard and don't experience anything at all when i stop for like a week or a month
where are the opiate-like withdrawals i heard about
i feel like ive been lied to and im kind of disappointed
why even stop using it if im not gonna get dopesick
Kirara, the Princess
are you tryna get withdrawal
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not especially but no real complaints if i do
maybe im going through it but it's just so mild compared to my normal levels of suffering that i dont notice it and everyone grossly exaggerates withdrawal for narrative effect
Kirara, the Princess
i figure it's people already addicted to opioids that get it
ive never heard of others getting it
like they get off the opioids but they get that dependence again
wish i had a perk of sets
Kirara, the Princess
i wish i was a perk of sets
i wish they didn't package it with acetaminophen though
i think the sublingual morphine i had didn't do that
but percocet does that shit's rough
oh god my gamecube controller analog stick is drifting
it only took uhh 17 years
you guys getting high on downers again
just trying to turn down the volume on my bones that's all
is the volume so loud its rattling your skeleton?
i am a skeleton
Kirara, the Princess
ive never had the opportunity to use anything without acetaminophen
except codeine
codeine is for teeth
teeth are like bone imposters not really the real thing
Kirara, the Princess
yeah basically
at least they're not as fake as nails
teeth are just half bones
i see no clinical reason why they do this except for dose titration or insurance pressures/CMS
its a mild adjuvant that gives a reason to not take too much
Kirara, the Princess
i thought it was dose titration yeah
i just assume though
it's not a very good reason
i always thought it was interesting that the pioneer study that was government-funded by the UK on the effects of alcohol on the liver indicated 40% of chronic users develop severe liver disease after 10 years as a very liberal estimate when that's also about the percentage of people in the UK that used paracetamol (acetaminophen) regularly at the time
kirsra help we got valentine’s clarisse
gee i wonder why
the researchers said basically that a lot of the data was inconclusive but they had to put together a report, and for public safety they erred everything on the side of very cautious
i was going to say liberal caution but when talking about caution, i dont know whether more caution is considered conservative caution or liberal caution
Kirara, the Princess
post pic
who else?
shes dark too
oh granblue
was gonna say how did clarisse manage that
Kirara, the Princess
not very dokkan
Kirara, the Princess
you thought feh?
well yeah i dunno anything about granblue
it seemed strange
i should think more and say less
Kirara, the Princess
nah that was totally reasonable
i only knew it was gbf bc ton already told me about the feh v charas
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but very cute
twintails and that smile
Kirara, the Princess
where's the passion
where's the explosions
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
in her attacks because she now has such powerful atomic power that she accelerates the battle by one turn with one her skills.
what does a valentine's dinner consist of
Kirara, the Princess
initiative +1
Kirara, the Princess
hearts ofc
that makes sense i was thinking about the kidneys
sometimes i lose focus of the things that matter
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara, the Princess
Kirara, the Princess
kidneys are probably fine if you can't get a heart
hearts are pretty hard to get these days since there's so much regulation now
just steal someone's heart
Kirara, the Princess
joker no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh there's also melissabelle new valentine's ssr and while she's cute she's not DOKKAN
Kirara, the Princess
i think there's gonna be a girls Frontline thing too
Kirara, the Princess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's bren 2
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Princess
what makes you say that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my gut
is there like a list or index somewhere of things that normal people know
Kirara, the Princess
i bet it's maxim 9
do you ever think that if google uses its data gathered to model how people think and to make an AI out of it that we'll end up with really stupid AI
people are stupid so an ai made out of people's internet habits is going to be fucking stupid
Kirara, the Princess
i think this will absolutely happen
and you'll ask it about something and it'll just go off on a tangent about something you don't care about
but google will consider that genius
i imagine a kidney surgeon would get like
>ok let me check it out
how do you clean blood stains off walls
Hydrogen peroxide
Wait no
That's in fabrics
Check wikiHow
They'll probably even have an illustrated guide.
if you ever wanted to watch an hour long summary of RE4 by a guy with a silly aussie accent now's your chance
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hey kirara i was reading one my journaly things and saw a career thingy at a university doing psych assessments for the department of corrections isn't that what you do now
this one required a doctorate though
is there a different thing that you can only do once you have a doctorate and are licensed versus what youre doing now
or you're probably already licensed now aren't you
it looked like a heckload of money though
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
who’s ready gor pokemon gay & lesbian?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I love this
Kirara, the Princess
you have to be licensed or practice under a licensed clinician to practice
im not licensed so when i work, im working under my supervisor's license
i do the work of a doctoral level clinician, though
only people with doctorates can administer and interpret psych testing and stuff like that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara this was just too much
For you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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you see, that's why I put your nameo n when I made that comment at you
because you do it
I've been doing it less recently.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I couldn't tell.
Although I should do it even less ...
Shitposting is a hard habit to break.
The me two months ago would've replied to >>642838 with another for you.
Kirara, the Princess
body heat is comfy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 432x633, ohnoit'scanon.png)
extremely true

it's canon canon canon canon canon
Oh yeah, when's your next rpg sess?
I'm looking forward to hearing what happens.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
four hours
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
which color m&M is your favorite
I like the blue raspberry flavored ones
Kirara, the Princess
i like the lime ones
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara, the Princess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I don't have it on me but there's new ones for socie and lecia too.
maybe others.
Oh geez it's 16:10.
I've been sleeping for like twelve hours.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i'm gettin hyped for the nintendo direct at
Does the switch support usb hubs?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
idk i know ninty isn't the best at USB standards but i feel like it should
It would be a shame if it didn't
Cause then you couldn't play smash online with Ethernet while using a GameCube controller.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i had to buy a slightly proprietary (but 3rd party) usb c hdmi adapter thing
well i didn't have to buy it but anyway that's what i'm using while travelling
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it's got three usb ports with the dock
Didn't know that
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
freakin ninty refuses to put a dedicated ethernet into the dock cmonBruh pay the licensing fee
But Samu that costs MONEY.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
and hordes of smash players complaining about lag costs rep
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
T minus 12 minutes babyyy
this better not just be FE for 35 min straight
What if it's Animal Crossing for thirty-five minutes straight
I want a new wariogame
A good one
That isn't warioware
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i heard Waluigi's Taco Stand is dropping later tonight
Nearly half a year after it went dark due to a planet-wide dust storm, the Mars rover Opportunity has finally been declared unresponsive and NASA will cease its regular attempts to resume contact.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
tracer for smash?
Dante for Smash
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
car from rocket league
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
t minus 120 seconds
I seriously do want Dante for Smash though
Guess I should get out of bed then.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i'm watchin in bed i'm breakin all the rules
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it's a logo
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh shit is that some mario maker 2
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
spiderman for smash?
Was it?
I had some Internet issues in the first couple minutes so I only came in when the Marvel game was showing.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yea it was the cold open!
cat mario confirmed
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Don't smash
>What are we adding?
>lol we're not gonna tell you
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
... that was it?
hoping for a One More Thing
>Spring time is the best time to smash
Okay Narrator-guy
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
there's gotta be something at the end so all the viewers watch
or maybe jebaited
I think Sakurai would just rather stuff remained secretive.
It's kind of silly to reserve a bit in a Direct to just say there's an update coming out but I guess that's that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>bloodstained release date
>THAT classic RPG series
Oh it's just Dragon Quest
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
perfectly balanced as all things should be
Marvel and Dragon Quest mash-up confirmed.
>Oh this guy has a skill that lets him throw two boomerangs
>Let's just call the skill Twoomerang
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rook summoning post
oh im 68 minutes early he won't be here now
32.99 sale on a 10-ream case of paper at office depot right now btw
today only
>These Disney toys took the world by storm
This is literally the first time I've ever heard of them.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Then why have I never seen them before
Kind of nice but I don't believe there's any Office Depots near me.


Though it just looks like a port of 4.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
what is thaata
I guess I'm buying this if only to hopefully show interest in them rebooting the franchise.


Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh shit
what does this mean

lost souls is the dark souls of monster RPGs
Rune Factory was previously a Harvest Moon spin-off in a magical fantasy world with monsters and dungeon diving.
Kind of like Harvest Moon but with a fairly complex crafting and simplistic combat system.
The series kind of went on what I thought was permanent hiatus when the studio that made it shut down.
So I'm really happy to see they're making a fifth.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
tfw not reincarnated
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
just show us the FE already
I bet Rika would be happy to hear there's a Rune Factory 5 coming out.
Don't just show FE already
That's the end
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it's happening can't stop it
let it be the e- welp
welcome to the end
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh she's a cutie
What is this twelve frames per second animation though.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i think it makes it better it's like spiderverse and other half cgi animations
>That heeds no king or emperor
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
midriff window on heavy armor fuck it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>mercenery lead by your dad
that sounds familiar
I hope the game comes with Japanese dialogue.
The Fire Emblem games have been exhaustively lacking in that.
Aw hell yeah look at this Claude man.
I totally knew NO GODS NO MASTERS would be the best faction.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
golden deer new husbando
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oh i missed smm2
everyone said NO
but i said ok maybe
im glad i was right
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sounds like it was just a confirmation without much information, so at least you didn't miss much.
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i never got to play it on wii so im excited to finally share my creations with the world
i could still go back but it's not the same
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
green girl walking seductively
officer yes this video right here
they couldnt come up with a better name
You can't catch me.
Loli goddess save me
Hah hah hah.
The game got pushed back a whole season though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
more like a whole year
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh shit
are you fuckin serious
Hah hah Nintendo gets its own

Uh what.
Nintendo nani the fuck.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara, the Princess
what's happening
Super Mario Maker 2
Fire Emblem is coming out in June
There's going to be a Tetris battle royale game free for download
Rune Factory 4 is getting ported to Switch and a fifth game is in development
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
lul great trailer
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
frisk for smash???
Sans for Smash.
Final Smash plays Megalovania
Oh a demo for Daemon X Machina.
They even want feedback from players after it.
That might be interesting.

Due for a summer release.
Kirara, the Princess
this is all good news wow
im buyin a swatch just for smm2
It's a fun console so good pick-up.
Getting to demo Daemon X Machina will be interesting though.
I keep wondering how they'll keep the game smooth with how it looks.
Oh Assassin's Creed III remastered is going to be on Switch.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
four minutes left
what's it gonna be
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi-Mezashite] Hello!! Ki(…).jpg)
Good to see you're still alive Mirsh.
Well we're in announncement gauntlet.

Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it's happening
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
well that's an excuse to actually finish FF9 from my childhood
Ff9 switch port?
I'm at like the end of disc 2 on that.
Maybe 3
Hah hah what is this even.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
psychopass for switch?!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
did i miss anything interesting?
Honestly your life has probably been more interesting in the past few months than most of ours.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
so many uses of "hell" and "damn" in this direct
Is this Shin Megami Tensei or something.
A lot of the NieR: Automata staff onboard for thhis though.
Those were some niiiice character designs too.
ass troll chain
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
bayo 3 in development
Bayonetta 3 and this new game.
Switch is getting spoiled by Platinum.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh shit
Oh shit new Wind Waker.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
we awakened bois
that's not a pokemon
Hah hah this artstyle.
It's adorable.
o shit thats qute
Out this year too.
How interesting.
This game is almost as old as I am.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
This game probably IS as old as I am
Well that Direct was kind of weak in the middle but man it delivered hard.
>This listing only includes the switch console. No dock, cords or joy cons.
why would i buy this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 550x641, 017ed0d0e5215c4e0354241847878ae2.png)
oh right I should probably make content for my game that starts in about 20 minutes
Probably for people who end up with their Switch damaged.
It is the most sensitive part of the set-up.
wow that bird's got a little extra meat
are you fattening her up
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
it's possible
but I missed my anime and shitposting
Speaking of your anime, Handshakers got a surprise sequel season this season.
In case you enjoyed that and it was more than just a cute girl show.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 1000x856, 0df1693d5ee8cfd46d36b0fb66d2533d.png)
nah that's sort of part of the package
Okay that was fun gotta make dinner.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
whatcha cookin bye
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hand Shakers - (…).jpg)
I'd watch another season
Look up W'z in however you get your Chinese cartoons.

Green Thai chicken curry.
Or maybe Thai green chicken curry?
Green chicken Thai curry?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 288x216, clannad bully.gif)
I order them through Fed Ex
there's no native pink switch
come on nintendo
i dont wanna use decals
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 570x321, DzUeR3-X0AALJ3m.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
links awakening lookin cutesy af
Yeah it's adorbs.
Search [iqdb] (180 KB, 778x1079, 1335844311725.jpg)
Afternoon Rika.

New Fire Emblem has a new release date of mid-June.
Rune Factory 4 is getting ported to Switch, and a fifth game is in development.
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>>643002 →
>>643002 →
