the african union is posting a lot of stuff on twitter about the african economic platform i guess the african union is trying to become a more cohesive and stronger trading bloc
There'd be no real purpose, but I think it'd be funny And art is supposed to be prodding
literally for the lulz wow
I don't think it's okay to fuck with existing art Fearless Girl is there temporarily I don't know why the alt-right was so threatened by this statue of a little girl other than the fact that it's a girl though
Some are probably threatened by it for being evil feminism, or being a girl Buy i think most just think it's funny to fuck with stuff others put work into
Sk phone
It's also a symbol of resisting their God emperor, I guess Though Trump himself I wouldn't be a lot surprised if he was just an extension of fucking with things for laffs
4chan has political power now, it's pretty spooky
>>63778 Isn't it? I thought it was some sort of "Trump is bad to women, we aren't afraid" dealio I could be wrong though
How is it a symbol of resisting Trump
>>63777 It was planned to be put there for women's day months before the election
>>63785 My coworker tim comes in late every single day and I'm not even exaggerating
He also talks to himself a lot
that could almost be me if my name was tim
He's also a convict
i know a tim he's a hard worker and he got a big promotion
He's an alright guy in my book though He talks about cars and guns and jokes about killing people with claymore mines every so often
Tim is one crazy son of a bitch actually
he sounds alright I'd hang with tim
He loves strategy games and war games like civilization and command and conquer too. >>63794 I'd hang with Tim too
He's got a bad ankle but walks to work every day cause he can't drive on account of his record
All he really wants is to win the lottery so he can move far away from people and live the NEET life forever
so far everything I'm hearing about tim is good
Tim is pretty nice to me I enjoy the couple of hours I spend with him usually When I work third shift with him he seems to take care of everything necessary
All in all I give Tim my seal of approval EDDIE THO
Eddie is the laziest fuckin nigga 60 years old don't give a fuck anymore went to jail last week told me it was boring.
man fuck Eddie
12 minutes until FE:H early challenge
I don't know any tims or eddies I know an edgar though he's pretty cool
>>63802 Get the fuck out man Eddie is cool as hell
Cesar was my favorite but he quit.
My crazy boss was named Tim
>>63807 That guy was so sad sounding I wanted to console him be like Shhhh... matt will be back
he has his twitter discoverable Check out Earth Protector
it showed up on mine because his phone number was in my phone and he never turned off the setting
it looks like he recently deleted a bunch of his tweets, i found it like last month and he kept tweeting at ted cruz and calling him names and ended all of his tweets with PEACE
Some people are sprouting the "decolonize your minds" shit here. Because finland was a great colonial power and oppressive people who drove another people out of their lands systematically and have been oppressing them as a nation and people for THOUSANDS of years you know the sami which were just deplaced because of migration of people. Or are we going into some weird circle, where for example in case of England Germans have to pay French, for deplacing them, then Danes have to pay germans for replacing them, then french and danes have t op ay danes again, for deplacing them Not to mention the picts who are extinct practically. Who will compensate themf or EVIL COLONIALISM and what about the poor romans the german langobards populated the northern italy and drove them away poor poor romans germans need to COMPENSATE italy for their OPPRESSIVE COLONIALISm
I wanna make a law that forces anyone sprouting ideas completely detached from reality, to be thrown into a lake. no matter what the temperature or if the lake is frozen and if they can't get out GOOD
you can't punch nazis but you can kill people with ideas you don'tlike
>>63832 I might be able to pull it off if I had a cleric with physic
If you didn't get it, we are talking about splitting/movement of two tribes of people one arrrived first and the second one eventually drew the otherone to migrate north and this all happened in ancient or even prehistoric times
and for some reason "COLONIALISM" the fuck And even more over the sami people have fucking great protection and special rights granted to them by law and yet they want more and whine more
and even moreover most of sami live in sweden and norway and if they actually want to point fingers at an oppressor, do it at swedes who several times in history had an aggresive policy towards sami and rural finnish populations "to america or to sword"
>>63841 yeah but do you see the hypocrisy I was pointing out
but for real escape route dancer is great Also this was one of those specific map setups where Eldigan's Lunge is REALLY HELPFUL instead of poor displacement
wtf you have taco AND lucina
yeah yo lucina was my first 5* taco was my 5th
Lucina is a banner of damage
add in robin for extra memeteme
even my blues need to be careful when I see her in the arena it's crazy
oh well, at least I managed the three star how much is it to promote to 4?
i need takumi and luxina ti create tge yltimate chheese tean
Are you okay
are YOU okay?
No I want to go back to sleep
>>63857 2000 feathers you'll have another chance to get 4* though
>>63855 and Hector to round it out. top memes in every color
I wont forget the first time I saw hector in training tower. he had wings of mercy and jumped ACROSS THE MAP to kill my unit. I was so scared. wtf just happened
if you ever see it in action, WoM is the most shocking thing. the sheer SPEED at which they move...
MASAKA >>63862 that's not too bad I guess I don't know if I'll be able to beat the lunatic map really, I don't have that many good units in 5*
not being 5* really limits your damage by a lot. The closer my 4s get to 5 the more I realize.
higher tiers on the tower have better weapons and skills that beef them up to a very difficult point.
I'm probably just gonna work on my flying team to get those orbs don't have enough for full armor might try cav if I have time
my big question is whether breath of life is helpful. I have not been in a situation where I needed it yet. Overall, she has been good at providing additional defense. I guess its hard to NEED BoL when youve got two armor classes and a dancer that teleports.
it can get you out of a piinchi and it's good for ranged units there might be something more useful overall though
there will be defend point maps and reinforcement maps though so itll have its day
>>63876 I think it's most useful with armored units yeah
if i could give ward armor to ninian, it would be perfect but alas
Gemstone weapons aren't ranks, they're just a specific type of weapon. Ruby Sword, Sapph Lance and Emerald Axe. They increase the weapon triangle bonuses and disadvantages. Swords attacking Axes have a 20% damage bonus also opponent's damage is nerfed by 20% as well. Gemstone weapons deepens those by another 20%
but are they actually made of ruby or sapphire or emerald but maybe that game doesn't use it, but there are many games where you get gold weapons and other silly things like that. I just wonder who invented the whole thing? Amusingly, atleast in minecraft if you make gold tools or weapons, they are actually crap.
There's magic in the game, so they might be enchanted gems or something.
I wonder how good a diamond armour or a sword would be, though. I don't think they'd work at all, ignoring completely the fact you can't really make a diamond sword. And armour would morel ike be a plate or mail armour made of small diamonds.
Why can't you make a diamond sword? Other than illusion of scarcity, of course.
You know... to make something into some kind of shape, you need to have it malleable meltable and so on you can't melt diamonds really and you can't hammer them into shape you'd need like a 1 metre+ tall chunk of diamond and chisel that into a shape
and even if you used the mesoamerican obsidian sword concept, I still doubt it would really workt hat well.
>>63895 Not really no, but at that point we aren't in the technology level of "age people used swords" anymore. BUt if you /the point is just making a diamond sword as a proof of concept or to try it out I guess you could
Diamond swords can cut BULLETS
shit's late, I needed to sleep thirty minutes ago I didn't even do anything fun with that time I've betrayed myself
Hmm since diamond, especially synthetic diamond is so hard. How would it function as a sword? Most sword metals are quite bendy so they kinda resist being broken because they can distribute the force of impact and so on but diamond don't bend
synthetic diamond scalpels and whatnots are used, not to mention the "diamond cutters" used in industries. But those just cut, not hack
>Linde >Vantage fuck I did not notice this
>This person already has the maximum number of friend requests of COURSE he does
The only thing I'm having a hard time deciding now is whether to give him Brash Assault or Vantage Vantage is good offensively, BA is good defensively. It's really between him and Takumi for both skills. Then again, BA is better to compensate for slow speeds. So I should go with that.
Hydrus is becoming an insurmountable obstacle 16876 untagged And growing with every day because RSS feeds
Maybe if I consistently use images from my inbox, and tag them as I post them, I can dent it? I'm gonna give that a go
The issue with that of course is all the images that don't go on moe are gonna be left untagged, but nothing stops me from tagging another image now and then
Also I'm still running v205 I'm like 40 versions behind, holy shit
First it was russia hacking now it is russia ties and add into that middle the "golden shower" bullshit >>63920 I still can't believe how nothing came out of that or the email thing
I mean, we got a prime minister fired for having gotten a fax of a document she wasn't supposed to get It was deemed "she had gotten it with ties she wasn't supposed to have" but practically everyone agrees that "it was the old guard who didn't like a woman as a prime minister and her for that matter" Even if they didn't stage it, or more likely, as they didn't stage it no other prime minister would've gotten empeached over that or whatever the word. >>63924 No this was the "email type" thing mishandling documents etc
>>63923 Still stands. You gotta cut into profits to really make them expend effort.
>Anneli Jäätteenmäki resigned on 18 June 2003, under pressure resulting from the accusation that she had lied to Parliament and the public over how she had acquired confidential Foreign Ministry documents which she used for political purposes during the election campaign. The documents contained diplomatic information from a meeting between United States President George W. Bush and Finland's Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen about Finland's position regarding the U.S.'s Iraq war. Jäätteenmäki used the information to suggest that her rival, the Social Democrat leader Paavo Lipponen, had secretly offered Finnish support for the U.S.-led coalition, a substantial breach of the official policy of neutrality in Finland's foreign politics, and thus associated Finland with what many Finns considered an illegal war of aggression. Jäätteenmäki broke the traditional unity and silence behind Finland's security policies. As the elections turned out to be close, the defeated Social Democrats found reasons to suspect that her nontraditional campaign tactic was decisive in determining the outcome, which soured the relationship between the two major coalition partners.
>On 18 June Jäätteenmäki gave her "full explanation" to Parliament and apologised to the President, claiming that she had been faxed the documents without asking for them, and that she had not known of their secrecy. The Parliament was not satisfied with her account, and once Manninen (the same afternoon) publicly claimed that Jäätteenmäki had specifically and forcefully asked for the information, and that he would be able to prove it, her coalition partners made it clear that they had no trust in her leadership. She resigned the same evening, citing the lack of political trust, and without admitting any wrongdoing.
reduce your speed my ass
Well she resigned, but if she hadn't they would've thrown a vote of no confedence at her, which most likely would've gone through and resulted in leading party changing.
And then we got Matti Vanhanen, the prime minister no one asked for
Absurd thing about finnish politics is, how we elect a party to form the cabinet and to have their party leader be prime minister, but political parties have party elections that don't match with the election cycle so basically, a prime minister can be from say now for 2 years in power, an then the party goes "we want a new guy to lead us" and they elect a new party leader and then the PRIME MINISTER CHANGES too basically, any positition the party leader held, switches to the new head of the party.
So it sometimes results in people having elected A to be prime minister, but the party throws the guy out before his term is due actually.
It is a weird thing and if you ask me, the party elections should be held sometime before the parliament elections, and even if the party leader changes, the old guy should keep their post untill elections are over.
so we had euro parliament elections there was a guy who was a potentional next party leader of national coalition party but no one wanted that guy to become the next prime minister, as that party was in power at the moment. and the guy was known for pro-eu stands, so everyone was "let's elect this guy into EP so he can do good shit for us over there" so he got most votes out of all candidates and then the party elections happened and he won them and then he went "well too bad I have a better job here, so I won't be going to EP eventhough I was elected there"
And that is another fucking weird thing apparently our politicians can do >become a candiadate >go fuck this shit, eventhough I won the elections
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I got my bank account issues fixed, it was actually much less of an issue than I thought it would be. The best part is that I owed much less money than I thought I would, in fact I owed zero money due to my bank not having greedy and unethical policies for fees and stuff. Oh also I was able to get monthly account maintenance fees waived for the next four years.
Now that is a nice setup. I had that while I was in college. It was great
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Yeah I did have that for four years after i opened the original account, I got it for another four years on the new account because I'm technically still a student. Well I am also planning on going back to school within the next year, but its really not up to me. My parents have been sort of leading me on about "you can go back next semester" for like three years now.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh also now that i have money I might want to commission another thing from you. I also think I can give you better instructions (in terms of helping you draw something much closer to what I envision) next time. I'll try to not become that guy who commissions art of his D&D characters constantly though.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Blue, want to hear my story of why I really hate Risk of Rain? Its kind of funny.
Did you fall through the ground a lot? I fell through the ground a lot.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>63939 When I first started playing it, I was using a GNU/Linux machine as my primary computer since my Windows comp died. Risk of Rain caused this computer to crash so hard, that it fucked up xorg.conf file. What that means is that basically it broke the entire OS's GUI . I had a lot of trouble fixing it the first time, I also tried playing the game again after it crashed the first time since a bunch of my friends were playing it. I eventually stopped trying after about the fourth time it crashed, also it crashed the GUI every time. It also fucked the file(s) up a different way each time.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I do find the whole thing funny in retrospect, but the game just wasn't fun enough to be worth fixing that every 30 minutes or the even harder task of finding a way to prevent it from doing it.
>>63943 I think you mean GNU/Linux, also no its not. That was the biggest problem I've ever had with a GNU/Linux machine (that I didn't create for myself) in all my years of using them. I've had programs crash, and the whole system crash, but that was the only program I've ever encountered that crashed so hard that even restarting didn't fix everything. It probably was an edge case since I've never heard of anyone else having a similar problem, but I can't even begin to comprehend how much of a fucking mess their code could be in order to have fucked up that file. It isn't even a file that it should have been able to write to, possibly not even something it should have been able to read.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention I don't run Arch, having fucking everything break all the time on your GNU/Linux installation is a symptom of being an Arch user.
Man, why do so many Pixiv artists delete all their stuff, its really weird.
Cause they heard you view their pixiv
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>63951 Well actually I don't, usually what happens is that I'm using saucenao on something and then I find the pixiv page for that illustration and when i click it it says it has been deleted.
This sure is taking a while Of course, it has to move a LOT of images Oh no, if it's taking this long to move the thumbnails, how will it handle the images
>it was windows search indexer killing the CPU because it has to update its list
>regenerating thumbnails >8131 files OK first of all, why do this during install rather than first run Second of all, why only about 1/4th of my images?
>we are just concerned about raise of facsism and nazism amongst our friends in europe Ssid a turkish minister about the recent name callings yeeah right >turks are the future of europe Said erdogan just few years ago, also amusing how preventing a dictator from gaining supportets to further solidate his power is fascism...
Oh and people can hack into your heart and stop it if you have a recently made one, because security for embedded devices is always bad, even in the field of medicine.
Everyone's a Wizard-class Hacker when no one cares about resistance.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Most modern pacemakers still aren't connected to the internet they connect occasionally when the doctor connects them >>64025 they don't have a way to hack in to them for the most part
>>64027 Just because it isn't as fancy as watch_dogs doesn't mean you should trust IoT.
People are bad at security.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs >>64028 just because this FDA releases guidelines doesn't mean every manufacturer is going to update their software to follow those guidelines in a timely manner >>64033 dude I never said over the internet
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm not saying they are my initial point was that most pacemakers aren't connected to the cloud
Aren't most pacers quite old tech anyhow With the vulnerable stuff being barely in use Not that pacemakers are that common anyhow
>>64028 Why is it accessible outside of like a USB port?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
whatever cloud bluetooth whatever they aren't connected to anything you have to be basically touching their chest to access the information and you need the device specifically made for the pacemaker (which can of course be spoofed) but you still have to be right there with the person >>64035 how would you put a usb into someone's heart
I think there is lots of money to be made in digital security that no one comprehends.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>64042 Yes but with some, especially newer models.
Just like you can hack some cars, but not all
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>64044 yeah, all 10-15 people that have those most people getting new pacemakers get older models
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>64043 The DMCA makes reverse engineering for the purpose of finding security vulnerabilities illegal, so most people who know how to do it don't try to sell it as a service after they find the vulnerability.
Also the guy who did the hack for the insulin pumps also made similar things for pacemakers that could be used 50ft away from the person. Oh also he died several days before he was supposed to do a presentation on it.
I just deleted most of my Steam games over the past few days in preparation for doing my full backup.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>64050 the insulin pump hack allows you to change insulin levels the pacemaker "hack" blows up pacemakers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
every pacemaker for that matter, within 50 feet
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
You can use it to do other things, one you find a vulnerability that lets you control it you can do whatever you want with it as long as the device is capable.
>Jack was found dead in a San Francisco apartment on 25 July 2013 by his girlfriend. According to the coroner's report, Jack died of an accidental overdose of heroin, cocaine, Benadryl and Xanax. However, his girlfriend claimed he did not do drugs at the time. Wow One for tinfoilhatting...
Not really gloomy. My medication schedule got messed up yesterday so I was on a double dose for a little while today and my body is still kind of weird from that. My head, too. I'm not in a bad mood, though.
The official start time is later. This was just an early morning preview. This one is much easier than the previous ones. Then again, I DO have level 40s now so I can plan accordingly.
The map is really easy. You'll probably be fine on Lunatic. I just need to level up my archer like 5 levels and I'll be able to finish it without any issues. It beat me twice, just barely.
Yeah, it's not hard. >>64101 Three Winged enemies, one with Iote Shield so bows don't do additional damage. There are also two cavalry with Bowbreaker.
>>64111 How? One of the fliers should have dragged her back one space and then the boss would have finished her. That's what happened to me every time I used a unit that wasn't green.
>>64113 It was too far. Oh, no, it didn't tank the flyer. It tanked the cavalry. I had Takumi OHKO the flyer, Ninian dance, put Takumi behind her. From that spot right behind the wall, only the cavalry can reach you. And once she got into Escape Route range, she put in ALL the work. Dances everywhere. Any time.
Yeah. How'd you get the cavalry to attack? Oh, okay. That's what I'm planning on doing yeah I just need a few more levels on Klein and I should be fine.
I made the mistake of wasting Escape Route on Gwendolyn. I read it wrong and thought it let her teleport when someone else was 50% HP or less but that's Wings of Mercy.
>>64112 Are you talking about new gay porn? >>64121 The Chrom/Ephraim fight during the gauntlet was INCREDIBLY close. They were seperated by about a million points or so.
>>64120 It was the second post when I opened the fire emblem thread. I imagine that there must have been a wave of Ephriam x Chrom gay porn due to the voting gauntlet.
Which sounds like a lot but since you can send like 10k at once, that's like a few thousand global runs.
Uhh, there is probably some other things that sound like that but I can't think of any right now, mainly cause I'm in the middle of a bunch of things. Have you heard much else by them?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah that's what i'm wondering if there are other songs with a similar hook, cause it feeels like there are but i can't think of any i've heard a bunch of their songs yeah
>what if celebrities are just fucking with people for laughs when they say shit like "the earth is flat" and "vaccines cause autism" This is an interesting proposition
Like Most celebs have some sorta knowledge of each other Maybe they just decided "hey, let's see how much of a stir we can get going with this"
Like it's not gonna affect their career or nothing Nobody's gonna go "Oh I dunno if I wanna see this movie\basketball game, cause one of the guys thinks the earth isn't round"
Some go, but it is a tiny tiny minority
It's exactly the kinda shit I could see myself doing though
No, there's no area to hunt around here. It sounded like someone just fired a semi-automatic small caliber firearm four times in a short span. I didn't hear any screaming or shouting after it, though.
I was at Office Depot today and as I was leaving, my phone chirped and told me that google wanted me to take a picture of it. No doubt for evil. Technology is evil!
Tech isn't evil. People are evil. Including the people in tech. Google does that when you go places that it doesn't know enough about. I went to a karaoke place once and it asked if it's the kind of place that's good to dance at.
It eats mine but the map services are the things that actually ask you to tell it characteristics of locations. So the few reasons you'd have to use the GPS are the things that it'd ask you for.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sorry you're right i forgot that you knew my phone better than i do
Well not really my problem if you want your location tracjed 24/7 Or the battery drain it imposes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
my location is traced 24/7 whether i have it turned on or not and it does not drain my battery significantly
Driving a nice new car is weird. I've never driven a new car. And this one does fancy stuff like bluetooth to my phone to play music. It's pretty weird, I feel guilty for driving a nice new car.
Now you too can drive down the highway blasting weeaboo music.
>>64319 I'm sure it's fine, but the old fashioned way is the way I learned to drive. The camera was pretty useful when parallel parking though, I could see exactly where in the space I was.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Do any of you like The Ramones?
>>64315 it's not meant to replace looking behind you it's to aid it, because you can't see things like curbs or small animals when looking behind you easily are they ever gonna add any friends features to fire emblem or is the greeting all we're gonna get
Oh Well fishmom is kind of super touchy Like she touches people a lot She was sitting next to me on a sofa and started touching me inappropriately Probably not with any sexual intentions mind you But it was uncomfortable and awkward
>>64378 It wasn't really a grope. There was no grabbing attempt! She just kind of rest /// rested her hand on my leg and it slowly moved. I know that sounds sexual but I don't think it was.
>>64379 I had a friend that happened to on multiple occasions from different people. Some people just have magnetic dicks.
>>64398 I won't say I hate it but being touched inappropriately like that is something I really wasn't comfortable with. That's the only not funny thing, probably.
Apparently there might be another fappening Possibly
Starting to think you could make big bucks by just hosting celebrity "how to not get phished" classes You'll get to meet a ton of stars, you can teach them to use a password more complex than their chihuahua's name It'd be good times all day
>>64438 just a curiosity but how much are studio apartments where you live i'm not sure if we're gonna renew the lease here or not i'm looking at some studio apartments in various states and some are really expensive in san francisco or new york city it's more expensive than a mortgage payment
I have already caught up with all those. What times do you guys usually watch anime? Around now? I might try and start waking up earlier to watch anime with moe in the future
>>64455 It is super tiring! which is why I started getting lifts from someone nearby. I have to take two trains and one bus and then walk through the muddy countryside to get to my workplace in the middle of some random farmer fields
If I have to take the train home I end up back at 9pm. well 9:30pm >>64457 This was the closest job I could find for ages. I am still looking for better paying and closer jobs or will move closer to work sometime in the future.
I can really agree with that. Long commutes aren't too bad in the morning but one the way back home are just incredibly tiring. I leave outside of daylight and and go to work outside of daylight.
I guess trying to find a place closer to where you work is not really a possibility? Long commutes are actually a consistent factor in worse emotional states and overall life satisfaction, even if it pulls in big bucks.
>>64456 I just have to walk through anI apartment block that's been the scene of three homicides last year at like 1am to get home in like 15 mins
>>64457 What about being a trucker Your job is commuting
The furthest a job has been from me is 2.7 miles and I still walked to work
In that regard I've had luck in employment
I'd probably walk if my place of employment was that close too, unless the weather was particularly dreadful. Or really probably bike. No sense in not.
>>64461 I'd be talking out of my ass, but I think there's a different mentality when driving is your means of employment. That and I don't know if trucking is a particularly satisfying job for many people, but again, I have no idea about trucking in general.
I could handle the travelling most of the time if it werent so expensive and that I didn't come home at 9:30pm at night. I usually come home shattered, so super tired.
I had some thai green curry chicken for breakfast! Delicious!
Oh man, Thai green curry chicken is great. We normally have it for dinner like once a month or so, but we had it like twice --or well, two weeks in a row, this month.
It really is super nice! I like it with baby sweetcorn things. Crunchy and nice hot rice
I'm not big on baby corn. We kind of serve it more like its an Indian meal, on a bed of rice and accompanied with a piece of warm naan.
I want some peshiwari naan now
I like baby corn, but is it even related to real corn?
it was 31 a couple days ago now it's 71 in the middle of the night this weather whiplash makes me feel nauseous
>>64482 It's upset my allergies too Today it was 89 degrees
It's the first day of spring I dread summer It's depressing that is approaching again
I'm excited for it. There's no sun and no warmth during the winter here. Not having those things really makes life a lot more depressing for me.
Still pretty cold now. I am not a fan of the summer. I can't handle high temperatures at all.
>>64489 I prefer not having the oppressive heat strangle the life out of me as is custom in this concrete wasteland
Do saggy breasts really exist Or are they just a made up myth, made to scare little boys
>>64496 I would take being strangled by oppressive heat over any kind of cold, always dark, winter weather.
I like the sun But I despise heat If sI me body could invent some sort of cold sun That would be ideal