>awake for 62 hours >finally get sleep with the help of pills >wake up 6 hours later anyway ok
Are you feeling rested at the least?
yeah about as good as usual i guess except my chest kind of hurts i dont think 6 hours was enough for my body to recover from being awake for 3 fuckin days
Yeah no I imagine it isn't. Well hopefully you'll be free to sleep if you get tired again later today.
I'm sure I will this shit only ever happens when i have stuff to do
>>634932 well uf you can atleast stay lied down to rest even if not slep for a while
>>634937 yeah i did that the first two days i feel like i probably got something from it
not fucking sleep but something
Had to try and stop myself looking weird at the store because I was laughing at big chungus
The universal appeal of the largest chungus.
>>634941 that's weird? i laugh at stuff i see by myself all the time and haven't gotten a noticeable reaction from anybody
not like i was really knocking myself dead laughing though it's probably fine to chuckle for chungus dude
Free yourself from the chains of society and laugh freely at whatever you want.
i laugh at things i remember with no context sometimes
usually people don't even give a shit then either though i can recall a couple times someone was like what's so funny however
I laugh at my own dumbass internal jokes all the time.
i don't make jokes internally well i don't laugh at them i might make a joke and store that power for the right moment to kill em
but most of the time it's not as funny as i wanted it to be then people fucking riot over some dumb shit like that Disney Nazi joke comedy is hard
Disney Nazi joke?
>watching some kimochi warui disney child idol music video >change the channel >"let's see what the nazis are up to" we just did
>>634950 surely you recall every one of you fuckers was laughing maybe the only funny thing i said in Philly i didn't laugh at too i was shocked
>>634952 oh man i got a bunch of those anthology vhs tapes there was one that was some podunk aesop fables cartoons that i liked a lot hm >>634955 oh my b i thought you were tilde
>>634960 like i said i liked thats so Raven back when i was the target audience not sure if i would still like it today haven't thought to watch it since it was current
their shows are definitely successful for the most part i guess so if that's a metric worth considering, it's good business >>634962 there's what nigga
Hmm Just started thinkign I don't think even officers were allowed to carry firearms in germany ever openly unless they were you know marching or in active duty I wonder will this be a thing in the LN or if it is just an anime thing
man i can't find any videos of the old cartoons i had on vhs on the net guess there's a reason why they sold the anthology for like 3 bucks in 2000
this is by the guy that did a lot of the collected shorts though >>>/watch?v=fzv_QmCNoK0 >>634969 that's kind of strange to me, didn't know that maybe the USA is just strangely attached to their guns or something
>>634970 Also a major difference between an empire with limited wealthed voting, where in general the army and the kaiser decide on everything. so... do you want to arm the populace?
good point, they already didn't have the resources to handle the fronts i suppose i think it's probably better for any government to try and declaw their citizens as much as possible don't let them express dissidence and you can do much more
The germany in the show and books especially, the show never really went to detail on it, is kinda idept at strategical planning too >they jump to defeat scandinavia and throw their entire army there to force a quick victory and throw all their defense plans out of the window >and then get surprised when france invades them I love when the reaction to that from every person serving on the front is just a facepalm
is ww1, but different and with magic magictech >>634976 ww1 is very underappreciated period in history ww2 is just much more easy cause you have ZE EVIL WACKY NAZIES in ww1 nobody is good everyone is equally gray
there's a battlefield game that was just Russians vs Glorious Nippon on some shit ass island that one i enjoyed
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB2vhKMBjSxMK8YelHj6VS6w3KxuKsMvT if you ever want to learn about ww1 proper is admn good show and it finally ended too
just a warning, you will be rooting for the germans they are kinda sympathetic getting ganged on by everyone and being constantly fucked over by luck
But german empire, taking outside the fact it was a monarchy and aristocracy was a thing still, was a quite meritocratic society sure it wasn't equal and if you didn't have resources, you wouldn't get anywhere. but if you could attempt to reach for the hights and had the skills for it, you could Demonization of germany just because of a 12 year period in their long hisotry is just wrong
>>634979 I'm gonna be honest i probably won't check it out I'm not very big into war docs or history outside
outside of like medieval/feudal times
i don't even like video games about modern or near modern combat
Hmm a week of snowfall ifall of that sticks into these trees outside and then a storm hits before they get cleared... I think I am out of "timber" range
Imagine btw a gup like series but it is all army fields infantry tanks airforc etc and they pilot clone/mecha copies of themselves in the field or it is VR but anyhow, people actually getting blown up to smithereens
cute girls doing war stuff and getting grilled in the trenches by flammenwerfen es werf flammen
>>635041 how hard was it to get out? was the snow very heavy?
someone linked that soy sauce colon cleanse video and now that channel is leaking into my reccomendations they're interesting videos but they also make me uncomfortable
>>635043 depends on time one time i fell into a hole around 2m deep and got buried in snow while at it, it was damn hard to get out mainly because i had army skiis strapped on me and 40kg backbag
one time a snow tunnel collapsed i managed to mole my way out of therr that was fun
other time it was quite hard, mainly because both me and my bro had gotten dragged a mette or two by tge anchor ski-elevator while falling into a super deep snow ravine also had skis on it was a fun ecperience but took us like 5 mins to get out of that ditch
>>635044 what the heck is a soy sauce colon cleanse >>635045 damn, five minutes of digging for two people sounds like a jolly good time did you become best friends like immortal sugimoto and the escape artist when they almost died?
we probably don't get enough snow for any man sized snow tunnels in a year at my house. Never gotten to experience real winters.
>>635045 final time i was literally buried in snow on purpose as part of playing around couldn't dig myseöf out and didn't get oxygen through tjick snow so i shouted "dig me out assholes" so they, who buried me, dug me out too
>>635046 i dunno how good friends you can bevome with your literal big brother
>>635048 aren't most people friends with their siblings though? >>635049 that's a cool cover. still haven't played it but looks fun
>>635046 from what I gather you drink a bunch of soy sauce and the salt is supposed to draw out the water along with the toxins? some sort of psuedoscience bullshit this video described a woman who spontaneously developed celiac's disease and delirum from that and her diet causing her to believe that drinking 2 litres of soy sauce would fix her when all it really did was fill her blood with salt
>>635047 Pfft this is why they don't usually bury the head at the beach >>635051 dehydrating your digestive tract is a great way to destroy them or get infected fuck might as well do it with something you barely need that can mess your blood pressure up, cause seizures or kidney failure and death if you consume enough just drink literal watery sodium
>>635050 not all i think in general good fruends are much closer than siblings we get along as well as you do
>>635050 >aren't most people friends with their siblings though what the fuck
>>635051 the salty soy sauce could pull a lot of water out to help your bowels do their job i suppose it's hard to poop without water you could also just drink water though and i doubt the salt balance is going to function like that really
what's that saying you can choose your friends but not your family hate that oh well it's not that bad for me I've grown at least friendlier with my sister since moving in hard not to
>>635056 what's wrong >>635053 i dunno, guess it depends on what you're both like and stuff I'm not very close to my older brother since he's been in active duty for like 8 years and had only moved back to America with his wife and kids twice now before getting stationed abroad again I'm pretty close with my sisters, definitely closer than some of my friends but I also live with them >>635059 yeah that doesn't make since you can literally legally choose your family there are forms for adoption and disowning people sense* >>635058 well she probably wouldn't die but she's more powerful than that teenager that drank a quart and fell into a coma haha
>Google "how much salt will kill you" >first result is the NSPL website lol looks like I'd have to drink almost four liters to die of sodium poisoning as if i could even manage to drink that much fuckin soy sauce before the hypernatremia seizures killed me >>635063 bro wanna come over and watch the game were gonna get some water and overdose >>635062 the smell will give you a heart attack first
probably a few smash tournaments
could be worse you could overdose on water over a wii >>635060 >>635061 oh wait here it is scrubbign through the video her delusion allowed her to power through drinking that amount of sauce apparently and she just ended up brain dead for a bit well that might not be true since they changed the ending of the nintendo wii one
Oh Wargroove finally has a release date. Kind of a sudden too, February 1st on the Switch.
Ah looks like that's on all platforms too. Man that's a tough choice between PC or Switch.
i still find it funny i broke my earpuds by hitting my head on the car while stepping into it
>>635068 >tactics do you care to play online? id probably do pc if it has online multiplayer you want and switch otherwise honestly I would choose switch for any game that doesn't have online and isn't fps now personally >>635063 >changed the ending oh God water gives you the power to Rewrite
>>635066 smash is already making me very fucking salty 3 times now I've come 0.1 away from max
>>635070 Well it's a turn-based game so it's not like online needs a super-reliable connection. Wouldn't make much of a difference on the Switch versus PC. It's more there's a lot of nostalgia for me here playing Advance Wars on older Nintendo handhelds that's making me crave playing on it. But pragmatically it makes more sense to get it on PC since I'm using that more frequently.
>>635072 ah yeah, good point, but I was mainly thinking about the player base switch has consistently gotten me longer matchmaking time in multiplatform games versus PC, so I just assumed it would be more populated on that. I play my switch and use the PC at the same time. Having two monitors is so great. i didn't think it would be that convenient until I bought a higher refresh rate monitor for overwatch but now I truly see
>>635078 i usually avoid all that aren't basic design for 10€ puds tge sound is okay enough the sonynand phillips ones i previosky had were better though
yay I got most of those lyrics right >>635076 and uncomfortable at least for me that is
hmm the slight blocking these give isn't bad >>635081 yeah but these aren't actually i usually avoid eardrills/wax miners top
but these came with a microphone + answer button and my phone recogs them
nowadays mic ones usually always cost 25 minimum
they pop out of my ears a lot of the time >>635083 handy function especially for a jailbroken phone
>>635077 money money money must be funny in the rich man's world
also those look like the apple earphones that design really irritates my ear for some reason i prefer normal in-ear headphones if i absolutely gotta use fucking in-ear headphones much rather have over-ear or bone conduction >>635093 teach me the finman way like robert downey jr in dr. strange I WANT TO LEARN
>>635091 it is drunk air the air itself is drunk here thus everything appears di'ouble to tge uninitiated
>>635092 i hate inears but clas ohlson didn't have anything else for cheap and i have been meaning to pick new ones from local stores for 3 weeks now and always forgot, despite
carrying and using a pair with broken right earpud that pkays everything at lile 30% volume
so i just decided to buy any that store had dince i went past it today
guess i was thinking it might fix itself
i will prolky open the puds and see if i can fix them then i'd have 2 pairs
>>635094 yeah it's not really possible to find anything that isn't in-ear for like 10 or 15 usd either
i always think of all the stuff i should get and then forget about it when i get home and sit down then immediately remember rather i forget until i get home >>635098 the cheapest ones on amazon for over-ear are around 16 bucks yeah but >>635099 the fuck nigga those are in ear
>>635111 look nerd if you don't take this bottle and start drinking when i hand it to you then you're out of the gang im dead serious >>635113 what if you get someone to help or just get a straw
ebolva virus
ebola is source of evolution
played pandemic can confirm hmm isn't there a board game of that
>>635124 i always got cock blocked by them or started as them and got fucked by some other shit island >>635122 if you want to run with the bigdogs you better learn how to walk
I forgot I was subscribed to one of my coworkers on youtube interesting to see the kind of channel they maintain actually make two of my coworkers now that I look at it
one dude vlogs about his wildlife adventures, reviews tech sometimes flies drones and shit other dude reviews doctor who stuff, tech stuff occassionally and vlogs about life shit I mean not overtly interesting but say more interesting than scrolling through a facebook feed
it unlocks something on the challenge board the game's version of achievements, there's like 15 for each kind of mode available unlocking them lets you view an image based on one of the characters in the roster of fighters and you usually get like a spirit for the single player mode or some unlockable music or such
reminds me of how i am only 70% S rank on dbz xeno2 ectra missions need to get back to tgat i recently unlocked ssgss
also i got less points with that nearly flawless run than the run with inkling i did to complete all fighters classic mode wtf that one has intensity 9.4 and i still earned 20k more "points" how does this shit even work
super saiyan god supersaiyan is fycking cool form it constantly drains your ki, but your dmg is insane
wprks damn wonders with my burst glass cannon build
>>635165 i never figured out if that game was an mmo or what is it open world and stuff or do you just select missions like monster hunter? >>635167 yes but can you kaio ken in ssgss to activate ultra instinct and powercreep further??
>>635169 missions if you are up i can stream it, if i get it to work xeno is damn gay, esp "legit edition i have" with screencap software
i wonder will they do another expansion to xeno2 or make xeno3 about power tourney and broly? i am fine with both i'd kinda wanna buy the game, but >supporting namco also it would be like 180€ to get all content
>>635171 oh can you play as the main characters? i thought it was only oc donut steel >>635172 xenoverse super after you hit max level, your character gets sent back to level 1 because its getting too crazy now i would but im watching blue stream catacomb kids
>>635174 yeah you aren't limited to doing missions as "you" especially the side missions heh i did one mission with super imba 2hu tenshi mod char
humanitarian aid ala PK invade countries to bring them better living conditions, wages and rights service grants citizenship
pinochet two soontm
i fucking play vic2 so wrong, but it is so fucking goid strategy....
Kirara, the Cat
>>635179 yeah haha this is fucked up canada and brazil and some others are also recognizing him instead of maduro too
>>635185 they kind of have before just not in like 60 years
imagine if us actually annexed a country?
>>635178 oh hell yes i want to die in some shit corner of the world fighting to steal people's resources for my homeland
>>635184 come to think crimea was first annexation of territory since... hm, ww2? atleast in eurasia
Kirara, the Cat
it's ridiculous that crimea is like not even talked about anymore outside of specific circumstances it's basically forgotten in the US national conscientiousness
man i've seen so many cool moments in single player modes why the FUCK cant i save clips or at least single player replays i just blocked an attack with the small hitbox that nudges other fighters out of the way while you throw them so basically i blocked an attack with a small child >>635196 they literally are in this game but nintendo thought hey we have multiplayer replays so why not disable video capture button lol
many dicks?
Kirara, the Cat
good people just turn their heads so satisfied
>>635193 save replays should be in every game, not just strat hames
i found out that someone in that organization i am a leader in may be praying on other members and is lying about the effects of drugs he's trying to give people im very unhappy about it
grindan guns is cool
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
hack his mainframe and expose his crime coefficient
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>635243 I want my free shotgun but I need to get swole
it's not a malpractice thing, it's not a professional thing it's someone in my dsa chapter
i wanted to step down as leader but this guy is the only person who wants to run for my spot so im gonna have to keep doing it unless i can convince someone else to do it
Oh I thought when you said lying about drug effects you meant he was lying to people about what he's giving people to those people.
That's a pickle.
Kirara, the Cat
nah he was trying to give someone Adderall and xanax and telling them Adderall was like caffeine in a soda and apparently he's been lying about his sexuality??? which is really weird but someone saw him very very close to a high school kid and also he's trying to fuck my co-leader? and he brought a sexual predator to a meeting my co-organizer's child was at without warning anyone it's all very strange and suspicious and bad and now i have to deal with it
>>635260 she doesnt make me feel less scared it's a nice gesture though thank you and thank her
>>635261 Running games are those smartphone games that have you control a character that's constantly running forward on some kind of procedurally-generated track. You control when they jump and which "lane" they're in and maybe if they turn? I dunno I've never played I just watch people on the subway playing it some times.
nevee heard of garfeilf run but I guewe there's a first for everything domo
i need seriously to talk to someone before it's too late
What kind of talk do you need?
>>635269 garfield run sounds fubdamentslly wrong garfield can't run
Garfield can't do anything but complain about Monday an a meaningless day for a cat
I walked all the way to the store without my wallet for shame for some reason they took out the local crossing which means you have to somehow navigate fast incoming traffic good job council
Time to wage war with robots with infinite copies of human minds uploaded into it as a hive mind, destroyed and then recopied into another body against hundreds of clones piloting giant mechas dying over and over again and recloned to man new mechas
anyways i just think it looks kind of ugly just make the front facing camera slide out or something or have a symmetrical display and a bezel this compromise is just sad for both camps
>>635388 ah I hate when they try to press the big red button
>>635383 like a notch in the screen for the camera?
>>635392 yeah >>635384 was trying to post this thing somebody tweeted crypto currency is whatever but the camera is still in that vein of screen obstructionism
>>635393 mine has that silly because notifications come up on the area of screen and I can't read them because the camera is in the way >>635384 thank you samsung overlords
>>635394 that's pretty brilliant mine has one but its in the middle of the screen horizontally, all it does is allow the ever changing color of the notification area look like it isn't fluidly adaptive why even make it change if there's a cm notch of black plastic for the front facing camera that i don't even use they could have just put a fucking bezel there's one at the bottom of my screen anyways probably just did it because the cool kids Samsung and Apple are all about notches now
and then you start dropping decoy commanders on them
that is prolly the cheesiest tactic in existence >so you have so much defences even nukes bounce off of you? >okay what if I drop units that blow up like nukes on death on your base enmasse?
That was fun while it lasted I should mod the fuck out of my TA make maps that are 10x the max size and raise the unit cap to 10k and then just have eternal battlefield
also it is kinda incredible the game engine, with just lil modding can handle 10k units per player
of which around half shoot projectiles, that take gravity of the map, wind speed, etc into calculation and is the unit moving, in which direction and how fast when calculating where the projectile wounds up in
Now to fire up sucom2 and see how long I can turn a one map grind fest into I think I have 4 hours of playtime in it, and if memory serves that was 4 hours of ONE SKIRMISH
carmen sandiego on netflix is clearly directed towards children but i think it's still alright it's still engaging even if they want to explain to me what the equator is
There's a voice actor I'm fond of that's done a role for one of the villains in the show. I'm still not particularly inclined to go out to the living room to watch stuff on Netflix but it's on my radar at least.
Jesus christ I am nonstop bombarding my enemies with artillery while trying to slow push due to >youc an't rotate buildings I can't actually build my super units untill I clear the top or bottom base
Also I got challenged to an artillery duel I won >when you have so many shield generators, you can take pounding from 10 artillery piecesf or 5 minutes and you take 0 dmg kek
>adds egg to corner of stream Time to get all the viewers.
Cybrans are so much fun objectively they are the worst faction, due to their "jack of all trades" units and general mobility and rate of fire over hp or dps but once you get their economy rolling, they out tech the other two factions and their land t4 units are most cost effective
and also, since they have fighter/bomber not fighter and bomber, like the other two
they can easily win the air battle
Though they do lose in 1-1 land or fortification battle against the fanatics or "traditional sapce humies" respectively Sucom2 made the UEF quite meh their all experimentals are just wonky or just too OP like >unit that fires your units as artillery barrage towards enemy base >load up with units >go through enemy shields >hit self destruct >same effect as hitting them with artillery >but artillery is deflected by shields
they had wonky buildings in sucom 1 and expansion that gave same effect, but nothing as broken as the unit cannon b But then again, cybran units can learn to fly >enemy fortification >hit super shield and fly over it >SUPPRISE
would be interesting if there was a pro-scene for games like total annihilation, sucom etc games where resources are infinite, so you an produce units infinitely
And so it begins the second coming fo never ending civ5 game, with me playing as FAIRY REICH in Inverse Earth >hey I start by watr >is tiny pond hmm I wonder where I am situated at
One hour classes are such a paiiiinnnn If anything having only one of them for my classes today is actually a proper nuisance because of how my transit card emulates the TTC's transfer mechanic. It messes up my recharge schedule for the card and means I sometimes don't have money on it to get on the bus.
Some new publishing house has acquired the rights to nisioisin's Zaregoto series, which is pretty exciting after the original localisation died after only getting two novels in. But as far as I can tell they've only released book two and not the first? It's kind of weird but I hope they put the rest out. The two books I got of the series were really captivating.
Remember when Shaft wasn't Nisio isin's private studio
His more recent novel on a battle royale of fighters embodying the creatures of the Chinese Zodiac was adapted by a different studio. And I don't believe SHAFT did the adaptation for Medeka Box. Actually I'm certain of it because I remember now that Gainax did that adaptation. And Katanagatari was a different studio too, if I remember correctly.
Oh checking the publisher's site, which is a horribly-designed site, they have published a localized book one for Zaregoto. Looks like they have most of the localisation rights for a lot of nisioisin's novels, since they've got the Monogatari novels and the first Katanagatari novel. Well I hope they get the third and onwards out.
>akkad if I am not mistaken Akkad is so ancient city that by the time Babylonia was founded and Babylonian empire became a thing it was a legend of the past
and why isn't there Akkadian civilization with Sargon?
>sargon of akkad inc iv kek
is Akkadian Empire actually the first empire in the world? I can't think of any other 2000 BC empires
>>635484 Uhh Any empire will leave a record such is a nature of an empire *the nature
Maybe someday we will find an even older empire but my point here is, that I don't think that there can be an empire, without a record unless it really is some ancient aliens shit
>>635487 an empire can for example fall and the existing stuff can become a completely different empire afterwards is what i mean there were probably less advanced empires as well, ones without tons things left behind, although those probably weren't organized in the way we typically consider empires to be
Wonder what kind of place America would be if Northern America had a spot for empire founding
Also thinking about it the people who settled in India passed through Mesopotamia the very fertile place where "craddle of humanity" happened
So is quite good assumption to make, but that is the first place of conflict in human history where one tribe of humans who settled there first, explused the others and those contiued to india
>>635489 >organized in the way we typically consider empires to be then in my opinion it wasn't an empire
For example take a late version, but a relatively "primitive" empire the Zulu empire was very late in termso f their technological level, but they still had very much the same principles and similiarities as other empires in human history same laws same enforced traditions enforced language and so on
Kirara, the Cat
the aztecs and mayans are often considered empires but they're /// they weren't organized in the typical european empire manner although they used to be believed to, so i guess that's a different story
>>635493 If I actually remember it right Mayans aren't considered an empire but aztecs are
also Akkad Babylonia Assyria All the various Chinese Indian empires of fucking 20 different kinds, man those guys loved war
NONE OF THEM were assembled in the "european fashion" but they still apply to the "is an empire" rule
Kirara, the Cat
>>635494 mayans are considered empire in a lot of sources >>635495 that's fair
One of the most successful empires afterall in history is ottoman empire, you know Islamic Middle-Eastern empire
father of many discoveries in science and philosophy, but marred by its 200 year decay at the end
But it lasted from 15th century to 20th century
and in theory is one of the successor states of Rome
Empire technically is a federation of kingdoms, ruled by a king of kings in the most basic term
USA is basically an empire various states, ruled by their "kings", who are under the governance of a king of kings Governors and the PResident
So to summarize it again There are lots of kingdoms that are older than Akkad but Akkad is first Empire
and I seriously doubt that there will be an older empire than Akkad
The driver of the bus I was on coming home got an allergic reaction to a vitamin he took and had to take the bus he was driving out of service. Though funnily enough he stopped at what was the second-best stop on that route for me to walk the rest of the way.
people in the comments are complaining about there being one 30 second long verse of rapping and it not being a 4 minute loop of the same shit they used in the tv cut as per usual
If you were demon lord and got defeated and sent back in time and met the hero before they were the hero, you could probably come up with some way better schemes to get rid of them!
It is pretty weird I guess Like a colleague was talking about dating and idk what the topic was exactly but I said something about how I wouldn't enter a relationship that wasn't intended to be long term with the possibility of an eventual marriage, and they were like, "wtf why would you be thinking about marriage so early"
and idk what's the point of going into a relationship you aren't even going to try to actually take seriously casual sex is fine whatever if that's your thing but why conflate that with dating it's weird
>>635571 What about dating to get used to being in relationships with people because you have no idea what you want in a relationship? Or people who don't want to get married at all?
oh good camilla won cyl3 for the ladies it seems
but rejoice kirara even though you dont play you could pick up a shiny new alm in like 10 months
Kirara, the Cat
>>635576 i think it's unfair to the other person to enter a relationship with them without intending to take it seriously using a person to explore what you want in a relationship is kinda scumbaggy we need to pay attention to how we affect other people, especially in romantic relationships
>>635579 I think you can have a serious relationship without neccesarily planning on marriage. By your logic most people "dating* are just having casual sex. People have to start somewhere.
High school was the best time to start that kind of thing. But if you can't see yourself being with someone long term, it's kind of a waste. And yeah, I'd say most people dating are just having casual sex.
what's a potato bake? is that what they call baked potato down under?
it's like potato slices laid in a dish with cheese and baked tastes pretty good usually
oh and I guess baon bits or whatever are chucked on top
My family's always known it as scalloped potatoes, though we don't do the bacon bits and add slices of onion to the potato and cheese. It's still pretty good though when you make it yourself.
oh yeah i've heard of that as scalloped potatoes never had it baked potatoes are good enough for me
I added it to what I was going to have for dinner tonight and it wasn't disastrous an improvement more than anything
I slept way through dinner. Sleeping has been really messy for me lately.
it can be pretty tough for me to get to sleep sometimes but i also usually stay asleep through whatever unless i was drinking and didn't drink enough water then i'll wake up easy
there just has been so much bull aboutt he whole election, so finding anything credible hiding behind that pile must have been hard >>635810 wow a real life evil doer wish someone would arrest soros
Mueller's gone after the mob and big oil corporations before and secured iron-clad cases against them before. If there's a prosecutor that -can- sift through the deception and bull, it's probably him.
Kirara, the Cat
>>635811 google roger stone and look at a picture of him he even looks evil he's been doing evil since the Watergate scandal
Those fucking glasses and that fucking hat man. He leaned WAY hard into that.
>>635815 yeahhh somebody's been using th e force lightning a bit much
yeah but palpatine was like 80
Kirara, the Cat
there was a documentary on Roger Stone where they interviewed him and he basically bragged about how he's just a propaganda master and lies to people for a living lol
though if memory serves, palps actually didn't get disfigured, that is just how you look like when you have been doing dark side for 70 odd years and he was just using spell to look good untill that point
i really like this design it's in my top 5 frontline designs
looks damn RIOT
Kirara, the Cat
she's a spas-12 haha
indeed, which is why it is good
hmm come to think of it, would an arm attached shield like that be good gear for urban fighting? it could basically deflect some hits, but at the same time it might limit your movement and get in the way in thight spots
>>635853 thsis reminds me of some kancolle designs where I just look at it and go "why" this might have popped up around 10 years ago in an italian fashion show
>>635854 vocaloid? I dislike the thights asymmetry
>>635853 "military theme'd call girl, who just robbed her client dry and is walking off with his clothes, gun and equipment"
>>635853 oh the girl i saw and thought koume for a second >>635854 i have her she’s cool i should put her back on the frontlines
Kirara, the CatSearch [iqdb](428 KB, 1024x1024, Bren.png)
>>635864 nice design bit bad gun compared to other anti-tank rifles that is
germany had a problem with design, as they always designed "for the moment" not thinking, that maybe once we shoot 100 tanks with this gun, they will make a tank this can't pierce nexty ear thus making good amount of their weapons out of date practically in 1-2 years
they weren't alone in this, but they really "excelled" in it
and then there is soviet style >so what if we, you know, make an anti-tunk gun with 120mm gun? >when tanks can be pierced with 30mm guns Stalin was efficient
US was funny in theway they accidentally made some genius designs but forexample, shermanw as just a "throw together a cheap tank to serve for them oment" it was completely out of dat,e but it was cheap and overall a good rounded vechile especially after british replaced the main gun with their 12 pounder anti-tank gun Firefly is love
i usually use two SMGs, two assault rifiles, and one rifle
the thing about the game is that each type gives buffs to a different type of gun rifles buff pistols, pistols buff all guns, SMGs and assault rifles buff each other
machine guns and shotguns buff each other so basically you end up with a backline full of machine guns and with two shotguns standing in front of them? and i would not want to stand between a machine gun and an enemy
is there ptrd 41 in the game?
or ptrs41?
Kirara, the CatSearch [iqdb](347 KB, 1024x1024, PTRD.png)
I had fever during pistol shooting practice for reserve chaplains and could have joined them pistol practice was taken out from conscript chaplain training, as our service gun became the RK and not the pistol. would have been damn fine, but i was like 38-39 degree fever and high on painkillers to keep it down, so didn't want to risk getting sicker and actually having to go tothe army hospital
hmm I wonder how easy most service rifles are to dismantle and clean RK62 was like 2-5 seconds to dismantle I think our battery had the record set at 5 something at dismantle and assembly those hands moved fast
also the stock has a hidden compartment for all the weapon cleaning tools you only need to rmemeber to pocket the gun oil but everything else is inside the gun rk62 is really designed to be practical and easy to maintain, though by no way is it perfect rifle
I mean the gun overheats really easily is pain to ass to fire when it is -15 outside overheats as in, your hands will turn into burnt toast
>first pepper eyes >then art style switch whoever was animation director for this episode had fun
>"Oh yeah I should check on what the reading for my second class for today is" >Thirty-two pages of an interview transcript Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I really need to be more on top of my readings this semester.
what is Hirano Aya btw doing nowadays I think after her scandal + throat cancer she has only done >>635957 this and Migita
She's the female lead for Fairy Tail. And one of the more prominent characters in GranBlue Fantasy. Wikipedia has her as one of the characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which came out last year. Her singing career is non-existent these days but she still gets anime roles.
Her voice did change quite a lot pre and post the throat thing >>635960 I wonder can she even sing anymore?
Well she put out songs for a character album for the GranBlue character she voices, so I guess. >>635963 Not really? I mean the song material might be different but the talent is still important. The driving difference I'd speculate on is how well she can sing now without assistance. Maybe with some editing she can sound fine but maybe not perform live.
yeah buit that is different from being an actual singer
But I still loved to follow her on sankaku when she was blowing the otakus up >dares to have relationships >is told wears clothing wrong, so uploads pic of her REALLY wearing the clothing wrong and everything else
>>635962 I dunno about assistance, but rather would her voice last? any major throat infection can afterall makeyour vocal chords become stressed much more quickly
and didn't she have something super serious?
i get like 20k gsp per win now and lose 100k video games are dumb
I still wonder what kind of pro scene would be in that kind ofgame I mean you watch rts pro-scene and it is practically starcraft or games where resources are limited
But what about a game, where you can prop up so large war-industry that you shit out nuclearm issiles every few seconds for infinity?
>prop up so good defenses, that you can actually shoot down so many nukes that nuking enemy base becomes moot >play faction that has super nukes that are harder to shoot down >shoot 4 of those together with 4 ordinary nukles to get through missile defense >get through >kill 1 building, because enemy base is so heavily fortified with shields, that the shields tanked the damage Just Sucom things
>eventually lose the match due to just so much flying stuff getting dropped as debreeo n base, that it dominoes into huge amounts of dmg
in sucom 2 they added some features for anti-turtling jump packs on one faction teleporting on another and then UNIT ARTILLERY PIECE shooting your units into enemy base as projectiles
that is so broken they are vulnerable to anti-air fire for like 2 seconds before they land and you rarely have land defenses in your base core
the jump pack and teleport is powerful too, but jump pack while being accessible for almsot all of that factions land units, leaves them open to enemy fire during the jump and sharing with the teleporter, they have limited range
it only counts players that played within the last month if it's like smash 4 beating people higher than you lowers their rank and you take their points
the acronym is supposed to mean global smash power or points or some shit
Seriously why are they even wary of anzio they have like 3 tanks that can do damage and everything esle is infantry support vechiles, as in TRASH IN ARMOURED COMBAT even if they rammed them, they wouldn't deal any damage
italian tanks were so shit they had like p40 and then that flamethrower tank and everything else was shit Even japan was better
true if you have infantry support against armour but if it is armour vs armour FIREPOWER is everything if you can't even dent yout enemy, how will you win?
>>636039 you fucking don't just like me playing WoT
heh the p40 had a 75mm gun that wouldn't even pierce some medium tanks with sloped armour onthe front well it was a tank design invented in 1940, and slightly modified in 1941
would have been good, but what they made maybe 120 of them
I mean the cv33 is a good infantry support vechile but as a tank or even a tankette it fails
what the i thought retro WAS doing it already >>636038 italy seems like it would be difficult to tank around in wonder what kind of use tanks actually got to see from italy
Kirara, the Cat
Metroid prime 4 in 5 years
i guess it's not very surprising if they haven't felt like showing anything about it off yet
still though isn't it kind of late to be working on a brand new game?
>>636044 italy had a lot of potential, but basically they entered the war several years before they had their economy or army up to the standards of modern combat
Their leaders were shit, their army was shit and most of their tech was shit italy had some good things going for them, but in general the war happened before Mussolini had transformed italy from joke to a great power Mussolini on the otherhand, no matter how you put it, was a genius
not a military genius but genius in statemanship and politics
France too they had a skilled army, but their doctrine, likewise with UK, was stil lstuck in the trenches
Char B1 is a good example of what kind of war france expected the tank was ment to take on heavy punishment, while being essentially a mobile artillery/infantry support vechile had the heavy front gun been mounted on a rotating turret, it would have been a power house for its time a slow powerhouse, but something the german armour wouldn't have made a laughingstock out of atlest.
also it was very high, with a bad silhouette easy to hit from even afar for good efficiency
ofc, no german panzer could kill it aside form upclose, but there were anti-tank guns including the pak and ofc the famous 88 anti air piece that could easily knock it down from well mile away
but ofc, the war with france was settled with mobile and concentrated armoured assault
which, actually wasn't even a "new strategy" for germany prussia had used similiar tactics since it was founded, just with elite infantry or cavalry
well opening a cork without screw never really works but hammering the cork inside the bottle 5/5
btw I wonder why they cut out the "miho was disinherited" plot line form the anime, despite having it briefly mentioned
maybe they thought it was not gonna be interesting to the anime audience over the other subplots?
most likely not that gup has subplots really
it ws pretty much >you lose this match you get disinherited but why have the personal stake, when they already have the >lose and get shut down
so it was kinda pointless
that plot point is brought up in the manga in a scene where miho and maho meet up in a cafe
also btw >the fight where miho threw the match year before the anime why on fucking hell would anyone have their tanks in that terrain >chokehold where you can only move forwards and backwards >slight sidemovement may cause falling to river >the whole "road" might collapse anyhow under weight of all the tanks
I mean it sure would be a "they wouldn't attack from here but why the whole blackforest academy is built around the doctrine of superior firepower, so why the fuck would they cut that away, by limiting their own firepower?
it is basically shooting yourself in the leg and then asking why you lost the 100m sprint Tactically or strategically, that move makes no sense they would have lost the fight no matter what, had miho pulled her panzer to stop or not also >they have flag panzer be 2nd in the column once again WHY if you are going to advance in single column, the VIP should be in the middle, or in the rear, if you know you can't be flanked not fuckng 2nd
so once again that fight was already lost not due to miho stopping her panzer, but due to whoever came up with that retarded disaster move