Thread #634819
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3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale Black Clover Boogiepop wa Warawanai Doukyounin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 2-3 Endro Girly Air Force --Episode 1-2 Grimms Notes Pastel Memories W'z --Episode 2-3 Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
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black clover boogiepop WZ 3d kanojo endro oh okay let's switch WZ amd boogiepop and sub boogie out if he isn't here
We're not watching Boogiepop unless Jan shows up. He said last night there would be a chance but he generally works on tuesday.
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okay black clover oaky lets start!
Kuro Kusoba
Oh the water twins are back.
Hah hah what.
He's just been keeping his severed leg preserved this whole time.
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I guess it's a really shounen development for them to be back and mostly better.
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Real talk though this really just takes away like half the gravity of that whole underwater arc to have them just get healed a season later.
I wonder if Asta's going to run into his other girlfriend at this festival.
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>>634833 Yeah, half the weight. The other half will get sucked away when it's revealed the bad guy lived too.
Well he got literally cloven in half by Yami so more than powerful healing magic, they're gonna need some kind of revival magic for him. But hey, magic, shit happens.
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I think likee 50% chance he's alive
Since when could Asta juggle.
Oh no.
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Yeah I guess she has the power to blast him now.
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WZ 2 okay lets start!
Who could have ever expected the return of the HANDSHAKERS
>One time, mankind had a single language [Citation needed]
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>>634845 Probably a Bible reference.
Well yeah, it was pretty clear they were talking about the myth of the Tower of Babel.
GoHands has a really good music composer on staff for their shows. Both K and this series have had really good music.
Oh here's another familiar character I think.
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Yeah this is totally the first girl.
Wonder where her boyfriend's ran off to.
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WAI SUMA N (wiseman)
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>>634851 She also seems to not have any keyaids.
The Japanese's weirdness with Z syllables is being particularly funny here. It sounds more like they're saying Jiggurat than Ziggurat.
Oh there's a photo of him at least.
Wow these two girls want the freedom to be as gay as they please. That's kind of a respectable wish.
im pretty sure handshakers was so poorly received that they had to rebrand the sequel
I dunno about that. GoHands seems to just do whatever they want.
Poor girl.
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I don't think this is much different than handshakers, though.
No one in this show or Handshakers ever looks old. Everyone looks like they're in their mid-twenties at the most.
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okay so what instead of boogiepop?
Egao, Grimms, or Pastel Memories I guess. There's kind of slim pickings in the middle of the week.
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what epside of egao are we on and is it comfy?
Episode two, that was the show with the kid princess and her friend knight. On some kind of future setting where people lived on different planets and played games with robots.
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let's try egao ep 2! let's start
Daikon It's too late Ika she's DEAD FOREVER.
ok sorry went to grab something
Oh maybe it's not just robot games but actual robot battles.
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I guess that's better than games!
It kind of feels like they're all keeping the princess uninformed about the gravity of the situation. She thinks her boyfriend's going for diplomacy talks but he's really fighting in a war.
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Yeah, maybe they're keeping her in the dark. Princesses can be silly.
They're talking about it just now so yeah. This guy's kind of a goof.
>With this power we have nothing to fear! Local man says shortly before discovering something to fear.
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Yeah it's too early in the series for them to not be afraid.
This is all some pretty serious war strategy and macroeconomics. I don't really know what I expected from this series going in but it wasn't this.
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Yeah, I guess it's some good ole fashioned robot fighting.
Oh no.
Wow dude you've already got a princess for a girlfriend why are you flirting with other girls.
>Her smile and optimism: GONE
So they just fast-forward over what kills him for this.
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Yeah, not sure about this one yet. maybe 3 ep rule for this one.
That was certainly a bit of a whammy after the kind of inane first episode.
i hate the robots
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3d kanojo okay let's start
Wow yeah she changed a lot. He looks a lot like his dad though.
Woah. What is his -this crazy development.
I mean this is probably all just a misunderstanding but man.
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He's way too dangerous.
Eeeeeeeehh ... Does eating at a family restaurant really seem like a good place to take an affair date. I'm still convinced there's something else going on.
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seems dangerous!
Things just keep getting worse and worse. His dad is a real pushover.
Huuuh. Well okay.
he's taking it well
He's just a glue autist.
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They get a little alone time.
He made it pretty solidly worse. Man what a whirlwind.
He's in his third year of high school though. At this rate he could just tell his mom to go alone and live by himself. Though I guess that could be hard in Tokyo.
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oh I drifted off to sleep for a sec endro! tildeeeeeee okay lets start!
Sorry needed washroom. Ready.
is this the YRYR artist
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That was some pretty obvious audience teasing.
You probably shouldn't eat a dragon.
Not-Chino is pretty great. She's completely cuckoo.
The elf does have a pretty class rep-poi look.
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Mao seems to have fallen completely into the teacher role.
Teaching is a pretty busy job. Doesn't leave much time for being a Maou on the side.
Man her puns are the deliciously wonderful kind of terrible.
Mao dropped a sinister attack on them. Good thing Yuusha is too stupid to be deceived like that.
Nani kore
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I don't remember that leader in the flashback.
Maybe this timeline hasn't developed exactly the same way as the previous one did.
Yuusha seems like she'd be more suitable as a rogue/thief class than the Hero.
>Fail by lack of femininity Wow.
So far Yuusha seems to be the only one that's really failed by reasonable means. Though the mage kind of did too.
Are they gonna make Mao their leader.
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That would be a funny twist. I feel that this will just make them stronger in the end.
Oh are we getting another end roll?
Hah hah oh no. The Maou gave up being a Maou.
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uh well that was an unexpected twist gave up by episode 2
What's a Hero without a Demon Lord to defeat?
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Well kudos to her for being reasonable. thanks for anime!
I bet she's gonna fall into being a Maou again anyway. Can't escape your UNMEI. Thanks.