Thread #635596
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Bermuda Triangle Boogiepop wa Warawanai Doukyounin wa Hiza --Episode 2-3 Egao no Daika Cooking With Emiya Go-toubun no Hanayome W'z Yakusoku no Neverland
We can have Jan in like thirty-five minutes or so.
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This list is kinda getting shorter. bermuda boogiepop egao wz go-toubun
Yeah. We should tap out one of the later shows for Neverland. Besides tomorrow's Friday we'll be getting like five or so shows we're all interested in by tomorrow night's anime time.
Maybe something like <Disposable show> Boogiepop Neverland Go-toubun Doukyounin
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Oh I didn't notice that. we'll sub WZ out for that have you summoned ika?
I'll go get him. And then I might go look if there's something to eat since I haven't eaten in like eighteen hours.
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okay bermida 2 jiay lets start!
Merm aids Also there might be another group that is more reliably doing Kakegurui this season. I'm gonna check out their episode two and three and see if they're worth using.
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This show is probably really cheap to animate. In a lot of shots they can have the characters static but floating because it takes place in water.
They could at least have their tails kicking in the water. The animation isn't great but it's at least kind of consistent. But the colours in the OP make the show look way better than the actual episode does.
Considering all their names are music-themed it's kind of weird they translate the town's leader's name as Ardi and not Aldi.
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This is kind of not super exiciting.
It's been consistently mediocre so far. But also like, not offensively bad.
>I thought I'd peak in here Please.
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Yeah, I guess this only has value as filler.
I'm kind of amused by how consistent they are with the whole underwater world thing. Like having seashell cookies and powering "windmills" with water currents. But that's not really enough sum to particularly draw me in.
pretty boring
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okay so jan sighted?
yes hello friends how are we all tonight
Oh here you are eggcellent timing.
Stranger Things S2 was good
Yeah I've been meaning to watch it. It's hard to get out of my room into the living room to watch it though hah hah.
why are you locked in there? >>635626 3 i think oh wait whoosp yeah 3 was the end of that first arc we should be on 4 now
It's more comfortable here! We're on episode four of Boogiepop. Episode three was the finale of the story of the people-eater.
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Perfect timing! boogiepop which ep is this? oh ep 4 ? okay lets start!
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>just jump loser
>Snow falling in April How terrifying.
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>damn she actually did it
oh no boogiepop got ika
Sounds like this girl here is suffering sleep paralysis.
This show features weird things that in a more otaku-poi series would be mocked as chuunibyou. Like a girl dressing up in a cape and a goofy hat, or this guy's ability to see flowers growing out of people's chest. But it's taken entirely seriously in this series.
Oh no he's being stalked by a ghost.
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did she just give an incel the god hand
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wow did she die
No, looks like a different girl. His life sure has taken a real complication.
Hah hah hah. Oh his stalker's shown up again.
I guess these occurances he keeps getting pushed into are gonna drive him to become the image he was in that kiss.
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This is getting pretty wild.
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this guy sure didn't take a lot of convincing to start killing
>>635640 He really did get a god hand.
This series has been pretty interesting after the so-so first episode.
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okay egao!>>635651 I'm enjoying it. It kicked into high gear. ah yeah okay neverland! play ;ets start!
We should do something like >>635602 Instead, since those are shows Jan can be following.>>635656 It's one of the Shounen Jump series I've considered picking up even back before it got an anime release. But it's just hard for me to be arsed to read ongoing manga these days.>>635657 Not EGA Neverland.
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i like the new and improved more self righteous Light Yagami yeah let's do neverland rook said it gets interesting in the manga boogiepop is nice i told you guys ika got boogiepopped >>635657 no it's neverland now you should never trust a fujo
EGA i wa slied to NEVA
UVERworld's saxophone useage is a thing of beauty.
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Thus This is a pretty good OP too
These kids are pretty smart for being like ten-years-old.
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Well they're the ones with the high ratings right?
And I guess if we're operating off their assumption of the demons raising them for their brains being correct, they'd probably be educated extremely well from a young age.
Crazy old crone.
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Not getting eaten is serious business.
sasuke's already thinkign bout murder
Some times you gotta do what you gotta do.
Well finding the tracker didn't take long I guess. This new child kind of looks like a younger Emma.
Well "those three" probably puts a timer on their ability to escape.
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Looks like they're slated tp get eatem sppn/
They're doing some pretty good things in this scene to indicate they're being spied on.
Crone really is a crazy lady.
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The new lady is scary.
very scary
Emma's really athletic though. To be able to grab up those kids without losing speed and keep running.
Well Norman and Ray beat her I guess. It feels like Crone'll have a mole before long though.
THerE'S a tRAItoR
This show handles the creeping unease and suspense of their situation really well.
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dyoukyoun which ep is this? ep 2 i think oh did we watch 2? I guess we did now that I'm flipping through it okay ep 3>>635680 no no no wrong show doukyoin oh so I was right ep 2 will Jan be joining for this? play ;et let's start!
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yakusoku no Nev(…).jpg )
>>635677 its really just about 3 really chuuni kids pretending
Yeah that would be a real twist, hah hah. They stumbled upon a really sick kid in a truck getting taken to a hospital and coincidentally two adults dressed up in LARP garb and immediately assumed it was some kind of horrible conspiracy.>>635678 Episode three. Episode two was the headphones' girl's episode. Oh whoops my mistake. We're on episode two of Doukyounin in that case.>>635678 Should be? I watched the first episode with him a couple days back because I thought he'd enjoy it.
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why did you guys spell it with // no ok it's just rika ready
>>635682 Well in fairness I added an extra 'u' in there because it's hard to remember where the long vowels in Japanese are and arent'.
This guy is really living his best life. Gets to make money writing books while spending his days with his cat.
He should really look after himself better though.
Pet food isn't really different aside from kitten food and adult food. Just get what's the best cost to weight ratio.
This guy's kind of a dork.
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>>635686 It probably doesn't taste very good either.
Probably not, but food is food when you're starving.
This friend of his really just barges in and steals his food. At least he left more than he took this time.
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>>635690 hey he's the only living thing he can stand to look at though what's he gonna do just not have any friends
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>cat disappears >oh well back to work japan
It was just napping in a cozy box.
of course it was in the fucking box
10/10 cat
royal cat
It's a very cute cat.
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A show about a cute cat is a good idea. They usually just do lolis.
Having a cat recognize it's name not for being a name but for being food is a very cat-like thing too, hah hah.
I need more shows with cute cats in my life.
Do we have time for the quintuplets?
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yeah go tobun oh is ika watching it now? Is Jan going to join us? okay let's start!
Okey dokes.>>635707 How early is early?>>635707 I need a TIME Squid. Give me the TIME>>635708 Wow hayai>>635705 I don't believe so we're just being silly. He watched last week so I'd imagine he'd be good?
i dont think i can but you should watch ill catch it myself early tomorrow>>635706 sometime alone just watch it
>>635706 NOW
i wasn't paying attention i got up after doukyonin finished
Wow even technology is refusing to allow him to tutor the girls.
I wonder which is the next quintuplet he'll woo into his study squad.
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I like this show. The girl is cute that all the girls are based on. Since they're all twins they look the same.
Wow dude.
>They're all human too Yeah but they're also girls dude. They're like a whole other species.
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>>635714 but that's every harem anime
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>>635717 But they're twins in this one.
This girl is a SCHEMER.
Miku is entirely won over it seems though.
Oh Nino won in the end by making it a competition between siblings.
Hah hah hah. I guess to someone in poverty, food is food.
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I think the popular girl is going to be really bratty.
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this guy hasn't eaten in like two days
>>635723 She kind of already has been pretty bratty. After all she completely disrupted today's study session just because she doesn't like U E SU GI SAN
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you just need to bang my sisters then we can study good luck
That is some crazy hair.
>Maybe if I move slowly she won't see me
just give her the contacts and split
I think he's trying at the least.
Oh no he had to go Hero Mode and ruin everything.
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You can't wiggle around like that in a towel. It will fall off.
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>>635732 she has an advanced button towel
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Things are going from problematic to bad to WORSER
Also what exactly does the oldest quint do. It looks like they're setting her up to be someone doing compensated dating.
maybe she's a hostess
>He saw me naked But you were wearing a towel.
These five really have some bad politics between them. As expected of sisters.
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>>635739 Yeah, girls are bitches. This popular one is the bitchiest one too.
She's just the tsun before the dere.
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if only this guy cared about anything but studying he could rule the world
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see he knew he should have just went home to study and he was right
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well I didn't like her much so I'm glad we got her ep out of the way
>>635743 Studying is just the long way to ruling the world anyway.
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thanks for anime!
Looks like he finally HOLLA HOLLA GET DOLLA next week.
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>>635747 F A T S T A C K S
thanks for anime!