Thread #635262
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Bermuda Triangle Boogiepop wa Warawanai Doukyounin wa Hiza --Episode 2-3 Egao no Daika Cooking With Emiya Grimms Notes Meiji Tokyo Renka Pastel Memories Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari W'z Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita
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Think we'll have Jan tonight?
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Grimm Tate Yuusha Boogiepop (if Jan) Meiji Tokyo (if not) Pastel Memories Watasgi Majorita
He might be around but I dunno. That boy is a free spirit.
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Grimm 2 okay lets start!
grimm, ep 1 of this was blah
Okey dokes.
>>635273 Yeah, pretty much. I guess it works for filler.
I do like the design of that black-haired girl though. She cute.
Ex is such a lame name. He should just take on Sancho.
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>>635275 I think it's a 3 episode rule show.
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That old man looks weird.
Well he's a main character he's got to stand out.
Oh yeah, I'm familiar with the story of the knight and the windmill. There's a bunch of things I know about the stories of Don Quixote but it's kind of a really fuzzy picture.
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That's mostly it, the knight and the windmill.
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I'm not sure why he turns into a girl though.
At least he gets to turn into ALL the girls.
Wow this is man he confused the MC for.
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tate yuusha ikaaaaaa he probably didn't like that last show okay lets start!
Shielddad and Raccoondaughter I guess Ika wasn't really paying attention.
tate i got sidetracked again
She got big.
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Yeah she looks older now. I guess it was from leveling up?
Yeah. This is still within the manga adaptation chapters I read so I was expecting that. She got herself quite the edge as she grew up.>>635294 The reasoning I've seen is that for "in-world" characters, level is kind of like how capable you are. So the higher your level the closer your physical and mental attributes get to perfection. And a young adult body is more physically able than a little girl's.
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She's a little more deredere this time too. I mean she warmed up last time but she's doting on him now.
Before it was childlike admiration, now she's acting more like a partner.
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Oh now that guy is being like that again.
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Little does he know that she's a literal slave!
He was starting to do so much better. Meeting with the other Heroes sure set him back.
Lucky for him Raphtalia is the goodest girl.
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Yeah I really like that she's such a good girl. I think shield guy has the best attitude toward being a hero. I Think he'll do really well.
If anything the fact that they dragged him through the mud only makes him a better hero. Even if he wanted to he couldn't do this for social recognition and reward.
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Are the other heroes slackers?
Maybe not slackers, but maybe they don't understand the full gravity of this fight. Remember the rest of the Heroes kind of thought this was just a game. It could also be that the Waves are much larger than what we're seeing. And the rest of the Heroes are engaged in their own struggle like this one.
Oh she mad.
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Oh, friendly fire and stuff. Wow, she's dangerous. He's er She's super protective now.
Hah hah hah. Naofumi gets the last laugh.
His fundamentally good nature is winning people over at least. I guess the rest of the Heroes were working together and were treating it as not much more than a game. Leaving Naofumi to his own serious fight.
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It seems like he impressed some people though. It seems like it was still kinda a mess.
Work is never over
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meiji tokyo okay lets start!
Bishounen taimu
All the boys in this series are based off famous people from the Meiji-era.
This girl has some kind of cute airheadedness.
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The protagonist girl is kind of a cuter version of a few of tem fom last season. The guy with the blonde ponytail reminds me of the female knight from maou yuusha.
Poor JANE.
This guy is quite the character.
Little Squirrel dude sure kind of just ... grabbed her up when she slipped back in time.
It's kind of rude to just fall asleep when someone is talking to you like that.
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Ghosts sure are dangerous.
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Yeah she's another one of those normal girls with lots of stuff trying to eat her.
>I will be by your side forever >Immediately passes on
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pastel memories! okay lets start!
I wonder if they've got other series to spoof off of.
>You've got to be kitten me This is on the same level as "You've got to be squiddin' me".
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It was probably a nya pun thing.
Well, yeah. Just like how the squiddin' one was an "i ka" pun.
>Rozy Maidens Well I wonder what we're in store for then.
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Seems like this show likes references.
Bit of an understatement.
Oh it's Yukarin.
They're all in jerseys huh.
Hah hah hah. They went Super Saiyan.
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I feel like this ep really went wild with the references.
There is such a thing as terminal velocity though. And the faster you're falling the more it's gonna hurt.
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Yeah but magic!
Do we have time for WataTen?
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I'm down for it watashi majorita! okay lets start!
Hinata really likes her onee-chan.
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I like how this show is cute and bully.
The character designs are ridiculously cute. Well the art in general is really well-done. I like the kind of watercolour-y backgrounds too.
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Watercolor makes everything more cute.
Wow that's awfully nice of them.
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my stuff exploded what time? thanks!
9:40 9:45 9:50
Oh no Hina's making Hinata think too hard.
These are some very kid-poi antics.
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That's what kids do!
Poor Hana. Her onee-chan's attention is getting stolen by the other girls.
poor imouito
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This show is a cycle of bullying.
This imouto does have way too much energy though.
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This is a good cute how. thanks for anime!
Arigato yo