Maybe I should just rip off all my fingernails so I can stop dealing with these insufferable hangnails.
that's like saying you should rip off all your fingers so you dont have to worry about fingernails exactly the same actually there's not a single difference
Maybe I should invent cyborg hands and cut my hands off and replace them with those so I can stop dealing with these insufferable hangnails.
>>574865 i mean i want toga to hold me down and cut me up
>>574986 no need to go that far, you can just make cybernetic fingernails you don't need to replace the whole hand
Yeah that might work. I'm just tired of needing a bandage or two every time I trim my nails.
i could see cybernetic hair actually being a pretty hot commodity i just mention it because hair and fingernails are the same bodily output
Yeah, I'm familiar with them being the same.
i would love to be able to change my hair style and color with an app that controls the cybernetics rather than with months and months of diligent hair care
Yeah, that would be an incredible feature to have. There wouldn't even be risk of long-term hair damage. Or well, if there is, it could be replaced once its run its lifespan.
Being able to change the length and colour of your fingernails too could be a neat feature too. Could even have active displays on the nail for additional STYLE.
i bet the feminists would use it to make their head look like a vagina and go on a march
no judgment though i'm just saying i would be willing to wager on it >>574994 there are LED nails currently i think but an active display could be used for ADVERTISING
I think it would be neat to have that add-on functionality without needing to, y'know, actually add something on. Have it be a feature of the actual nail and be controlled from a linked device like a smartphone or computer installed in your robo-arm.
that sounds like something that could probably actually be done soon i mean without the robo-arm, just smartnails
why just stop at colorful nails when you can have weaponized bionic nails become a jojo
>>574998 Yeah the robo-arm was mostly a joke. Smartnails really just need material and some means of safely installing them. I figure the communication and some other logistics are already accomplishable.
>>574999 I was thinking about that too when considering nails that can grow or shrink on command. Could drop all pretty pretense and have claws in a moment if you need them.
wonder if body heat is enough to power them
Wonder if you could create durable, flexible, super-thin power cables that you could thread throughout a human body like a cybernetic nervous system. And centralize the power source for customizations like these.
i was just thinking some thin layer applicable ontop of the nail maybe tho
Yeah, like a solar-receptive varnish or something? Or sun shields you could clip on to charge an internal battery. I was thinking something like that but then figured, people probably wouldn't stop at hair and fingernails, why not develop for a body full of customizations?
Synthetic ears that can pick up and translate into information the brain can process sound frequencies the natural human ear doesn't pick up. I wonder what that would be like.
>>575005 the brain filters a whole lot of frequencies we can hear already because they're redundant or just noise not like consciously ignoring some noise but actually not even picking it up even though the ear is sending it so to have something else sending in stuff that you can't even normally hear would be really confusing i think it might be no different at all or it might be horrible
did you guys know there's actually good anime and bad anime and good anime is more enjoyable to watch than some stupid Space Idol shit that you have to grind out of a sense of obligation of finishing what you started
i have watched a lot of good anime and bad anime but space idol shit I've only seen one of and it was ok
hey there's good space idol shit this one was the second season and I had it downloaded because I remember really enjoying the first one (even though that was probably like four years ago now, I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it the same today)
The problem THE PROBLEM with AKB0048 s2 was that it focused too much on trying to force emotional drama between the characters there was this whole thing of whether each girl was living up to their expectations of themselves or whether they were letting other people down. Trying to find their 'idol aura'. Which Idol member they would be reincarnated as one of them had this whole thing with her father..
I signed up because I wanted to watch cute girls sing and fight space robots and there wasn't enough of that.
j jonah jameson is so damn funny insomniac is an amazing studio and this is an amazing spider-man >>575016 i have watched a lot of terrible shows when i could be watching good ones too but it's less of a harmful compulsion and more of a love for bad corny garbage there have been a few shows i regretted completing because they were just horrible and not fun at all though last season i think there was a show called mahou shoujo site quite possibly the most horrendously over the top edgefest i have ever seen the story is so bad i can't even really recommend it to loli torture fetishists which seems to be the target demographic
i think the character designs and powers were cool but the setup is used in such a childish and dumb way it's like watching an RPG maker horror game as an anime >>575020 yeah i watched it all
laughing in the face of terrible shit is the best way! it's how i deal with MY LIFE have fun at finland school
>>575016 why waste a great experience on a mediocre mood gotta put everything great in a special box and save it for when it's appropriate and then die without ever watching it
>Since I don't have service, I'll just play this new 3DS RPG I bought. >I guess it will be a more positive experience than "literally all of the politics, all of the time" that I read on Twitter
somewhere, far in the distance, a scorpion is laughing while it drowns
I think there was a peregrine falcon in my backyard earlier. I know they're local to this part of North America but I can't remember the last time I saw a bird of prey in the city. Wanted to take a better photo of it than one through the screen of my window but it caught me from the fair distance to it from my back deck and flew off before I could take one.
>>575046 that is a little too blurry for me to tell
if it's a pomegranate falcon i mean
Yeah like I said, I wanted to get a photo that wasn't behind a screen mesh. But bolted the moment I stepped into view of it on my back deck. It bolted, obviously. I'm moderately certain it was some kind of falcon though.
yeah it looks like a falcon a juvenile hawk might be that size but probably not that coloration falcons sure are birds
Yeah, they sure are. As neat as they are I hope this one isn't looking to set up shop anywhere near here. There's already a lot of wildlife and I don't want another predatorial animal in the area.
a falcon wouldn't bother your cat unless your cat had a mouse in its mouth that the falcon wanted a larger hawk might go for a small kitten but they'll go for what they know first, smaller game an eagle, well... eagles will try to nab anything, even like sheep, with questionable success
It bothering my cat's a component but not the entire concern. If anything I'm more worried about my cat picking fights with it herself, hah hah.
Really though it's probably just flown in from the nearby valley, on a hunting excursion taking it a bit out of the way.
wouldn't be on the ground if hunting maybe just resting from an unpleasant air current or searching for things yknow for its nest
Yeah it was hopping about on the ground for a good five or so minutes. Occasionally bending down to pick at stuff I couldn't determine. The grass did get cut yesterday, so maybe it was picking about at the trimmings to see if anything was any good.
or maybe snacking on some lawn insects plant lice or small insects not quite a real hunt but more like a lazy afternoon
My cat's made short work of all the small rodents in the vicinity of the house anyway.
Also I don't know if its related to the falcon but some fucking bird's been squawking up a storm all morning and it's really starting to drive me up the wall.
ๆต ้ ๆบ
Maybe it's hurt and asking for help
Kirara ๐
it used to be a human and it's begging god for mercy
Do you think a shirt with the caption "See you space corgi" and a dog resembling Ein would be something that a. Passes copyright and b. Something people would want to buy
>>575064 Yeah that's fair use. Yeah people would probably buy it. If you're seriously interested I suggest emailing anonymous of Jacksonville. He's the guy that runs perplexitees.
My printer is usually smart enough to print a multiple page project in reverse, so that it stacks up out of the printer in the right direction. But stuff I've been printing lately hasn't been doing that. It's kind of annoying.
i did an eval on a cute schizophrenic guy today cute in his mannerisms cute like a kid he was telling me he found a glass dildo and brought it home because it was cool but he found it in his house so it's probably his mom's he punched a cop and the cop punched him back, ohko
he said his dad is a bad character and his probation says not to hang out with bad characters
Duck bills are kinda narrow though, and it has that weird 90 degree angle. You aren't going to want to penetrate yourself with that. I guess you could stimulate the front bits with it but something like this >>575091 is better for that or just a nice shower head.
As a masturbation device I don't see where a duck head has a lot of merits.
I'm pretty sure Rika is right and it was just a novelty massager thing.
If I remember right it wasn't exactly a narrow duck bill it was like an inch or two wide. then again I was very much a small child so I don't really remember that great.
>deep love of birds hmm
>>575100 Well Those Panasonic massagers are meant for massaging. Its a japanese meme that women masturbate with them.
Anyway I recall at some point in time someone claimed this was suspicious but I guess I just sort of left it in the back of my mind. But maybe it was just a massager.
But this IS also the aunt who basically kidnapps me so kidnapped
>>575105 Well, if you're aiming just to stimulate your button, anything that vibrates is fine. A rumble controller will work fine for that. Something like a duck head would be kinda hard to manipulate in that way, because of the way it's shaped. Something like a proper massager would work better. And a duck head is thoroughly unsuitable for penetration because of the weird 90 degree angle.
>>575109 Well People do masturbate with them. Its just also a meme.
>>575109 Where is there a 90ยฐ angle on a duck's head?
Even if you take just the head part, it's thoroughly unsuitable. It's not even remotely shaped like a penis. It's thin and gets thicker, that's not what you want.
Kirara ๐
Maybe the mouth opens. It doesn't seem like a good idea, though.
Thinking ... why would you put a marijuana pipe in your butt
Thinking on it, it kind of looks like if you took a magic wand, made it stationary at the top, and then put like a small 2 centimeter or so protrustion out one end and I distinctly remember the protruding bit only went in one direction, making it look vaguely ducklike however now that I think about it there may have been bumps on the other side.
Fish started calling me a tryhard. I don't think she's mad at me, though. I wonder what I did. I don't want to awkwardly ask why because it's not a big deal and it might make her feel guilty, but I'm curious. I don't think I'm that much of a tryhard.
>>575144 Only when someone convinces her of something, like when you convinced her I was tsundere and she started calling me tsundere a lot. I wonder if her mom told her I was a tryhard.
Ketchup and mayonnaise isn't a terrible combination.
Man you miss a bus just as it's pulling out of the station and you're stuck there for fifteen minutes.
Even something as mild as not having as many people in my way from the subway train to the bus loading bay would have had me on that bus.
Kirara ๐
i watched that Netflix Dragon Prince show the CGI one it's like 7/10 i guess the animation and voice acting is honestly atrocious that aspect is like 5/10 the content of the show the story and the characters is decent some of the jokes are good but it's written for kids pretty clearly some of the characters are written like they're trying waaaaay too hard to be funny
Kirara ๐
the moon elves in it have pretty interesting cultural practices but they're barely touched on unfortunately
That's a shame. I feel kind of vindicated in my opinion of the animation from the trailer I guess. It felt like a pretty young adult or kid plot from the trailer, but the actual material didn't have to go that route. And Netflix has been open to animated media for older audiences after all.
It feels like they're trying to be a spiritual successor to Avatar the Last Airbender
They're already writing for a long story season 1 is just called Book 1
But some interesting stuff is in it Humans are very clearly the bad guys which is cool even though there are obviously good ones The moon elves have interesting culture, they serve as assassins and they do this binding ritual which binds one of their arms with a magic ribbon. The ribbon only falls off if they kill their target, and if they don't, it slowly tightens until it takes off their arm.
They have a system of sign language and one mute character who uses it, which is interesting. It's clearly based in ASL but it looks unique. It's got a good cast diversity, too.
The worldbuilding is subtle but I'd like to see more of it
If the media presentation is really that lousy I'd really rather just read a novelization of it. Avatar at least had some gorgeous animation and good voice acting.
>>575163 Yeah I don't mean to disparage the function. I'm sure it appeals to others and it has its functional advantages. But I grew up on books as the medium of fantasy I engaged in so that's definitely how I'm best at consuming it. Motion media like cartoons or live-action stuff is good too, but audio only I can't really engage in.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
fuck's sake
skeletons can want to be brave too don't sully their hopes and dreams
I'm reheating something in a pot on the stove, and I stuck my finger in to see if it was hot enough to take off the burner yet. It felt a little cooler than ideal, so I went a little deeper to see if the core was actually cool. Forgetting that the pot was fairly shallowly filled and putting my finger right up against the bottom of the pot sitting on an active burner. I'm not the best with foresight.
kirara were you able to find a libsoc kind of discord?
my shift got cancelled unfortunately but at least I got more of a sleep in I bet I'll get called in tomorrow when I actually want to do something but that's the breaks
Sleeping in sure sounds nice. Tomorrow is my early day for classes. Though well early is still 09:00. I probably won't get much sleep tonight and crash as soon as I get home tomorrow.
I used to do quite a bit of napping on public transport when I had classes that early I was lucky in that my stop was the last stop so I never missed it
Scorpions have a cool tail stinger and claws this really doesn't seem like much of a contest
>>575334 Yeah they're like crabs except they cab fuck you up if they want
oh shit /moe/ you've just been entered into the bug fight death battle tournament Which bug would you choose to be your champion? I would pick the Rhino beetle because it looks like it has a good defence and can suplex everyone else
>>575339 You can hard counter crabs with a door with a knob They can't open those
Kirara ๐
crabs can fuck you up they can cut off your fingers or slash your tires
my colleague just walked into the office i'm working in and the first thing she does is lean on a wall which has office supplies hanging on it and cut /// cut's not really the right word, but she basically penetrated her arm with a pair of scissors so she started bleeding
replying to email about karaoke stuff >sign with just first name >send >hmm, how many of these people actually know/remember/are aware of my first name
Hungary had lots of these statues "Statue to Holy Trinity" they all commemorated the end of the 18th century plague that hit these parts really bad. The weird part is, how God the Father, basically god, is depicted as a person with a face.
on top jesus on left, god on right and holy spirit as dove in the middle
the pillars have only pretty much one common element, the trinity being depicted on top then the lower layers, the pillar and so on is heavily influenced by the city/area it is in local saints etc. or whomsoever in the bible is popular in that region having a statue of themselves in it
I got to run one of the therapy groups alone tonight It was really fun
Most of the other clinicians do that thing where they try to be stoic but I laugh and engage a lot so groups respond to me pretty well
if anyone wants to see more pics of my trip, I will post em later, I am just going through them rn.
>>575403 I think being engaging, responsive and basically yourselfi s always the best approach just from the layman's and usually on the "customers" point of view
I think best part of Hungarian cities was when you had the older buildings, with one townhall torn down and replaced with SOCIALIST REALISM this is one of the less offending ones
there was an old monastery complex with the church as a tourist spot it had "200 huf to turn spotlights on" box I LOVED IT half a beer to get better lighting during dark to get good pics of the sights
good way to get some money from the tourists that will access it
Fucking Navitrolla An Estonian artist who I have few poster-paintings from whenever I looked in his general directions he was nonchalantly posing like a model/jojo really made me want to grab some sneak pics of him
I think there is a sort of irony about a "king's palace" that was never inhabited by a hungarian king, but by an Austrian Emperor I mean he was from latter half of 19th century to the end of Austrian empire also king of hungary too But still
I really like how this pic was I think supposed to represent *statue not pic represent the stateman caring for the hungarian people
But to me, all it looksl ike is a guy sitting on a chari, crushing down the people like the old "who rules us, who lies to us, who beats us, who works" anti-capitalist picture
I so hoped I could befriend him or somethign, but it was bit awkward he didn't speak finnish, and his english wasn't that good and I don't speak estonian either I mean we did communicate and speak a quite much, but I wish I could have gotten to know him
I wish they would illuminate buildings like this here too
I was napping earlier and I think I slept in a way that set my jaw a bit funny. Chewing things and closing my jaw feels really awkward and unfamiliar.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>I missed my flight. ใใฉใคใใๆใใใงใ >Hilarious. Thatโs โI missed my flightโ in the same sense that โI missed my wife (but sheโs back from her trip now).โ As in, โI long to be with my flight, but alas, we are apart.โ
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
(makin fun of google translate)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara ๐
>>575458 ive felt pretty strongly about missing flights before
Sam you're traveling again right? >>575461 Reminder to drink water even though you're probably fasting.
I had a strangely enjoyable experience after I missed my flight after the first Philly trip. Hanging around the airport all night, too out of place to even think of sleeping, counting down the hours until the terminal gates open. It was exhilarating and a little terrifying and a very full experience.
there is no stream worth listening/watching as it airs
>>575476 I never said it was a live stream. Its a radioshow archive that goes offline tomorrow because of copyright stuff. Although I already downloaded the whole thing on my shitty netbook.
radioshow arcive you are listening on sucks
if it has "pause to STOP"
>>575479 Honestly that might also be a result of copyright legislation. After all those laws regarding digital stuff are only really there to inconvenience people.
Well laws regarding music in general. People used to have to pay licensing fees to play a radio at the bar they own.
Oh nvm They still do (depending on specifics like size, outdoor or indoor etc)
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>575462 im travelling a lot in short bursts i was in seattle last weekend and ill be in canada next
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>575463 one of those simultaneously great and awful travel experiences
When you see yourself in a crowded room Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped?
I've been craving a low-input resource-management game again. They're good stuff to have around when I'm watching anime or doing some other things. I keep looking at the ones I own but there's always a kind of ... nah, I'm good to them.
so I tried to wound down playing anime fighting game but every fight I had was against rasengan and or sharingan why are the players of this game so LIMITED in their imagination of character use...
Who doesn't play to win, but is it fun to win using characters that have >immortal frames, when others don't have >have strong super moves that you can't dodge except using special dodge >have powerful combos >have powerful throws >have powerful ranged attacks >have easy to use ultimate moves
new hit single by dj hurty bones - nobody can love you but you ft. the nobody
>>575598 You know what I do not get Why the classic controllers lack analogue sticks. Because I'm certain that late in the PS1s life they released analogue stick controllers for it and you could switch them with the dpad So why aren't they using those
>>575602 I really don't want to believe this but I can see it happening
>>575603 I didn't see the regular controllers very often I don't think. But I was a lil baby when the ps1 came out anyway
>>575604 PS1 emulation with upscaled textures and stuff looks so nice You can eliminate that weird texture warping that goes on with the ps1 too
>>575601 they will release the PS classic analog controller later
wait a fucking second those ps classic controllers have a button where the analog stick button should be but no analog stick
oh wait no that's the ps logo i couldn't tell from the thumbnail >>575601 i think most people just had the regular controllers and maybe one analog if they were balling
Kirara ๐
it's worthless anyway you can play all those games on a thrift shop ps2 or something or emulate them and one of them is literally getting re-released soon remastered
>>575604 yeah but you can buy this as a gift for kids
You just dont understand how hard it is to be a man who can do nothing but make torture devices. I'm so glad that the absolute worst living existence has given me a place in this world
man that show had good visuals i remember the story being kind of stupid though people diss on k for having a shitload of filters too but i like the style a lot
I'm watching it now. I'm only about 40% through but yeah, the visuals are great. and the plot is pretty dumb, but it also suits the purposes of the show. I'm enjoying it a lot.
Kirara ๐
>>575669 no but nobody signed a social contract that said not to look at their phone
>>575674 when you sign up for college/university you usually need to agree to comply with their code of conduct. so yes, they did.
Kirara ๐
>>575680 they were coerced into it by systems of oppression that they were forced into those systems aren't legitimate they get their illusion of legitimacy from the fact that they were established by the rich and powerful but their riches and power was all stolen so that's not legitimate either following rules is for sheeple
>>575681 then enjoy your shitty dysfunctional systems
Kirara ๐
>>575682 they're already shitty and dysfunctional so who cares
that's exactly the sort of attitude that allows shitty dysfunctional systems to happen
Kirara ๐
the point is to rip off the band-aids and let those impossibly broken systems to collapse under their own weight so that we can actually work to create functional systems
if i out someone for cheating, that's probably going to just reinforce the existing system and keep certain people down that's just playing into the hands of already corrupt systems
rules are important but something being a rule doesn't make it good or right or legitimate we should have rules that we decide together not ones that rich, powerful thieves forced on us and made us accept rules, but no rulers
>>575690 then this is where you an I fundamentally differ from one another.
Kirara ๐
>>575691 think about all the people that rely on the system to stay safe and in power imagine how much fun it will be when those rich bastards realize the system doesn't work anymore and they're thrown to the wolves that'll be way more fun than any random dude failing a test
>allow cheating >incompetent people pass >.they all go out into society and get jobs >.some of them wind up in positions of power >they can't run things >the system crashes and burns
I see it now. It's the long con. sorry I doubted you.
someone on line got mad at me for saying they were afraid of puppets being gay and now they're shouting at me that puppets aren't real i love the inter net
twitter can never load images for me it's so frustrating like my internet's fine and i can load anything else, but just a tweet with an image in it sits there and might load after like an hour or it might just idle out i dont get it
Kirara ๐
that happens occasionally to me but closing the app and reopening it usually fixes it
i dont even mean the app just the website on my laptop im tryna looka at your image thread lmao
Kirara ๐
oh the browser version is fucking unmanageable idk it's so bad one of the worst websites ive ever seen
eggo chamber
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I dunno website twitter seems to function fine for me
It's usable at least for me
it works on my desktop pc but it's abnormally slow on my phone i'm not installing a bunch of extra apps on my phone and shit though i want the thing to last a little longer with a charge
Kirara ๐
twitter app is the best way to use Twitter tbh it drains battery if you get notifications though
This one guy I did an IT course with like 4 years ago will randomly get into contact with me every now and then and last night he started messaging me about yugioh
that's step 1) next he's going to ask you to join his pyramid marketing scheme / cult
I sure hope work doesn't call Actually I sort of do
Kirara ๐
>>575765 "not supposed to" is misleading it is tradition for many sects to go without water just because some don't doesn't mean you're not supposed to
Oh yaeh dunno if anyone plays EU4 here, but I kidna find it funy, that in the group I play with, whenever someone plays with Austria and is about to get an early Holy Roman Emperor-ship, they get the following >heir dies >gets replaced with female heir (can't be empress) >king dies >regency and then you lose the emperorship for 50-100years or well bid for emperorship Curse of Austria
I even managed to lose my branch of the Habsburgs making it once again a game, where I lose habsburgs when I play with Austria Maybe I should arrange a marriage with England and see if I can get Lancasters
part is that I wasn't even aiming for it as a game goal ,it was just about to happen and then in span of 3 months I lose king, heir, and queen-regent takes over the country and spawns not ONE but TWO female heirs >births like 20 kids and 10 of them die in 2 years what kind of a fucking family is this...
Kirara ๐
>>575792 yeah i don't get it either the orthodox are usually right wing weirdos that want to control everyone too
>>575806 So they guy who made the destroyer was japanese and also created the crimson eyed magicians (or whatever they're called). He created tem as part of a weapons development program that enhanced the magical abilities of humans. Its just so happened that all the people that volunteered had chuunibyou. And in their village they have a shrine containing a statue of a Loli catgirl in a school swimsuit. *Japanese style shrine
I'm currently reading the chapter where the country's first princess
Kirara ๐
>>575801 Did it Improve I can only guess since I haven't seen it
btw ever wonder what the "body" in hataraku saibou does for living it sure gets lots of infections and even heat stroke
Kirara ๐
and they have an immune deficiency
>>575816 Every body gets little infections all the time. Usually the immune system takrs care of it before it becomes a problem. Same with cancer Cancerous cells will form and the immune system takes cate of it. Its only when they form fast enough and in large enough numbers that it becomes "cancer" the disease as we know it.
They're going to be trialing a digital license over here in November I guess it might be nice to not have to carry your wallet Although I think you still have to have your license on you for the trial period
>>575868 woah, woah. im not a big fan of this take, kindly reconsider
Don't be such a stick in the mud Samu. Eating is GUREETO
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
I made some pretty scrumptious chicken fried rice tonight. We had some rice vinegar kicking around and I added a splash of that to the wok and man that's a real taste improver.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
this treacherous, vile deed shall not be forgotten...
>>575914 happens to me whenever i take a nap i always wake up feeling even worse than before
A nap can be restful for me if, like, I'm at the bottom of my energy reserves. Anything less than absolutely empty though and yeah, napping just results in me feeling groggy and some times sore.
We have To go to a school at the edge of NYC and I'm probably gonna be late because i didnt feel like continuously calling people but whatever lol
Is the school getting a transit station set up in its basement?
They took a school and turned it into a transit building.
Poor school. Hopefully the kids are getting their learnin' elsewhere.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
comin at you in less than a month Blue prepare your butts
You'll be a New York Samurai!
>>575993 they just schedule the classes around the train schedule nbd
Another day another package arriving that isn't mine
A lot of the Japanese aren't aware of the context that comes with abbreviating Frame Art Girls and so every time I see a post from them concerning the franchise I usually end up needing a double take.