Local Rika after missing out on Hero Academia two weeks in a row
Asobi Asobase Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-11 Island Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-24 Ongaku Shoujo Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 5-9
So much for probably being done with missing out on Saturdays though, eh~? This season's almost over but once the next one starts up we can probably make allocations and save stuff you like from Saturdays.
She's a space alien meido, it would be improper of her to look too different.
Hah hah hah. This ghost person who looks like his onii-san is a real killjoy.
Torai looks pretty unchanged too. I guess he's in that period of life where he doesn't change drastically unless he wants to though.
Hah hah hah. These two have turned into real pests.
>Judgement Nezuya >Doesn't do chores
Oh man there's a person-alien-thing at the core of that dragon. I guess that makes sense considering the dragons we saw from the bear girl earlier in the series. I hope there's something significant at the centre of that Tootsie Roll Pop.
I like that in the saying "Nebula isn't used to war" there's an implicit "but humans are used to it".
Aw, the old man passed away in the timeskip. Such a mundane way to go too.
Losing his ponytail really changes Sheep-kun. Maybe his face changed a bit too.
Ginko is best nee-san.
I'd give an arm and a leg to get some bonus material of SoL-y stuff that happens during the timeskip. Maybe the manga will have some content like that.
Wankamoto and Sensei fighting on the same side this time.
i really like the designs int his show but like most VN adaptations its too rushed
Island has been a ride I hoped for but didn't expect.
Hah hah hah. This all must be weird for Setsuna. he pursued this Rinne thinking it was his Rinne but it turns out his Rinne is probably Kuon. I mean it's pretty much definitely Kuon but to not make anything uncertain certain, probably Kuon. So now he's got another girl crushing hard on him and he doesn't want to break her heart because she might go off and drown herself again.
well Finding out that you're your own mom and your lover is your dad and also your babby daddy is probably the most dramatic thing that could happen to someone.
Wow they're throwing another pretty crazy twist at us here.
wait she isn't her own mom rinne (kuon) is not the same as rinne right
Yeah I don't think so. Unless Rinne-Rinne gets a haircut and flies forward in time to become Kuon-Rinne in the Ice Age hellscape world. Either way like this other lady said it seems like Setsuna's encountered this scenario on repeat a number of times now. So who knows how many Kuon-Rinne and Rinne-Rinne he's come across.
He's forcing a couple of locks this episode.
Kuon's in like her mid-thirties and Setsuna's still ... what, early/mid-twenties?
Well, this is the way it should be even if the ages are a bit off. He can't date his own daughter.
I mean he can. Shouldn't though, especially when he's got such a good girl here already.
I wonder what the name situation is in their household now. Do they just have two Rinne's now, or did Rinne-Rinne pick up Kuon's name so that things don't become a headache?
I enjoyed that ending happy kuon won
There's a bit left unresolved though. Is that just the fate of the world, to be stuck on this loop of Stone Age to Ice Age apocalypse back to Stone Age, on repeat? Are they going to actually accomplish the time machine?
They need one more loop or a few more loops to make Rinne her own mom
okay Asobi
okay lets start!
I don't know about her own mom but I wonder if there's some kind of link between the three families of the Island across these long-term loops. Sara and Karen's families seem to have endured from the first island failed arc into the post-apocalyptic island. But Rinne-Rinne dies in that failed arc. Does the Kuon of that arc get over her death and Setsuna shuttling himself off into the future to produce another kid for that family? And does that family endure to produce the Kuon-Rinne of the post-apocalyptic island? I HAVE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS DAMN IT.
>>574949 I'm too broke to buy it. And that's a huge time investment for me right not at the moment too, hah hah. I should already be playing less games than I am and focusing on my schoolwork.