is somewhat funny, how the series in my opinion was more funny when they did it less animated once they switched to better animation and such, it just kinda lost something in my opinion
>>565480 blue and kannagi objectively have the best manzai duo
no but that is the thing it is how jap doujin market works if they use copyrighted characters, they can't really whine about any form of piracy cause you know, they already are producing pirate goods
also I 100% doubt that the creators of the 2humanzai went on youtube to nuke them down I bet someone flagged them just to be a dick cause otherwise ALL of them would be taken down and not just a vid or two
actually thinking about youtube I bet they were taken down because of COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REASONS forexample 2 seconds of nintendo music or something like that because that happens
if you look at your left you can see the camera if you look up you can see the editor if you look down you can see the director if ou look right you can see the producer if you look behind, you can see behind
man do you think they aired all the scenes with Truman and his wife doing it or do you think they cut those out
The algorithms for symbolic integration are really interesting though. Theres actually an algorithm thats been around for forty something years that has never been fully implemented. But it can integrate any function whose anti derivative can be expressed in terms of ekementary functions. It takes up like 70 pages in the monograph/textbook thats the most significant in the field of symbolic integratio n.
Ever heard of the case when three amish men walked into a bar? Neither have I
>>565596 I realised I got very tsukkomi and had an identity crisis
Oh and then the algorithms for simplifying expressions are cool too. I find them particularly interesting because in general the problem of determining if two mathematical expressions is unsolvable. (Possibly undecidable but I don't really understand the theorem)
>>565712 It just showed up. Google was like hey wanna use the new gmail and I was like fine you're going to force me to do it eventually anyway and then the autopredict started.
b b b b b ang
It's been doing it on my texts for about 7 months now It was starting to get really weird and personal at times
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
*hits panic button* the AI is at our doorsteps we need only let them in
No Samu, the AI IS our doorsteps.
b b b b b ang
not until we invent AI that controls our entryways electronically wait
AI will be more evil than that. The AI in your toilet will look at your pee and determine that you had too many sweets this week and it will tell your insurance company to hike up your insurance rates. That's the future of AI.
AI can't be evil, that's like saying a hammer is evil because a serial killer goes around using it to bash the heads in of their victims.
If it has lots of spikes and a skull design engraved on the head, it's an evil hammer.
No it isn't. Appearance doesn't indicate evilness or goodness.
These (chocolate) Smarties have been sitting in a container that's also full of these mango gummies. The gummies are all individually packaged but even still the smell of them has seeped out and the Smarties all have this faint mango taste to them. It's a little wierd.
>>565835 i used to think so but a lot of military folks are getting deported these days so presumably not
I mean if you've spent years of your life risking your own life for the nation you at the very fucking least deserve guaranteed permanent residence rights That's so messed up
good for intimidation at least not bad in a fight but i just prefer the other one the second one has an 18cm blade the first is 13cm much easier to control
I need new clothes... But I don't want to go shopping I'm about to just sit down and design a bunch of T-Shirts and Hoodies and have Teespring send them to me.
I am terrible for buying new clothes, I got a bunch of new clothes recently. Skinny jeans, floral dress and smart demin shirt with jacket
Kirara 🚗
second one is also a US marines knife basically
>>565934 get da share z0ne shirts i got three of them
fu_mou does it so well. There's another duo guest that shows up occasionally that plays a lot of hip-hop-y tracks and sings along atop the whole set. They were here for day two of the anniversary stream I think.
Just from that long, long time loop he had fighting Dormammu he's probably lived longer than most human beings expect to. He probably doesn't have much patience for people at this point.
The reason desperation is there is because Peri's meant to dive in, get slapped really hard because of LaD, then finish them with the astra, and afterwards she's in Desperation Range to try and continue fighting. She doesn't necessarily need desperation to do that, but she could also potentially be hit by a ranged unit first. With her high speed she likely won't get doubled and die, leaving her ALSO in desperation range, letting her attack twice, the second of which will also be Astra.
>>566027 oh ok I may have come off a little strong, but I just wanted to let you know my reasoning.
The remake is better cause te original got canceled pretty early on.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she's also partnered with a Wings of Mercy Camilla who can flock to her and smash anyone who wants to hurt her, or pull her out of there.
>>566029 Nah, it's just that I saw it and somehow thought you had a different weapon on and it didn't make sense But it's okay Vantage might be better though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There was a time I was considering a fast Brave Build on her. Quad City Peri
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>vantage kills 5-6 more enemies in the simulator oh shit
>>566034 yeah, low def, high atk screams Vantage Desperation is for Dancer Shenanigans Desperation + Brash Assault seal + Brave
>>566043 I think on a planet where your only real options seem to be a criminal, combatant, or Grandmaster, he picked one of the less bad careers to pursue.
Kirara 🚗
>>566043 he's just a worker like a dude who works at Walmart
>Oblongar was born in 1994 I was kind of hoping he wasn't that young, hah hah.
Kirara 🚗
my dad keeps asking me for traveling advice like how far to go each day and when/where to get hotels and stuff it feels so weird haha
I've been fortunate, for the most part, to have parents that travelled a lot when they were younger. Any time I go anywhere there's always a plethora of advice for them to give. It's kind of silly at times really.
I need to get back to writing. Not anything in particular, it's just my writing speed atrophies something fierce when I don't for extended periods of time. And with school coming up again, I don't really want to have a slower than already writing, especially for stuff like in-class essays and such.
i been doing worldbuilding and stuff for that trpg game i was doin a while ago
>Sudden Smash Bros. medley I guess MOGRA's excited too.
>>566074 I'd been thinking about asking you how that's been going.
I rarely ever write down the world-buildy stuff I come up with. I don't really know how to present it in cohesive text blocks. So it just kind of floats around in my head, marinating in its own juices.
>>566076 I recently got back to it after a long break im simplifying some stuff changing some setting stuff i can show you some of it eventually i don't have my updated stuff with me rn but here is some older stuff
Kirara 🚗
decided to just power shit with magic instead of going roundabout and making // using magic to create steam just cut out the middle mn
I watched philosophytube's video on solitary confinement, and now I'm disturbed
Oh man the Kokkoku OP. This was probably the best part of the show. Second best was the show's ED.
>>566077 That's all pretty neat. Resource management with those batteries would make for some good combat complexity too. As well as application to out-of-combat puzzle-solving. Plus magical trains are always cool.
I have a GUTS mechanic that lets people do things they don't have the skills for (kind of) too with some lore stuff, the magic is more effective when used by someone with a lot of GUTS
i have 8 races too those cannibal dwarves i used in Cthulhu are one of the races haha
Yeah I remember you talking about them before.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>566077 if you're going to build a machine why would you make it boring?
>>566085 I generally find unless the names of the creatures don't conflict with the naming scheme of their natural region, people are more receptive to just having them called what they are known by. Like if it looks like an orc, talks like an orc, comes from a part of the world where a name like orc wouldn't be weird, people who are interacting with the media will find it kind of weird if it goes by a different name. If you don't want orcs in your world because you feel orcs are kind of overdone or something, it's better to aesthetically come up with a different species, even if for all intents and purposes they fill the slot an orc would in any other fantasy canon.
Sunner ckuos u bti se=' oh Summer clips into September a bit so we still have some left to enjoy. It's a shame though, summer is the best months and autumn is the worst. any by months I mean season
>>566103 Yeah, I was trying to log into my doushio account to email her. But I don't know if I really want to give google my phone number. Can you give her my colortwelve account?
>>566106 are you sure it's requiring a phone number and not just giving you a security page suggesting it for 2fa that you can click skip at the bottom i get that all the time
I tried skip like I usually do, but it's not working. It says the device isn't recongized and it needs a phone number. My IP changed recently so I'm sure that's why it's giving me shit.
that's weird well you can give them my phone number if you dont wanna give em yours
It doesn't look like I have your old email saved. Want me to just give you Fish's email? or you can just email me, that's probably better than posting her email on /moe/ and letting all these freaks get it
>>566119 Is that your doushio email? That's the only email I have of yours you can just email me at matthewrgold[at] and ill send you her email
>>566126 Black Panther It feels like the kind of movie that's been treated as far more political than it is, though it's not possible to argue it's apolitical in any sense either
>>566171 >>566172 i always thought a laundromat/pizza shop would be a good idea I'd like to see the bar laundromat though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>566176 It's just that time again this time with someone you don't know >>>/watch?v=Zp72xRO7AII it's basically that game's equivalent of the Orca.
>>566178 oh I'm in a car on data I can't listen to this right now That is a cute girl in the thumbnail though That suitdress is really cute Tony why don't you post more images of girls in business suits
Are you a Gorefiend who doesn't have any eggs for alchemy?
>>566196 if so, click here to see if you qualify for this government care package!!
It's funny that a name goes from Beating a blame to Beating the blame to Beating blame to Blame and blame And maybe then Fighting and blaming? The inconsistencies in Chinese name translations are always funny to me.
she's not the gun??? she's an android that holds that particular gun designed around the gun she's not actually a gun girl she's a girl with a gun you FOOL
Oh that's why the Japanese name is Doll's Frontline.
I'm envious. The ski place I went out in the Rockies in B.C. was by far the best place for skiing/snowboarding I've ever been. The hills out there are just too good.
For a few years I would go out snowboarding a good number of times every winter. My family all pickedu -picked up either skiing or snowboarding so it would be a family trip. We've been to parts of upstate New York, places in Quebec, smaller scale ski resorts in the province, and once as a family out to B.C.
It's fun, I kind of miss going. Though it's also a thoroughly exhausting activity to do for like six to eight hours straight, despite all the waiting involved. In the past I was kind of turned off because of all the sitting on lifts and dragging around a snowboard that had to be done just for a ten-minute ride down a hill. Having taken a break for a few years now though, I wonder if I'd be up for it again.
>>566245 We're starting with persona so you have lots of time.
Wow D&D was going really well until the DM decided to fuck is all over with plot. *us
what happened?
One character who is a teacher had sexual assault complaints made against him. Another character's secretary held herself hostage and forced them to set the office on fire. Another character got kidnapped. My character's house is being repossessed and she suddenly has like 250,000 gold in unpaid loans.
I play Dungeons and Dragons to go into dungeons and pissibly kill dragons, not for bullshit like getting the house my character paid for out of pocket repossessed.
>>566364 well the only DM i've played with in any recent sense was ToN and he let us walk all over him pretty much so I don't know what it feels like to be railroaded sounds frustrating, sorry to hear that bud
my schedule is almost permanent by this point i just also go to work sometimes when my boss calls me and sometimes not it is all very simple and repetitive i didn't like having to remember times and days and changes
I'm on casual so I just turn up whenever I'm asked and whenever I'm rostered I think I'm getting better at my job so I'm running 2 hours behind on things
I'm not running*
>>566402 I forgot a kfc shift once Nothing happened Hopefuly the same happens for you
Yeah I guess just don't make a habit of it Some guy quit just before his run the other week so I don't think they're looking to get rid of people any time soon
>>566415 Are you having a good day? A good week? A good month?
b b b b b ang
>>566416 thank you >>566417 i'm actually having a wonderful time my partner and i broke up and it's been so not-stressful since then i can't begin to describe it's like i wish we didn't need to but this is preferable and then i've been snapchatting and texting this girl i matched with the other day and we're going to meet up and i'm excited and then there's this girl from target that i'm hanging out with and there's this guy from my other job who's a bartender and i think we're going to cuddle and watch a movie so life is okay right now
b b b b b ang
OH and i sold both of my guns so i'm not broke anymore
>>566418 Breakups can be messy so while normally they're not what you'd describe as being "good" I guess you can be pretty thankful for a smooth breakaway That looks like a lot of potential choices going on there
>>566421 >still living together Jesus christ that must have been a smooth breakup if you're still living together and don't wanna tear out each others throats
>>566423 Oh okay good on you if the rest are down with it
>choosing only one of them isn't 100% down with the idea of a non-monogamous kind of thing but i also think things would stay pretty casual between us either way
b b b b b ang
>>566420 it was literally like, "hey do you think we should break up?" and then like "yeah it's probably best for now"
>>566430 yeahhhhhhhh i don't know about that one if only partially because while i'm not at all opposed to people wanting to make that kind of decision in their life, i do believe that it's kind of hypocrtical to the idea of non-binarism to radically alter physical appearance (which is not always the case either) in my case it would require such an insane amount of physical change (and i'm also rather attached to my penis) that i don't think it would ever be practical but i definitely wouldn't consider myself to be all the way on the masculine male side of the slider
It was mostly a joke anyway, don't worry much about it >>566439 [egg chants in the distance]
b b b b b ang
i know you said it jokingly but also it's not like i haven't spent time thinking about it to joke about it is kind of dismissive to the seriousness of the topic in today's society
Well the trans people I talk to on occasion all say it isn't exactly normal cis behavior to spend time thinking about whether you're trans or not Which, of course, I personally suppress as well, so
being a girl can never compare to the pleasure of being a boy in girl's clothes
b b b b b ang
>>566444 i think it's not normal if you're the kind of cis person who doesn't know or care if they're cis i personally would probably not consider myself to be a binary gender except that i have a penis and i am definitely attracted to vagina so it's like hard to not just go the easy route and say i'm male
Well, it's not like it's super important to me either, or you seemingly
If you question a lot and doscover the source of unhappiness and anxiety is your gender identity i would say you likely to be trans.
well yeah, at that point you've even got dysphoria, so
Or maybe not, I'm not entirely sure if that counts as that? It seems like it should though
I think can kinda count as dysphoria, but its about realising you are repressing parts of yourself for the sake of playing up to your birth grnder when it doesn't make you happy. Being trans or non binary is basically freeing yourself to be you, i mean you also get some fucked gender dysphoria over body image but i dont think you must have dysphoria to be trans.
>>566446 i want to clarify that in this post i am saying in the end that it's easier to just "be male" than it is to have this conversation every single time the idea of gender identity comes up
>>566454 Totally, it is easy to repress but if you keep questioning i think it is worth exploring the idea if you are trans and if it mske you happy, like you losr nothing from experimenting with yourself in private.
Just arm all the trans people and the conversations shall cease
b b b b b ang
>>566455 i guess what i was trying to say earlier than that post though, was that i don't really like the idea actually let me rephrase i don't really like the dissonance of the the two ideas existing, that one can be a gender at all and the one that genders are not the best terms to describe what we are
>>566456 aren't most of them trying to get disarmed though
>>566457 Oh, thats fair. Gender presentation is brutal and dont really like binary either. Being genderfluid or whatever are totally fine too and are under the trans umbrella.
>>566457 Seems like you'd be interested in gender abolition I haven't read a thing about it though, so all I really know is a few of the people I know are about it
is a genderfluid a viscous liquid
b b b b b ang
it is not in fact the thing that you are thinking right no w
daddy give me the genderfluid
b b b b b ang
1. please don't lewd on /moe/ 2. please don't daddy on /moe/
Ithink it's mostly the cold keeping me in bed, this bed isn't that comfy. Im sorry you have an air mattress, i hate them. They are so uncomfortable.
real mattresses are so expensive... and i really don't want to get a used one
Beds ar Are stupidly expensive, I hsd to get a furnished place the beds here a Are pretty cheap and old looking, the mattress is used and old too not a lot o I can do.
that's why we gotta burn it to the ground money doesn't even real yet it governs our lives
Money really is unfair when u T
is unfair when it controls so much of what we do. especially controlling when we can do so many things.
Like even not my own ownership of money sucks, the NHS gets defunded all the time and I have to deal with long waiting times to get vital appointments I have an expected waiting time of 14 months for an appointment to get medication all because they lower the funding in major areas
boushy people who think they're effectively hoodrats are fucking embarrassing
I really can't stand Rich people. they live in a completely different world and its more fustrating the rich they are the further they are from my world. especially if they try make comments that are supposed to be relateable.
>>566517 for real they think they're so much better than us just because they were born with luck
I hate that they don't even seem to be aware how much of a difference money makes, they go "oh you just aren't try hard enough, you can just buy a suit and get a taxi to jobs"
I think they would act as though they have no concept of poverty, even if they did
It would be bad for their public image,
Ugh, I can't stand them. Moving up here puts me in direct contact with some of the richest bastards I have ever seen. I mean near london they were anti-social which was fi ne to me but here they are so fucking sociable and want to make friends with the poor and people who didn't attend their fancy schools.
I don't really want to hear about someone commissioning a huge portrait of themselves when I'm trying to scrap by.
>>566525 This is so real. My last job, they paid everyone peanuts and made me do data entry on their own internal forms for selling services. They charge per a head a fucking huge sum but when we ask for payrises they say there is no budget for it. That always rubbed me the wrong way
>>566532 It's recommended as an entry point because it's something we can all mostly or entirely get behind, without getting too fucking technical and nitty gritty with numbers Like it's not perfect, but it's super easy for someone to pick up
My granddad broke at least one law I know of But that's all I know about that side of the family
Kirara 🚗
my great grandpa left ukraine just as the free territory was taken by russians
Kirara 🚗
my grandpa was an air force captain in the korean war and then later a stockbroker though
My great grandpa was apparently a spy for the British during the 2nd war world and jewish, he was killed in an airfield by the nazis. my grand-dad was a civil engineer My grandmother was employee at the new zealand embassy and my great grandmother was a cafe owner who moved from ireland to london - she had a lot children and was her cafe was bombed.
My great granddad died while delivering the mail in ww1 Then the granddad on my mums side fought in ww2 and apparently didn't come out of it too well
One of my ancestors was maori so we keep getting stuff in the mail about the iwi and trust fund stuff going on with it I have no clue why though it's only like a 32nd bit maori
>>566555 Investigate it Maybe the spanish royal family owes you money
>>566556 >tfw not eating European settlers and stealing their muskets I was born too late
I have no idea if I believe my grandmother but apparently we have spanish royalty in our blood from some exiled princess but it sounds like a long tale.
This summer has been so hot. This winter is supposed to be incredibly cold. I'm excited for that. I'd like to wear coats a lot.
Its stupidly cold here, I've got a few thick socks and a lot jumpers. I have a real hard time getting out of bed. I wear a coat all the time! even when I'm melting, I feel exposed if I go out without a coat
>>566564 I've always had poor body image so I've never felt comfortable going out without something the covers me up. one of my best friends told me that they have never seen me without a coat, which is pretty much true.
Coats are nice because they let me switch up my look a little. I present male, so my fashion options are limited.
You can always get comfy female coats. some men's coats and jackets are kinda nice.
>>566564 It is less about what other people think even though I think that is probably part of it, Its mostly what I think. I get anxious and rip into my self.