Thread #565636
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anime a bit late tonight, sorry!
Just a bit, huh.
Banana Fish Chio-chan ga Tsuugakuro Grand Blue Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-8 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-22 Kyoto Holmes Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 7-9 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 6-7 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 4-6
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any jan?
I doooon't think so.
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okay lets see here then satsuriku 7 grand blue harukana recieve chio-chan
Angles of DESU
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satsuriku 7! I'm sure he's fine okay lets start!
Oh yeah Zack's totally dead. Nah he's totally dead. Totally.
Also it's kind of amusing that the only time Rachel's admitted to being in a good mood is shortly after she shot a crazy lady.
Seems like more than nothing.
I think he needs more than some medicine.
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Going on ahead is going to be hard for her alone.
Well she seems to have the firepower to persevere.
Oh it's a collection quest on this level.
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The only thing she's collecting is gas.
So she's gonna treat Zack with screaming sheep painting blood.
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>>565668 Yeah that's a great way to treat injuries.
Well she threw it all away before she got to him.
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Yeah, she totally wasted it.
Wow this guy has no pupils or irises.
>I will not pass blind judgement on you That looks like all you'll be passing dude.
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The judgment floor is probably not a good place for Zacku.
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>I need to find something to stop the bleeding >his face is covered in pointless bandages
Well we don't know what's under them. maybe they're not pointless. It is kind of weird how all the parts of his body open to air are covered in bandages though.
You shouldn't let people on the brink of death fall asleep. That's an easy way for the sleep to become permanent.
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Well, sleep also slows down heart rate so he'd lose less blood. She should be trying to do some easy first aid. Like wrapping his wounds with clothes or something.
Wow, prison zombies.
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Wow, seems like she's accruing some some sins.
Oh that went by fast.
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grand blue! ikaaaaa okay lets start!
Got to learn to budget your money better.
Wan coin 500yen for a drink is pretty good, even if Japanese mixed drinks are probably a bit weaker than than elsewhere.
Oh this is going to be a disaster.
Sukuru duraiba
Sex Sex Sex on the beach
Cakey has such a delusional view of the world.
>>565696 stop lewd on moe
It's a drink Bang calm your bosom.
Poor Master-san.
Oh no he's drinking their oolong tea. Yeah he's right out.
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gmail now has auto-predict replies for emails based on the text of the mail you got. it's so weird.
I've never noticed anything like that. Did they just add it like this evening or something?
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oops wrong thread yeah it was added with the most recent stuff
Engineering programs are always so male-heavy.
Yeah out of all these loser that one guy seems like he could manage a girlfriend. Kyouhei could if he wasn't a loser otaku but that's totally his lifestyle.
This poor guy.
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Wow, they're having sex!
Yeah, it's kind of like that's a totally normal thing for college students to do.
Oh no.
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His friends are trying to mess everything up. Something like this would not be tolerated in the world of women.
This poor girl though. She's getting totally roped into this whole mess.
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They're trying REALLY HARD to mess this up for him.
Oh wow she's a childhood friend too. This is really dealing a critical hit to Kyouhei.
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That was really harsh.
they're so mean
Guys can be ridiculously petty some times.
I do feel really bad for him though. That looked like a sweet relationship they totally nuked into dust.
>Localizing King's Game as Truth or Dare I get it's not really a thing in Western culture but the rulse -rules are really easy to pick up on.
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It really just makes it more confusing because king's game and truth or dare are nothing alike. okay harukana yeah, but the rules are totally different if you were unfamiliar with japanese culture you'd go in expecting truth or dare and wonder why people are bossing each other around instead it's like localizing hamburgers into riceballs or the opposite i guess okay lets start!
I mean they both generally devolve into stupid perversions once the crowd playing gets too drunk, but yeah, the actual games are completely different. End result is where they merge.
She really does seem like the kind of person to spam you with LINE stickers.
whens hanebado
It airs for Sunday nights.
The swimsuit thieves are back.
The imouto-type characters in this show are pretty genki. Kanata's kind of the exception I guess. She's not much of an imouto though.
I like the pufts of sand they put in when they hit the ball.
They tried their special move and even then they couldn't get a point.
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Protagonist-chan is getting strong.
Oh she got a shot past Haruka's block. Too bad there's still Kanata to pick up the save.
They need to find a buddy for aidoru-chan so she can play too.
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I think her buddy will be introduced soon. okay chio-chan another episode of manana being evil okay lets start!
I don't think the anime will get that far. I'm banking on the final arc being them getting to showdown with Kanata's old partner.
Hah hah hah. She's got a little model of Claptrap, the robot from the Borderlands games on the end of her pencil.
Oh it's the homeless pervert again.
Well this is a cynical but probably accurate take on the Japanese office industry.
Oh no
What are these things on the table.
Oh they looked more like body parts and other grotesque things from a distance.
Huh, that wasn't actually a bad haircut on her.
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Funny how the most disturbed girls in both asobi and chio-chan are obsessed with makeup.
How terrifying.
He's not wrong. She could use a change of outfit though yeah.
Oh no.
Where did these lights come from.
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Oh this scene was in some of the early PVs when this anime was first announced. I didn't realize it was Chio, hah hah.
These are some pretty good Bluff rolls they're making. All's well that ends well I guess.
Chio's a little ridiculous.
Wow he's levelled up his newspaper delivery skills.
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He's a really competent guy.
Competent maybe. But he also seems a little desperate.>Offering a high school girl a puff of a cigar
Hah hah it's the stylized Chio.
Oh no.
That's some advanced kabedon.
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Oh, that went by fast. Anime in general went by fast.
Managed the whole session in about two hours. Good time.
Oh buttpoke girl comes back next week.