Thread #566237
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Weekend taimu
Banana Fish Boku no Hero Academia Happy Sugar Life Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-9 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-22 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Persona 5 Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 8-9 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 6-8 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 4-6
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okay Any sightings of Jan?
I think he was in the main thread earlier.
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well it's not immediately important anyway persona 5 boku no hero hataraku saibou kakuyrio 19 and the reason it's not immediately important is because we're starting with persona
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okay persona 5 okay lets start!
Parcelona 5
Ra mi fi ca tions~
Haru has a brief shot in the OP of her Persona activation scene now.
I guess it pays to investigate the people around the daughter of the guy that had a heart attack.
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okie doke what time >>566253 tilde save me
Oh shit sorry. 9:35 09:40 09:45 09:50
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we're getting to parts I haven't seen yet.
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Did you not finish the game?
Their name has been SLANDERED.
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this part of the game made me really mad people on the internet are a shit
The Internet is too strong a veil to hide behind. You can be as toxic as you want on it.
oh wow this is when i finally leveled up this kid's slink too haha everbody else i gave a shit about was already max
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mishima is down the dark path
As expected of the littlest shit.
i dont like mishima i like his desgin though
He's a bit reminscent of the MC from Durarara!!.
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I have seen this social link stuff though. I liked this girl.
Wow sudden chuuni.
>>566268 hifumi is the fucking best
>>566267 she was the one i went on the valentine's day date with so all the other girls in the game beat the shit out of me afterwards sojiro gave me some consolation chocolate tho
i felt bad for betraying tae but she got her revenge so it's all good
Yowai watashi
Gotta stop the little shit from lashing out of control.
>I'm the Phantom Thieves producer
Oh no now he's writing Phantom Thieves fanfiction.
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he is the ultimate phanboy after all
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the next episodes are going to be awesome the climax of this game is great 10/10 game
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maybe even my favorite jrpg of all time
boku no hero 59?>>566280 i have played a shit load of jrpgs i just enjoy games that are huge timesinks like jrpgs and mmos 150+ hours of character building endears you to characters easily i think er 150+ hours of gameplay
You know I haven't really played many JRPGs. Beaten even fewer.
Yeah, we're on episode fifty-nine.
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boku no hero! okay lets start!
WATASHI GA KITA Also if we have Jan we should tap out Kakuriyo for an episode of Starlight. And end the night on Hataraku.
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>>566283 Yeah, I think that's a good idea.
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>>566283 >>566285 waaw so considerate on my birfday i dropped kakuriyo a long time ago but you probably guess that
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Kageki is probably more interesting that kakuriyo anyway. happy birthday!
Oh yeah tanjoubi omedettes waga tomoyo.
Kakuriyo's fun enough but I WANT to know what comes next in Starlight. Enough that honestly it's been hard putting off the itch of just going on ahead myself.
>>566286 hbd!!
Gyangu oruka
Gang Orca has some real awesome FLAIR though. For a guy with a killer whate head.
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this guy is so damn cool
His hero outfit is like a suit of armor too. I think he's decently tall himself but his hero outfit makes him pretty hulking.
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>can do things an orca can do
Fighting between yourselves is going to make you lose pooooiintssss.
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bad synergy
Well it comes to no surprise to us watchers that Endeavor is a douche.
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funny thing is they probably agree on how much of an asshole his dad is.
they should just talk it over for a minute and team up to shame his dad
Orca's probably not gonna give them a minute.
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haha Midoriya is a madman.
Deku at the least has his head in the game.
h e r o
hmm maybe they can't really get along after all he does have his dad's eyes
>Guy's using powers that make ice >He thinks those powers are super-hot
To his credit this was back when Todoroki was all-in on his emo phase. He's softened up a bit since then.
Orca's having fun playing the villain.
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that green sound guy is a bro.
midoriya and shinso are pretty alike after all
>>566311 Shindo's kind of like a weird harmony between Deku and Bakugou. Deku's sense for heroics with Bakugou's tendency to be a bit of a jerk.
Chewbacca gets a chance to shine.
Deku's so polite.
wow deku was about to go hard i feel so disappointed
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They're going to hit us with a results cliffhanger.
Well that's how it was in the chapter, so. There's probably gonna be some main characters that didn't pass.
I get the feeling todoroki will not be a fortunate one
He ain't no fortunate son.
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I think that's right, todoroki will be out and the center characters of the last bit will be kacchan and deku
! ! ! Next week is exciiiitiiiinnnng
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i'm not so sure about bakugo either, I don't feel like he really proved himself much
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kacchan quietly made good decisions though. He was wise about who to save and not to and his team saved the last people to be saved. It wasn't super glamorous but he actually deserves a lto of credit for just not charging the villains. That seems like what he'd normally od.
And if Todoroki fails the windy dude will probably fail too. Though he's no main character.
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okay kageki 6 okay lets start!
We will all become Starlight!>>566329 LIGHT
Fantastic kimono girl!
lots of yummy water huh
Yummy water's essential for good growth.
Well it was due time they came to a head.
Hah hah Hikari must be a bit of a slob. I can relate.
Wow they're even trained in tapdancing.
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Man they shot her down hard.
The shipping charts for this show sure are complicated.
Hah hah hah
I want a Tonda motorbike too.
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wow those arrows were going super fast to ricochet like that.
That was some real good arrow-play.
So she's throwing a dramatic fit for attention because she can't do anything else, huh.
Plus once Kaoruko leaves, that will free up that bedroom. And Claudine doesn't need to have this random girl barging in on her room.
Karen's the one who's most upset over this.
This really isn't the place to have a lover's spat like this. Better to have it on the BATTLEFIELD.
the stage is the perfect place for a lover's quarrel they both have some pretty niche halberds here
Oh shit a duel between a polearm and a naginata. Two A+ weapons.
no wait they're polearms>>566349 a naginata and a halberd are both polearms but different kind
Right it's halberd whoops.
Oh the paper wall behind them is a tiger versus a dragon. How mythical.
Hah hah hah. Naginata are pretty cool weapons.
this is based off a real stage play or something right?
Yeah, I believe there was an original play before this anime. I think it was all planned together though as a multimedia project though.
Tendou was really happy to get that letter of challenge and one sweet.
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That was a good episode.
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I guess next episode is Banana's.
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We aru cells at work
oh lets start forgot to type
Oh they're going with a different set of seiyuu for this week's OP. It's messing up the timing of the OP animation so much!
What a spartain training regime.
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>T cells enjoying tea time
how are the cells drinking tea and stuff do the cells have smaller cells in them
I am a T cell that definitely enjoys tea time.
Stuff like this always makes me glad military service is not mandatory. I like my lazy lifestyle.
Cells sure grow up so fast.
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What happens to a cell that fails out?
It probably dies.
What an annoying crowd.
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wow he's no good.
Good doesn't matter as long as you get the germ.
This water is awfully yellow. Considering they're cells within the body and all.
glasses reminds me of someone glasses commander
The sounds of Killer T getting punched is funny.>>566384 He's like a carbon copy of the main character of Silver Spoon. Also kind of like the no-fun brother in Ao no Exorcist. I'm pretty sure he probably shares seiyuu with at least one of those too.
This guy just perpetually creeping in the background taking photos.
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His job is to remember stuff so it's fine.
Oh Staphy show up for a rematch next week.
that was a good ep
Nice to have a focus on not Red Blood Cell and White Blood Cell for once.
thanks for aniume
Thanks for anima
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yep, thanks for anime!