I am at a food truck festival but eevery line is like 100 deep forget that but its at a school and you can eat inside and im looking at all the schoolwork on the walp wall and lol these kids
>>55849 >wait so lobg for each food item you get hungry Genius
you should see the waffle line wtf it is like playing snake
Toss a wall into the line ut should shorten
I want to just leave the tenders line is now half as long as it was when I took the photo ehh, I uess t IT iS moving nicelyyl itll still take a while and its cold
It was 80 today but we're getting a cold front. It will be lows of ~50 all week.
>>55864 more like someone walking on spring ice on a synny day, but true And true still that what i said became
>aloo pie shop is closed life is trash
As soon as I got halfway home, my friend tells me that they are in Brooklyn about to watch Get Out Today is so shit > due to police activity some trains may be delayed SO SHIT
A day spent thinking about lost opportunities wouldn't have been a day taken easy anyway. Today was trash. Going straight home would have been equal, yet opposite trash. Conservation of Trash.
I slept like 10 hours today. It was really uncharacteristic but it was pretty nice. I got four hours of sleep a bunch of nights lastweek so that's probably why it happened.
It disturbed most of the people I met today at the Men's Breakfast. It was supposed to start at 10, and it did, but they were all hustling and tired. At the start anyway. Having been awoke for hours already, none of it bothered me
I love that extra hour so much I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon, even though I'll be working! The warm sun manages to get through the office window where I work in the afternoons. Then I get to drive home in it and enjoy an extra hour of it when I get home. It's going to be great!
I've been thinking about going for a while. It's a bit anxiety provoking to think about sometimes.
Coping mechanisms would be really nice. Panic has been triggering my flight instinct a lot lately. More than that though, I think I need a "get your shit together" mechanism. I could really use something like that.
I need better stress coping mechanisms. I very rarely feel stress so I don't notice I have it until it's a lot and my personality type naturally becomes more disorganized under stress. I could organize myself and deal with it but when I'm in that state, I don't really want to fix it.
I went toe my uni's therapist once it really wasn't what i was expecting so i went to a more professional professional after that
>>55959 A bit. Normally I keep myself distracted or occupied with something enough to not get worried much. But when I get a period of downtime, it's not uncommon for my brain to assess my current position in life and the things I should be doing/will have to do/will be expected to do. And it kind of makes me freak out. It happens a lot when I'm laying in bed before falling asleep or waking up.
>>55960 This will be a professional. It's though an EAP.
I'm doing valerian root and 5-HTP therapy this weekend just eating a lot, lounging, sleeping, and really heavy dreaming no alcohol, no cigarettes, no stimulants i'm hoping i'll feel a little bit more baseline come monday, andnot struggling with the momentum of anxiety that usually carries over
just having a very baseline weekend, and doing things that are comforting i'm making all these kettles of tea and putting them in jugs and refrigerating them, doing laundry by hand
Ah, it started three years ago. >>55967 Food gentrification is when something you eat becomes super popular and mainstream to the point where the prices go up insanely. Like Tumeric
It's the kind of thing you have to worry about in poverty areas because once your chopped cheese gets a spotlight on the Gothamist, your affordable sandwich goes from $4 to $8 and suddenly it isn't worth spending money on for anyone but the people suddenly popping up in your neighborhood.
I have enough yard that I can grow tomatoes the right way around here. There are a lot of squirrels around here though. Maybe I really should electrify the tomato cages.
Tomatoes are perfectly fine in pots though. We've got a pretty large garden in our backyard but my mother still grows all her tomatoes in pots. Potted or in the ground is pretty irrelevant to tomatoes. What's important is to have something the vines can grow up against.
My mind is like 50% conveyor belts and robotic grabby hands so woozy
Let's see, when is the Ursula event over. It says Days Left: 1, does that mean it's over after the rest tonight, or will it be like hours left: 24 at the reset?
The thief right out of the gate snipes every five star I have except for Eldigan. Who instead gets sniped by Ursula herself since she's strong against cavalry.
There are a few good blues and greens. Reds do have more, but that's because almost all of the lords are red.
Blue has Abel, Effie, mRobin, Azura, and a few other really good ones. Green has fRobin, Nino, and I guess Camilla. Green does need some more good ones. Oh, Hector. Hector is also really good and green.
>>56016 Those were literally all the ones I could think of + Minerva
And I can't even completely confirm Minerva being that great but she has like 60+ Attack when I see her in the Training Tower and I'm like shit dude, I need that
When I did Tenth Stratum there was a healer with Wings of Mercy and fucking Tharja's fat fast butt running all over the place and I don't know how I didn't lose. Oh yeah, because it was 3v4.
>>56024 I got Elise the other day. I was pretty happy about it.
Elise looks really cute and I'm sad because I still don't have Sanaki. or Julia
Also, I found out that the increased chances from failing to get a 5* is local to the gacha that you're rolling. So if you fail at the Siblings one a lot and then you try the Princess gacha, your chance to get a 5* is still base 3% on that one
Elise is very cute. I was tempted to get her nendo.
I have 4* clarine and 4* Maria Need to level Maria though
I am torn between making any 5* and just leveling 4*s all over the place I am just going to save the rest of my feathers until Inherit details come out.
No, it's not that I need feathers. But rather will I need to be a certain tier to even pass a certain skill on. And even if I did, the recipient needs to be a certain tier to use it so I don't really know who I am giving what at all.
I want to give Nino Gronnraven because Cecilia is slow. >having Vantage to give
Yeah but that just means you have the greatest chance of finding him now than before.
Also gronnwolf for Ursula
Well, it's not like I'm going to be beating Ursula any time soon. But even then, you wouldn't really need Gronnwolf. Female Robin has Blue Tomebreaker.
I don't think gronnraven is that good anyway >>56054 Yeah but that's not enough to one-shot Reinhardt at level 40 You can double up on the bonus damage and guarantee a one-shot this way
Once I start seeing Reinhardts and Ursulas, I guess we'll be getting more Ursulas now. She's pretty good. But then I'll start worrying about the cavalry meta. Right now, cavs ain't shit
i contacted them on the fourth with my resume 8am the next morning they said great and they'd give me a call in the morning four days later they gave me a call to say that someone would give me a call in the upcoming coulple days and she did but still everything's moving so slow for a five minute call and one email
i even sent them one super thick all-encompassing confidentiality agreement that a lawyer would be proud of and then also one small statement saying I, the contractor, agree not to disclose information files documents etc XX company shares with me it still amazes me they didn't have one of their own ready to go and had never used one before but as soon as i mention it she's like "oh that's great send it to us before we get started any further" i wonder if i triggered a red flag or something by even asking nobody else had to why do i
maybe i'm too isolated lately i'm always feeling like i'm the one struggling to be a functioning responsible adult but with only myself as my own baseline, maybe i'm overestimating everyone else not that i think i'm especially more competent than them but i expect people know what they're doing and maybe they don't
the gears in their head still have to be doing something while they're working on other things every day isn't the same is it that would be such a comfort
ive already got the new jersey court reporting standards memorized it's not complicated once you already know transcription i could go take that test now but i have to do a month of training first which SUCKS because Corel only has a 30 day free trial and based on this company so far, i seriously doubt they have free keys to give out to their contractors meaning i'm going to have to buy Corel Suite which i want anyway, but still I don't think the latest suite is pirateable easily
>>56094 I think only Samu's playing Wheeze of the Wild. I want to but I need a Switch for that and Nintendo of America is currently holding them hostage.
i would have thought up a good replacement for wild but i couldn't think of one and had already started typing i'll take on that task now
On console? Kannagi was playing Sophie and telling me about how it's nice to play it off of counsel, but on PC is that unusual for atelier or all they all pc available
Atelier Sophie and Firis are available on PC, but they're the only ones. They changed engines for the PS4 ones, I think, and those are easier to port to PC. PS4 games in general are more compatible with PC because of console architecture or something like that. I got the PS4 version but I effectively play on PC because I use remote play.
I know the answe // I know the answer in advance but I'm going to ask Can/would you stream it? I never get to play the games I really enjoy laying in bed and watching them though
I can't stream remote play, my connection doesn't have enough upload. I tried streaming gravity rush for some friends and it was too choppy for them to watch.
I can stream really smoothly but i never play games so i'm never streaming i stream mahjong sometimes but you can imagine the kind of viewership that gets i can't watch anyone stream gasp of the feral right now because they're all either way into it and i won't be appreciating the exploration, or they're going to be loud and obnoxious and i won't like it i prefer to watch my friends on /moe/ play, like watching kirara play proximal tomatoes i get that exploration element firsthand, even if it's a little ways in i really hate commentated gameplay sometimes i just want the closest experience to playing the game without having to play it
That's pretty frustrating sometimes though I watched an uncommentated Catherine playthrough and the guy was just so bad at the puzzle aspect he didn't even try the rapunzel levels it was still a nice experience but that was super frustrating
but some games are nicer to watch than play i don't know if everyone feels that way naturally, or if it's just a produc // product of some people getting used to watching their partner play video games but i'm definitely in the latter it's not only easier to watch, but it's interesting to see how other people view a situation differently
Weren't you playing xenosaga at some point or am i confusing it with someone else i only got partially into episode two i left all my stuff at the house when i moved so i'll probably never get it back i really liked that game though i wonder if there are any longplays of it
I had some issues playing it on the original console it was made for, too I played through it and the fight with whats-his-name who was super powerful that was an optional win, but you can proceed if you lose, i didn't know it was possible to win it I went back and tried to win it, but skipping the cutscenes caused the game to flip the hell out and the cutscenes were messed up and the game froze like permafroze on that save file really weird it's a super cool game though, i liked it a lot if i do
Its kind of a weird question yeah but my sister asked me how come I get it relatively often and she doesn't I thought maybe it's because she sleeps with a shirt on and I don't. So I had to ask a third party to settle this great debate once and for all Thanks
>>56195 My Abel is only level 20 I guess I could grind him up It's probably not really worth it to do Ursula lunatic for me though It'd just be 80 sp I need to work on grinding some cavalry but I've been focusing on cuties!
Oh yeah, that's the snag isn't it. They can't be infantry (or have to be Effie) actually maybe Effie doesn't count as infantry now that I think about it.
I saw someone do it with hmm what's his name I can't remember it the male pegasus rider who's name escapes me oh tsubaki
Actually there was this totally cute girl, and like five guys were trying to take her purse and rape her, so I went full hero mode and started swinging punches.
Actually there was this one stretch were we had to go down this -not waterfall but still had water running down it so it was super slippery - rock face, and there was also an overhang and a bit of a lip, and I lost my footing trying to navigate it and swung down into the wall below. But I was wearing a helmet so it was fine. Except for my eye which is all puffy and purple now
>>56215 Absolutely. In fact, I probably did it on purpose subconsciously in a desperate bid to try and fit in with my fellow countrymen.
Now I realised waht I hate most about this "lounge radio" they have no volume leveling in their broadcasting one song comes out at "volume 10" and the next one comes at "volume 5" so loud songs are really loud and obnoxious and those ones are usually anyhoiw annoying as fuck some bloody lounge remix of a bad popsong. I guess whoever made this automated "radio channel", didn't bother to code in automated volume leveler.
>>56240 they're forced and bad >>56244 Name ONE good cover
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
t. people with bad taste
Come to think of it, I usually dislike covers of any kind. Acapella ones from good artists are maybe the only exception
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>56243 i don't want to because there are too many to choose from i will give you an artist who does covers that are 90% good instead richard cheese
>>56246 yeah well please call lounge FM and tell them to stop playing shitty covers of good songs and shitty pop song lounge covers I don't generally want to listen to shit like "move like jagger" and especially don't want to listen to an equally, but in a different way, shitty lounge remix of it
I think every other song is some real high pitched woman singer on this radio
>>56246 okay you got me there time to download an entire discography
>>56253 There's this thing called YouTube that's going to blow your fucking mind.
I've never met a person who listens to digital radio but that's a thing and by that I don't mean online radio
Like seriously what kind of respectful artist makes a lounge cover of a Katy Perry song? >>56254 you don't get the same amount of good music by just tuning into a guy who hosts and picks up jazz programs for a living well that sentence makes no sense You don't get the same amount of good music by just going around searching for stuff on youtube and its shitty algorithms, compared to tuning into a guy who hosts a jazz block for living.
>>56257 once upon a time the government switched over the analog television signal to digital and cut off the analog they sort of did similar with radio except the two coexist for some reason Anyway with the digital stuff they brought in a bunch of channels
So it was, but then some people kinda went "you know, what if we still need analog radio at times" and it kinda stuck or shit
I don't per se listen to radio anyhow, I listen to the past broadcasts on the YLE website. But can't really listen to them that much, since they have just about maybe 10 weeks, so 10 hours of broadcasts saved.
>>56270 Been happening for like 3 years now. This is just the year it's finalized
well yeah that was the same thing with DVB tv, we just said "in the next 5 years analog will die" and then people were surprised when 5 yeas later "so by end of this month at the end of the year, analog is officially dead" In what kind of ditch people live, when they then panic at the very last moment and buy all the DVB gadgets from stores...
Of course, then our wise and infinitely intelligent politicians sold our national digitial broadcasting network to a french company
Analog is fine. It's not like digital is so super duper better than it. If it were the difference between CD and DVD, it'd have picked up quickly. But it's not that much better so it didn't.
you have anti-trust and monopoly lwas in place, and then you fucking willingly give some company monopoly in some area... YOU CAN'T COMPETE POWER GRID COMPANIES THERE IS ONLY ONE POWER GRID AND ONE COMPANY RUNNING IT and the dolts leading this fucknut of a nation went "so for the benefit of our short sighted idiocy, we shall sell this state company runnin power grids to some foreign investors and then be all shocked when they treat their customers like shit"
>>56276 Yeah, but it's the same for the listener either way. The listener doesn't have to make accommodations to facilitate that transition unless they're using 40 year old tech. It's all producer-side.
>>56275 Most people don't. Most people don't even know the difference between analog and digital.
>>56275 it comes I think in the end to cost running digital is cheaper
though in terms of just broadcasting audio, the dvb doesn't really give you that much improvements, compared to audiovisual broadcasting like tv.
and of course digital allows such things like, broadcasting the song title and track lenght and shit like that, so you can forexample look at your player and go "oh this is the song that is playing" and then not be annoyed at hearing some song, whose name was never told by the DJ
Sk phone
>>56278 Digital just opens up the airwaves for more channels It takes less of it for each channel cause 1 and 0 instead of anything between 20 and 20k he Or however radio functions, I'm not a fucking scientist
i only came here to say goodnight goodnight /moew/
that is the weirdest thing I always found peculiar about the nazi propaganda about jews "the bolshevik jews" but I don't really think jews had a good time in USSR no one had especially people who stuck out
>>56300 nah when you get octrasiced like that, based on your ethnicity etc you usually don't end up hating yourself, but either the oppressors for a good reason at that, or some other group like this guy ended.
Also there was a cultural component to it Americans used to see people doing better than them and say "fuck that asshole, i'm gonna be even better than that faggot"
Is it worth driving all the way to woolies just for soda water probably not
>>56303 "fuck that guy, I will try to get the tax office to catch him for tax fraud, for he can't be doing this well without breakin the law" t finland
is not like it happens that much, but yeah if you get caught for tax evasion or anything like that, it usually is because your jealous neighbour ratted you out. It is a weird cultural thing, where success is hated by some not all but by some.
>>56306 Naaah. I'll have to settle for boring old un-carbonated, unbubbly water
Like some sort of faggot
don't buy a sodastream don't make the same mistake I did
yeah seriously, what do you do with one... you don't even save money, methinks, since you have to buy wait how do the machines even work, they do require some carbonstuff right?
pretty sure this is how i'm going to be as a therapist
>call me maybe lounge version I am bit tempted to tear that speaker off of the wall
and why did that guy/band even make it? You just took a shitty song replaced the disco digital track from it, with identical but lounge digital track that was all made by some 1 dude sitting infront of a computer, mass produced for the market and just replaced the singer from one shitty female singer to some shitty male singer and ran their singing through autotune and pooped out the result
why? and why do people listen to that and more over PAY for it
I wanted this and only this and they were sold out.
Sk phone
>weeb aisle >chink food
>>56333 if it is actually megumin, that does explain it maybe?
Sk phone
>>56336 Even then it's not weird Kazuma being surprised at Me gum in, but cool with "Darkness" is insanity
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>56333 adding "min/in" to the end of the name is a cutsie wootsie thing yeah like TN is saying
>>56337 megumi is a normal name megumin is like a cutesy nickname of an idol like take kirara would be a name but kirarin would definitely be a idol pet name
Also we're still acting like a cutesy nickname is weird as a name in a world where we already have a girl called Water, and one called Darkness
like imagine if someone's name was Olafson Johanson that is not a first name someone would have
>>56334 Oh fuck yes this is the best instant ramen I clean the shelf out every time I go to the store
>>56347 fantasy world fantasy rules but when someone comes with a name that is a) japanese b) a form of nickname as actual name yeah it is surprise like if someone's actual name was Dick and the dick ws not just short for richard their real name was Dick now imagine that popping up in some fantasy world, that generally has non-real world like names and then up comes Dick Johnson
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I think those names are just unusual yeah Crimson Demons seem to be the only ones with names that we would consider cutsie like Yunyun or Megumin
>>56362 Because I have the flu and he doesn't want me to everybody Which is reasonable But I need money and shit too He said I could maybe pick up some extra shifts next week to make up for it, hopefully he'll let me have like 60hrs and it will even out
>>56383 We don't have that kind of garbage service here haha They do that for the recycling, though! The garbage however, is left in bags for manly men to sling over their heads at a very impatient garbage truck driver
They used to give the garbage guys beer around christmas apparently
Shit, man. If every single house gave you a case you'd probably have enough to last you the rest of the year.
I still do >>56389 Well we used to just throw it across the Rio but there's some kind of concrete fence stopping us from accessing the barren wasteland south of us Strangest thing I ever did see
charter dropped my internet for no reason at midnight for two straight hours what do i pay them for? ontop of that, despite all the sleepytime drugs i took i only slept for four hours now it's 6 am and i'm out of milk what am i supposed to do the store opens at 8
>>56401 Maybe you took too many drugs so they didn't work right
>>56408 do you ever get to drink no homo milk? it's like twice as expensive here, and sometimes only comes in a glass bottle that you have to pay a deposit on but there's no homo chocolate milk and it's so rich and delicious it makes me want to cry but the glass bottles man, they just keep stacking up >>56411 i dunno if i got work today or not but i'm up
>>56410 You're just jealous that you don 't live in the future.
>>56412 Nah. I've never tried it. Does it really taste that different?
>>56413 It really, really, really does it's amazing how delicious it is i don't know how to explain it, but it's so full and rich whereas homo milk feels like the flavor's been pulverized out of it
Yeah it tastes different It's REAL MILK >>56413 I'm just jealous that your day is almost over and I have a whole day of nothing to endure
I don't really drink that much milk but I like no homo milk
how are you roog
not bad about to sleep
good sleeps froggy friend
>>56414 I'll have to try and taste some sometime. >>56415 Lets trade then. I'm fucking exhausted and I have a full day of classes/work tomorrow. >>56418 Sweet dreams, rookers.
>>56420 do you like your orange juice with pulp or without pulp
It was down through canyons. You really had to earn your fun. A good part of the morning was spent just bush bashing up a really steep hill to get to the entrance point. And that was pretty shit.
But then you abseil down into the canyon and follow the course down through the path at the bottom. One of them was full of water and we had to wear wetsuits. The other one was mostly try but had some slippery sections (that's also where I managed to lose my footing and give myself a black eye).
The second one also had this cave you could crawl in, and it was a bit of a tight squeeze, but there were heaps and heaps of glowworms inside. Like little green stars. That was awesome and made all the effort forcing our way through scrub worth it.
So yes. It was fun. But with some not-so-fun parts too.
sounds like a lot of work sometimes i get distressed when i'm watching fullscreen from bed and something closes fullscreen and i have to get out of bed to go over to the mouse to fullscreen it agani
There was also the social aspect of it, which was where most of the not-so-fun times came in. There were some really cool people in the group, but also a few.. STRONG PERSONALITIES.
>>56442 oh yeah, you can never run short of those I've been told a whole bunch of kangaroos died at the mental hospital because tourists fed them when they shouldn;t
why would you feed them or do anything nice for thiose shitters and also what does that have to do with the mental hospital
Fed them what - poison? That sounds like bullshit. All that happens if you feed Kangaroos is that get get increasingly annoying and overbearing as they hang around humans for food.
something like bread carried something nasty it could all be a GROUNDLESS RUMOR though
>>56445 I don't like Kangaroos much either, moon, but if you talk shit about the National Emblem, I'm going to have to fight you. That's just the way it goes.
pee on a loaf of bread feed it to kangaroo
>>56448 i thought drop bears were the national emblem
>>56431 Wow that sounds really cool Take me on your adventures Marsh I want to climb mountains and fuck myself up too
>>56450 That would scare the children. >>56451 A willingness to get hurt is the #1 criteria I look for in my fellow adventurers, so you're off to a good start.
>>56452 Well like my dad always used to say you gotta break a few bones or else you're a pussy and God cursed me with you instead of a real son
ah jeez look at the time i need to get ready to go fuck myself
good luck
>>56453 He sounds like a wise man. >>56454 have a good time.
>>56456 I love my dad One time he dug a bigass splinter out of my hand with a knife Other dads would have canceled the camping trip for this but not mine he gave me a choice Go to the hospital and then home or get the knife and alcohol and keep fishing God Bless
I am sure it'll be fine! I am looking forward to it.
It is always great to get new seasons of really good anime.
Hype doesn't correlate to anything meaningful concerning quality though. This is all just public response on /a/, it's not like it's something the production committee takes into account. We'll just have to see what studio and director get picked up for it.
Yo kannagi wanna watch an eight minute video with me
>>56497 Aside from IGN being the Believe the Hype and maybe Ubisoft, game devs and stuff don't really hype anything it is always the fans And in that industry, the more somethign gets hyped by the "future fans", the more clashing the "imagined product" clashes with the actual good.
This is an anime adaptation of a pre-established light novel series though. Not a game.
I just wonder how it will feel the s1 had that weird filter and whatnot that gave it a unique look So can a modern anime studio pull the same?
Even Can you see Sound anime removed the rust filter in s2, which was imo the best thing about it.
> still being affected by hype
i mean the bigger concern you should have is that Nakamura Ryutarou passed away in 2013, who directed the first season. Which means they'll need a new director to fill the shoes he wore.
>>56504 I think getting excited and anticipating things are fine. There's nothing inherently wrong with being excited for something.
>>56507 it's about food, actually it's a matt stonie video
picking up fish's parents from airport soon
have you met them before
i was going to make a joke about them actually being fish, and you're going to be picking up an anthropomorphic trout and salmon at the airport but it wasn't very funny i couldn't think of a way to make it funny either
>>56514 It doesn't really have to be an illness. I think you can be disappointed in something and still have enjoyed being excited about it in the past. You don't have to let the later events spoil the stuff that happened in the past.
Extract sensible person juice, bottle it and inject it into hype victims
Again, you can enjoy being hyped up about something. And then if the end product is not to your expectations, you don't have to throw a tantrum over it. The two situations can be enjoyed--and not enjoyed--independent of each other.
I am not hyped to the point of disappointment. *never
>>56522 whadja go get to eat i got some wensleydale with cranberries for 10 cents because they weighed it wrong and didn't double check probably a quarter pound of cheese that would have been five dollars but the sticker said .005 pounds no complaints here
I don't really enjoy factorio type cames. *games there is no end goal or anything and you don't even compete against anyone.
>>56527 There isn't really a FIST kind of playstyle in the game. At least not one that suits Gon. Also you can probably choose whatever weapon type there is.
>>56528 I just told you there's an end goal though
I uh Told someone
I guess it wasn't on moe Anyway the goal is to launch a spaceship
not me
>>56524 a microwave chinese meal and a crisps and a bottle of flavoured water.
And it is a fucking ORDEAL, trust me You can make just about everything by hand, technically But it will take you literal years if you don't automate just about everything
There's an achievement too for actually automating the absolute bare minimum of Whoops. For manually crafting the absolute bare minimum of things and trying to rely totally on machines to make your necessary components on the way to the space ship. I think the achievement gives you like, ten items of leeway and beyond that you have to craft very, very carefully.
>insta ramen that I added soy and worchester sauce to SO MUCH SALT
Delicious delicious salt.
Well I felt all day that I wasn't keeping in liquids at all so I think I needed some extra also ti tasted good anything tastes better when you add some soy+worchester to it
>>56549 Let's do it Keep practicing your japanese -- mine's awful. I'll need you. I landed a new contract recently and will be making like double what I was before a trip to japan is totally realistic
Imagine being someone so known just your name is enough to make people have a kneejerk reaction and know what's about to come next Like Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, or Carl Sagan
Best moment is when you have had a way too long session because of a war that dragged on and then you lull back into the peace time mode and realise "holy shit I am dead tired"
>>56573 Probably varies from person to person, eh.
>>56574 There was one time I was playing EU or Crusader Kings, and I was just stuck chasing rebel uprising after rebel uprising after rebel uprising for so long. And after it finally calmed down, I sat back for a moment and it rushed in on me how absolutely drained I was.
>>56584 Mine is more cluttered but I have a higher percentage of garbage in my garbage can. I still have boxes of books everywhere because two of my bookshelves broke in transit.
tfw you complain about the cold constantly but jump rope outside in 30 degree weather in a t-shirt and shorts
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>56587 Err I meant more cluttered than the room in the picture, I haven't seen Rika's room so I don't know for sure. Although it probably is, the way I have the room set up I think I could measure some stuff and make a pretty good estimate of free floor space (its less than half of the room).
>>56592 I don't really have a good place to do it inside. The rope swings too high in my foyer area, and there's not really anywhere else I could do it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you're right, why not do it inside
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>56591 Is 15 too hot for you? Although I do think 0 to 10 Celsius is a great temperature for *temperature range for an outside workout. Not that I workout outside anymore, or at all for that matter.
Yeah, I think everyone has a foyer. >>56602 That's good. I thought the heat would burn more but I don't know.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh wait actually this place does sort of have a foyer, its just that its by the front door which we don't really use and it is now basically the back door.
>>56595 post 10 it becomes too hot for a jacket, but not warm enough to go just t-shirt etc
>>56603 Your body generates more heat when the cold air is sapping all the heat out of you. Generating heat burns caloric energy. Or something like that.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>56605 Ahh, I get what you mean. Although I usually forego the jacket at around 5, I also wear flipflops whenever its above 0 and there is no precipitation as long as I don't have to walk more than 2 miles.
Mr. and Mrs. Fish are lost in the airport trying to find baggage claim. Fish keeps telling them to ask someone for directions and her dad keeps shouting that he can find it himself
>American airports NEVER AGAIN.
Until the next time I need to go anywhere outside of Canada.
>>56609 I have the moe attribute of getting lost easily, almost to anime levels. Last week I got lost trying to find a place a block away because I turned right instead of left when leaving. I got lost again last week when my phone told me the wrong address.
>>56611 I also have this attribute. One time I tried to drive north to central Florida and wound up in Miami.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>56611 I used to have that attribute but I grew out of it, I actually have a really good explanation of why I had it in the first place but its not interesting.
I don't really get lost easily. But I do have a habit of slipping into solo mode and wandering off. So I get lost in the sense that I might not be with the people I was with earlier and they might not be able to find me.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh but my friend has it pretty badly, even if he is using a GPS. Once he was using the GPS for his friend who was driving and they were trying to go to downtown Terre Haute and they ended up in Indianapolis. They live in Terre Haute for the record.
She keeps sending Fish selfies of her with airport employees and TSA agents which I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to do. She's taking selfies with them instead of asking directions. >>56634 Not particularly. This is the start of a very troublesome two weeks.
>>56628 Neat! Are you excited to meet the parents?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>56633 There are a lot of things the TSA do that they aren't supposed to do, there also a lot of things that they don't do that they are supposed to do.
Oh yeah I'm tentatively getting a ton of things done tomorrow. So I might be in a really good mood this week. I'm getting a haircut, solving my banking issues and maybe getting my learners permit. FUCK I FORGOT I'M GETTING BLOOD DRAWN
>>56684 Aired and concluded. If you're a bit more patient you might be able to get all the BD releases too. There's a handful of QUALITY fixes here and there they touch up on.
>>56690 Yeah. He looks shorter than the cars he's walking past.
I don't know how much I'll have to push it On one hand I want to protect my comfortable situation On the other hand I don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not and lie to them
>>56693 I don't know if I should point this out to you, but you're basically in a relationship with her already. The only aspect you lack is the fucking. Just act natural.
Coincidentally, you can't be opposite sex roommates, in terms of applying for any social benefits, student unemployment etc. You live with opposite gender, the state thinks you are dating. Well if you are related, it is different of course.
I think this is going to get changed in the future, but not in a way that changes things for better. but rather fucks things up for same sex roomies, since gaymarriage and all.
>>56698 Yeah it was a really good one. I like the part where he's clenching his teeth and the part where she's using blood as lipstick.
An acquaintance of mine has released some music on soundcloud today I guess I came in with high expectations but I'm listening to it and I'm feeling pretty disappointed
We've got them in the backseat right now. They're chatting away so happily. He's like 5 feet tall. His wife is like 6 feet tall. He was like, "I know what you're thinking! You're thinking I'm short!" And he goes off talking about how height doesn't make the man and stuff
>>56722 She's a little shorter than me I think she's like 5'5 or somewhere thereabouts
>>56721 Well I'm sympathetic to a guy being self-conscious about his height, and it probably doesn't help being lined up against his wife, hah hah.
But that still is really fucking short, hah hah hah.
>>56718 Tell me more tell me more tell me more tell me more
>I know what you're thinking: you're thinking this black man speaks like a white man. >that's not what I was thinking at all >That's alright. You know as well as I that it's a white man's world. We have to adapt.
this can'tbe happening to me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
He knows what you're thinking dude
>>56728 Oh geez, did Blue's future self fall backwards into the past.
fish was like, "dad stop" and he goes "The men are talking, sweetie."
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I might go see Get Out. I was teasing my friends about how none of them would get it, except for two of them who might get it in a few years because they are gay but not fully out of the closet.
>>56750 Good lamb is an amazing meat. He's not wrong.
He's not but we were just talking about it being a white man's world and he suddenly changed the topic to lamb His voice is like a higher pitched Kevin Hart too This is so fucking weird
There was probably a backcurrent thought about it in his head that rose to the surface.
>>56753 "I know what you are thinking, but your friends on that imageboard won't help you"
I don't watch scary movies because I don't get legitimately scared by them but jump scares work well on me. They're just an exercise in annoyance.
>>56764 Sinister 1 & 2 are good Horror movies in general are shit, Some stand outs to me are Sinister, Babadook, Annabelle, and the one by the creators of Annabelle that I can't think of right now
>>56768 Have you actually seen some of the classics the stuff that don't rely on the cheap scares?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Do any of you guys happen to know what the new domain name for madokami is? I haven't used it or gone on the irc channel in a while and it seems like they no longer use .al .
"modern day exorcist" is bit too much but at the same time apt it was a really good and barely relied on the tried and done tropes, while still embrasing the parts that work in horror movies
also it was a good movie and not just scary
>>56774 That's the series I was thinking of The Conjurings are good
Oh boy there's an Insidious 3 Guess I'll watch that
Get Out is technically a horror movie The main character being smart is a breathe of fresh air but besides that, the movie itself isn't all that great.
It follows was a fun concept but the movie wasn't that good it would've worked a lot better, if the "stalker" hadn't been always some weird looking guy etc but for example looked like one of the girl's friends.
Logan tried to make me feel for a character that never talked and had almost no characterization also tried to make me believe that Wolverine would feel for a character that never talked and had almost no characterization The writer didn't do anything to build their relationship, and then they try to go for a heartstring pulling ending no bitch >>56786 It seems as thought literally everybody loved Logan, except me So yes I would recommend it
Is logan good? I have a free movie ticket and I thought i'd use it on that john wick2 would be a good pick too for that matter. But then again Guardians2 comes out in like a month too
Though maybe I should go watch something I normally woudn't like that liam neeson movie
Guardians Vol.2 might be my "once a year" theatre visit. Though I don't really have anyone to go with, so maybe not.
Actually I think I will skip logan and watch it once it gets home released afterall it is another super hero movie JW2 would be fun to go watch too but... it's got weird timeblocks, but I think it is quite old already in terms of running in theatres
>>56789 If you've ever enjoyed a storyline in which some sort of older guy with lifelong combat experience gets pulled out of retirement for "one last go" or a storyline in which they pull the ol daddy/daughter bond act I would recommend it
I don't really like movies where they stick some guy who clearly isn't parent matierial with some stupid kid
>>56790 Well I already read the Old man Logan comic so I think I can kinda guess what will happen.
>>56790 Actually let me amend this post because it's kind of unfair Logan is definitely not a generic action movie like I described in the first line But it does have a generic plotline with a generic theme
I don't really watch action in theatres that much.
if I go watch something on the big screne, I do it because I think the movie desrves it, for example because of good SFX or 3d effects etc that only really look good on the big screen or it is a movie I just want to watch that bad. And logan isn't really that.
Damn if I had remembered in january that I had that free ticket, I'd have gone seen Rogue One it wasn't a movie I wanted to pay the ticket price for, but I did want to see it
>>56795 "I know that you think I talk too much" inb4
>>56796 One time I was watching a horror movie in a theater and I kept getting spooked by a fire extinguisher in the corner, because it looked like a person in the corner of my eye
This reminds me, hmm I don't really remember what 3 movies we watched that night I think it was sauna, lordi horror movie and something else but anyhow the theme was kinda "darkness"
so me and friend were wathcing it in a BIG house with practically no one else home in the middle of nowhere and then the power cut and as during the day we had had some party, I think a birthday party So we had staticed like 100 air balloons on the ceiling and walls and about the second the power fell the balloons all came down
Holy shit we were spooked What are the chances of that kind of combo...
wel the power did come back, though all of the well few street lights that forest town had were still off so it was still 100% dark outside and we continued the horror marathon
and the balloons kept dropping and moving on their own the rest of the night >>56805 haha no but that would've been awesomely scary
>>56803 did the balloons all fly back up onto the walls and ceiling
>>56800 There may have been a super mild electric charge that was helping keep the balloons up. And once the power cut that dissipated and they couldn't stay up on their own account.
I think it was because it began to rain and lightning I don't really remember that was like 5+ years ago
>>56801 "I know what you're thinking" is a cute catch phrase.
He's a really funny kind of obnoxious from what I'm hearing. You should take notes Rika.
I just checked out the legendary creepy korean comic It's really well formatted The way there's a bunch of black space before every slide
hmm you mean the ones with music and animations? Man those are the best they are kinda cheap at times, but at the same time just the nice thrill for a dark knight
>>56810 Korean webtoons tend to have a lot of black space in them, horror or otherwise. Koreans just struggle with paneling.
>>56811 I didn't know there was a bunch but I'm talking specifically about this one http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=31
...Well, he's married and his child is an adult so whether it's cute or not, I'd say he doesn't have to worry.
http://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/ar-toon/list?title_no=775 this one is bti cheap, but it is fun how it uses your phones camera and such to fuck with you
>You're in graduate school? >Sure am >See, people like you and me, we have it figured out. We navigate this white man's world, we know the ins and outs