>>547478 i had sole ideas for kleptomancer if i make it pretty basic itll help you onow kimd of like barbarian or a little higher especially since you’re a fist user
ie youd be a fighter but with access to kleptomancy skills that benefit you and weaken enemies in ways
Oh fuck that reminds me Hataraku Saibou manga apparently has an arc where they gotta make an erection happen Or it's a doujinshi It could be that, but I am genuinely unsure
I saw a page of it on the bird website
if anyone doesnt get why i instinctively replace happiness with a penis the french accent pronunciation of happiness sounds just like "a penis" but also the french word for happiness is bonheur, which literally is just pronounced boner
but also a penis in general is pretty conducive to happiness >>547498 huh
Actually I guess Jun does identify as a girl, so does it even count as crossdressing?
not even familiar with it tbh maybe i should check it out >>547500 depends transvestites identify as their crossdressing persona when actively doing it and not so when they're not, generally if they make it a full-time lifestyle and not an occasional hobby then i wouldn't call it crossdressing
your benefactor is actually pretty decent at nexromancy if you could properly resurrect the dead with no drawbacks they’d be pretty jealous, but good luck doing that
just steal the skeleton of every foe you meet and make your own skelly army no need to raise them
keep in mond that that could mean we could steal some nexromancy class skills for you wwwww
should you uh go that route
>DJ suddenly starts playing the origina Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga This can go on for ten minutes if he's playing the full thing. What is this. Man I haven't listened to this in YEARS
Look I've seen one attempt at resurrecting the dead in anime, the one true depiction of reality, and it didn't end too well so you shouldn't mess with that A boy lost his body and another lost 2 limbs, don't fuck with death
>>547523 hi my name is moom and i'm a single mother of two adorable little skeletons working full time it's hard and i'd like to request some government assistance in raising this little guys
>>547530 all this person lost when they tried was any sense of joy in the world
i was trying to open a door that gets stuck at times. i pushed my body on the wrong angle or something and instead of open it i just broke the window. the door didn't move.
I wouldn't stress over it sometimes these things just happen
oh hey it’s blue! you havent made a character that might stay benched forever yet! sadly i dont have the dlcs working so no 2 feet tall girls for you to make into manga saviors
>>547583 well I mean depending who you deal with, this kind of stuff is afterthought the door sounds like it was already a problem anyway so I don't think anyone can fault you for that glasses breaking isn't a huge deal either since they're pretty easy to replace
>>547552 imagine tryna raise a couple liches in your home and having CPS come to determine the welfare of your dependents
shit this would be a really good fantasy fiction a brother and sister lich navigating their way through the foster care system after CPS determined they were malnourished and unhealthy
Kirara 🚗
yeah haha that would be good
five hours ledt
Kirara 🚗
gonna maybe play dark souls 3
NAMI what you will actually do the dlcs for real
Kirara 🚗
let's not go that far if i reach the DLCs i may play them
first one is kind of forgiving but expects endgamey second is pretty postgamey and tough if you fet there good luck
Kirara 🚗
does it make it obvious when i can reach them
yeah first one youll notice a dude the instant you enter the cathedral bonfire room second is more subtle but youll find a bonfire either in the kiln or after the dlc 1 ends
Kirara 🚗
i don't have the attention span to play dark souls i can only get into it if i'm really relaxing and watching someone else play it usually there's a lot of stuff going on there
>>547596 i hope you dont mind me being explicit on where they were the dlcs themselves are full of plenty of secrets for you
Kirara 🚗
yeah i refuse to touch them now that you answered my question reeeeeeee
>>547622 Never seen this flag I assume it's some sort of "the war is good but the enemy is even more bad because they caputre OUR TROOPS" organization, though
>>547627 No It's dedicated to all the US prisoners of war and soldiers who went missing in action. We lost a lot of people in vietnam. Soldiers whose families didn't know what had happened to them for years, some for decades.
But like How doya make an organization around that? You can't go back and figure out what happened to them, right, so unless the state is keeping shit under wraps what do they even like Do
>The League's national office, based in Arlington, Virginia, is still run by one full-time employee and various volunteers. I guess it's a rather small thing God bless their efforts as far as I'm aware of them from skimming this, but I just don't see what they can even really do It's been what... 50+ years?
If ya don't know by now, you're never gonna yaknow?
>>547635 I guess that's alright, it just seems strange to fly the flag so long after
It was a big thing for a while. They did a lot. The flag is just dedicated to the memory of the soldiers.
>>547640 Oh I see another freind of mine plays dnd every friday or something
it seems kinda fun but I don't have any fucking idea where I'd find a group willing to deal with a rando who deosn't even know how to play
I might try it online cause I found this website that has a filter for noobfriendly games I tried it with moe but I couldn't enjoy it much, tho I dunno why
>persona q 2 oh
too bad i never finished the first
ypud be surprised that comboning twi things i like kind of made it boring
>>547642 all I know is that it's not very fun fanservice
Kirara 🚗
forgot how clunky souls games were the combat in gow is so much better
gears of war
more like tears of war
Ears of War Beers of War Leers of War Queers of War Jeers of War Dears if War *of War Steers of War Peers of War Meres of War Nears of War Tears of War Shears of War Heard of War Sears of War We'res of War
Kirara 🚗
ears shoulders knees and toes
Bears of War
Cheers of War
Man, that shit has that little bitch crying all the time
Apaprently around age 29 you stop accepting new stuff or something I saw something about that for music, but I kinda assume it goes for other stuff too
>pick up shiny coins >attacked by a giant brd who wants them
what's a bird gonna do with coins
look at em
and you tried to take that away from him you deserved to get attacked
moon if you werent at the base eating fuckin ice cream youd know that i saw some shiny ass coins on the ground and was like “oh lucky day!” and then this big squawker tried to off me
thanks to those coins i bought pan some new duda s
sitting at home eating banana ice cream isn't all fun and games either you know it takes a lot of dedication
Kirara 🚗
and education
i wonder when we get subclassimg
it’s be kinda cool to get it after this eo3 area since eo3 was the first to have subclassing
>pan wants to be a medic/samurai this is a nightmare
Kirara 🚗
>>547704 fun fact: skills that involve a weapon require that weapon guess who has been investing in pan’s ability to club a man with a stick
Kirara 🚗
this idiot
wait what if i like
i bet the ronin has some passives that boost atk aybe this can work
orbmaybe i could make him a shogun and go full stupid
Kirara 🚗
which idiot
Kirara 🚗
oh how was i supposed to guess that
>shogun pan could yell at everyone to charge in and melee for free
>survivalist kirara can order people to go fuirst in a turn ironically that was a skill for sovereigns in eo3 back when survivalists werent around to have it
>>547752 I assume you can customize it a bit. Rather than just building a house, it uses a building clipping system where you build a floor and clip walls onto it and such. I built a wooden box with just a floor, 3 walls, a door, and a ceiling.
>>547756 so it's not really a separate area that's designated as a "home" by the game huh it's just an adjustment to the environment that you do granularly
>>547767 you gotta check it out it's a girly dress-up mobage there's gacha elements but it's not really crucial to the gameplay and it's pretty generous free rolls every couple days on the banners and stuff i think you'd really like it ive been playing it in lieu of fire emblem heroes which started being pretty mean to me you get to dress up all cute and there's associations (guilds) to join and lots of social things on there
>>547771 I'll check it out! I got bored of FE and started playing Girls Frontline for a bit. I've been playing Kirara Fantasia too. which has super cute characters. That one sounds pretty nice, I'll try it out! ta moon!
>>547773 np! show us your cute outfits you come up with i know you'll have a bunch of creative ideas
>>547767 >>547771 Yeah it's pretty fun There's a cool competition aspect where you pick out clothes and make up and people vote on the best dressed girl
>>547776 >>547775 I'm pretty interested, a lot of games with customization are a lot of fun, especially when you can compare different designs.
>>547787 twitter limited my exposure because i told a nazi "fuck off nazi"
>>547790 They auto-censor nazi and swears? by limiting accounts, thats pretty odd.
Kirara 🚗
telling groups like nazis and TERFs to fuck off or die counts as rule violations so you can get in trouble for it even though they can spam you with death threats haha
I don't get too much exposure to nazis on twitter but I've been seeing a lot of TERFs on twitter even with anime or manga stuff. TERFs seem to post some really shitty stuff without any problems at all.
>>547804 It's not like we have any hard data so I would be hesitant to say anyone's right or wrong here >>547807 Okay soft data then Or whatever you wanna call it The point is that we're all drawing from our own personal exposure and social groups which I'd be hesitant to use as a representation of the whole
there's no such thing as hard data data inherently is malleable
My account is like mostly anime/manga and occasionally other stuff. I mostly notice transphobic shit because a lot of people I follow are into trans activism too.
>>547815 They don't use it to refer to themselves?
It doesn't even have negative connotations for people who agree with them, anyway >>547818 Naw, they call themselves stuff like Gender Critical Or uh, shit, I'm not even sure about the other weird fucking names they have for themselves
>>547825 i do feel that trans women can't represent or associate growing up with gender oppression and shouldn't they do represent their own oppression but some of it can't be connected without having experienced it in the developmental years that's kind of separate though from actually being a woman or not you can only represent what you've experienced, and on a broad scale of anything, trying to represent what you haven't only fucks things up
yeah, agreed obviously i guess i'm saying i see where some reservation could come from but that it's getting mishandled or miscategorized i think the eagerness of a movement sometimes glosses over granular subtleties like that and might not recognize the difference between the supporter of a movement and a participant in the movement or why those things are different
I don't really think I've seen trans women attempt to pass off as cis in order to push an agenda or something Like sure I agree with what you're saying but I don't know if that actually... happens
>>547829 what if they just slapped in the iosys F.O.E for one game
Seriously though, when your burger bun's bottom half is kind of lousy, putting the cheese slice underneath the patty can help keep too many juices from soaking into the bottom bun and ruining the integrity.
Don't eat it with cheese.
>>547837 Whenever you put cheese above and below the patty. >>547844 Heresy
>>547852 I did anti jokes with that punchline fir a while and then rotated back to the normal joke version and my friends thought it was hilarious.
Kirara 🚗
>>547851 might be pH issues more than lactose intolerance you can develop lactose intolerance just by getting un-used to dairy but it goes away with more exposure in acute issues like that if you're using a lot of stimulants like caffeine and nicotine then your stomach might just not like heavy bases like dairy
One of the guest DJs at MOGRA earlier today finished his set in the last ten minutes by playing the whole of the original Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga. It was such a good bit. There was a lot of nostalgia for me there.
>>547912 Yeah, I saw you showed up for the bit I missed out on. I'd been up for about twenty-four hours and just went to lay down on my bed listening to MOGRA through my phone. Didn't last long before passing the fuck out.
/moe/ you have to bet your life on one game what game do you pick
Pita's flavour of crazy isn't really up my alley but in M's position I'd probably do something along the lines of what he did. At the least I'm sympathetic to his actions.
i bought this really expensive ale called dragon's milk it was like $15 for four bottles it tastes more like dragon's cum than dragon's milk not that i'm complaining
How do you know what dragon cum tastes like
you're missing the point here you shouldn't focus on irrelevant things like that
i can probably only afford chicago tbh because i'm a poor piece of shit and that's in driving distance one of the texas ones and and jan could maybe join
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
chicago is driving distance for you? damn we could have met up a few weekz ago
Getting coins in pro PGO is awful The mechanics fight against each other In a bad way
>>548020 also if that's the anno i'm talking about, i think they show a great deal of emotional maturity and a wonderfully caring personality so whatever you're on about idk
oh fuckin hell just timing i guess uh, my bad that was awkward
Well responding to a conversation three hours late without any linking context to that previous conversation isn't doing the situation any favours either.
haha yeah the ambiguity of messageboards i'm just sittin here thinkin something totally off
yeah i had like 100 replies, and forgot to quote. 100 replies since last here i mean... wah
I'm actually listening to my "try to fall asleep" playlist atm so ill check that out tomorrow Post it again some other time and I'll make sure to check it out.
Oh Kirito just knew his ridiculous agi would be enough I guess
Kirara 🚗
he didn't know how to use guns, according to the novel i didn't watch the show so i didn't see how they did it but in the novel, he tried to use guns and couldn't hit anything even with aim assist so he just started using a sword
I watched it, but I've suppressed most of SAO
In the anime I think he just went for the sword without even trying the guns, though I can't say for sure
ikr her ally cut off her HANDS and kicked her at her enemy so she could TEAR OUT HER THROAT WITH HER TEETH
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why her hands thoug
Kirara 🚗
she was being held hostage, suspended by her wrists and her ally went to attack the enemy with a knife but the enemy used her as a shield so they just cut off her hands to free her
I wanted to stay home today and do nothing so I called my grandma to let her know we wouldn't be visiting today and she let me know that a relative I've never met that she wants me to see is there today only and so I went to tell my mom about that and her tit was flopped out of her shirt so today's been fun so far.
i was reading along and really not expecting that lmao
Wow if I keep my costs low I can pay off my credit card completely after not realizing it was as high as it was. That should be easy all I have to do is >Mom needs two bras and some cheap jewelry ... ok
That Chernobyl ferris wheel is like A beacon in my head for unrealated happiness Like how you can remain happy even surrounded by nuclear destruction and modification It's so cute.
hey kirara you wanna watch some nascar and drink some mountain dew
Kirara 🚗
i do not
what other pastimes of my people can i interest you in
its not loaded at all pwesonally im really happy that such an underwhelming mediocre artwork got to become something as nice as her new art but still be from the same artist i like seeing that they improved
i had to get dinner with my mom bc i wanted to see my grandma so i was telling them about Sorry to Bother You since im seeing it tomorrow and my mom started freaking out and pointing at the black people seated near us when i said the black guy has to use his "white voice" and i was just like ???? what? and she was like "you can't talk about that in front of *them*"
>>548321 yeah probably >>548322 because it had an all black cast and was named black panther even though the character was named before the Black Panthers existed and she's also a fascist
I was surprised to see both Pita and Elsa have the same seiyuu. They've got a real difference in voice. Hikasa Youko is crazy good.
I just defeated a pizza demon called "The Noid".
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
congrats, he's an ugly boy
Kirara 🚗
>>548369 yeah it's really cool though such a good voice actor
Yeah. I really hope they do a season two of GGO. I don't know if it's the third or fourth Squad Jam but in an upcoming arc, there's a five-man team of Pita, LLENN, M, Fukajirou, and that androgynous lolicon that got a smooch from LLENN. I want to see what's up.
>>548369 >>548368 Hikasa youko did Mio, chitanda, Maria from geah, Diana from LWA
i really enjoyed having took that course on illegal organizations like mafias and stuff. it works a lot like organizations who are somewhat illegal like i imagine antifascists do. like, they compartimentalized inffo and they had a long time of trust building. it's interesting how mafias get involved in everything behind the shadows
Kirara 🚗
>>548373 oh man that sounds so good i need that shit inject it into my veins
kirara is taking my damphs sublingually an option since it fucks my stomach up so much
Kirara 🚗
if they're soluble enough, it should work
im not trying to abuse em or anything but i'm really trying to avoid the acid reflux issues i've already got it sucks to just be standing there and randomly throw up (not much) just because stomach acidity
Kirara 🚗
yeah i dig you gotta do what you gotta do however you can
lawl i wanted to snort my xanax to get high but i got my birth control by mistake XD
Kirara 🚗
that takes away your creativity bc it stops you from makin da brain babby
the damphs wasn't bad at all that wasn't even caustic like racetams
I just figured out a way to make money in D&D. There was this thief with a bounty of 30,000gp but he's dead. I just realized I could revive him and capture him and turn a profit.
Hey Kirara Kancolle's Browser version is going to make the switch to HTML5 for phase 2. In doing so, every player is going to lose their main map progress and have to start over. I thought that was funny.
>>548416 i like when she starts talking with coconut dolls
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey Maria are you fine with being subclassed as an Imperial They use giant drive blades and have elemental attacks // wait you're not the mage that's Tilde
She's probably off having fun while we all suffer.
Sounds about right. I was even hoping there could have been a chance to persuade her for five shows tonight, so we wouldn't even be behind on shows watched over the weekend.
>>548450 I was not having fun, I was dealing with a crisis! But it's taken care of now.
>>548452 It's not impossible! Or shouldn't have been. There's only twenty-seven or so shows on the docket this season by my count. At four shows a night we could have managed all that.
>>548457 i dunno man maybe if you're only counting the shows /moe/ has managed to pick up there's like 7-8 shows airing every day
Well yeah, of course I'm counting only the shows /moe/ is watching. Not everything show that's airing is worth watching, or is long enough to merit herding cats in the anime thread to watch. Shorts generally get dropped unless there's a particularly good reason to not.