Thread #548033
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where is the fucking anime thread
rika is died
Oh I didn't see you'd made a thread, sorry.
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hello I may be spotty on saturdays for awhile but I'm here now. Let's do a few shows.
Set yourself up a hot date?
Boku no Hero Academia Cooking with Emiya Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-5 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Lord of Vermillion Ongaku Shoujo Persona 5 Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-5 Shoujo Kageki Starlight --Episode 3-4 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-2
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Let's do boku no hero and something jan wants
i was about to say let's do boku no hero at least uhhh how about starlight?
oh wait no let's do hataraku saibou i can't read
To be fair there's like four shows that start with H there. They all blend together.
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sounds good boku no hero Ika never posted a second time. I wonder if he is here.
WATASHI GA KITA Well he posted a minute before I posted, so he would have scampered off fast if he left. I can just give him the time if he shows up late. If it's five or ten minutes he'll hardly have missed much. I think he read ahead in the manga anyway.
hai i feel like i'm getting trolled aa
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didn't mean to click done though i emailed him but who knows okay then lets start!
>>548052 Moshi moshi
>>548051 oh yeah i forgot he read the mango the fool
Well I'm not certain if he did or didn't. He's read ahead on some thing and not for others. Pretty sure though.
>>548057 Do you need the time for Hero Academia?
hmm i'll just watch next and watch hero after
Dude we're like two minutes in.
oh i thought you were like 10 minutes
So, time?
2:40 2:45 2:50
Todoroki is still pretty OP. With power creep there might be others catching up to him but he's still ahead of most by far.
This girl with the display eye is weird.
Momo's got to play leader again.
Geez, they went for blood there.
What's impressive is that Momo's response to "make an electric heater" wasn't "I can't do something like that" but that their opponents would make it useless. Like, an electric heater's a pretty complex thing.
>Drinking tea makes her a genius What kind of power is that.
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yeah, weird quirk
Deku probably doesn't realize how influential he's been, huh.
RIP Kirishima
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THat guy seems like a fleshmancer or something.
He can turn people into blobs of flesh, so yeah, something like that.
Erasah headdo knows what's up.
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let's hit another one before hataraku what do you guys want it to be?
Starlight, I'd say.
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okay shoujo kageki ep 3 okay lets start
We shall all become Starlight!
okay kageki
So these two are super gay on stage but secretly hate each others guys, huh/
Guts, even.
they want to hatefuck each other
A respectable pursuit really.
Banana-sempai really wants to connect with Hikari.
Oh no poor Les-chan. Her heart just got hit with a sledgehammer.
bestie is getting cucked hard she is gonna awaken her dance persona and fight MC for the giraffe
Karen has to keep a perpetual hold of Hikari's sleeve or else she runs off, huh.
Oh gosh.
Hah hah hah. Not a word.
Nice duck
Man she's on the warpath.
Poor Hikari. She doesn't seem very good at restraining people though.
they are really fond of this scene
It's her transformation cutscene.
hoshi no ai
Oh shit she's up against the rasuto boss now. Time to get stomped.
Or maybe not, if Hikari has anything to say about it.
I love the shots of machinery working in this show. There's a real attention to detail there.
last bossu
Oh no Hikari got tricked. Ran all around and ended up back in the school.
The battle scenes in this show are pretty intense.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 613x677, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
I guess she needs to get stronger. Hataraku! okay lets start!
She needs to steel herself agains the awe and splendour which is Tendou Maya. Karen was too starstruck by her performance to give one in return!
haitaraku osmosis jones
ha\ ta
Oh shit right it's allergen season.
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I get hit hard by allergy season.
I've never had any issues with any kind of allergies. I think my brother has a bit of a time with them though.
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Allergens really aren't malicious though. The body just percieves them as such.
Well yeah but isn't that how most things in life are.
RIGHT. I'd forgotten white blood cells do that, hah hah.
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Well, the relative harmlessness of them seems to be reflected in the show.
They're kind of cute, really.
i'm not sure allergy season is quite the end of the world
>>548117 As -And as this dumb prophecy is kind of hinting at, the problems arise less from the allergens, but rather the complications that can arise.
>Dial measuring usage >Goes from "normal" to "a lot"
Quite the change, eh.
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Well they're doing a good job with the fact that it's the body messing itself up over nothing.
Na mi da
White Blood Cell has a great "I'm not paid enough to deal with this shit" on his face right now.
Poor Mast Cell.
Hah hah hah
This is tottally some anti-allergen medication.
Totally, even.
Oh guess not.
It was medication of a sorts though.
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Allergy season sucks.
The body is a pretty delicate place! Good thing it's good at quickly putting itself back together.
I liked the bit where White Blood Cell remarked on how everyone did just as they were supposed to yet everything still turned out the way it did.
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 529x687, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_02_(1280x72(…).jpg )
thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.
thank you
>>548033 (OP) animei