Thread #548453
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alright chefs let's take a look at what's on the chopping block tonight
Asobi Asobase Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-5 Island Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Lord of Vermillion Ongaku Shoujo Persona 5 Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-5 Shoujo Kageki Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-3
i definitely want to watch hanebado, island, and asobi asobase
Oh Planet With should also be on that list too. I keep missing it in my Notepad.
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Sorry for being late but my lateness shouldn't be an issue again. hanebado planet with island asobi>>548461 No I did not, I was not dealing with a fun thing.
did you have fun
Well I hope you're all right.
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Oh yeah, I'm fine. It wasn't a threatening kind of thing.
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hanebado! okay lets start!
Badminton at the end of despair
Jane hane
Captain's even taller than her teachers.
>>548471 she's a big gay
I was kind of hoping Ayano's despair would stick around a bit longer. But it looks like she's not full ZETSUBOU anymore.
this is my fave show this season i think
It's pretty good.
Oh no she's gotten mean now.
Oh Kaoruko's here too. I wonder if Ayano's gonna heartlessly smash her into the ground.
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me irl
>>548479 Me too
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that is a big ass bracket
I guess badminton's pretty popular in this Japan. Little surprising.
>When you're in a spiral, think of something else and reset your brain As if it were always so easy.
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>>548483 i'm kinda surprised she entered the game tilted she fucked up even t he serve
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badminton autism
She seems a bit like a middling performer and she's up against one of the top four of the last inter-high competition or something? I dunno I can understand it being pretty intimidating.
I wonder if learning more about Hansaki's mom will make her seem not like a bad parent
>>548487 My gut says no. But maybe context will help understand why she's a bad parent.
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I think she's just going to be a badminton freak.
Oooohhhh no.
Man Kaoruko does not let up.
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okay planet with okay let's start!
planet without
planet without WHAT
Oh wow, the Boss isn't even- Oh you fucker.
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It's not really a ridiculous story when people are like fighting with space robots.
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yeah but who believes what old men say
Both the MC and his brother have a silly little attenna.
Oh no Chuuni's lost his groove. Losing to the giant robot of peas made him normal.
He got found out fast. Man he's really bad at poker-facing.
He's kind of testing the waters with how easily he can spill the beans, huh.
Top meido
Hah hah hah hah hah. I guess Mizukami's familiar with Discworld. 'Cause when a giant turtle being ridden by four elephants comes up in anything.
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I guess it's the old man that's going to lose it this time.
Rice missiles!
it's so hard to take this show seriously
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>it seals people by making them happy wow how horrible!
Well it's been pretty clear since episode one.
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>>548509 they're just making them not want anything they're poisoning their brains
Ah there we go. These things seem pretty clever. Surely they wouldn't have expected him to give in to his gluttony.
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That's a nice clever attack.
Surprise snake!
Oh he's joining them in the daylight this time.
that snek is very fast
Also Souya- Yeah, they drank the power drink again.
These are some very sharp sounds.
Oh shit the ojii-san's picking the fight himself.
Wow, rude.
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That's nice and hot blooded right there.
And now the Wakamoto dog's shown up on Earth.
rip old man
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Wow, what a moment to leave off at.
that's a spicy cliffhanger a real double feature of fuck you and eat shit
i guess after they kill ganondorf they'll all have common cause for fighting the dogman
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island! okay lets start!
They've gotten the two side girls out of the way. Time for the REAL plot.
fluffy is best g irl though
Puffball's totes adorbs.
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A Japanese island seems like a comfyp lace comfy place to live.
It's a bit too rural for me, but still far better than most.
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>>548533 yeah agreed barakamon made me really want to live on a remote japanese island too
Gosh, how lewd.
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hand holding is implied sex
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whoa now WHOA WHOA
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she got all dolled up but he still looks lazy as ever
To be fair, does he even have another outfit, except for maybe a butler one?
>Anywhere is fine >They go bowling
>>548544 bowling is a place
bowling for spaghetti
Bowling for soup
Puffball's got some strength. Just dragging Twintails around so hard she flies off her feet.
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>>548544 I'm surprised there was such a nice bowling alley on a small island.
>>548549 I mean the market is there people like bowling and there is literally no other option
>Lennon and Yoko >>548549 A bowling alley is probably the most up-to-date entertainment infrastructure they've got though.
Man Sara is such a fucking SF nerd.
ultra touch
Setsuna always tries to make it into a "whoever loses has to do what the winner says"
She's in high school, dude. Telling her you want to marry her is kind of problematic.
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>>548556 He doesn't look like he's too much older than she is.
Everyone wants to know the status of their sex life.
Oh no her father was a vampire.
>>548558 everybody on this island is a girl they need more male children
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Really you only need one guy. It's when you don't have enough girls that you have a problem.
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oaky asobi! okay lets start!
Asobi Asobossa Nova
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this OP doesn't really fit the show
I like it when they do stuff like this.
Maeda the fuck you on about.
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the fuck was wrong with her hair
>>548569 It 's just her bangs- What. Why. How. What.
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I can't spin pens the typical way people spin them. But I can get them to spin- Oh no.
holy shit
that's what happens
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What the fuck.
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>Crossdressing isn't the flavour of gay I like!
How do you even breech this kind of conversation.
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just GO FOR IT
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>>548581 Seems like they're having trouble with that right now.
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Hah hah hah. The trap zeroed in hard on the situation.
Aw it's not actually one. That would have been funny.
>>548586 >implying it's not
This poor school council president.>and the last one was teleported What. Are we not getting any more of this story.
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>>548588 she's an actual witch
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This is going to go badly for them.
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i'm sure there's a lot of cool occult games to play
What is this game.
>>548592 this is some spooky shit
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This is a scary game.
they're all terrified of ghosts but they wanted to play a game with the occult girl?
Well you don't actually ever expect occult things to happen, right.
I wanna snort some happyturn powder
Being Hanako is suffering.
She does have a pretty foul personality though.
Holy fuck Olivia.
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>THE YOU THAT oh caps>the you that wants to date vs the you that thinks it's a bother I think the author has probably had this internal debate before.
Oh no now they're dragging their sensei into it.
Wow what kind of hot sex is her friend having.
haah waaw
This wasn't as much of an existential questioning episode as last week's. How nice.
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This seems kinda heavy though.
Yeah but that's Japan's problem, not mine. I can handle that sort of thing!
The puppet segment wasn't as long this time.
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i feel bad for fivehead sensei>>548607 this show is pretty real i'm getting mood whiplash
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thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.