why is that game on the DS instead of switch, anyway
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's the last 3ds etrian odyssey title They're moving on the "next stage" with their new vague trailer Optimists say that means the switch Pessimists say that means mobage
Hopefully it's on the switch.
>>546339 why pay for 3ds games when you can get a homebrew launcher i get free games now
maybe it'll be on steam
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>546341 waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of you.
Kirara π
>>546339 hahaha i almost hope it's mobage bc that would be so stupid
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I really don't. There's already an etrian odyssey mobage and it flopped hard to the point where I didn't know about it until a few days ago
They should make an Etrian Odyssey racing game. Wait not *no Better idea Atlus racing game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
dating sim
Going bed GNU night
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>ambushed by two glowing enemies rip me
Kirara π
have you ever seen a glowing orb in the sky that beams its thoughts directly into your head and tells you to do terrible things
starting to wonder if i have actually lost my sanity i feel like there was someone here before and they're not here now and idk if they ever actually were here
oh shit kirara you made the joke about afterimages having mass but a late game skill for the hero class is literally // is translated as "Thick Shadow"
I'm disappointed with this winter It's barely cold enough for me to wear a light jumper What temperature is it where you are Alice?
42 in american units, but like, i guess it's more that i'm feeling like shit than just the cold. at this point it shouldn't be this low, since it's almost september.
>>546462 i wish i got a real winter the temperature doesn't change that much in texas when i was in utah earlier in the year the weather there was incredible it was hot enough in the day it could spark dry grass and literally freezing at night beautiful place though
I think it makes a world of sense that some people might be genetically predisposed to be happier than others
That's just nature, man. Ain't nothing wrong or right about it. It just is.
alright well in that case i am going to choose to believe that it is fucked up
A couple of my (much older) co workers were chatting today about their children. Basically their children are total shut-ins who play video games all day It truly made me feel some type of way because I was a total shut-in who played video games all day one of them, a father, just sounded pretty defeated about the situation. The other, a mother, showed more frustration I saw parallels with how my family used to ask me about whether or not I had friends, or a girlfriend, or whatever. I'd ask my mom "do you want me to get a girlfriend?" and she was like "oh no lol it's whatever no big deal ha ha" let me die
>>546542 we just gotta train our body to pump the right hormones on command
>>546551 How much do they talk about friends and girlfriends I really hate that I hate the idea that what I want is totally at ends with what they want
>>546561 >now I actually have girlfriends Wow what a player Anonymous you'd better hope they don't find out about the other
>>546557 Much less, now that I actually have friends and girlfriends hmmm what a coincifuckingdence suddenly they don't care anymore
>>546551 I GUESS the point of this post is that, it was sad to see the cycle continue with this next generation of teenage boys and sad to see my co-workers confirm the idea that parents (of course) want their children to be social and outgoing and that the parents feel like failures, and I'm sure the kids feel like failures too v sad, many such cases
>>546565 >parents feel like failures I hate this too I don't want my parents to feel like they failed because I didn't go out and get something I don't even want >sad to see the cycle continue with this next generation of teenage boys I bet most of them will change a few years down the line anyway
>>546570 did you ever get accusations of being a gay a big flaming queermosexual for not bringing girls home?
>>546543 in a way it is but it's also a byproduct of individuality in humans if our brains all worked the same then it would remove a lot of people's ability to seek happiness in or from others and that would be pretty bad for a lot of people
>>546572 Nah, although my dad was always like "son it's okay if you are gay you can tell us" Which I really can't be mad about because if I was gay I'd probably appreciate hearing it
>>546570 i think i'm lucky because i've never had that kind of pressure my parents really don't give a damn what i do they love me regardless even when i do stupid shit
how would your parents feel if they knew you watched anime you absolute weeb
>>546594 Your parents always sound really nice when you mention them Also did anyone else see it coming that Pitou was the singer in GGO? I really liked that anime
>>546596 I tried watching Spirited Away with my family when I was young and my parents both got really bored and left Parasyte's a pretty good dad show
how would you feel sorry how would your parents feel if they found out that you didn't make use of your right to vote in the last election???
>>546598 They already know I forgot to vote because they also forgot to vote We only voted in the Australian one because we didn't wanna get fined
>>546597 I saw it coming from a mile away. The plot was kind of strange in how it shifted tone halfway through but the show was good before and awesome after it got edgier. >>546602 Yeah it was weird and I didn't really buy it but I guess it is SAO they have to shoehorn some life threatening situation in there
>>546601 I thought it was really weird how they tried to force a life and death aspect to it But I
Nobody but Pita forced it though. And I think they were pretty clear that she was being fucking crazy by trying to do it too. LLENN took her seriously because she's a good person and didn't want Pita getting herself and M killed over those batshit delusions.
>>546597 also seems weird your family couldn't get into a ghibli film they're generally great family friendly shit especially princess mononoke that's the best one
>>546603 I lose my shit when they revealed the M stood for masochist That car ride was hilarious
>>546605 Yeah maybe they just can't take animation seriously
>>546607 Yeah she was great She got so into the violence
M and Fukajirou's interactions were great. Fukajirou and anyone's interactions were great. She totally sold that second half of the show for me, singlehandedly.
any of you fuccin bums play the new god of war
A few people here did. i don't own a PS4.
u bech
>>546608 yeah i completed everything except finding all those fucking ravens awesome game better than the old god of wars in many ways but still retains the spirit of the original games
How come Kratos admits that he would let his son kill him if it meant his son would live, but does not give Freya that privilege
>>546612 Because he was going to kill her son anyways, might as well spare her life
Guess who can't fucking sleep despite laying in bed doing nothing for like five hours.
in my dream i was out west with jan and we were trying to find a walk in clinic but the one we went to was an arcade?? and they couldn't see us for 7 more hours so we went for a walk and jan found a scroll with a map that's when everything got all foggy and thanos??? showed up he wanted the // he wanted to steal my armpits because i apparently had the time stone inside them???
man, dream interpretation is almost interesting because i can kind of see the thought threads on how your brain connects things in buildup and anticipation and how that affects the way the dream plays out and stuff that logistical physiology of it i think is really cool but the dumb part is trying to ascribe particular meaning to it all doesnt have to be something important for it to be interesting
I'm ecstatic Expect me to share that a couple times.
Kirara π
some white bitch in Brooklyn called the cops on a black person standing in the rain waiting for an uber after running outside and trying to shout at them wwwwww
>>546654 >i cancelled my vacation plans. i'd rather be at work this actually happens to me a lot whenever i take a vacation i feel restless and think "man i shoulda brought some work with me"
Kirara π
i hate working but i like being busy
work causes me so much anxiety lately transcribing is so easy but idk what the clients want a lot of the time like 12 corporate folks around a table, all female, do you expect me to spend an extra two hours trying to identify each one of them i could do that but i really dont want to
Kirara π
i couldn't, im really bad at identifying voices
yeah me too it's pretty easy if i cross-reference some earlier parts where they have been clearly identified, but that's a whole different process i'd have to go through each spoken line out of 70 pages and check it across 12 different samples male voices are a lot easier for me to understand for some reason females almost all sound exactly the same to me
>>546666 yeah i'm sure everybody at this table could recognize everyone else by voice alone and they'll probably see these transcripts and think "wtf it's obvious who was speaking"
I guess it depends why they're having it transcribed
sugimoto is so hardcore \ just catching hypodermic needles by letting them go straight through his hand
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa noooo thank youuuu
Kirara π
they were gonna stab someone in the eyes he saved them
yeah he doesn't even flinch
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>546746 that's rad but man I don't want to envision that
Kirara π
>>546747 he sure takes a lot of damage i guess that's why he's immortal
There was also that time he ran around town for like fifteen minutes with wooden skewers pierced through his cheeks. Like, he could have stopped for like five seconds, but nope.
Kirara π
to be fair it would have been a bad idea to take them out
Kirara π
if you pull them out before you're ready to treat the wounds, you're risking infection especially the mouth which is full of all kinds of bacteria
Yeah, but would Sugimoto know that? He's clever-ish, but not exactly smart. And wooden skewered cheeks aren't exactly something he would have likely come up against fighting the Russians.
Yeah. It's a smart design for one stars. They're cute-ish, so you don't get mad at getting a lazily-drawn low-tier character. But they're not like THE ONE you want.
A recent granblue ad showed off Arulumaya in a yukata and she hasn't been added yet There's a glimmer of hope in that the character might be her instead
However, 1. There's already a water Arulu 2. The first skill of the character in the trial is literally the same as Orchid's
Kirara π
You see this? https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/d3e4jv/the-white-house-open-casting-call-christmas-performers-vgtrn
>>546826 IT'S it's more screamy than i thought it'd be based off the start
>>546827 I think there were more Kemono Friends references in that episode too. And I think a final plot element is an outright mockery of the way Kadokawa handled the debacle.
Wow, my new filter pitcher really does take the horrid taste out of the water. This will save me a lot of money.
Yeah, pitchers are pretty good if your water's particularly bad. And even though filters cost money, they do last a pretty long time. Definitely a cost-saver compared to water bottles.
>>546851 The filters don't seem all that expensive considering how much water they filter. $10 every two months or whatever is way cheaper than bottles.
The best thing for me about that episode was how the studio made the fanservice (swimsuit) episode into a fanservice (showing off all these probably fan-favourite characters from the mobage) episode.
i think craving is kind of physiological in its connotation maybe that's just me
Kirara π
warmer but not quite there
Kirara π
aching for
Kirara π
hmm a hankering
like when you live inland and you feel distressed by not being near the ocean i think a lot of people feel a dependence on living by the ocean or eating dry pancakes without butter -- and not like once every now and again, but every single day having dry pancakes with no butter or wishing you were sniper wolf
Kirara π
i would usually use yearning for that
Kirara π
sounds like a malaise to me
>like when you live inland and you feel distressed by not being near the ocean I would agree with yearning for this. At the least, when I experience similar sorts of dissonance from not being where I want to be, I use yearning for that.
the yearning describes the desire to have what you're lacking there well but the state of being disconnected from something so crucial and special to you i'm not sure how to express you're yearning, yes, but that's like the other side of the coin if that makes sens
Kirara π
that's the word thanks
have you listened to quadrophenia kirara like once in a whole sitting
i've been kind of disconnected from my feelings for a while it gets to a point where it's easier to just pack them away then open it up and feel uncomfortable managing the daily stuff that you still have to get through i need to feel like myself again and free for a while
here is the real video i guess apparently that's an edit
Ah I see. Man Japanese people go crazy for JoJo.
Kirara π
so do we tbf
Kirara π
especially if you start with rohan
Sure, but that sounds like a BIG crowd. Just out in the middle of Tokyo. Could you imagine yourself cheering in public for JoJo like that?
Kirara π
yeah if everyone else was cheering yelling in public when everyone else is yelling is actually SUPER fun like chants at protests and stuff are so much fun idk why it's just super fun i will take any chance i get at shouting
#d6 (2) #d6 (6) #d6 (3) Wow full genius I wish that were true
>>546934 I feel that if it were actually ironic it would be more overt rather than the standard @username at a random angle hidden in the image. It would be on the bottom right and would be a logo. Now I'm not the arbiter of irony so I could be wrong and it could already be ironic but if it is I think they're not doing a good job of it. And at tge ebd of tge day Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Kirara π
it's always overt and a logo like 60% of the time haha
Also I bet most of their followers think its unironic and not actually lampooning meme sharing accounts.
Kirara π
well the content is unironic the presentation is ironic
The watermarks are a good way to get more people to visit your account and rank up on the bird website It's not like they're grabbing other people's stuff and slapping an @dasharez0ne on it
Yeah but it's not like they're talking about theory or anything like this, it's very Hm Base level? I don't know the right word for it >>546956 Well of course But I'm grasping at something or other here, hold on
Kirara π
yeah but theory isn't anarchist there is anarchist theory but theory is worthless when it comes to actual anarchistic societies and always has been
How is it a society if its anarchist? Checkmate Athiest
Direct at gives off an air of not necessarily understanding much, but somehow it manifests in anarchist shit rather than reactionary, which would be the norm
Like they're slumping onto it, sorta, even if obviously the account owner isn't just slumping into any of it
Well yeah, the actual person or people behind the account is 100% either anarchist or adjacent But the account's brand isn't a perfectly honest representation of them, since it has a purpose. It's propaganda
And somewhat effective, too, by the looks of things Only non-checkmarked anarchist thing with that many followers that I can think of
Oh shit iI just rrealized I can use the app and just login with frfrfriends account
>my training tomorrow is in the building next to my old workplace i hope my old boss wont be around they don't have enough employees anymore so sometimes he works weekends
What if Abdul Alhazared was actually just such a shitposter, everyone thought he was loopy Maybe the old ones don't make you crazy, they just make you REALLY GOOD at shitposting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>546991 I'm so happy to have it back for real Etrian Mystery Dungeon made an ochestral-style version of it, but Calling That Detestable Name was born to be metal
that tank girl pronounces her desus really uh... confidently?
Kirara π
so there's hot water when i turn the cold water on but only sometimes???
>>547038 Congrats But what if you turn on hot water?
Kirara π
i get cold water
Kirara π
and low water pressure
>>547038 That's kind of weird. Some times I'll get a blip of hot water at the start of pouring water out when I turn on the faucet and it was on hot previously. I guess the pipes keep it warm? I don't really know plumbing so fuck if I know I guess.
I should go to the Crunchyroll expo. I bet I could fimd a way to get in for free.
Kirara π
seems like im getting increased water pressure from cold too
>>547043 it's always free to get in they make you pay to get OUT
>>547049 It's really funny. I only watched the first two episodes before getting distracted by something else. But they were really funny. It's technically an mmo adaptation and its also isekai but it has jun fukuyama in it among ither things.
>>547056 He looks like he had a lot of fun. Matt Mercer said Crews enjoyed it.
Kirara π
yeah it's pretty fun so far the DM is really good everyone looks like they're havin fun
Yeah, Mercer's an amazing DM. He runs a weekly DnD game that gets streamed online. He focuses a fair bit on story and roleplay because him and all his players are voice actors/come from a theatre background but he uses that amazing narrative capacity he's got to make the battles SUPER interesting too.
>>547064 You could hang out with me and my pals and coerce me into either learning 5th edition or convince owl to settle for 13th age and then blammo whammo you'll be put into a weird world of their creation.
I gotta figure out what my bad dudes in the next campaign will be up to.
Fortunately you've made the parasitic worms easy.
Kirara π
>>547081 it's just so horribly inferior to 3.5 i don't like a lot of the changes they've made to it too so i feel like you might as well just play the best version
>>547084 By my understanding 3.5/Pathfinder can struggle with accessbility and overcomplication, especially for people unfamiliar with TRPG games. I just feel throwing your colleagues into that might be detrimental to the experience.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>547087 Basically getting wormed makes a lot of characters interesting. I've been having some ideas on what if x bad guy and y bad guy ended up together
Is the // are the parasites sentient enough to communicate? If not that kind of ruins some of my plans.
>>547088 And 5e struggles with over simplification and feels dumbed down to people who are familiar with trpgs.
Kirara π
>>547088 oh i'm definitely not going to play that with them i was thinking cthulhu but i would probably start with something short and simple just to get people into the swing of things
Dungeons and Dragons was never meant to be accessible (until recently) and I think that was good. Thete are RPGs designed to be accessible but D&D shouod not be one of them.
Kirara π
anyway after playing 13th age, i'd rather do that before 5e if i'm trying to do a casual and accessible one
Also that worm question is pertinent if you don't mind If they can't talk like 80% of my ideas are kaput.
all like two of them
Kirara π
>>547089 i was thinking they were like hiveminded but i don't see why they can't have some degree of sentience i was thinking each queen would hivemind its workers and stuff
>Guest star of Khary Peyton, playing a Cleric >Summons a spiritual weapon >DM asks him what form the weapon takes >Khary walks off stage and returns with a full-size statue model of Nefertiti
Like one instance in particular they would be using their stolen human bodies to talk to and entrap other humans to use as bodies, but wouldn't necessarily be great at communicating like they'd be a little off about it.
Another thing was that the biggest queenie could end up teaming up with another antagonist, so her being able to communicate well was important.
Your team's actions and whether or not you stop x event could determine which bad dudes do which things.
>>547097 These sound like the aliens from animorphs. Are you sure this isn't just Animorphsβ’?
Kirara π
oh yeah they are definitely intelligent
>>547098 they're parasitic worms that devour people's spines and replace them
>>547099 Still close enough that I'll make the comparison.
>>547117 You'll have a lovely excuse to. One of the potential early hooks is to establish a trade route between the imperial capital and the fungal forest.
I say potential because I want you guys to have a fair amount of freedom.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Well, *be part of a project to establish etc
Kirara π
>>547118 i already got a character in mind and everything
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
By the way, I had a brief chat with owl about it forever ago, but it is possible for your characters to be in completely separate parts of the world should we choose to go that route. He suggested you guys already know each other and have a short venture, but my main original plan could have you be separated but united through a single event.
I would argue it's similar to heading to Archibald's place except you weren't sent a letter and it's awfully sudden.
Your benefactor has enlisted themself with a "power that be" or some nonsense, it's very vague, to make sure a some alternate universe doesn't fall into ruin. They're to pick up some random folks with attitude to prevent what will become 'the calamity' unfortunately, 'the calamity' is incredibly vague and could be literally anything, so your job is to prepare yourselves as well as you can for when it presents itself.
Hence why you have so much freedom on where you go. As long as you're bettering yourself, you're doing your job.
Kirara π
my attitude is just hungry and going along with stuff
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That'll probably work out, I'm sure.
Are you Kirby?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no that's beelzebub
Kirara π
if kirby ate things by secreting enzymes to break them down and absorb their nutrients
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Are you just going to go around touching everything and eating it
Kirara π
Kirara π
not everything
Going to bed Hopefully I fall asleep before four am Night
Kirara π
def gonna eat some of the enemies we kill unless i'm stopped
Kirara π
maybe even some of the ones we don't kill
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There is probably nothing wrong with you eating the enemies considering that there aren't a lot of "monsters" yet.
If you choose to do kleptomancy I will enlist your assistance in writing it. If no one uses kleptomancy I will do nothing with it and only use it for enemies.
I already have a character in mind who uses it in a cool way. >>547186 Sounds good to me. You'd have TWO potential fist users in your party
Kirara π
just literally grapple with enemies and eat them alive lmao
There's a forbidden level of kleptomancy where you literally steal things whereas normally you'd say kleptomancy on a rock would make the rock less hard, and make you harder
Kirara π
the devil's level
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I cast kleptomancy on this rock, and transfer it to my prayer rod.
Kirara, do you think having the church of Jer Khauff exclude women works from a perspective of them not having a prayer implement i.e. a penis
This was an idea partly because I inadvertantly created a monster type that inflicts genital mutilation on anyone and everyone. They might focus on boyos.
Kirara π
well some girls do have penises but yeah excluding people with penises /// without penises is probably fine
I told PAN something fun about the leader of the Soulless, the Conductor. He has a very cool weapon
Kirara π
is it a dick?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you're partway there
Kirara π
it's a dick and ball
Kirara π
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The dick is where the soul is in this current world
The Conductor has a sawed-off shotgun that functions as a "sausage slicer" if you will and channels the holy energy as lasers >>547210 Probably the Conductor in his bag >>547209 This is why women aren't allowed in the church because they're believed to have no soul
You know what else has cell walls? Your JAIL CELL you fucking MONSTER
The Imperial is a slightly racist place. Mostly for blobs though. If you'll recall that was established. However, the Imperial City, while it welcomes the other races, has a bias to it. And yet the townsfolk dont' really care? As in they aren't really racist but the city is?
Kirara π
Kirara π
the emperor will pop into my cell like it is you from my dreams
I would have said "well necromancers in 13 true ways have an instant death spell" but necromancy is supposed to be not-a-thing in our universe partly for my own reasons If you were I'd have to work with it a bit.
You might be able to befriend your benefactor if you're careful. I was thinking of a way to have you gain magical items by retrieving relics of the old world for them to trade or infuse with magic. >>547233 Being able to coordinate and manage the camera well is important. I still watch MMD stuff and there are times where I have to close it immediately because they have no idea what they're doing with the camera.
Kirara π
the choreography in P3D is better than P5D everyone is very individual in P5D which i can respect but when two people are dancing together they're both just doing their own thing in P3D they're coordinated
theyd be in too much pain to notice my enzymes would be dissolving their flesh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm going to be working 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. so I should probably get some shut eye
Kirara π
i too must sleep even though i slept 12 hours and woke up 13 hours ago
Did you finish the Terry Crews DnD?
Kirara π
nah ill finish tomorrow it's like 2.5 hours long
Yeah, it's surprisingly long. Previously they had Vin Diesel on once and Joe Manganiello another time, but those only ran like half an hour or an hour. It's surprising how long this one ran.
I still have to watch the NGNL movie. I could have sworn I watched the first season with /moe/ but both Ika and Rika insist they haven't seen it.
Kirara π
??? they definitely have we all watched it, saku watched it with us
Kirara π
is this some kind of timeline split
I know eh. I downloaded the movie and asked about it, and kind of stayed off watching it in case they remembered and ended up wanting to.
Kirara π
ill watch it with you sometime if you want i haven't seen it yet
Yeah sure, I'd be happy to have you along. Any time you've got the time to spare, I'm pretty much free whenever.
Kirara π
cool if i remember to dl it in the morning we can probably do it in the afternoon or something but for now i really gotta sleep i got a training all day tomorrow oyasumi
Gooood night
Night kirara
These Costco dumplings are ridiculously good. Nice and big, flavourful, easy to cook up. Even comes with a dipping sauce to complement them.
>>547274 I suffered a lot of physical trauma to it over the past few days. I think it will take a month or so to heal. I also got arrested but that's kind of irrelevant now, in like September I'll have to appear in court. All in all, a fucking crazy, terrible, and good week or so.
these cold showers are terrible but the worst part is when i turn the shower off
I love cold showers with this weather I only use hot water to wash my hair
Kirara π
it may be 105 degrees out but a freezing cold shower every day for a week is unpleasant as hell
is your boiler broken or something?
Kirara π
we don't have boilers in Florida haha my hot water heater is broken
They just have tanks open to the sky on the tops of their houses. It's so hot down there they just take advantage of natural heating.
Kirara π
we have tanks that heat and store hot water
on top of the roof, right?
Kirara π
haha no usually near the laundry stuff
Cold water is weird to shower in. you feel strangely warm in the cold water but when you are out of it, you feel fucking cold.
Kirara π
i sure as hell don't feel warm in it
I went to some bath houses in budapest last week and it's amazing to go from the sauna, steam bath or a 40C bath to a cold bath it's so fucking cold, but it's strangely warm too like you describe especially if you sit still
Kirara π
i want to sauna i love to sweat
I couldn't stand it for more than 5-15 depending on the heat, but it was still nice do you have a sauna near you?
Kirara π
i would be surprised if there was one within a 10 hour drive of me
Kirara π
America doesn't really have bathhouses or saunas
we don't have bath houses here either sadly, but there's some saunas I just checked some in my city and the gay bar near the station has some sick saunas they seem to describe it as a hookup place though
>>>/@retoots/1025662155054448640 How does all of this happen in one state? How does it even happen to begin with Without news from Florida, I can guarantee 100% I would never hear of someone dumping a portapotty in a 7-11, or some guy on meth masturbating while fighting off the cops inside a... bar, I think it was?
I don't understand what Florida is that makes this all happen to begin with
bath salts and meth are a hell of a drug man there's nothing else
Yeah but people get EXTREMELY FUCKED UP in the rest of the world, too You just never hear about them like, stealing a car and fashioning it into like, a yacht or something, then drowning That's not something I've heard of but if it ever happens it'll be in Florida
that's true yeah can't be the heat either maybe fetal alcohol syndrome or something?
Only on /moe/ have I said anything about The Good Place, I've maybe searched for it twice to get the wikipedia page and one video of it on youtube And also torrented it But now the announcement for season 1 is in my sidebar on the youtube
>>547388 I started to think the anti-gaijin ban was becoming a thing of the past online. since it mostly became a sort of eroge website only thing but I guess they still do it
man people need to stop needijg things on the weekend im getting annoyed
>>547390 If you fuck with google enough with non-standard search stuff. like doing lots of Japanese searchs, it tries to find japanese results for you for your english searches. its weird but interesting
>foe appears on world map >itβs a giant kangaroo alrght weβve got thi- >ToN gets punched to the moon instantly
>>547402 It originally started with the train rape simulator game that got so much bad press outside of Japan that they started blocked lots of foreign ip address on games and anything that could be cause issues. now the just put it on everything because
tbh I can't blame them for not wanting a bunch of non-Japanese speakers invading their games
>>547403 oh that's interesting I didn't think the outcry over that was that big
>>547404 it was massive in america and I think australia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RapeLay
A lot of different groups, feminist, christian, legal rights etc groups started protesting and appearing in Japan. It became like a huge embarrassment so they basically just block access for all those type of games and anything smilar to foreign consumers
>make something fucked up >everyone gets pissed >instead of reflecting on where you went wrong just block out all forms of criticism
I don't know how fucked up it is compared hundreds of US porn companies making fucked porn with similar scenarios. it didn't even sell outside of Japan.
>>547406 That like normal japanese operating principles >Breaks nuclear regulations >thats embarrassment >shoves it under fucking carpet Anything that is an embarrassment gets hidden from view
I still can't believe they're actually doing a season three for Index. Like there's so much material to the LNs by now that they're not even getting close to recent content.
Kirara π
really? omg that's awesome that means the best novel is getting adapted accelerator is the mc