Thread #544894
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Angolmois Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku Valkyria --Episode 3-4 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 17-18 Lord of Vermillion Overlord Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-4 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 2-3 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-2
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hello hello black clover angolmois chuukan oh there is too much good stuff angolmois overlord chuukan kakuriyo 17
Nishikino_Maki 2018/08/01 (水) 04:25 No. 544899
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Well there'll only be four or five new shows over the next two days, so plenty of time to crunch through it all.
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okay angolmois! okay lets start
Angel moist!
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>>544903 oh yeah the girl was getting stabbed
Oh they broke the berserker's booze. Time for shit to get wrecked.
There's some weird people on this island.
She's a lost fucking case for him huh.
Though she might also be a bit delirious here. Blood loss can really fuck with you.
Doki doki
she llllllikes him
No shit Sherlock.
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okay overlord! okay lets start!
Ogre Lawd
She's getting scooooldeeeed.
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Despite his internal voice thinking otherwise, Ainz is on like 50 levels of keikaku.
Well in some cases. Just as often he's flying by the seat of his pants like he is now.
Wow Ainz. You might be a supreme overlord but that's kind of sexual harrassment.
Honestly that's a little underwhelming for something calling itself a capitalized name. This Naga's kind of disappointing too.
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Most everything in this world is not very impressive.
Ainz seems to be having a bit of fun here. I mean though he's toying with something that probably has like 3 INT though.
I wonder how long the spider meido is going to be stuck with her voice like that.
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It left off at a point where I wanna see more.
Yeah, that was a little ominous.
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okay chuukan oaky lets start!
Zawa zawa
Considering the time period Kaiji is supposed to take place in, and that this takes place before that. This all feels kind of anachronistic.
Sure right out of the bath, he might be in a good mood. But who wants to look at a project proposal right after bathing.
Skin caaaare
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Wow, he's got great success going on this episode.
Yeah, I was thinking too that things had been going pretty swimmingly so far this episode. But now I guess these dumbasses went bowling all night. Who even does that.
Oh no.
Wow none of them have watched The Matrix.
Hah hah hah. They actually went and watched it.
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okay kakuriyo 17 okay lets start!
Oh I've made monjayaki before. The place in Tokyo I went for okonomiyaki offered it too. It's pretty fun to make, though overall I think I still prefer okonomiyaki.
Whiny monkey.
Wow, they're on a quest to collect the five key items now.
It's probably silly to underestimate a kappa's swimming ability.
So she's got a kappa familiar and now an attuned magic pendant. At this rate she's gonna become a youkai herself.
She's a green Aoi, so maybe Midori?
that looks really good
She's really become smitten with him over the time in the hidden realm.
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thanks for anime it was a decent night of anime
Yeah, fun stuff.
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