>>545328 I was meming It's a meme on /g/ that people took seriously. The idea is that people constantly go on /g/ and say "how do i get started in programming?" and obviously people got sick of giving good advice so they wouod make shit up and see if people fell for it. The socks thing was just one that stuck. But basically people would say "read SICP and get a good pair of programming socks" and then link to an amazon page for women's socks. And at some point people started falling for it.
>>545354 this is the world now dig up any shit and publish it to fuck over people
Kirara π
well i mean the guy in question here actually wrote and animated a video of children being kidnapped, forced to eat feces, tortured (including having their faces cut off with a knife) and killed i don't really mind if that comes back to haunt him because it's indicative of some pretty fucked up stuff and maybe people like that shouldn't be rich and successful
>>545357 That sounds pretty fucked up but alp remember that all he did was make a fucked up cartoon. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter and no one was harmed in the making of it.
>>545369 say some famous animator got found out they used to be a newgrounds animator and did some real weird and dark shit over there should that end their carreer? Things they did as an edgy teen forexample?
it is very different from the roiland case ofc, but the principle stands
>>545371 If Roiland had made an example of producing less edgy and questionable content material in more recent years, I would agree. But Rick & Morty has made a name for itself by pushing the limit of what they can get permissibly aired on public television.
rick and morty is edgy comedy, social commentary and shock in essence similiar to shoutpark which uses shock quite a lot
Look at something like robot chicken and the shit it sometimes features, it just uses SHOCK to amuse the audience or just shock them depends on the person
Kirara π
>>545370 but sometimes they don't change? especially considering he posted similarly disturbing content recently?
>>545373 It's not aired on public television its on cable. There's no government mandated restrictions. >>545375 Also Rick and Morty isn't for kids. How much stuff has he posted? And by posted do you mean "he made it" or like just reposted?
>>545377 word I read this manga just cause the MC looked cute
Kirara π
>>545376 by stuff he's posted i mean like for example drawings of naked kids on his twitter or for example pictures of children that he says he is going to marry
>>545379 Okay if I'd known about that I wouldn't really be defending his character. Dude sounds borderline mentally ill. That being said First amendment, I respect his right to make fucked up art and what not. He may or may not
You know what I don't really care anymore Dude's fucked up and is probably gonna lose his job
Kirara π
yeah it's pretty gross which is kind of why i'm not against shit coming back to haunt them
also i think it's fine to judge people by a singular work especially if they haven't shown any change like for example we judge hitler by mein kampf
>>545384 even as no this isn't a joke this is "everyone laughs awkwardly and thinks what the fuck and changes topic and notes a mental memo "never leave this guy alone with my kids"
>>545384 I hope he gets the mental health treatment he needs.
brrrrrr, thanks for the chills
Kirara π
>>545383 it's called "unbelievable tales" roiland has it uploaded to his website
>>545385 >>545386 deshou? it's really gross even if he intended it as a joke, that's just super disgusting and unfunny
also i haven't seen it but apparently he drew a picture of barron trump naked being fondled by donald trump or something? and posted it on twitter but has since deleted it
>>545388 Right that show well it is quite weird,e specially "poke a kid with a knife and then fuck the stab wound" "shock for the sake of shock" and with the tweets, maybne it is basically roilands' "oc furry content porn"
>>545435 Build a syringe out if tungsten, fill ut up, inject like a tenth of a mililiter into someone.
ingesting magma would be somewhat feasible, but even then the sheer timing would need to be so quick it does damn sure as hell cool and solidify when separated from the main mass so quick
>>545456 >"We won't let you control our destiny anymore." >"Okay but you're still going to help us with this final mission that is obviously critical and may have long-reaching effects on your future lives. 'kay?"
Kirara π
i love to see this bitchy nines bastard get pissed off about zero two
The Nines were great little shits.
Kirara π
they're going to release model kits for some of the franxx i'm pretty excited about it
Oh that would be pretty great. Especially the Plantation 13 FranXX robots, they're really stylishly designed.
Kirara π
i real love the one with claws and the nines and generic units are all really cool too
Yeah, they're not poorly designed. I just don't think they've got the same -pop- as Strelizia and the others. Which is kind of a point since they're unique and special FranXX models.
Kirara π
yeah strelizia is def my favorite i think i'll get the model kit for sure
He was Papa's Little Boy for so long and now he has to deal with his Papa being an immortal alien conglomerate hellbent on exterminating his planet and that all his friends are DEAD.
Because A: it's actually some sort of living thing that they control rather than a machine, like an eva B: for the same reason why have pain, giving feedback on damage tot the robot directly to the pilot
Kirara π
i like how they did it in IBO where they had to be connected like that
Kirara π
fuck mika was so awesome
Most people I see talking about IBO always shit on it and I don't get it. The series was so good.
I dislike IBO, BUT I'm glad that you two liked it It's a show I wanted to like but could not. It's got a lot of pieces I like but those elements just don't flow together for me
>>545518 wasn't there a mvoie about this? It was like an Adam Sandler comedy or something
>>545513 Imagine a mecha anime where little people control people to fight against people
Kirara π
>>545516 a lot of people don't like it because it's very unusual for gundam the writing is just unusual
I guess I have near-zero expectations for a Gundam show because of a lack of experience with the franchise. Not that I figure it would have mattered much, I'm pretty good at looking at things independently, I think.
The biggest sin IBO commits is replacing Vidar with the Kimaris Vidar was sick
Kirara π
the progression of mobile suits in IBO is so cool though when they start getting gundams it's so awesome like the party is expanding and i love how they always gotta work for them too and the way they constantly evolve especially barbados barbados evolving and becoming more animalistic and mika's fighting style changing with it it was so cool
Kirara π
i liked how it did the connection between the mech and person too like how mika started to be unable to use his arm and stuff unless he's connected to barbados and how he starts feeling weird about not having a tail
It definitely feels more like a giant robot should be like.
The Shiden sidesteps the skinny waste that I dislike on Barbatos It's very blocky and has some good mass holding it all up The visor mask look for the face is really cool
I'm fine with a fair degree of unrealistic designs on the robots for the sake of coolness. But I can also appreciate it when they make an effort towards realism.
Kirara π
the thing about IBO is that so many of the machines look like
Kirara π
so many of the machines look like they belong in code geass like usually new mobile suits, there's like, a linearity to their evolution that you can see as they're introduced but IBO doesn't have that usual linearity the designs are kind of all over the place and a lot of them look like they should follow in a progression from knightmare frames
Now to sit on public transit in 30 min for 1h40m, then drive back 1 hour then drive toanother spot for an hour then drive to a third spot for 30 or so mins and then do those 30 min trips for quite few times then drive the car back and find my way back to the event plaza Why am I the logistic in charge guy again
almost any of the characters could be they're all written so well it's rare that you have such a large cast of major characters and all of them are fleshed out and multidirectional
Kirara π
multidimentional even
Kirara π
oh yeah how did Caligula end up
It got pretty dumb. I found it fun the whole way through but it was still pretty dumb. There were two good plot hooks right around the end of the show at least.
There was a lot of what felt like plot compression too, but it's a JRPG plot crammed into a single season, so shouganai.
I feel like it's a pretty appropriate response. Like imagine living your entire life bound ot the limits of Earth. And then suddenly, you're really in space. It must really be weird.
Yeah he has to mount that little shit. After having such a good partner in Zero-Two for so long.
Kirara π
i guess this makes hiro bisexual
Maybe none of the Nines have an actual sex.
Kirara π
they have to, you can't pilot a franxx without one, they said
Oh yeah, I guess that's true. They also said it takes two of opposing sexes to pilot properly. Though the Nines are weird little shits, so it's hard to say.
i wish his redemption had been more like the /// more like daryl in guilty crown where he kills kids and moms and stuff and is just generally abusive the entire show and then at the end he survives for no reason and someone is like "you're a good person"
At least he had the dignity to die with grace.
Also if you're looking for other shows from last season to clear up during your break, Megalo Box and Golden Kamuy were both solid shows through and through. And Golden Kamuy is getting a second season come October, so being on top of that might be ideal.
Kirara π
yeah, gonna do those two, hinamatsuri, and last period, probably
Gun Gale Online was pretty fun I was really disappointed it was only one cour though They got to the end and I was like "that was it?" What was there was great though
>>545657 >that bit where the mc uses the knife on Pitous legs, just like how Pitou taught her I love that sorta thing
Kirara π
oh yeah that too
Yeah GGO was so fun. The characters are great and the action is really engaging.
>>545622 makes you think how many people of our age would shout SPΓAAAAAAAACE
i've become so sensitive i see shit like this and i tear up now
> Whoops. >Umehara was hospitalized in May after being diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. The actor is focusing on treatment and recovery and is taking an indefinite hiatus from work. Umehara is also being replaced in several other current and upcoming roles. I remember this now. I'm a little surprised they hadn't finished the audio before this, but I guess almost all anime seems to produce way too close to deadlines.
>>545704 everything went better than i expected but the ending was good nonetheless goro is a fucking legend >>545707 yeah i liked their ending a lot but i kind of wish they were reincarnated with the rest of the gang having it be so far in the future confirms that humanity thrives too though >>545702 i didn't even notice she didn't have her right arm until like almost the end of the episode haha
holy shit ive slept 2 hours out of the last like 60 hours
>>545722 haha what the fuck who would want to wear a minions bikini they couldn't even get a real person to model for it they just photoshopped that shit up >>545724 i don't even remember, what were the two anno choices? i feel like it might have been wild mage
Kirara π
imagine unveiling that to a guy that's trying to fuck or something like you're at tge beach getting hit on and you just take off your shirt and bam that bikini
>>545726 is that the idol that looks like naka >>545727 wild mage and like a something else
hey kirara does echoes suddenly get a lot harder or does it stay comfy like this
>>545728 sounds like a perfect deterrent unless you awaken the minionfucker >>545729 how am i supposed to tell which one was me if i don't know the other pick?
>>545743 NO it's the real reason we suffer it's because our hearts are stuck in cages they can't escape we're all in prison because our heart is covered by the rib CAGE we gotta get rid of our ribs man
why is the sky purple though also why was the sun twice as big and red as the sun set the other day what's going on with nature >>545749 >>545750 i wanna get a, uh, pizza BONELESS
>>545755 well of course it's the middle of the night the sky isn't purple except for a very specific time >>545756 okay where is the list of eox classes and all 410438 character arts i need pictures, ton, pictures of spiderman
>>545762 yeah i'll give you a dollar back i also accept credit but there's going to be a small fee at the nearest atm
keep in mind asking me if i had change was one (1) thing so if you want to say anything else now that's going to incur additional fees and associate surcharges
>>545837 what do you want you've got 19 base classes to pick from
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>I was supposed tob e in bed three hours ago fuk
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>there's an image popping up as my twitter thumbnail on my main page and it's too lewd to like or retweet but I want to show my appreciation for it. fuk
did y'all hear that some politicians started claiming that americans need to show their ID to buy groceries
i mean you're already required to carry your ID with you in public at all times that's pretty fucked up to begin with >>545930 that shit happened to me in tennessee and i almost wasnt able to renew // get a new license like, i lost my residence prior to that, couldn't prove i lived in tennessee, and couldn't prove i lived in missouri either i actually had to take a bus back to missouri, lie, and thankfully the DMV let some non-proof of residency pass as proof of residency since it was a really rural place and the dude was chill about it
i could have very easily been unable to prove my own identity and potentially lose it i was fuckin spooked
>>545935 i used to do that a lot when i had cluster headaches it just hurt so bad man that was the only way to outstimulate the pain idk i haven't had those in like seven years now though im really lucky they went away
listening to someone talk about having an existential crisis after finding out someone they knew 20 years ago from the first grade suddenly died man what world are people living in and how do i get in it
Kirara π
yeah it always blows my mind that people actually can reach adulthood and their first experience with something like that is someone they haven't seen in decades dying or something how do you go so long without questioning your existence
Kirara π
watermelon and onion smoothie
salmon and grape smoothie
Kirara π
water sandwich smoothie
Watermelon smoothie but the whole watermelon including the rind is blended.
Fish smoothie rolled up into a ball. gefilte fish
Kirara π
two birds in the hand smoothie
boneless smoothies are really the way to go
thank god that's done with back to listening to oncologists casually talk about everyone they know dying without even hesitating or breaking from their lunch this is my comfort zone
Kirara π
emoji smoothie
you know how caterpillars dissolve themsolves in an enzyme and die and the enzyme changes the proteins that reproduce the DNA so it creates a butterfly from the broken down caterpillar i wonder if you could make a really big butterfly by putting a bunch of clones caterpillars in the blender like a big coccoon
i dont think it would because it writes in the cellular growth and invagination processes so you'd just end up with a bunch of butterflies, or maybe like conjoined butterflies but a whole bunch of them i'm not really sure
If you do it with moths you could even make Mothra.
I don't even know how Terry Crews is so famous I only know him from the Old Spice commercials
Kirara π
he has /// he was a very successful handegg player and went on to star in a few sitcoms he's a really fun guy and he's also an activist so he's been pretty popular for a while now he's got a damn video game now
Ah, that makes sense Well, it makes sense in the US
Kirara π
the stuff going on with him recently where he was sexually assaulted has made me respect him so much he's so strong
he's in STBY as well, right?
Kirara π
In recent years he's also gotten into some kind of nerdy things too. Like he built a PC with his son so he could understand his son's interest in video games and that seems to have extended into other activities like that. Such as playing DnD now.
Sorry To Bother Yo u
Kirara π
oh, idk i haven't seen it yet i wouldnt be surprised if he was
I think I saw some snippet of an interview with him about it But I'm not 100%
Kirara π
terry is really good in brooklyn 99 he basically plays himself though haha
Sports people seem to either become horrible people or like, really good people Strange life path
>>545978 I'd say he's not the most nuanced actor but he throws so much passion and enthusiasm into the roles he plays that it doesn't matter. It's not like everyone in real life shows the level of nuance some roles in acting demonstrate.
Kirara π
oh wait terry crews played the president in idiocracy
I can not remember a thing about that fucking movie, man
It's so forgettable I actually didn't even remember the president was an on-screen character
Kirara π
>Terry Alan Crews was born on July 30, 1968[2] in Flint, Michigan, the son of Patricia and Terry Crews, Sr.[3] He grew up in a strict Christian household in Flint and was raised mainly by his mother; his father was an abusive alcoholic who "terrorized" the family.[4][1]
>>545982 it's not electrolytes man /// it's got electrolytes, man it's what plants crave
>>545979 Sports, at least in the States, is a rare field that very easily takes people from all lots of life. Because of how enthusiastic universities and colleges can be for giving funded entrance for athletic kids, it's not difficult for lower-income kids to enter the semi-pro scene, which gives them a step on the ladder towards the pro scene.
>>545979 Confirmation bias You're forgetting about all the people that aren't good or bad enough to become notable.
Kirara π
>In June 2017, Crews was cast in the science fiction comedy film Sorry to Bother You.[15] The film was released in theaters on July 6, 2018.[16] Also in 2018, he appeared as Bedlam in the superhero film Deadpool 2.[17] oh hmm
I'm not really sure what the scifi in it is then, though Highly advanced call center?
Science fiction used to also be known as speculative fiction, which even to today suits a lot of the media that falls under the sci-fi umbrella. If you consider that, stuff like that movie might make more sense to call science-fiction.
Scifi now is mostly kinda dystopian too At least what's made about future society >>545997 Yeah, of course it's out there, but it's not what makes it into the popular consciousness
It's rare that you see a "tech will actually significantly improve the world for everyone" message now
>>545996 There's a lot of utopian stuff too, its just less popular now.
Kirara π
people write about the world they're already in and just move it into the future or rather people project the world they're in onto the future so a lot of scifi is just an exaggeration of the world people see themselves in, which is why as the world seems to become darker, the more dark scifi there is
>>545983 man i'll be explaining seizure patterns and neural activity to someone and in that process mention electrolytes and they'll just be like electrolytes haha isn't that what plants crave get it get the reference from the movie
it's so fuckin obnoxious
Kirara π
>>546017 it really is obnoxious the movie is very obnoxious
i like the movie but i've seen it enough times for one life same for office space
Kirara π
oh man i can ship my yuyuyus and put them in pairs for battoru
>>546019 i like it but it's still obnoxious in a shitpost kind of way
I've got a canker sore and I bit on it while I was eating just now. So now it's both a sore and one of those parts of your mouth that you feel you'll bite down on again if you don't focus.
One issues // issue with EOX and EO5 in JP is I can't exactly understand the adventurer events they have now. However Tilde apparently did something successfully.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh shit kirar I don't think you were around for what voice I picked for you
omg when i use leveling items it does a cutscene of characters cooking for each other
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's cute as hell
I'm kind of surprised, but this party is fun so far. With PAN as medic and me as Hero, plus your ability to passive heal a little bit, we've got some decent healing, which is good because Expert mode is kind of hurting us.
I don't know what trap we ran into but it is KILLING US
Kirara π
ran into the gay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If I could read, I wonder if I'd know why PAN and Tilde barely took any damage to their HP and TP. They were losing 1 at a time but you, me, and Maria all lost like over half our shit. Then it mentioned the equipment menu.
Though there's common equipment between the backline, so I don't know if it was some sort of helmet+gloves combo that saved them or something.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>It's still going STOP
Kirara π
can stop won't stop
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
your heal quote is "SANKYUUUUUUU"
Kirara π
in MHW, when someone heals me, my quote is "kyaa! it feels so good!"
rotating takes an extra step I like horizontal view I should like rememdy this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>every time you buy something from best shopkeeper she umus I love this.
Apple becomes first company to hit 1 Trillion dollar market cap for stocks.
Can't get a hold of the friend II'm supposed to hang out with this afternoon. Unusually his phone seems to be off. He's normally hard to get in contact with anyways because he doesn't respond to texts and sleeps for like five hours at least during the day.
>>546080 Do primary purple, secondary green Make the purple and green be like Eva Unit 01 purple and green.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ghost white, pale white, white, sun kissed, tan, desert-tier tan, tanner, officially of african descent, darker, arguably not real but still like a brown color, anime-tier dark skin, literally black
Ghost White Are their race options? *there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can pick a portrait that isn't a ronin's The DLC isn't working for me but only EOX and EO5 portraits are custom anyway
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this game doesn't have the other races from EO5, instead the only race that's really different would be that the Arcanists from EO4 are in, and they're basically twig elves.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
http://etrian.wikia.com/wiki/Etrian_Odyssey_X clicking the classes here should show portraits, however there is an alternate color portrait for each in this.
https://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/zip/d/the-great-wave-off-kanagawa/6660319894.html Huh, might get this.
stuff like this blows my mind being in your 20s and not being desensitized to shit like this well not desensitized but used to it
>>546122 Not everyone is from Florida. My mom used to complain about my dad talking about people he knew who had died because so many of his highschool classmates died young.
Nothing, really. A few years ago, I told my dentist I kept getting jaw pain when I yawned, and they told me it was nothing. But it's kind of still been like that. I yawned a few days ago, and my jaw has been incredibly sore ever since. The pain just hasn't gone away. The paid usually only lasts a few minutes.
It's probably Err maybe a congenital issue with your jaw. Have you taken any meds? Like an nsaid ?
>>546262 It's a lot more fun than I expected I'm probably buying XCOM2 once I get a better computer
Kirara π
i will probably never get a good computer
Well that's no fun.
Kirara π
it is more fun for me
Kirara π
alcohol should be in its own section away from groceries
It's not where you live? Maybe you should move here. Well it is specifically in the area I live, not err I don't think its a county or state thing but a city thing.
Kirara π
it isn't in publixes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it has an aisle dedicated to itself here usually but that tends to be shared with the water and some snacks
Kirara π
the alcohol aisle here is right next to produce can't get apples without being faced with a whole aisle of wine and sakr
The alcohol aisle s at tge grocery store I usually go to has its own corner and it gets cordoned off at like 10pm.
the xcom soldiers sure have it rough They come in from bootcamp, get sent in to search and destroy alien monsters And once they get a kill, they level up, and BOOM, commander-san orders all their limbs to be amputated and replaced with steel Cause they're become mecha