I've spent maybe 40 minutes now dying over and over
https://whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com/faq/ >$1500/m to run a blog literally retarded
>Labor: While I’m donating my time to keep this project going, let’s do some math and see what this would cost if I needed to make an income. Here’s my conservative daily breakdown in time spent I'm donating my time to do this so please give me money!
>If everyone who used this site gave $.50 a month, we can end this donation drive... until next month
Iike it's one thing to say "I put a lot of work into this and would appreciate financial support so that I can continue" Don't pretend your "labor hours" are part of your site's hosting costs
I think people who have been doing these kinds of things are generally over financial ambiguity now. Sifting through shit is work. Especially if your hinge over everyone else is trying to be accurate and all-encompassing. Ever since I saw that site, that's what I thought. After the first week, I was like "shit dude, might as well work for a firm"
Because you can sit there and be financially ambiguous and hope for some dollars or you can be outright and tell people what you think it's worth and make deals with the crowd.
It's only dishonest if he's lying about his time. There's "hosting costs" and there's "monthly costs". He's not asking for money to host it, he's asking for money to continue doing the work period. So I can't call this dishonest.
>How Much Does It Cost To Run This? Glad you asked! I did some back of the envelope math and I came up with $1,597.13/month. That’s a pretty conservative estimate, tbh. Cost to run translates to cost of keeping the site going which doesn't include being paid hourly for this
Yeah, and he goes out and says "Labor" I can't call it dishonest because that's just an assumption on what you think 'running' the site means. If he bundled it together in the costs of other things, maybe.
You can't say you're donating your time if you are asking for payment
Well, he wasn't getting paid for it in the beginning so it's essentially a donation until he determines that it's not worth spending his time doing it without getting paid for it.
>>54381 Nope. Or, maybe he is, I don't know. If he keeps doing it without getting money, I guess he is. He really should just Patreon up and roll with that.
To be clear, I don't think it's wrong to ask for donations I just think his way of asking for donations is absurd
Having attempted, seen, and done online work for pay both successfully and fruitlessly, I think it's alright. It's probably better to be upfront about costs like that really. I wish it was more of an acceptable thing. Once something becomes a constant burdensome upkeep, you really should be open about getting paid for it. It's time and effort. It might not be valuable to you, but that's the kicker. If it isn't worth it to people that they'd keep you eating, how valuable is it really? Might as well stop and do something else and let someone else make it a free service if it's no longer worth it.
Oh, he made the thing underneath the Is It Nude machine learning thing. Anyway, I'm not really going on about that guy in particular. Whether he makes money or not is kinda different to my point. It's really that even if he didn't have a 2.4M startup, people would still raise their eyebrow at the dude saying "this is taking up time and I'm gonna need to make money on it because it's a lot".
I don't think this guy is really asking for donations. I mean there is a donation page, but there isn't even a donate button on any pages.
He is totally asking for donations what
Oh, he does have a patron patreon*
Pledge Drive!
Help keep WTF Just Happened Today going with a small donation. Learn more
But its not impllied he needs the
hahaha, Kirara, don't even worry about him making money
And now he's got a side project that'll net him an extra 55k/yr Man, do you think Trump can keep this up> What if he DOES get impeached? >Well, guys, it looks like we gotta shut it down...
Of course he can
He just gave a man
Oh wait, he was only going to do the first 100 days. If he makes 8k/month, he'll go BEYOND THAT
>>54401 Would still have Pence >>54404 Says he wants to continue after
fuckin rich people
>If we have leftover moola, I'd like to make some WTFJHT swag, take my fiancé out on a date instead of spending every night hunched over the laptop producing the site, and maybe take some yoga classes to chill the f out. Transparency
>>54418 Well, surely there are folks from the old NieR still in the development process Maybe they just have consistent bad ideas and some of them get put int
though spamming R2 isn't that fun
>>54419 No the problem is hundreds of exploder in a platformer style area and no hp restores
>no hp restores man how I have like 40+ smalls and mediums still well if you can get a shockwave chip, the exploders have low hp so the shockwaves usually kill them from decent range
I've used like 30 of them getting through exploders I have to reload every time I die so I can keep my shockwave chip wwwwww
>>54434 I know. But I hold back things anyway. Like, a lot of things. Like, how Hercules in Yumekui Merry is full on Religious Imperalism. >Taka was literally in the Sunken Place.
Weapon stories get pretty good I like the beast weapon ones about the three sisters >>54448 How cruel I always take my robin (male) since he's so versatile but that's just mean
>>54466 I was burning off my stamina in FEH, now I'm out. I need to level Effie and Felicia to 40 so I can try that challenge map. I really need ot do that today so I can clear the map tomorrow. I guess I have like 30 stamina pots just in case though.
Ursula's stats are pretty low so far but her skills are good I have Reinhardt who is better and fills thesame role though so I mightleave her at 20 for now and work on grinding other characters
Building infrastructure is expensive. Having to build it over large stretches of land is much more expensive than having to build it in a tiny country.
What the hell is flipflap about? So far it seems really dull
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's a hard show to describe but i guess it's about dreams? it's about a lot of things i think it's a really good show at the end when the climax hits and everything gets super crazy it's so good
this thing sucks i dont like when i have to pay money to start a new job i guess i don't have to go buy business attire though so it's fair why would anyone use this it's basically driving a car for eight hours straight without using cruise control
Yeah because I won't be getting sent any raw audio files. The courts use this CourtSmart thing which compiles an executable directly during the hearing from the court clerk's inputs and the audio is embedded in that executable file directly and foot pedal is mandatory for this mandatory software so i can't take the audio and use my own software or anything
i'm making some adjustments though so it might be workable there's also some software that can let me bind keyboard inputs to the foot pedal so that's pretty cool i might do that and make some improvements but not this weekend this is no work weekend
>the harder something is to read, the more you end up learning from it >the harder something is to read, the less likely you are to read it at all Humans are so difficult
>>>/watch?v=UBVV8pch1dM That reminds me, moon posted this the other day You might find it interesting
It's a great temperature. I think my mother just has trouble praising people. Has to find something to bitch about to make sure people don't get too happy.
I love praising people. Feels good although sometimes it feels too embarrassing and I don't do it.
I have lived with a ridiculous degree of trouble with praising myself for a long time. I really don't know which one I'd be happier picking. The long-term effects of constant self-deprecation are really miserable too.
You don't have to be self-deprecatory to have trouble praising yourself!
No, but for a normal person, finding worth and finding flaws in oneself are natural parts of being a human bean. And a lack of one leads to an imbalance. Or something.
>>54588 I was listening to a thing on improving mental health a while back, and it demonstrated something of a 3, 2, 1 structure. At the end of the day, you think of three things you accomplished, two things you could improve on, and one goal for the next day. I tried it but getting past three accomplishments was a considerable struggle, and I usually fell asleep before even completing it.
That seems like a recipe for depression. Everyone has days where nothing gets accomplished. That reeks of self-help armchair psychology bullshit to me!
>having to set a goal for each day I'd be impressed if I could find a goal for each month
I don't set goals other than "be ok with how far you went" And then "go farther tomorrow" I don't set concrete anything
goals are good unless you can't achieve them
>>54592 I dunno man, it's not like this is something with a uniform treatment and solution. The approach for help in situations differs from one person to the next. All I know is this one doesn't particular help me.
What was the anime that dame dame subs did? and had a purple ninja girl
Maybe I should reveal myself as Maddie to the world Maybe that'll help me get big on Twitter
>>54596 It's definitely different for everyone I'm a here-and-now kind of guy My methods probably wouldn't work for you
>>54591 Yeah, that doesn't sound good to me either It's more likely to bring attention to the things which can be viewed as flaws sometimes emotional maintenance is an accomplishment in itself. taking a day to escape or shelter yourself from stress can be an accomplishment, too if it was household maintenance, like cleaning up and doing laundry, people would recognize it's obviously productive but mental/emotional maintenance just looks like laziness
>>54600 Thanks! I was trying to remember the girl from it!
There are limits to how small something can be before you're not allowed to call it an accomplishment You didn't "accomplish" making your bed unless you're a fucking cripple
Are there? Where's the rules? What are the guidelines? Who wrote the laws on the limits?
Making your bed is an accomplishment when you go three months without doing it because what even matters in this room/world/existence ...My bed isn't even made right now
I try to let my emotions guide my actions as much as possible
trying to use logic to guide your actions when it comes to mental and emotional health i find ironically irrational as we lack complete information our emotions are more in-tune with our emotional needs than our sense of reasoning is
Because the word loses all fucking meaning when simply moving your leg is an accomplishment for a normal human being
>>54615 thats not what I'm saying Re-read the post now that it's finished
>>54619 But a lot of people struggle with things that "normal human beings" can do easier than them. Most normal human beings can hold a job and go in to work most days. I fucking can't. Should it not be an accomplishment because I struggle to achieve it and others don't?
I don't think so. If you feel accomplished, it's an accomplishment.
I've needed to schedule a dentist checkup for a month but I keep putting it oFF. When I finally do it, it'll be an accomplishment.
Some weeks I consider taking a shower a fucking accomplishment. Because when I'm entirely apathetic to the world around me, personal hygiene feels so utterly pointless and unrewarding. And forcing myself to get in that shower and clean myself is a definite accomplishment over that feeling of futility.
It doesn't become meaningless The action itself might stop seeming like an accomplishment but "accomplishment" itself does not diminish. It's like working out. At first 10 pushups might have you wheezing. After a few days, you can belt out 30 and just think you need to stretch.
An important thing that can help a lot of people who are stuck deep in depression is to seize on those little accomplishments where they find them. Feeling like you've accomplished something can set you on a rolling track to accomplish something bigger and better next time. The important thing is to couple this with the tolerance that if you don't accomplish that thing, it's okay. You can try it again next time.
It's that telling myself that it's okay that's probably the part I struggle with the most.
>>54626 sometimes the accomplishment is maintaining your momentum, not slipping up or cutting corners but staying diligent washing these dishes after i finish eating immediately isn't an accomplishment not doing it gets sloppy though making a shift towards being more on top of things is an accomplishment. maintaining that shift is an accomplishment. hitting the gym for the first time can be an accomplishment for a lot of people. to someone who does it every day, it's not. but if they miss a day, it's fucking sloppy on their part. what they take pride in is hitting that gym consistently every day for years, never making excuses not to
we use the word like a discrete structure just for convenience it isn't it's a balance and collection that's in flux in our lives
My accomplishment goal for today is simply to not drink alcohol that's all i have to do is literally nothing and i've met my accomplishment tomorrow i'll have the same goal, and again the day after that
I have too many things I need to do. I wish I could be a more organised person.
Right now I'm chatting with Japanese friend and it is sometimes fustrating when I can't get the right words but I feel like it is accomplishment doing it at all.
It is arbitrary and that's what makes it different in every situation. There are no objective measures to accomplishment.
>>54635 I'd say I'm flattered, but really I just feel awkward. I dunno how it goes for others, but I don't really find value in people praising my attributes. I think I have a fairly good grasp on what they are and how I use them. But because I find it pretty -because I think I know them fairly well, I find it very acute where I'm not using them to their full potential. So people praising them just reinforces that...well, shame, I guess. It's not something I can easily convert into positive stimulation.
Every day that ends with my computer having more than 100GB of space is a small accomplishment.
>>54643 I think if it's an accomplishment one day and not an accomplishment the next, there is probably another factor involved in making the activity an accomplishment.
SK and I are gonna watch Dr. Strange Anyone want to join? In about 20 mins >>54648 I don't believe so but I didn't check >>54646 Agreed
Oh tilde, what happened last night? Did your internet explode?
>>54644 I haven't got a lot of confidence so sometimes my hesitance causes me to lose words I am thinking of. I haven't heard of scleroses but that sounds horrifying.
>>54649 Benedict Cumberbatch is a surgeon but then his hands get destroyed He then learns he can use magic to alter reality and becomes the master of time and space! Marvel movie
>>54650 I was tired and you were being particularly obnoxious so I went to sleep.
>>54651 yeah I don't know for sure but I think my brain's probably deteriorating for some reason I'm not too scared of it though but lately words have just been hard for me to use english words even it's nice to be able to just think and not have to use words just let thoughts be loose thoughts
>this guy is on the national security counsel >destroyed a hot tub with ACID
Apparently before he started Breitbart, he was an investor, and actually saved a Canadian theatre troupe from having to shut down by investing in them. According to the people at -of the troupe, he was a pleasant and accommodating person. I wonder what happened.
>>54672 Should have watched Breaking Bad This was addressed Specifically
I have never thought of my imaginary friends as real but they were just as important.
what kind of imfriends did you lot then have?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You can have an imaginary friend without thinking they're real. IT's called playing pretend.
The kind that keeps you company when you're doing things you don't want to do and remind you that better things are ahead. And also good for conversation.
>>54680 Pretend usually jas dolls/etc as actors or shit
Or LEGO. LEGO is god-tier for playing pretend.
But you don't necessarily need props as long as you've got a good imagination.
>>54720 I love the who I would really like to listen to the quadrophenia album on wavelength with /moe/ sometime >>54724 would you like to listen to quadrophenia with me
>this video of some faggot pouring aluminum over cockroaches Niggas gotta chill They're cockroaches, do they even understand pain on a level above "this hurts, avoid"?
>>54750 How exciting. Six hours is already a fuck-tonne of music.
I had a dream this morning that I tried to call up a therapist to schedule emdr and she was yelling at me really violently over the phone and angry at me and there were spiderwebs everywhere
>>54755 I really dug the City Ruins track once the vocals kicked in. There's a bunch of these songs I could just put on loop, turn the volume down a bit, and just slip into a trance to.
I don't know where Kannagi went so I don't know her movie ETA
>>54760 A pedometre, I imagine. >>54765 A meter that can count steps. They were already pretty small like fifteen years back, I wouldn't be surprised if it was easy to fit into something like a smartwatch.
>>54768 >A pedometer is a device, usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hands or hips. They used to be so rudimentary that they just involved a pendulum or metal ball that clacked back and forth. Those were easy to trick by just shaking it a bit.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>54767 cool! that means we should be able to watch together
a pedophile is actually someone with a foot fetish
>>54771 Yeahbut this doesnt register hand waving Though sometimes it does hmm maybe it activates based on heart rate?
>>54774 Man I'm no engineer but Wikipedia has a section on the technology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedometer#Technology Just read that and see if it satiates you.
I was looking up Latin. >>54795 ehhh, it was in the list Amare came up first, but eros was there. And I figured that was closer to the sexual form of love.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>54796 in latin, eros refers to the breadwinner of a family
>when everyone's playing ranged DPS so you make it your life mission to PK everyone who plays mage so some of them will switch over to tank or close range DPS
i need something that i can just press play on and watch from my bed for like six hours while i drift in and out of sleep land any suggestions watching someone stream breath of wild would be fun but id want to see it from the start
im not trying to sleep just trying to distract cravings
My cheek on the inside of the right side of my mouth feels like its swollen or something. At the least it keeps rubbing up against my teeth and gets irritated by that.
>>55336 wow it's actually six hours long this is perfect thanks rin i can always count on you hun
Oh how abysmal, the forward springing I'm gonna DIIIIIIIIE
You ever have somebody supposed to be coming to pick you up at a certain time And then an unrEason UNREASONABLE amount of time later, you get a text from them And then you open it And it's >omw
Geez, maybe that trip down to Florida to deliver a muffin might have been worth it all along.
>>55543 As far as i can tell, all small scale retailers aren't even sure when they'll be getting more units. If people call, they'll say "oh at the end of April", but even then. That's over a month away for fuck's sake.
Most of my clocks adjust themselves. What a wonderful convenience of the future.
>>55612 I always do it the day in advance because I'm always more likely to remember it right BEFORE daylight savings than I am the day of >>55617 warm wind soon
The actual event of losing an hour on a particular day kind of sucks.
Oh shit there's a track on the Automata OST that has Shikata Akiko-esque vocal chanting in it. This is lovely.
the nier games are full of those, they made this nice sounding fake language for the songs >>>/watch?v=u5xZbJDZZo4 check this one out
also while the language is fake all the songs have translations and they have some neat implications for the plot it's neat that there's a bit of story detail in something you wouldn't really learn in the game
Japanese video games have the craziest subtle lore.
to get the full nier experience you have to read a stage play
SNL hasn't been funny or relevant since any of us here were little children. They've also been using studio audiences for a long time too, they're another one of those that uses a clap sign.
The only reason you're paying attention to them now is because it's related to Trump.
Yeah but this guy is supposed to be fucking HYS TE RI CAL And he's doing an impression of THE MOST MOCKABLE MAN ON PLANET EARTH But it's not even offensive, it's just boring Even if I hated Trump like the plague, this wouldn't be funny because it's not even mocking Trump
It's just a guy dressed up vaguely similar to Trump, the extent of his makeup being a slight alteration in skin color and a slight dying of his hair And he's just... saying things The jokes aren't even sensical
How do you fuck up mocking Trump? Like how do you manage to do that? He's literally the most easily mocked person on this planet right now
SNL did the same thing to Geroge W Bush. It's just the way they are. It's like being mad at a leopard for its spots.
No I'm not mad at them for being unfunny OK I AM mad at them for trying and FAILING at being funny But why are people paying attention to this? It's just not comedic
SNL is not worth wasting your energy on. It's one of those shows that is not unlike a forced meme, it's pushed hard by the network but it's not really something people watch or are passionate about. It's just there.
Maybe Trump is actually just upset about it because Baldwin is literally the worst impression of him I've seen in my life It's a fucking tragedy happening on my screen, why is this ALLOWED AAA
You unlock this level right after the first boss Boss clear is 17 or so % of all players, this drops down to like 12% Despite being the easiest level so far, I got 3 S rankings and an A
>we don't need maths classes, you never really use maths after school >we do need financial literacy classes, because people are really bad at finances I may have identified the issue in this system
And you're making it clear you find the idea of having someone wear clothing they're not comfortable with is a good thing Fuck this
>Looking back on it now, I should have expected this from Nintendo. This is the same company that created Birdo, a caricatured, trans Yoshi still considered male in Japan. This was the studio who introduced Tingle, a flamboyant oddball in a green onesie described as a man who thinks he’s a fairy (really subtle, guys). As late as 2015, they even wrote a sidequest for Fire Emblem Fates where you could “cure” a lesbian girl in your party, echoing the same conversion therapy nonsense responsible for countless queer deaths. While people rightfully chastise Nintendo for taking few chances with their venerated franchises, their outdated characterizations of queerness need more attention. Nintendo didn't write Fire Emblem Fates
>Like other trans women, Vilia was comfortable with her chosen presentation, even shutting Link down if he decided to rudely misgender her. Yet the rest of the world saw her as “the man,” the conniving genius that put together her disguise to enter a women-only village as an impostor. It didn’t matter if she disagreed. The people of Hyrule had decided her identity for her.
>>55783 >still considered male What, now this person is the one assuming their gender Birdo's species is just like that It's not a character, it's an enemy type
The males shoot out eggs from their mouths It's weird, but that's how it is with Birdos
why is it cold it wasn't cold yesterday it's not cold the rest of the week why is it only cold today
Weather is sheer witchery.
I am uncomfortable right now
The eyelid twitching from last night is still going on. And after finally checking in the mirror, it's actually really fucking noticeable. Fuck.
super uncomfortable
right Sweden importing camels, to found camel centres so unemployed somalis, who have experience taking care of them, can find jobs All this with tax money of course
>>55810 Oh no >>55809 Sounds like you probably get enough potassium if you're eating yogurt and stuff often Are you stressed more than usual?
I don't think so. I'm not unstressed, but I'm less stressed than I was last week or so.
Maybe it's sleep-related?
Maybe. I slept pretty well the past couple nights though.
I'm out of ideas then Have you slept since it started last night?
Yeah, I slept last night.
Also I should note I'm probably a lot less concerned about this than I might sound. Stuff like this I tend to put into the "let come what may" situation, since most times they go away in time. I'm just miffed it's noticeable instead of just something internal.
Oh, I get that That's how I treat stuff like that too
>>55812 it opened up with the general mission of this group. this is my first time going to the breakfast meetings and its like... something about procreating for Christ and im here just... uhh nah